20.12.13: FSP vs AM vs GH
No idea why GH is 13 instead of far shiver peaks. Are these based on older scores? I think right now it should be 13 fsp, 14 AM and 15 GH..
Have fun all.
No idea why GH is 13 instead of far shiver peaks. Are these based on older scores? I think right now it should be 13 fsp, 14 AM and 15 GH..
Have fun all.
Gh is 13 because we have beaten Baruch Bay last week.
I also want to wish everyone Gl whit the matchup and want to thank Df and Punk for the nice fights.
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
Looking for officer/leader of SLAY.
Plz PM me in game
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Ty TEO and NP ..also MM for all the fun fights. Was a great reset night !
Far Shiverpeaks
Looking for officer/leader of SLAY.
Plz PM me in game
One of your guildies Venn Adamant is an ex-[SLAY] member, he can tell u when one of our officers is on, he has us on friends list
Thanks for the fights on Gh border btw, we tried not to add to your vk fight in Bay
(edited by Flamey.1430)
Duels this week anyone? /w me.
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Had fun playing with FIRE and the abablob on GH last nite in Bay & Cliffside
The Soul Slayers [SLAY]
FarShiver Peaks
No idea why GH is 13 instead of far shiver peaks. Are these based on older scores? I think right now it should be 13 fsp, 14 AM and 15 GH..
Have fun all.
Gh is 13 because we have beaten Baruch Bay last week.
I also want to wish everyone Gl whit the matchup and want to thank Df and Punk for the nice fights.
And GH beat us 2 weeks ago, you ain’t playing the underdog this week
Luna Solares – Mesmer
No idea why GH is 13 instead of far shiver peaks. Are these based on older scores? I think right now it should be 13 fsp, 14 AM and 15 GH..
Have fun all.
Gh is 13 because we have beaten Baruch Bay last week.
I also want to wish everyone Gl whit the matchup and want to thank Df and Punk for the nice fights.
And GH beat us 2 weeks ago, you ain’t playing the underdog this week
Did we? I didnt know. I thought we lost that one. Well ok.
And blobadon, you never fail to amaze me when we try to take a supply camp with five and you respond with 60+.
No idea why GH is 13 instead of far shiver peaks. Are these based on older scores? I think right now it should be 13 fsp, 14 AM and 15 GH..
Have fun all.
Gh is 13 because we have beaten Baruch Bay last week.
I also want to wish everyone Gl whit the matchup and want to thank Df and Punk for the nice fights.
And GH beat us 2 weeks ago, you ain’t playing the underdog this week
Actually YOU beat us, and pretty badly I must admit.
No idea why GH is 13 instead of far shiver peaks. Are these based on older scores? I think right now it should be 13 fsp, 14 AM and 15 GH..
Have fun all.
Gh is 13 because we have beaten Baruch Bay last week.
I also want to wish everyone Gl whit the matchup and want to thank Df and Punk for the nice fights.
And GH beat us 2 weeks ago, you ain’t playing the underdog this week
Actually YOU beat us, and pretty badly I must admit.
No we didn’t, check it on the MOS site, you won by more than 6k against us.
We did fine the first half of the week but in the second half you were a lot stronger and passed us in score the last day.
Maybe you forgot about that week and just remember the match from last month where we did beat you badly
Luna Solares – Mesmer
(edited by Ironvos.9014)
No idea why GH is 13 instead of far shiver peaks. Are these based on older scores? I think right now it should be 13 fsp, 14 AM and 15 GH..
Have fun all.
Gh is 13 because we have beaten Baruch Bay last week.
I also want to wish everyone Gl whit the matchup and want to thank Df and Punk for the nice fights.
And GH beat us 2 weeks ago, you ain’t playing the underdog this week
Actually YOU beat us, and pretty badly I must admit.
No we didn’t, check it on the MOS site, you won by more than 6k against us.
We did fine the first half of the week but in the second half you were a lot stronger and passed us in score the last day.
http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/23/128Maybe you forgot about that week and just remember the match from last month where we did beat you badly
:O my bad. I took my degree on the last day so I was not able to log in and watch the final score. We used to perform very badly on the last day so I never thought we would catch up to you. Props to us I guess
Anyway, good fights yesterday with PunK in bay and later with the AM blob in EB.
