6/14 CD / TC / SoS

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Keeping it classy KH, Keeping it classy.

I don’t get it.

KH are classy even when they sleep.

Is that because they wear fedoras to bed?

No way. They wear Stillsuits: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology_of_the_Dune_universe#Stillsuit

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: PAGamer.4072


Be careful of this guy!

PS. if we ever fight TC again (and we just might because nothing can stop the death star) I’m going to troll the dolyak parade so hard!

He said it more than once (in his post history) so be careful :P

Would it help if I said we really aren’t worth 3 points per kill?

Oh and it’s all unofficial. Might only be Fun there. All two of us. So, he might not get the revenge he’s looking for.

Think the Yak Queen said it best.

Elwyn Eileurer
The Not Amazing Broken Toaster – Tarnished Coast
[Fun] with Naked Mole Rats/No One Really Likes Us [Sad]

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: kRAVen.4195


Zaul day two. Worse than day one cause it shows he cant learn or let it go. There is a place for your post. Its called the Crystal Desert website forum. Anyway thanks for the positive rhetoric about your own server. We are all waiting for you to lead us to the promised land.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


Keystone Light..???? Sorry. I’m gonna have to kick you out of FoE for that remark.. Best of luck.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Although TSL has for the most part taken this week off, we would like to thank those that we did have a few good battles with, as well as the guilds that we did some GvG with.

Good luck to both SoS and CD in the future!

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


CD has a lot and we’re fighting against them with equal or less numbers. We win some and we lose some. And they often would wipe us if they stuck together. But when the fight is long, and the endurance is faltering, they kind of spread out, which i think is like panicking, and it’s where we capitalize and kill the stragglers.

Very good fight.


[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

(edited by Sovereign.1093)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


Keystone Light..???? Sorry. I’m gonna have to kick you out of FoE for that remark.. Best of luck.

My personal WvW drink of choice is Shiner Bock. :-P

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shazirah.8350


…got all crazy town today playing GW2…


Are they still a thing? Crazy Town, I mean. The only thing I remember from them is Butterfly.

(Maestro at) Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA]:
Resident Keg Brawl Premier League Champions
… with some WvW breaks here and there.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


…got all crazy town today playing GW2…


Are they still a thing? Crazy Town, I mean. The only thing I remember from them is Butterfly.

Come my lady.
Come, come my lady.
You’re my butterfly.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Shoutout to CD defending CDBL tonight, Kome/TOFU et al, very organized and a lot of stacking/flanking, was very different from when the week started and many fun fights!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vashti.8179


Zaul day two. Worse than day one cause it shows he cant learn or let it go. There is a place for your post. Its called the Crystal Desert website forum. Anyway thanks for the positive rhetoric about your own server. We are all waiting for you to lead us to the promised land.

He’s a peach isn’t he? I don’t buy gems often but if I knew he would accept them in turn for transferring off CD, I would probably make an exception. Never seen one guy so completely against his whole server.

Edit: Hmm. Looks like he edited his last post to remove some name-calling and general CD-bashing. That’s good I guess?

(edited by Vashti.8179)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Marquiz.7625


Those who slag off CD should have been there to see the battle tonight at CD BL Sunny. Epic battle there against TC. Every CDer who was part of it can be proud of yourself for the positive outcome =)

Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


Keystone Light..???? Sorry. I’m gonna have to kick you out of FoE for that remark.. Best of luck.

My personal WvW drink of choice is Shiner Bock. :-P

My fellow Texan!

Sadly, only rum, whiskey or tequila flies when you roll with FoE, no we aren’t alcoholics.. I swear to Sailor Jerry we aren’t

My fun laughs at your server pride.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Altie.4571


I would call his estimations better than yours have been at any point in this thread.

My observations have been spot on from very first post to last. Does it pain to be called out for what you really are TC?

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shazirah.8350


For those of you itching for 1v1 or 2v2 (or any small-scaled) fights, I believe something is in the works for this evening! 5pm Server Time.

Cross-server Fight Club. No zergs allowed!

Get off of the forums and flex your muscles!

(I think the BL is still tbd.)

And then there is going to be a parade of dolyaks, I trust.

Corrected the time!

(Maestro at) Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA]:
Resident Keg Brawl Premier League Champions
… with some WvW breaks here and there.

(edited by Shazirah.8350)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aylaine.1036


Thanks to the [TS] Thief for the good fights. You do a lott of burst damage. I barely won both fights! Sorry about that person jumping in the first time, I didn’t see them but I stopped the second person who happened by on our fight.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


Keystone Light..???? Sorry. I’m gonna have to kick you out of FoE for that remark.. Best of luck.

