7/19 BG-SoR-DB

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


So? You do realize that is FEAR’s forum. A GUILD forum. Find me one guild forum that doesn’t have the exact same propaganda/chest thumping. I find it rather hilarious that you find it necessary to spy on a guild in any way you can. You really are a person with no ethics or morality, aren’t you?

He didn’t take that screenshot.

Who cares? He posted it.


And no, he was responding. The original poster isn’t him.


The LOVE asura <3

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rednik.3809


After spending one month in SoR server to help beating JQ, I could see the new matchup with DB instead of JQ. I am more than happy that I transfered back to BG at reset. And I found a good guild of harcore players like me : Center of Attention [CA].
Was a blast farming [IRON] bags in EB last 12hours. I heard that your commander was screaming in TS to focus us (but never worked^^) I am recording nice videos and I ll make a best of ^^. About [KISS] … same happened to you in EB

Thanks for good laugh, really funny post. I even know now who was that hysterical CA guardian, who running and spamming /lol after we own you with half of your numbers (almost 30 min of spam, you must be really frustrated). Love you and your “harcore” mates, /cheers.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

(edited by Rednik.3809)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: XIII.6351


Thanks for your responses Sync and Fannwong, it’s much appreciated.

From a BG perspective, we can only speculate about what goes on at your server without really knowing for sure, so that’s why I’ve asked.

Fannwong your explanation probably makes the most sense as I also noticed the same thing occur. And you’re spot on, there’s no shame in it, it happens to all servers. Many people love a winner.

NYS having latency issues would also have a major impact on SoR’s SEA presence.

I have another question, do some of SoR’s NA guilds like to put in over time during some SEA nights? Sometimes we will see 10-20 of an NA guild running during SEA time. For some reason people on this forum like to use “over time” as an insult, but I believe it’s a compliment as it shows that they are dedicated and are willing to fight hard for their server.

I think I can answer this. Reason why theres some NA people during SEA time is either they are drunk, stoned, or just people who wakes up early.

Arcanum [Sanctum Of Roger “Oldroar” Rall]
`Warrior/ `Necromancer/ `Guardian
That’s how it goes wrong, people think they’re fcking heroes.- Sacrx[Red Guard]

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Cirus,

As some of the folks have mentioned, it’s a motley crew of late night NA folks who are drunk (this I have verified), night shifters, insomniacs, past NA times. The numbers fluctuate. There isn’t an all-call status in SOR, most play for whatever time they like, mostly <4-6hours. So the numbers fluctuate quite a bit, from 20+ to 30+ depending.

But as one of the prominent SOR commanders have mentioned, if people play for 12 hours or more, they deserve to win the PPT. /tipshat

edited: I read SEA as OCN. My apologies, redid the numbers.


I have another question, do some of SoR’s NA guilds like to put in over time during some SEA nights? Sometimes we will see 10-20 of an NA guild running during SEA time. For some reason people on this forum like to use “over time” as an insult, but I believe it’s a compliment as it shows that they are dedicated and are willing to fight hard for their server.

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Masamoon.3864


Golem on golem violence at BG bay…..my god that was hilarious.

Sanghae, legends can be true.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: btowl.7869


nice golem rush on bg bl bay. Was better than all the Michael Bay Transformers movies

What do you mean there are other races than Asura?

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


You guys are making FEAR, especially Ace look like the biggest egotistical jerk there is in this game when he’s just being a good GM by keeping up moral and posting videos that are of interest to his guild and people who follow his guild.

He is a jerk, he uses a zoom unlocker.

In b4 my post is deleted and a flood of denials from SoR.

If you have proof, take it to ANET. If not, why continue the character assassination?

Don’t worry, half the last page and most of this one will probably be deleted.

Ever heard the term " where there is smoke there is fire " . Funny how the zoom hacking topic only comes up when talking about certain guilds

And you know for a fact that it’s not just a small group of disgruntled people tired of dying or losing keeps/towers to FEAR that started crying AC HAX?

