Low FPS - [merged]
Ya im pretty sure its not overheating,
Your CPU is for the LGA 775 MotherBoard, which is pretty dated by PC standards, so I would be careful what you buy, only buy what you can take with you on an upgrade/rebuild.
The only Items That I would Buy to upgrade that system would be a better graphic card, GTX 460 is now around £100. and is well upto the job.
Not sure about ATI cards I dont use them myself, (I dont like the Drivers) but again a card around £100 will give you a boost.
An addition 2gb of memory would be a help as well, however, I think your system most likely has DDR2 memory which is now getting harder to find, and expensive due to its short supply. DDR2 is obsolete now so if you buy it, you would not be able to use it on a more modern board which use DDR3, ( which is a lot cheaper than DDR2 now )
If you have a local PC shop, that does upgrades and repairs, go have a chat with them.
DO NOT got to Currys, PC World ect, they just sell PCs, they will just want to sell you a new PC or charge you a fortune and sell you the wrong thing :-)
If you bought the GTX 460 card that could be moved to a newer system at a later date
Hello all! Well I have been running into fps problems in the WvWvW. Pve I do just fine with an average of 30-40 fps. Sometimes it drops down to 25 for world events.
WvWvW isn’t really playble for me though. If anyone can offer suggestions on wether or not its my rig making me drop to less than 10 fps during the pvp or Anet I would greatly appreciate it. Any suggestions as to what I should improve would also be welcome! Thanks guys!
(edited by MajorPain.9451)
Turning shadows and reflections down does seem to help a bit but it still happens. I do feel like I should be able to run the game with these on without problems though, does anyone know if this is a problem with the game?
I tried doing a clean install of the most recent drivers etc but none of that seemed to help.
Specs are very relevant to the conversation. More importantly though, just because you’re computer meets the bare minimum requirements doesn’t mean your going to run it very well. Many things can affect computer performance negatively, effectively negating your hardware performance.
Driver status
Running processes
Over-active antivirus
Dusty/poorly ventilated case (excessive heat)
So on and so forth….
These things are the responsibility of the pc owner to take care of, a software company can’t possibly optimize for any of this. It’s no different for a car owner to maintain their vehicle if they want to legally drive it on the street.
I understand many people haven’t an idea to fix any of these issues but they need to understand the issues before demanding fixes from a publisher.
After some cleanup and updates I’m running GW2 on a $350 laptop at 35-40 fps (except wvw) I don’t expect nearly the level of performance of my desktop but with a little work I’m happy with its performance now if I want to game away from home.
Laptop is a hp dv6 and vision system
My specs:
i7 quad core processor
AMD Radeon HD 6900M gfx card
8G ram
I’ve talked to tech support, I’ve adjusted in-game options, I’ve repaired GW2, I’ve re-installed GW2, I’ve uninstalled/re-installed my graphics drivers, I’ve done just about everything I possibly can do. At this point I’m more or less just posting for the sake of adding my name to the list of dissapointed players who need this problem fixed ASAP.
I’ve had this problem since launch. I’ll start playing and the game will perform BEAUTIFULLY for about 5 minutes, and then my FPS will drop to 8-15 FPS.
Please fix. /wrists
I can almost guarantee it is overheating. When was the last time you opened it up and cleaned it out?
Check your temps.
tbh i think it is, if it is what should i do?
Why does the 6900M tip you off?
You have my exact same CPU with the difference that I overclocked it of 500mhz, and that i have a GTX470 instad of a GTX275. And the game runs like kitten in WvWvW. I’ll do an upgrade, but this game is using too much resources.
Windows 8 Professional
Probably overheating. Model of your laptop?
Windows 8 Professional
It’s probably downclocking your graphic card due probably to heat. You can try to monitor it by either using MSI afterburner or GPU-Z and check if your GPU clocks dips down.
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
Afaik there might be a bug when turning turning off reflections and shadows help though.
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
You have my exact same CPU with the difference that I overclocked it of 500mhz, and that i have a GTX470 instad of a GTX275. And the game runs like kitten in WvWvW. I’ll do an upgrade, but this game is using too much resources.
Yea if I upgrade my CPU it means I need a new motherboard since they don’t make them for the 775 chip slot anymore (as far as I Can tell). I heard the 470 works relatively well, but if i’m upgrading I would rather just go for the 600+ so I don’t have to worry about doing it again in the next few years.
Its looking like I need a new motherboard, CPU, and Graphic card to pvp in this game
People are sayin that Anet will optimize it.. i’m just too much disappointed for now, and I don’t think it will happen.
Btw go for a 660, i’m keeping my 470 cause i bought it more than a year ago and it’s still good, but i wouldn’t buy it now, as there are newer VGAs.
