Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
Please do continue on, I do so love to read soap operas with my tea.
The discord… it truly tickles me.
The circle is complete, and unbroken. For 10 glorious seconds BP owned every Keep on all maps. And the fun thing, as you can tell from all the dead bodies, it was not PvDoor. Gotta hand it to IoJ, they did not fold. We had to fight for those last toe holds they had.
(edited by Aeros.2046)
The circle is complete, and unbroken. For 10 glorious seconds BP owned every Keep on all maps. And the fun thing, as you can tell from all the dead bodies, it was not PvDoor. Gotta hand it to IoJ, they did not fold. We had to fight for those last toe holds they had.
I’m preparing and hoping for an imminent kittenstorm of abuse regarding something along the lines of dc’s and unfair advantages that BP has in their home BL.
The circle is complete, and unbroken. For 10 glorious seconds BP owned every Keep on all maps. And the fun thing, as you can tell from all the dead bodies, it was not PvDoor. Gotta hand it to IoJ, they did not fold. We had to fight for those last toe holds they had.
I’m preparing and hoping for an imminent kittenstorm of abuse regarding something along the lines of dc’s and unfair advantages that BP has in their home BL.
Thank god that is fixed. Man, I was worried we would never get to play defense. I’m so glad that DB demonstrated that our BL was working with the omega’s.
I’d say tonight was a blast but it really was… boring. Not many fights to be had, mostly a ghost-town. IOJ did put up a decent fight, glad to see they still have some bodies left. DB only had one loss in them before they were done, even after killing us the first round.
Looks like BP has some nice momentum going into league.
Well done the past few weeks.
dat mesmer rain and warrior aoe immob spam…. tbh don’t feel like wvw atm :/
Another fun night everyone!! Especially had fun in IoJ and BP’s third(s) tonight, many thanks for all the badges!! I’m ‘this’ much closer to my next armor set! <3
(edited by Embur.6042)
Had some awsome fights against a [WAR] Warrior, that guy is a beast and very godlike.
There are a few that meet that description. If a kite was deployed at anytime it was Snacks.
Pretty sure he had a greatsaw chainsword skin
If it was a Charr or Ascalonian form it was me if it was a norn it was Snacks BUt Someone hacked my account today so lost my Greatsaw But at least i just got my ascended GS so im alright
Welcome to Server Transfer Wars 2: Coverage you can count on.
yuhhh… 2 more days of this.
Atleast CD kept things interesting last tuesday.
this league bullcrap better be worth it.
Had some awsome fights against a [WAR] Warrior, that guy is a beast and very godlike.
There are a few that meet that description. If a kite was deployed at anytime it was Snacks.
Pretty sure he had a greatsaw chainsword skin
If it was a Charr or Ascalonian form it was me if it was a norn it was Snacks BUt Someone hacked my account today so lost my Greatsaw But at least i just got my ascended GS so im alright
Norn, but came across the ascalonian guy today, you guys are on steroids for warriors, scary stuff but keep up the good work
To the bp guy trebbing ql from smc, you deserve a medal. (From the guy trebbing back at ql)
BP and IOJ have been giving DB the best matchup we have had in a long time.
Fighting for months against tier1 megablobs wasn’t much fun. Looking forward to Silver League for the next few months where I don’t have to pray on Friday reset night that when I zone Anet doesn’t plop SOR/JQ/TC/BG on top of us for an amazingly crappy week of megablobs.
Its taken some adjusting for us dealing with the clear difference in tactics between T1/T2 and anything below that.
BP and IOJ have some amazingly great ninja groups, who if you get caught not looking, will flip half your map right from under you.
This is seomthing DB didn’t have to deal with in mega-blob tiers above. They didn’t ninja much. They blobbed something and if it was too hard… they’d just move their blob to something easier.
TL:DR: Great match BP and IOJ, hooray for Silver League!
Wow, even the forums are quiet… what… what is happening?
Yeah, it was really fun last night. BP also has soo many people scouting. I can never find towers I could ninja. There were people sitting in most of the towers.
Yeah, it was really fun last night. BP also has soo many people scouting. I can never find towers I could ninja. There were people sitting in most of the towers.
