10/11 GoM/NSP/AR
If this tanking continues. |XOXO| will be looking for a new home. We’ve talked about it after today’s shenanigans. I’ve had enough. The guild is disappointed that this server has stooped the the lowest of levels as to throwing a match to not advance.
I hope we pull a comeback I really do. If so we will stay. If not, I know I am 100% sure I am leaving Nsp. My guild totally agrees with me.
Ups and downs our guild has always thrown itself into the enemy zerg or taxi’d many of golems for pvdoor. We have done everything we can to help Nsp get better with what little numbers we had. Zerged or not
I personally loved being on Nsp. This week after being told I should xfer ( for being against teh tanking). It opened my eyes. People here want ez fights and there extra blue in the chest. Well you can have them. Salvage some for me.
Tanks for nothing
Obsyou and crew are more than welcome to call ARock your new home. Enough room here to grow, and I promise we wont destroy your siege. I played on NSP for a bit with this alt accnt. I remember NSP being the one that brought the fight no matter the odds. Thick or thin, there was a certain fellowship and culture that really impressed me about NSP. Its one thing to sit out the match or maybe have a pve holiday. But to deliberately sabotage supply or other guilds made siege?
Very disappointing to see what is going on.
all the best wherever you and xoxo remain or end up.
oz.I love how condescending your entire post is, and then you end trying to poach members from our server. Reminds me of when [wm] on kaineng sniped [meow] off our server. Stay classy.
I understand loyalty to ones server and guild, but when a representative from Os, Bird Song, shows up in Anvil Rock Lion’s Arch and tells Anvil Rock players that they may want to attack NSP because they may be out of supply for defense, you may want to consider who you are backing. One of your guildies, who is also a commander, clearly knew that this was going on. This is the same commander that sent /w to many AR commanders when Kain was on the rise asking us to help them drop in rating so they wouldn’t have to face a very stacked Kaineng at that time.
I have no issues with NSP as a whole, but this particular guy is cancerous to your community, and apparently has some ability to sway members of your guild/community.
Bird song was trying to get you guys to fight, because we haven’t gotten any resistance from your server since reset.
We are kittening bored, we want to fight you, and none of you show up. All of this is leading us to lose Elo, because many of us are choosing to PvE, instead of wvw due to the lack of decent fights
And then, after all that, we get accused of throwing the match.
So not only are you guys jumping to conclusions, you are kittenting on me, my server, and my friend and commander.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Bird song was trying to get you guys to fight, because we haven’t gotten any resistance from your server since reset.
We are kittening bored, we want to fight you, and none of you show up. All of this is leading us to lose Elo, because many of us are choosing to PvE, instead of wvw due to the lack of decent fights
And then, after all that, we get accused of throwing the match.
So not only are you guys jumping to conclusions, you are kittenting on me, my server, and my friend and commander.
He was trying to get Anvil Rock to fight by telling us NSP mysteriously had no supply in it’s holdings? I am really sorry that he has you, who are his “friend” as snowed over as you appear to be. People who manipulate others that consider them friends are extra classy. Bird Song may appear to be a stand up guy while you deal with him, but so is a used car salesman.
If the rumors are true I’ve lost a whole heap of respect for those responsible. I’m out there to fight, who the hell cares about some crappy rewards for winning a league? It always seemed to me like NSP was in it for the battles not the meaningless numbers, which is part of the reason I’ve stuck with and enjoyed this server through thick and thin.
I really hope this isn’t the way things are going to turn out.
I never had respect for them. Or anyone. This is a video game and you’re all nerds.
No one is tanking for the extra blue (which is almost certainly all it will be) and easy fights. People are tanking because they want fights period. Karma training and being karma trained is what we’ll see in Silver league — it’ll mostly be PvD and that’s really boring for people who play for towers and camps (ironically the way Anet intends for us to play).
Those who take the week off, I sympathize with. But those harassing people who don’t wish to take the week off — that’s disgraceful.
Anyway, if you tag up Obs, I’m with you.
It’s easy to stop karma trains by standing in their way.
Bird song is one a FEW people who told me Nsp would be better off if me and my guild transfer if we don’t like the tanking.
Happy now ?
Actually, this weekend when I was running my commander tag for wxp trains people zoned in multiple times and told me with the “ppt” we were at we would become silver league and we should stop doing that. I was just trying to get my rank higher so that I could get applied fortitude and there wasn’t really any other way to do that other than taking towers. I was also told that multiple people were building in trebs in EBG and maxed out the siege limit so no one could build any other siege. That’s just an awesome strategy to make people actually have to melee gates to take stuff. Awesome job!
