Lil Bully-80 Thief
(edited by Redgrass.3067)
[Lost] guys need to chill.You must be new to the Boris Rock brotherhood. Ebay respected our play, over BP’s. They were impressed on how much we do with so little. Does NSP really feel that bad about getting dropped down a tier…or two? NSP only beat us once after the first month of the game and that was due to the darn southsun event. After that we never lost. When BP came back to tier 5 we still stomped you guys over and over. I enjoyed the trolls and fights but let us be honest here. It was Kain that gutted your night crew and took a few prime time guilds from your server. Oh and after Hurricane Kain blew by, we beat both BP and NSP. Just thought some history was needed to shine some light on your AR beef.
I think every server knows when our coverage gakitten BI beat us because of it and BP knows when we sleep. It isn’t secret, we have lost a lot of matches at night. We can get zergs that rival BP’s and SBI’s just not as frequent. You want a challenge in commanding…come to AR!
(edited by Redgrass.3067)
Did SBI throw in the towel already? Where are all those numbers you had last week?
Probably got thier map completion done. Also I’m overseas and haven’t been playing. Was kinda hoping AR would be hitting the stronger server like what was said last week but oh well.
From our experience last week, you are the stronger server. AR is smaller than both BP and SBI. SBI just has a very sporadic wvw crowd. It can go from an 80 man zerg chewing through our map, to a ghost town in your own borderlands.
Don’t blame us.
AR attacking the weaker of the two is expected.
My experience fighting AR is that I never really know who they are going to attack. They frequently run karma/xp trains but their commanders seize opportunity more than they press a consistent attack against a server. Given that both Ebay, SBI and BP can all field larger forces it should be no surprise.
Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.
SBI currently is viewed as the larger threat since they came from a higher tier so BP has been focusing them. If AR takes the lead, I am sure they will find out how difficult it can be to fend off two focused attacks. Ultimately, none of us are immune from two front attacks since none of us can field sustained full forces on every map and rarely even field them on two.
To SBI folks – Did one of you report that last week when we were paired w/ IoJ you queued all 4 maps on reset? I ask because I tend to see 2 different SBIs. I see the hordes version where you have numbers that we can’t comprehend, and I see the other version where it seems WvW isn’t really important to you and you just don’t show up. Mind you I’m talking NA prime time, so I’m not comparing NA prime to EU prime. Just curious because AR can, at best, queue ONE map, and even that is quite rare, yet I see posts from SBI folks about not having the numbers. Very bi-polar.
And BP… Somehow over the last 2 weeks you guys copped a major attitude. I don’t ever remember reading so much infantile smack talk from you guys when we were both being steamrolled by Ebay. QQ’ing, yeah, but now? Yikes. Last week’s match w/ IoJ was much more enjoyable. :-(
‘Scarred kitten less of us in open field’ that’s drop dead hilarious coming from ALS, everytime we see you guys and we have anywhere close to even numbers its badge city! AR war guild I do actually respect you guys you are a tough guild ill say, no I won’t come to AR tho…ever
To SBI folks – Did one of you report that last week when we were paired w/ IoJ you queued all 4 maps on reset? I ask because I tend to see 2 different SBIs. I see the hordes version where you have numbers that we can’t comprehend, and I see the other version where it seems WvW isn’t really important to you and you just don’t show up. Mind you I’m talking NA prime time, so I’m not comparing NA prime to EU prime. Just curious because AR can, at best, queue ONE map, and even that is quite rare, yet I see posts from SBI folks about not having the numbers. Very bi-polar.
And BP… Somehow over the last 2 weeks you guys copped a major attitude. I don’t ever remember reading so much infantile smack talk from you guys when we were both being steamrolled by Ebay. QQ’ing, yeah, but now? Yikes. Last week’s match w/ IoJ was much more enjoyable. :-(
I was out of town last week. So I couldn’t attest the number last week when SBI was facing IOJ and AR. But as all of SBIers say, SBI is basically a PvE server. The numbers you observed most likely for map completion.