Already got my daily share of hate by some SWAG guys this early morning but w/e, I know being killed by thieves suck.
To the amazingly good AM engi (rank Assaulter, guild IX) I just dueled and to the really good FSP S/D thief (rank Major, can’t remember guild tag but was starting with “W”): nice fights in the Obsidian Sanctum! Last week the OS was totally empty! It is good to see some good people there ^o^
SLAY is raiding right now follow us on our twitch stream http://www.twitch.tv/thesoulslayers
Prepare To Die!! Never Stop Fighting!!
What a day amazing fights everywhere on eb it took about 6 hours to flip our ogrewatch though which we were surprised at due to large numbers of both Am and Fsp but i will not complain. Sm has been flipped huge amounts of times and Gunnars hold in second position looking strong keep going guys
Apologies to dF if we made some of your members rage but its customary to our guild to focus those who have left
much love, xoxo
The rebirth begins
The killshot warrior made some of us very mad
What a day amazing fights everywhere on eb
it took about 6 hours to flip our ogrewatch though which we were surprised at due to large numbers of both Am and Fsp but i will not complain. Sm has been flipped huge amounts of times and Gunnars hold in second position looking strong keep going guys
They only took ogre because there was a hefty outnumbered on GH side.
ty NP 4 gvg
must say been some EPIC fights on FSP BL tonight FIRE xXx FAME big proper to letting the guilds fight it out <3
keep it coming :P
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Big thanks to NP especially, FAME before you blobbed up and the others we had some really nice fights against!
Had a hard time tonight leading my first raid in almost 8 months if not longer, didn’t help with having max 16 people from Flare at any given time. Anyway, was a very nice evening untill the AM zone blob came in and ruined all the fun…
Merry christmas to you all! See you next week maybe!
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
well well well Nem we meet again! thanks for the nice fights all night xXx keep them coming
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Great fights with FIRE, xXx and FAME, well done for having a little honour and dignity. Sorry about the guild from GH that kept jumping in, very much like DFC or whatever their name was.
Most fun I’ve had in WvW for a while, nice to fight against you Trip after fighting alongside you so many times on AG =)
Hehe, I had a LOT of fun fighting you guys!
And Twiggy and Syndz! Stop trying to nuke me down all the time!! Those immobalize, confusion and shatter-bursts tickle now and then :/
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
transfer on fsp we dont have queue cit.
we are a bit low in number for xmass,we started with 9 with a peak of 13 max on this evening and think it can be like that for the rest of the week,so we cant give really a proper fight.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Had a lot of fun roaming this evening. Had a few really nice duals with a war from op. Appreciate it after spending most of the time comming up against groups or duo’s
Thanks a lot guys.
[FAME] had a public event yesterday evening. (10 FAME ppl + 10 random Players – without Commander tagged up)
improve our movement was the goal – and i think it was one of the most awesome day we had for a long time.
Thank you guys, hope we meet again today.
Redhead – Leader of [FAME] [AM]
(edited by Reju.6870)
Could you bring more guild groups next time Fsp? I dont think there were enough on our BL yet.
i was waiting for the legendary banner hold
Could you bring more guild groups next time Fsp? I dont think there were enough on our BL yet.
Sorry border is full cant put more guilds there:’(
Ah ok, I think you left a few out. Perhaps next time?
Ah ok, I think you left a few out. Perhaps next time?
Garrison on GH border has lived a charmed life since the beginning of the matchup. We thought it needed a new colour for a change.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Could you bring more guild groups next time Fsp? I dont think there were enough on our BL yet.
Man, you had your fun at dayshift, flipping our BL over and over again. Anyway, thanks to GRTS, NP, some SLAY and others for the fights. We initially started with 2 guilds, and massive EB queue, prompted for more I guess. You had 3 overly attractive waypoints ! Also, that 80+ AM blob at their bl at the later hours..jesus ! Never ending red names !
Far Shiverpeaks
come to fsp we dont have queue cit.
Ah ok, I think you left a few out. Perhaps next time?
Garrison on GH border has lived a charmed life since the beginning of the matchup. We thought it needed a new colour for a change.
Well green is better than Blue =)
Could you bring more guild groups next time Fsp? I dont think there were enough on our BL yet.
