Random Crashes

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: techfreak.6473



I posted this question on another, techie forum and decided to see if you guys know any solutions. I love the game, but I am really tired of it crashing. The problem is posted on this thread:


I highly doubt it’s my system…

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

It’s not just you. Was happening to me as well. Even weirder was that two of my characters that were in Black Citadel were bugged to where every time I tried logging in to them my game would freeze forcing me to force close GW2. And now I’m trying to re-install and the client crashes as the Launcher tries to patch the game. Its getting frustrating. I’ve done nothing different on my end.

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: techfreak.6473


Glad I’m not the only one. Maybe means this is a software bug… Is there a repair feature like on WoW?

(Edit) Looked through the folder and found nothing.

(edited by techfreak.6473)

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: majestic.8129


If you’re getting bsod’s it is not a software bug, its either hardware or drivers. How old is the PSU? Also is your cpu overclocked in addition to the gpu?

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: techfreak.6473


If you’re getting bsod’s it is not a software bug, its either hardware or drivers. How old is the PSU? Also is your cpu overclocked in addition to the gpu?

I’ve had antivirus software give me BSODs. I have also had various software give me BSODS (CS5 was a frustrating example). A simple reinstall with CS5 and a different antivirus fixed the problem. Not to mention I have tested my computer in pretty much every single way possible. Any other game works just fine (Crysis, Crysis 2, BF3, Batman Arkym Asylum, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age II, Just Cause 2, etc). And I’m not getting BSOD’s anymore, GW2 is causing my system to reset (shutdown and restart) after I put in more voltage. Still rock solid in every single other application.

Power supply is from Corsair, is two years old, and should have enough power to run what I have for another 2-3 years. Plus if it was the problem stress tests would be making the system do the same thing. The CPU is not the problem: tested it with Prime95 for two hours and it was fine. Its unlocked but the unlock is very stable: I run Prime95 for 4 hours twice a month to make sure.

I would be willing to consider it was my PC if any other applications were having problems but that’s just not the case.

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: majestic.8129


Okay so, the issue is that your computer is either restarting or shutting down after increasing the voltage. Now i’m assuming temps for cpu/gpu are within range so that can be eliminated. The problem with stress tests is that the power draw is being capped by the gpu drivers due to poor quality vrms on many units so isn’t always a reliable psu test.

Whilst the CX-500 does actually pump it’s specs (just about) you will be pushing its limits being 2 years old (~20% degradation) with the overclock on both cpu/gpu – the extra voltage now causing the restarts is a prime symptom.

MMO’s seem to draw the most power from any game in my experience. On one of my rigs recently swtor finished off a 18month old TX650 and that was only with a overclocked cpu/gtx460 and 5drives….I would reconsider checking there.

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: majestic.8129


Forgot to add, you could also disable the auto restart so you can possibly grab the error.

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: techfreak.6473


Okay so, the issue is that your computer is either restarting or shutting down after increasing the voltage. Now i’m assuming temps for cpu/gpu are within range so that can be eliminated. The problem with stress tests is that the power draw is being capped by the gpu drivers due to poor quality vrms on many units so isn’t always a reliable psu test.

Whilst the CX-500 does actually pump it’s specs (just about) you will be pushing its limits being 2 years old (~20% degradation) with the overclock on both cpu/gpu – the extra voltage now causing the restarts is a prime symptom.

MMO’s seem to draw the most power from any game in my experience. On one of my rigs recently swtor finished off a 18month old TX650 and that was only with a overclocked cpu/gtx460 and 5drives….I would reconsider checking there.

Stress tests max the components out to stress the card. Would that not mean (especially in Furmark/Prime95) that it would be pulling as much as it can to power it? It’s what I’ve learned to do to test the PSU when I don’t have the supplies or extras on hand.

I did a stress test with both Prime95 and Furmark. I watched the temps climb to about 85 for my CPU and about 80 for my GPU. Freaked me out so I shut the tests off. I am going to watch the temps in GW2. Shouldn’t be the problem as I play much more demanding games… Well if it is its only a couple $$ to buy a couple of fans (or maybe $$$ to buy a liquid system). Didn’t even consider temps as I have done individual tests and played stuff that cripples cards much more powerful than mine. Will update after I test it. Might not be until tomorrow.

(Edit) 15 minutes in and temps are nowhere near bad.

(edited by techfreak.6473)

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: majestic.8129


Okay so, the issue is that your computer is either restarting or shutting down after increasing the voltage. Now i’m assuming temps for cpu/gpu are within range so that can be eliminated. The problem with stress tests is that the power draw is being capped by the gpu drivers due to poor quality vrms on many units so isn’t always a reliable psu test.

