10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Oh god, the love from the SoS community is overwhelming, cannot handle this anymore.

Keep crying, won’t fix your scores.

p.s: and the repair fee every time you walk out of spawn.

While the SoR trolls are so adorable arent they?
And what repair fees?outmanned most of the day.

If you’re outmanned, that means nobody wants to be on your server L0l

No-it means your server purchased guilds or the people want an easy win.

Hahaha tell anyone from SoR that. They’ll laugh at your face. If your server’s guilds were fully bought out by someone, it means ‘your’ guilds didn’t want to stay there in the first place.

You do realize that we’ve lost barely any guilds from the intial drop down to t4, the only reason this matchup is happening is because the t1 servers absorbed all of FA’s and DB’s guilds. However what we are showing is that when it comes to tenacity and sheer resilience nobody can match SoS, and i hope that is enough to make guilds choose SoS as their next home if they want to escape queues and have fights every week.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Ajax.4967

The Ajax.4967

As you can see sos has quite the force in NA primetime. This was 30v70-80 and a hell of alot of fun. keep on coming please they were great fights


Evin Arris

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cynz.9437


yesssss, the gods heard me and matched up SBI with t1 server; now they get to feel being outnumbered

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jax.1283


There’s obviously a little more to it than just sieging a lord’s room, in most defenses you are undermanned as almost no one ever assaults you with equal or inferior numbers. The real math of a solid defense is done with the individual defenders and the coordination of their commanders. If you have 30 uplevels defending against 50, you’re going to lose, if you have 30 well geared/specced seasoned WVWers in voice comm with their experienced and knowledgeable commander, your odds significantly improve. After awhile of being on a server it becomes clear which kind of WvWers are most prominent, this is why guilds move to different servers most of the time.

This is unfortunate – but we can’t force the militia to get on voice chat, and we can’t force them to follow our orders. At the same time its like you are saying these militia are bad at WvW, and that the “good” players are leaving. I disagree with your statement in principle, but in reality it is reasonable to say that a 30 group without coordination is going to lose vs the 50 group a good chunk of the time. The issue was that if ANET believed communication was critical to WvW they might have done a better job of giving access to communication tools – such as persistant map drawings or not text blocking or even providing some form of voice chat.

But back to why guilds leave servers – a guild leaves a server because of incompatible or mutually exclusive methods to carry out winning the game. If a guild is ok with not requiring everyone on voice chat then they will likely not leave a massive militia server like SoS. If a guild demands that everyone get on voice chat and militia will refuse to (there ARE valid reasons why completely based on lifestyle and playstyle) that guild will suffer feelings of mis-utilization.

And back to another issue – a guild does not prove they are “better” by being in a “better” ranked server. Their skill is still the same (subject to personal growth) regardless of the server they are on. Its just that their playstyle changes a bit to accommodate resources the “better” server provides for them.

I have to disagree. The reason why our community on SOR is so strong is because anyone can join our ts and we encourage people too. So I’m sure trying to ask Militia to join is still worth it. As we have a lot of talented non guild-ed players who fight with our major guilds. Guilds leaving on the other hand, has more to do with keeping their own communities alive. As someone who is ex AFS I can say we left to ignore burnout as one sea guild against the countless others was too difficult. So back then we left to fight in Tier 1 where we had plenty of allies and guilds to fight. In general I’m not too pleased with all the discredit to anyone who left SOS. However the same applies to anyone who is trying to belittle SOS. Just stop with it, its all in the past. Anyone who left is happy where they are. And everyone on SOS has done a fantastic job. So please ignore the trolls and respect everyone, old allies and new enemies. that being said I’m 100 % sure Kuora isn’t on SOR. All he does is troll and write comments for attention. This is actually the same with Stealth too. So please don’t take anything theses guys say to be anymore then one their own opinion.

Anyways its good to see SOS again and great to see you still leading Vox. You probably have no idea who I am, but I got AFS to support you when you started leading all thoses months ago. Also great to see FANG still going always loved to follow you guys in NA. By the way, is Fate still around haven’t seen or heard about Irenical in awhile.

