Ferguson’s Crossing server.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
Funny to be reading jabs and anger directed at FC in this thread about double teaming or whatever. It’s a tier 8 server, there’s an overall massive difference in coverage and numbers consistency between FC and tier 6/5 servers. When FC members complained constantly in the glicko ghetto days, many from the higher tiers and servers such as yours frequently suggested that we team up with ET to survive SF (which we did at times and still it was never enough). When such servers roll over lower ranked servers they complain how its a mismatch and there’s no challenge in it. Yet, when the 2 vs 1 tactic with two “inferior” servers teaming up actually provide the challenge you so desperately long for you will call foul? Again this is FC we’re talking about, one of the three weakest servers of all of North America.
I think the anger is mostly stemming from the fact that Darkhaven is running with a projected rating loss of -98.908 this week. While the frustration is understandable, I feel Ferguson’s Crossing and Isle of Janthir are the wrong targets of your anger. In that case, your issue is with the Glicko2 projecting a level of domination that is unrealistic in the circumstance. That and the roll, which was bad for us as well.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
Funny to be reading jabs and anger directed at FC in this thread about double teaming or whatever. It’s a tier 8 server, there’s an overall massive difference in coverage and numbers consistency between FC and tier 6/5 servers. When FC members complained constantly in the glicko ghetto days, many from the higher tiers and servers such as yours frequently suggested that we team up with ET to survive SF (which we did at times and still it was never enough). When such servers roll over lower ranked servers they complain how its a mismatch and there’s no challenge in it. Yet, when the 2 vs 1 tactic with two “inferior” servers teaming up actually can work and one of the three weakest servers of North America use such tactics, you will call foul?
I think the anger is mostly stemming from the fact that Darkhaven is running with a projected rating loss of -98.908 this week. While the frustration is understandable, I feel Ferguson’s Crossing and Isle of Janthir are the wrong targets of your anger. In that case, your issue is with the Glicko2 projecting a level of domination that is unrealistic in the circumstance.
This , I got some pretty fun duels today won some lost some *cough, but overall I have new found respect for some people from IoJ and DH, I know the zerg side is in the heat of the drama, but here is my defence, FC has always been badmouthed as a crappy server, we barely get influx of new guilds, and usually everyone knows everyone at some point, we are like the small village were you know your neighbor’s business, theres some PvE but for us WvW, it is hard work, I used to zerg and at some point it was the same faces over and over again pulling all nighters to defend and stuff. FC before has been in a horrible place due to our placement and due to our bad rep as a server, we almost get nowhere, but the matter of fact is, now finally we might gain some hope, as for the other servers stop complaining, when you have our numbers then come complain about us.
and on top of that, our drama has caused the leave of several guilds, commanders and etc, who projected themselves far superior then everyone, in the end we are still holding out without them, so if you make it in FC, you are born a warrior, as for me a guardian, but i had a toon change and now a mesmer xD
One person placing AC’s is not the reason we win.
Yeah, we have numbers (haven’t always), would you rather us run around in 50, 5-10 man groups? Might as well have a zerg with that population, super map coverage. Sometimes you just can’t help it, there are commanders who the pugs will flock to. IoJ has a great Oceanic presence, but I don’t see many complaints about that.
Every time I log on, I feel sorry for FC, because they should not be stuck in this match-up (we were there a few months ago when I started playing). BUT, to the FC who are hanging in there and fighting back, kudos to you! There aren’t many of you, but you hold your own as well as you can, and don’t run away to cry on the forums when we do meet up.
I’m not going to bother to describe my images – anybody with half a brain will understand.
Name and shame, guys.
And even then, you baddies wiped. Truly terrible.
Might want to rethink violating the terms of use with ‘name and shame’ posts.
If you think someone is hacking you take the screen and submit it to ANet support.
As for all the accusations constantly flying around. If you already submitted the screens and reported using the in game report feature, great. If after weeks or even months, these people are still playing, then it means one of three things:
(In order of least to most likely)
1. ANet is gathering up and will do a WMD level ban hammer.
2. ANet really doesn’t give a crap.
3. ANet has concluded that these people are not hacking/exploiting.
As for tonight. All I can say is that it’s been great. The massive amount of loot bags our 15/20 man got from FC’s 40+ was just too much. We actually had to put down a merchant between pushes to clean out our inventories. I’ll be sorry to see this match up come to an end.
