27/09 Fissure of Woe/Whiteside Ridge/Vabbi
Well I guess we all know what league we’ll be in
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
Vabbi will have a league of their own, the “Thanks for turning up” league (like a participation trophy!)
Some good small fights very late on, the odd little enjoyable 1v1/1v2 very very late on. That FoW reset zerg was pretty nasty!! WSR’s wasn’t exactly small either. Poor Mendon’s never stood a chance ;‘( Where will we have our picnic’s now!!!
Can’t play for most the weekend so let’s see what the week holds, fingers crossed with lot’s of manageable sized enemies :P
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
Leagues have been pushed back I do believe
Well I guess we all know what league we’ll be in
Could you tell you guild either to join the fight or to kitten off? Screwing around with golems is for 12 year olds.
Well I guess we all know what league we’ll be in
Could you tell you guild either to join the fight or to kitten off? Screwing around with golems is for 12 year olds.
1. Someone was bored and decided to throw some omega’s so we had a little fun with it.
2. gollems are part of the game whether you like it or not. Just a few sec ago out Bay got gollem rushed too and you dont see us crying here!
Gollems suck i know there is very little to do to defend against them when they are at the gate. But as long as they are a part of the game we all just have to live with it.
Could you tell you guild either to join the fight or to kitten off? Screwing around with golems is for 12 year olds.
You don’t like the joy and jam (very important) that Jd brings to FoW? :< Using golems to make jam is a trade secret, don’t tell anyone.
Also, Freyn thought our fight was odd, little and enjoyable. Not sure what to think about that.
….he thought about me.
/blush #‘3’)~
Also also, hai Jamo. I saw you on that cliff in EB. /wink. And later at our north camp.
Also also, hai Jamo. I saw you on that cliff in EB. /wink. And later at our north camp.
You saw me? Why didn’t you wave or come visit We was just looking for some fun!
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
I /cheered at you. I didn’t come up because you had a scary looking helmet on. I know what kind of fun comes with helmets like that.
We had fun later on though I hope! At north camp, I almost had you at one point, so close!
I sure hope it was you. I don’t hand out cheers all the time you know.
There were quite a few nice Fights yesterday :p
Could you tell you guild either to join the fight or to kitten off? Screwing around with golems is for 12 year olds.
You don’t like the joy and jam (very important) that Jd brings to FoW? :< Using golems to make jam is a trade secret, don’t tell anyone.
Also, Freyn thought our fight was odd, little and enjoyable. Not sure what to think about that.
….he thought about me.
/blush #‘3’)~Also also, hai Jamo. I saw you on that cliff in EB. /wink. And later at our north camp.
I like it when jd joins the fight, because they do make a difference. But when they are all playing with golems in sm when another group needs help no I do not really enjoy it :/
Some great battles in Stonemist last night, a big thankyou to everyone involved, that was the most fun I’ve had in WWW for a long time.
agreed, with a particular shout out to the [jd] pinyata-theif. once we saw your death-kite, we had to come back to say hi <3
Been an enjoyable night, started out a bit iffy with EB being somewhat crowded, but after shifting to the BL the evening became much more fun
An absolute blast at WSR Garrison, although we are a bit curious why you went up ontop of the lord and built siege o.O Still, lots of fun thank you for the evening.
@ The asura thief from [WTI] – Regardless of my feelings about Dagger/Pistol builds on the thief, you played very well, shame I couldn’t ditch aggro from the lord to fight after you’d dispatched all the others but it was fun fighting you
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
Been an enjoyable night, started out a bit iffy with EB being somewhat crowded, but after shifting to the BL the evening became much more fun
An absolute blast at WSR Garrison, although we are a bit curious why you went up ontop of the lord and built siege o.O Still, lots of fun thank you for the evening.
@ The asura thief from [WTI] – Regardless of my feelings about Dagger/Pistol builds on the thief, you played very well, shame I couldn’t ditch aggro from the lord to fight after you’d dispatched all the others but it was fun fighting you
You have some pretty good players in your guild. They are already quite notorious
/salute to the [Imp] party who caught us trying to be sneaky and tore through our party twice tonight – great play by you guys.
Guild Leader of Alpharius [Alph]: a PvX guild in Gandara
These Imp guys are nasty cheaters ive heared .
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
(edited by Nubu.6148)
I’ve heard that Imp eats quaggan’s for breakfast.
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
These Imp guys are nasty cheaters i heared .
On another note i had great fun with a group of fissure outside lake in WSR borderland yesterday.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
(edited by x Charlie.4820)
I’ve heard that Imp eats quaggan’s for breakfast.
but they taste so good
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
I’ve heard that Imp eats quaggan’s for breakfast.
Also, for lunch we have quaggan meatloaf, quaggan potatoes and most importantly – quaggan PIES!
[Imp] – Impact Eu
Think we have a solid way to deal with Imp.
We place one quaggan near a tree, playing cute and being tasty and all that. Then we hide our zerg behind the tree and wait for Imp to take the bite and jump on them!
Sounds like a plan to me.
Who wants to be the quaggan!?
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
I say quaggan with cheese, and make them fat..
