Random freezes.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456



Guild wars 2 randomly freezes from time to time (i think it started to freez more after the recent patch)

It dosent matter if its a loading screen or smtn else. Its totaly random. Sometimes it freezes while i fight mobs or when i fast travel.

Sound is playing but the screen freezes and stop responding.
I dont need to hard reset i can exit the game with ctrl+alt+del and just shut it down from there.

I thought it might be ram problem but i had 2 diff sets of ram ( 8gb before and now 16gb new set) and it was freezing on both.

I get no error thing and there is nothing beside an aplication stoped working massage in windows event viewer.
Im not sure but i think the game didnt freez as much before the last patch but im not playing much recently so im not sure.

My rig

i7-3770 -(turbo changed to 40 so its 4ghz)
16gb 1800mhz 9-9-9-27 ram -(thoes are 1866 sticks but i cant get em to work without errors on 1866. 8gb 1866 is fine but 16gb get probs and 1800 is fast enough)
hd7850- oc sapphire ( this one have thoes blue arifacts but only in guild wars 2 and its a driver issue ): ).
asus z77m -pro motherboard
128 gb ssd ocz agility
560 psu be quiet !
Windows 7 64bit

The card oc is 1000 mhz on core 1250 on memory. I tried underclocking but it dosent make a diff. Its not a temp issue as well cuz the max i saw after few h of intense wvw was 72C and it was rly hot in my room then. Usualy its around 64 max ( and thoes card with stock fans usualy go above 75).

As far as i renember i dont have any other game act like this (freez) so far. Played borderlands 2, new ufo, black messa etc.

Mem test 12 h + gave no errors, all benchmarks like haven etc are ok, prime95 10h gave no errors.

(edited by Megido.9456)

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Same issue here. Just started happening, if I had to guess, around a week ago. I also believe this is something in one of the patches because I’ve played since release with no freezing issues like this. My PC has not changed. I was using ATI CCC 12.8 when this issue started happening, and since have tried 12.10 WHQL and now onto 12.11b7 – same freezing issue. Sound continues to play normally, I can CTRL-ALT-DEL and quit the game fine; my PC does not freeze entirely, just the GW2 screen.

What’s goings on?

Intel Q9400
ATI Radeon 7870 GHz
ASUS P5Q Turbo
650w Antec TruPower
W7 64bit

System has been Prime/Memtest/IBT/Furmark/OCCT stable for ages. This GW2 freezing issue is new to me and I’ve been playing since launch.

(edited by Idolicious.6091)

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Well i had the freez issue almost from start but it was realy rare and i think it was driver/patch realated as well. If i had to count i had around 10-15 crashes in like 250+ h of game play(thoes were same as this ctrl+alt+del friendly:) ). And i only switched ram from then. I think its some kind of amd driver not liking guild wars 2 issue. For some ppl it happens more for other less and that depends on the patch.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: XaVioR.4813


that is not true. it cant be, im running intel and crashing ~15-20 minutes after every login

i5 750: OC’d @ 4.0Ghz
4GB Corsair RAM
SLI Superclocked (1GB) EVGA 460’s

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Well we dont have crashes. Game just randomly freezes (cant isolate it to 10 minutes or 5h sometimes) we dont get any error massage as well. Just freez and need to reset.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ariovistus.1470


I never really experienced any random freezing in my game until tonight 11/15. I have now randomly frozen about 7 times and now I’ve decided to give up for the night. Same symptoms, game will freeze anywhere/anytime and music will keep playing.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Btw i didnt ask but do you have freezes on teleport as well ? Or just while you fight, move etc?

