Kill a few: there won’t be a many
Really? I have absolutely no idea whatsoever which guild Danny belongs to, or the mindset of that guild, nor do I care. And not all games have a physical, or “spendable” reward. I never got paid a single dime for any of the sports/games that I have participated in throughout my life, but I was still Rewarded for my efforts. What is this magical reward that I speak of you ask? It’s called pride. Pride in being there, even if off to the side. Pride in contributing. Pride in winning. And Pride in my server and the other players and their efforts in WvW. May be you don’t understand the concept, or just on a smaller, more personal scale. MY Pride is for the entire server, working together as a team to accomplish a common goal: winning. If losing was the point to such an arena as WvW, then it wouldn’t exist. In fact, no games would exist. (well, let’s just exclude solitaire) Ever solve a Rubic’s cube? Totally different thing form WvW? What about the good feelings you get when you accomplish such a feat? (and no, taking it apart doesn’t count) That is called pride. It’s what many of us feel who play in WvW, and to discount such feeling as “idiocy” that we as WvW players have on NSP , is “idiocy” in itself. I’m sure you feel pretty good about farming wxp, or else there would be no incentive to do so. As far as the gentleman in question goes, he stated that he Wanted to leave WVW; it really should not come as an earth-ending shock when someone says “go ahead and leave, because apparently you aren’t happy here (nor contributing in a way that would instill any sense of pride whatsoever to yourself, so why stay)” But the apparent insult that to the hard work that many ppl give to the server for reasons of Pride, is what got under my skin.
Aww, you beat me to it. I wanted to post that pic. Oh well, I’ll still post it anyway since it’s such a beautiful sight it’s worth seeing twice.
Numbers? Since when does NSP have numbers? I am seriously rofl! And we have one many times! And as far a the many guilds not using viop or not coordinating or not wanting to improve, you are sadly mistaken, and need to get a handle on what you are talking about before making such wide encompassing accusations about the other guilds. In fact, we (meaning many guilds small and huge) have weekly meeting discussing the how we can each improve upon the same accusations that you just leveled upon us! And I have seen many of your own guild members building siege and helping to either defend or retake a tower. That seems counter-intuitive to what you are talking about in regards to ‘roaming just for fun’, and those very same actions are what contribute to either gaining or keeping points, which magically, leads to winning. Granted, the voice communications on vent have gotten rather shy since Smitry is absent, but it is still in use. Oh yeah, I forgot, there is this little nifty thing on your screen where ppl can coordinate and organize…it’s called a chat box! And about vent, some of your guild members have worked with me and other guild leaders there, and not a single one of them gave off the impression of wanting to loose. And more…some of them have even gone so far as to follow on my tag, when trying capture real estate for points, and they seemed fairly proud to me of this, when they, in /say chat while standing over the tower lord’s lifekitten dy, said “WOOOOO HOOOOO!” Say it isn’t so! I never described it as work, so if you perceive that I did, it’s because apparent that working with anyone else is ‘work’ to you – perception is reality, but only within- think about that, I’m sure you’ll get it. For the rest of us who ‘get it’, coming from any server, any time, the feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from working together, and winning, is the payoff that makes us feel better in the morning as we head to work/college/school/the daycare…etc.. If you have no such feelings of accomplishment in this game or ‘Hobby/Pastime’ then it is you, my friend, who should be wondering about this ‘wasted life’, when you yourself, by your own admission, are apparently ‘wasting your life’ by even playing the game in the first place…(facedesk)
Aww, you beat me to it. I wanted to post that pic. Oh well, I’ll still post it anyway since it’s such a beautiful sight it’s worth seeing twice.
Sorry bro, but I don’t see anything beautiful there lol
To Danny, I owe a apology regarding my taking it that you wanted to leave wvw. The content suggested to me, in your reference to transferring in and the comment about not caring, showed discontent and an allusion to wanting out. And also an apology if you did not include the whole server in the ‘we’ statement. If it was not your intention to include the server in that ideal, then next time please don’t use ‘we’ in such a statement, as no one else but you and yours are going to know who you are talking about. Anyone reading the post not knowing to whom ‘we’ are, will assume that ‘we’, under English language norms, means everyone involved. And without the benefit of knowing who was involved in such a bland sentence, then the interpretation is up for grabs as to whom ‘we’ are. As for myself, viewing the sentence structure and subject matter, I interpreted ‘we’ as pertaining to all of us. Take a closer look at it, and you will see what I mean.
Sorry to the rest of NSP if you feel you get unduly focused by the other servers; the attitude displayed by [XOXO] is probably kitten ing off both YB and SBI.
If these guys had social skills to match their button mashing skills they’d be regarded as gentlemen.
Yeah, nice button mashing skills.
Were used to it.
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Wow Danny must be like the first person to ever record himself playing a video game.. How very “egocentric” of you Danny, you must be a horrible person.
yup the thin line between sharing and showing off
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Now you should learn something and actually include your failures
but I guess you gotta eat, ego ego ego ego nomnomnom
Ill bite ole Arty boy,
Watching some of both videos. Dannys video shows reaction and skill vers other players. you have to think as you fight and know what your fighting or you fail.
Chris’s video shows nothing more then stacking up and mashing Aoe’s inside of mobs of red. Not caring what the situation is or reacting to nothing, just MASH MASH MASH.