Also, these people told us (since we were wanting to be in silver league) to transfer off.
Well, hopefully people are happy because I have transferred off to a server that fights no matter who they’re matched against.
Best of luck in Bronze!
Viohlent – Thief
Ca’mon GoM/AR! Devon is so close to Silver league! dont fall for this obvious attempt at throwing a match, you know what you need to do here!
this and the whole siege usage thing is the kind of stuff that happens when you call for league play before fixing the fundamental design flaws in a game. (one simple fix could allow any server to play any server. how long must the flaws be observed before the underlying problems get fixed?!)
If the rumors are true I’ve lost a whole heap of respect for those responsible. I’m out there to fight, who the hell cares about some crappy rewards for winning a league? It always seemed to me like NSP was in it for the battles not the meaningless numbers, which is part of the reason I’ve stuck with and enjoyed this server through thick and thin.
I really hope this isn’t the way things are going to turn out.
I never had respect for them. Or anyone. This is a video game and you’re all nerds.
No one is tanking for the extra blue (which is almost certainly all it will be) and easy fights. People are tanking because they want fights period. Karma training and being karma trained is what we’ll see in Silver league — it’ll mostly be PvD and that’s really boring for people who play for towers and camps (ironically the way Anet intends for us to play).
Those who take the week off, I sympathize with. But those harassing people who don’t wish to take the week off — that’s disgraceful.
Anyway, if you tag up Obs, I’m with you.
It’s easy to stop karma trains by standing in their way.
Screw you too buddy!
cu sars
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut
Actually, this weekend when I was running my commander tag for wxp trains people zoned in multiple times and told me with the “ppt” we were at we would become silver league and we should stop doing that. I was just trying to get my rank higher so that I could get applied fortitude and there wasn’t really any other way to do that other than taking towers. I was also told that multiple people were building in trebs in EBG and maxed out the siege limit so no one could build any other siege. That’s just an awesome strategy to make people actually have to melee gates to take stuff. Awesome job!
Also, these people told us (since we were wanting to be in silver league) to transfer off.
Well, hopefully people are happy because I have transferred off to a server that fights no matter who they’re matched against.
Best of luck in Bronze!
NSP will not be staying in bronze. I can guarantee it
Northern Shiverpeaks
Actually, this weekend when I was running my commander tag for wxp trains people zoned in multiple times and told me with the “ppt” we were at we would become silver league and we should stop doing that. I was just trying to get my rank higher so that I could get applied fortitude and there wasn’t really any other way to do that other than taking towers. I was also told that multiple people were building in trebs in EBG and maxed out the siege limit so no one could build any other siege. That’s just an awesome strategy to make people actually have to melee gates to take stuff. Awesome job!
Also, these people told us (since we were wanting to be in silver league) to transfer off.
Well, hopefully people are happy because I have transferred off to a server that fights no matter who they’re matched against.
Best of luck in Bronze!
From the looks of it, I don’t think we’re gonna be in Bronze.
It’s easy to stop karma trains by standing in their way.
Thanks, I’ll try this!
Real classy Os and ZoS… real classy… >.>
Just havin a little fun after a 1v2 and having fun with some XOXO, then get trampled by the 25+ zerg >.> The rest speaks for itself xD
(edited by Colt.9051)
All this talk about transferring because some NSP people want to tank is stupid. Only reason we are even put in this position is because Kaineng and HoD are tanking. So let’s be righteous and take a spot in silver league? Heck no! We are a bronze league server, and I for one am not going to be forced into a league where we don’t belong. 4 more days and we will be back to playing normally. I’m fine with that. Much better than being spawn-camped for 7 weeks.
I know Os and XOXO want silver league for better PvP. I also know that at one point Os was willing to do what was best for the server, and take us to bronze, where we belong. And for that, people gave them hell.
Simply put: we’re being forced into silver by other servers that are tanking, and those who are abstaining from WvW this week are doing it for the server, so we can be placed where we belong. It has nothing to do with dignity, integrity, chests, points, or anything of that nature. We simply want to be put where our skill level would have us be put. We are not a silver-tier server.
I am normally the last one to suggest throwing a match, but the game has been stacked against us here. Under normal circumstances this would not be an issue, but because other servers are trying to bend the system in their favour, we must be the same. Otherwise we will be forced into 7 weeks of a completely unfun WvW situation. Above all, I play this game for fun. I will not let the cheaters prosper. They will not get the spot in bronze that we belong in and would get under natural circumstances.