Whilst the CX-500 does actually pump it’s specs (just about) you will be pushing its limits being 2 years old (~20% degradation) with the overclock on both cpu/gpu – the extra voltage now causing the restarts is a prime symptom.

MMO’s seem to draw the most power from any game in my experience. On one of my rigs recently swtor finished off a 18month old TX650 and that was only with a overclocked cpu/gtx460 and 5drives….I would reconsider checking there.

Stress tests max the components out to stress the card. Would that not mean (especially in Furmark/Prime95) that it would be pulling as much as it can to power it? It’s what I’ve learned to do to test the PSU when I don’t have the supplies or extras on hand.

I did a stress test with both Prime95 and Furmark. I watched the temps climb to about 85 for my CPU and about 80 for my GPU. Freaked me out so I shut the tests off. I am going to watch the temps in GW2. Shouldn’t be the problem as I play much more demanding games… Well if it is its only a couple $$ to buy a couple of fans (or maybe $$$ to buy a liquid system). Didn’t even consider temps as I have done individual tests and played stuff that cripples cards much more powerful than mine. Will update after I test it. Might not be until tomorrow.

Furmark has been regulated (capped) via drivers->hardware regulation for some time now for both ATi & Nvidia, same with OCCT so aren’t very reliable for this purpose. It is possible to disable this at your own risk. http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/GeForce_GTX_580/ (Page 25 direct link wouldn’t work)

Note the difference between furmark locked & unlocked is a staggering 150 Watts.

The CPU temp in particular is very worrying though and likely the cause of the problems, the max temp from AMD specs being 62c irc. Also for future reference, you may repair by adding -repair to the GW2 command line.

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: techfreak.6473


25 minute mark and CPU is under 35C. GPU is right around 65C. I’ll continue testing and keep you updated. I think the huge amount of ambient heat inside the case from the GPU being at 80C’s cause it to shoot up even with my Hyper 212+ running at 100% so I’m still hesitant to call it temps.

Thanks for all of your help!

(edited by techfreak.6473)

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: majestic.8129


ah ok, probably just due to the stress test then as long as it isn’t happening in real world sounds ok. I think the GPU is fine at 80c although lower would be nice I think its rated upto 105c.

In that case my first go-to would be the PSU but its unfortunately hard to test unless you have a spare or testing equipment. I’m not 100% sure but I think 3dmark/vantage is still unregulated and running that on loop for a while may be able to reproduce whats happening in GW2.

Hope you get this sorted will check in 2moro am off to bed as its 7:30am here

Random Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Necrid.2705


This is some basic Client Repair and Troubleshooting notes. I had an Issue for the Karka Event but the same steps would apply to repairing your Game Cleint and troubleshooting connectivity.

Still having this issue more and more. So far I have run the GameAdvisor, read that report, nothing really there to see, did GW2.exe -diag, same thing, so this morning I did GW2.exe -repair, and then i ran the client as GW2.exe /clientport 80 for the Ancient Karka Event and I stayed logged in through it. I am currently going to try running the game still until I get kicked again. If you want to try what I did then follow these steps.

1) Copy your Guild War 2 shortcut on your desktop – right-click on it, select copy.
2) Paste it twice on the desktop, creating Copy and Copy (1) or something similiar. – Right click a blank area on desktop and select Paste, repeat.
3) Name them. – Name one GW Repair, and name the other GW Port Test.
4) Open each ones’ properties – Right-click, select properties, do on each.
5) Change the settings – Under the shortcut Tab – Where it says Target – It should say something like [“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” ] (without the brackets.)
5.1)on GW Repair make it say [“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -repair ] by adding a space a minus-sign and the word. – Hit apply and save and close.
5.2)on GW Port Test make it say [“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” /clientport 80 ] by adding a space a slash and the word a space and the number. – Hit apply and save and close.
6) Run GW2 Repair – the launcher will load, check your files, and correct any issues.
7) Run GW Port Test as your active client until you get booted (the stage I am at).

Remember, this is assuming the error is on our end.

If any of you have support tickets out, you can do one [“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -diag ] and save that text file and upload it to your support tickets if you haven’t been directed to yet. If there is a common facter, ANet can find it with these reports.

— Necrid — Ehmry Bay — [TML]/[oG] — Charrdian Main — All Classes
— [Twitch] twitch.tv/necrid2705 — [GW-EN] gw-en.com “Necrid and Chill”

(edited by Necrid.2705)