7/19 BP/SOS/EB

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Understatement, and also incredibly disheartening lol. I gain solace through watching your folks scramble helplessly under the assault of my Veloka treb a bit ago, then recapping our keep, before someone summoned your sea of red to wakitten (and all ten of us) away… Starting over. Again.

I wasn’t there for that but I was glad to see you guys pushing hard again Sunday after an underwhelming Saturday.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I’m aware of that.

You didn’t answer the question. Did you think I was responding to you?

One does not simply walk into a conversation between two people, and expect feedback from only one source, lol.

Still applies. ^

It’s not a conversation between two people. But, even if it were, I would expect the reply to make sense. Again, you never answered the question. There are three ways to make sense of your reply:

1) You think I was accusing you of leaving something out.
2) You think I was accusing him of leaving something and your are saying he didn’t
3) You misread things as 1) and replied before you realized I wasn’t talking about you.

Which is it?

None of the above. As stated it was an open ended conversation you walked into. I just happened to be the one to humor you with an answer. If you didn’t wish to speak to me (which at this point is obvious), you probably should’ve specified precisely who you were addressing in said open ended conversation. I do however see where you’re coming from on your end.

There is no “none of the above”. You specifically addressed the leaving out of information.

Didn’t leave out nothing lol.

Double-negative aside, you are either saying you didn’t leave something out or he didn’t leave something out.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: PredatoR.5247


[Agg] Aggression is interested in Guild vs Guild’s.
If interested please send us a challange on www.gw2gvg.com


Jericho The Usurper[Agg] – Aggression

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grav.3568


As for our Oceanics; yes, it’s incredibly unfair; but we are on the other side of the scale (TC has all hours coverage and DB has massive SEA presence) more than we are in this situation if that gives you any kind of solace.

I’d tell you what I think, but Anet would rather have me talk about baby felines instead.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Props to BP guilds (BS, Zero etc) for still fighting even though we probably outman you at least 3 to 1. Hope we fed you lots of bags for the effort you guys put in

We know how its like to be outcoveraged and starting with nothing but paper stuff… it’s not fun and it’s not fair but this is coverage wars 2 and unfortunately it is what it is.

Thanks for the kind words fishball. We know we don’t have anywhere near the coverage to compete with servers in tier 2-3 range (technically we aren’t even tier 4 yet, but I think we could be competitive in tier 4.). From what I have seen we are taking it in stride and trying to have fun and figure out the best way to compete despite knowing we will have paper everywhere each day. One side effect is that the people who usually spend all/most of their time defending are getting a chance to jump on the karma train for a change. CHOO CHOO!

The fights have been fun so far. I look forward to more as the week progresses.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


I don’t usually post but I wanted to give a quick shout out to Ehmry Bay! I went solo roaming in Eternal Battlegrounds and got my butt kicked a few times. I was glad to see the victors walk up to my defeated body and salute it. Great sportsmanship guys and good fights!

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


I’d tell you what I think, but Anet would rather have me talk about baby felines instead.

By my reckoning there are 4 more “tiers” of off hour pwnge that are worse than ours. FA is roughly the same, though more organized. DB’s SEA is dedicated to non-stop PvD and they just sit in their towers/keeps and laugh at you in NA Prime. TC is just everywhere 24/7 but their coverage pales compared to anything in T1.

In short, it only gets worse from here.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Wow whoever on BP just flipped nearly all of SOS BL great job!!! Gonna make tonight more interesting…also you guys enjoying karma training our side of EB obviously

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


BP, your borderlands is looking pretty solid....

Wouldn’t it be sad if something happened to it...

Wouldn’t that make you feel...a little....blue?

*Queue "Bad Moon Rising" by CCR*

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


BP, your borderlands is looking pretty solid….

Wouldn’t it be sad if something happened to it… at night when you’re all asleep


Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


I have met many fine players during this match, I am in particular enjoying necro vs necro battles, win lose or draw, I thank you all for bringing the fun.

See you on the battlefields!

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


BP, your borderlands is looking pretty solid….

Wouldn’t it be sad if something happened to it…

Wouldn’t that make you feel…a little….blue?

Queue “Bad Moon Rising” by CCR

SoS borderlands is looking a little Green. Should probably get that checked out. Could be serious.


