The Soloblade
11/15 IoJ/NSP/YB
Hey guys this matchup thread is boring as sin. Here’s a vid taken from the other night with SPCA, tM (joe and mugi’s guild), and Holy. Just some regular team play from 5man dagger/dagger ele pov. Hope you like it.
Hey guys this matchup thread is boring as sin. Here’s a vid taken from the other night with SPCA, tM (joe and mugi’s guild), and Holy. Just some regular team play from 5man dagger/dagger ele pov. Hope you like it
Maeg Areo Hotah
Some great fights in IoJ Borderlands today, but man, Yak’s Bend – there’s just no end to you guys!
Thanks for a lot of good scraps, NSP too.
Does anyone actually fight anymore?
Sick of this “run away I don’t have 4 team mates to fight 1 person” meta
unfortunately nope.. there are a lot of really bad/inexperienced players on yaks bend and guilds liek Os and XOXO on NSP don’t generally solo/small group roam – just big zergs. kinda boring really. hopefully action picks up in bronze league
Hey guys this matchup thread is boring as sin. Here’s a vid taken from the other night with SPCA, tM (joe and mugi’s guild), and Holy. Just some regular team play from 5man dagger/dagger ele pov. Hope you like it
This is why I never feel guilty dying to you guys. Keep it up dudes!
….. And Elementalist.
Does anyone actually fight anymore?
Sick of this “run away I don’t have 4 team mates to fight 1 person” meta
unfortunately nope.. there are a lot of really bad/inexperienced players on yaks bend and guilds liek Os and XOXO on NSP don’t generally solo/small group roam – just big zergs. kinda boring really. hopefully action picks up in bronze league
We really do love our zergs; it’s what we’re known for.
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
Hey guys this matchup thread is boring as sin. Here’s a vid taken from the other night with SPCA, tM (joe and mugi’s guild), and Holy. Just some regular team play from 5man dagger/dagger ele pov. Hope you like it
This is why I never feel guilty dying to you guys. Keep it up dudes!
Gj on making your first video, keep it up. Although the description in the vid is kinda messed up, the skill level of ele is over 9000 in here.
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered:
hopefully action picks up in bronze league
pretty sure bronze league is already full and your set to silver for life. enjoy.
Props to IoJ in your BL. Solid work there guys.
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend)
(edited by Spade.1374)
Goes to show why you should spam “pick up loot” before you die, thanks YB!
I HATE that… I know they are also silently laughing because the ones I was able to pick up are spikes when they have the really sweet and unique loot. :/
“We are a WvW organization! We don’t throw tea parties!
We burn them to the ground and put the teddy bears to death!”
Just a real quick thanks to NSP and Yaks. This week is testament to the fact that there are some great people engaging in WvWvW. The fights have been great, there’s been very little chest thumping and I’ve not been witness to any un-sportsman like behavior. We may not be winning, but this bout – unlike the previous mire of baddness we found ourselves in last week – is turning out to be a lot of fun to participate in.
Hats off to both servers, and let’s keep up the great fights!
Fun fights in IoJ BL, never thought we would omega golem spawn camp YB. We were properly rolled by your 30-40 man but it was fun.
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Oh Hey NSP, I was happy to see ya’ll, because I like Os a lot. Then I remembered XOXO and SPCA and now I just don’t care. Uncouth chavs.
We hart you too?
NSP | Os Guild Master |
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend)
Amazing afternoon, lot of great fights. I can’t wait to do this again
Good fights for the past hour in NSP bl. Had to get back to work.
-Your friendly blue engineer.
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend)
Bookahs on [AciD]
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend) RESOLUTION.
Dat spec that is about to be nerfed rightfully hard. Stealth stackers… yawn
Just wanted to pop in and say that my perplexity cheese twink thief is working successfully. Hello to my XOXO/SPCA/tM pals, I hope all is well.
And if Mage Bank is still around, thank you for enlightening me.
Roamer and Troll
Just wanted to pop in and say that my perplexity cheese twink thief is working successfully. Hello to my XOXO/SPCA/tM pals, I hope all is well.
And if Mage Bank is still around, thank you for enlightening me.
If you spike Nin and get a screen shot ( S ..S turned into kitten… what.) of it… I’ll give you some gold.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend) RESOLUTION.