NSP is a great server with great people. We are very diverse, and often frustrating, but at the end of the day it’s where I choose to be. I hope that you guys also choose to be here, whether you are contemplating leaving or joining.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
All this talk about transferring because some NSP people want to tank is stupid. Only reason we are even put in this position is because Kaineng and HoD are tanking. So let’s be righteous and take a spot in silver league? Heck no! We are a bronze league server, and I for one am not going to be forced into a league where we don’t belong. 4 more days and we will be back to playing normally. I’m fine with that. Much better than being spawn-camped for 7 weeks.
I know Os and XOXO want silver league for better PvP. I also know that at one point Os was willing to do what was best for the server, and take us to bronze, where we belong. And for that, people gave them hell.
Simply put: we’re being forced into silver by other servers that are tanking, and those who are abstaining from WvW this week are doing it for the server, so we can be placed where we belong. It has nothing to do with dignity, integrity, chests, points, or anything of that nature. We simply want to be put where our skill level would have us be put. We are not a silver-tier server.
I am normally the last one to suggest throwing a match, but the game has been stacked against us here. Under normal circumstances this would not be an issue, but because other servers are trying to bend the system in their favour, we must be the same. Otherwise we will be forced into 7 weeks of a completely unfun WvW situation. Above all, I play this game for fun. I will not let the cheaters prosper. They will not get the spot in bronze that we belong in and would get under natural circumstances.
NSP is a great server with great people. We are very diverse, and often frustrating, but at the end of the day it’s where I choose to be. I hope that you guys also choose to be here, whether you are contemplating leaving or joining.
I agree, your post entirely makes sense. You’re right, NSP isnt a silver server but that isnt due to skill, we all know that that is far from the truth, but due to you guys simply not having the numbers to compete. Even IoJ, a server with a higher population than you, finds it hard to compete against some silver league servers, just because of the sheer amount of players some servers can field.
Whether people want to admit it or not, NSP is a bronze league server, one of the top bronze league servers but a bronze league server all the same. Really you should all stop complaining about NSP taking any action, Really the ones to blame are Kain and HoD who have the numbers for silver league but are tanking to get into bronze league.
Also, Dae stop complaining, WvW is unfair. Unless you want to complain about stun lock warriors and broken sigils/runes…. then go ahead.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
At the same prime-time East (~21:00 to 00:00),
Last 2 days
GoM +450-500, AR +100 and NSP +100
NSP +400, GoM + 150, AR +100
GoM didn’t change its game, we were actually trying even harder tonight with good coordination and good numbers.
So why the huge shift in PPT? —> Some guilds that were tanking (yes you were totally tanking, not fooling anyone guys) started to play again tonight on NSP. But I am very glad you stopped it, so keep it up, and I wish you best of luck in Silver-League.
To further make my point: all night long we had ONE (1) nice fight at GoM-Garrison IMO, and by nice I mean we actually fought a couple of your guys on the roof, while your insanely huge zerg took off ignoring us.
The other fights you just steam-rolled us with your crazy numbers. There was no opposition. You could even take our stuff without placing siege down, just killing the paper-doors with your faces.
Do you want that kind of ‘opposition’ for weeks on, without having anyone able to field the numbers to face you? You just don’t belong in Bronze League.
Good thing some of you came to their senses, and lets hope this is not isolated but rather an example you set for the rest of the “tankers” on your server.
And please keep playing all week long to your full potential NSP. I’d rather face your insanely huge zerg then attack empty lands, it was just sad the last couple days. Way more fun for everyone tonight.
Loving how every one of my 1v1s from AR turn into this.
Btw, I wasn’t teleport hacking, I’m actually lagging really badly right now.
Ty TFH for sticking around after I got zerged and for the duels and 3v3! Good fun to be had there!
(edited by Colt.9051)
Whether people want to admit it or not, NSP is a bronze league server, one of the top bronze league servers but a bronze league server all the same. Really you should all stop complaining about NSP taking any action, Really the ones to blame are Kain and HoD who have the numbers for silver league but are tanking to get into bronze league.
Also, Dae stop complaining, WvW is unfair. Unless you want to complain about stun lock warriors and broken sigils/runes…. then go ahead.
The game is way more fair and fun when people are not griefing their own server. Having a griefer-player or rogue commander on your team has got to be the most frustrating thing in this kind of game. Don’t you agree?
Enemy players can try many things to hurt you, but that is the point of it, they are the enemy, and you can fight them, you can always do something about it. When players on your own team starts to work against the team’s interest (massive waste of resources, siege locking, badmouthing fellow players, etc)… you can’t do anything about it.