Just posting to say nice fights at Pangloss and Vabbi Keep tonight! You didn’t give up, even though you probably got a nasty shock when you broke in and found 4 ballistas staring you down! Was quite a massacre. You repayed us in kind when the door went down again! Was just an empty gulf and two rows of ballistas firing at each other! Good times!
so is jd(fow) planning on defending every keep with 8 acs and 6 balistas?
try to play more like your wvw guild they do a lot better in fights without relying on tons of siege.
so is jd(fow) planning on defending every keep with 8 acs and 6 balistas?
try to play more like your wvw guild they do a lot better in fights without relying on tons of siege.
Depends if you want to keep running around in your blobs or not
so is jd(fow) planning on defending every keep with 8 acs and 6 balistas?
try to play more like your wvw guild they do a lot better in fights without relying on tons of siege.
Depends if you want to keep running around in your blobs or not
I don’t think your in any position to use blob anymore :p Your Jd blob was bigger then the whole of vabbi a little while ago!
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
I assume your referring to my earlier post? Lol someone must be a bit upset that 9 of us managed to hold your 20+ group for 40m.
And that’s a bit rich, seeing as your siege had us pinned in the camp just before that keep defense?
Also if we had that much siege we wouldn’t of been able to man it all!
I assume your referring to my earlier post? Lol someone must be a bit upset that 9 of us managed to hold your 20+ group for 40m.
And that’s a bit rich, seeing as your siege had us pinned in the camp just before that keep defense?
Also if we had that much siege we wouldn’t of been able to man it all!
we dont want to begin there do we??
it will just ruin a good match-up tread
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Whiteside Ridge and Vabbi, espcially Vabbi, are all jelly that MY milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. You know what they say, if you can take the heat better put that milkshake in the fridge.
Whiteside Ridge and Vabbi, espcially Vabbi, are all jelly that MY milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. You know what they say, if you can take the heat better put that milkshake in the fridge.
and Fissure are just jelly that Vabbi are red, there I said it!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
so is jd(fow) planning on defending every keep with 8 acs and 6 balistas?
try to play more like your wvw guild they do a lot better in fights without relying on tons of siege.
Depends if you want to keep running around in your blobs or not
funny how your blobs were bigger then ours xD please.
and Fissure are just jelly that Vabbi are red, there I said it!
Pfft, as if! W-w-w-why would we be jelly of that!?
Secretly yes QQ </3
and Fissure are just jelly that Vabbi are red, there I said it!
Pfft, as if! W-w-w-why would we be jelly of that!?
…..Secretly yes QQ </3
We’re a lovely raspberry jelly, you’re a horrible lime one!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
Raspberry OP, l2p. 30 Strawberry with the cream trait or gtfo.
Fair point Korsbaek
Raspberry OP, l2p. 30 Strawberry with the cream trait or gtfo.
Umm whats been going on here? I hope its just late night madness (or brain freeze) rather than that lobotomy we had scheduled!
Who eats lime jelly!
(edited for grammar)
First video of this matchup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR7qrTQrFh8
Wasn’t on for majority of yesterday but had some good fun early in the afternoon, little bit late at night after I woke but was pretty empty (to be expected).
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
Because here I’m getting overloaded with footage, which wasn’t the case before :P
Especially now the guild WvW activity is back to decent levels!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
Getting zerged over non-stop doesn’t make for good videos either :P
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Those are all dirty lies!
It is just because i eroded his nifty high standards and brought him down to the messy daily mass production ! ^^
Those are all dirty lies!
It is just because i eroded his nifty high standards and brought him down to the messy daily mass production ! ^^
Yes this too!
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Since i left Vabbi (again ^^). Here are a few Fights from Yesterday.
(edited by Jathres.7236)
so is jd(fow) planning on defending every keep with 8 acs and 6 balistas?
try to play more like your wvw guild they do a lot better in fights without relying on tons of siege.
At the camp that evening we where with 8/9 people and at first moments only 1 balli up. Was a good fight and after first whipe we added an extra balli and ac.
At the keep we came there when you had 20+ guys and inner was going down already. 1 Sup ac was placed(which went down after first wipe) and 4 ballistas. Outnumbered we need to rely on siege as its only foolish to try with our little group to kill you all without siege. Also siege is a normal part of the game and I dont see why using a part of the game is considered unfair or anything.
When we meet again less outnumbered we will be more then happy to take you out without siege.
What I learnt from watching those videos: Warrior mobility is OP.
Not really. Always interesting to see FoW on camera. But, not enough imp vs Jd megablob.
A vid from fow side keep up the good fights everyone =]
Best Matchup for Vabbi!
YEAH, and bring lube please, we cant afford our own.
SFR and Piken are totally scared, it’s why it won’t let us into WvW.. to save them the embarassment…..
…of Vabbi actually gaining a point!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
We had Desolation and Gandara! I think they had zerged our citadel though since I couldn’t join WvW. Sad times.
SFR and Piken are totally scared, it’s why it won’t let us into WvW.. to save them the embarassment…..
…of Vabbi actually gaining a point!
i gess it would mean that vabbi would gain 500k+ ranking points for it if not more and that would be kinda bad
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele