6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall
I’m not taking the game seriously but It really ruined the Fun in my free time when you 2 servers ( SoR, JQ ) helped each other in EB yesterday.
.Since the (2v1) seems to be the excuse for losing a 10k lead. What then is BG’s response for building the 10k lead?
It was all skillz on BG’s part to build the 10k lead over the weekend, amirite?
Its just like how some SoR members said before when they were in BG position.
SoR losing means no coverage
SoR winning means quality > quantity
I’m not taking the game seriously but It really ruined the Fun in my free time when you 2 servers ( SoR, JQ ) helped each other in EB yesterday.
.Since the (2v1) seems to be the excuse for losing a 10k lead. What then is BG’s response for building the 10k lead?
It was all skillz on BG’s part to build the 10k lead over the weekend, amirite?
Its just like how some SoR members said before when they were in BG position.
SoR losing means no coverage
SoR winning means quality > quantity
BG has the coverage. They just don’t seem to show up during the week for whatever reason.
I’m not taking the game seriously but It really ruined the Fun in my free time when you 2 servers ( SoR, JQ ) helped each other in EB yesterday.
.Since the (2v1) seems to be the excuse for losing a 10k lead. What then is BG’s response for building the 10k lead?
It was all skillz on BG’s part to build the 10k lead over the weekend, amirite?
Anything can happen within 2 days… When Blackgate first beat JQ they were down in last place by over 20k and with 2 days left won the match in first place with about 30k to spare. Sure they lost the lead, but the match is far from being won on Tuesdays
2vs1 is BG’s favorite forum topic of all time
It blows my mind. They have two switches. One is brag, the other is whine about 2v1.
This forum should never be taken seriously. Not everyone thinks like this, you know. Any sane person knows that everyone gets 2v1ed in EBG, so you shouldn’t really even bother to respond to anyone who complains about being 2v1ed there. So if you’re gonna call them out, don’t call them out as “BG”.
ur right dude I think wut hurts bg is that it’ss some commanders who come here and post the 2v1 qq fest that hurts morale more then anything
Anything can happen within 2 days… When Blackgate first beat JQ they were down in last place by over 20k and with 2 days left won the match in first place with about 30k to spare. Sure they lost the lead, but the match is far from being won on Tuesdays
lol Are you new to BG, this match was over yesterday while you guys still had the lead. BG is full of fair weathers that only play when they can win, watch you guilds tonight and you will see what I’m saying.
“BG you guys do nothing but complain.”
Unfair IMO. Do you see me complaining on the forums? Vocal minority syndrome.
“Page one of this thread was filled with BG pomp and bragging when you were 10k+ ahead of everyone.”
It was one single guy on a trolling rampage in the first couple of pages. Who knows why. I know you’re sensible enough to not apply the acts of one person to a server of many. Also, BG hit a 10k score lead on early Sunday morning, which is around page 8 of this thread. If you get the chance, re-read the pages that follow and see how much “pomp and bragging” you see.
“If memory serves me, RUIN was the ET guild that left to go PVD in some EURO server then claimed they were the best undefeated guild in GW2.”
The RUIN you see out there today is nothing like the RUIN that was on ET back in October. You may as well view them as an entirely different guild.
I really don’t get all of this “omg all they do is cry” stuff. From my vantage point (biased obviously .. remember, so is yours) I haven’t seen any more than usual in these match threads. None of our servers have been immune to it. I don’t care for the 2v1 rants, but I can understand. Getting hit by two servers is frustrating sometimes, and frustrations can cause people to act out. Heck I was feeling it a quite bit last night as well, particularly when JQ sniped Hills from us while they were outmanned on JQBL (seriously, I tip my hat to you guys on a great take). That one really got to me for reasons I don’t need to go into. But I cooled off, thought about it, and realized it was just bad luck to have the SoR zerg near the south gate at a bad time and being out of position for an appropriate defense.
Anyways, all I ask is that you remember that individual players will never represent the overall mindset of an entire server.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
I’m not taking the game seriously but It really ruined the Fun in my free time when you 2 servers ( SoR, JQ ) helped each other in EB yesterday.
