Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blissified.8369


The past 5-10ish days me and many guildies have been getting bad server lag where the game will freeze (lag freeze not software issue) and then either 1) the game will stay frozen for a nice minute or so then disconect and i will get a client lost connection to server error message OR 2) I will wait 20 seconds then the game will “unlag freeze” which will make everything that happend in the past zoom by thus returning to where i was BUT this causes me to die a lot and happens too frequently to be excused.

Why is this happening? It never used to and no its NOT on my end ive checked this and ruled it out.

Im on Tarnished Coast btw, not that it matters.

TL;DR Version : This extreme server lag that has started 5-10ish days ago, is getting worse and more unplayable by the day, its not my internet connection as everytime this happends, i minimize and try to play a movie while the game is still frozen with lag.

(edited by Blissified.8369)

Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Buk.6018


I have been having the same issue in the last week or so? I checked all the settings on my computer and in game and nothing has changed on my end. My internet connection is showing the same speeds as my other regular checks. This issue has gotten steadily worse over this time period for me.

Recent issues –
When entering the game in general or traveling to a new area the camera angle is completely off (it’s shooting like I am crawling on the floor – even lower than an Asura angle). I can barely turn around and any attempted moves fail or jump me a good distance into a wall (I can jump out – but it is a back and forth with nothing in between)

When entering a new area I sometimes can’t move and see nothing (People, places, and things populate over the next minute or three) besides basic terrain. This is really annoying when I enter, see an enemy, go after them, and by the time I get to them I am being swarmed by enemies that were not there 10-30 seconds before.
Results – Death & Subsequent Teleport Charge.

I also show a lag when entering a bigger battle. I just did a quest cut-scene and when the scene ended the first image I see is of my character dying and the quest needed re-started.

Anyone know what is going on?
Server Merger?
Game change that could be affecting?

Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Yes, I have a guildie from Australia who’s been crashing and getting disconnected so frequently he’s given up trying to log in. Would be a shame to lose him as he’s a valuable player … this only started about a week ago. Has Anet done anything different to code recently to cause this?

I have another guildie from the U.S. who crashes a lot, too .. so it’s not just restricted to Australia area.

We’re on Tarnished Coast, too.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Buk.6018


I’ve been mostly in Straights of Devastation
- I have also experienced bad lag in Mount Maelstrom
- and Lion’s Arch (without the deaths obviously)
I am being limited to exploring in Straights area because of this issue.
I can’t fight when I don’t see anything. . . And then die
This is annoying, hope they get on it.

Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: InvalidID.9843


I’ve been getting really bad lag since Jan. 15th, and it’s extremely random. Currently in Mount Malestrom trying to do map completion, but I’m about to give up because the lag is just that bad. I know it’s not my connection, because my boyfriend is on the same connection, and he has no lag at all. Happy to see I’m not the only person with this issue, though, and really hope it gets fixed soon, because the game is becoming unplayable for me.

Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Relinquisher.5769


I have spent hours trying to resolve this issue. Like all of you, I get extremly bad lag. I am on Gate of Madness server. I Have FIOS internet so I know my internet is up too speed and I play on a 6 core processor with 10gb ram and a gtx 560ti graphic card. I even went as far as putting the game on all low settings but there is still a 3 second lag. I cant play quests because it takes so long for my skills to go through I always die. Why is this happening, is this server sided issue? please help

Recent server lag / Disc. Errors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Preech.2671


The past 5-10ish days me and many guildies have been getting bad server lag where the game will freeze (lag freeze not software issue) and then either 1) the game will stay frozen for a nice minute or so then disconect and i will get a client lost connection to server error message OR 2) I will wait 20 seconds then the game will “unlag freeze” which will make everything that happend in the past zoom by thus returning to where i was BUT this causes me to die a lot and happens too frequently to be excused.

I’m having this EXACT issue. Very hard to be any use in wvw any longer. Can’t seem to do anything else on the game either. Some days are better than others.

Scramblerx – Engineer