Other 80s: Any but Warrior
6/28: FC/GoM/SF
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
And I thought we would have you this week my gommies </3
Alas, Anet trolls us qq
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi
And I thought we would have you this week my gommies </3
Alas, Anet trolls us qq
I miss you too my squishy little jellybean
Let’s ask tootsie.
too much zerging for me tonight
even coordinated 20-25 mans cant withstand the enormous 60-70 man SF/GoM zergs, lol
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
And I thought we would have you this week my gommies </3
Alas, Anet trolls us qq
Indeed. I have been hoping for HOD again the last few weeks. would be enough to bring me out of semi-retirement.
Ranger, Eng ,Commander (ret),Smartass
GoM. Please don’t feed the Trolls.
[Deth] of FC is looking to do 10-15 man GvG’s! We will fight anyone just whisper me in-game (Aldix) and we’ll set up a time! Also, consider signing up for the new GvG site (www.gw2gvg.com) so you can record your scores.
@ Ninjapotpie
My 3 favorite things…
too much zerging for me tonight
even coordinated 20-25 mans cant withstand the enormous 60-70 man SF/GoM zergs, lol
my 7 man couldnt handle the 40 man FC and 60 man SF BL zergs….=/
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
You need 8 men not 7….
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
You need 8 men not 7….
dont have 8 =/
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
You are welcome FC for that GoM wipe inside your keep :P. I lead our whole EB zerg into your keep to wipe GoM. The skill lag that ensued was awful.
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
You are welcome FC for that GoM wipe inside your keep :P. I lead our whole EB zerg into your keep to wipe GoM
. The skill lag that ensued was awful.
Your so cool… /off sarcasm
too much zerging for me tonight
even coordinated 20-25 mans cant withstand the enormous 60-70 man SF/GoM zergs, lol
Yep, I ran into y’all a couple times bag farming, the GoM zerg wasn’t that big. The SF one on the other hand. O_O
I was expecting a mindless zerg and instagibbed myself on retal after dropping a FGS #5 in the middle of yall. :P
…and to SF, one of the many reasons I love you.
You need 8 men not 7….
dont have 8 =/
I was the eighth man.. but I don’t really count
Let’s ask tootsie.
Any footage of last night? i wanna see these big zergs
Any footage of last night? i wanna see these big zergs
This is from GoM BL last night. SF had a lot of people on the map and kept us very busy. Zerg? Don’t know about that, they seemed to coordinate well.
A few shots from Cragtop.
1. Better cap this fast…
2. …we got this…
3. …just in time.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork
(edited by Debois Guilbert.6413)
Night crew strikes again!
Also for Dev and others: try and spot the green lol
….. And Elementalist.
1: what are you doing out?
2: back.
4: back to your invulnerable spot.
5: and stay there.
6: see I told you. that’s the best way to kill npcs.
Let’s ask tootsie.
What a karma train in EB.
Round and round we go, when we’ll stop no one knows.
@ Ninjapotpie
My 3 favorite things…
hehe mine too.
Ranger, Eng ,Commander (ret),Smartass
GoM. Please don’t feed the Trolls.
Any footage of last night? i wanna see these big zergs
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
Got another video.
Golems Are Fun Too~
I even left in the part with me being both terribad and incredibly lucky at the end.
(edited by Myst.5783)
Got another video.
Golems Are Fun Too~
I even left in the part with me being both terribad and incredibly lucky at the end.
Found me.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Got another video.
Golems Are Fun Too~
I even left in the part with me being both terribad and incredibly lucky at the end.Found me.
Found another of you.
Got another video.
Golems Are Fun Too~
I even left in the part with me being both terribad and incredibly lucky at the end.Found me.
Found another of you.
That doesn’t look like a viking with a horn…. >.>
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
close one at sm >.>
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
been having a lot of fun especially with out cubby house of rams =D
….. And Elementalist.
been having a lot of fun especially with out cubby house of rams =D
SM has nevah been more secure!
O.o this forum is so quite, wheres the bashing!
O.o this forum is so quite, wheres the bashing!
too busy mega zerging
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
I wanted to give a heads up to both GoM and Anet.
5 minutes ago while attacking SM some of the SF players (including myself) somehow glitched through the gate and got inside the castle outer courtyard (we have no idea how this happened or how it was triggered, it just happened). WE DID NOT INTEND FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN. To make sure we did not exploit this bug we stayed at the gate until the gate fell and then proceeded to be smashed by GoM and their huge zerg :P .
I unfortunately could not get a picture but I did want to address this issue quickly.
SF | Commander | [LORD]
Yeah there’s a bunch of gate issues this week… on top of the yak bug for Durios/QL…. Good job Anet.
Seventh Legion [VII]
I wanted to give a heads up to both GoM and Anet.
5 minutes ago while attacking SM some of the SF players (including myself) somehow glitched through the gate and got inside the castle outer courtyard (we have no idea how this happened or how it was triggered, it just happened). WE DID NOT INTEND FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN. To make sure we did not exploit this bug we stayed at the gate until the gate fell and then proceeded to be smashed by GoM and their huge zerg :P .
I unfortunately could not get a picture but I did want to address this issue quickly.
Something similar happened a few hours ago when GoM was taking our keep in EB, but unfortunately a large number of them chose not to avoid using the bug, and proceeded to take out our siege and grab the keep.
Pretty disappointing, but I guess you can’t account for how everyone within a zerg will behave.