Also Thanks to both SBI and SOS for the fights I keep hearing about ( currently on dial up speed so I can’t do anything). But my newer commanders are having a lot of fun and learning. I hope the fights have been fun for you guys too.

Anyways thought I would write my one post for awhile. But yea ignore the trolls, keep the fights coming. And overall lets just enjoy the Game.

OCX Commander

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

As you can see sos has quite the force in NA primetime. This was 30v70-80 and a hell of alot of fun. keep on coming please they were great fights

I count 35, probably around 45 to 50 with everybody not in the screenshot aswell.
But at least we don’t give up mid week, or will you try to belittle our effort aswell?

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


I have to disagree. The reason why our community on SOR is so strong is because anyone can join our ts and we encourage people too. So I’m sure trying to ask Militia to join is still worth it. As we have a lot of talented non guild-ed players who fight with our major guilds. Guilds leaving on the other hand, has more to do with keeping their own communities alive. As someone who is ex AFS I can say we left to ignore burnout as one sea guild against the countless others was too difficult. So back then we left to fight in Tier 1 where we had plenty of allies and guilds to fight. In general I’m not too pleased with all the discredit to anyone who left SOS. However the same applies to anyone who is trying to belittle SOS. Just stop with it, its all in the past. Anyone who left is happy where they are. And everyone on SOS has done a fantastic job. So please ignore the trolls and respect everyone, old allies and new enemies. that being said I’m 100 % sure Kuora isn’t on SOR. All he does is troll and write comments for attention. This is actually the same with Stealth too. So please don’t take anything theses guys say to be anymore then one their own opinion.

Anyways its good to see SOS again and great to see you still leading Vox. You probably have no idea who I am, but I got AFS to support you when you started leading all thoses months ago. Also great to see FANG still going always loved to follow you guys in NA. By the way, is Fate still around haven’t seen or heard about Irenical in awhile.

Also Thanks to both SBI and SOS for the fights I keep hearing about ( currently on dial up speed so I can’t do anything). But my newer commanders are having a lot of fun and learning. I hope the fights have been fun for you guys too.

Anyways thought I would write my one post for awhile. But yea ignore the trolls, keep the fights coming. And overall lets just enjoy the Game.

Ah yes, I forgot the issue of burn out… Thats something I forgot to address. Where as AFS was supporting SoS during sea time, that time slot was thankless (around the time when DB’s sea was intense and NNK fielded nearly 1.5 maps). Guilds do burn out when faced with the same old challenges, whether it be an uphill battle or having no challenge during their time slot. Thanks for adding to the conversation mate.

In any issue I’m not bashing your decision to leave, nor did I get mad when you folks were leaving all those months ago (As you remember I came to you to talk with you after that huge break up meeting). I’m just trying to understand / share my thoughts on why guilds leave servers. I’m happy friends are having fun in T1, Heck I advocated many of them to go to T1 due to their playstyle. But in response to keeping the community alive – we are trying, and its hard to do so when there are mutually exclusive playstyles – the fallout from it results in the community splitting and certain people going elsewhere. Asking militia to join TS is helpful, but when the majority of militia won’t do it, you can either be a) ok with it b) more encouraging to someday have them come over to TS or c) leave. I am of the b) category, but I know a recent group of Team Shatter (FRAG) moved to SoR under the pretense of c). I was sad to see them go, and I enjoyed rolling with them, but at the same time I will say that they are not bad for leaving, and SoS is not bad because they left.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Ajax.4967

The Ajax.4967

As you can see sos has quite the force in NA primetime. This was 30v70-80 and a hell of alot of fun. keep on coming please they were great fights

I count 35, probably around 45 to 50 with everybody not in the screenshot aswell.
But at least we don’t give up mid week, or will you try to belittle our effort aswell?

dude im giving your server praise for continuing to fight… you got a chip on your shoulder mate.. this was just to show that im glad sos hasnt given up and continues to fight. stop pvF and go ingame, your getting to high strung

Evin Arris

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


IMHO, it is best to just leave the forum monkey’s to play among themselves.

