Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iselin.8253


By “flicker” I don’t mean low-FPS choppiness—just a randomly occuring white flicker that happens once in a while. My FPS are great…just have this little glitch. Anyone else? Workarounds?

(i7-930 @ 4.0 GHz, AMD 7970)

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kumquats.2783


Same thing here with the 7970 and latest catalyst drivers.

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crazedmonk.9061


I havent noticed this myself. But I do get unacceptable FPS in large WvWvW with my system… Going to order a GTX 670 personally as soon as my money is deposited.

Would be nice if they supported SLI and crossfire properly as it is now my second 6950 doesnt improve performance at all even with latest AMD cap.

CPU: I7-3820 at 4.3ghz stock voltage and chilled by my custom liquid loop
Mobo: Asrock Extreme 6/GB X79
16Gigs DDR3 1600mhz
Two MSI Twin Frozr III HD 6950 2gig cards

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


By “flicker” I don’t mean low-FPS choppiness—just a randomly occuring white flicker that happens once in a while. My FPS are great…just have this little glitch. Anyone else? Workarounds?

(i7-930 @ 4.0 GHz, AMD 7970)

I have a random flicker problem, but it usually seems to go away when I set the shadows to “medium” or higher. If that doesn’t fix it, I toggle v-sync. One of those fixes it for me, and then I just set things back to the way they were to improve my frame rate (generally in the 45-55 fps range). After a while, it will come back, and I’ll repeat the process.

(Phenom II X4 910 @ 2.86 GHz, AMD 5570 x2)

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lewdie.8302


I had this issue on Catalyst 12.8 running 2 6970’s in Crossfire. The issue stops when I turn shadows on (medium or higher).

(edited by lewdie.8302)

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gosu.8153


Yep, flicker happens here too. No FPS issues though. I have i5 3570k and Radeon 7950. All settings at high and ultra, even shadows.

I’ve actually FRAPSed the flicker. I will try to upload it later today.

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Yep, flicker happens here too. No FPS issues though. I have i5 3570k and Radeon 7950. All settings at high and ultra, even shadows.

I’ve actually FRAPSed the flicker. I will try to upload it later today.

Please do so and link your vid from here; I’d like to see if what I’m seeing is the same “flicker” you guys are talking about.

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Did you get that flicker vid uploaded?

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MDK.1502


You guys haven’t been putting old driver files in your folders to unlock the overclock limit have you?

Uninstall your old drivers, use driver sweeper (now called driver fusion) to wipe all traces of your old files, and re-install the latest ones.

From my own experience, it’s caused by using old versions of files to increase the msi afterburner cap. Either that or you’ve not formatted in a while and have just been installing drivers on top of each other.

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crazedmonk.9061


Agreed with MDK, thats probably why I dont have this issue at all… I dont have MSI afterburners overclock limit unlocked.

Occasional flicker with latest AMD graphics driver

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


I’m still waiting on this vid to be uploaded but I will say that if you unlocked MSI AB oc limits then it’s a very simple process to revert it. Remove files and/or re-install AB. That said I have not increased the oc limit of AB (no need), but also am unsure that what I’m seeing is what these other guys are referring to. Please upload vid =P