11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)
Pvf Score Update!
SoR 90%
BG 9%
SoS 1%
New bunker meta sux
My point is, all of us in T1 are “stacked”. Particularly when compared to other servers. People that play on those servers must look at our use of the word and think we’re all on crack.
+100 pts. for being the first T1 poster this season to finally see things from outside the T1 bubble.
When it gets to the point where getting a single guild to cover that crucial 2 hour gap with low coverage is a game-changer; things are on the other side of the looking glass.
20 pages of nothing. Can we get to 40?
Yeah that IRON guy deleted his post -
But here’s the attachment
bye shifty
Pvf Score Update!
SoR 4%
BG 95%
SoS 1%
fixed for you
“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”
20 pages of nothing. Can we get to 40?
if we can keep this up. maybe by tomorrow?
“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”
I think we should continue to egg SoR and BG on in this pointless debate. Keep it going strong so that the TC peeps coming back last week will feel like they didn’t miss a single post since they are still arguing the exact thing they were last week.
Interesting thing right now though, SoR is ticking pretty good (still behind BG) right now. I noticed this PPT increase corresponds with a dramatic drop in IRON PvF, someone in their organization must have started getting them in line.
What is going on here…. at this pace you guys will hit 40 pages by wednesday maybe
and thanks for the nods over to TC. We can use some more friends to battle alongside with. Especially dem aussies dat hit like mack trucks… orwhatever.
I think we should continue to egg SoR and BG on in this pointless debate. Keep it going strong so that the TC peeps coming back last week will feel like they didn’t miss a single post since they are still arguing the exact thing they were last week.
Interesting thing right now though, SoR is ticking pretty good (still behind BG) right now. I noticed this PPT increase corresponds with a dramatic drop in IRON PvF, someone in their organization must have started getting them in line.
There isn’t much to argue about
New bunker meta sux
interesting, a couple of minutes ago there was a post by an IRON guy complaining about a BG commander talking bad to him. He posted a screen shot as proof. I noticed one of his guildees was asking a fellow member of the guild if he was on BG. wonder why this was taken down?
Yeah that IRON guy deleted his post -
But here’s the attachment
lol as usual iron can’t count. we both had map zergs there. We spawncamped them so hard they just hopped maps.
New bunker meta sux
So any guilds that thinking transfer out of SOR,
please consider TC,SOSand MAG or FA.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Anybody have that post from the last thread, where some SoR was saying something like “maybe we should stop logging in and avoid ZDs so they go back to EU”?
Yeah that IRON guy deleted his post -
But here’s the attachment
bye shifty
Haha i couldnt care less for the guilds no posting on the forums policy bullkitten
As for the suspicion of one of our members being on BG, that is false the guy was just asking if he was on that borderland.
The rebirth begins
Anybody have that post from the last thread, where some SoR was saying something like “maybe we should stop logging in and avoid ZDs so they go back to EU”?
That was me saying it as a joke but why? Did it actually work? :o
The rebirth begins
For those who want record about BG coverage after MERC left
Server – Blackgate
Week 2013-09-28 – 2013-10-05
scroll down to check “Hourly Average” to see average tick in OCX SEA time BG vs SoR after MERC left BG.
then click next week to
Week 2013-10-05 – 2013-10-12
Week 2013-10-12 – 2013-10-19
Anybody have that post from the last thread, where some SoR was saying something like “maybe we should stop logging in and avoid ZDs so they go back to EU”?
That was me saying it as a joke but why? Did it actually work? :o
I thought it was you, I wasn’t sure, was way too hard to find in that thread. Idk if you guys are trying that, you would know better than me, so I can’t answer the second question.
@ 09:27 AM their Monday primetime is a few hours into the future. Pretty sure they are not that gifted to be able to see in to the future, but are talking about past experience…. Like the weekend….
@ Shifty: No guilds pointed at. Back and forth wiping eachother is how it should be. You cant speak for the rest of SoR though.
Monday is considered a weekday.
Unless he made the same exact post 2 days in a row, I saw this on Sunday.
Love how a guy banned from the forums is still posting
So any guilds that thinking transfer out of SOR,
please consider TC,SOSand MAG or FA.FTFY.
I detect a little bit of concern from the gentleman from TC. Make no mistake, our long-term goal is to defeat you; so your concern is warranted.
1000th post, and nothing important said, let’s set a record!
1000th post, and nothing important said, let’s set a record!
You cut me deep Chris.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Ah, so you’re the one to blame for all of this Indo…
http://www.gw2opp.com • http://www.youtube.com/user/oppveretta
PLX of Blackgate is looking for GvGs, Please message/Inbox me or Rawnoodles.1398 so we can set something up and have some awesome fights.
Bold text courtesy of Noodles.
@Cod I have no intention of speaking for the server, only IRON and that night was alot of fun.
@Siegfried please you need to learn to count, how does 35= a map blob? Please elaborate
@DKNS please IRON do not run, we fight till we die, however im sure you have run countless time.
On that note, those who call IRON ‘IRUN’ are making a fool of theirselves here onwards.. Weve had a strong reputation back on Deso of fighting any given fights despite the odds and we’ve carried this through to NA, i dont know where your getting these claims from but they are nothing but lies.