Gamers have chosen their server based on whatever they feel is a good choice, I am fine with that. Best to get on with the game.

Some good fights on SoS BL last night again, SoR hammered us a few times and we got the odd win, great to see many SoS turning out!

Good luck all, fight hard if you want that 6th spot SBI, Mags is not done yet!

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


Congratulations to ToR for having such a kitten for WvW that it’s actually becoming boring!

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

As you can see sos has quite the force in NA primetime. This was 30v70-80 and a hell of alot of fun. keep on coming please they were great fights

I count 35, probably around 45 to 50 with everybody not in the screenshot aswell.
But at least we don’t give up mid week, or will you try to belittle our effort aswell?

dude im giving your server praise for continuing to fight… you got a chip on your shoulder mate.. this was just to show that im glad sos hasnt given up and continues to fight. stop pvF and go ingame, your getting to high strung

I read your message wrong, i’m sorry. Just that everything you have posted so far has been an intended to downscale any sort of effort we make.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


There’s obviously a little more to it than just sieging a lord’s room, in most defenses you are undermanned as almost no one ever assaults you with equal or inferior numbers. The real math of a solid defense is done with the individual defenders and the coordination of their commanders. If you have 30 uplevels defending against 50, you’re going to lose, if you have 30 well geared/specced seasoned WVWers in voice comm with their experienced and knowledgeable commander, your odds significantly improve. After awhile of being on a server it becomes clear which kind of WvWers are most prominent, this is why guilds move to different servers most of the time.

This is unfortunate – but we can’t force the militia to get on voice chat, and we can’t force them to follow our orders. At the same time its like you are saying these militia are bad at WvW, and that the “good” players are leaving. I disagree with your statement in principle, but in reality it is reasonable to say that a 30 group without coordination is going to lose vs the 50 group a good chunk of the time. The issue was that if ANET believed communication was critical to WvW they might have done a better job of giving access to communication tools – such as persistant map drawings or not text blocking or even providing some form of voice chat.

But back to why guilds leave servers – a guild leaves a server because of incompatible or mutually exclusive methods to carry out winning the game. If a guild is ok with not requiring everyone on voice chat then they will likely not leave a massive militia server like SoS. If a guild demands that everyone get on voice chat and militia will refuse to (there ARE valid reasons why completely based on lifestyle and playstyle) that guild will suffer feelings of mis-utilization.

And back to another issue – a guild does not prove they are “better” by being in a “better” ranked server. Their skill is still the same (subject to personal growth) regardless of the server they are on. Its just that their playstyle changes a bit to accommodate resources the “better” server provides for them.

I have to disagree. The reason why our community on SOR is so strong is because anyone can join our ts and we encourage people too. So I’m sure trying to ask Militia to join is still worth it. As we have a lot of talented non guild-ed players who fight with our major guilds. Guilds leaving on the other hand, has more to do with keeping their own communities alive. As someone who is ex AFS I can say we left to ignore burnout as one sea guild against the countless others was too difficult. So back then we left to fight in Tier 1 where we had plenty of allies and guilds to fight. In general I’m not too pleased with all the discredit to anyone who left SOS. However the same applies to anyone who is trying to belittle SOS. Just stop with it, its all in the past. Anyone who left is happy where they are. And everyone on SOS has done a fantastic job. So please ignore the trolls and respect everyone, old allies and new enemies. that being said I’m 100 % sure Kuora isn’t on SOR. All he does is troll and write comments for attention. This is actually the same with Stealth too. So please don’t take anything theses guys say to be anymore then one their own opinion.

Anyways its good to see SOS again and great to see you still leading Vox. You probably have no idea who I am, but I got AFS to support you when you started leading all thoses months ago. Also great to see FANG still going always loved to follow you guys in NA. By the way, is Fate still around haven’t seen or heard about Irenical in awhile.

Also Thanks to both SBI and SOS for the fights I keep hearing about ( currently on dial up speed so I can’t do anything). But my newer commanders are having a lot of fun and learning. I hope the fights have been fun for you guys too.