Well most of the time I keep high class. Last night I was sipping Cristal, smoking a Cuban, listening to the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, whilst being serviced by several porn star dropouts. I teach these ladies the secrets to my success by explosing them to NPR Nightly Business Report and my kittening kitten GW2 Elementalist skills. Being a great philanthropist is on my lifes passions now that I am fantastically rich and almost famous.

But sometimes you just gotta return to your roots and be one of the common plebeians and drink a case of Keystone Light. It is easy to lose sight of humanity’s plight being a 1%’er.


One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


Keystone Light..???? Sorry. I’m gonna have to kick you out of FoE for that remark.. Best of luck.

Well most of the time I keep high class. Last night I was sipping Cristal, smoking a Cuban, listening to the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, whilst being serviced by several porn star dropouts. I teach these ladies the secrets to my success by explosing them to NPR Nightly Business Report and my kittening kitten GW2 Elementalist skills. Being a great philanthropist is on my lifes passions now that I am fantastically rich and almost famous.

But sometimes you just gotta return to your roots and be one of the common plebeians and drink a case of Keystone Light. It is easy to lose sight of humanity’s plight being a 1%’er.


You had me until “my kittening kitten GW2 Elementalist skills”

My fun laughs at your server pride.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grieve.1432


For those of you itching for 1v1 or 2v2 (or any small-scaled) fights, I believe something is in the works for this evening! 6pm Server Time.

Cross-server Fight Club. No zergs allowed!

Get off of the forums and flex your muscles!

(I think the BL is still tbd.)

And then there is going to be a parade of dolyaks, I trust.

Well, since the Dolyak Parade is already planned for CD BL apparently, I’d say we could have Fight Night on CD BL by the windmill per usual. My only request would be could TC lay off the pressure on CD BL for just those hours so that more fun may be enjoyed by all and well also so CD has an easier time reaching the Fight Night or Dolyak Parade.

Also, I’d like to start the fight night as early as 5pm Server Time and I guess it’ll run til whenever.

South of Heaven [SoH] – Crystal Desert
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


Keystone Light..???? Sorry. I’m gonna have to kick you out of FoE for that remark.. Best of luck.

Well most of the time I keep high class. Last night I was sipping Cristal, smoking a Cuban, listening to the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, whilst being serviced by several porn star dropouts. I teach these ladies the secrets to my success by explosing them to NPR Nightly Business Report and my kittening kitten GW2 Elementalist skills. Being a great philanthropist is on my lifes passions now that I am fantastically rich and almost famous.

But sometimes you just gotta return to your roots and be one of the common plebeians and drink a case of Keystone Light. It is easy to lose sight of humanity’s plight being a 1%’er.


I do not believe that the cost is in question. You see, there is beer… and then there is donkey urine in a bottle/can

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

I think this describes how SoS and CD are feeling pretty well…

No Tears
Just Dreams

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: stinkypants.8419


I think this describes how SoS and CD are feeling pretty well…

That’s funny cuz this is what I hear anytime TC says anything in this thread:

(Alvyn | Crystal Desert )

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aylaine.1036


I think this describes how SoS and CD are feeling pretty well…

That’s funny cuz this is what I hear anytime TC says anything in this thread:

Fun fun fun weekend!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Fun, fun, fun, fun, looking forward to the reset.

Edit: The Olympic Golem Chicken Games™ of 2013 have begun. We decided to play Chicken/Survivor with the 18 golems we used in CDBL. There’re 3 left atm.

Edit: They all died.


Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hakkou.1526


Fun, fun, fun, fun, looking forward to the reset.


When they were stil lined up!

[IRON] elementalist

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Fun, fun, fun, fun, looking forward to the reset.


When they were stil lined up!

LOL! Villenio starting it off and saying let’s take screenies, get in.

Edit: A new challenger has arrived.


Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toggles.1783


Zaul day two. Worse than day one cause it shows he cant learn or let it go. There is a place for your post. Its called the Crystal Desert website forum. Anyway thanks for the positive rhetoric about your own server. We are all waiting for you to lead us to the promised land.

He’s a peach isn’t he? I don’t buy gems often but if I knew he would accept them in turn for transferring off CD, I would probably make an exception. Never seen one guy so completely against his whole server.

Edit: Hmm. Looks like he edited his last post to remove some name-calling and general CD-bashing. That’s good I guess?