- You can try to talk to them, but maybe they don’t wanna hear anything.
- You can always report the griefer, because his actions break the game for all the other players of his team who are trying to work together to win. Griefing is a huge disrespect to the other players.
And yes if other servers are tanking, well they are all just doing it wrong. Because another server is doing some form of ‘cheating/griefing’ doesn’t justify any other server doing it. This is very poor judgement.
Really the ones to blame are Kain and HoD who have the numbers for silver league but are tanking to get into bronze league.
I think Ill just place these here and leave…
Have a nice day.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Also, Dae stop complaining, WvW is unfair. Unless you want to complain about stun lock warriors and broken sigils/runes…. then go ahead.
I’ve done my share of that already, believe me! Also it’s not so much of the fact these things happen really, it’s just the conduct of the opposing team via bad sportsmanship (The spam sitting/laughing and seige throwing) when killing 1 or 2 people with like way more numbers that is pretty questionable. /shrug.
(edited by Colt.9051)
Bleh, any server that’s tryin to lose their match just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s gonna be weird fightin Northern Shiverpeaks, Henge of Denravi, and Kaineng? and being like “These are people that are just afraid. They’re here ‘cause they’re winning but if you challenge them, they go hide”.
I think Ill just place these here and leave…
http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/42/54Have a nice day.
And what is your point ? You gave pasts match ups..I can do the same thing with GoM : I see your week 31 with ours when we got slightly ahead of KC http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/43/93
Yet now we are terrible (not skill wise, but number and coverage wise it’s pretty horrible).
Do you want that kind of ‘opposition’ for weeks on, without having anyone able to field the numbers to face you? You just don’t belong in Bronze League.
GoM and AR are at the bottom of Bronze I don’t expect GoM and AR to be the level of ‘opposition’ that’s representative of Bronze league.
That said, we’re going to Silver so you guys can tell us in a few weeks how the competition is versus Kain and HoD comopared to us.
Bird song is one a FEW people who told me Nsp would be better off if me and my guild transfer if we don’t like the tanking.
Happy now ?
The best part about this is that our forums will now have 50% less drama.
When NSP want’s to play, you see the results Shiver posted. Os was running in AR yesterday and doing a good job against the AR “PUG” zerg. Which was to be expected since we have many new WvW players.
This is definitely a flip from what has been going on.
However, you can call it what you want, but purposely trying to keep numbers down to place in Bronze instead of Silver and trying to justify the case is absurd. It truly is. Whoever supports or took/takes part in purposely altering the true outcome is selfish and cowardly. There are many players in NSP who want to win, who try hard to win, and want to make a better, stronger server.
If going to silver league and getting your * handed to you is what it takes to be stronger, than that’s what it takes. Purposely trying to stay in bronze to beat up on smaller servers such as AR, GoM, Devonas is wrong.
We have players who have been working very hard to even place 2nd place in a match, which we finally accomplished in months of placing 3rd. We play to have fun, but ultimately we want to win.
And yes, the leader of Os and a member os ZoS did come to AR and “chat” in Lions Arch. Bad intentions are bad intentions, no matter how it comes across and that’s what happened. It put a poor reputation not only on the two guilds, but the server as a whole. But It’s done and over now, and can be put behind us.
Good luck to the earnest members in NSP and good luck in whichever league you place. Hopefully a commander can rise in NSP and put the bad inentions in the ground and take NSP much higher.
Play to win, and play for victory.
The thing is, NSP has a bunch of skill, but extreme lack of coverage. Most everyone wanting to stay in Bronze on NSP are not afraid themselves of fighting in silver, but are wanting to use the chance to fight in bronze to prepare for silver next season. Noone knows NSP like players on NSP do, and we know exactly what happens when we start to lose a bit. Several people on the server were wanting to use a fair taste of victory in bronze to create a more unified server.
People who aren’t on the server have no clue what even just a little bit of losing does to those who only pop into wvw a little bit, those who make up a strong portion of the militia for almost every other server. We saw that the past 3-4 matchups before this one where we got destroyed constantly, and the only people in wvw were those who aren’t afraid of the fight, and who really won’t mind fighting in silver or bronze.
People who were arguing to stay in bronze on NSP are thinking longer term than just the next season. They are thinking not to play for first place in bronze (or last place in silver) in season one. They are thinking of playing for near the top of silver in season two. Those arguing to stay in bronze are doing so because they only want this one season to be their only bronze season, and are fearful now that if we go fight in silver for season one, we’ll be in bronze in season two. The more desirable of those two outcomes is fight in bronze initially to prepare for silver.