Send the evidence to ANET and they’ll deal with it. No need for character assassination.

If by a small group of disgruntled people you mean all of Bg then yes . We have sent proof numerous times but anet chooses not to address it . We just adapt like always and when fighting certain guilds it is common to hear a commander say " don’t waste any more supply on siege, so and so guild will just zoom hack the rest of it " . You can deny or make excuses for your server mates, but it doesn’t make it any less real for us

It’s not a problem ONLY for BG. It’s a problem for every server. That’s the reality of it.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

nice golem rush on bg bl bay. Was better than all the Michael Bay Transformers movies

video please, gotta see it!

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vash.9183



Spending 6 hours assaulting one keep (going from mid SEA to mid EU where we lost numbers because we can’t all stay up to mid EU), getting wiped repeatably (IRON leaving the map to farm PuGs in EB), using 12 omega golems while blobbing it up only to lose the keep again 4 minutes later when the buff came down is sure a way of “farming our terrible SEA”. SoR had a worse than usual ppt because of your raid, and it was only a T2 keep that we consider to be a bonus to ppt and not one of our key holdings. Nice to know FEAR is classy as ever.

Don’t see why anyone needs to be classy to MERC when MERC isn’t classy Anyway. We should all just be unclassy.

Who says MERC isn’t classy? Doesn’t everyone have a couple forum warriors? Who cares if one or two MERCs engage in forum talk. We are enemies in the game, after all.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


SOR, stop complaining about coverage. You have NA/EU coverage stacked, we have OC/SEA stacked….it balances out.

It doesn’t balance out, at least not the way you think of it. See the difference here is that during SEA SoR can spare forces for SoR BL and EB. I’ve seen BG fill up 3 maps and then some for the fourth during this timezone. During NA BG still puts a large force on each four maps. Being an NA server, one in Tier 1, I don’t think any server really has population issues in NA. The reason why SoR’s NA generally ticks higher than BG is due to the advantages from Euro timezone.

You can say SoR’s NA is stacked, and rightfully, it is, however BG’s own NA force isn’t far behind. BT, KnT, ICoa, RISE + GoF and pugs can each easily field a large force on each map.

This is, of course, can seen in the evolution chart. BG has an average tick of anywhere from 220-260 during NA primetime (generally considered 4 P.M. PST to 9 P.M PST), which I would generally consider holding your shard, however during SEA team, SoR averages a 160-190ppt, which is less than holding your shard, which points to SoR SEA not having enough forces for other BLs and being forced to defend EB/SoRBL.

Also, looking at the evolution you can see SoR averages ~290 – 320 ppt NA prime with the highest peak being 390ppt. BG averages 340 – 380 ppt SEA time, highest peak 475.

Conclusion: SoR has the strongest NA, but not by much. BG has the strongest SEA, by a considerable amount. Was too lazy to factor in Oceanic/Euro, if someone else wants to do that feel free. You can say I’m biased cause I’m from SoR, ect., but evolution graphs are facts, not opinion, and I think I can safely say, backing up my claim with facts, that BG has a strong population in nearly all timezones outside EU(except when HB occasionally plays). Meanwhile SoR has a strong NA/EU base, but a low population Oceanic/SEA.

Also interesting read here, if you refuse to believe anything I say because I’m from SoR.

So many people here spout off insults and hearsay that it is ridiculous. How about actually providing support for your arguments. You know like actual statistical proof.
Proof such as this: http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/33/89

This is a score tracker for the BG/DB/SoR matchup this week. Notice the Score Evolution graph. It appears that BG begins to first have a real separation in the scores at about 8am on Saturday. That doesn’t really tell you much, but now look at the Income Evolution graph. On reset night the ppt is fairly close, but it documents the strong showing DB had out of the gate(gratz for picking on the “big boys” btw). As the night progresses BG takes the lead in ppt followed by SoR at around 1am. For the next couple of hours BG and SoR are tight in ppt while DB is falling off. At around 4am however, BG begins to climb and SoR falls rapidly. By 7:30 am BG has around a 250+ advantage over SoR (385-120). This ppt advantage continues for several hours, at some points reaching 300+ ppt spread for BG.