Lol @ the [GEN] ranger and guardian that used a stealth trap on me in our 1v2. I’m that good that it was worth using a trap on me? I’m flattered.
you were probably just perma stealthing 95% of the fight and they got bored of it
I was 1v1 with the [GEN] ranger…the guardian just came in to put the stealth trap right away lol. It’s all good though because I ended up killing the same ranger (2x) and the guardian not long after outside Titanpaw. I evaded their 2nd stealth trap there.
One person placing AC’s is not the reason we win.
when that AC is used to destroy all inner siege defending a keep, then yes, it is the reason you win. You see DH is so insistent on running karma traints 24/7 with they’re 50+ man zergs and yet they have to exploit to turn everything paper so they can flip it whenever they want allowing them to maintain a 300-400+ ppt for 8-10 hours a day.
basically exploiting is the only reason I’ve ever seen Abys manage to take a fully defended keep. And it’s one of the main reason DH has managed to stay in the lead.
Hmmmm, my group hardly ever uses AC’s, unless we are defending a tower/keep. I very, VERY rarely go into EB (too much lag and dc), so no, AC hacks are NOT the reason we are in the lead. I guarantee the group I run with in the borderlands has a little to do with the PPT…..
Oh, almost forgot! Thought I would share this too……
Still wanna deny?
(I can see why FC would want to team up, they got screwed in this matchup, and I guess I should have expected it from IoJ)
Fun duels with [PD] in DH BL. You sword Mesmers are too good for me :P
Oh, almost forgot! Thought I would share this too……
Still wanna deny?
(I can see why FC would want to team up, they got screwed in this matchup, and I guess I should have expected it from IoJ)
We tried to help them take it. We didn’t expect the zerg of 40 people coming to defend.
Oh, almost forgot! Thought I would share this too……
Still wanna deny?
(I can see why FC would want to team up, they got screwed in this matchup, and I guess I should have expected it from IoJ)
We tried to help them take it. We didn’t expect the zerg of 40 people coming to defend.
LOL, well, when someone tries to take a fully fortified keep and we are on, you can bet your last dollar we will be there ASAP.
One person placing AC’s is not the reason we win.
when that AC is used to destroy all inner siege defending a keep, then yes, it is the reason you win. You see DH is so insistent on running karma traints 24/7 with they’re 50+ man zergs and yet they have to exploit to turn everything paper so they can flip it whenever they want allowing them to maintain a 300-400+ ppt for 8-10 hours a day.
basically exploiting is the only reason I’ve ever seen Abys manage to take a fully defended keep. And it’s one of the main reason DH has managed to stay in the lead.Hmmmm, my group hardly ever uses AC’s, unless we are defending a tower/keep. I very, VERY rarely go into EB (too much lag and dc), so no, AC hacks are NOT the reason we are in the lead. I guarantee the group I run with in the borderlands has a little to do with the PPT…..
the person we’ve seen primarily abuse this exploit has been edgy, as well as a few others. We’re not accusing you in particularly of this we’re just saying your guild has alot of commanders who abuse the zoom exploit. I mean they’re has been PLENTY of evidence provided in this thread and denying it at this point is beyond stupid.
Also as a side note I talked with edgy a few times before and edgy’s excuse for the zoom exploiting is he says he plays on a 50-60" monitor (I think he called it his “superior gaming equipment?”) w/e the reason it’s still cheap and I think you guys should try and convince him to play on a 1920×1080 resolution because w/e he currently plays at allows him to cheat.
I also spoke to him today, and he didn’t even address his reason for it. He just kept talking about how apparently IoJ uses the same ‘hacks’; and yet on multiple occasions throughout this forum we’ve stated that we will readily call out any such cheaters within our community – as long as we know that it’s happening.
So I’ll state it again for all of DH – join one of our parties (usually the higher ranked players will be familiar with everyone on a more personal level) and tell them it’s happening. We’ll handle it within our own community.
See above for what I meant by name and shame. And yes, I have submitted this to ANet, and I have used the in-game report function. This isn’t the first time that I’ve reported such behavior either.