To be clear: NSP is not afraid of fighting. Those who want to play in bronze are ONLY wanting to do so to be more competitive in silver next time. I personally would like to be in bronze for that reason, but I know I will be freakishly bored of the fights in bronze.
The potential on NSP is bright (it really is a great place to come if your guild is thinking of transferring). If we are somehow able to be competitive in silver straight away, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Whether this is the right way to do it, that’s up for debate.
tl;dr: NSP is not afraid of the hard fight, NSP just wants to be competitive in silver eventually.
The thing is, NSP has a bunch of skill, but extreme lack of coverage. Most everyone wanting to stay in Bronze on NSP are not afraid themselves of fighting in silver, but are wanting to use the chance to fight in bronze to prepare for silver next season. Noone knows NSP like players on NSP do, and we know exactly what happens when we start to lose a bit. Several people on the server were wanting to use a fair taste of victory in bronze to create a more unified server.
People who aren’t on the server have no clue what even just a little bit of losing does to those who only pop into wvw a little bit, those who make up a strong portion of the militia for almost every other server. We saw that the past 3-4 matchups before this one where we got destroyed constantly, and the only people in wvw were those who aren’t afraid of the fight, and who really won’t mind fighting in silver or bronze.
People who were arguing to stay in bronze on NSP are thinking longer term than just the next season. They are thinking not to play for first place in bronze (or last place in silver) in season one. They are thinking of playing for near the top of silver in season two. Those arguing to stay in bronze are doing so because they only want this one season to be their only bronze season, and are fearful now that if we go fight in silver for season one, we’ll be in bronze in season two. The more desirable of those two outcomes is fight in bronze initially to prepare for silver.
To be clear: NSP is not afraid of fighting. Those who want to play in bronze are ONLY wanting to do so to be more competitive in silver next time. I personally would like to be in bronze for that reason, but I know I will be freakishly bored of the fights in bronze.
The potential on NSP is bright (it really is a great place to come if your guild is thinking of transferring). If we are somehow able to be competitive in silver straight away, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Whether this is the right way to do it, that’s up for debate.
tl;dr: NSP is not afraid of the hard fight, NSP just wants to be competitive in silver eventually.
Just a reminder that you’re talking to GoM and AR here. We get beat down constantly but those of us who want to see our server stronger, have stayed and continue to fight. Saying you want to use Bronze to work on your server issues is still wrong if it’s done purposely.
If your server plays to it’s full potention and the commanders play smart and hard as much as they can and place is silver; then that’s where the server should be, regardless of the outcome in silver.
I understand there NSP, Kaineng are in the split between placing in two different leagues, but it should be irrelevant.
I understand your fear of losing people if placed in silver though. If you look past that, you will see the people that you lost, are the ones who are selfish and only look to a server that always wins, which isn’t a team player.
All I have to say is that I have gone from shaking my head at NSP to respecting you guys a lot for getting out there and giving it your all, regardless of the end result. Good luck in the upcoming season.
Just a reminder that you’re talking to GoM and AR here. We get beat down constantly but those of us who want to see our server stronger, have stayed and continue to fight. Saying you want to use Bronze to work on your server issues is still wrong if it’s done purposely.
If your server plays to it’s full potention and the commanders play smart and hard as much as they can and place is silver; then that’s where the server should be, regardless of the outcome in silver.
I understand there NSP, Kaineng are in the split between placing in two different leagues, but it should be irrelevant.
I understand your fear of losing people if placed in silver though. If you look past that, you will see the people that you lost, are the ones who are selfish and only look to a server that always wins, which isn’t a team player.
I realize I am talking in the AR/GoM thread, and in all honesty, we don’t want to fight GoM and AR. This matchup is fun for noone at the moment. And it won’t be fun in bronze. GoM and AR aren’t the only servers in bronze though. Servers like HoD, FC, DH, and SF are servers that we want to fight.
There is a VERY BIG difference between coverage though when you move from NSP to IoJ. NSP can’t compete with IoJ, who would be the one server we would have to face simply due to the amount of coverage there. I get that there is also a huge change in coverage for GoM and AR compared to NSP, but not so much when you compare yourselves to DR and ET.
In a perfect world, NSP, HoD, DH, Kain, FC, and SF would be in their own league, but that’s not the designed league given to us. I understand AR and GoM hate fighting NSP, and it’s not fair to AR and GoM. But you have servers in bronze you can at least fight against and potentially compete with. NSP will have none of that in silver. The change between 16th/15th and 14th in coverage is just astronomical. Even when we do play to our full potential, we consistently lose by a lot to IoJ, and IoJ is gaining guilds. NSP is not.