.Since the (2v1) seems to be the excuse for losing a 10k lead. What then is BG’s response for building the 10k lead?
It was all skillz on BG’s part to build the 10k lead over the weekend, amirite?
Its just like how some SoR members said before when they were in BG position.
SoR losing means no coverage
SoR winning means quality > quantityBG has the coverage. They just don’t seem to show up during the week for whatever reason.
BG members do show up, but can’t match SoR coverage.
Edit: I’m not implying SoR was losing before and saying they didn’t have the coverage to compete . Because I know SoR didn’t have the coverage to compete before. My comment was Mostly about the winning equals skill part
(edited by Nightcrawler.2580)
We’ll, Im really proud of my server.
The ppt leading was a bônus rly, BG never started so well on the weekend and mb this give us a chance to have a more equal end to this match.
Probably SoR will get the lead over and over bc the converge you guys have, mostly EU umbalance things a lil bit, but..tbh: who cares?
Just the fights we’re getting this week made me want to logging on for several hours and jump on massive fights all the time! EPIC fights so far imo.
This 2vs1 complaining doesent happen on any of our TS channels, idk why ppl bother to come here and take some of the FUN out by doing this..I see as a complement and Im happy BG dont need a big sister to be able to stay competitive, but hey…you’re free to help each other as much you need! No hard feelings!
I just hope in a near future that JQ get out of the picture like SoR did last match, and then we’ll see if you guys rly can handle us on your own. I cant wait for this!!
Also Im very happy to see HB out there these days! Welcome back Smokee and all the others, we did miss you!STOP THE QQ “forum warriors”, let them “win” the match this way over and over, so what? They share guilds, have the same TS and this is nothing but old news.
Lets keep up the fight and see what we’re capable to acomplish!!Your post was going so well too…
Oh bro, my post was more for BG ppl than anything else, didnt mean to offend any1, bc tbh I rly dont care much for forum fights, 2v1 and all that bs.
I like to play, to fight on the field and occasionally take a look here to see what the community is thinking about the game in general.
Just makes me sad to see our ppl (forum ppl) losing morale, getting angry about a game that is supposed to be fun. I admite, I did some nasty posts before, but tbh was more my work stress talking then anything else! =b
Sorry about that btw.
Im enjoying this match alot, and ppt lead/loss wont take this away. =]
If we lose, we learn and try again, if we win…well we learn and try again bc theres no server unbeatable right now.
With all this 2v1 talk I think I need some popcorn…….But in all seriousness I feel like BG isn’t fielding as much as they did when you guys were not facing SOR and was just JQ (just from what I have seen). Also BG since you are not in 1st anymore, my advice is that you start the 2v1. Hit a server that you want to beat up may be JQ or SoR who knows who you guys will pick. What I see BG doing a lot of is hit JQ…..they fail so they try to start hitting SoR then they fail… so the only 2v1 left is on yourself. Like I said just some things I have noticed. Keep up the great fights everyone!
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
Man, I should start selling aluminum foil up in here. I could make a killing off of BG right now.
Umberage of Death – Thief
~~~Sanctum of Rall~~~
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.
Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
BG you guys do nothing but complain. The firs time you ever stepped foot in T-1 you jumped in, ran around attacking everything, pushed massive numbers and chest thumped more than any server I have ever seen. You got sent back to T-2 with many many cries of 2v1 its not fair!
History repeats itself and you’re back in T-1 now doing the exact same thing. If you win, it’s because you’re the most skilled. If you lose it’s because we are cheating and using unfair 2v1 tactics to keep you down.
I will say, with all honesty, that I used to sort of root for you. But now, I will entice everyone on the map with me to push you every chance we get because of the chest thumping/crying game. Page one of this thread was filled with BG pomp and bragging when you were 10k+ ahead of everyone. Now RUIN is posting rant letters about 2v1 and unfair practices? If memory serves me, RUIN was the ET guild that left to go PVD in some EURO server then claimed they were the best undefeated guild in GW2. Why is it that now they are getting trashed, the game sucks and SoR is creating MegaBlobs. Do none of you remember SOS? I believe they initiated the whole Megazerg, JQ adapted and BG adapted.. When SoR entered the mix, we had to adapt to it also. Just fight hard and enjoy yourself. If you lose, try again.
