Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: detown.2073



Game crashes quite frequently. I have been playing this game over two weeks now. At first, it would only happen once or twice a week, most of the time it happens when I load WvW maps, and now I can’t even load any of my characters.

I have verified archived over 10 times. I have repaired 6 times. I have reinstalled over 7 times, after the 4th time, I just made a copy of the folder and replaced when it started to re-download. I have run a memory diagnostic tool. I have scanned the HDD for bad sectors . I have updated the video card driver. I have tried dial down the frame rate and disable anti-aliasing and filtering. I have also tried to installed the game folder right under C: drive and the Desktop.

When I tried to start the game in safe mode with network, it just stuck 0% downloading. The only I thing haven’t tried that I know of is to re-install windows.

Sometime today, when I click on Gw2.exe, I would get a blue screen and shows “a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage”

I only have few hours to play every day and I am spending it on this problem.

Problem solved, attachment crash report and PC specification deleted!!

—> Crash <—
Assertion: A file was corrupted in the archive. Please run once with ‘-repair’!
File: ..\..\..\Game\Main\MainCli.cpp(584)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 4084
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 15898
When: 2012-11-01T01:17:51Z 2012-10-31T18:17:51-07:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:01:15
Flags: 0

(edited by detown.2073)

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dancingSilhouette.4519


I have been having the same exact problem as well with frequent crashing… I’ve reinstalled the game once already and repaired it once already. Usually occurs in very large-scale battles but I’ve been getting a crash for even loading character selection.

Edit of one of my log errors:

  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: ptr→m_type == type
    File: p:\code\arena\engine\gr\model\../GrInt.h(173)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 6464
    Cmdline: -isRelaunch
    BaseAddr: 00400000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 15898
    When: 2012-11-01T20:22:13Z 2012-11-01T13:22:13-07:00
    Uptime: 0 days 1:28:06
    Flags: 0

(edited by dancingSilhouette.4519)

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valhalla.5804


This, im having the exact same problem since the second part of the Halloween event, it really bugs me, i have update all of my drivers, change my overclocked settings to normal, reinstalled 3 times already, renamed the .dat file to .old, ran chkdsk without any errors, and verifyd my data file at least 10 times, the game ran without issue’s before.
The only thing that changed is that i installed the client on a other system, but i wouldn’t know how this would cause a corrupted file on my main system.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi detown – Are you overclocking any of your hardware at all? This particular error message is why I ask:
Assertion: A file was corrupted in the archive. Please run once with ‘-repair’!
File: ..\..\..\Game\Main\MainCli.cpp(584)

Generally this error is attributed to overclocking.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: detown.2073


No, I am not overclocking any of my hardware. Not using SLi or Crossfire as well.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vanguard.7509


I’m also having this problem, and am not overclocking any hardware. The errors appear to increase exponentially over time as well.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Panderp.9753


Still having this problem myself, ever since this update. I just created a new character and works just fine. So I believe it is a character related issue. I think the character might be glitched or something, so if a GM or someone could move it to a different map or somewhere else on the map, it might fix it.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agurak.9246


same exact error message, happening alot to me. have sent in maybe 50-60 error reports through the crash pop-up. no overclocking at all. not even a tiny bit. happens a lot in lions arch for me, and in other maps majority of the time is when i am loading in. haven’t had a single crash since launch – but these all started right around the first patch for halloween.

ran check disk, and mem test, tried messing with graphics settings, re-downloading the entire game, verify about 15 times. nothing has reduced the crashing for me.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Also having this problem now with the latest update after the halloween event. Seriously, it is time to optimize the coding of the game to run with everything Nvidia and AMD has to offer.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Panderp.9753


Okay guys, question about your crashes. Is it only happening on your level 80 characters? The other thread stated that only their level 80 characters are crashing like this.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agurak.9246


panderp: right now 1 of my level 80’s crashes when i try to load them into LA, my other 3 80s can load just fine in LA or other zones

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Panderp.9753


Anything special about that specific level 80? Like 100% completion, or halloween title?

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agurak.9246


no on the completion, and halloween title i can use on any of them. just out of curiosity, what processor are you guys running?

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

My 80 is also stuck loading Lion’s Arch. Worked for several hundred hours prior to the Nov. 1st update with current hardware configuration, have not updated any software.

Always loved how tech support(from anywhere) assumes it’s your fault for causing the problems even though it only happens after they have updated their stuff…

Anyway, had fun early this morning on my character playing in LA doing Mad King stuff, loaded the update this evening and now I can’t play my 80.

OOH, just loaded my low level Ele in a different zone, logged out to character select and chose my level 80 in LA and it worked! yay!

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Panderp.9753


My computer is definitely not a problem, I hand build this with a 3930k, Rampage IV Extreme Mobo, 32GB of Corsair Vengeance, 680 SLI.
As Lil Puppy stated, this only happened AFTER the update.

Glad to see it’s fixed for you now, but it still doesnt work for me :<

I think I just reproduced the crash in Queensdale, I ran toward the town with the crafter in Queensdale and before I got close, it crashed my newb char, now it wont load either.