As a member of Kiwi-the one of the most recognized guild in SBI WvW, I can say this… only 10-15% of our guild members do WvW. Others barely show up in WvW. We even have guildies refuse to WvW because they don’t like killing players or getting killed. Ya, Kiwi is mostly PvE guild even cannot say PvX guild, still be recognized as one of the main force in WvW.
If you are really curious about numbers we have, You are welcome to join SBI. We really need dedicated WvW players.. Thank you.
Cessyllie, Kiwi commander
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I actually re-watched my video, and I only included a single, short clip of me 1v1ing an under-leveled person.
I make a habit to delete any clips where friendlies outnumber the enemy, so every kill in the video, except 1, is:
-A 1v1
-An outmanned solo fight
-An outmanned team fight
-I believe there is a single team fight where we have even numbersSo, in lieu of this, I don’t feel too bad about it.
Its not a bad video, cept for the quality, was just pointing out things you might want to include in future videos
trust me when I say people will kitten to high heavens about people without food.
Yea I agree…I started watching the video but I’m too spoiled with my HD
sorry. I’m sure it was a great movie. From what I could tell from the beginning though…you’re most likely a good engy. I’m also sure this was more about pointing out that you can still get some solo action so kudos to you!
Sorry about that guys. Next time I’ll definitely take the extra time to upload in 1080!
I’ll actually just re-upload this one in 1080. I’ll update this post with the new link.
Edit 2:
Here’s the new vid link, in 1080p.
(edited by Shanks R Us.2489)
AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day
Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.
Them’s fighting words. I suddenly have an irrational desire to prove this statement incorrect.
When BP came back to tier 5 we still stomped you guys over and over.
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Also, I think SBI’s population depends on morale. That’s how BP used to be before we vsed Ebay for 13 weeks in a row. We kept losing but we never gave up cough unlike AR cough.
And BP… Somehow over the last 2 weeks you guys copped a major attitude. I don’t ever remember reading so much infantile smack talk from you guys when we were both being steamrolled by Ebay. QQ’ing, yeah, but now? Yikes. Last week’s match w/ IoJ was much more enjoyable. :-(
Supposedly our “ENTIRE” server has had major attitude since our very existance but truthfully all I really see is some smack talkin goin on. I personally don’t care for it but it happens on every server and smack talkin is just part of the game. I prefer to point out great fights and respect the enemy/competition but then I get called a care bear so…meh.
When BP came back to tier 5 we still stomped you guys over and over.
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Also, I think SBI’s population depends on morale. That’s how BP used to be before we vsed Ebay for 13 weeks in a row. We kept losing but we never gave up cough unlike AR cough.
I think most of AR quit because most of AR doesn’t actually play WvW. We are the pvp server, and most of us only PvP. I only got into WvW like 2 weeks ago.
Not enough people playing —> People that do play were getting zerged to death —> A lot of people left to join a more active WvW server.
I personally only roam in groups of less than 5, usually completely solo. AR is a decent tier for me to do this in, but you guys are already too zergy most times for me to be able to do it effectively.
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Butterfly? Flower? Something with a heart?
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Butterfly? Flower? Something with a heart?
No contest on this one, it’s gotta be a Quaggan tramp stamp.
‘Scarred kitten less of us in open field’ that’s drop dead hilarious coming from ALS, everytime we see you guys and we have anywhere close to even numbers its badge city! AR war guild I do actually respect you guys you are a tough guild ill say, no I won’t come to AR tho…ever
LAWL… Do I smell fear? You say things like ALS sucks yet you don’t want to come out and prove it. As far as I can tell you are just a forums warrior that does not amount to kitten in game…
AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day
Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.
LOL, We fought SBI for hours on even numbers until they gave up on us and went to EB to take all of your stuff. And scared in the open field lol? You must be joking right? Thats what you guys do hide in towers until you out number our attacking force by 3 to 1.
I prefer to point out great fights and respect the enemy/competition but then I get called a care bear so…meh.
I hear ya. I expected that to happen last week in our AR/SBI/IoJ matchup, but no one ever played the care bear card. It was an entire week of civil, respectful banter and a lot of posts about how much fun everyone was having. Refreshing…..