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
One person placing AC’s is not the reason we win.
when that AC is used to destroy all inner siege defending a keep, then yes, it is the reason you win. You see DH is so insistent on running karma traints 24/7 with they’re 50+ man zergs and yet they have to exploit to turn everything paper so they can flip it whenever they want allowing them to maintain a 300-400+ ppt for 8-10 hours a day.
basically exploiting is the only reason I’ve ever seen Abys manage to take a fully defended keep. And it’s one of the main reason DH has managed to stay in the lead.Hmmmm, my group hardly ever uses AC’s, unless we are defending a tower/keep. I very, VERY rarely go into EB (too much lag and dc), so no, AC hacks are NOT the reason we are in the lead. I guarantee the group I run with in the borderlands has a little to do with the PPT…..
the person we’ve seen primarily abuse this exploit has been edgy, as well as a few others. We’re not accusing you in particularly of this we’re just saying your guild has alot of commanders who abuse the zoom exploit. I mean they’re has been PLENTY of evidence provided in this thread and denying it at this point is beyond stupid.
Also as a side note I talked with edgy a few times before and edgy’s excuse for the zoom exploiting is he says he plays on a 50-60" monitor (I think he called it his “superior gaming equipment?”) w/e the reason it’s still cheap and I think you guys should try and convince him to play on a 1920×1080 resolution because w/e he currently plays at allows him to cheat.
I also spoke to him today, and he didn’t even address his reason for it. He just kept talking about how apparently IoJ uses the same ‘hacks’; and yet on multiple occasions throughout this forum we’ve stated that we will readily call out any such cheaters within our community – as long as we know that it’s happening.
So I’ll state it again for all of DH – join one of our parties (usually the higher ranked players will be familiar with everyone on a more personal level) and tell them it’s happening. We’ll handle it within our own community.
IoJ doesn’t tolerate such act of cheating. We will never be. Name and Shame if you got the proof.
I feel for FC for often get rolled by DH fairweather zerg ( for some reason quite a number of them coming out this week )
If u guys have some organized www guild with enough ppl i suggest to do just a bit of zergbusting , once u stomp them once or twice they usually go back to pve
We would welcome an open field battle with another zerg! It’s my favorite.
Fun duels with [PD] in DH BL. You sword Mesmers are too good for me :P
Good fights! Cheers to Joey and the rest of you who sparred with me today. First time I’ve lost in a while, now I have to go change things again. Jerks. -_-
For the rest of you: What’s the difference between one post accusing hacking and four pages of it?
This thread is sludge. Nothing you say here will change things, so please just stop. Mail the admins, PM officers, talk ingame, but don’t bring that kitten here.
Congratz to IoJ for finally painting DHBL Green after 3 hours! </3
I use 1680×1050 which is both the native and max resolution for my monitor. If I were to hook up to my TV or get a bigger monitor, I would certainly go for a larger resolution. I don’t need my icons to be any larger than what they are and to go with the same resolution on a larger screen would do just that.
The problem is how ACs target. They use line of sight from the player’s perspective instead of from the character’s in game. Since not everyone will have the same fov and since fov is too easily manipulated, there will always be a problem. ANet needs to change the way ACs target so that resolution doesn’t make a difference.
After work today, I’ll be going through and flagging all the ‘name and shame’ posts in the thread for admin review.
Congratz to IoJ for finally painting DHBL Green after 3 hours! </3
And congrats to you guys for finally taking your garrison with so many people, when we had 0 supply in there!
Oh wait, I forgot you guys probably didn’t have much either after you ran in to our supply traps, hehe.
EDIT: Good move, porting your guys in from the north, though. We didn’t have enough to keep any of that defensible.
After work today, I’ll be going through and flagging all the ‘name and shame’ posts in the thread for admin review.
And I hope you gain plenty of enjoyment from it.
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
Each time I look at the live map during the day, its back and forth between us and IoJ, (at least in our borderlands and EB). IoJ takes everything in the morning then we take it back, just to lose everything again the next morning.
I think the anger is mostly stemming from the fact that Darkhaven is running with a projected rating loss of -98.908 this week.
Yeah, I’ve yet to figure out how thats calculated. If we’re in the lead points wise, how do we have a negative number in evalutation (on http://mos.millenium.org/na anyways). Anyone know how that number is calculated? How do we get a positive number, or even a negative numer?
(edited by skullmount.1758)
Yeah, I’ve yet to figure out how thats calculated. If we’re in the lead points wise, how do we have a negative number in evalutation (on http://mos.millenium.org/na anyways). Anyone know how that number is calculated? How do we get a positive number, or even a negative numer?
It’s based on the servers’ current Glicko ratings. DH’s is 1463 and IoJ’s is 1150. The system predicts that, based on the ratings, DH should be ahead substantially. As the scores are fairly even, the ratings are adjusted closer together (i.e. DH down, IoJ up).
Yeah, I’ve yet to figure out how thats calculated. If we’re in the lead points wise, how do we have a negative number in evalutation (on http://mos.millenium.org/na anyways). Anyone know how that number is calculated? How do we get a positive number, or even a negative numer?
It’s based on the servers’ current Glicko ratings. DH’s is 1463 and IoJ’s is 1150. The system predicts that, based on the ratings, DH should be ahead substantially. As the scores are fairly even, the ratings are adjusted closer together (i.e. DH down, IoJ up).
Huh, so to make it a positive number, we’d have to be ahead by quite a bit. I might have to do some research on the Glicko stuff, cause I don’t really get it.
Fun duels with [PD] in DH BL. You sword Mesmers are too good for me :P
Yes, definitely good times dueling last night. I was one of the sword mesmers from PD but when I switched to my ranger you really put the beat down on me. It really inspired me to get my ranger back out and figure out a better build for dueling. I’m currently spec’d for group fighting and really lack the regen sustainability that is needed in dueling.
Keep up the good fights and duels. A lot of good times last night at the windmill.
Fun duels with [PD] in DH BL. You sword Mesmers are too good for me :P
Yes, definitely good times dueling last night. I was one of the sword mesmers from PD but when I switched to my ranger you really put the beat down on me. It really inspired me to get my ranger back out and figure out a better build for dueling. I’m currently spec’d for group fighting and really lack the regen sustainability that is needed in dueling.
Keep up the good fights and duels. A lot of good times last night at the windmill.
Glad to hear!! Rangers are an amazing profession. I use a decent amount of regen, but nowhere near how much you can actually get as a ranger. If you ever want to talk builds, pm me in game!
Is anyone interested in some Bollaball matches?
If you don’t know what it is:
Guidelines are everyone plays naked and uses level 2 hammers.
Whisper me or send me a mail if you’re interested. I think this could be really fun.
Is anyone interested in some Bollaball matches?
If you don’t know what it is:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UcVzFLl77zM#at=307Guidelines are everyone plays naked and uses level 2 hammers.
Whisper me or send me a mail if you’re interested. I think this could be really fun.
I would totally love to watch that live. It would be so awesome.
To the IOJ Norn Nero that chased me around your map: I had fun outrunning your minions, man. But, if you haven’t read the patch notes, you should. You can take falling damage now.
Dh windmill Im starting duels, whisper me if you want a go – All are welcomed!!
Duels at DH windmill, come on get it while its hot!!
I’ll take you all on!!
Not really. I died instantly XD
DH Omegas under oil #thuglyf
So much shiney.
Let us get our borderlands back already dammit!!
Fought a thief on my up lvl necro today. I didn’t get an actual video, but it was pretty much like this.
I would like to thank the 10 or so DH folks who I passed by today in the EB jumping puzzle. It was the first time I’ve ever seen the outmanned buff in the jumping puzzle, making it exceptionally tense. It was very nice of you to let me reach the top. I never start a fight in the jumping puzzle even if my server outnumbers the other(s).
I think a special mention though has to be given to the one person that DID attack me. A thief who was waiting at the top, near the chest – who by the way got his kitten spanked by my Staff Ele.
good job on our garrison there DH
Im sure that was pure ‘skill’ like always with the hard objectives, apart from the obvious use of-
Good fun all day
Good fun at the Garrison. Shame DH had to resort to Pics related in order to enjoy their stay.
DH is still outside at this point, but enemy AC’s are taking dead-on shots on top of the little tower in the Lord’s room.