Dat spec that is about to be nerfed rightfully hard. Stealth stackers… yawn
There is an alternative to perma stealth without the init stack/regen needed ^_^ (me and my friend have tested) , just don’t wanna spoil until December. D/P perma stealth shall live!
Perma stealth is bad, mkay?
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend) RESOLUTION.
Dat spec that is about to be nerfed rightfully hard. Stealth stackers… yawn
There is an alternative to perma stealth without the init stack/regen needed
(me and my friend have tested) , just don’t wanna spoil until December. D/P perma stealth shall live!
Oh joy, once that catches on thieves will just get nerfed harder.
Tuck and Roll: Warrior – What Everyone Loves: Guardian -Hardkore Junglist: Ranger -
Kitty Gearwrench: Engineer – Dwomm: Elementalist – Which Kitten Is It: Mesmer
(edited by Mike.5193)
Lol at YB….. 3rd time bay was about to be flipped with the same catas you guys finally got me….
(I haven’t left your bay inner for about an hour till now)
….. And Elementalist.
Just wanted to pop in and say that my perplexity cheese twink thief is working successfully. Hello to my XOXO/SPCA/tM pals, I hope all is well.
And if Mage Bank is still around, thank you for enlightening me.
rip mage bank u will be remembered
I don’t see enough drama about XOXO. Please share your stories about us 5v1’ing and sit spamming you.
Here, I’ll start.
XOXO killed me with 50 people and then threw siege and sat on me for 10 minutes.
Viohlent – Thief
I don’t see enough drama about XOXO. Please share your stories about us 5v1’ing and sit spamming you.
Here, I’ll start.
XOXO killed me with 50 people and then threw siege and sat on me for 10 minutes.
Clearly you guys need to step up your game and come up with some new ways to bm people. Simple teabagging just doesn’t cut it these days.
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend) RESOLUTION.
Dat spec that is about to be nerfed rightfully hard. Stealth stackers… yawn
There is an alternative to perma stealth without the init stack/regen needed
(me and my friend have tested) , just don’t wanna spoil until December. D/P perma stealth shall live!
But is it a viable and practical spec? Or just a way to stay invis..
YB map watchers extraordinaire. Kharma train leaving station. Another week with a mega zerg earning hollow wins. But each week we are getting better fighting and our smaller units are wiping larger YB more often.
The fun has been gone so we have to be creative. So when you see us dancing or laughing when you return exactly as the buff on our towers is up please don’t be sad or think its a tactical win on your part either.
Seeing SE take OW and try Veloka was funny. Another IOJ guild who left at the eleventh hour to a larger server. Seems odd that CORE did the same thing jumping to FA but hey what better way to improve your odds by reducing another servers odds after you helped get us into silver. Imagine if honor and loyalty mattered and IOJ had those 50 or so members that hamstrung us. Hmmm. Happy Hollow Victories.
(edited by Jay.7546)
can i have some tacos tacospy?
YB map watchers extraordinaire. Kharma train leaving station. Another week with a mega zerg earning hollow wins. But each week we are getting better fighting and our smaller units are wiping larger YB more often.
The fun has been gone so we have to be creative. So when you see us dancing or laughing when you return exactly as the buff on our towers is up please don’t be sad or think its a tactical win on your part either.
Seeing SE take OW and try Veloka was funny. Another IOJ guild who left at the eleventh hour to a larger server. Seems odd that CORE did the same thing jumping to FA but hey what better way to improve your odds by reducing another servers odds after you helped get us into silver. Imagine if honor and loyalty mattered and IOJ had those 50 or so members that hamstrung us. Hmmm. Happy Hollow Victories.
Except that our server is not playing it smart and letting both servers back-cap stuff for all to enjoy a karma train. There’s not reason not to, but whatever… the actual WvW guilds can keep logging on and struggle to find something to do.
Bookahs on [AciD]
Today, I had the honor of being part of a 50 man of NSP, a truly rare sight to see.
The Soloblade
Does anyone actually fight anymore?
Sick of this “run away I don’t have 4 team mates to fight 1 person” meta
unfortunately nope.. there are a lot of really bad/inexperienced players on yaks bend and guilds liek Os and XOXO on NSP don’t generally solo/small group roam – just big zergs. kinda boring really. hopefully action picks up in bronze league
LoL, do you even know what the hell you are saying!? lol
YB map watchers extraordinaire. Kharma train leaving station. Another week with a mega zerg earning hollow wins. But each week we are getting better fighting and our smaller units are wiping larger YB more often.
The fun has been gone so we have to be creative. So when you see us dancing or laughing when you return exactly as the buff on our towers is up please don’t be sad or think its a tactical win on your part either.
Seeing SE take OW and try Veloka was funny. Another IOJ guild who left at the eleventh hour to a larger server. Seems odd that CORE did the same thing jumping to FA but hey what better way to improve your odds by reducing another servers odds after you helped get us into silver. Imagine if honor and loyalty mattered and IOJ had those 50 or so members that hamstrung us. Hmmm. Happy Hollow Victories.
Man Jay. You are really kitten about everything aren’t you?
Fun fights in IoJ NA morning shift with YB. You guys are relentless, fun defending garri for multiple YB assaults. Good stuff and awesome job IoJ. Keep our presence up through the week and we got 2nd.
Wow, just wow. I seriously just lost all respect for NSP. 2 people show up at a camp with 7 of you there plus guards. we say what the hell and charge in anyway to fight you. You don’t even attempt to try and fight us, you instantly hop on the ballista and arrow cart you have there and try to kill us. We still managed to down and spike 3 of you before you finally killed us. I thought you guys were above that sort of thing. That’s something i’d expect from SBI, but not you guys.
decided to go back alone to see if maybe you’d try to fight me by yourselves. Some of you left but you still had the numerical advantage. And i’m instantly greeted with some ballista fire. Can’t you guys get off the siege for once and try to fight?
We’ve had an insane amount of enemies disconnecting in downed state. To the tune of much more this week than the entirety of playing this game at the 3-day headstart.
Bookahs on [AciD]
Wow, just wow. I seriously just lost all respect for NSP. 2 people show up at a camp with 7 of you there plus guards. we say what the hell and charge in anyway to fight you. You don’t even attempt to try and fight us, you instantly hop on the ballista and arrow cart you have there and try to kill us. We still managed to down and spike 3 of you before you finally killed us. I thought you guys were above that sort of thing. That’s something i’d expect from SBI, but not you guys.
You seem very upset about the situation at hand, would you like cheese with your…….. WHINEEEEEEEE
Man Jay. You are really kitten about everything aren’t you?
Aren’t you on the wrong forum thread?
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief
Man Jay. You are really kitten about everything aren’t you?
Aren’t you on the wrong forum thread?
I missed the Bunses gifs And Karns trolling.
Hey it’s Zaturday! This is my first post on here.
Thief (D/P) Outnumbered fight with [XOXO] and [GHW] of NSP vs YB Zerg
(6 vs 15+ Yaks Bend)
Are you the thief that I insta downed like two days ago at NSP spawn in YB BL? Man… I had a good laugh, suddenly a XOXO thief appears to help his buddies but he got owned in 2 seconds XD now that I recall I did the same to a thief with an afro, XOXO your thieves are getting sloppy!
Man Jay. You are really kitten about everything aren’t you?
Aren’t you on the wrong forum thread?
I missed the Bunses gifs
And Karns trolling.
:-/ too bad CORE band-wagoned to FA for an easy win.
now, shoo shoo fa.
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief
Man Jay. You are really kitten about everything aren’t you?
Aren’t you on the wrong forum thread?
I missed the Bunses gifs
And Karns trolling.
:-/ too bad CORE band-wagoned to FA for an easy win.
now, shoo shoo fa.
Did they bandwagon before the league started?
Man Jay. You are really kitten about everything aren’t you?
Aren’t you on the wrong forum thread?
I missed the Bunses gifs
And Karns trolling.
:-/ too bad CORE band-wagoned to FA for an easy win.
now, shoo shoo fa.
And here I was being nice. You caught us though. We bandwagoned so hard. So so hard. And we did it on purpose to screw over IoJ. Now you guys have to pull yourselves together again! Curses. We were found out. kitten . At least IoJ is full of uber-players now with so much loyalty that it falls out of their ears. But man! That gold dolyak finisher is the only thing we wanted though. That plus the blues and greens we will get for winning will be all worth it. So glad we bandwagoned. For serial.
decided to go back alone to see if maybe you’d try to fight me by yourselves. Some of you left but you still had the numerical advantage. And i’m instantly greeted with some ballista fire. Can’t you guys get off the siege for once and try to fight?