Then around 2:30 pm on Saturday SoR begins to lessen the gap a little. By 4pm SoR is only around 100+ ppt behind BG and finally near 8pm passes them and maintains an average lead of somewhere around 50-150ppt advantage until 1:30am on Sunday. The highest ppt spread for SoR during this period is about 200+ over BG. After this the cycle is showing signs it will repeat itself tonight.

BG has an average ppt lead over SoR of about 250+ with much higher peaks too, which lasts for about 7hours (7:30 am-1:30pm)
SoR has an average ppt lead over BG of about 100+ with a peak around 200, which lasts for about 5 hours (8:30pm-1:30am)

These are the facts take them for what you will, but don’t just make blatant statements about coverage without any proof.
An objective observer

(edited by Doomdesire.9365)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


nice golem rush on bg bl bay. Was better than all the Michael Bay Transformers movies

video please, gotta see it!

Someone recorded it, I think. It was pretty epic. BG golem rushed Bay with what looked like 5 omegas and another 5-10 alphas and we portal bombed them using 16 alpha golems.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: MagiKarp.8201


SoR has all the EST NA guilds and IRON/KISS overlap in NA EST you basically have the Oceanic of NA flipping everything of BG’s to quote “PvDoor”. BG’s mostly PST (Bar BT and RiSE) log in to everything flipped and anywhere in the range of 100-200 ppt and are fighting defensively all night. Your Oceanic coverage is the same as BG’s is always MERC v HiRE, OCX, XPK similar numbers the number disparity one day for MERC then the next for HiRE. SEA is the reverse of Late EU/NA EST.

Late EU / EST is SoR’s major advantage you are able to tier up your keeps before BG even logs in which allows you to go on offensive all night, much more recently I’ve been noticing that HiRE doesn’t raid, whats going on there they had a full map of players including pugs for the last month or 2 which has disappeared over the last 2 weeks. This is why we go so hard in SEA because we know you are capable of the exact same situation in EST NA so we focus solely SoR and often let the other server hold their thirds as to be a problem for you.

Magikarps Norn Ele – becuz leopard
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC] voem.enjin.com

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: XIII.6351


nice golem rush on bg bl bay. Was better than all the Michael Bay Transformers movies

video please, gotta see it!

someones uploading it right now I think

Arcanum [Sanctum Of Roger “Oldroar” Rall]
`Warrior/ `Necromancer/ `Guardian
That’s how it goes wrong, people think they’re fcking heroes.- Sacrx[Red Guard]

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


SoR has all the EST NA guilds and IRON/KISS overlap in NA EST you basically have the Oceanic of NA flipping everything of BG’s to quote “PvDoor”. BG’s mostly PST (Bar BT and RiSE) log in to everything flipped and anywhere in the range of 100-200 ppt and are fighting defensively all night. Your Oceanic coverage is the same as BG’s is always MERC v HiRE, OCX, XPK similar numbers the number disparity one day for MERC then the next for HiRE. SEA is the reverse of Late EU/NA EST.

Late EU / EST is SoR’s major advantage you are able to tier up your keeps before BG even logs in which allows you to go on offensive all night, much more recently I’ve been noticing that HiRE doesn’t raid, whats going on there they had a full map of players including pugs for the last month or 2 which has disappeared over the last 2 weeks. This is why we go so hard in SEA because we know you are capable of the exact same situation in EST NA so we focus solely SoR and often let the other server hold their thirds as to be a problem for you.

I’m sorry, but that’s just wrong. There’s only 12 times this entire matchup where BG ticked at under 200, most being during EST/Late EU.