Did SBI throw in the towel already? Where are all those numbers you had last week?
Either in our own BL trying desperately to fend off a consistent flow from the other servers or in EB trying to do the same. I know we’re the new kid on the block, but we really don’t have the numbers to deal with constant pressure from both other servers. We did well last week because we were primarily dealing with AR, and IoJ’s numbers weren’t really comparable during most hours of the day.
Remember we’re entirely a PvX server, so outside of a relatively small collection of very dedicated players, PvX guilds only show up when they feel comfortable contributing. Being focused so heavily and being able to keep nothing upgraded really encourages them to PvE for the week.
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
When BP came back to tier 5 we still stomped you guys over and over.
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Also, I think SBI’s population depends on morale. That’s how BP used to be before we vsed Ebay for 13 weeks in a row. We kept losing but we never stopped cough attacking AR cough.
I fixed that for you.
You obviously haven’t been on when we have been in your BL, and Lost right now is still relatively small guild too but we’ve been in your BL a decent bit, we like to spread it out…fanisa pretty much summed up the rest of what I was gonna say, ALS never wins unless heavily outnumbering the enemy
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Butterfly? Flower? Something with a heart?
No contest on this one, it’s gotta be a Quaggan tramp stamp.
Sorry, all I could think when I read this was Poobadoo. Lol
Well, this thread certainly perked up. Normally don’t care for it, but after the boredom of the HoD/DR/BP thread last week this smack talk is a welcome relief. Even more of a relief is match up without a blow out. This is the closest match I’ve been in.
AR, nice to see you guys on the filed again. You’re like brothers after so many weeks in tier 5. SBI, good luck the rest of the week.
Looks like SBI is trying to get back to rank 12, and BP has decided against it. Don’t worry, they did it to us too :P
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
‘Scarred kitten less of us in open field’ that’s drop dead hilarious coming from ALS, everytime we see you guys and we have anywhere close to even numbers its badge city! AR war guild I do actually respect you guys you are a tough guild ill say, no I won’t come to AR tho…ever
Maybe you should go back to your little kitten server and practice trolling, you really are bad at it. Also I’m sure BP loves having the NSP quitters, you quit matches, you quit servers, you should probably quit posting because your looking stupid and dragging BP into it which I’m sure many of them are thrilled about. You don’t get on our level because you bought gems, you are and always be on a NSP level, so basically laughable.
Have a great day !
If I’m so bad at it than why are you and so many other AR getting so kitten ed at what me fan and a few others are saying? I love how of my comments you pick one where I actually threw in a compliment too! And we’ll from the posts on forums it seems most of BP is either joining in or at least enjoying the smack talk, stop trying to speak for other servers…also lol about anything you said about me on NSP, you don’t our reasons for leaving so dont try to say we are quitters…and NSP level is still >AR level
kitten ed ? no , Bored at work ? definately. Why would I read all your posts, your just that angry guy who got your kitten pushed in by AR and can’t let it go, thus you should have remained on NSP so you could continue dreaming of what could have been with the rest of the garbage.
I will say you are keeping me entertained atm though so kudo’s for that.
Sorry BP, but if you guys would have more roaming groups, we wouldn’t have to do this. Zerging isn’t fun!
If I’m so bad at it than why are you and so many other AR getting so kitten ed at what me fan and a few others are saying? I love how of my comments you pick one where I actually threw in a compliment too! And we’ll from the posts on forums it seems most of BP is either joining in or at least enjoying the smack talk, stop trying to speak for other servers…also lol about anything you said about me on NSP, you don’t our reasons for leaving so dont try to say we are quitters…and NSP level is still >AR level
LOL is that why you transferred from your t6 server that is currently getting rolled by 2 t7 servers??? Go back to NSP before we hurt your feelings too much.
Now this is starting to look more like a matchup thread, all this hugging and back patting … you should all be ashamed.