Anyways thought I would write my one post for awhile. But yea ignore the trolls, keep the fights coming. And overall lets just enjoy the Game.

The shakeout from SoS had some people acting badly and behaving badly, then some folks were perfectly reasonable and left classily.

Some good people I respected did not carry themselves well. People who said that there would be no competition in T2, and so on were high on my list of people who did not comport themselves well.

AFS stuck around for a while and weren’t part of the groups that left for T1 vanity reasons. If there is any hard feelings towards AFS it’s because you guys were awesome to play with and went out of your way to work with others. Grekkz and all of you were always trying to get things started across guilds, even before server-wide Teamspeak became a thing.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


As you can see sos has quite the force in NA primetime. This was 30v70-80 and a hell of alot of fun. keep on coming please they were great fights

I count 35, probably around 45 to 50 with everybody not in the screenshot aswell.
But at least we don’t give up mid week, or will you try to belittle our effort aswell?

dude im giving your server praise for continuing to fight… you got a chip on your shoulder mate.. this was just to show that im glad sos hasnt given up and continues to fight. stop pvF and go ingame, your getting to high strung

I read your message wrong, i’m sorry. Just that everything you have posted so far has been an intended to downscale any sort of effort we make.

We had a queue last night and we had two groups in full action. Unfortunately we’re only getting this kind of action on a single borderland and hopefully we’ll be able to expand our coordination to 2-3 BL’s even in a tough week like this one.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jax.1283


I have to disagree. The reason why our community on SOR is so strong is because anyone can join our ts and we encourage people too. So I’m sure trying to ask Militia to join is still worth it. As we have a lot of talented non guild-ed players who fight with our major guilds. Guilds leaving on the other hand, has more to do with keeping their own communities alive. As someone who is ex AFS I can say we left to ignore burnout as one sea guild against the countless others was too difficult. So back then we left to fight in Tier 1 where we had plenty of allies and guilds to fight. In general I’m not too pleased with all the discredit to anyone who left SOS. However the same applies to anyone who is trying to belittle SOS. Just stop with it, its all in the past. Anyone who left is happy where they are. And everyone on SOS has done a fantastic job. So please ignore the trolls and respect everyone, old allies and new enemies. that being said I’m 100 % sure Kuora isn’t on SOR. All he does is troll and write comments for attention. This is actually the same with Stealth too. So please don’t take anything theses guys say to be anymore then one their own opinion.

Anyways its good to see SOS again and great to see you still leading Vox. You probably have no idea who I am, but I got AFS to support you when you started leading all thoses months ago. Also great to see FANG still going always loved to follow you guys in NA. By the way, is Fate still around haven’t seen or heard about Irenical in awhile.

Also Thanks to both SBI and SOS for the fights I keep hearing about ( currently on dial up speed so I can’t do anything). But my newer commanders are having a lot of fun and learning. I hope the fights have been fun for you guys too.

Anyways thought I would write my one post for awhile. But yea ignore the trolls, keep the fights coming. And overall lets just enjoy the Game.

Ah yes, I forgot the issue of burn out… Thats something I forgot to address. Where as AFS was supporting SoS during sea time, that time slot was thankless (around the time when DB’s sea was intense and NNK fielded nearly 1.5 maps). Guilds do burn out when faced with the same old challenges, whether it be an uphill battle or having no challenge during their time slot. Thanks for adding to the conversation mate.

In any issue I’m not bashing your decision to leave, nor did I get mad when you folks were leaving all those months ago (As you remember I came to you to talk with you after that huge break up meeting). I’m just trying to understand / share my thoughts on why guilds leave servers. I’m happy friends are having fun in T1, Heck I advocated many of them to go to T1 due to their playstyle. But in response to keeping the community alive – we are trying, and its hard to do so when there are mutually exclusive playstyles – the fallout from it results in the community splitting and certain people going elsewhere. Asking militia to join TS is helpful, but when the majority of militia won’t do it, you can either be a) ok with it b) more encouraging to someday have them come over to TS or c) leave. I am of the b) category, but I know a recent group of Team Shatter (FRAG) moved to SoR under the pretense of c). I was sad to see them go, and I enjoyed rolling with them, but at the same time I will say that they are not bad for leaving, and SoS is not bad because they left.