Ten people chest thump in the forum and you say our server chest thump? Ten people whine about 2v1 and you say our server whines about it? Forum non est vox populi. (I’m sure I must have screwed latin up the kitten there somewhere.)
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
SO wut ur saying is u beat jq Because of coverage
so I guess the 111k posting u did can be passed of as trolling since it was coverage
BG you guys do nothing but complain.
We’ve all heard the complaints from SoR when BG was beating your server for a good 16 weeks. So far you’ve only heard Blackgates QQ for 7 weeks, try to be a bit more patient with them :P
If everyone here is playing to win the weekly matchup, you are all doing it wrong.
Can we play to win the forums? Am I doing that right?
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
BG you guys do nothing but complain. The firs time you ever stepped foot in T-1 you jumped in, ran around attacking everything, pushed massive numbers and chest thumped more than any server I have ever seen. You got sent back to T-2 with many many cries of 2v1 its not fair!
History repeats itself and you’re back in T-1 now doing the exact same thing. If you win, it’s because you’re the most skilled. If you lose it’s because we are cheating and using unfair 2v1 tactics to keep you down.
I will say, with all honesty, that I used to sort of root for you. But now, I will entice everyone on the map with me to push you every chance we get because of the chest thumping/crying game. Page one of this thread was filled with BG pomp and bragging when you were 10k+ ahead of everyone. Now RUIN is posting rant letters about 2v1 and unfair practices? If memory serves me, RUIN was the ET guild that left to go PVD in some EURO server then claimed they were the best undefeated guild in GW2. Why is it that now they are getting trashed, the game sucks and SoR is creating MegaBlobs. Do none of you remember SOS? I believe they initiated the whole Megazerg, JQ adapted and BG adapted.. When SoR entered the mix, we had to adapt to it also. Just fight hard and enjoy yourself. If you lose, try again.Ten people chest thump in the forum and you say our server chest thump? Ten people whine about 2v1 and you say our server whines about it? Forum non est vox populi. (I’m sure I must have screwed latin up the kitten there somewhere.)
it’s one thing for militia and stuff to post 2v1 but its another when its known commanders on bg who post it
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
SO wut ur saying is u beat jq Because of coverage
so I guess the 111k posting u did can be passed of as trolling since it was coverage
I only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them & how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
BG you guys do nothing but complain. The firs time you ever stepped foot in T-1 you jumped in, ran around attacking everything, pushed massive numbers and chest thumped more than any server I have ever seen. You got sent back to T-2 with many many cries of 2v1 its not fair!
History repeats itself and you’re back in T-1 now doing the exact same thing. If you win, it’s because you’re the most skilled. If you lose it’s because we are cheating and using unfair 2v1 tactics to keep you down.
I will say, with all honesty, that I used to sort of root for you. But now, I will entice everyone on the map with me to push you every chance we get because of the chest thumping/crying game. Page one of this thread was filled with BG pomp and bragging when you were 10k+ ahead of everyone. Now RUIN is posting rant letters about 2v1 and unfair practices? If memory serves me, RUIN was the ET guild that left to go PVD in some EURO server then claimed they were the best undefeated guild in GW2. Why is it that now they are getting trashed, the game sucks and SoR is creating MegaBlobs. Do none of you remember SOS? I believe they initiated the whole Megazerg, JQ adapted and BG adapted.. When SoR entered the mix, we had to adapt to it also. Just fight hard and enjoy yourself. If you lose, try again.Ten people chest thump in the forum and you say our server chest thump? Ten people whine about 2v1 and you say our server whines about it? Forum non est vox populi. (I’m sure I must have screwed latin up the kitten there somewhere.)
it’s one thing for militia and stuff to post 2v1 but its another when its known commanders on bg who post it
How so? I didn’t vote for them. Did you vote for your commanders? Our commanders are a bunch of tyrans and psychopaths. I only follow them cause I’m obsessed with blue doritos ever since I found a dorito in a bag of M&M’s,
(edited by Lydell.8713)
I only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
Who are you anyway? Your post history is so fresh it still has that new car smell. I’m a little afraid to read anything you write, what time frame was it that you were bought and devoured by The Black Hole?