Im not even sure i understand how people play this way. I like to read and react to people trying to use different builds and strategy’s in a smaller scale setting.
Step away from your zerg, you will learn your class and be a better player for it.
that is all , ty.
Haha because I zerg a lot buddy… you seem to know me very well! I think you missed where I said 10v25 thought…. or maybe just ignored it for convenience? oh well who knows…. but yeah the thing is that I have enoyed killing most of xoxos in wvw
seems like you guys can only hold in bunker groups, so please don’t come here and act like you’re really skilled xD that is just hilarious when it comes to 1v1 you are awfully bad you are way to dependable of your bunkers builds….. but hey! in the end you guys manage to cap camps…. attaboy!
Lol Obsession you really should stop bunkering with that mega 15k hp… Honestly l2p Obsession quit hiding behind your bunker mesmer.
You should ask MEX about our 5v5’s last night that each ended in under 30 seconds.. Also ask them about the lvl 24 XOXO Ranger who beat their 80 necro in a duel…
Oh and if you want some 1v1’s I’m sure there are plenty of XOXO who would be glad to put their tbag where your mouth is.
Oh and @chris —-- LOVE YA!! Miss ya here on NSP!
For god sake. You just lost all respect I had for your guild…
First of all MEX is training out there, we have a lot of newcomers of wvw, we had at that day only 3 previous sessions. We accepted your challenge as part of our training.
Second we didnt had any mesmers in our 5 group (they going to sleep at that time), not even thief.
Third: You are probably good players, but you lack a lot as persons, you are just gaining the reputation of a bad joke, and an example of how not to be as guild/players in the field. Shame.
If you want to boast of something, defeat a veteran guild in gvg, not a bunch of newcomers in training process.
La legión del águila [MEX]
It was just an example of the fact that we don’t run a bunch of bunker guilds, calm down pls. I respect you guys for taking the 5v5 especially if you are an inexperienced group, even if it isn’t returned.
You people should really take this game, and these forums much less seriously. It isn’t healthy.
Numbers? Since when does NSP have numbers? I am seriously rofl! And we have one many times!
Please point out the last time NSP won a match against same or larger numbers. And you don’t get to include beating HOD during super fun box week when even though they have a larger WvW population, they weren’t there during the week and we in fact had larger numbers in WvW.
Oh and by the way, it’s funny that you use sports as an analogy. You know a fun fact about every single one of those sports? If the teams are not exactly even, the game doesn’t get played. Why? There is no “pride” in beating a handicapped team.
(edited by dank.3680)
Did you really reference a video as being definitive proof that NSP players can’t beat larger numbers? And I suppose you thought that Godzilla was proof of a giant monster that regularly attacks Japan? And wait a minute….how many times have I read posts on these forums from XOXO members talking about how they were creaming groups almost double their size? And you say that NSP players have not learned their classes yet? And that we don’t actually have an effective chat box usage? Apparently, you actually believe that YouTube video’s are the be-all end-all of evidence. You also seem to believe that your own personal witnessing of said issues must be true 100%, simply because you saw them, in real time, everywhere, at once, so there can’t possibly be any proof whatsoever that is contrary to what you say. DR and SF usually puts up twice our numbers, and when is the last time they won against us, if numbers are your only basis for how wins are given, since we so obviously can’t win by skill, no matter what tier of server we face? I have defended our bl against superior numbers many times, using only the chat box…so please tell me again, how it wasn’t effective? And how did any mmo ever survive w/o use of vent in the early days? And what’s with the double standard that your guild can beat double the numbers, but no one else can? What is that all about?? And….AND you are on NSP server, but you continue to run the rest of us down, saying that we can’t use our classes, can’t 1v2, can’t coordinate, can’t win no matter what……..
I am trying to talk about the good things that we do, and accomplish every day against superior numbers, and you are just running us down……why are you even on the server then? Apparently none of the rest of us can do any good in your sunglass-covered eyes, so why are you still here? Seriously!
And you are doing it in full view of the public, where everyone, especially NSP members, who help rezz you when your down, or help when ur taking a camp, ect… I have never seen any member or your guild tell someone that their crappy skills wouldn’t be useful to them while taking a camp. And please don’t try to associate your guilds’ mindset with everyone else’s – that’s just ludicrous! Oh there may be some, but certainly not all, as my experience working with and holding vent meetings with many of the other guilds would prove. And some of them are the largest guilds on the server.
You don’t know everything that goes on behind the scenes, so stop assuming that your dreadful interpretation of the NSP server as a whole is the norm.
oh….do you work for the white house? is your rl name Jay Carney by any chance? just asking.
I’m done. If you want to continue to bash your server, that’s your choice. But I will keep my pride in NSP, and it’s members, and continue to help it improve, as I always have, and always will. Have a good day, sunshine.
Nice fights in SBI BL last night. Have had more fun in this matchup than I had in the last 2 months on DR. Also Bags zerg
(sigh)… sorry the last post was so long, I hadn’t realized that my coffee had worn off. Better now
The movie…is a joke a rip and irony and a pun all rolled into one. Sorry if you didn’t get it. My point there, is that a video showing ‘occurances’ is not indicative of 100% wvw play, and should not be used as such. I spend a ton of time in wvw, much more so since I became disabled (yeah it sucks, but it is the only life I really have atm). I’m sure that you do also, but apparently we each of us are looking at the general state of our server from wildly different points of view. I see wvw as all of the maps combined, not just a central area, and I look for the points tick in the larger scope of the thing. My impression – correct me if I’m wrong – is that you see it from an individual squad view (not in all instances, of course).