I’d contribute to that fund, cause I’m just that charitable and such an upstanding kind of guy.

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Friday for me now and another RNG weekly match draws closer to a reset.

All three weeks that SoS has faced TC have been enjoyable for me and I have a great deal of respect for TC’s ingame performances.

CD last night ( oceanic) went within a whisker of turning all but SoS garrison and a TC held hills on SoS BL green. Great effort from a group I estimated at only 12-15 players. We barely clung onto cliffside!

I appreciate the fact that WvW is dead without opponents and would like to thank all servers wvwvw participants for bringing the fun every week!

Good luck with your dice rolls!

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Brom Malochson.9306

Brom Malochson.9306

To the TCers currently spawncamping SoS on EBG…I detest you. Here’s what you can be doing instead:

-Upgrading towers/keeps we already hold
-Completing ebg dynamic events/killing champions (they drop good loot too!)
-Actually defending the towers you hold (Veloka comes to mind)

grumbles off into the abyss

Brom Malichson | DB Elementalist | Temple Commander | Knights of Ares [ARES]

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Nah, I figured I’d give those SoS a free lootbag so I made a few suicidal charges with my Flamethrower. Of worthy note was the SoS necro. Hope I dropped something good, like the rare I got from a CD guy north of Klovan a few minutes later.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aylaine.1036


To the TCers currently spawncamping SoS on EBG…I detest you. Here’s what you can be doing instead:

-Upgrading towers/keeps we already hold
-Completing ebg dynamic events/killing champions (they drop good loot too!)
-Actually defending the towers you hold (Veloka comes to mind)

grumbles off into the abyss

From what I’m told, EB is just a farmfest nowadays, and nothing really gets done there. Did you get the names of the people doing it? I have an earfull I want to give them. It’s pretty bad that our server is doing this.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toxic.4320


yep and it’s not just ‘once’ as you have been told, Arale. it’s been all week.

but.. you know.. I overreacted.

Ethos Mores [KWBH] Commander, Ranger
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

Your server (tc) spawncamped 12 defenders with 150 people so the other 150 get veloka,if the active commander that momment didnt had a simple drop of shame to call them back then its too late to make them feel shame now.
You noticed the long silence from SoS over the past hours on this forum,that is our answer on what we are thinking about TC.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


Funny, I saw your little group myself. You were eager to fight the 3 of us up there while you had 5 down there. Rather than letting anyone close enough to actually make it an even fight, you and your fellows would just bum rush them.

Is that your opinion of a good fight?

Edit: I would be glad to do a 1v1, no reason to worry when we don’t have a Zerg right?

I’ve never seen an even numbered TC group voluntarily engage our group of roamers.

From my experience, when our roaming group encounters and equally matched TC group, the Tower Campers (TC) group BLOWS every cool down they have to RUN away from us, and hide in the nearest tower or keep.

I wasn’t involved in the incident that Sardine is talking about, but his screenshots clearly show his group has only 4 people (look at the squad + minimap), and your tower has at least that amount (possibly more that aren’t visible due to the walls). And yet, TC is hiding behind walls. Sigh.

Our engagements have consistently shown that most TC doesn’t appear to be interested in fair fights, and they’ll simply hide in safe zones until they get at least 3x more people.

O RLY? Here look at these before and after pictures. :P

First thing I said after looking at the first picture:
“lol Nightlight is dead.”

Our engagements have consistently shown that most TC doesn’t appear to be interested in fair fights, and they’ll simply hide in safe zones until they get at least 3x more people.

I find this statement rather interesting because yesterday, I was running with a group (around 20-30, this happened just around NA prime so this group is rather small) fought against both CD and SoS, each group were at least 40 man strong (it was near that camp between Mendons and Anz, can’t remember the name). I don’t recall us running back to our nearest tower. I do recall tons of red names, dying a few times, and loot bags despawning in front of me. QQ

Aaaand I’m worried that this will be taken the wrong way (and given how much this thread has devolved into, it probably will), but I will say it anyway. SoS, you’ve improved by quite a lot. It really does seem that you guys are communicating better and generally, are becoming better. Also, it looks like TC and SoS need to be affianced or something lol. And I admire your persistence (coughtrebsmccough). And CD, I haven’t seen much of you during the times that I’m on, but you guys have some pretty interesting roamers. o:

A match is only truly lost if you don’t learn anything from it. I know it probably sounds condescending because I’m in the winning server, but seriously, take this as an opportunity to learn and improve.

(edited by electriette.8952)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


thanks for all the gvgs everyone, sorry CERN we couldn’t get enough people together … we can try before reset again but with the match up it’s hard to get anyone to step into wvw and harder to get them to stay

EP great fights guys before it all fizzled out

@SoS … good job trying to interfere

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

I didnt say it indirectly,i said it directly.
TC brought a full zerg on overlook when all it had was 12 defenders,after getting overlook half the zerg spawncamped the 6 that tried to get on veloka.
Veloka all it had inside was 6 defenders out of which your mesmers had no remorse on trying to fling outside the tower with temporal curtains.
Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match,and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: mclovin.8561


Agreed Sniffy it was a blast tonight against both CERN and EP good fights on both sides! Also for the ending we just had to suicide into your mass of peeps lol. hopefully someone got a precursor! lol!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

thanks for all the gvgs everyone, sorry CERN we couldn’t get enough people together … we can try before reset again but with the match up it’s hard to get anyone to step into wvw and harder to get them to stay

EP great fights guys before it all fizzled out

@SoS … good job trying to interfere

LOL that was a complete accident, you should really let us know before you do a GvG in our bl we randomly encountered you and too many pugs ran in before we could tell them to come back.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


I didnt say it indirectly,i said it directly.
TC brought a full zerg on overlook when all it had was 12 defenders,after getting overlook half the zerg spawncamped the 6 that tried to get on veloka.
Veloka all it had inside was 6 defenders out of which your mesmers had no remorse on trying to fling outside the tower with temporal curtains.
Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match,and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

I’m… pretty kittening sure that the player cap per server per map is MUCH lower than 300.


TC brought a full zerg on overlook when all it had was 12 defenders

From the sounds of it you seem to consider this to be pretty terrible. Please explain to me: why do you consider this to be a bad thing?

Veloka all it had inside was 6 defenders out of which your mesmers had no remorse on trying to fling outside the tower with temporal curtains.

Also this.

Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match

lol. Of course not. Not with that attitude.

and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

1. I’m not even there. Until it was mentioned a few posts ago, I had no idea you were being spawn-camped. I do apologise on behalf of the people who were intentionally spawn-camping (even though I’m just one person) because that kind of behaviour is appalling.
2. I’m pretty sure this is SoS’ downtime and NA’s primetime. Please do expect a lower SoS population and a much higher TC population.

Sorry that YOU took that fairly negatively when I was being genuine. Please continue sulking in the corner. However, I do hope others would find some small value in it.

(edited by electriette.8952)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Your server (tc) spawncamped 12 defenders with 150 people so the other 150 get veloka,if the active commander that momment didnt had a simple drop of shame to call them back then its too late to make them feel shame now.
You noticed the long silence from SoS over the past hours on this forum,that is our answer on what we are thinking about TC.

Yes, because TC is comprised of only 150 people. You can keep picking at straws trying to come up with ways to paint TC out to be the ‘big bad server’ you believe it is.

Nobody asked for this matchup; yeah, you’re frustrated but to try and smear TC because of it is pretty sad. Especially when it’s on multiple occasions from the same number of posters. I’ve been in EB and all of the other maps. And it is not a coordinated attempt to spawn camp. It is people taking your keep and then pushing you back to spawn and then moving onto the next objective.

This is getting soooo old. Most boring, overmilked discussion ever.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Every server seems to have it’s own unique characteristics. Some of them are so blatant that you would be able to figure out who you were fighting after a few days even with the server tags off.

If you are a boxing fan you would remember Oscar De La Hoya. Pure tactical boxer. Didn’t like to get hit. Would outbox his opponent without taking any risks.

To me that is TC. Not 100% of the time but in general.

Very methodical and patient. When taking a tower/keep they go balls to the wall with overwhelming firepower. If any kind of resistance they pull back and reevaluate. Then determine what other siege is needed to get the job done…as cleanly as possible …by clean I mean as few deaths as possible. In a perfect world zero deaths. Leroy Jenkins is not in their vocabulary.

Same thing applies in the open field. Great flanking tactics. Great baiting tactics. They really only fight under their terms if possible. If in doubt they retreat and regroup. Applies to large groups down to solo.

Their discipline within the blob is quite amazing. if you snooze, you lose. What I mean is if you lag back or don’t pay attention, you are on your own. If the enemy hits you they aint turning around to help you or rez you. Very objective focused.

As frustrating as it is to fight against that you can’t help but be impressed by their consistency. Hopefully, but not likely, they won’t take this the wrong way

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xaivia.5723


Goodbye my TC friends.