Windows 8 Professional
Waiting for black friday/cyber monday sale :P. If you’re upgrading go with i5 3570K and z77
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
i currently have a amd fx 6100 3.3 ghz and a amd 4870 1 gb,ino there not great hardware but more then enough for gw2,in WvW i can have 10 fps yet my GPU load is 20%!,it seems to vary but i never see it above 30 in WvW.
Waiting for black friday/cyber monday sale :P. If you’re upgrading go with i5 3570K and z77
I didn’t even think of that. Great idea.
What do you think that will run? And I usually use tigerdirect / new egg. Do you think they will also do black friday deals?
You may have to refresh the youtube page for it to work btw!
Monitor the temps, if the temps are fine maybe something like riva tuner to ensure that the card runs at the specific clock speed/fps.
I have the exact same problem, but it can take my FPS down to 2 for just a second, but it’s engough for freeze the game. (this is happening since 8st update)
Asura thing.
I’m SURE this is the Game Itself problem, since there is high-end GPUs with really bad perfomances in FPS, that’s why they need your specs for try to see what’s is going on with perfomance in some people.
Asura thing.
Totally worked for me, I went from 8-20 fps to 50+ on high settings.
Thanks man.
Intel i5 2500k
ATI 5870
8gb DDR3
Thanks lol. Egg usually do black friday/cybermonday sales or prior week to that. Think 60+ fps I’m still thinking to cap the fps to 60 until they optimized the games engine or update it to be compatible to DX11 or something.
I have an E6300 + 560ti dying for a new CPU + Mobo lol. While this setting plays Dota2 / other games fine, gw2 is playable (25-30fps) and dips down to 5fps in WvW lol.
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
Dude I thank you times a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this worked omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I been having low fps problems for ever. I can’t believed it worked I hope everyone gets to see this. now I get 50+ fps on max settings in divinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YouTube is saving the game perfomance of some Players?
What? When? How?
~I’m wondering now how a simple setting can make an HUGE change, madness?~
Asura thing.
I’ve been receiving appalling FPS. Bad, inconsistent inexplicable FPS.
Specs are
Phenom II 550 3.1 no OC
2gb 6970
8gb ddr3
Win7 x64
Peak Frames (most I’ve ever seen): 86
Avg Frames: 13-23
I’ve tried all the optimisation tricks offered by others and Anet up to this point and there’s no marked improvement. If anything my FPS was best in the 1st beta.
When the game launched I had the client fully updated already because I used this client install for all the beta weekends. The game didn’t offer me a new client, it just updated the one I already had installed.
I just read in another thread that there is supposedly a difference between the ‘beta client’ and the ‘launch client’ and that supposedly performance is markedly better on the latter. I was not aware of this possibility previously. Is there any truth to this assertion or is this just more of that ‘youtube clip fix’ hokum?
I’m willing to do a clean reinstall of the whole game from the website, but this whole thing didn’t sound very real to me. Can anyone confirm that there is actually a difference in the clients from the beta in comparison to the new client?
Also any other suggestions for improvement might be nice. I’m not looking for 100FPS and a solid gold toilet. I know my CPU is old and quite underpowered for this game. I’ve had the game idle at 30fps in some areas and I’ve had a great game experience at the times when this has happened. Any advice would be very welcome.
I really wish they would implement a option to remove that horrible camera smoothing, feels like input lag x1000 it’s so unresponsive. :/
It seems that everyone that’s having this problem is using an ATi card? Anyone with a nVidia card see any difference with this setting?
Sea of Sorrows
No problem! I hope it solves it permanently I’ve been playing 3 hours now with good fps. Hope the same for you guys. I stumbled on this from a wow blue post actually so I tried it and it worked.
I just read this and im gonna try it, how the hell does youtube settings affect guild wars 2 ? lol
It has to do with the settings with Flash Player not youtube. I just say to go to youtube because that is the easiest way to get to the settings haha.
It’s related to Flash Player, though i’m a bit confounded as to how and where it’s used ingame.
It’s pure bogus. The launcher updates your version to the newest and ‘correct’ version. GW2 also uses a single large file for storage so you don’t have ‘extra’ files leftover from beta that might interfere. Long story short, there is no beta/launch clients differences.
Idk what it did, but my fps did jump +10 fps in holebrak. Now its sitting at 30-40 in areas that had me 15-25.
Any more people who have had success with the youtube fix?
I’m going to take a run at this when I get home from the office.
It seems so far fetched, I can’t believe it would actually do anything. Seems like the kind of thing that would be the basis for a troll, hoax or placebo fix.
I did not notice any improvement. And I don’t get it how it should help. I would like to hear some explanation.
Ive applied the Youtube fix to my computer and I’m now getting a constant 30fps. I’ve seen dips to 27 but nothing like the 13-17 I was getting before.
This appears to work, so cheers.
Ive applied the Youtube fix to my computer and I’m now getting a constant 30fps. I’ve seen dips to 27 but nothing like the 13-17 I was getting before.
This appears to work, so cheers.
Weird wonder how that affects the game. Did you close your browser after applying ?
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
I honestly don’t know and I certainly dont care. As the OP says it must have something to do with Flash. I’m now getting 25 Frames in Lions Arch whereas before I was getting 7. Im now getting 60FPS in my story instances where before I was getting 17. This has made the game playable.
Browser is closed during gameplay.
so i have been reading around and it seems the machine i bought is just not meant for GW2
currently running
AMD FX 8150 Zambezi at 3.9 ghz
Corsair vengeance ddr3 1600 8 gig ram
Nvidia GTX 550 ti ( i know this is the bottleneck )
but yet when i choose automatic settings or low .. or extremely high. it doesnt make a difference i get FPS drops all the way to 5 FPS i cannot do big events such as the shatterer completely laggy
now i dont know how i can play BF3 on high-ultra with constant 40-60 fps but in GW2 if i turn too fast or go into a populated place i drop down to 10 or even lower
can someone please shed some light is there a driver that works well for GW2 is there certain fixes for the AMD processor im missing
does anyone know if there are fixes on the way ?
But I am so close it scares me
See it wasn’t a troll! I was able to play all night tonight and never have fps issues on high settings as to where I was getting under 15fps on low settings before. I honestly don’t know the details of how this works I play all my other games with high fps. It was just gw2 with low fps and I stumbled upon someone saying flash player making people lag so I googled “flash player causing low fps” found a blue post from the WoW forums and tried what they suggested and tadaa fixed for me. So I thought I would share it. It’s worked for 5 people now (that have posted at least) including me so I’m just happy I was able to help.
“We are currently looking into performance and low framerate issues that some players are experiencing despite having a system that exceeds the minimum requirements (http://en.support.guildwars2.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1119). If this is affecting you, we would like to recommend the following suggestions: "
This is Anet’s response to a ticket I sent 2 days ago regarding low performance issues.
You are most definitely not the only one experiencing such problems.
As for a possible fix, I haven’t encountered in one yet. Wouldn’t get my hopes up for Anet to fix it anytime soon as well. I had these problems during the beta events, and it eventually solved itself when the game launched. The problems started after Friday’s patch.
I bought a new 670 this week, and the first time I tried to play the game I was getting frames in the 30s with auto detect.
Here’s what fixed it;
In game settings;
1) Turn off limiter
2) turn off Vsync.
Nvidia Control Panel
GW2 Specific Settings
1) Vsync off
2) Triple Buffering off.
After doing this, my lowest FPS is in the high 40s in the middle of Lions Arch. Everywhere else averages comfortable in the 70s, or in the 60s with supersampling on.
Thanks guys for the reply , i have been seeing that the AMD octocore really isnt meant for GW2 it gets lower performance than a duel core? what the hell:P so i hope there is a fix for that soon and ill try these nvidia settings tonight
But I am so close it scares me
You sir are a God!
You’ve solved what Anet hasn’t been able to solve in a month.
This only goes to show you the problem is with the game.
I assume you’re running Windows 7 64-bit? If so, have you installed the windows fixes that are supposed to improve Bulldozer performance?
I don’t work with AMD myself, but a quick google search turned up this: http://www.techpowerup.com/158534/New-Windows-7-Bulldozer-Patches-Available..html
I don’t know how much if any difference those fixes will make, but you should be able to get more than 10 fps at the lowest. 20fps could be understandable if it’s really really busy (I get close to that sometimes on my i5 2500k), but 10 seems far too low.
As for graphics settings, you should be able to run most of the settings on High, but I would suggest lowering any of the more intensive settings, especially if you run at a resolution that’s 1600×1200 or higher. Render Sampling should be on Native, since Supersampling will kill your performance singlehandedly (it’s not meant to be used on anything but the most extreme high end cards) – other intensive settings are Reflections (use Terrain & Sky or None, since All sucks up performance for almost no graphical gain), Shadows (Medium-High I would suggest on your card), FXAA and Best Texture Filtering (in the case of Texture Filtering you might find forcing 4x Anisotropic Filtering through the Nvidia Control Panel does a better job and costs less performance).
Also with that graphics card try aiming for drivers other than the 301.42 WHQL, since that driver in particular is known to give exceptionally poor performance on GW2. You can either try the latest beta drivers or roll back to slightly older WHQL drivers, since practically any driver will perform better as long as its not 301.42. Regarding the latest beta drivers, in my case both 304.79 and 306.02 gave me a big performance increase, but they don’t boost performance for everyone equally.
Some players are simply getting crap performance far below what is normal for their systems and it’s not easy to figure out what is causing it sometimes. If changing the driver and installing the bulldozer fixes doesn’t do anything you might want to have a look at some of the other bigger FPS problem threads.
@ amarinth thank you so much i will give everything a try tonight
But I am so close it scares me
so whats the fix ?