SoR has ticked under 200 P.P.T 73 times the majority being Oceanic, SEA, and Early EU timezone

Our Oceanic/SEA is much worse off than your NA is. Looking at when SoR ticks the lowest and when BG ticks the highest, I’d say SoR needs another medium or medium large SEA guild. Nothing less, nothing more.




EDIT: Added a picture. This isn’t as accurate as looking at the raw numbers(you can do so in the links provided), but shows an accurate representations of each server’s respective “primetime”

SoR is blue, BG green, DB red

The little blue spikes above green & red are NA primetime. Towards the right you see it stretch longer than it normally does, meaning we performed well during early oceanic. The long lines of green above blue and red are Oceanic all the way to very early EU.


(edited by Doomdesire.9365)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412



Spending 6 hours assaulting one keep (going from mid SEA to mid EU where we lost numbers because we can’t all stay up to mid EU), getting wiped repeatably (IRON leaving the map to farm PuGs in EB), using 12 omega golems while blobbing it up only to lose the keep again 4 minutes later when the buff came down is sure a way of “farming our terrible SEA”. SoR had a worse than usual ppt because of your raid, and it was only a T2 keep that we consider to be a bonus to ppt and not one of our key holdings. Nice to know FEAR is classy as ever.

Don’t see why anyone needs to be classy to MERC when MERC isn’t classy Anyway. We should all just be unclassy.

Who says MERC isn’t classy? Doesn’t everyone have a couple forum warriors? Who cares if one or two MERCs engage in forum talk. We are enemies in the game, after all.

A guild that talks about others being unclassy should look at people in their own guilds that are unclassy and deal with them before talking about other guilds being unclassy. It’s just extremely ironic.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: pot.6805


Damage control in full effect.

Beast mode

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: JaredKincade.9761


This week is an outlier, you should realize that. With people showing up to fight a new server for the first time in what, 6 weeks?

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


I don’t quite understand why people are getting too numbers-focused. One server will have higher ticks over the other two and guess what? That server will win. You can’t expect to balance things like an accounting sheet. Furthermore, comparing timezones straight out is comparing apples to hyenas. It’s why EU stacking is more feared than NA stacking.

SORs issue stems from the fact that SoRs SEA is not logging in. You need proof, just check the matches a month ago: the Oce/Sea timezone clearly shows SoR maintaining a steady, significant lead. Blackgate’s response? Just show up and fight. Same goes for EU. We have not acquired a massive, game-changing guild.

People are still failing to realize that WvW is ebb and flow. It’s supposed to be volatile, with the winning server changing every so often. What happens when SoRs SEA comes back in full strength? Will Blackgate still be as dominant? What if next week JQ comes back into our party and decides to play kingmaker?

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: JaredKincade.9761


Damage control in full effect.

Because no one but me is talking about the elephant in the room.

We all know its true.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


SORs issue stems from the fact that SoRs SEA is not logging in. You need proof, just check the matches a month ago: the Oce/Sea timezone clearly shows SoR maintaining a steady, significant lead. Blackgate’s response? Just show up and fight. Same goes for EU. We have not acquired a massive, game-changing guild.

That factors in JQ and Waha. If we want to compare just BG and SoR to each other this is the best matchup to do so, because DB isn’t as “intrusive” as JQ was.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


SORs issue stems from the fact that SoRs SEA is not logging in. You need proof, just check the matches a month ago: the Oce/Sea timezone clearly shows SoR maintaining a steady, significant lead. Blackgate’s response? Just show up and fight. Same goes for EU. We have not acquired a massive, game-changing guild.

That factors in JQ and Waha. If we want to compare just BG and SoR to each other this is the best matchup to do so, because DB isn’t as “intrusive” as JQ was.

So are you saying JQ interferes more with BG than SOR?

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


SORs issue stems from the fact that SoRs SEA is not logging in. You need proof, just check the matches a month ago: the Oce/Sea timezone clearly shows SoR maintaining a steady, significant lead. Blackgate’s response? Just show up and fight. Same goes for EU. We have not acquired a massive, game-changing guild.