But the bigger points that I am attempting to make are these (again, correct me)
1. I know that we have zerg and zergling issues. We all know that, and we need to fix it
2. Pointing to a video of occurrences, (likely heavily biased) do not help to fix the bigger problem we have, which is server morale. It only helps to feed that darkness further. Low feelings about nsp is what resulted in the exodus of many good commanders to borliss 2 months ago.
3.Telling ppl that they still haven’t learned how to manage builds in relation to the expected form of combat after a year, does absolutely nothing to make them feel any better about themselves, true or not, and further drives them away from really caring about it. And saying that ‘zerglings are bad’ has the same effect psychologically. Yes we all know that they need improvement, so instead of talking negatively to/about them, teach them. It will help improve the game experience for all of us.
4.All of the negativity about “how we can’t ever win” that is prevalent on our server is the defining reason why we can’t get ppl to stay in wvw and learn how to play/gear/zerg/roam/think. And new players read about it in pve, and never set foot in wvw because of it.
5: There are also some VERY large guilds that mostly run in eb, which is a new players likely first entrance into wvw, that are teaching them very badly how play in all aspects of wvw, especially when it comes to ‘overreaching’, and having no one to defend against any number of enemy, outnumbered or not.
So forgive me if I get bent out of shape regarding these discussions, but I will do my hardest to stamp on the negativity that is rampant on NSP. We all know it is there, so pointing it out by saying things like ‘When we win, it isn’t because of cooperation or skill, it’s because of numbers’ (your exact words), continues to perpetuate the negativity – especially for ppl new to wvw, or those considering it. We have a long hard road trying to reverse this, so again, forgive me for getting bent over it. WvW should be enjoyable for everyone, no matter their play styles or personal goals. And nobody enjoys it when we do get crushed by a 60 man zerg, with no way to counter or stop it, due to our poor wvw population as a result of derogatory comments about our servers abilities, no matter how small in scale. I hope this clears up the apparent confusion on where I had intended to take this in the first place. Oh dear… I made another long post. now to make some more coffee!
Numbers? Since when does NSP have numbers? I am seriously rofl! And we have one many times!
Please point out the last time NSP won a match against same or larger numbers. And you don’t get to include beating HOD during super fun box week when even though they have a larger WvW population, they weren’t there during the week and we in fact had larger numbers in WvW.
Oh and by the way, it’s funny that you use sports as an analogy. You know a fun fact about every single one of those sports? If the teams are not exactly even, the game doesn’t get played. Why? There is no “pride” in beating a handicapped team.
sorry u took the sports analogy to another planet. numbers were never an intended part of it….
Since I can’t aquire the stats for how many ppl were online during the matches. I will simply post the weeks that we ended in first place. we were not outnumbered for all of them, but I will give a very conservative 65% to 75% of the time we were. we don’t have the greatest record, nor are we dead last, as seems to be the general direction of all the doom and gloom. and some of the weeks where we lost, was against major servers, that we did rather well against, all things considered.
32 29 28 27 25 10 50 46
yes it looks terrible, and there are a number of 2nd place finishes. we have improved though. and yes, if we all start playing together more, it will improve, along with our population as a result of the wins.
Numbers? Since when does NSP have numbers? I am seriously rofl! And we have one many times!
Please point out the last time NSP won a match against same or larger numbers. And you don’t get to include beating HOD during super fun box week when even though they have a larger WvW population, they weren’t there during the week and we in fact had larger numbers in WvW.
Oh and by the way, it’s funny that you use sports as an analogy. You know a fun fact about every single one of those sports? If the teams are not exactly even, the game doesn’t get played. Why? There is no “pride” in beating a handicapped team.
sorry u took the sports analogy to another planet. numbers were never an intended part of it….
Since I can’t aquire the stats for how many ppl were online during the matches. I will simply post the weeks that we ended in first place. we were not outnumbered for all of them, but I will give a very conservative 65% to 75% of the time we were. we don’t have the greatest record, nor are we dead last, as seems to be the general direction of all the doom and gloom. and some of the weeks where we lost, was against major servers, that we did rather well against, all things considered.
32 29 28 27 25 10 50 46
yes it looks terrible, and there are a number of 2nd place finishes. we have improved though. and yes, if we all start playing together more, it will improve, along with our population as a result of the wins.
Ok , now I must know.. who are you lol??
If you been around as long as you say. Then I OBV know you in-game right ?
I’m almost thinking you are a Sbi/Yaks troll undercover. If so .. haha great stuff.
I have an announcement.
I buy rubber gloves today and a rabbits foot in the hopes of tackling the mighty Rectum.
That is all. Ty.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
So much hate ,_, can’t we all just rip each others heads off in wvw?
I pity you NSP and I know these xoxos boys represent like 0.1% of what NSP really is but it’s just sad… having these people to be the voice of NSP in the official forums… geez
(edited by Art.9820)
I pity you NSP and I know these xoxos boys represent like 0.1% of what NSP really is, it’s just sad… having these people to be the voice of NSP in the oficial fourms… geez even Mag trolls have a little more respect for their own server lol
Ikr! I swear our chat box says otherwise whenever I log in!