Yea agreed if they don’t join not much can be done. But yea just a little disheartened how old allies treat each other. We only did what was best for our guilds. We should just respect and forget. However glad to see you are still around and commanding and I hope you are enjoying the fights too.

OCX Commander

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aieo.2815


I know a recent group of Team Shatter (FRAG) moved to SoR.

This is supposed to be hidden from the other 2 T1 servers! Once again, SoS oceanic strength relies heavily on the militia.

Sea of Sorrows > Jade Quarry > Sea of Sorrows
Effing rallybot

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heizero.9183


Sorry but i just have to post about this. In SoR BL, fighting at vale for about 30 mins now 4v8+ my small group against 8 or more SoR. Not only have we wiped you guys multiple times while you have 3 orbs, but you even have trebs, cannons, and acs built to combat us. This is probably the funniest thing i have ever seen. A decent amount of SoR hugging bay south gate in fear of 4 random roamers. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Meanwhile SBI watches from the cliffside and laughs.

Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vinny.6924


Sorry but i just have to post about this. In SoR BL, fighting at vale for about 30 mins now 4v8+ my small group against 8 or more SoR. Not only have we wiped you guys multiple times while you have 3 orbs, but you even have trebs, cannons, and acs built to combat us. This is probably the funniest thing i have ever seen. A decent amount of SoR hugging bay south gate in fear of 4 random roamers. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Meanwhile SBI watches from the cliffside and laughs.

Vouch I was there standing with you guys laughing. Was pretty fun to watch.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

Wasn’t there the whole time, but when I was, all the siege you can see was manned and spamming, + players and an AC out the front.

Stay classy SoR.


10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Take it easy on them, they haven’t had cause to go into combat with less than 15 people in months.

Like I said in another thread. You’ll find individual roamers from T1 servers, but they have no organized small roaming groups. With all the blobbing from the other servers it probably doesn’t make sense for them anyhow.

I just worry about having to adapt to their style to fight at all (blechh!)

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Take it easy on them, they haven’t had cause to go into combat with less than 15 people in months.

Like I said in another thread. You’ll find individual roamers from T1 servers, but they have no organized small roaming groups. With all the blobbing from the other servers it probably doesn’t make sense for them anyhow.

I just worry about having to adapt to their style to fight at all (blechh!)

This isn’t true. There are actually a fair few small roaming groups on BG and JQ. My guild split and run 5 man groups a few times a week and there are other guilds like SG and Riot. BG has been topping the points not from tick every single week. I would argue we have more roamers and small scale groups than any other server.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heizero.9183


Well finally after almost 2 hours of holding vale in SoR BL, it took a combined force of 20+ SBI and 10+ SoR to take it back from only 5 of us. Not that we didn’t score our fair share of kills on the way out either.

Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: dynafire.5196


I think the SBI/SoS strategy should be to split up as much as possible. Apparently you guys get stronger the less of you there are around!

In other news, some fun fights on the SoR BL today. SBI caught us with our pants down and our commanders on other maps, and it was a bit of a slugfest to push them back off our towers and keeps. Lots of SoR getting real lazy about that scouting, thanks for keeping us on our toes about it.

I’m thinking that this was probably said sarcastically, but the strange thing I’ve noticed is that it’s actually true – we (SBI) seem to do better against SoR when we run in smaller groups. At least in my limited experience. I’m not sure why this is, but I theorize that we have a hard time against your battle hardened zerg when it is ZvZ.. And you easily destroy our zerg when it is omniblob vs omniblob..

But once we split into smaller groups, we can “accomplish” more on the map, so that even if individual groups still get crushed, other groups can accomplish “something.” And then improving morale for that moment/etc.

I don’t know if any other SBI’ers noticed this, but I think we should actually practice this as a strategy, to the degree possible.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Prophet.1038


100 g for commander for every FEAR wipe- even numbers, PM for bl. OPEN FIELD GO!