(edited by Panderp.9753)

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Artasian Nosferatu.3516

Artasian Nosferatu.3516

I’m stuck loading Gendarran Fields. Level 45 Thief in Aurora Glade.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JoeGio.9036


As I stated in the other post, I have 2 level 80’s stuck and unable to load in Hoelbrak, but another alt loads fine into Queensdale. So it seems to be an area problem with latest patch.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: detown.2073


I believe I fixed my problem. I only ran a Win 7 memory diagnostic tool, and forgot to run the Memtest 86+. Turns out I have one bad memory stick out of the dual kit. I unplugged the bad one…. everything seems to work fine so far.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agurak.9246


so after extensive testing of all components of my computer, the ram was at fault. i ran memory diagnostic and memtest. memtest registered 144,860 errors only 20% through the test then crashed. ram was removed and sent back for an RMA. borrowed a 4gig stick from my other pc and ran the game for 4+ hours this morning with no crashing, then just about 10 min ago it crashed again. same exact error message. wtf is going on?

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valhalla.5804


Not overclocking either, issue started a lvl 75 so i don’t think it has to do with this either, i can’t say when and how the errors occur, it can be 6 times in a row or i can play for 4 hours straight without issue’s.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shadyia.8706


I am convinced this is a graphics problem. I have it too.

When GW2 lets you play, don’t exit without going to Windowed Mode . It may help you log back in the next time.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Suushi Role.4159

Suushi Role.4159

I have the exact same problem. And after some GW2 updates everything works fine, but with the next update the crashes start again. It looks like the crashes happen randomly, sometimes 4 times in a row withint 10 minutes, other times after 2 hours. And also it’s not at a certain point in the game (with loading maps or something), it can happen at any time (while running around, in a fight, etc.).

I had an overclock at first, but not anymore and it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Officer of Ctrl Alt Elite [CTRL] || Desolation

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grennan.4276


Most of the time i’m playing GW2 the client crashes even when i rock 100+fps.
Is the game client to weak? or is it even more problems with nvidia Graphic cards?

Will this ever be fixed?
Will i ever play this fabulous game run properly for me? and everyone else in the same situation.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valhalla.5804


I have a AMD Graphics card, so i don’t think that’s causing the issue.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vorz.7952


I’m also a victim of the MainCli.cpp(584) error since about a week ago. My tech support answer thought Win 8 could be the problem. Anyone else here with the error have Win 8 pro installed?

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bipolarzombie.8632


yup!i have this issue daily!sometimes multiple times a day!nothing is over i repaired it one day played the game for about 1 minute and it had to repair game data once again and my computer have no problem with specifications but apparently i keep having to run repair!

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maggotfist.1506


Having same issue since Halloween patch. Have re-installed game and drivers, crashes every 10-15 mins.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deadman UK.5473

Deadman UK.5473

Same error here. Crashing 4 – 5 times a day. Getting very frustrating!

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valhalla.5804


ok guys, i figured it out, it was my hardware that was defective, i replaced my powersupply, and ram, and everything is fine now, no more errors!

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darkone.8731


check your rams by one by at game and also check all ram slots. I resolve my crashing issue by this way. I found one broken ram after this way and my game working very well now. no more crashing at WvWvW

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hrist.8972


I am still having this issue. I took out any little OC I had, tested rams individually on different slots and with different combinations and got no errors from several full passes. Is there anything I can still try without buying a whole new computer?

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I am still having this issue. I took out any little OC I had, tested rams individually on different slots and with different combinations and got no errors from several full passes. Is there anything I can still try without buying a whole new computer?

Downclocking the ram worked for some people.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hrist.8972


I am still having this issue. I took out any little OC I had, tested rams individually on different slots and with different combinations and got no errors from several full passes. Is there anything I can still try without buying a whole new computer?

Downclocking the ram worked for some people.

I just did that, they run 1600 MHz on default and now they’ve been running 1333 for couple of days, no change.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ducim.5126


Been getting this same error, think its the new beta nvidia drivers gonna roll back to old version and see if it works

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darkone.8731


I am still having this issue. I took out any little OC I had, tested rams individually on different slots and with different combinations and got no errors from several full passes. Is there anything I can still try without buying a whole new computer?

maybe your both of rams working non stable. repeat your test again if you can find a stable ram from your friends if not you can buy one for testing. but you must test your rams at game. I checked my rams with ramtest programs and thay didn’t find any error.
I checked my game with this way,
1. Use ram slot No:1 with ram and than log in game and enter 3W, played until crash
2. use same ram at slot No:2 , 3 and for same as step 1.

after test other ram as above way and no any crash with this ram. I tried again first ram and crashing issue turn back. I removed this non stable ram from system and I use my healtly ram without any errors

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hrist.8972


I am still having this issue. I took out any little OC I had, tested rams individually on different slots and with different combinations and got no errors from several full passes. Is there anything I can still try without buying a whole new computer?

maybe your both of rams working non stable. repeat your test again if you can find a stable ram from your friends if not you can buy one for testing. but you must test your rams at game. I checked my rams with ramtest programs and thay didn’t find any error.
I checked my game with this way,
1. Use ram slot No:1 with ram and than log in game and enter 3W, played until crash
2. use same ram at slot No:2 , 3 and for same as step 1.

after test other ram as above way and no any crash with this ram. I tried again first ram and crashing issue turn back. I removed this non stable ram from system and I use my healtly ram without any errors

Alright, thanks for the tip, I’ll try this.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ducim.5126


rolled back from beta nvidia drivers and was able to do a whole FotM run no crashes.

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NoXiLoRd.7345


Same thing happens to me over and over again am not overclocking my PC at all and it happens when I enter any location e.g. Mists and mostly WvW