We aren’t all jerks guys <3
Man this is turning into a soap opera.
I want more TE/SBI . After steamrolling them the past 2 days, no comments whatsoever. =[
Numbers? Since when does NSP have numbers? I am seriously rofl! And we have one many times!
Please point out the last time NSP won a match against same or larger numbers. And you don’t get to include beating HOD during super fun box week when even though they have a larger WvW population, they weren’t there during the week and we in fact had larger numbers in WvW.
Oh and by the way, it’s funny that you use sports as an analogy. You know a fun fact about every single one of those sports? If the teams are not exactly even, the game doesn’t get played. Why? There is no “pride” in beating a handicapped team.
sorry u took the sports analogy to another planet. numbers were never an intended part of it….
Since I can’t aquire the stats for how many ppl were online during the matches. I will simply post the weeks that we ended in first place. we were not outnumbered for all of them, but I will give a very conservative 65% to 75% of the time we were. we don’t have the greatest record, nor are we dead last, as seems to be the general direction of all the doom and gloom. and some of the weeks where we lost, was against major servers, that we did rather well against, all things considered.
32 29 28 27 25 10 50 46
yes it looks terrible, and there are a number of 2nd place finishes. we have improved though. and yes, if we all start playing together more, it will improve, along with our population as a result of the wins.
Well that’s your problem if you refuse to acknowledge that numbers plays the largest role in determining who wins or loses a match. The fact is your analogy is bad exactly because of that. In sports you don’t play lopsided teams, and if you do – there certainly wouldn’t be any pride in beating the team with fewer players as everyone knows they were severely handi-capped. Even in a game like COD, which you also used, a DeathMatch that is 5vs10 is not something the team having 10 people would brag about, it is not something to be “proud” over.
Do you really think we lose so much because NSP is a terrible server? If you look at our record, at how much the server loses the matches and then refuse to believe that score is mostly determined by population and coverage then that is exactly what you are saying. Therefore it is you that is being insulting to the server as a whole.
Now that we hopefully agree that the score is largely determined by population and coverage(because I’m sure you don’t want to insult the entire server by assuming they are all terrible players which is the alternative), then perhaps we can also agree that in the end, it does not matter one bit.
I see it every day, every match. Our BL gets zerged to hell by 2-3-4-5 times our numbers.. I stand in a tower with 5 other people trying to defend against 30+ and watch each one get taken with little we can do about it. By the time it gets to the last structures usually around the point where we are about to lose Garrison or have lost it, then we’ve finally gotten maybe 20 people together at the same place in the map. It is about this time the other team leaves the map to go pvdoor other things, while we pvdoor our map back in the same fashion as it was taken from us.
Even though I don’t give 2 kittens about the final score of the match. I still “contribute” plenty. I will always be there to help someone defend a tower when they ask for it, because I actually happen to be a compassionate human being. I will try my best to help defend that tower, even if ultimately I don’t care whatsoever if it is won or lost in the end.
For the record, I’ve played on just about every server in the game. I’ve played on the “top” servers. I was once a little zergling too, I once though the score and wins/losses mattered. I started the game on the HOD server at release when they were completely dominate for a large string of matches. I played on Blackgate from the time they hovered in 4th/3rd place until the move into #1. I know exactly what it’s like being on the other side of things.
In the end, I moved to a lower pop server that was always outnumbered (Ferguson’s Crossing in last place). It was there I realized how little the final scores actually meant and learned how to really have fun and feel pride in my abilities as a player in WvW.
(edited by dank.3680)
I pity you NSP and I know these xoxos boys represent like 0.1% of what NSP really is but it’s just sad… having these people to be the voice of NSP in the official forums… geez even Mag trolls have a little more respect for their own server lol
Lol.. leave the forums and come in-game plz.. I have a golem tombstone waiting for you ole arty boy.
P.s. I represent me.. Ty
Lets summarize the majority of the post’s on this page of the thread………….. TLDR.
(edited by Gravy.7589)
I watched a group of XOXO camp SI’s spawn in YBBL for about twenty minutes last night.
True story.
I watched a group of XOXO camp SI’s spawn in YBBL for about twenty minutes last night.
True story.
Wouldn’t surprise me. Spawns are one of the best places to find people to fight.
I’m sorry but I just have to step in again….
Well that’s your problem if you refuse to acknowledge that numbers plays the largest role in determining who wins or loses a match. The fact is your analogy is bad exactly because of that. In sports you don’t play lopsided teams, and if you do – there certainly wouldn’t be any pride in beating the team with fewer players as everyone knows they were severely handi-capped. Even in a game like COD, which you also used, a DeathMatch that is 5vs10 is not something the team having 10 people would brag about, it is not something to be “proud” over.
You talk so much about fairness & handicap that I’m overwhelmed, you’re 100% convinced that roaming in WvW is such a fair game…. seriously you should move to sPVP where you don’t have so many tangents, have a look into context next time…
1) ^ Upleveled fellas
2) Ascended jewelry
3) Food
4) Oil, Stones and Crystals
5) WvW Skills (especially guards last buff p/v)
6) Armor/Build (not everyone runs under 1v1 build)
7) Terrain (spvp works amazingly better when it comes to covering terrain with jump & teleport skills)
8) Current Context (This my favorite, you think everyone is ready to 1v1 against you? for real? in spvp you have a better idea of what it’s going but once the match is ready, you know everyone is ready to cast ALL their skills, people could have a lot of skills under CD in WvW)
(Extra) Zergs barely pay attention to small squads if you happen to call their attention it’s mostly because of context, I remember someone posted pics of getting ganked by 20+ against a small squad, do you even know why so many people are there in the 1st place?, obviously it’s gotta be because you guys are there!…. get my ego point now?
(Extra) No one cares about ppt score anymore? Look at EB http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/map/937
A few hours ago our server owned all the map, now it looks like SBI and NSP are taking it back slowly, a lot of people do care about score.
To those who said WvW is for roaming… please, that is just laughable.
It’s the worst place to have real 1v1 matches.
TL;DR by quoting some words of yours…
WvW is…
severely handi-capped
for any game mode that you came up with.
(edited by Art.9820)
Bahahahahaha. That’s all I have to say to everything that’s been said by XOXO since last night. You people are truly insane. The separation between real life and GW2 has been blurred.
You claim to not care about anything and be casual… But you guys are soooooooooo passionate about what anyone says on the forums.
Be careful when XOXO talks trash to you. If you say something back the forum warriors all get together and spam flag your post as offensive and you’ll be infracted. (2nd time in less than 12 hours they got me.)
Basically XOXO treats this forum like YouTube and abuses the flag button to get things taken down that aren’t even offensive.
To add to Art’s point.
There is a reason sPvP stat points are capped. WvW crit damage is double what it should be in a 5v5. Many other stats are way too high for 5v5 balance as well.
Also all thieves and mesmers won’t win an spvp match.
To add to Art’s point.
There is a reason sPvP stat points are capped. WvW crit damage is double what it should be in a 5v5. Many other stats are way too high for 5v5 balance as well.
Also all thieves and mesmers won’t win an spvp match.
Yea >< I’m still waiting for mesmer to be rebalanced I only play with my engi for now :/
(edited by Art.9820)
I’m sorry but I just have to step in again….
You talk so much about fairness & handicap that I’m overwhelmed, you’re 100% convinced that roaming in WvW is such a fair game…. seriously you should move to sPVP where you don’t have so many tangents, have a look into context next time…
The context of what I said was in reply to him bringing up “pride” in winning. No I don’t feel pride when I stomp an up-level, or a group who is not a challenge in whatever way for whatever reason. Yes I do have a lot of fun and get a sense of pride when I am able to win a hard fight with a good player. Sometimes the challenge is because we have 3 people fighting against 15, even if they are not good at playing their classes, it’s still challenging and thus fun/rewarding.
8) Current Context (This my favorite, you think everyone is ready to 1v1 against you? for real? in spvp you have a better idea of what it’s going but once the match is ready, you know everyone is ready to cast ALL their skills, people could have a lot of skills under CD in WvW)
No I don’t expect everyone to be ready to 1v1 me or have the ability to beat me. I do respect anyone who tries though much more then those who are afraid to. Even if they have to run for CD’s to reset and then come back.. It’s to the point these days where I almost always invite someone who dares to fight me 1v1 in the open world so I can thank them for the fight and compliment them on what they did well, since MOST people just run away if they don’t outnumber you.
Some of my best friends in the game are people who were inexperienced and tried to fight me anyways, lost but kept trying. Asked for and received advice from me and wanted to improve their play. Some of my other best friends are those who stomped me when I first met them, in fact that’s how I met the group I currently run with. When I first met them (Envy at that time), Andromeda kicked my kitten in a duel.
Extra Zergs barely pay attention to small squads if you happen to call their attention it’s mostly because of context, I remember someone posted pics of getting ganked by 20+ against a small squad, do you even know why so many people are there in the 1st place?, obviously it’s gotta be because you guys are there!…. get my ego point now?
I have yet to meet a zerg in the last year that restrained from chasing me across half the map when they ran across me solo.
Also that SS I posted, those people were indeed there to fight the 7-8 spca/tm as there was nothing else going on in the map besides the fight over that camp. I wasn’t even part of the battle as you could see by the SS I was on a low 20’s character standing off to the side watching the show. And I posted the SS not to mock, but to praise those guys, so I’m not really sure how my ego plays into that, but anyways.
No one cares about ppt score anymore? Look at EB http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/map/937
A few hours ago our server owned all the map, now it looks like SBI and NSP are taking it back slowly, a lot of people do care about score.
I never said nobody cares, I said it doesn’t matter.
Stop saying that WvW is only for roaming that is just laughable.
Again, never said that. My replies in this thread have been in defense of attacks on my playstyle, not the other way around.
It’s the worst place to have real 1v1 matches.
Maybe for you, for me I enjoy the challenge of figuring out how to beat a Mesmer in Ascended gear with guard vitality buffs on my Warrior with exotics and no vitality buff.
Bahahahahaha. That’s all I have to say to everything that’s been said by XOXO since last night. You people are truly insane. The separation between real life and GW2 has been blurred.
You claim to not care about anything and be casual… But you guys are soooooooooo passionate about what anyone says on the forums.
Be careful when XOXO talks trash to you. If you say something back the forum warriors all get together and spam flag your post as offensive and you’ll be infracted. (2nd time in less than 12 hours they got me.)