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
SO wut ur saying is u beat jq Because of coverage
so I guess the 111k posting u did can be passed of as trolling since it was coverageI only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
ok when u posted that 111k im sure most took it as u were saying u were better then them. Same when u post that 16-7 against sor
good to know u admit u won because of coverage
BG you guys do nothing but complain. The firs time you ever stepped foot in T-1 you jumped in, ran around attacking everything, pushed massive numbers and chest thumped more than any server I have ever seen. You got sent back to T-2 with many many cries of 2v1 its not fair!
History repeats itself and you’re back in T-1 now doing the exact same thing. If you win, it’s because you’re the most skilled. If you lose it’s because we are cheating and using unfair 2v1 tactics to keep you down.
I will say, with all honesty, that I used to sort of root for you. But now, I will entice everyone on the map with me to push you every chance we get because of the chest thumping/crying game. Page one of this thread was filled with BG pomp and bragging when you were 10k+ ahead of everyone. Now RUIN is posting rant letters about 2v1 and unfair practices? If memory serves me, RUIN was the ET guild that left to go PVD in some EURO server then claimed they were the best undefeated guild in GW2. Why is it that now they are getting trashed, the game sucks and SoR is creating MegaBlobs. Do none of you remember SOS? I believe they initiated the whole Megazerg, JQ adapted and BG adapted.. When SoR entered the mix, we had to adapt to it also. Just fight hard and enjoy yourself. If you lose, try again.Ten people chest thump in the forum and you say our server chest thump? Ten people whine about 2v1 and you say our server whines about it? Forum non est vox populi. (I’m sure I must have screwed latin up the kitten there somewhere.)
it’s one thing for militia and stuff to post 2v1 but its another when its known commanders on bg who post it
How so? I didn’t vote for them. Did you vote for your commanders? Those guys are a bunch of tyrans and psychopaths. I only follow them cause I’m obsessed with blue doritos ever since I found a dorito in a bag of M&M’s,
LOL this post did make me chuckle
but its like this a commander leads ur militia or guild and has a large affect on the servers morale. Kinda like a captain ona sports team
so u see there is a large dif from a militia player saying it and a commander
Everyone wins because of coverage.
I only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
Who are you anyway? Your post history is so fresh it still has that new car smell. I’m a little afraid to read anything you write, what time frame was it that you were bought and devoured by The Black Hole?
I’m Kathy K.6812, I recently bought a Bugatti. Now that you know me perhaps we can be friends? :P This entire “Black Hole” reference should be taken as a compliment.
Blackgate is such an attractive server, guilds decide to go there out of all the other 23 servers & stay until the end.
I also personally think that it sounds a lot better than Beastgate, but thats just me
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
SO wut ur saying is u beat jq Because of coverage
so I guess the 111k posting u did can be passed of as trolling since it was coverageI only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/46 Not like I’m lying either. But you didn’t see us bringing it up week in and week out.
u won because of coverage
Everyone wins because of coverage, that’s how servers win in WvW. That’s how JQ won 15 gold medals & thats also why Henge of Denravi is beating Fergusson’s Crossing and Eredon Terrace by over 100k.
Coverage is the reason why servers win in WvW.
Just wait till bg gets another 10 na guilds, 15 Sea/oceanic guilds, and about 30 euro guilds to transfer. Then they will show everyone what they are made of.
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
SO wut ur saying is u beat jq Because of coverage
so I guess the 111k posting u did can be passed of as trolling since it was coverageI only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/46 Not like I’m lying either. But you didn’t see us bringing it up week in and week out.
What about it? Blackgate won by 150k and SoR lost by over 160k. Not sure what you’re trying to point out…
I only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
Who are you anyway? Your post history is so fresh it still has that new car smell. I’m a little afraid to read anything you write, what time frame was it that you were bought and devoured by The Black Hole?
I’m Kathy K.6812, I recently bought a Bugatti. Now that you know me perhaps we can be friends? :P This entire “Black Hole” reference should be taken as a compliment.
Blackgate is such an attractive server, guilds decide to go there out of all the other 23 servers & stay until the end.
I also personally think that it sounds a lot better than Beastgate, but thats just me
Death by Black Hole… When scientifically investigating the natural world, the only thing worse than a blind believer is a seeing denier.
Great Fights Guys, love those wxp ranks keep them coming!
I’m Kathy K.6812, I recently bought a Bugatti. Now that you know me perhaps we can be friends? :P This entire “Black Hole” reference should be taken as a compliment.
Blackgate is such an attractive server, guilds decide to go there out of all the other 23 servers & stay until the end.
I also personally think that it sounds a lot better than Beastgate, but thats just me
That is def. an odd way to take that name as it basically means what goes in never comes out, which in this case would be your purchased labor that disappears shortly after being devoured. I have to question though how you think your server being called The Black Hole is a compliment, but to each their own.
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
SO wut ur saying is u beat jq Because of coverage
so I guess the 111k posting u did can be passed of as trolling since it was coverageI only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/46 Not like I’m lying either. But you didn’t see us bringing it up week in and week out.
What about it? Blackgate won by 150k and SoR lost by over 160k. Not sure what you’re trying to point out…
Meant this one but my apologies. Point is still proven.
u won because of coverage
Everyone wins because of coverage, that’s how servers win in WvW. That’s how JQ won 15 gold medals & thats also why Henge of Denravi is beating Fergusson’s Crossing and Eredon Terrace by over 100k.
Coverage is the reason why servers win in WvW.
Then I guess u can stop with the chest thumping over the 111k win over JQ last week and the 16-7 record over SOR . SoR wotn chest thumb over winning more in t1 then bg
this way we can get back to playing the game and having fun
BG you guys do nothing but complain. The firs time you ever stepped foot in T-1 you jumped in, ran around attacking everything, pushed massive numbers and chest thumped more than any server I have ever seen. You got sent back to T-2 with many many cries of 2v1 its not fair!
History repeats itself and you’re back in T-1 now doing the exact same thing. If you win, it’s because you’re the most skilled. If you lose it’s because we are cheating and using unfair 2v1 tactics to keep you down.
I will say, with all honesty, that I used to sort of root for you. But now, I will entice everyone on the map with me to push you every chance we get because of the chest thumping/crying game. Page one of this thread was filled with BG pomp and bragging when you were 10k+ ahead of everyone. Now RUIN is posting rant letters about 2v1 and unfair practices? If memory serves me, RUIN was the ET guild that left to go PVD in some EURO server then claimed they were the best undefeated guild in GW2. Why is it that now they are getting trashed, the game sucks and SoR is creating MegaBlobs. Do none of you remember SOS? I believe they initiated the whole Megazerg, JQ adapted and BG adapted.. When SoR entered the mix, we had to adapt to it also. Just fight hard and enjoy yourself. If you lose, try again.Ten people chest thump in the forum and you say our server chest thump? Ten people whine about 2v1 and you say our server whines about it? Forum non est vox populi. (I’m sure I must have screwed latin up the kitten there somewhere.)
it’s one thing for militia and stuff to post 2v1 but its another when its known commanders on bg who post it
How so? I didn’t vote for them. Did you vote for your commanders? Those guys are a bunch of tyrans and psychopaths. I only follow them cause I’m obsessed with blue doritos ever since I found a dorito in a bag of M&M’s,
LOL this post did make me chuckle
but its like this a commander leads ur militia or guild and has a large affect on the servers morale. Kinda like a captain ona sports team
so u see there is a large dif from a militia player saying it and a commander
Not really, they’re just people who have a series of characteristics : had enough cash to buy the commander tag (or a big guild that helped with it), the will to spend said cash, enough charisma to have people behind them, enough skill to perform well enough so that people want to continue following them, and on top of it, the desire to do it and deal with all the downsides of being a commander.