@ballymun, Don Foe was not an officer he was a member. I dont know what ge was doing so i cant speak for it. But stop trying to give IRON a bad name.. Pathetic for you to try this really
The rebirth begins
(edited by Shifty.4985)
@Cod I have no intention of speaking for the server, only IRON and that night was alot of fun.
@Siegfried please you need to learn to count, how does 35= a map blob? Please elaborate
@DKNS please IRON do not run, we fight till we die, however im sure you have run countless time.
On that note, those who call IRON ‘IRUN’ are making a fool of theirselves here onwards.. Weve had a strong reputation back on Deso of fighting any given fights despite the odds and we’ve carried this through to NA, i dont know where your getting these claims from but they are nothing but lies.
Hi Shifty from IRUN; missed you. Had your run for today?
Hats off to the SoR and TC players that are still coming out to the Borderlands for a fight. Especially GE.. love your fighting spirit.
@Cod I have no intention of speaking for the server, only IRON and that night was alot of fun.
@Siegfried please you need to learn to count, how does 35= a map blob? Please elaborate
@DKNS please IRON do not run, we fight till we die, however im sure you have run countless time.
On that note, those who call IRON ‘IRUN’ are making a fool of theirselves here onwards.. Weve had a strong reputation back on Deso of fighting any given fights despite the odds and we’ve carried this through to NA, i dont know where your getting these claims from but they are nothing but lies.
Hi Shifty from IRUN; missed you. Had your run for today?
If anything it was running after you, to eventually collect that lootbag, we missed you to but wanted to give you a hug!!
Seriously though, we dont and never run..
The rebirth begins
I must say all this crap talking on the forums is getting out of hand and we all just need to move on. I am sure BG has figured out stacking is not making it anymore fun for them or other servers. Overall the fun factor in wvwvw has taken a dip. I hope one day we can balance the tier back to what it was during the first week of leagues. Even if that week wasn’t perfectly balanced, I still feel it was the most balanced Tier 1 has been since beta.
@Cod I have no intention of speaking for the server, only IRON and that night was alot of fun.
@Siegfried please you need to learn to count, how does 35= a map blob? Please elaborate
@DKNS please IRON do not run, we fight till we die, however im sure you have run countless time.
On that note, those who call IRON ‘IRUN’ are making a fool of theirselves here onwards.. Weve had a strong reputation back on Deso of fighting any given fights despite the odds and we’ve carried this through to NA, i dont know where your getting these claims from but they are nothing but lies.
@ballymun, Don Foe was not an officer he was a member. I dont know what ge was doing so i cant speak for it. But stop trying to give IRON a bad name.. Pathetic for you to try this really
Add L2read to the list of things you need to l2do. And now it is 35? Didn’t some IRUN guy say it was 30? I guess after a few posts we will reach 80.
New bunker meta sux
One guild can’t effect guilds outside of it’s time zone, EU mustered what it could to hold SOR bl and later moved into SOS where we fought BG from mid to late EU on the bottom half of the map hoping SOS would reclaim their garry and portion of the map and give us a 3 way.
It didn’t happen SOS thought it better to attack Bay than reclaim garry and got chased off. Anyway was great fun amongst the zerg wars with BG’s COIN/HB, PLX/PUG zerg getting too focused on Briar, PLX breaking off and bum rushing IRON you pulling back to the ruins to build siege and AFTL diverting to cap lake then portal bombing your siege when you left your rear exposed there was def some enjoyable two way pushes and fights.
Thanks everyone for a great EU prime experience this is what it’s all about nobody hiding in the closet SOR EU maybe consolidating it’s numbers a fair bit but standing together, want more of this
(edited by Axle.5182)
@Cod I have no intention of speaking for the server, only IRON and that night was alot of fun.
@Siegfried please you need to learn to count, how does 35= a map blob? Please elaborate
@DKNS please IRON do not run, we fight till we die, however im sure you have run countless time.
On that note, those who call IRON ‘IRUN’ are making a fool of theirselves here onwards.. Weve had a strong reputation back on Deso of fighting any given fights despite the odds and we’ve carried this through to NA, i dont know where your getting these claims from but they are nothing but lies.
Hi Shifty from IRUN; missed you. Had your run for today?
If anything it was running after you, to eventually collect that lootbag, we missed you to but wanted to give you a hug!!
Seriously though, we dont and never run..
Yeah, this week you guys are actually not even logging on.
Of course not, we just log on every day and for the first two orso hours we fight ZDs then the rest we fight Coin/HB/PLX yep, we totally dont log on.. Keep trying son
The rebirth begins
So BG who has beat SoR 6 out of the last 7 times the 2 faced each other is still trying to say they are the underdogs after they stacked their server again.
SoR beat Blackgate 14 times
BG/SoR have faced off against each other 7 times this year without JQ and BG has won 6 out of those 7 matches.
Mos shows weeks 39-52 of the previous year. Of those 7 matches without JQ BG won all of them.
Week 52 29-05 January
BG 285 618
SoR 172 525
Week 51 22-29 December
BG 231 010
SoR 206 862
Week 50 15-22 December
BG 254 459
SoR 221 466
Week 49 08-15 December
BG 227 356
SoR 202 113
Week 48 01-08 December
BG 257 339
SoR 189 990
Week 47 24-01 December
BG 219 961
SoR 198 251
Week 46 17-24 November
BG 251 795
SoR 195 171
BG has won 13 out of the last 14 times BG and SoR fought without JQ.
(edited by KeeZee.7312)
The man is trying to keep us down but we at oPP will never give up. This is the type of oppression we see daily! But this is exactly why we will fight harder for you! Our supporters!
Has BuLL finished transferring yet? Can’t wait to fight them, heh.
Has BuLL finished transferring yet? Can’t wait to fight them, heh.
Who are they?
New bunker meta sux
Has BuLL finished transferring yet? Can’t wait to fight them, heh.
Who are they?
Some EU guild (i think) SoR paid to transfer to them.
Has BuLL finished transferring yet? Can’t wait to fight them, heh.
Who are they?
I heard they are a 30-40 good Spanish guild. They should have started transferring last week or early this week.
Hey guys next year we get updates and updates after that will be game changing. So stay updated on the updates. Any update?
Has BuLL finished transferring yet? Can’t wait to fight them, heh.
Who are they?
Some EU guild (i think) SoR paid to transfer to them.
Wow! SoR are hypocrites!
New bunker meta sux
So BG who has beat SoR 6 out of the last 7 times the 2 faced each other is still trying to say they are the underdogs after they stacked their server again.
SoR beat Blackgate 14 times
showing only what he wants to see
You must have forgotten the first 2 weeks prior to league starting where SoR beat BG.
Week 41 12-19 October
BG 242 380
TC 152 372
JQ 323 892
Week 40 05-12 October
JQ 262 402
BG 238 154
SoR 247 939
BG only fought SoR in one of those matches and JQ took first in both due to BG and SoR taking a break before leagues started.
Has BuLL finished transferring yet? Can’t wait to fight them, heh.
Yeah and what about WIC? Has the SoR community scared them off already?
WIC where in EB earlier
I must say all this crap talking on the forums is getting out of hand and we all just need to move on. I am sure BG has figured out stacking is not making it anymore fun for them or other servers. Overall the fun factor in wvwvw has taken a dip. I hope one day we can balance the tier back to what it was during the first week of leagues. Even if that week wasn’t perfectly balanced, I still feel it was the most balanced Tier 1 has been since beta.
Do you know how many NA guilds, players and commanders that had to over extend themselves on BG into Ocx, SeA and EU timezones just to compete with both JQ and SoR?
We lost guilds covering all those TZ yet we never complained, we just got on with it and all guilds and players extended themselves outside their normal timezones in order to pull off a hard earned win.
Some EU players like myself had even transferred back to EU servers because we had so few people to play with during our normal timezones on BG.
I know people like to run off with themselves and say BG stacks but hand on heart, during SeA and EU timezones, there was never a queue on any BL or even EB. There were small EU and small SeA guilds here but never did we have anything on BG to compete with what SoR or JQ had, ever!
ZDs transferring here eased that a LOT but their move was completely unexpected, I’d only previously been playing alongside them on SFR the previous week myself before moving back to BG as I missed the community here.
Have the competition between our servers, but keep it fun, keep it free from trolling and the constant lying and flame baiting.
Peace, love and hammer stuns.
thanks for the good fun guys
Oh, that’s what Shifty looks like. Interesting.
oPP – Blackgate
Typical Shifty picture; facing the opposite direction, ready to RUN.
Has BuLL finished transferring yet? Can’t wait to fight them, heh.
Yeah and what about WIC? Has the SoR community scared them off already?
WIC where in EB earlier
That’s great to hear
Hope their transfer to SoR goes smoothly… I saw a few BuLL earlier there as well.
WIC seem to have roughly the same numbers as us 10-15 maybe less they did follow us for a while when we where in EB but we where totaly outnumbered with buff i don’t think they enjoyed our kamikaze tactics on tier 3 towers, don’t blame them got a bit tired of it ourselves lol
We only win because we 3vs1 against IRUN…those 5 HB, 10 PLX and 10 COIN totally outzerg IRUN, I tell ya
We only win because we 3vs1 against IRUN…those 5 HB, 10 PLX and 10 COIN totally outzerg IRUN, I tell ya
kitten, that blob size. IRUN had no chance.
Hey guys next year we get updates and updates after that will be game changing. So stay updated on the updates. Any update?
Hehe. I suspect Lions Arch for each of our servers is going to look vastly different when those updates come.
ESO is scheduled to launch early next year and many here will leave in droves to try out the much hyped MMO. Every server from Rank 1 to the lowest population will lose players and guilds to that game, some will comeback but am sure a good chunk will stay for good which will undoubtedly shift the landscape of the present tiers so enjoy it while it lasts.
I also noticed WoW the 8 year MMO king is finally merging servers via their Connected Realms public relations speak which is basically a term for realms being shutdown and merged. That game will continue to take a hit in subs as am sure many there will continue to leave in droves when ESO launches.