Still having FPS issues, brand new rig
Where is your FPS being measured and what settings?
If its WvW or Large cities that would be normal. GW2 is very cpu bound.
See Part 4 of this thread for more info
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Indeed if ur FPS figures u mentioned are from WvW or LA then thats likely just down to ur CPU.
if its in PvE then its likely the setitngs ur using. Reflection on All is VERY taxing so is super sampling ..and arguably so is shadowson ultra.. if any of those r on it could be the cause of ur FPS issues.
Run some monitoring software to measure ur GPU usuage and FPS using an OSD (on screen display) so u can see the figures whilst playing the game.
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Where is your FPS being measured and what settings?
If its WvW or Large cities that would be normal. GW2 is very cpu bound.See Part 4 of this thread for more info
That is the issue I shouldn’t be having ANY FPS issues with the current rig I have.
You still haven’t provided us on what settings and where the fps is being measured. So we can’t even begin to judge if something is wrong or normal.
But to give some perspective, the latest intel generation cpu is 40-50% faster than your fx-4170. Even with overclocking in WvW it still dips to 30fps, but everywhere else it can get 60fps stable (pve/spvp/dungeon). Show’s how CPU-bound GW2 is.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
(edited by kirito.4138)
Where is your FPS being measured and what settings?
If its WvW or Large cities that would be normal. GW2 is very cpu bound.See Part 4 of this thread for more info
That is the issue I shouldn’t be having ANY FPS issues with the current rig I have.
False, you will be having FPS issues on your rig. The rig I have which is substantially more powerful than yours (i5 3570k GTX 670) still gets 40 FPS in WvW. And at the Maw event for that matter.
My rig specs:
G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB 1600 Mhz
EVGA nVidia GeForce 460 1GB
AMD FX-4170 Zambezi 4.2GHzI can run BF3, Planteside 2, Skyrim, etc… all on max with 70+ FPS. In guild wars 2 I barley get 35 fps.
All drivers are updated.
Why even post the other games you can max it’s like apples to oranges.
The FX 4170 will strugle in this game in big events and WVW turn off shadows, reflections, and sampling to native and that’s the best you can run the game.
My rig specs:
G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB 1600 Mhz
EVGA nVidia GeForce 460 1GB
AMD FX-4170 Zambezi 4.2GHzI can run BF3, Planteside 2, Skyrim, etc… all on max with 70+ FPS. In guild wars 2 I barley get 35 fps.
All drivers are updated.
Why even post the other games you can max it’s like apples to oranges.
The FX 4170 will strugle in this game in big events and WVW turn off shadows, reflections, and sampling to native and that’s the best you can run the game.
Only Planetside is far more taxing on rigs then GW2. Not to mention its even more poorly optimized then GW2 currently is.
no specs op, can’t help..
no specs op, can’t help..
What are you talking about, I posted my specs????
Still having FPS issues, brand new rig
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jazhara Knightmage.4389
actually ps2 tho cpu heavy, is running on an engine thats more mature and ps2 wasnt designed with the specific intent of porting it to xbox 360.
gw2 was clearly intended to be ported to 360..
1. game has 3 heavy threads, 360 has 3 cores.
2. 360 has dx9 level gfx, anet abandoned dx10 and 11 support despite having mentioned them in past interviews as features the game would launch with.
im sure another part of the dx9 thing is that they could sell the game to people running windows xp, who cant really run the game anyway……
and the 4170 is a very low end chip, the 4300 and 6300 are worth upgradeing to, but at current prices the 8350 is really the best value, its easy to oc it to 4.4+(many will do 4.4 at stock volts!!!)
either way, gotta agree with everybody else, its your cpu, if you can push the cpu to 4.6-48 range or higher it may help
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x