That doesn’t make their opinion more important than others, nor does it give them any forum representation responsibilities.
Just wait till bg gets another 10 na guilds, 15 Sea/oceanic guilds, and about 30 euro guilds to transfer. Then they will show everyone what they are made of.
See, is not just BG that have this kind of "opinions’…
No need to flame more but u kinda enjoy this dont you?
10 ppl dont speak for a server, like my server friend said few posts behind. Wanna a clean thread? Start yourself to say things that make sense and ignore what doesent…
Oh wait, I have to take my own advice now =/
Alright Kathy K. I follow where you’re going there. If SoR ends up in a match with BG and SoS or SB or DB and they still beat you, will you admit that SoR just might be the better server right now?
I won’t admit that SoR is a “better” server, just that they have better coverage.
Is Sanctum of Rall better than Fergusson’s Crossing? No idea.
Does Sanctum of Rall have better coverage than Fergusson’s Crossing? That I can say is a definite yes.Same thing goes if you were to compare Sanctum of Rall with Blackgate. The server with the most coverage & WvW presence wins the game but it’s unfair to call a server “better” than the other.
SO wut ur saying is u beat jq Because of coverage
so I guess the 111k posting u did can be passed of as trolling since it was coverageI only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/history/46 Not like I’m lying either. But you didn’t see us bringing it up week in and week out.
What about it? Blackgate won by 150k and SoR lost by over 160k. Not sure what you’re trying to point out…
Meant this one but my apologies. Point is still proven.
JQ beat everyone back then lol… They definitely had the best coverage along with an amazing community.
I think we’ve all seen our glory days and really the only thing that changes between our 3 servers is the coverage.
Just wait till bg gets another 10 na guilds, 15 Sea/oceanic guilds, and about 30 euro guilds to transfer. Then they will show everyone what they are made of.
There’s a significant difference between getting 10 guilds with 5 people in each and 1 huge guild with over 400 people. Smaller guilds don’t make as big of an impact like larger guilds do.
If we were to compare the amount of guilds that transferred over between SoR & BG since the beginning; Blackgate would clearly win.
But if we compared the amount of people that transferred over between SoR & BG since the beginning; Sanctum of Rall would have more.
I only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
Who are you anyway? Your post history is so fresh it still has that new car smell. I’m a little afraid to read anything you write, what time frame was it that you were bought and devoured by The Black Hole?
I’m Kathy K.6812, I recently bought a Bugatti. Now that you know me perhaps we can be friends? :P This entire “Black Hole” reference should be taken as a compliment.
Blackgate is such an attractive server, guilds decide to go there out of all the other 23 servers & stay until the end.
I also personally think that it sounds a lot better than Beastgate, but thats just me
Death by Black Hole… When scientifically investigating the natural world, the only thing worse than a blind believer is a seeing denier.
Great Fights Guys, love those wxp ranks keep them coming!
You act as though guilds only die in Blackgate, well whatever happened to that huge guild from SoR [SYN] (think it was Synapse)?
Oh yeah they died off; now it looks like SoR has got a Blackhole of their own.
Every server has had a guild that stopped playing gw2 & moved on or just quit entirely and SoR is no exception to that.
I only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
Who are you anyway? Your post history is so fresh it still has that new car smell. I’m a little afraid to read anything you write, what time frame was it that you were bought and devoured by The Black Hole?
I’m Kathy K.6812, I recently bought a Bugatti. Now that you know me perhaps we can be friends? :P This entire “Black Hole” reference should be taken as a compliment.
Blackgate is such an attractive server, guilds decide to go there out of all the other 23 servers & stay until the end.
I also personally think that it sounds a lot better than Beastgate, but thats just me
Death by Black Hole… When scientifically investigating the natural world, the only thing worse than a blind believer is a seeing denier.
Great Fights Guys, love those wxp ranks keep them coming!You act as though guilds only die in Blackgate, well whatever happened to that huge guild from SoR [SYN] (think it was Synapse)?