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ariovistus.1470


I didn’t have mine happen on teleport. All instances were about half in mid fight or while traveling in a zone. I froze again this morning before work, I really don’t want this to be my experience over the weekend. I have to close the game down through task manager every time because of not responding.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: knight.8926


ditto after the patch my game randomly freezes, textures are blinking its kittening annoying and it hurts my eyes. this games has become unplayable

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AJW.9218


Same, ever since the ‘something is stirring in lost shores’ notification has been up, I’ve been freezing & crashing to desktop every 15-30mins.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Bump. I ran a couple of ram tests (memtest86+ again and hci memtest), intel burn in, furmark burn bernchamrks and burn in test and my cpu is 100% stable i didnt get any problems, freezes etc. Played borderlands 2 on max settings for few h without a prob as well(and it heats my cpu eats more graphic then gw2 . . .). I still get random freezes even that rare bound by any scenario. Yesterday it worked all fine at the event when it was rly graphic intense ( my gpu went to 70c when its usualy max 64-65 in gw2) fps went down to 30 range few times but everything was fine, no crashes,freezes for over 4-5 h of gameplay full of ports,crafting,events and gibbering mobs. Today i got a freez in an almost population free area where my gpu usage was rather low and my card didnt even heat up to thoes 64C. Its 100% problem with guild wars so it would be nice to get a soultion for a fix.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


And today my game just froze again. At 4th (bonus) fractal after the loading screen went complete my game froze before even all graphic would be loaded. I saw my character and some non completed textures around. As always i can ctr+alt+del and close the game. Windows dosent freez, my memmory usage wont spike neither do cpu usage. Ran memtest86+ for 17 h 3 days ago and 0 errrors, prime95 for 15 h shows no error as well and my max gpu temp while playing is around 70 and cpu 64c (they were lower on fractals). Anyone else having problems like this ? Im currentyl reinstaling 2 windows with latest drivers for mobo and gpu, made voltage for my cpu a bit higher and less hopy (disabled spread and made it stay at around 1.150 all the time). It cant rly be a hardware failure on my side cuz the cpu would crash after intense tests like prime or intelburnin test (if this was the cpu,ram,mobo or psu problem) and it would not be able to run furmark,vantage etc without a problem if that was my gpu. Oh and i got an
“apphangb1” for guildwars 2 after i closed it with task.

(edited by Megido.9456)

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Heneral.8519


Same issue here after the small patch. I am also using an i7.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Are you also using ati 7xxx series card? I think it might be smtn with thoes.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


After 7 days of non freezes i got another one today …. I was just simply running in the grove and poof !!! My screen is frozen i can hear the music. I can speak on ts and myt system is ok ctrl+alt+del fixes the problem. I didnt even get error and system view says that gw2 Application Hang and nothing else. I reinstaled windows 7, got newest drivers for mobo and card. My system seems stable (24 prime,memtest etc). If it was some kind of system failure ram for example i should get a perma freez for the whole system or a blue screen right? Anyone found a fix for this problem ?

- System

- Provider

[ Name] Application Hang

– EventID 1002

[ Qualifiers] 0

Level 2

Task 101

Keywords 0×80000000000000

– TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2012-12-15T21:43:13.000000000Z

EventRecordID 2430

Channel Application

Computer Aln-Komputer


- EventData

C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe


Dane binarne:

W wyrazach

0000: 006E0055 006E006B 0077006F 0000006E
0008: 0000

W bajtach

0000: 55 00 6E 00 6B 00 6E 00 U.n.k.n.
0008: 6F 00 77 00 6E 00 00 00 o.w.n…
0010: 00 00 ..

(edited by Megido.9456)

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phantolino.5083


I recently bought my ATI HD7850 (OC edition) and i was having the same random crashes/freezes. I managed to fix it by decreasing the GPU core clock to 860MHz and memory at 1200.
I know its not the best solution but you guys should give it a try, it seems the 7xxx series arent stable enough.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Um did you have any error massages after thoes frezes crashes or 0 like me? And did it only crash the game (ctrl,alt,del helped) or it was full system crash?. My 7850 is oced to 1010 core atm and 1200 memmory. So far i only have apphang thing with guild wars 2 and i know that 7xxx series is crapy( i have flicerking textures as well) and i plan to switch it for 670gtx after christmas. I just hope its the video card fault that would be easy to fix not some kind of driver conflict with my mobo,sound or cpu….

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Reporting back here.