I was the one who said we were queued all 4 maps on reset, the first night of green. Also stated it was more then likely due to the fact we had not been green for several months, maybe since we last hit tier 5. Since that time more then 90% of our WvW players left to other servers. All that night turned out to be was map completion. Maybe they stuck around for a few hours then got bored and bailed. We typically queue EB from 7 eastern till maybe 11 eastern, and then some sparse population in whatever borderlands a couple of guilds decide to play in that night.
Frankly, the score matters only to a select few on SBI, and for a good portion of us, it wont matter if its SoS, DB, or AR. Whomever we’re facing we’re going to fight, and the truth of the matter is the coverage is going to dictate who wins, and that has not been a strong point on SBI since the exodus. I liked the earlier posts in this thread where people were a bit more about the fun and a little bit less about this kitten swinging.
Its a dead horse, I know. Regardless we do the best we can with what we got.
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Butterfly? Flower? Something with a heart?
No contest on this one, it’s gotta be a Quaggan tramp stamp.
Sorry, all I could think when I read this was Poobadoo. Lol
The Quaggan will have a speech bubble saying, “Come closer. Quaggan wants to lick you.”
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Butterfly? Flower? Something with a heart?
No contest on this one, it’s gotta be a Quaggan tramp stamp.
Sorry, all I could think when I read this was Poobadoo. Lol
The Quaggan will have a speech bubble saying, “Come closer. Quaggan wants to lick you.”
Foo…Quaggan likes you
Lol just Lol. The day AR stomps BP is the day I get a tattoo.
Butterfly? Flower? Something with a heart?
No contest on this one, it’s gotta be a Quaggan tramp stamp.
Sorry, all I could think when I read this was Poobadoo. Lol
The Quaggan will have a speech bubble saying, “Come closer. Quaggan wants to lick you.”
Foo…Quaggan likes you
My comment was not towards BP but those [Lost] boys from NSP. If you read it correctly I was referring to when BP came back to tier 6, NSP still couldn’t beat us. We stomped them over and over. I was simply explaining to them that there is no reason to chest thump while on a server that has a history of edging us with pajama parties. This was during the BP/AR/NSP days of course when, NSP just gradually waned.
And dunberry the way you talk about ALS is the same way AR feels about BP. We have always felt this way about BP. Really sounds like Jscull rhetoric. I wish you were here when Ebay was giving us more props because we “make due” with what we have and are still competitive. Must of burned them because we know Ebay is what BP aspires to be. Also dude the whole beef between AR and BP is so Tier 6. Well unless AR beats BP then they get trolly and blame things other than themselves. But for the most part things have been cool. Oh and BP cut that crap about who the real threat is. You know dang well SBI had a pajama party to beat us last Wednesday night…sound familiar right. It’s like they tore a page out of your book. We just know that you know that you can score mad points off of SBI. I mean we capped all their keeps in less than 20 minutes once. Beat that!
Playing for 2nd is the joke. People leave AR because it isn’t easy getting the win. If you really want to know how hard it can’t be just play here for a week. We don’t have 50 people in EB waiting to fight like SBI/BP/Ebay. We don’t have a guild as big as BURN. We don’t have a server-wide accepted TS yet. We just have spirit.
(edited by Redgrass.3067)
Well nutz I was also quite bored at work, I almost feel a bond between us now for that, and why bother staying when you can make your dreams a reality, also kudos to you for being the only one any good at counter trolling on your server, these other attempts aren’t half as thought out or worded as yours…also we transferred right before the new random matches started to clear that up…also cooooooooooo!
Stop it, your not suppose to come and ruin a perfectly good troll fest by being nice. Now I don’t even know how to respond … well played.
Good day to you too nutz. ’twas fun we should do it again
To get back to it though, ALS trolls the forums about as well as they play in game
Someone of you really need to step away from the bong, you’ve taken one too many hits.
For all of the smack talk towards AR. here are a few things.
Until you can knock us out of this tier, just like we knocked NSP down a tier.
Until you can climb your way out of this tier via your own momentum, not like Ebay who needed AR to take weeks off to give them free points.
Until then, your stuck in the same tier as us. All of the talk about being better than AR in some shape or form hasn’t gotten you jack squat.