7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nothing.7941


BP, your borderlands is looking pretty solid….

Wouldn’t it be sad if something happened to it… at night when you’re all asleep


Hmmm-all in the eye of the beholder. When you are sleeping, I am playing. When you are playing, I am working. Maybe you could play instead of sleep then.

C’mon, be fair…take the rest of the week off and play when we do.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


BP, your borderlands is looking pretty solid….

Wouldn’t it be sad if something happened to it… at night when you’re all asleep


I mention the song Bad Moon Rising as a clear allusion to the nighttime presence.

Do I need to draw you a flowchart so you can get the joke?

They have creams for that kind of hurting.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


BP, your borderlands is looking pretty solid….

Wouldn’t it be sad if something happened to it…

Wouldn’t that make you feel…a little….blue?

Queue “Bad Moon Rising” by CCR

SoS borderlands is looking a little Green. Should probably get that checked out. Could be serious.

How’s those upgrades at Klovan going?

At least you are doing a good job defending EB bl’s LOL

Just keep bringing the fight in game! You guys are fun.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


BP, your borderlands is looking pretty solid….

Wouldn’t it be sad if something happened to it…

Wouldn’t that make you feel…a little….blue?

Queue “Bad Moon Rising” by CCR

SoS borderlands is looking a little Green. Should probably get that checked out. Could be serious.

How’s those upgrades at Klovan going?

At least you are doing a good job defending EB bl’s LOL

I don’t think anybody in BP cares about Eternal. But you know, go ahead and take pride in PvDing a wooden tower.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


SoS posters seem to be thinking BP finds their night presence upsetting. Actually, we find it interesting. I usually use the nightly zergballs as target practice for new and inventive arrow cart placements. Like ontop of the Lighthouse in Lowlands Keep. The naysayers said it could not be done. Esperanis! You can’t even see how much supply is in the keep, its so high! but I said, We shall do Science! And let the results show! 20 lootbags later, the experiment was deemed a success.

We’ve also been conducting experiments with supply traps on SoS zergballs. Apparently putting them together compounds the damage! It was hilarious watching their Nigh Crew run through 6 at once. They got to the gate and could not get a single ram up. The nine of us inside the keep enjoyed watching them spend 15 minutes bashing their faces against a reinforced gate immensely.

And then come morning, we clean up the mess left behind and get back to what is truly important. Making SoS shell out money to reupgrade their keeps, and of course, beating Ehmry Bay.


7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


I have to compliment that lighthouse arrow cart placement.

I thought it was novel and effective.

See you on the battlefield.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


I don’t have any answer on what’s going on with our lack of presence right now. Once everyone on the West Coast gets home we’ll log in and take care of BP’s overstock of towers. Sorry for making your guys hold them so long.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

My gosh does Bp sound just like egobay with the amount of chest thumping you guys do now.. I can remember my 5 months stay on Bp, you all use to be so humble. What the kitten happened to you people?

Jade Quarry- Fang

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


My gosh does Bp sound just like egobay with the amount of chest thumping you guys do now.. I can remember my 5 months stay on Bp, you all use to be so humble. What the kitten happened to you people?

Let me give your generalizing tactic a shot: My gosh you and those who left Bp sound like fair weather, bandwagon, server jumpers. I can remember during the 5 months you were on Bp, you all had spines and did not take the easy way out…What the kitten happened to you people?

Your post is about as fair to most of us as mine is to those like you.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

My gosh does Bp sound just like egobay with the amount of chest thumping you guys do now.. I can remember my 5 months stay on Bp, you all use to be so humble. What the kitten happened to you people?

Let me give your generalizing tactic a shot: My gosh you and those who left Bp sound like fair weather, bandwagon, server jumpers. I can remember during the 5 months you were on Bp, you all had spines and did not take the easy way out…What the kitten happened to you people?

Your post is about as fair to most of us as mine is to those like you.

The posts that I read on the official forums and the post I read in the Bp website (which I’m still registered to) gives me all the info I need to form my own opinion. If you don’t like it, oh well.

Jade Quarry- Fang

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Brindled.2179


There’s really not that much chest thumping going on, but I guess you’re right. It is your opinion.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Alot of people who bandwagoned away BP are surprised to see us. Its okay.


7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: ko killer.3692

ko killer.3692

Alot of people who bandwagoned away BP are surprised to see us. Its okay.

So I guess going to a server that was 1 tier ahead at the time means jumping on the bandwagon? Oh my, I forgot that I signed a contract with BP that said I was to stay on the server no matter what.

Jade Quarry- Fang

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Brindled.2179


Alot of people who bandwagoned away BP are surprised to see us. Its okay.

So I guess going to a server that was 1 tier ahead at the time means jumping on the bandwagon? Oh my, I forgot that I signed a contract with BP that said I was to stay on the server no matter what.

I guess going to a higher tier server was the thing to do. One’s ego can play tricks on what we think is reality, and how we perceive others.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skynet.7201


Really have our hands full on our borderland tonight.

Must have something to do with a certain server utilizing gate glitches repeatedly.

We created the perfect infiltration machine.
Join 9K+ GW2 players: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GW2Gamers/
All are welcome!

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Storm Eagle.9320

Storm Eagle.9320

Some truly glorious fights with [Agg] on EBBL right now. I hope Hawk and GH gave you some fun times!

Borlis Pass

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Stone.6751


My gosh does Bp sound just like egobay with the amount of chest thumping you guys do now.. I can remember my 5 months stay on Bp, you all use to be so humble. What the kitten happened to you people?

Really? This has been a pretty tame thread I thought, kind of boring actually. I’ve been critical of people before for forum behavior, but I don’t really see much going on here that would be considered chest-thumping.

Penny Royalty – Level 80 Guardian
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saruon.4085


Some truly glorious fights with [Agg] on EBBL right now. I hope Hawk and GH gave you some fun times!

Some of the most epic fights we have had in awhile!

Both your guilds are solid, looking forward to more fights in the future!

[Aggression] -Relentless by Nature-
We <3 Haters
The Prophet of Aggression

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Stone.6751


Really have our hands full on our borderland tonight.

Must have something to do with a certain server utilizing gate glitches repeatedly.

I don’t know what Ebay does, but I can say that I’ve been running around SoS for the past few hours with my guild and we have been legitimately knocking down doors with rams. No glitching needed when there is little in the way of defense. Well except in garrison just a little bit ago, that was a fun fight. I thought you guys were going to wipe us at the gate right before it went down, but we managed to cling to life and reinforcements kept coming, and eventually we held.

I’m sure you guys will come back around tonight and destroy everything anyway, so what’s the worry, right?

Penny Royalty – Level 80 Guardian
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


I’m aware of that.

You didn’t answer the question. Did you think I was responding to you?

One does not simply walk into a conversation between two people, and expect feedback from only one source, lol.

Still applies. ^

It’s not a conversation between two people. But, even if it were, I would expect the reply to make sense. Again, you never answered the question. There are three ways to make sense of your reply:

1) You think I was accusing you of leaving something out.
2) You think I was accusing him of leaving something and your are saying he didn’t
3) You misread things as 1) and replied before you realized I wasn’t talking about you.

Which is it?

None of the above. As stated it was an open ended conversation you walked into. I just happened to be the one to humor you with an answer. If you didn’t wish to speak to me (which at this point is obvious), you probably should’ve specified precisely who you were addressing in said open ended conversation. I do however see where you’re coming from on your end.

There is no “none of the above”. You specifically addressed the leaving out of information.

Didn’t leave out nothing lol.

Double-negative aside, you are either saying you didn’t leave something out or he didn’t leave something out.

At least I responded at all. Not something that will happen again, lol.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Understatement, and also incredibly disheartening lol. I gain solace through watching your folks scramble helplessly under the assault of my Veloka treb a bit ago, then recapping our keep, before someone summoned your sea of red to wakitten (and all ten of us) away… Starting over. Again.

I wasn’t there for that but I was glad to see you guys pushing hard again Sunday after an underwhelming Saturday.

Was’nt underwhelming for us. I was in EBG most of the weekend, between 10pm and 1pm. Many times during these wee hours it was just me and two or three other folks points scrapping whatever we could get before getting rolled in mass. Must’ve been disappointing for one of your zergs to come up to Mendons doorstep and find it was just me and one other person capping lords lol.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


Some truly glorious fights with [Agg] on EBBL right now. I hope Hawk and GH gave you some fun times!

Some of the most epic fights we have had in awhile!

Both your guilds are solid, looking forward to more fights in the future!

We nibbled on both of ya ;-P. We Zerglings love the taste of EB & SoS flesh. Once or twice Zerglings own power was used against them and us 10 were “ZERG’d” down. All good fun and got a good chuckle when between 2 to 50 SoS came at us in the SW camp. Thanks for keeping it real and cheers to both sides.

Stylii Elementalist
Two to Fifty (ZERG) BP
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader (retired DR guild)

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Some truly glorious fights with [Agg] on EBBL right now. I hope Hawk and GH gave you some fun times!

Some of the most epic fights we have had in awhile!

Both your guilds are solid, looking forward to more fights in the future!

We nibbled on both of ya ;-P. We Zerglings love the taste of EB & SoS flesh. Once or twice Zerglings own power was used against them and us 10 were “ZERG’d” down. All good fun and got a good chuckle when between 2 to 50 SoS came at us in the SW camp. Thanks for keeping it real and cheers to both sides.

Stylii Elementalist
Two to Fifty (ZERG) BP
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader (retired DR guild)

You know you can make signatures on the GW2 forums so you don’t have to keep typing it out.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Apart from the odd smarmy post it has been a well mannered enjoyable thread, a gentle reminder never hurts.


Please report possible exploiters using the systems they provide, talk to leaders of other servers, ask for help or server contacts without naming specific players etc and try to move on and enjoy the game.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

(edited by elkirin.8534)

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Wow whoever on BP just flipped nearly all of SOS BL great job!!! Gonna make tonight more interesting…also you guys enjoying karma training our side of EB obviously

thanks:) me n my guildies were flipping camps for a while then started BO then took another north tower. then hidden lotus made a golem to solo hills and he got south gate down so we assisted on inner. then the BP karma hounds sniffed us out and joined us and took everything else over along with another guild, whos name escapes me atm. OH and, nearly? want to change that to ALL of their bl? TWICE!
Edit: I love how there is a clear strong presence in eternal tho, thats ok we will just take all of your bl


I am a teef

(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Game Slayer.7632

The Game Slayer.7632

Really have our hands full on our borderland tonight.

Must have something to do with a certain server utilizing gate glitches repeatedly.

talk about gate glitching.

Umm i was part of the grp that took Hills and i can state 100% the gate was rammed down and the fighting lasted for about 30 mins before it was taken, unlike what happend earlier at bay on our bl….

What exactly happenned earlier at bay? and i have a screenshot, LoL!!!! wheres yours, assuming it is also an accusation of gate glitching.

I am a teef

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Really have our hands full on our borderland tonight.

Must have something to do with a certain server utilizing gate glitches repeatedly.

talk about gate glitching.

I was briefly commanding during that period and I was confused too what was happening. I initially just began trebbing the wall when people suddenly kept telling me that there is a mesmer porting people in but did not tell us the location or the name of the mesmer (until later). Then a series of people told me not to go for it since the mesmer used a glitch to get through. The mesmer who did it also did not publically announce anything about hiding himself or having downed a gate earlier and hid himself which I was not aware of at all (at least during my time I was in). Eventually we got in the right way anyways with a couple of rams. No idea what happened though. Did you guys get breached in another gate other than the north outer gater?

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


So what happened

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


Some truly glorious fights with [Agg] on EBBL right now. I hope Hawk and GH gave you some fun times!

Some of the most epic fights we have had in awhile!

Both your guilds are solid, looking forward to more fights in the future!

We nibbled on both of ya ;-P. We Zerglings love the taste of EB & SoS flesh. Once or twice Zerglings own power was used against them and us 10 were “ZERG’d” down. All good fun and got a good chuckle when between 2 to 50 SoS came at us in the SW camp. Thanks for keeping it real and cheers to both sides.

Stylii Elementalist
Two to Fifty (ZERG) BP
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader (retired DR guild)

You know you can make signatures on the GW2 forums so you don’t have to keep typing it out.

Why “yes”, yes I do know that ;-) I type them out for a reason unbeknownst to others. Until then enjoy a six minute clip of one of our nibbles from last night Evilzara.

Oh by the way Evilzara, “it is still your fault” ;-P Luv ya

Styliii Elementalist
Two to Fifty (ZERG) BP
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader (retired DR guild)[/

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Hawk Ix.7360

Night Hawk Ix.7360

Wow whoever on BP just flipped nearly all of SOS BL great job!!! Gonna make tonight more interesting…also you guys enjoying karma training our side of EB obviously

thanks:) me n my guildies were flipping camps for a while then started BO then took another north tower. then hidden lotus made a golem to solo hills and he got south gate down so we assisted on inner. then the BP karma hounds sniffed us out and joined us and took everything else over along with another guild, whos name escapes me atm. OH and, nearly? want to change that to ALL of their bl? TWICE!
Edit: I love how there is a clear strong presence in eternal tho, thats ok we will just take all of your bl



Mez You Up

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


So glad I went to bed early so I could be up to fight SoS. Logged in at 3 AM server time. Had some really great fights. Lots of loot too. I know SoS is used to easy evenings after North America finally passes out at their keyboards, but methinks you guys are a little too squishy with all those up levels trying to rank up. It soon became apparent we could wipe your qued maps with just 20 people, and that’s pretty much what we started doing.

Was working well until you hit all 4 of our keeps at once. Had to make sacrifices. Held hills for a bit, then Bay (that was fun) before finally being beaten back to Garrison. Still held it by the time I logged off. Loved the battle at Cragtop. SoS is giving us a ton of practice in utilizing small group tactics and maneuvers. Feels like I am fighting SBI sometimes. They always had numbers on us too, though never to the scale SoS has in our early morning.


7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


…And there goes our last upgraded tower. Glad I’m not the one paying for these things, only to lose them every night/morning.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Hawk Ix.7360

Night Hawk Ix.7360

…And there goes our last upgraded tower. Glad I’m not the one paying for these things, only to lose them every night/morning.

Well if it makes you feel better we had the same problems with TC for like a month. I’m hoping Anet start letting us upgrade with badges or karma and not just a goldsink

Mez You Up

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeda.5209


Haha people actually think sos queues maps? I map hop all the time usually in na time but have logged in at different times as well. The last time I had a queue in any map was three weeks ago when we played crystal desert. That queue lasted a whopping 5 min. Try facing tarnished coast or any tier 2 or 1 server like we have gone against for weeks on end. You will see what a queued server looks like.

Oh and anyone claiming you can send a 20 man team to take a bl via not pvd please post a video of your so called epic skills.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: fishball.7204


Haven’t experienced any queueing outside of the weekends at all for this matchup (lots of people were pumped to fight EBay). A lot of us aren’t playing WvW and doing PvE instead.

Against TC/SoR/DB etc, every night there was a queue on eternal regardless of score for Oceanic time. No queues at all tonight on EB and none on any of the BLs for me.

Sure we have a lot of people but it’s even worse as you go up the tiers…

JQ > TC >> DB >>> FA >>> rest of us.


7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


…And there goes our last upgraded tower. Glad I’m not the one paying for these things, only to lose them every night/morning.

Well if it makes you feel better we had the same problems with TC for like a month. I’m hoping Anet start letting us upgrade with badges or karma and not just a goldsink

Heard a number of you are quite sore with TC. I just don’t see it. They were really pretty nice to us overall. Dunno, maybe it was just because they felt bad since we were stuck in between them and DB, but still.

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeda.5209


…And there goes our last upgraded tower. Glad I’m not the one paying for these things, only to lose them every night/morning.

Well if it makes you feel better we had the same problems with TC for like a month. I’m hoping Anet start letting us upgrade with badges or karma and not just a goldsink

Heard a number of you are quite sore with TC. I just don’t see it. They were really pretty nice to us overall. Dunno, maybe it was just because they felt bad since we were stuck in between them and DB, but still.

It might have something to do with facing them 6 out of the last 8 weeks and getting tired of there server 80 man blob all in one spot. Even jade quarry in there matchup thread suggested that was a flaw of tc that would only work on servers they outnumber.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

/agree. TC does have one map zerg and nothing else. I have more time to see it now that I’m JQ.

I have to say they don’t stop fighting. It took 15-20 minutes to cap a camp as they kept streaming in from spawn. I suspect they had the outmanned buff.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)