Idk how people find scouting fun like that. When I go camp flipping I’ll complete my round and the same guy will be there.
This match up is so boring, Friday can’t come soon enough. Maybe we’ll get some servers with some roamers. Maybe like… 1 roamer. Possibly 2. That’d be wonderful.
Yeah, it was really fun last night. BP also has soo many people scouting. I can never find towers I could ninja. There were people sitting in most of the towers.
Idk how people find scouting fun like that. When I go camp flipping I’ll complete my round and the same guy will be there.
The guy is probably afk having a smoke break.
pve content!!!!!!!! thats where everyone went.
Had some awsome fights against a [WAR] Warrior, that guy is a beast and very godlike.
There are a few that meet that description. If a kite was deployed at anytime it was Snacks.
Pretty sure he had a greatsaw chainsword skin
That would be me If you guys were from the RUN guild ya those were some good fights. look foward to seeing more of you in the fields
pve content!!!!!!!! thats where everyone went.
Yeah, it was really fun last night. BP also has soo many people scouting. I can never find towers I could ninja. There were people sitting in most of the towers.
Idk how people find scouting fun like that. When I go camp flipping I’ll complete my round and the same guy will be there.
It’s like feeding your dog and shoveling up its poop. It’s not fun, but you have to do it and as long as the same person doesn’t always get stuck with the job it’s worth it.
Had some awsome fights against a [WAR] Warrior, that guy is a beast and very godlike.
There are a few that meet that description. If a kite was deployed at anytime it was Snacks.
Pretty sure he had a greatsaw chainsword skin
That would be me If you guys were from the RUN guild ya those were some good fights. look foward to seeing more of you in the fields
ya that was us aha was a nice solo defense on QL too, we weren’t gonna jump ya 5 v 1 in open field but another story if you gonna defend a tower from us
Had some awsome fights against a [WAR] Warrior, that guy is a beast and very godlike.
There are a few that meet that description. If a kite was deployed at anytime it was Snacks.
Pretty sure he had a greatsaw chainsword skin
That would be me If you guys were from the RUN guild ya those were some good fights. look foward to seeing more of you in the fields
ya that was us aha was a nice solo defense on QL too, we weren’t gonna jump ya 5 v 1 in open field but another story if you gonna defend a tower from us
Had to at least try. Cant let people take things for free
i gonna miss IOJ…but my guild moved T_T
Leagues messed up a lot of things. IoJ was a good fight and is a solid server. Don’t let fairweathers leaving get you down.
Best of luck to all the guilds who found homes on other servers. Hopefully you find what you need elsewhere.
Posting this here cause I’m not sure how many people will read the IoJ forums.
I’m really going to miss all of you guys. I feel like I’ve made some pretty close friends in all of the guilds who have left/are leaving. If you see me in LA or (god forbid) feel like doing some PvE, PLEASE guest over!
I’ll be here in IoJ. The next 7 weeks are going to hurt. We won’t be able to drop to bronze and we don’t have the coverage (in any time zone) to be considered silver anymore. But even when we get farmed, I know we’ll come out and put up a fight with what we have. I’ll see both BP and DB on the battlefield this coming league!
Sorry to hear that IoJ are losing one of its big guilds. Hope you guys can carry on and build up again.
Anyway, VP did some live streaming on Saturday, something new for us. Here is the Edited but Uncut results, warts and all. Extremely boring parts sped up but still there.
Sorry for the poor quality, there was a codec issue between the streaming download and Utubes.
90 minute run condensed to 45 minutes, with some music thrown in.
Might see yourself in there, ya never know
Thanks to Crixus for his excellent leading on the night.
(edited by Snow Ghost.6817)
What the………….
Seems like a lot has changed in such a short amount of time
What the………….
Seems like a lot has changed in such a short amount of time
Welcome to what DB felt like a month ago as a lot of guilds xfered off to tier1 for the new leagues.
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
ya you are right. 40 of you wiped to 10 of us. Next time we can try doing it with out pants. Thank you for the suggestion.
Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be a video of tonight.
Until then, here’s one to tide everyone over:
[SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
After reviewing some footage from the last few weeks, I agree. For instance, as you can see in the fight at the 1:00 mark in the video Chaba posted, our engagement angle is overaggressive, our melee group scatters too much after initial contact and somebody knocks away a downed target, making a spike take longer. We’ll see what we can do to tighten things up.
(edited by Stice.5204)
Someone stepped in my poopy shoes too…. I mean Oil Slick.
The circle is complete, and unbroken. For 10 glorious seconds BP owned every Keep on all maps. And the fun thing, as you can tell from all the dead bodies, it was not PvDoor. Gotta hand it to IoJ, they did not fold. We had to fight for those last toe holds they had.
I’m preparing and hoping for an imminent kittenstorm of abuse regarding something along the lines of dc’s and unfair advantages that BP has in their home BL.
Thank god that is fixed. Man, I was worried we would never get to play defense. I’m so glad that DB demonstrated that our BL was working with the omega’s.
I’d say tonight was a blast but it really was… boring. Not many fights to be had, mostly a ghost-town. IOJ did put up a decent fight, glad to see they still have some bodies left. DB only had one loss in them before they were done, even after killing us the first round.
We gave it our best and unfortunately the last two days, two huge guilds left IoJ and we really dont have the numbers. (Pacific Time)
Was a great couple of weeks and the best fights I have seen on three servers.
What the………….
Seems like a lot has changed in such a short amount of time
We lost SE and CORE, they bailed from the server.
[SIC] stack more guardians and Eles, thats your strat, the more passive healing the better right?
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
Thanks, was another great night, this week’s matchup has been a lot of fun!!
ya you are right. 40 of you wiped to 10 of us. Next time we can try doing it with out pants. Thank you for the suggestion.
Where you got 40 is interesting. As Mend was running without a tag we had 14 people online at that time, and a few pugs. Sorry I must have misunderstood somewhere that SIC takes on groups far larger then that. Not to mention the siege you tried to build. Was Simply offering constructive feedback from what I saw tonight. The amount of new people you guys got could use some more group cohesion. Apologies for stepping on any toes and that you all immediately jump to the conclusion I am trying to “COME AT YOU BRO” with insults, Ill save those for in game if we win a skirmish.
What the………….
Seems like a lot has changed in such a short amount of time
We lost SE and CORE, they bailed from the server.
SE→ EU Server for easy night caps.
CORE→ FA to try and upset SBI winning I assume
PPK→ FC to boost their wvw numbers to try and win Bronze I assume
Remaining Large Strictly WvW Guilds: Mend and PwN
HARD is still here as well. (Didnt list above cause PvX sorry :P)
RUN still here.
BUNs still here.
Anyone looking to get into WvW or is looking for a guild after many of those left Look into Mend or HARD.
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
Goodfights to you too, and to the rest of IOJ that we fought tonight. Was fun to fight [Mend] at Ogres.
And to BP, your EBG zerg was massive at the start of our [ING] raid. lol
It’s been a very fun matchup, thanks to all for the fights throughout the week. Unfortunately our rest day is Thursdays until reset but you’ll still see our members around.
Have fun all.
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
Goodfights to you too, and to the rest of IOJ that we fought tonight. Was fun to fight [Mend] at Ogres.
And to BP, your EBG zerg was massive at the start of our [ING] raid. lol
It’s been a very fun matchup, thanks to all for the fights throughout the week. Unfortunately our rest day is Thursdays until reset but you’ll still see our members around.
Have fun all.
Ahh yes the Ogres :P We thought we had you there, but turns out most of you regrouped behind and it was just pugs we killed xD
Nice job being smarter then the rest of DB and jumping behind us in your Keep as well. Sadly many people dont try to jump, they try to attack from there, but rarely jump xD
Apologies for stepping on any toes and that you all immediately jump to the conclusion I am trying to “COME AT YOU BRO” with insults, Ill save those for in game if we win a skirmish.
You don’t feign intent very well, especially given the history between our two guilds.
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
Goodfights to you too, and to the rest of IOJ that we fought tonight. Was fun to fight [Mend] at Ogres.
And to BP, your EBG zerg was massive at the start of our [ING] raid. lol
It’s been a very fun matchup, thanks to all for the fights throughout the week. Unfortunately our rest day is Thursdays until reset but you’ll still see our members around.
Have fun all.
Ahh yes the Ogres :P We thought we had you there, but turns out most of you regrouped behind and it was just pugs we killed xD
Nice job being smarter then the rest of DB and jumping behind us in your Keep as well. Sadly many people dont try to jump, they try to attack from there, but rarely jump xD
If you’re talking about when you guys were at watergate, you guys held that position for awhile with good AC cover. That was a pretty difficult spot for us to attack.
As for the pugs, cant really do much to help them since only the [ING] can hear me talk on TS
Apologies for stepping on any toes and that you all immediately jump to the conclusion I am trying to “COME AT YOU BRO” with insults, Ill save those for in game if we win a skirmish.
You don’t feign intent very well, especially given the history between our two guilds.
My thoughts are my own and not of my guilds.
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
Goodfights to you too, and to the rest of IOJ that we fought tonight. Was fun to fight [Mend] at Ogres.
And to BP, your EBG zerg was massive at the start of our [ING] raid. lol
It’s been a very fun matchup, thanks to all for the fights throughout the week. Unfortunately our rest day is Thursdays until reset but you’ll still see our members around.
Have fun all.
Ahh yes the Ogres :P We thought we had you there, but turns out most of you regrouped behind and it was just pugs we killed xD
Nice job being smarter then the rest of DB and jumping behind us in your Keep as well. Sadly many people dont try to jump, they try to attack from there, but rarely jump xD
If you’re talking about when you guys were at watergate, you guys held that position for awhile with good AC cover. That was a pretty difficult spot for us to attack.
As for the pugs, cant really do much to help them since only the [ING] can hear me talk on TS
Yep thats where Im talking about :P
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
Goodfights to you too, and to the rest of IOJ that we fought tonight. Was fun to fight [Mend] at Ogres.
And to BP, your EBG zerg was massive at the start of our [ING] raid. lol
It’s been a very fun matchup, thanks to all for the fights throughout the week. Unfortunately our rest day is Thursdays until reset but you’ll still see our members around.
Have fun all.
Ahh yes the Ogres :P We thought we had you there, but turns out most of you regrouped behind and it was just pugs we killed xD
Nice job being smarter then the rest of DB and jumping behind us in your Keep as well. Sadly many people dont try to jump, they try to attack from there, but rarely jump xD
If you’re talking about when you guys were at watergate, you guys held that position for awhile with good AC cover. That was a pretty difficult spot for us to attack.
As for the pugs, cant really do much to help them since only the [ING] can hear me talk on TS
Yep thats where Im talking about :P
Oh, and we’ll have the video up on our website that will include the Ogres fight. You guys can check it out if you want, but its in our POV obviously. Just putting it out there incase you’re interested lol. It will be up in less than an hour.
[Mend] Had fun tonight, Nice fights from [TG] and [ING] from DB. [Pink} from BP omg, you guys are massive, Half of you didnt even load on my screen most of the time. [SIC] could improve a bit from what we’ve seen tonight.
Goodfights to you too, and to the rest of IOJ that we fought tonight. Was fun to fight [Mend] at Ogres.
And to BP, your EBG zerg was massive at the start of our [ING] raid. lol
It’s been a very fun matchup, thanks to all for the fights throughout the week. Unfortunately our rest day is Thursdays until reset but you’ll still see our members around.
Have fun all.
Ahh yes the Ogres :P We thought we had you there, but turns out most of you regrouped behind and it was just pugs we killed xD
Nice job being smarter then the rest of DB and jumping behind us in your Keep as well. Sadly many people dont try to jump, they try to attack from there, but rarely jump xD
If you’re talking about when you guys were at watergate, you guys held that position for awhile with good AC cover. That was a pretty difficult spot for us to attack.
As for the pugs, cant really do much to help them since only the [ING] can hear me talk on TS
Yep thats where Im talking about :P
Oh, and we’ll have the video up on our website that will include the Ogres fight. You guys can check it out if you want, but its in our POV obviously. Just putting it out there incase you’re interested lol. It will be up in less than an hour.
Our leader is composing a new Video as well Idk when it will be up, You can see us farming upwards of 350-400 BP in SM when it is up
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