AR being the smaller server, has stayed competitive with the big boys, 13 weeks of being stuck with 2 much bigger servers (BP and Ebay) and we’re still here. Where other servers would have crumbled (see NSP) and given up, AR and its WvW crowd have only gotten stronger. You wish you had on your server what we have on ours, you can buy it, you can’t coach it , you either have it or you don’t and both of you aren’t even close.
AR has as reputation for playing for 2nd, because we strive to move up and fight the tougher fights.
When Kaineng, DR and BP all moved out of T7, did we stay sandbag matches to feed our ego and win? no we moved to T6.
When BP moved out of T6 and left us with DH and IoJ, did we stay in T6 and sandbag matches to feed our ego and win? no we moved to T5.
After weeks on end in T5 with Ebay (currently ranked 12th and winning vs R9 and R10) did we buckle under the pressure? Hell no, we adjusted our game and gave them 10 weeks of hell.
Get used to us, we aren’t going anywhere.
To SBI folks – Did one of you report that last week when we were paired w/ IoJ you queued all 4 maps on reset? I ask because I tend to see 2 different SBIs. I see the hordes version where you have numbers that we can’t comprehend, and I see the other version where it seems WvW isn’t really important to you and you just don’t show up. Mind you I’m talking NA prime time, so I’m not comparing NA prime to EU prime. Just curious because AR can, at best, queue ONE map, and even that is quite rare, yet I see posts from SBI folks about not having the numbers. Very bi-polar.
Reset was basically map completion night for the majority of people that queued.
What you have to realize is that many of us, particularly the people who generally queue EB, don’t really watch the scoreboard. We log in to run around and kill people. We take towers and SM to generate fights. Then we all log out at basically the same time and pick it up again the next night, or not. We don’t take towers and supply camps right before the tick because we honestly don’t give a kitten about the tick.
That’s not to say that we have a defeatist attitude, we don’t. We’ve just come to realize that open field fighting is more fun for us than sieging map resources. The only thing you win in WvW is bragging rights about how many people on the other side of the world play on your server. It’s not much of a prize.
There are some people on SBI who are very dedicated to playing for points and winning the matchup but they are few and far between. That sort of playstyle has never really suited me, I simply don’t see any fun in it. However, we do manage to generate points when we’re looking for fights so it works out in the end. It’s just not a priority to be out there every single night.
(edited by Maladon.5760)
AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day
Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.
LOL, We fought SBI for hours on even numbers until they gave up on us and went to EB to take all of your stuff. And scared in the open field lol? You must be joking right? Thats what you guys do hide in towers until you out number our attacking force by 3 to 1.
I don’t think its possible to fit that many in a tower, just saying. So I call BS.
To the als ranger outside bay in AR got ya :P
AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day
Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.
LOL, We fought SBI for hours on even numbers until they gave up on us and went to EB to take all of your stuff. And scared in the open field lol? You must be joking right? Thats what you guys do hide in towers until you out number our attacking force by 3 to 1.
I don’t think its possible to fit that many in a tower, just saying. So I call BS.
I think he is counting ranger pets, necro minions and mesmer clones as individual players.
Sorry SBI. But when I put the flaming white sword on a keep, it means I intend to baby sit it with loving care and call in all my friends when you scratch the paint. Had a blast defending Shadaran Hills today, you guys are actually trying to force us out now. But we are not going to make it easy for you.
Reset was basically map completion night for the majority of people that queued.
What you have to realize is that many of us, particularly the people who generally queue EB, don’t really watch the scoreboard. We log in to run around and kill people. We take towers and SM to generate fights. Then we all log out at basically the same time and pick it up again the next night, or not. We don’t take towers and supply camps right before the tick because we honestly don’t give a kitten about the tick.
That’s not to say that we have a defeatist attitude, we don’t. We’ve just come to realize that open field fighting is more fun for us than sieging map resources. The only thing you win in WvW is bragging rights about how many people on the other side of the world play on your server. It’s not much of a prize.
There are some people on SBI who are very dedicated to playing for points and winning the matchup but they are few and far between. That sort of playstyle has never really suited me, I simply don’t see any fun in it. However, we do manage to generate points when we’re looking for fights so it works out in the end. It’s just not a priority to be out there every single night.