[DC] Melody Fate. CD commander and portal bomber extraordinaire.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grieve.1432


TC, you are so cruel for killing such sweet and innocent creatures.


South of Heaven [SoH] – Crystal Desert
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)

(edited by Grieve.1432)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

I didnt say it indirectly,i said it directly.
TC brought a full zerg on overlook when all it had was 12 defenders,after getting overlook half the zerg spawncamped the 6 that tried to get on veloka.
Veloka all it had inside was 6 defenders out of which your mesmers had no remorse on trying to fling outside the tower with temporal curtains.
Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match,and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

I’m… pretty kittening sure that the player cap per server per map is MUCH lower than 300.

Also there wasnt anything to learn from this match

lol. Of course not. Not with that attitude.

and your words of praise sound empty when right at this moment overlook is loaded with siege used against not even a handfull of SoS.

1. I’m not even there. Until it was mentioned a few posts ago, I had no idea you were being spawn-camped. I do apologise on behalf of my server (even though I’m just one person) because that kind of behaviour is appalling.
2. I’m pretty sure this is SoS’ downtime and NA’s primetime. Please do expect a lower SoS population and a much higher TC population.

My attitude is fine and justified,tc as a server hasnt done anything that another server hasnt done before aside showing the WORSE sportsmanship ever performed.
The EP members camped at veloka spamming laugh at the people trying to siege the gate,and then calling an over 25 people pack to kill the 7 SoS outside of is also not promoting anything other than grief.
Also this isnt a downtime issue,people got tired of spending gold and siege to try to defend something that couldnt be defended because fully optimized zergs dont give a flying F if you cart them or not.
Server limit might not be 300 since it got lowered and increased over the past months ,but still i am sure that a 20 to 1 rate isnt something balanced.
So excuse me if i sound rough to you,but you havent been spawncamped for the past 12 hours to understand me.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maxrebo.2470


The posts by some TC folks stating how sos and cd should learn from are the funny ones. I have yet too see any real tactics from your’e mega zergs we have not seen. Throwing a ton of people at everything is not new or impressive. But fills my bags quick.
That being said the small grp fights I have been in with some of you guys I have learned from. you know who you are (the ones that don’t run away till the zerg arrives. So like 2% of tc wvw population

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


Why. would. you. kill. quaggans.

TC, you are so cruel for killing such sweet and innocent creatures.

For some reason I can’t see that attachment in full. >_> But how do you manage to get the defeated screen and still be in full colour? When I get it it’s so monochrome and desaturated. o.o

edit: oh you removed it

The posts by some TC folks stating how sos and cd should learn from are the funny ones

Since I’m the latest TC person to say something of the sort… I wasn’t saying you learn from TC. In fact, I did not even state that only CD and SoS are the only two servers that need to learn and improve (though it may look like it had been worded as such). But, whatever.

(edited by electriette.8952)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Axelthorne.3261


Such cruelty to the Quaggans

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Every server seems to have it’s own unique characteristics. Some of them are so blatant that you would be able to figure out who you were fighting after a few days even with the server tags off.

If you are a boxing fan you would remember Oscar De La Hoya. Pure tactical boxer. Didn’t like to get hit. Would outbox his opponent without taking any risks.

To me that is TC. Not 100% of the time but in general.

Very methodical and patient. When taking a tower/keep they go balls to the wall with overwhelming firepower. If any kind of resistance they pull back and reevaluate. Then determine what other siege is needed to get the job done…as cleanly as possible …by clean I mean as few deaths as possible. In a perfect world zero deaths. Leroy Jenkins is not in their vocabulary.

Same thing applies in the open field. Great flanking tactics. Great baiting tactics. They really only fight under their terms if possible. If in doubt they retreat and regroup. Applies to large groups down to solo.

Their discipline within the blob is quite amazing. if you snooze, you lose. What I mean is if you lag back or don’t pay attention, you are on your own. If the enemy hits you they aint turning around to help you or rez you. Very objective focused.

As frustrating as it is to fight against that you can’t help but be impressed by their consistency. Hopefully, but not likely, they won’t take this the wrong way

I don’t think that’s all strictly true; we have our good days and our bad days just like everyone else. But thanks for the compliment, I guess. You don’t need to be scared of TC. We all have room for improvement.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


More screenshots from the TC side of the CD death march. Don’t mind the quality too much my noob self forgot to change my graphics back to pretty mode. To all CD that took the honor of dying at hour gates I salute you.


Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC