Suggested Build for New GW2 PC
I’m going to have a local independent computer shop build a PC so my girlfriend and I can play GW2 together and I just want to have a reasonable idea of what I should be getting and what it should cost before I talk to them.
The GW2Guru forums have a great post up with some suggested builds but it was last updated in April (before the game had actually launched) so I’m not sure how reliable it is now. So if anyone is willing to take a moment and let me know what I ought to be looking for I’d really appreciate it.
I’m looking to spend around $750 on this project, not including monitor and such.
id recommend waiting a month to see how driver updates and anet optimizations patches will affect performance. if it stays the same you will need a very good/ expensive cpu.
$750 is definitely tight. Can you re-use parts off an existing computer such as the case, optical drive, etc.?
I suggest double that, but I understand money is tight.
Can you swing an i5 model with the K, indicating unlocked core? That would be helpful to see if a bit of overclocking helps; some people are claiming the game is CPU bound (the bottleneck is sometimes the CPU, not the video card.)
With that budget, you are a big limited on the video card. Maybe you can still find deals on older tech.
Sometimes there’s nice bundle deals. I saw a GPU/motherboard bundle at New Egg with a Radeon 7870 for under $400. An i5 3570k would add $230 to that price. That would give you $630. RAM should be under $50, that makes $680. A case and PSU might be less than $100 making $780. Optical drive $20. A hard drive would run you under $100, making it 900. Not going to bother will all the math. But if you have a case and other existing gear, you can save some cash and maybe hit that $750 with a decent CPU and GPU.
And you may need $100 for the OS as well.
It’s useless.
Don’t buy new hardware while the game still got serious optimizations issues that will screw you even with a high-end machine.
Buying hardware, updating drivers, clean OS install nothing will help you.
Only Anet can fix their own game.
What’s useless? Building a new PC? Since when?
Seems more helpful to answer the question…I don’t understand people…sigh
I suggest building the PC yourself especially as your budget is rather limited. There’s entire videos online showing the process in detail as well as written explanations. If you take a few hours to go over this stuff, you can do what MANY people have done – built their own machine.
(edited by michaeljhuman.3940)
Thanks Michael, that’s helpful. I’m sure your right that I ought to assemble the thing myself. We’ll see if I can get up the nerve.
Sorry for the people having trouble running the game. For me, it actually runs fine on my factory issue Dell, albeit with pretty much everything set to low. Just looking to get a second system so we can both play at once.