I can confirm that dropping my Clocks by 25 Mhz prevented the freezing. Else i would freeze 5-10 mins into game.

GTX 560m

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phantolino.5083


Um did you have any error massages after thoes frezes crashes or 0 like me? And did it only crash the game (ctrl,alt,del helped) or it was full system crash?. My 7850 is oced to 1010 core atm and 1200 memmory. So far i only have apphang thing with guild wars 2 and i know that 7xxx series is crapy( i have flicerking textures as well) and i plan to switch it for 670gtx after christmas. I just hope its the video card fault that would be easy to fix not some kind of driver conflict with my mobo,sound or cpu….

In my case windows reported this error:

“Display driver amdkmdap stopped responding and has successfully recovered. "

Take a look on your Windows logs under System. You should have the same error. Btw i tried it on Windows 7 x64 and Windows 8 x64 (fresh installs), using Catalyst 12.10.

(edited by Phantolino.5083)

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


In my case i dont have any log in windows (just the one i pasted that says that gw2 stoped responding. My problem is hard to replicate cuz i didnt even have freez for 7 days in a row ( and i played alot) and then i got random freez while walking in the grove …. it was not even changing areas or loading.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Theslayernl.5219


I have the same issue and it started since wintersday patch. It freezes mostly upon loading screen or when it just finished loading and shows the world ingame. I have no clue what causes it but I guess it HAS to do with the patch since I have never had this much freezes at all before the patch.

You Ain’t Much If You Ain’t Dutch!

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phantolino.5083


Unfortunately i found out that this is a common problem with the HD7xxx owners . The current “stable” drivers 12.10 have many problems and for the OC editions of the card the game is playable only if you downclock the GPU @ 860MHz.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Well after reinstaling windows 7, bios etc i didnt have any crashes or apphangs for 5 days now. I also switched from my pci sb recon 3d card to onboard audio cuz recent creative drivers give me alot of problems with guild wars 2 sounds(it lags, somtimes i dont have some sounds like shout etc) just want to note it works fine outisde gw2 so its not the card problem :P. Im using 12.11 newest beta and my card is oced 1050 core 1200 memory(cuz i have bad cooling on it and i need to rma it so i rather not fry the memmory). Card is stable so far max temp was around 77c (only for moment on swamp fractal it have some kind of buged graphic somwhere there) and its on 52% coolers. Card usualy stays in 68-70 c range (and well thoes cards can easy work on 80c). I usualy had random freezes while porting or simply walking around now it seems its either gone or droped in rate almost to 0 (im doing daily fractals so at least 7 ports + around 10 to diff towns locations daily). On the other hand i still have problem with artifacts (flicerking blueish textures) but it seems its a problem with software and amd said they are working on it (still im getting 670 gtx after christmas).

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Theslayernl.5219


I got a GTX670 and I have issues too, I got a Audigy Soundblaster SE soundcard, I do suffer from a sound issue that sound goes over onto a bleeping sound. I don’t know if it would cause the freezing but I am not going to sacrifice my 5.1 surround sound for that.

You Ain’t Much If You Ain’t Dutch!

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wisdom.2157


9800 GT here. Same problems as everyone. Is this some kind of joke? I can bear not having any solution yet for this problem. But why the hell is there NOT A SINGLE statement from GW2 devs anywhere on the internet about the issue? This is laughable. I don’t care if it takes a year to release a fix, but for god’s sake, please someone somewhere, tell us you’re working on it….

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sonoris.2301


Same issue here I think. 6870 HD. Started with wintersday patch.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nobleboi.3609


I noticed I tend to freeze alot when I’m either done typing or just starting to type.
Error : ApphangB1

CPU: i5 3450 @ 3,1 GHz
GPU: AMD 7770 2GB
RAM: 8 GB DDR3 Kingston
MOBO: Asus P8h61-mlx

Perhaps It’s a dev joke as in winter → freeze → freeze game HUEH. Sick joke.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: maniakos.7916


Same issue here I think. 6870 HD. Started with wintersday patch.

same here …
I tried already new drivers, re-install client but without success.
Everything was OK before Wintersday.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meridian.6154


I bought this game on 5.2.2013 – I have experienced random freezing (hard restart needed) from the start in 20 minutes intervals.
Googled the issue and found something.
I think that all of you as me have asus motherboards. So I updated the bios and turned off all of the bios overclock settings, which were set on auto by default.
This helped, played whole day without freeze.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Well it might only be a case for ppl who were on auto…. My system is 100% stable oced and only ever freezes in guild wars2. Well so far after all thoes patches i only freez randomly when using chat or swaping it from /p to /g etc… Few of my friends have the same issue and we rly dont have any idea what might cause it.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyila.7596


this is getting rediculeus.. my mesmer is now still stuck on loading screen, and game eventually crashes.. and luckily im able to send a report … game for me is now at the 3rd day in a row that in WvW my client freezes up my whole PC, which makes me need to use the power switch to kill my pc and the programs running .. this is getting seriously annoying, as in all the months playing now, this never happend before, and seems more people experience same problems since this week … time to look into it and help us out here!

Symbelmynë Laeyasee Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS]
Talatha Gaésian Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS]
home at Far Shiverpeaks.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Well the prelude patch messed alot of things. Lags, new crashes ,freezes and some of my guild mates have problems with texture loading ( half of em load …) i hope next patch wont “fix” more things :P

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meridian.6154


It looks like that you need to set v-synch on in your catalist center, because i turned it off for older game, which doesnt have v-synch setting and when i tried to play guild wars 2 it froze again.
I turned it on again and no freezing.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mazut.4296


Now I have the same problem. Bought 7870 last week and the drama began…
My old 4870 works perfectly, have experienced like 2 or 3 DCs since release with it. Now the game crashes after 10 mins.. kittens everywhere…

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: miyagi.6571


My game keeps freezing…. NVidia gtx260 . Happens only while playing GW2.
i can’t believe it has been 7 months now and there is not a fix for it.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raiona.9023


Same problem here as well. Game will freeze for a minute or so, but I can still hear music. Then it will unstick and things are fine for a few minutes. Eventually, the game crashes. No errors displayed, just poof gone.
Nvidia 550ti here

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


In my case windows reported this error:

“Display driver amdkmdap stopped responding and has successfully recovered. "

Take a look on your Windows logs under System. You should have the same error. Btw i tried it on Windows 7 x64 and Windows 8 x64 (fresh installs), using Catalyst 12.10.

I have this exact same problem.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ilithis Mithilander.3265

Ilithis Mithilander.3265

You can try and install the latest drivers and see what the result comes out to be.

Primary Guild: Testing Eternity [TE]
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Garreth MacLeod.4158

Garreth MacLeod.4158

I was having a similar issue. Posted a thread here on the forums but not sure how far back it is now. I finally submitted a ticket to support and they are working with me rather nicely to get it solved.

One thing I found out today is my CPU and RAM were both overclocked. It seems that GW2 does not like an overclocked CPU or RAM. I’ve set mine back to stock. I’d suggest trying that to see if it helps.

And even if you didn’t overclock your system you’ll still want to check it. I didn’t overclock mine but there were to program in the bios that overclocked both the CPU and RAM. Anet had me download a program called “Speccy” which gives a lot of info on your hardware.

Leader, Phantom Coven – GW1 & GW2
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nealosaur.8724


After the newest south sun patch my laptop began to freeze randomly and in progressively shorter intervals. Now, after character selection, I don’t even have to move for it to stall. I do NOT believe this a problem with my pc, rather a problem with GW2’s stability. This has similarly happened on my old XP, directly after the winters day patch. I’m down to my third pc that can run it. For this issue to go on unfixed – not even responded to, as if they had looked into it is very disappointing.

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: animagus.7830


I want my money back Anet!!!

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rizl.1608


Make a shortcut on the desktop, change the name to “Guild Wars 2 – Repair” and the path to:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -repair

It will verify the files and update any damaged files as needed, worked for me!!!