That factors in JQ and Waha. If we want to compare just BG and SoR to each other this is the best matchup to do so, because DB isn’t as “intrusive” as JQ was.

So are you saying JQ interferes more with BG than SOR?

I’m saying that if we want to compare just BG/SoR, then we should look at a matchup where it’s really just a 1v1, thus meaning that this is the best matchup. If we were looking to the BG/SoR/JQ matchup we would have to factor in JQ, but since I just want to compare BG/SoR, this is the best data.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vash.9183



Spending 6 hours assaulting one keep (going from mid SEA to mid EU where we lost numbers because we can’t all stay up to mid EU), getting wiped repeatably (IRON leaving the map to farm PuGs in EB), using 12 omega golems while blobbing it up only to lose the keep again 4 minutes later when the buff came down is sure a way of “farming our terrible SEA”. SoR had a worse than usual ppt because of your raid, and it was only a T2 keep that we consider to be a bonus to ppt and not one of our key holdings. Nice to know FEAR is classy as ever.

Don’t see why anyone needs to be classy to MERC when MERC isn’t classy Anyway. We should all just be unclassy.

Who says MERC isn’t classy? Doesn’t everyone have a couple forum warriors? Who cares if one or two MERCs engage in forum talk. We are enemies in the game, after all.

A guild that talks about others being unclassy should look at people in their own guilds that are unclassy and deal with them before talking about other guilds being unclassy. It’s just extremely ironic.

Just because you don’t like some of them doesn’t make them unclassy. MERC is a very respectable guild. I don’t care what your opinions of one or two people are.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


SORs issue stems from the fact that SoRs SEA is not logging in. You need proof, just check the matches a month ago: the Oce/Sea timezone clearly shows SoR maintaining a steady, significant lead. Blackgate’s response? Just show up and fight. Same goes for EU. We have not acquired a massive, game-changing guild.

That factors in JQ and Waha. If we want to compare just BG and SoR to each other this is the best matchup to do so, because DB isn’t as “intrusive” as JQ was.

So are you saying JQ interferes more with BG than SOR?

I’m saying that if we want to compare just BG/SoR, then we should look at a matchup where it’s really just a 1v1, thus meaning that this is the best matchup. If we were looking to the BG/SoR/JQ matchup we would have to factor in JQ, but since I just want to compare BG/SoR, this is the best data.

What about all your guilds that for one reason or another are sitting this one out? What about our increased participation due to winner’s momentum?

There’s no “best time” to sample data. Take the whole of it and read the patterns. SoR has SEA, formidable forces, that are simply MIA.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tajz.9826


SORs issue stems from the fact that SoRs SEA is not logging in. You need proof, just check the matches a month ago: the Oce/Sea timezone clearly shows SoR maintaining a steady, significant lead. Blackgate’s response? Just show up and fight. Same goes for EU. We have not acquired a massive, game-changing guild.

That factors in JQ and Waha. If we want to compare just BG and SoR to each other this is the best matchup to do so, because DB isn’t as “intrusive” as JQ was.

So are you saying JQ interferes more with BG than SOR?

I’m saying that if we want to compare just BG/SoR, then we should look at a matchup where it’s really just a 1v1, thus meaning that this is the best matchup. If we were looking to the BG/SoR/JQ matchup we would have to factor in JQ, but since I just want to compare BG/SoR, this is the best data.

not if its just two days on the weekend. u gotta wait a week to claim the stats. we do have pvx guilds who not out everyday and some of them do play huge advantage factors if they show up. Same as Sor, some of you might not show up on this weekend due to raidleader being on vacation.

[LP][HB]Nirvii, Proud Elementalist of Thai Alliance
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: MagisterEpic.2340


For everyone that wants to see this is the video of our Golem vs Golem fight in BG BL Bay

ty for watching

Magister Epic – Elementalist
Sanctum of Rall

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fannwong.3059



What we have now is a full blown arms race between BG and SOR.