NSP is in the rare situation that we can choose the league we play in, and the health of the server is the main basis for why people are wanting to play in bronze first. That’s the only reason.
And what is your point ? You gave pasts match ups..I can do the same thing with GoM : I see your week 31 with ours when we got slightly ahead of KC http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/43/93
Yet now we are terrible (not skill wise, but number and coverage wise it’s pretty horrible).
This was in reply to the implication that HoD belongs in Silver League. HoD wouldn’t even have a dog in this fight if it wasn’t for the NSP/Kain tank fiasco. Seems to me, NSP is playing PR damage control now, so hopefully everything settles to where it should be.
All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main
Seems to me, NSP is playing PR damage control now, so hopefully everything settles to where it should be.
With Kain in silver?
Just a reminder that you’re talking to GoM and AR here. We get beat down constantly but those of us who want to see our server stronger, have stayed and continue to fight. Saying you want to use Bronze to work on your server issues is still wrong if it’s done purposely.
If your server plays to it’s full potention and the commanders play smart and hard as much as they can and place is silver; then that’s where the server should be, regardless of the outcome in silver.
I understand there NSP, Kaineng are in the split between placing in two different leagues, but it should be irrelevant.
I understand your fear of losing people if placed in silver though. If you look past that, you will see the people that you lost, are the ones who are selfish and only look to a server that always wins, which isn’t a team player.
I realize I am talking in the AR/GoM thread, and in all honesty, we don’t want to fight GoM and AR. This matchup is fun for noone at the moment. And it won’t be fun in bronze. GoM and AR aren’t the only servers in bronze though. Servers like HoD, FC, DH, and SF are servers that we want to fight.
There is a VERY BIG difference between coverage though when you move from NSP to IoJ. NSP can’t compete with IoJ, who would be the one server we would have to face simply due to the amount of coverage there. I get that there is also a huge change in coverage for GoM and AR compared to NSP, but not so much when you compare yourselves to DR and ET.
In a perfect world, NSP, HoD, DH, Kain, FC, and SF would be in their own league, but that’s not the designed league given to us. I understand AR and GoM hate fighting NSP, and it’s not fair to AR and GoM. But you have servers in bronze you can at least fight against and potentially compete with. NSP will have none of that in silver. The change between 16th/15th and 14th in coverage is just astronomical. Even when we do play to our full potential, we consistently lose by a lot to IoJ, and IoJ is gaining guilds. NSP is not.
NSP is in the rare situation that we can choose the league we play in, and the health of the server is the main basis for why people are wanting to play in bronze first. That’s the only reason.
It’s been my experience if anyone stops playing to win, the server suffers.
Just now with like 5 people on the map, someone was lecturin me how I wasn’t tryin hard enough to hold the keeps (I’m a lil’ more cavalier when I play before work). When you’re with someone on the server, they wanna know you got their back and are supportin them.
When NSP want’s to play, you see the results Shiver posted. Os was running in AR yesterday and doing a good job against the AR “PUG” zerg. Which was to be expected since we have many new WvW players.
This is definitely a flip from what has been going on.
However, you can call it what you want, but purposely trying to keep numbers down to place in Bronze instead of Silver and trying to justify the case is absurd. It truly is. Whoever supports or took/takes part in purposely altering the true outcome is selfish and cowardly. There are many players in NSP who want to win, who try hard to win, and want to make a better, stronger server.
If going to silver league and getting your * handed to you is what it takes to be stronger, than that’s what it takes. Purposely trying to stay in bronze to beat up on smaller servers such as AR, GoM, Devonas is wrong.
We have players who have been working very hard to even place 2nd place in a match, which we finally accomplished in months of placing 3rd. We play to have fun, but ultimately we want to win.
And yes, the leader of Os and a member os ZoS did come to AR and “chat” in Lions Arch. Bad intentions are bad intentions, no matter how it comes across and that’s what happened. It put a poor reputation not only on the two guilds, but the server as a whole. But It’s done and over now, and can be put behind us.
Good luck to the earnest members in NSP and good luck in whichever league you place. Hopefully a commander can rise in NSP and put the bad inentions in the ground and take NSP much higher.
Play to win, and play for victory.
That’s not really true though. Everybody who has some idea of the servers on the silver league will immediatly understand that NSP doesn’t fit there. We just don’t have the population to compete. Also NSP is generally known for still trying to bring the fight to the higher populated servers, despite being unable to alter anything. Is it really so rediculous that people don’t look forward to being absolutely meaningless for more than a whole month? Demanding that people willingly spent their free time to take a few camps only to have a zerg pass by and steamroll us. After the steamroll the zerg will go away again and we’re left to recapture some camps again, until a zerg decided we’ve had enough fun and destroy everything we achieved again. Tellign people to look forward to that is quite frankly absurd as well. Havign a matchup where you know you’ll get zerged is fine, looking forward to say a month of getting zerged is just making most of us feel unspirited. How is that cowardly and selfish? by your definition of selfish, everybody who plays this game is selfish because surely you could help the world more if you didn’t play, yet you want to have fun so you play. and we want to have fun too. why are you allowed to have fun but when we want it selfish? ah yes how silly of me your obligation to a game is obviously worth more than your obligation to mankind… right?
People might kitten on us for whatever reason but the fact is that:- we’re a server that belongs in the bronze league
-we never chose for the league’s to be implemented.
- we never chose for Devon to play on our server.
-we didn’t chose the structure of the leagues
- we are also just humans that want to have a good time after a hard day of work/studying/whatever.
So no people wanting to be in bronze league is not absurd or cowardish or selfish. Not in the slightest.
That being said, i am disgusted by people telling other people to kitten off so we can tank. If some people want to continue WvWing, kittening let them. They have as much right to want to enjoy the game the way they want as you have the right to enjoy the game you want. (this is obviously not aimed at you, Antara. it’s aimed at a few INDIVIDUALS on our server.)
Have a nice day
It’s been my experience if anyone stops playing to win, the server suffers.
That plays more to my point than you think….
It’s been my experience if anyone stops playing to win, the server suffers.
That plays more to my point than you think….
My point was we’ll see how many less guilds you’ll have.
We lost 1 as soon as we let Eredon Terrace hold a keep for an hour.
Purposely trying to put the server in a lower tier is ridiculous, it is. I’m not saying that the jump from bronze to silver is not a big difference, because that’s a different conversation for a different thread.
I also said if NSP plays to its fullest and places in bronze, I have no quarrel with that. As the system placed NSP to where it belongs. Trying to alter numbers because of the fear of getting hammered in silver shouldn’t be endorsed, at all.
I understand NSP wants to be in bronze, because most likely NSP would be in the top 3 (though this could likely change.)
Again your worried about being “meaningless” for a month just because you guys earned a righteous spot in the silver league. What about Devona? are they supposed to feel “meaningless” because they are in a league with servers like HoD or NSP/Kaineing? No they are not, they should want to play hard and do the best they can regardless. The way you stated your opinion, everyone should play on a winning server, which is impossible. If everyone in my server felt meaningless and didn’t play to support the server, than we would have all transfered to “winning” servers and there would be no AR wvw. That’s not the case because we fight for the cause of the server, teamwork.
And with all respect, if it wasn’t for the guy/gals who thought like myself, there would be 3 servers with ques the size of manhattan.
Of course everyone should play the game for some sort of satisfaction, but when you enter WvW, it’s not about “I” but about “We”. Like it or not. That’s what SPvP is for.
One last point: I’m not saying the league system is perfect, or will be perfect, as that’s not what I’m talking about. I can hypothesize about being in a league with servers only close to our range, but that’s not the way this is working, and I have no control over that, except an opinion. So regardless whether you personally feel or others feel about being in Silverleague, if there is no “sandbagging” going on and the server places in Silver, than that’s the way it should be per the current system.
Wait….So Os tried to help the server tank (which was totally the right call for the long term/7weeks in many peoples opinion), and XOXO is furiously working on PPT????
Has the WORLD GONE CRAZY, or is this just backwards week????
Also personally now fully support NSP moving to silver, so once you get destroyed you can all bow down to the people that tried (both on and off your server) to warn you.
Wait….So Os tried to help the server tank (which was totally the right call for the long term/7weeks in many peoples opinion), and XOXO is furiously working on PPT????
Has the WORLD GONE CRAZY, or is this just backwards week????
Also personally now fully support NSP moving to silver, so once you get destroyed you can all bow down to the people that tried (both on and off your server) to warn you.
No offense personally to you Bob, but if players really want to play in Bronze and NSP places Silver, then leave NSP and go to a server that is in Bronze, and if you want to win in Bronze, go to a server that you feel will win. Don’t bring a server down because players want to go up, and not down.
Leave NSP to the players who want to make it stronger, and are willing to accept a hard challenge. They will take it better I’m sure.
ET is a prime example of a server that used to be in chokeholds of last place, but now have a stronger wvw community working to be better.
(edited by Antara.3189)
If the rumors are true I’ve lost a whole heap of respect for those responsible. I’m out there to fight, who the hell cares about some crappy rewards for winning a league? It always seemed to me like NSP was in it for the battles not the meaningless numbers, which is part of the reason I’ve stuck with and enjoyed this server through thick and thin.
I really hope this isn’t the way things are going to turn out.
I never had respect for them. Or anyone. This is a video game and you’re all nerds.
No one is tanking for the extra blue (which is almost certainly all it will be) and easy fights. People are tanking because they want fights period. Karma training and being karma trained is what we’ll see in Silver league — it’ll mostly be PvD and that’s really boring for people who play for towers and camps (ironically the way Anet intends for us to play).
Those who take the week off, I sympathize with. But those harassing people who don’t wish to take the week off — that’s disgraceful.
Anyway, if you tag up Obs, I’m with you.
It’s easy to stop karma trains by standing in their way.
Sarsbear kinda mean! I had no idea!
Why is Sars even on the forums reading what others post if he dislikes everyone who plays GW2? Nice.
Its so funny watching NSP try to convinced the rank 23/24 servers that getting stomped is so horrible…
We know.
The fact that we are still on these low ranked servers says something. If you played for silver league, that would say something too. If you tank to play in bronze league, that says something else…
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
All I have to say is that I have gone from shaking my head at NSP to respecting you guys a lot for getting out there and giving it your all, regardless of the end result. Good luck in the upcoming season.
It’s because they realized that it’s useless to keep tanking. So might as well enjoy and stop annoying other players.
Very interesting thread you all have here – popcorn sales are way up.
My 2 copper on NSP – their current coverage does not belong in either bronze or silver, however their playstyle is definitely more silver than it is bronze. The boredom they would have in bronze is greater than the frustration they will get in silver.
and now I retreat to my popcorn.
Very interesting thread you all have here – popcorn sales are way up.
and now I retreat to my popcorn.
Rude dude, Share the popcorn…
PB Officer
This is a good read.
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
Dear NSP at Jerrifer, I’m sorry I kind of cheated but I had to see it to believe. Then I had to see it a couple of times to be sure :p
And it’s not like the score matters. Only the laugh matters.
So, before reading, I only read the back of the book and let me tell you this thread is NOTHING like what the New York Times rated it as.
“Most thrilling drama of our time.”
I’ve read better Twilight novels than this. 6/10 would not read again.
I don’t get this. Other servers are trying to steal our spot in bronze, and we are the bad guys for taking it back?
I also said if NSP plays to its fullest and places in bronze, I have no quarrel with that. As the system placed NSP to where it belongs. Trying to alter numbers because of the fear of getting hammered in silver shouldn’t be endorsed, at all.
^ This is my point. Some of us are tanking so that we DO get to where the system would have us belong. OTHER servers are causing us to go to silver. It is NOT of our doing. If Kaineng, HoD, and NSP had ALL tried this week, NSP would be in bronze. End of story. Do you understand?
Also any huge numbers you see on NSP diminish as soon as we start losing, because of the casual, untrained nature of our playerbase.
We are a LOT closer in strength to the bronze servers than the silver servers.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
It’s interesting to note that the gap in rating between NSP and IoJ — the bottom two servers in Silver — is greater than the gap between Kaineng and AR — the top and bottom servers in Bronze.
For those people on GoM and AR: what do you think would be the state of your servers after fighting two (non-tanking) NSPs every week for 7 weeks?
It’s actually going to be worse than that for NSP: NSP will be facing servers with 250 – 500 more ratings points for 7 weeks. That’s like GoM or AR facing servers like: NSP, IoJ, CD, YB, BP, Ebay, DB for 7 straight weeks.
It’s interesting to note that the gap in rating between NSP and IoJ — the bottom two servers in Silver — is greater than the gap between Kaineng and AR — the top and bottom servers in Bronze.
For those people on GoM and AR: what do you think would be the state of your servers after fighting two (non-tanking
) NSPs every week for 7 weeks?
It’s actually going to be worse than that for NSP: NSP will be facing servers with 250 – 500 more ratings points for 7 weeks. That’s like GoM or AR facing servers like: NSP, IoJ, CD, YB, BP, Ebay, DB for 7 straight weeks.
The difference is that both GoM and AR would nut up and keep playing.