Man, you had your fun at dayshift, flipping our BL over and over again. Anyway, thanks to GRTS, NP, some SLAY and others for the fights. We initially started with 2 guilds, and massive EB queue, prompted for more I guess. You had 3 overly attractive waypoints !
Also, that 80+ AM blob at their bl at the later hours..jesus ! Never ending red names !
I have no idea what happend at the day shift, it was like noone of your server was online? Or perhaps all on EB, dunno.
And our beautifull waypoints, gone
Sad that FSP can’t show their strength, no numbers because of holidays.
GH have really impressed me this matchup, some nice fights and they score good. But it is so boring to wipe blobs that don’t give you any challenge.
Sad that FSP can’t show their strength, no numbers because of holidays.
GH have really impressed me this matchup, some nice fights and they score good. But it is so boring to wipe blobs that don’t give you any challenge.
We have holidays too mate and many guilds stopped raiding this week.
Not that it matters just saying
Epic fight in SM this night. Special thanks to the upleveled mesmer who managed to get past the choke and portal the rest of us to the top so we could charge in from that side
Could you bring more guild groups next time Fsp? I dont think there were enough on our BL yet.
Man, you had your fun at dayshift, flipping our BL over and over again. Anyway, thanks to GRTS, NP, some SLAY and others for the fights. We initially started with 2 guilds, and massive EB queue, prompted for more I guess. You had 3 overly attractive waypoints !
Also, that 80+ AM blob at their bl at the later hours..jesus ! Never ending red names !
I have no idea what happend at the day shift, it was like noone of your server was online? Or perhaps all on EB, dunno.
And our beautifull waypoints, gone
We had people online alright, although of course not as many as Gunnars at the daytime (half of Underworld is there lol). Get the major difference between GH and FSP, as I was on GH too. Gunnar’s server is built up with mostly WvW guilds and people whereas FSP has a massive pug population, ofc, you saw them during leagues. To be fair, most of them are busy at wintersday as we have overflows at LA, huge blobs escorting dolly there. Also, they are utterly disappointed from the league rewards, so probably just don’t care or taking a break. Then there’s holidays too. Like we raided with 15-17 people. Which doesn’t matter at all because as long as I am getting good fights all around, I’m happy ! Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all !
Far Shiverpeaks
(edited by demetrodon.1457)
Drunken reset night & weekend roaming video, sponsored by Arnoldizzy Swarzenegger, dying bird and Frouther from another mother. Hi5 to AM for running smaller groups during the reset night, Froublob had amazing time! Not sure if you guys really did that or our drunken group just couldn’t count properly. Hi5 to WH, I hate PvE, Oz (Would be nice to actually fight you guys without all the adds since you already outman us, mayhaps next time let us kill the randoms and then continue our fight, yes no maybe?), DIE and some Kale guys we bumped into during our not too sober adventure.
Very merry Christmas, Hanukkah and/or foreveralone.jpg, whatever you decide to celebrate.
ty vK 4 gvg
Happy x-mass people. Don’t wvw too long now
Looks like GH is enjoying christmas more than FSP and AM together, since their megablobs are taking everything we own right now.
nice trains
Well around midnight isn’t exactly GH’s strong hours in any day looking at the past days, so it prolly just get’s amplified now. These few hours AM usually dominate.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Well around midnight isn’t exactly GH’s strong hours in any day looking at the past days, so it prolly just get’s amplified now. These few hours AM usually dominate.
We ticked 30 for a while
Good fun with TANK at our borders this night. You guys ain’t giving up:)
Santa’s been!! He gave me SM for Xmas!
Happy Xmas Everyone, hope you have a good day
Thank you for group on Eternal Battlefields with Fsp and Gunnar. Nice people we battle against , dancing, ringing bells and having cookies.
Sorry, our AM blob (only 18) killed one or the other of you.
Merry christmas to all of you – see you soon.
Guardian for Abaddon
Drunken reset night & weekend roaming video, …
Very merry Christmas, Hanukkah and/or foreveralone.jpg, whatever you decide to celebrate.
allways nice and entertaining vids u have there. hopefully there will be a new plattform somewhere from first january on to see the mu related vids and discussions.
merry tsk tsk to u and ur bunch