Prophet Saladin
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: renmei.3102


It is good to see you figuring out how to fight outmanned. I know there is this perception that all the T1 servers are queued 24/7 with 6 hours queues but this is not true. In the past each had one or two time zones where they were weak and the others were strong and their guilds had to learn how to fight while getting blobbed hard. Unlike the T2 and below servers we don’t have the option of just sitting the week out and hoping for a better match next week so they had to adapt. I know that for the many months SOR’s sea/oceanic forces considered keeping 200+ PPT and not losing our two garris a win.

For the leagues I’m predicting that some T2 servers will learn how to fight against superior coverage while keeping morale high and the T1 servers won’t be ticking 400+ anymore.. and others won’t.

edit: you’d better get FEAR out of fractals first :p

(edited by renmei.3102)

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


I think the SBI/SoS strategy should be to split up as much as possible. Apparently you guys get stronger the less of you there are around!

In other news, some fun fights on the SoR BL today. SBI caught us with our pants down and our commanders on other maps, and it was a bit of a slugfest to push them back off our towers and keeps. Lots of SoR getting real lazy about that scouting, thanks for keeping us on our toes about it.

I’m thinking that this was probably said sarcastically, but the strange thing I’ve noticed is that it’s actually true – we (SBI) seem to do better against SoR when we run in smaller groups. At least in my limited experience. I’m not sure why this is, but I theorize that we have a hard time against your battle hardened zerg when it is ZvZ.. And you easily destroy our zerg when it is omniblob vs omniblob..

But once we split into smaller groups, we can “accomplish” more on the map, so that even if individual groups still get crushed, other groups can accomplish “something.” And then improving morale for that moment/etc.

I don’t know if any other SBI’ers noticed this, but I think we should actually practice this as a strategy, to the degree possible.

As others keep mentioning in the thread. SoR doesnt really run roaming groups.

Take for example the character I use, I play a very tanky hammer warrior. It has no damage, but I can contest circles, banner lords, survive for days, and stunlock people. I can push through chokes and get entire enemy zergs to blow all their moves on me and keep on swinging. But, put me in a 1v1 fight, and anyone with an ounce of self healing will never ever die to me. I play a character with traits and gear dedicated to the zerg. Im sure plenty of other SoR players do likewise.

Which means when you run into the SoR zerg, you’re fighting 30+ relatively organized people running builds that are dedicated to work well in large scale fights.

On the other hand, when you run into 5 SoR people, they feel much weaker, because their builds, traits and armor setups are designed to maximize their effect on larger groups, rather than deal spectacularly with smaller groups.

The more SBI and SoS split up, the better they’ll do. SoR can and will absolutely crush you in an open field. They’ll also batter down your gates by facerubbing them violently. The trick is to be 5-10man capping 3 other things while it’s happening.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

SoR sitting on 3 bloodlust for the majority of the last couple of hours. Good work anet.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Thanks for the fights on SBI BL CHOO, shame we had to call it a night early to save ORR again…

[TW]Tempest Wolves

(edited by Hoots.9564)

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Thanks for the fights on SBI BL CHOO, shame we had to call it a night early to save ORR again…

lol yeah right u guys had a map blob and 4-5 sup ACs every fight w/ eyefinitys champions on them

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Thanks for the fights on SBI BL CHOO, shame we had to call it a night early to save ORR again…

lol yeah right u guys had a map blob and 4-5 sup ACs every fight w/ eyefinitys champions on them

TW only runs with exactly 15, we also had to use 2 ballistas in addition to our ac’s to fight your massive 132 man Blob!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Thanks for the fights on SBI BL CHOO, shame we had to call it a night early to save ORR again…

lol yeah right u guys had a map blob and 4-5 sup ACs every fight w/ eyefinitys champions on them

TW only runs with exactly 15, we also had to use 2 ballistas in addition to our ac’s to fight your massive 132 man Blob!

only 25 were choo, rest were fear nubzorz

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: wowyersmart.9315


Tons of fun fighting last night in SoR’s bay, fun organized battles and neither side gave up!