The enmity, distrust and hate between both servers have gone far and deep. In the last 5 months, I’ve had a senior Merc commander/leader tell me how SOR folks were slamming and insulting him via PMs. SOR also has received it’s fair share of hate PMs, etc. The list goes on, tit for tat, etc. There is no end to this.

Like in the real world, the server leaders from will not trust each other to have a ‘fair’ number to deal with. The outcome is simple, each server will continue to mud sling, chest thump and accuse each other of having ‘unfair’ numbers and continue to bring in WvW guilds into their fold. There is also no end to this.

If only we could fight like gentlemen, as warriors of old with honor and integrity. Alas, I think it may be impossible.


SOR, stop complaining about coverage. You have NA/EU coverage stacked, we have OC/SEA stacked….it balances out.

Also interesting read here, if you refuse to believe anything I say because I’m from SoR.

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Peetee.9406


I’m shocked so many of you are still enjoying WvW.

Do you not get the horrendous lag that I get when 2 zergs clash?

Its either massive zerg lag or your 5 man havoc gets wiped by 30+, I dont really find either of these to be fun.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

For everyone that wants to see this is the video of our Golem vs Golem fight in BG BL Bay

ty for watching

wow that was awesome…

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: morrolan.9608


If only we could fight like gentlemen, as warriors of old with honor and integrity. Alas, I think may be impossible.

Here here.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


SORs issue stems from the fact that SoRs SEA is not logging in. You need proof, just check the matches a month ago: the Oce/Sea timezone clearly shows SoR maintaining a steady, significant lead. Blackgate’s response? Just show up and fight. Same goes for EU. We have not acquired a massive, game-changing guild.

That factors in JQ and Waha. If we want to compare just BG and SoR to each other this is the best matchup to do so, because DB isn’t as “intrusive” as JQ was.

So are you saying JQ interferes more with BG than SOR?

I’m saying that if we want to compare just BG/SoR, then we should look at a matchup where it’s really just a 1v1, thus meaning that this is the best matchup. If we were looking to the BG/SoR/JQ matchup we would have to factor in JQ, but since I just want to compare BG/SoR, this is the best data.

not if its just two days on the weekend. u gotta wait a week to claim the stats. we do have pvx guilds who not out everyday and some of them do play huge advantage factors if they show up. Same as Sor, some of you might not show up on this weekend due to raidleader being on vacation.

Good point. I’ll have another look on friday.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: renmei.3102


For everyone that wants to see this is the video of our Golem vs Golem fight in BG BL Bay

ty for watching

I was going to watch Pacific Rim this weekend but I don’t see how it can top this xD

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kreamciqul.4617


For everyone that wants to see this is the video of our Golem vs Golem fight in BG BL Bay

ty for watching

haha yeah that was jarvan that led that. I think it was about 8 or 9 omegas and 5 alpha. we were just bored and wanted to have some fun before we got off and the float team took over. I think the amount of golems we had was about the same as players outside of golems we had. Definitely didn’t expect the portal bomb. Well played SoR, well played.

Also thanks for the fights today guys, was a lot of fun. The organized map zerg v map zerg between garri and bay was fun to be a part of.

Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Kreamciqul.4617)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tarkus.4109



What we have now is a full blown arms race between BG and SOR.

The enmity, distrust and hate between both servers have gone far and deep. In the last 5 months, I’ve had a senior Merc commander/leader tell me how SOR folks were slamming and insulting him via PMs. SOR also has received it’s fair share of hate PMs, etc. The list goes on, tit for tat, etc. There is no end to this.

Like in the real world, the server leaders from will not trust each other to have a ‘fair’ number to deal with. The outcome is simple, each server will continue to mud sling, chest thump and accuse each other of having ‘unfair’ numbers and continue to bring in WvW guilds into their fold. There is also no end to this.

If only we could fight like gentlemen, as warriors of old with honor and integrity. Alas, I think it may be impossible.


SOR, stop complaining about coverage. You have NA/EU coverage stacked, we have OC/SEA stacked….it balances out.

Also interesting read here, if you refuse to believe anything I say because I’m from SoR.

Good post, thanks Fann for writing a level headed response

Retired OCX Pugmander and Guild driver [Tarkus, Vaelle]

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


I’m shocked so many of you are still enjoying WvW.

Do you not get the horrendous lag that I get when 2 zergs clash?

Its either massive zerg lag or your 5 man havoc gets wiped by 30+, I dont really find either of these to be fun.

I only get skill lag on a reset night honestly.

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

After spending one month in SoR server to help beating JQ, I could see the new matchup with DB instead of JQ. I am more than happy that I transfered back to BG at reset. And I found a good guild of harcore players like me : Center of Attention [CA].
Was a blast farming [IRON] bags in EB last 12hours. I heard that your commander was screaming in TS to focus us (but never worked^^) I am recording nice videos and I ll make a best of ^^. About [KISS] … same happened to you in EB

Thanks for good laugh, really funny post. I even know now who was that hysterical CA guardian, who running and spamming /lol after we own you with half of your numbers (almost 30 min of spam, you must be really frustrated). Love you and your “harcore” mates, /cheers.

First I don’t play guardian but warrior. Second I respect my opponent enough not to /emote after wipping them en boucle. Respecting the fighters even if I know your lacking skills.

i ran WvW with CA and new recruit Titan at EB yesterday for almost 7 hours, i only recall we got wiped twice or 3 times by a really big SOR zerg and yes by iron and company, but i dont recall being wiped by a smaller force, nor anyone disrespecting the fallen enemies on our zerg. we dont have time to stop and emote as our commander is running non stop and reminds is not to scatter around and chasing few players. but still respect to SOR and DB, even with all the accusations thrown back and forth all server long we still look up to you guys and seek challenge. respect to all.

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

(edited by Zeke Azul Falcon.5176)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: ChocPudding.6128



What we have now is a full blown arms race between BG and SOR.

Like in the real world, the server leaders from will not trust each other to have a ‘fair’ number to deal with. The outcome is simple, each server will continue to mud sling, chest thump and accuse each other of having ‘unfair’ numbers and continue to bring in WvW guilds into their fold. There is also no end to this.


Once upon a time when a girl called Yanox showed me a thread posted on gw2guru by Indo asking each of the three servers JQ/BG/SOR to start sharing information about which guilds they were talking to and do swaps to balance the tier. I had hope at a tough time for BG. We had a brief exchange but nothing solid happened.

Until the KISS event. It upset some people including myself. Then I started recruiting EU for JQ. I approached a few people about this idea, Waha didn’t want anymore EU for JQ, but the NA did. So some meetings happened.

Then, DC. TKG. WARD. ACO happened.

Now if you still want that balance. I have one possible OCX guild that I will hand over in exchange for your promise of redirect all future EU transfers to JQ.

Let me know what you think~



Member Administration of Blackgatewvw.com

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


Score Update!!!!!!!!!

This is dedicated to a particular person that loves to play a char….



The LOVE asura <3

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rednik.3809


I respect my opponent
Respecting the fighters

you are a pseudo harcore wvw guild
please use TS and tell me how it helps you when you face me ??? ok ? !
I transfered back to BG and unbalanced the match guys

Sure, buddy. Hope you will have fun demonstrating your harcore skills.
P.S. CA guys, sorry for that dialog, i respect you and understand that guild cannot control everything and everyone. Like “great forum warriors”.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: JaredKincade.9761


I respect my opponent
Respecting the fighters

you are a pseudo harcore wvw guild
please use TS and tell me how it helps you when you face me ??? ok ? !
I transfered back to BG and unbalanced the match guys

Sure, buddy. Hope you will have fun demonstrating your harcore skills.
P.S. CA guys, sorry for that dialog, i respect you and understand that guild cannot control everything and everyone. Like “great forum warriors”.

I know, I feel the same way about Iron.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


Score Update!!!!!!!!!

This is dedicated to a particular person that loves to play a char….


Daddy Bags Charr!
Oh there you are
Moving out in three two one
Smash face, loot ground
Fun fun fun!

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jahn.7019


BG still recruiting even though it is the highest populated and most stacked server out there is amusing.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wick.1280


I would like to take a moment too acknowledge Dragongrand, we have gone up against the top 2 servers and held our own,

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: kishter.9578


So this is? we will be confronting a server who can que the 4 maps in a time when SOR have less than 100 people in wvw over the 4 BL? 25k gaps and is just Monday. What desire give me to start playing WvW starting my week when we already have a clear disadvantage like this?

This is stupid i will level my alts and Spam COF untill this get balanced—-

WvW is only fun when the match is balanced and equal power, but this is far from ridiculous.

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.

(edited by kishter.9578)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lenador.1436


So this is? we will be confronting a server who can que the 4 maps in a time when SOR have less than 100 people in wvw over the 4 BL? 25k gaps and is just Monday. What desire give me to start playing WvW starting my week when we already have a clear disadvantage like this?

This is stupid i will level my alts and Spam COF untill this get balanced—-

You get back out there and fight till your the last man or woman or thing!

Cön-Guardian DB
[Con] Supreme Team of Con

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vash.9183


So this is? we will be confronting a server who can que the 4 maps in a time when SOR have less than 100 people in wvw over the 4 BL? 25k gaps and is just Monday. What desire give me to start playing WvW starting my week when we already have a clear disadvantage like this?

This is stupid i will level my alts and Spam COF untill this get balanced—-

WvW is only fun when the match is balanced and equal power, but this is far from ridiculous.

So what were you doing when JQ was winning by 50k+ every single week?

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

So this is? we will be confronting a server who can que the 4 maps in a time when SOR have less than 100 people in wvw over the 4 BL? 25k gaps and is just Monday. What desire give me to start playing WvW starting my week when we already have a clear disadvantage like this?

This is stupid i will level my alts and Spam COF untill this get balanced—-

WvW is only fun when the match is balanced and equal power, but this is far from ridiculous.

Dont lose hope man [ slaps kishter with wet fish ], everyone counts, if you dont have the numbers then go with roamers i hear DB has good ones. Flip camps, and towers use scouts know where the zerg is, go the other side of the map ninja some towers. you also have an advantage being small, They’re big your small, they’re slow, you’re fast, you’ll be coordinated they’re not, or some ballsy move you can chase the zerg’s tail pick them one by one at the back.

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

(edited by Zeke Azul Falcon.5176)

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Punny.9210


stop complaining about SEA….

ur NA didn’t close any grap yesterday though… blame them !


7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: EpIc.6139


The ppt would be closer if during sea db and sor worked together. Instead BG has all DB bl most their EB stuff. While DB has full map que in SoR bay sitting. As a new xfer to SoR from FA about month and half ago. SoR has the same numbers now as they did when I first transfered. One group of 50-60 players floating plus the others that are on map. Nothing has changed the whole time I’ve been here. The scores are close when JQ/DB whoever doubles with SoR to hold off their Sea. When JQ focused fully on SoR and DB isnt holding anything. I believe they are just in SoR BL for fights the score looks like it is now.
Either way its great fun fighting you guys @BG/JQ and as a former member of FA love fighting DB to :P. DB knows FAers love their fights. You can’t hate on having great fights 24/7.
Respect to all servers and guilds for giving good fights!

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: kishter.9578


So this is? we will be confronting a server who can que the 4 maps in a time when SOR have less than 100 people in wvw over the 4 BL? 25k gaps and is just Monday. What desire give me to start playing WvW starting my week when we already have a clear disadvantage like this?

This is stupid i will level my alts and Spam COF untill this get balanced—-

You get back out there and fight till your the last man or woman or thing!

NO >_> i wanna stay on bed reading my facebook.

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.