No offence but if you’re looking for fights, small fights, there’s freakin’ sPvP! Guess what, there’s next to no siege (albeit trebuchet’s in Khylo and newb-hammer) and every one is fighting! Also no food and/or sharpening stones, no under levels and no stacks of guard leech/bloodlust.
WvW is a game with heavy emphasis on siege.
Covenant of the First Flame [Soul]
Man Jay. You are really kitten about everything aren’t you?
Aren’t you on the wrong forum thread?
I missed the Bunses gifs
And Karns trolling.
:-/ too bad CORE band-wagoned to FA for an easy win.
now, shoo shoo fa.And here I was being nice. You caught us though. We bandwagoned so hard. So so hard. And we did it on purpose to screw over IoJ. Now you guys have to pull yourselves together again! Curses. We were found out. kitten . At least IoJ is full of uber-players now with so much loyalty that it falls out of their ears. But man! That gold dolyak finisher is the only thing we wanted though. That plus the blues and greens we will get for winning will be all worth it. So glad we bandwagoned. For serial.
Nope, you just cried when people came to you for help and decided you couldn’t deal with it. So you left for a different server. Must have been tough to have one of the largest WvW guilds on the server with a constant population in TS. Its not like people went to the Mend or Hard channel for help either…
Tuck and Roll: Warrior – What Everyone Loves: Guardian -Hardkore Junglist: Ranger -
Kitty Gearwrench: Engineer – Dwomm: Elementalist – Which Kitten Is It: Mesmer
decided to go back alone to see if maybe you’d try to fight me by yourselves. Some of you left but you still had the numerical advantage. And i’m instantly greeted with some ballista fire. Can’t you guys get off the siege for once and try to fight?
No offence but if you’re looking for fights, small fights, there’s freakin’ sPvP! Guess what, there’s next to no siege (albeit trebuchet’s in Khylo and newb-hammer) and every one is fighting! Also no food and/or sharpening stones, no under levels and no stacks of guard leech/bloodlust.
WvW is a game with heavy emphasis on siege.
spvp sucks balls though. Maps are way too small, very limited in what builds you can use there. I don’t use the same cookie cutter builds that everyone else does. None of my builds are recreatable in spvp because of the limited stat combinations you can get there. And standing in a circle is boring anyway. In spvp everyone else is just running boring meta builds that will let them sit in the circle for as long as possible without dying. That’s incredibly boring to fight against.
And there’s no reason why 7 people need siege and guards to kill 2 people. If they weren’t such cowards they could have gotten off the siege and just fought us. They still had the advantage either way. We were just looking for someone to fight, but we cant seem to pull anyone away from large groups or away from siege long enough to actually fight.
decided to go back alone to see if maybe you’d try to fight me by yourselves. Some of you left but you still had the numerical advantage. And i’m instantly greeted with some ballista fire. Can’t you guys get off the siege for once and try to fight?
No offence but if you’re looking for fights, small fights, there’s freakin’ sPvP! Guess what, there’s next to no siege (albeit trebuchet’s in Khylo and newb-hammer) and every one is fighting! Also no food and/or sharpening stones, no under levels and no stacks of guard leech/bloodlust.
WvW is a game with heavy emphasis on siege.
spvp sucks balls though. Maps are way too small, very limited in what builds you can use there. I don’t use the same cookie cutter builds that everyone else does. None of my builds are recreatable in spvp because of the limited stat combinations you can get there. And standing in a circle is boring anyway. In spvp everyone else is just running boring meta builds that will let them sit in the circle for as long as possible without dying. That’s incredibly boring to fight against.
And there’s no reason why 7 people need siege and guards to kill 2 people. If they weren’t such cowards they could have gotten off the siege and just fought us. They still had the advantage either way. We were just looking for someone to fight, but we cant seem to pull anyone away from large groups or away from siege long enough to actually fight.
You have a few options at this point:
1. Create a fake guild tag in order to bait them.
2. Emote spam them in order to bait them.
3. Throw free siege on the ground in order to bait them.
4. Siege grief them in order to bait them.
5. Or just fight them and realize WvW is a joke.
Roamer and Troll