Commander Reikoi of [Hero] on Crystal Desert!
Thiefing forever!

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Thanks for the fights on SBI BL CHOO, shame we had to call it a night early to save ORR again…

lol yeah right u guys had a map blob and 4-5 sup ACs every fight w/ eyefinitys champions on them

TW only runs with exactly 15, we also had to use 2 ballistas in addition to our ac’s to fight your massive 132 man Blob!

only 25 were choo, rest were fear nubzorz

I thought I saw a classic Ace styled banner rotation!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mirsa.1628


Thanks for the fights on SBI BL CHOO, shame we had to call it a night early to save ORR again…

lol yeah right u guys had a map blob and 4-5 sup ACs every fight w/ eyefinitys champions on them

TW only runs with exactly 15, we also had to use 2 ballistas in addition to our ac’s to fight your massive 132 man Blob!

only 25 were choo, rest were fear nubzorz

I thought I saw a classic Ace styled banner rotation!

Banner Ace Squad member right here.

[GS] Gun Squad
Guild Master

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nyx Xox.3540

Nyx Xox.3540

This is probably the least enjoyable match up I have been in since being on SOS. The other T1 servers numbers seemed nothing to SOR’s. Maybe they were just split up more then SOR idk but kitten . I think my dream match up would be SOS/SBI/Mag

Its Nyx Yo
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kreamciqul.4617


Good fights tonight on SOS BL – best fights of the match up for us so far.

Sanctum of Rall

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nathan Gura.3750

Nathan Gura.3750

This is probably the least enjoyable match up I have been in since being on SOS. The other T1 servers numbers seemed nothing to SOR’s. Maybe they were just split up more then SOR idk but kitten . I think my dream match up would be SOS/SBI/Mag

I’m playing on a low level thief and all I can say is HOLY SACTUM OF METAS!!! EVERY guard I’ve seen is running GS and EVERY warrior I’ve seen is running hammer/sword shield. I’ve never seen so many cowardly warriors!

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: D best.3547

D best.3547

You guys have EB queue as 11 am eastern? lol

You guys have queues? lol

Sea of Sorrows
Champion Paragon

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


SBI, way to pull us out of our fight with SoR with a ham-fisted attempt on our garri, and you just ended up giving it to SoR anyway.
Only the lag from the SoR guys on the gate prevented you from getting wiped within seconds.

I’m trying hard to respect you guys; I don’t know if it’s your transfers, or you read FA’s WvW manual, or what.

TL;DR Playing for second is for losers.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Good fights tonight on SOS BL – best fights of the match up for us so far.

We were having fun until SBI went full retrd. Good fights with you guys tonight.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: kuora.5402


SBI, way to pull us out of our fight with SoR with a ham-fisted attempt on our garri, and you just ended up giving it to SoR anyway.
Only the lag from the SoR guys on the gate prevented you from getting wiped within seconds.

I’m trying hard to respect you guys; I don’t know if it’s your transfers, or you read FA’s WvW manual, or what.

TL;DR Playing for second is for losers.

Oh ho, we’ve got some hard-assed SoS here. But I guess playing for second is better than being 3rd.

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[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: D best.3547

D best.3547

As you can see sos has quite the force in NA primetime. This was 30v70-80 and a hell of alot of fun. keep on coming please they were great fights

Not gonna lie CNB run 20-30 and fang had around 20 as well so rooster is wrong we had over 50 if you count all the pugs. However you did not state that this fight had begun at the Derry south of the location. Though FEAR has around 30 people we had already gone through 30+ other SoR in that fight. This was a pretty even and fight. CNB has had fun going up against your guild even though either you are outnumbered too heavily or we are. But in most cases both our guilds manage to kill about half a Zerg before falling to sheer numbers so my hat is off to you too FEAR keep fighting… And may the queue gods be forever in your favor.