Thanks to everyone who replied. It makes sense, but holy Quaggans Batman, that’s a HUGE difference in populations!
Understand about the points thing too. Seems AR has a smaller avg WvW population than SBI or BP, but they seem a bit more “passionate” about winning the matchup. Either way, it’s all good, and it’s been fun meeting you guys on the field.
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Actually he invited me into a group. I never decline invites, then continued to talk in whispers until he blocked me. And the extent of what I said was what you see in the chat window because he seemed to think that evades were somehow glitches or hacks, and anyone who plays this game knows there are skills that evade if they are used correctly. The whisper you see is the first message I sent after he invited me, claimed I was glitching and broke group.
So I neither messaged this guy first, or said anything aside from what you see there.
Just because he is bad at a game doesn’t mean that everyone else is cheating. Maybe if he spent a little time in the mists and learned a few classes he wouldn’t be so bad at his class and at least give some of us a little challenge.
I can only go by the screenshot you posted…in which it appears you msged him first.
You made and assumption. It was incorrect. In the future you may want to refrain from doing so. If you do at least have the sense to apologize for doing so, heck even a ‘my bad’ would suffice. Unless of course your ego gets in the way.
Rofl, He made a post talking crap about SBI, provided only a screenshot of him crying..I’m not going to just take is word on it either…Far as i’m concerned, he’s still the one who started the conversation.
In the future you might want to ask your buddy to backup things he claims with actual screenshots of things.
First, you have a very interesting definition of crying. All I was doing was explaining to this thief that there are evades built into my skills because he initially invited me to a party and was QQing that I was glitching, second, how did I get the guys name to whisper him if he didn’t party invite me, did I use my ESP?(Although if I had ESP, I guess it would explain how I evades 90% of this newbies attacks and why he was raging in the first place.)
I did run into a warrior later who was extremely well mannered and respectful from SBI, nothing but respect for that guy. The thing is, there are some decent mannered players I have come across from SBI, they just seem fewer and further between.
If your server is upset/angry because of it’s performance, it is hardly the other two servers faults in the match up. What you need to understand in general is that I could care less if any server has players that act like children and go emote happy, or rage, just don’t come on here and say that other servers do it and then be the server that does it more than ANY server we have faced in the past. (I’m referring to the post about /laugh /sit made by an SBI player earlier in this thread.) In reality, I’m all for 5-10 people sitting around and emoting their backsides off at a solo player, because while they are doing that, they are losing everything around them, so them wasting time actually hurts their team.
A. you obviously have the original screenshot, why not post it?
B. Upset about server performance? Anyone upset how the servers are performing clearly don’t understand how the rating system works.
C. I’ve seen kittennozzles on all servers, including yours…. Don’t act like SBI is somehow different.
only thing i dislike about the matchup so far is the complete lack of solo people running around.
I’ll get them occasionally but they’re interrupted very quickly by people on opposing side or my side.
Makes filming videos incredibly hard.
I started a requirement for videos I did on the last one I did
They must have food buffs, unless there is more then 1.
Underlveled people don’t make it in the video either unless they’re with an 80
I actually re-watched my video, and I only included a single, short clip of me 1v1ing an under-leveled person.
I make a habit to delete any clips where friendlies outnumber the enemy, so every kill in the video, except 1, is:
-A 1v1
-An outmanned solo fight
-An outmanned team fight
-I believe there is a single team fight where we have even numbersSo, in lieu of this, I don’t feel too bad about it.
Its not a bad video, cept for the quality, was just pointing out things you might want to include in future videos
trust me when I say people will kitten to high heavens about people without food.
Yea I agree…I started watching the video but I’m too spoiled with my HD
sorry. I’m sure it was a great movie. From what I could tell from the beginning though…you’re most likely a good engy. I’m also sure this was more about pointing out that you can still get some solo action so kudos to you!
Sorry about that guys. Next time I’ll definitely take the extra time to upload in 1080!
I’ll actually just re-upload this one in 1080. I’ll update this post with the new link.