Yeah, everyone’s been having that issue.
Anytime a large amount of people stack on the gate and attack a number get ported through.
We even had a golem get pushed through one time.
Anet should really work on that.
Anyways, boxing match in SF garrison, fun times~
So rude of SF to try and crash our party.
GoM you have a guardian commander with a [GoM] tag that’s behaving rather suspiciously as far as movement is concerned… Notice I did not use the “H” word, but please sort this guy out.
Also I can’t understand why GoM and SF are so intent on focussing their efforts on FC? Really it’s just sad that GoM and SF would both zerg our keep (and both loose) in EB at the same time. A little while after that both GoM and SF zerg show up in our BL. Granted, the SF BL turned a little greener a while later and GoM presence diminished in FC BL.
But you can’t look past the fact that EB has all red removed first before GoM decides that there is no other option left than to go for the blue property. GG guys, you sure are raking in those points!
And SF – you run your large zerg in our BL and fail to take our garrison. Then when we attack back you run like pansies. Perhaps you should listen to your guardians and “Stand your Ground” just once in a while.
Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)
For those that wanted pictures of another fort ram we set up here you go, also great unofficial fight night at umber after the map was turned green.
….. And Elementalist.
…and to SF, one of the many reasons I love you.
Eh this kind of stuff doesn’t bother me any more. Fact of the matter is there are people on all servers who do it, and sometimes people are just having fun.
As a matter of fact, I’ve been having fun recently eating a bunch of Zhaitaffy and throwing up on people after I kill them
Classy? Nah. Funny? You betcha.
Tarnished Coast [Crit]
Also I can’t understand why GoM and SF are so intent on focussing their efforts on FC?
Normally, I’m a “don’t beat down the little guy” kind of person. Unfortunately, the rating system does not share my sentiment. Glicko expects GoM and SF to grind FC into the ground. If they don’t, they will lose rating to FC because they are “doing worse than expected.”
So honestly I’m torn. I don’t want to focus FC, but I also don’t want to lose rating to them for being nice.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
…and to SF, one of the many reasons I love you.
Eh this kind of stuff doesn’t bother me any more. Fact of the matter is there are people on all servers who do it, and sometimes people are just having fun.
As a matter of fact, I’ve been having fun recently eating a bunch of Zhaitaffy and throwing up on people after I kill them
Classy? Nah. Funny? You betcha.
I just hate SF and have hated them since I first met them on HoD.
I never miss an opportunity to take a dig at them.
…and to SF, one of the many reasons I love you.
Eh this kind of stuff doesn’t bother me any more. Fact of the matter is there are people on all servers who do it, and sometimes people are just having fun.
As a matter of fact, I’ve been having fun recently eating a bunch of Zhaitaffy and throwing up on people after I kill them
Classy? Nah. Funny? You betcha.
I just hate SF and have hated them since I first met them on HoD.
I never miss an opportunity to take a dig at them.
Feelings; they be mutual.
Regarding the video: I lol’d, literally, and a lot…..Mainly because you got corpse jumped by a naked charr.
Regarding the Zhaitaffy, that is good stuff.
I noticed they made a dev post saying they finally (freaking ANet) found the bug with the Dolyaks on the Blue team for EB, and that they will be fixing it soon. Anyone lemme know if it is out yet?
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
I noticed they made a dev post saying they finally (freaking ANet) found the bug with the Dolyaks on the Blue team for EB, and that they will be fixing it soon. Anyone lemme know if it is out yet?
The supply is a lie!
We totally got hamstringed with that this week….
I noticed they made a dev post saying they finally (freaking ANet) found the bug with the Dolyaks on the Blue team for EB, and that they will be fixing it soon. Anyone lemme know if it is out yet?
The supply is a lie!
We totally got hamstringed with that this week….
Wow that really sucks!
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
I noticed they made a dev post saying they finally (freaking ANet) found the bug with the Dolyaks on the Blue team for EB, and that they will be fixing it soon. Anyone lemme know if it is out yet?
They only said they might have found the source, so it’s not clear at all if/when a fix will take place.
Seventh Legion [VII]
They only said they might have found the source, so it’s not clear at all if/when a fix will take place.
I loved you Kael, you were my sun and my moon.
No longer! The dust-sized pieces my heart hkittentered (seriously? they edited “has” “shattered”?) into will never repair. So now at every opportunity I will blow the particles into your eyes and blind you. Forever blinded, I don’t want your realistic news sir!
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
(edited by pulsecodesgnl.3470)
They only said they might have found the source, so it’s not clear at all if/when a fix will take place.
I loved you Kael, you were my sun and my moon.
No longer! The dust-sized pieces my heart hkittentered (seriously? they edited “has” “shattered”?) into will never repair. So now at every opportunity I will blow the particles into your eyes and blind you. Forever blinded, I don’t want your realistic news sir!
I thought you were going to continue the line. ‘You are my sun and moon, my star-lit sky.. without you, I dwell in darkness.’
Figrin the Healer (Guard), Angelic Renae (Mes), Death by Figrin (Thief)
Breaking News! Jesus spotted in Eternal Battlegrouds
In other news, GoM realised the only successful way of kitteneep was leaving via another door…
zergs yo, zergs.
Badges, i want them.
Got to treb in style right?
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
(edited by Sororita.3465)
good fights at Lowlands keep and then SM directly after >.>
Omegas, Omegas everywhere.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.