Sea of Sorrows
Champion Paragon

(edited by D best.3547)

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: akamon.2769


as always, the negative posts get all the love. whereas when people are genuinely being nice, or even offering to help one another better enjoy the game, no one replies or they get swept under all the hate. i guess trolls will be trolls…

nice to know there are people who care to notice them. the positive things, that is.

been having some decent fights, SBI and SoS. hope to get out on the field a bit more this week.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


SBI, way to pull us out of our fight with SoR with a ham-fisted attempt on our garri, and you just ended up giving it to SoR anyway.
Only the lag from the SoR guys on the gate prevented you from getting wiped within seconds.

I’m trying hard to respect you guys; I don’t know if it’s your transfers, or you read FA’s WvW manual, or what.

TL;DR Playing for second is for losers.

Oh ho, we’ve got some hard-assed SoS here. But I guess playing for second is better than being 3rd.

No, no it’s not. FA used to play like this every week, now they are getting stomped by Maguuma. YB played this way, and they fell to Tier 5.

On SoS, we know we’ll never get better pounding on SBI. Bring on RISE, CHOO, and HL. Bring on guys that have skill as well as numbers.

I can’t wait for Maguuma to pass SBI. While they have good players , too many of them aren’t ready for this level of play.

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


If only Miasmic was here to witness this match up.

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: kuora.5402


If only Miasmic was here to witness this match up.

Last time SoR faced SBI he didn’t seem impressed.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Each person is entitled to an opinion. That said, I suffer from actually having a decent memory.

In the SoS/JQ/SBI days many SoS commanders did an excellent job of gaming JQ and SBI into nullifying each other. The fact that we may be tending to go after SoR currently is our choice and freely made at that. SBI is also free to play however they wish.

IMHO, The fact that SBI is currently doing a better job of gaming SoR for ppt than we are is simply their playstyle choice. There is nothing wrong with playing the ppt game for your server.

Good luck all, keep bringing the fun.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

(edited by elkirin.8534)

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amurond.4590


Each person is entitled to an opinion. That said, I suffer from actually having a decent memory.

In the SoS/JQ/SBI days many SoS commanders did an excellent job of gaming JQ and SBI into nullifying each other. The fact that we may be tending to go after SoR currently is our choice and freely made at that. SBI is free to play however they wish.

IMHO, The fact that SBI is currently doing a better job of gaming SoR for ppt than we are is simply their playstyle choice. There is nothing wrong with playing the ppt game for your server.

Good luck all, keep bringing the fun.

Excuse me but this post looks like it required some kind of thought process and thus is not welcome here. I’d appreciate it if you kept this to yourself next time. Thanks for your understanding.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


If only Miasmic was here to witness this match up.

Last time SoR faced SBI he didn’t seem impressed.

Yeah but who would’ve thought it would happen again!

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: kuora.5402


If only Miasmic was here to witness this match up.

Last time SoR faced SBI he didn’t seem impressed.

Yeah but who would’ve thought it would happen again!

Nobody, really. Anet just messed up hard with matchups.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

Amazing fights at SBI NW tower just a bit ago!!! Thanks for the fun battle SoR.


10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

I can’t wait for them to pass us either.

Alright folks, time to vote for who has the biggest kitten for SBI. Your nominees are

1. Noodica – a BP local, this guy has been following SBI like a bad smell for months now, and really hates dying to anyone on SBI. A strong contender. I once ran into him (before the Necro buff, in fairness) with an uplvled friend who I won a 2v1 against with ease. Compensates for his general badness by qqing on the forums.
2. Cynz – an IoJ local, likes to live through SoR’s ability to roflstomp SBI. Hasn’t been a fan as long as Noodica, but hates dying to anyone on SBI just as much. A worthy contestant – but is at long odds.
3. Chris – a SoS local, and highly underrated in this competition, the majority of his posts being about SBI the last few months. Complains that SBI has been only fighting easy servers, complains when SBI are currently leading his server in the PPT (even with participation levels ridiculously low). He is currently mad that SBI was on SoS BL, or something. Pretends he is “trying to respect you guys” but really made his mind up weeks ago.

I vote you’re violating my game mode.