Edit 2:
Here’s the new vid link, in 1080p.
Oh nice, i’ll watch it again
I hope both AR and BP enjoyed our stay on SE tower of AR BL last night. That was a sicking fun of long fight. You guys may thank to our renowned Kiwi commander Rice. It was getting too last for us so we had to leave the map. I hope we Kiwi meet you guys next time with better tactics for breaking into stairs. Thanks.
Cessyllie, Kiwi commander
did someone get [Lost] in the wrong neighborhood?
Man, the more I play folks from SBI the more I realize how angry and sad they are. Thief jumps me while fighting 6 krait, so I disengage the krait, because that just makes sense. He can’t kill me alone, but luckily he runs into several of his server mates. Happens, that’s WvW. Then I get this … Sorry that a thief couldn’t just insta gib me, really, sorry it took a 3 on one to finally get me down. But before you get all uppity, learn what a build can do, and don’t qq to me in a whisper then block me because you are inept at your class, and don’t understand mine.
Ehh, from what I can tell, you got zerged then msged him first?
Don’t do that…. never do that in a game…
Not only does it seem sad, you’ll never get a good msg back from the person you’re crying to.
Actually he invited me into a group. I never decline invites, then continued to talk in whispers until he blocked me. And the extent of what I said was what you see in the chat window because he seemed to think that evades were somehow glitches or hacks, and anyone who plays this game knows there are skills that evade if they are used correctly. The whisper you see is the first message I sent after he invited me, claimed I was glitching and broke group.
So I neither messaged this guy first, or said anything aside from what you see there.
Just because he is bad at a game doesn’t mean that everyone else is cheating. Maybe if he spent a little time in the mists and learned a few classes he wouldn’t be so bad at his class and at least give some of us a little challenge.
I can only go by the screenshot you posted…in which it appears you msged him first.
You made and assumption. It was incorrect. In the future you may want to refrain from doing so. If you do at least have the sense to apologize for doing so, heck even a ‘my bad’ would suffice. Unless of course your ego gets in the way.
Rofl, He made a post talking crap about SBI, provided only a screenshot of him crying..I’m not going to just take is word on it either…Far as i’m concerned, he’s still the one who started the conversation.
In the future you might want to ask your buddy to backup things he claims with actual screenshots of things.
First, you have a very interesting definition of crying. All I was doing was explaining to this thief that there are evades built into my skills because he initially invited me to a party and was QQing that I was glitching, second, how did I get the guys name to whisper him if he didn’t party invite me, did I use my ESP?(Although if I had ESP, I guess it would explain how I evades 90% of this newbies attacks and why he was raging in the first place.)
I did run into a warrior later who was extremely well mannered and respectful from SBI, nothing but respect for that guy. The thing is, there are some decent mannered players I have come across from SBI, they just seem fewer and further between.
If your server is upset/angry because of it’s performance, it is hardly the other two servers faults in the match up. What you need to understand in general is that I could care less if any server has players that act like children and go emote happy, or rage, just don’t come on here and say that other servers do it and then be the server that does it more than ANY server we have faced in the past. (I’m referring to the post about /laugh /sit made by an SBI player earlier in this thread.) In reality, I’m all for 5-10 people sitting around and emoting their backsides off at a solo player, because while they are doing that, they are losing everything around them, so them wasting time actually hurts their team.
A. you obviously have the original screenshot, why not post it?
B. Upset about server performance? Anyone upset how the servers are performing clearly don’t understand how the rating system works.
C. I’ve seen kittennozzles on all servers, including yours…. Don’t act like SBI is somehow different.
The only thing edited out on the screenshot was the names, which has to be done due to how the forums work(no names). Other than that, what would the full picture show you aside from some sweet graphics and the same chat box? I switched to a different tab to keep the full context of the /w without all the extra chatter, it also dropped the /p chat, which is really inconsequential moaning by an SBI thief. . wait a second, you aren’t a thief are you? Have I killed you in passing? Something tells me there is more than meets the eye here…
did someone get [Lost] in the wrong neighborhood?
Come on, you could do better!
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