Unusually high FPS

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


I put this rig together back in january 2011, consisting of:
SB i5-2500k CPU, overclocked to 4.7GHz
GTX 580, stock clocks
8GB 1600/CL9 RAM
eVGA z68 board

It cost me ~$1000 before I added 2 more monitors and 2 more GTX580’s.

While running around Rata Sum for map completion, I had a really hard time getting my FPS to drop under 60, and almost impossible to get it under 50. Then I went through the Lion’s Arch portal, to the Grand Plaza, and went straight to the jewelcrafting station. Quite possibly it dropped into the 35-40 range, but not long enough. All settings maxed except shadows on high. What’s the deal ANet?!!@121!


4 years ago, we had Core 2 Wolfdales (eg. E8500). Going up against the Q9400 this was, IMO, a midrange CPU at best.
4 years before that we had our Pentium 4E/F Prescott’s. Those single core things that got really hot? These are what we had when WoW was released, and even today’s systems (despite being roughly 6 times better in single-threaded performance on the enthusiast end) can still struggle keeping Orgrimmar at 60fps.
4 years before that, we had the Pentium III’s. Overclocker’s haven. Try running the Quake 3 time demo on your PC now and lemme know if you see anything.

TL;DR: Your PC is not a fridge. If developers catered to the “my ‘decent’ 4 year old rig” crowd, we’d still be playing pong on a black and white screen.

(editted out laptop part, not sarcastic enough)

(edited by deltaconnected.4058)

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chewie.7389


I have a gaming laptop as well with an i7-3720QM and dual 7970’s and I too struggle to keep 30fps anywhere in the game even when i’m forced into medium settings. I’m not terribly sure on the technical specifics but a lot of people using laptops have the same problem. There is a huge thread about low fps in this sub-forum about it. Basically most people are saying the game is poorly optimized and incredibly CPU-reliant. I use to have much better performance in the past, especially during betas.

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


I guess I failed at writing this thread. I’m not saying the FPS I get is bad. I’m saying that there’s way too many people in that “Low FPS” thread with outdated hardware expecting ANet to cater to them. The benchmark numbers I linked are to show just how much tech changes over a span of four years. I still see my FPS in Org drop under 60 at times, and we used to play that on Pentium 4’s.

Laptops are no better because at half the clockspeed you’re a full generation (or two) behind desktops. At launch, were people able to play Q3 on a laptop? Were people able to play WoW on a laptop? Were people able to play Crysis on a laptop? No. Why should GW2 have to be any different? If you don’t want to upgrade, XBox and PS3 say hello.

Without software to push hardware, there’s less incentive to make better hardware. With no better hardware we may as well stick to playing 2D DOS games.

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


The problem is, not everyone has $1k to drop on hardware when all the other games they play work fine.

This game does run on minimum requirements, but it’s definitely not an enjoyable experience. Not even remotely enjoyable with minimum requirements. WvW/Zergs are out of the question totally unless you can game with 1fps.

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


Which is why I made my last point; if every developer cut features to release a game that’s “between” all the rest so people on old rigs can play it perfectly, we would be playing Everquest 1 in 2016.

That’s the kind of stuff you can expect on consoles. It’s a choice between finding that $1k, or finding a different game.

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


Definitely don’t need a $1k pc to play this game comfortably. A little knowledge goes a long way. Especially in the second hand PC market with parts being so cheap.

A solid second hand rig can be had for <$300. Hell, I can get an E4300 (1.8Ghz) cpu that cost me $5 pulling 35fps around lions arch @ 1080p, and that’s not on Best Performance!

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


I guess I failed at writing this thread. I’m not saying the FPS I get is bad. I’m saying that there’s way too many people in that “Low FPS” thread with outdated hardware expecting ANet to cater to them. The benchmark numbers I linked are to show just how much tech changes over a span of four years. I still see my FPS in Org drop under 60 at times, and we used to play that on Pentium 4’s.

Laptops are no better because at half the clockspeed you’re a full generation (or two) behind desktops. At launch, were people able to play Q3 on a laptop? Were people able to play WoW on a laptop? Were people able to play Crysis on a laptop? No. Why should GW2 have to be any different? If you don’t want to upgrade, XBox and PS3 say hello.

Without software to push hardware, there’s less incentive to make better hardware. With no better hardware we may as well stick to playing 2D DOS games.

You failed in general.

I have a i5 @4.5 , 560ti @985mhz ,16gbddr and i am getting the exact same performance as you do so including the minimum FPS in lion’s arch.You might say that your hardware is not being utilized an considering your setup that is a understatement.

Next to that there are tons of people with better rigs then you with the top of the line i7’s and GTX 590’s/670/80’s in sli that are having performance issues.

You seem to only have the ability for one perspective,


Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustPhil.8502


I’m saying that there’s way too many people in that “Low FPS” thread with outdated hardware expecting ANet to cater to them.

I think that might be because A.Net said they were aiming to have GW2 run on “mid-spec gaming PC’s”. Granted the game does run on them, just not particularly well.

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


Find me one person in that Low FPS thread that has said top-of-the-line hardware with those issues. Preferably one that also has proof.

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VirtualBS.3165


Chiming in, great fps here too (consistent 60+), on an:

  • i7-2600K@4.5GHz (stock voltage)
  • 16GB DDR3-1600 ULV (1.25V)
  • 560Ti@1GHz, monitor connected to the HD3000 iGPU, using Lucid MVP v.115a with enabled HyperFormance and Virtual Vsync (yes, it actually works, and yes, it is actually worth it).

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VirtualBS.3165


Try running the Quake 3 time demo on your PC now and lemme know if you see anything.

TL;DR: Your PC is not a fridge. If developers catered to the “my ‘decent’ 4 year old rig” crowd, we’d still be playing pong on a black and white screen.

Good’ol Quake 3… Runs pretty fine on a Raspberry Pi nowadays!

Maybe we’ll be able to run GW2 like that on Raspberry Pi v.5 or 6?

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


Mah gawd that is impressive.