Oh yeah they died off; now it looks like SoR has got a Blackhole of their own.
Every server has had a guild that stopped playing gw2 & moved on or just quit entirely and SoR is no exception to that.
Cept Bg’s tend to disappear weeks after transfer….
I only used the 111k post when a JQ member decided to bad mouth BG. Other than that I’ve been really nice to them
& how is that trolling? It’s not like I’m lieing lol
Who are you anyway? Your post history is so fresh it still has that new car smell. I’m a little afraid to read anything you write, what time frame was it that you were bought and devoured by The Black Hole?
I’m Kathy K.6812, I recently bought a Bugatti. Now that you know me perhaps we can be friends? :P This entire “Black Hole” reference should be taken as a compliment.
Blackgate is such an attractive server, guilds decide to go there out of all the other 23 servers & stay until the end.
I also personally think that it sounds a lot better than Beastgate, but thats just me
Death by Black Hole… When scientifically investigating the natural world, the only thing worse than a blind believer is a seeing denier.
Great Fights Guys, love those wxp ranks keep them coming!You act as though guilds only die in Blackgate, well whatever happened to that huge guild from SoR [SYN] (think it was Synapse)?
Oh yeah they died off; now it looks like SoR has got a Blackhole of their own.
Every server has had a guild that stopped playing gw2 & moved on or just quit entirely and SoR is no exception to that.
Cept Bg’s tend to disappear weeks after transfer….
name 1
War Machine for starters.
I’m already missing TC and SoS. I mean, the fights are better now, but the matchup thread was so much nicer last week. . .
War Machine for starters.
Still alive & kicking. Infact they were commanding last night in JQBL. WM is probably one of the few SEA guilds that will be playing this game for a very long time.
BG you guys do nothing but complain.
We’ve all heard the complaints from SoR when BG was beating your server for a good 16 weeks. So far you’ve only heard Blackgates QQ for 7 weeks, try to be a bit more patient with them :P
SoR never complained as a majority and it’s a fact not hearsay. The reality is that majority of BG complains about both JQ and SoR so that counts as double.
The difference is not only that we have always overcome all the adversities but we got more motivated fighting against the stronger odds.
I think this is the best matchup that all 3 servers can have at the moment so let bygones be bygones and enjoy the fights.
War Machine for starters.
Still alive & kicking. Infact they were commanding last night in JQBL. WM is probably one of the few SEA guilds that will be playing this game for a very long time.
Ha, alive and kicking. Cute. Maybe they’d be a factor if they’d still run the 60 man blob they did the first week they came. They got so scared they were pushed into PvDing EU timeslot then disappeared from being a factor altogether. Name any guild other than RISE, BT or MERC thats transfer in the last few months and still regularly fields 30+. That means everyday.
Who cares. Today i had a lovely 3 way fight with Iron and RG it was fun and it is nice to see RG around.
They will attack any one and that really helps. Both from a defensive point of view and from a fun standpoint. It is to bad i had to try and build up Garrison or else i would have brought RK into more of the fights.
Lol everyone is mad.
Yeah it was fun in BG BL, RG kittened up everyone was beautiful until they kitten d me.
War Machine for starters.
Still alive & kicking. Infact they were commanding last night in JQBL. WM is probably one of the few SEA guilds that will be playing this game for a very long time.
Ha, alive and kicking. Cute. Maybe they’d be a factor if they’d still run the 60 man blob they did the first week they came. They got so scared they were pushed into PvDing EU timeslot then disappeared from being a factor altogether. Name any guild other than RISE, BT or MERC thats transfer in the last few months and still regularly fields 30+. That means everyday.
[thif] for one, but since they field 30+ thieves everyday, you probably never saw them. They’re the kitten, though. And very loyal to BG
Do they run thieves guild too? Make the entire map lag when popped?
Lol everyone is mad.
I’m mad. I was on my way to the zerblob on SoR BL and I was 2v1’d between a raptor and a BG. I have never been more humiliated and angry before this. It’s all ok though as I’m not angry at all about it because 2v1 happens. I’m so angry though. L2P
Did I do it right?