Basically XOXO treats this forum like YouTube and abuses the flag button to get things taken down that aren’t even offensive.
Bwahahaah is all I have to say about you talking a bunch of crap in game and challenging me to a duel multiple times then being a no-show when I accepted. You are a coward.
P.S- Bull Rush my Aegis more, LOL.
NSP is certainly winning the forum spam contest. We should have a parade for you guys…in Dallas…in 1963.
1. I don’t refuse to acknowledge a numbers difference, but I do refuse to let it define us.
2."we were not outnumbered for all of them, but I will give a very conservative 65% to 75% of the time we were. " and this is where I stated that We Can Win When Outnumbered. Is your reading comprehension so low?
3.And where did I ever say that NSP was a terrible server? I have done nothing but promote the server and it’s players. (sigh)
4. And we’re back to my lousy sports analogy again “desire to win a “game” like chess, golf, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, basketball, monopoly, checkers, Call of Duty, or even a first grade spelling bee, incites such strong emotional and psychological responses both within the participating players, and/or the fans and spectators of such “games” ?(and yes, the above examples are games)”……so…read it 5 more times and point out your single-minded misconstruction of the entire concept. The implied ideal here is that the teams are evenly numbered on the playing field. Sorry, but just don’t see anything mentioned here about being outnumbered in ANY way whatsoever. LOL, I even threw in checkers and chess, which are evenly matched 1v1 games, but you must have missed that also. (can you even tie your own shoes?) It was entirely written to draw a comparative correlation on the psychological rewards of playing with a goal in mind, and that is called ‘winning’.
5. We have all experienced the scenarios that you gave about the game. But you failed the mention the times when 5 ppl have been able to rip a zerg of 30 apart with superior ac’s.. And what you described (which is quite accurate, btw) simply does not happen to NSP all day long, or we would be sitting at the very bottom of the rakings.
6. Just for the record, NSP has been able to take an entire bl with 2-3-4-5 times less numbers than the other server. And if you really can’t believe that as a possibility, then it could be that you are basing it your own wvw abilities, which must be painfully horrid.
7. And with that in mind, you said that you have been hopping servers? It seems that you have acquired great skill and experience doing it. My humble suggestion for you is to keep doing it – you seen to have no faith in NSP, whatever the circumstances.
As for me, I started out on NSP, and this is where I will stay. I take pride in this server, numbers or no numbers, and I have respect for those trying to make a difference here, and not giving up on their home server, as u have apparently done on many, many servers.
NSP is certainly winning the forum spam contest. We should have a parade for you guys…in Dallas…in 1963.
lol, I see what u did there.
NSP is certainly winning the forum spam contest. We should have a parade for you guys…in Dallas…in 1963.
That’s not a bad idea. I will not however be on the grassy knoll, any libraries, or in a convertible car traveling through downtown Dallas.
My last post on this thread.
SBI, YB, good luck to you and have fun. I’ll see you on the field
4. And we’re back to my lousy sports analogy again “desire to win a “game” like chess, golf, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, basketball, monopoly, checkers, Call of Duty, or even a first grade spelling bee, incites such strong emotional and psychological responses both within the participating players, and/or the fans and spectators of such “games” ?(and yes, the above examples are games)”……so…read it 5 more times and point out your single-minded misconstruction of the entire concept. The implied ideal here is that the teams are evenly numbered on the playing field. Sorry, but just don’t see anything mentioned here about being outnumbered in ANY way whatsoever. LOL, I even threw in checkers and chess, which are evenly matched 1v1 games, but you must have missed that also. (can you even tie your own shoes?) It was entirely written to draw a comparative correlation on the psychological rewards of playing with a goal in mind, and that is called ‘winning’.
I’ll agree to disagree with most of your post (even agree with some of it actually). But what I’ll address is this quote here.
Let me ask you something. If you play Chess or Checkers against your 5 year old child, do you play with the same desire to “win” or, do you just play to play and have fun in the process? If you played a game of COD 5vs10 of equally skilled players and you were on the side with 10, would you be playing to “win” knowing you have a major – most likely result defining advantage, or would you be playing just to play and have fun in the process.
The emotional response in playing these games is prompted by being faced with a challenge and trying your best to overcome it, not the sole result of winning. Also from being with and working together with people you build a relationship with over time. For some people it is all about being on the winning team, but mostly those people are insecure and have other issue that need validation.
The fact is taking a tower with 30 people that is being defended by 5 or 10(or none) is not a challenge whatsoever, and any sane/self-confident person should not experience a strong emotional response from it. Being able to choke-point a tower entrance with 5 arrow carts against any number of targets (50 target limit on AC), is also not a challenge and mostly points to the other sides lack of coordination rather then the AC’s abundance of it.
It is also a fact that in the last year the LARGE majority of matches have been in-balanced population/coverage wise. Sometimes 2 of the servers are closely matched while the third isn’t, but very rarely have all 3 been on even grounds.
Going by your logic, that we should all be playing with the goal of “winning” in mind, in order to receive an emotional and psychological reward. Should we as a server quit playing for the week, since it is obviously impossible that we will even come in second? The chances of us winning are none, and it is because of population and coverage-period.
And yes, I did a bit of server hopping… I got bored being on top servers who never had any challenge. I enjoyed FC but left because I followed friends who were bored with the maps being completely unpopulated most of the time. Contrary to what you might believe I actually love being on NSP and have a great relationship with many, many people on the server- even with the large/point orientated guilds such as OS.
NSP best server NA
The context of what I said was in reply to him bringing up “pride” in winning. No I don’t feel pride when I stomp an up-level, or a group who is not a challenge in whatever way for whatever reason. Yes I do have a lot of fun and get a sense of pride when I am able to win a hard fight with a good player. Sometimes the challenge is because we have 3 people fighting against 15, even if they are not good at playing their classes, it’s still challenging and thus fun/rewarding.
I’m glad you found a way to have fun yet not everyone finds what you do fun….
No I don’t expect everyone to be ready to 1v1 me or have the ability to beat me. I do respect anyone who tries though much more then those who are afraid to. Even if they have to run for CD’s to reset and then come back.. It’s to the point these days where I almost always invite someone who dares to fight me 1v1 in the open world so I can thank them for the fight and compliment them on what they did well, since MOST people just run away if they don’t outnumber you.
Some of my best friends in the game are people who were inexperienced and tried to fight me anyways, lost but kept trying. Asked for and received advice from me and wanted to improve their play. Some of my other best friends are those who stomped me when I first met them, in fact that’s how I met the group I currently run with. When I first met them (Envy at that time), Andromeda kicked my kitten in a duel.
Let’s not talk about acknowledging others because you brought up the tbag topic which makes it pretty much ironic in any way….
If someone happens to run away from you and avoid the match well you can’t be sure why he/she run from you, I rage every time I’m hit by a npc ranger when someone on map chat says “INC X PLACE” so yeah you have had amazing experiences in WvW but still that doesn’t mean everyone have to fulfill them so you can be happy.
I have yet to meet a zerg in the last year that restrained from chasing me across half the map when they ran across me solo.
There will be always zerg who chase small squads and usually those are the leftovers in a zerg because they just want to kill, the same applies to you, while you hunt this leftovers.
I’m 100% sure that you guys chase groups that you easily outnumber as well. :P
Also that SS I posted, those people were indeed there to fight the 7-8 spca/tm as there was nothing else going on in the map besides the fight over that camp. I wasn’t even part of the battle as you could see by the SS I was on a low 20’s character standing off to the side watching the show. And I posted the SS not to mock, but to praise those guys, so I’m not really sure how my ego plays into that, but anyways.
Can you be 100% sure of this?
You can’t.
You don’t know if someone whispered a commander in ebg or other bl warning them about golems in our BL.
I’m a scout and I spend a lot of time whispering commanders when I see something dangerous in our bl.
Or maybe something happened before you guys came in, maybe we were being outnumbered by your server or SBI and they already mapped out and the commander was just there to finish taking what we were missing.
I can assure you that I have never whispered a commander because XOXO or any small squad guild is in our BL.
I never said nobody cares, I said it doesn’t matter.
Sorry, I corrected myself after a bit, but seems like you started to redact your replay before but you get my point.
Again, never said that. My replies in this thread have been in defense of attacks on my playstyle, not the other way around.
We have never attacked roaming as a pure concept, I run 4 professions in WvW in which I spend most of my time scouting, roaming, defending and lastly zerging.
All here know that roaming is a WvW fact, just like zerging, gvging, scouting and defending, what we don’t like is that someone comes in here and demoralizes others game plays and makes his own the best game play, maybe you didn’t but I’m sure some of your guildies did.
In every server someone sees a way to mock others but that is the the purest form of competition that exists now when you take it to a personal level and start laughing at individuals and their beliefs it starts to get personal for obvious reasons and this thread is the best example of that.
Most of your statements are lost in subjectivity
(edited by Art.9820)
Is it just me or is there like a million hammer warriors in WvW in the last month or two? I feel like a hipster. Man I was doin that hammer crap back in February! You wish you were as cool as me.
All I see is the new ‘run away’ warrior builds. They charge you and if you don’t go down and actually punish them back, they race off like they have jet packs on their rears. They should all just roll a thief, getting away is so much easier.
Also that SS I posted, those people were indeed there to fight the 7-8 spca/tm as there was nothing else going on in the map besides the fight over that camp. I wasn’t even part of the battle as you could see by the SS I was on a low 20’s character standing off to the side watching the show. And I posted the SS not to mock, but to praise those guys, so I’m not really sure how my ego plays into that, but anyways.
Can you be 100% sure of this?
You can’t.
You don’t know if someone whispered a commander in ebg or other bl warning them about golems in our BL.
I’m a scout and I spend a lot of time whispering commanders when I see something dangerous in our bl.
Or maybe something happened before you guys came in, maybe we were being outnumbered by your server or SBI and they already mapped out and the commander was just there to finish taking what we were missing."
Regarding the SS Dank posted. There was a Zerg on Zerg between Sbi and YB outside of bay. Our grp bombed SBI a couple times from behind, sandwhiching them between us and YB. Then, when SBI was gone we started attacking YB. That is why Glaezer said earlier he wasn’t surprised they kept chasing us. Most small groups know how that goes. You string out the zerg, hit them a little to keep them interested then, when the Zerg is spread out, you turn on them. Rinse and repeat. We had one of the best nights in weeks as far as getting to fight a lot of open field battles so thanks to everyone involved.
Alaric Esq. (SPLT)
Can we get back to hack accusations, complaining about coverage, and conspiracy theories? This thread is really boring me.
I heard YB wants an alliance with NSP for the rest of the week and all the good guilds on SBI are transferring to NSP on Friday and everyone in WvW will get a pony, a BB gun, and two tickets to iHeart Radio Festival in Las Vegas..Sucks for everyone not on NSP!
you said:
Let me ask you something. If you play Chess or Checkers against your 5 year old child, do you play with the same desire to “win” or, do you just play to play and have fun in the process? If you played a game of COD 5vs10 of equally skilled players
I said:
I even threw in checkers and chess, which are evenly matched 1v1 games
so how does a 5yr old, or 5v10 in COD equal out to ‘evenly’ matched?
you said:
The emotional response in playing these games is prompted by being faced with a challenge and trying your best to overcome it, not the sole result of winning
you also said:
Yes I do have a lot of fun and get a sense of pride when I am able to win a hard fight with a good player.
and here too:
I never said nobody cares, I said it doesn’t matter
my point:
if it doesn’t matter, then how do you achieve a sense of pride while ‘winning’ a hard fight?
you said:
The emotional response in playing these games is prompted by being faced with a challenge and trying your best to overcome it, not the sole result of winning. Also from being with and working together with people you build a relationship with over time. For some people it is all about being on the winning team, but mostly those people are insecure and have other issue that need validation.
my point:
find an athlete, any athlete, that says before a game “I will do my best today, but I don’t care if I win or not”
so according to your logic, go tell Ray Lewis that he is “insecure” and has “other issues” for wanting to win the Superbowl. Let’s see how fast you can run….
you said:
It is also a fact that in the last year the LARGE majority of matches have been in-balanced population/coverage wise.
and said:
I see it every day, every match. Our BL gets zerged to hell by 2-3-4-5 times our numbers
and said:
Please point out the last time NSP won a match against same or larger numbers
my point:
do you see the contradiction in your own words about wether or not our server is even remotely close in wvw population?
and lastly, you said:
Going by your logic, that we should all be playing with the goal of “winning” in mind, in order to receive an emotional and psychological reward. Should we as a server quit playing for the week, since it is obviously impossible that we will even come in second? The chances of us winning are none, and it is because of population and coverage-period
(sigh): by your own admission, you are saying that we can’t win simply because of coverage, when this simply is not true, as we have done just that, on more than one occasion. Seems like you are looking down on the NSP server.
We each have our own goals in wvw, but they pretty much boil down to winning, whether it be badges, keeps, the maps, the entire week, or simply 1v1 fights – which you admitted to. But, the majority of us want to win the week’s matchups, and work very hard to achieve that for Everyone, not just for ourselves, but the entire NSP server. And this is also the source of our pride. So please do not be so quick to dismiss what we as a server are feeling toward the matter of winning the week out, just because you don’t share the same sentiment, when you say that “it doesn’t matter” That just insults everyone who works hard and spends a lot of time and gold in wvw to make it enjoyable for everyone, not just ourselves.
Good luck to you in wvw, have fun and enjoy yourself.
guys i think the real discussion should be ‘who is the cutest charr of nsp: wafflez, kevin mr ele, otter space or puppytown’
If anyone is interested in learning how to get zerged here are a couple tips:
Let them see how many people you have, they will not attack if semi-even
Run away a bit to let them know you’re scared, it encourages over extension
Is it just me or is there like a million hammer warriors in WvW in the last month or two? I feel like a hipster. Man I was doin that hammer crap back in February! You wish you were as cool as me.
All I see is the new ‘run away’ warrior builds. They charge you and if you don’t go down and actually punish them back, they race off like they have jet packs on their rears. They should all just roll a thief, getting away is so much easier.
HA! Almost every warrior I run in to does that to me. I don’t know if it’s because my character is so intimidating looking or they are just not very good.
I chased an NSP warrior from OL north gate in EB all the way to SM. Which was odd because at the time the whole zone was blue so I don’t know where he was going. lol
Maybe he just thought it was fun to annoy me.
And on the thief thing… Lawdy lawdy lawdy. As a roamer it seems like that’s all I ever run in to. They could easily balance perma stealth. You can usually tell when something is imbalanced when the majority of the population plays dagger/pistol.
If the thief is terrible enough to backstab while someone is blocking/invuln/dodge rolling etc it should break stealth. That way stealth would have a counter play element. As of now it’s just stealth, backstab a block, backstab again after block LOL still got you.
Thief definitely needs more risk added to their massive bags of reward.
guys i think the real discussion should be ‘who is the cutest charr of nsp: wafflez, kevin mr ele, otter space or puppytown’
Obviously Bamf Joe.
guys i think the real discussion should be ‘who is the cutest charr of nsp: wafflez, kevin mr ele, otter space or puppytown’
More importantly, when do I get to win the Miss NSP title? Will I get a tiara for it?
Yep.. I see tons of wars now in wvw. guess its the new flavor of the month . But Hey…
If anyone is interested in learning how to get zerged here are a couple tips:
Let them see how many people you have, they will not attack if semi-even
Run away a bit to let them know you’re scared, it encourages over extension
That rocks! Outnumbered and against siege for 15+ minutes. A very fine display of NSP skills and pride! Kudos to you. Wish I was there to share in the fun. (now i’m jealous) lol
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