Oh well~
So DH does NOT like 6man attempts on keeps
So many still roaming, so little of us left
So DH does NOT like 6man attempts on keeps
So many still roaming, so little of us left
Honestly, I was super surprised at how many of us were still on! We usually start dropping off about a half hour ago.
good job on our garrison there DH
Im sure that was pure ‘skill’ like always with the hard objectives, apart from the obvious use of-
Good fun all day
Dude, the first time we came to Garri, or the second? I have never been hit by so many AC’s and ballistas in this game. How many did you guys have?!?!?! Then capping in the Lords Room, and still getting pelted by arrows. >.< My poor little Asuran body couldn’t handle any more, so I had to log.
Have fun capping everything tonight, I noticed you already have a head start on EB.
BTW, it does take skill to take a fully fortified keep from someone who has the advantage.
good job on our garrison there DH
Im sure that was pure ‘skill’ like always with the hard objectives, apart from the obvious use of-
Good fun all day
Dude, the first time we came to Garri, or the second? I have never been hit by so many AC’s and ballistas in this game. How many did you guys have?!?!?! Then capping in the Lords Room, and still getting pelted by arrows. >.< My poor little Asuran body couldn’t handle any more, so I had to log.
Have fun capping everything tonight, I noticed you already have a head start on EB.
BTW, it does take skill to take a fully fortified keep from someone who has the advantage.
Not to take away from [abys] too much, you guys are coordinated
But with how well our garrison was sieged, and the complaints and evidence about certain things makes it difficult to be humble in defeat.
You guys have pulled 20k ahead, before we may have barely beat you, but now its near impossible!
Good fun at the Garrison. Shame DH had to resort to Pics related in order to enjoy their stay.
DH is still outside at this point, but enemy AC’s are taking dead-on shots on top of the little tower in the Lord’s room.
Oh well~
Ok that is quite clearly some kittened up kitten right there. Obvious use of pathetic
AC zoomlocks and I hope I speak for the rest of DH in saying that this ‘tactic’ is shameful and is ruining our reputation as an honourable server. I don’t run with the major zergs much so I haven’t personally witnessed it and I hope I never do, but to see it clearly happening in these screenshots makes me a bit sad that we win this week..
So to the IOJ and FC victims sorry for our dirty tactics and I wish you luck in future match-ups.
I use 1680×1050 which is both the native and max resolution for my monitor. If I were to hook up to my TV or get a bigger monitor, I would certainly go for a larger resolution. I don’t need my icons to be any larger than what they are and to go with the same resolution on a larger screen would do just that.
The problem is how ACs target. They use line of sight from the player’s perspective instead of from the character’s in game. Since not everyone will have the same fov and since fov is too easily manipulated, there will always be a problem. ANet needs to change the way ACs target so that resolution doesn’t make a difference.
After work today, I’ll be going through and flagging all the ‘name and shame’ posts in the thread for admin review.
So.. essentially… you are saying that if someone has a better system set up than you do, then they are cheating.
Sounds logical.
I use 1680×1050 which is both the native and max resolution for my monitor. If I were to hook up to my TV or get a bigger monitor, I would certainly go for a larger resolution. I don’t need my icons to be any larger than what they are and to go with the same resolution on a larger screen would do just that.
The problem is how ACs target. They use line of sight from the player’s perspective instead of from the character’s in game. Since not everyone will have the same fov and since fov is too easily manipulated, there will always be a problem. ANet needs to change the way ACs target so that resolution doesn’t make a difference.
After work today, I’ll be going through and flagging all the ‘name and shame’ posts in the thread for admin review.
So.. essentially… you are saying that if someone has a better system set up than you do, then they are cheating.
Sounds logical.
Nah mate he’s saying if you are cheating then you are cheating. If you gain an extremely unfair advantage over other players (getting a view field they can’t and are able to exploit this to destroy defense siege) then that is the exact definition of cheating.
I use 1680×1050 which is both the native and max resolution for my monitor. If I were to hook up to my TV or get a bigger monitor, I would certainly go for a larger resolution. I don’t need my icons to be any larger than what they are and to go with the same resolution on a larger screen would do just that.
The problem is how ACs target. They use line of sight from the player’s perspective instead of from the character’s in game. Since not everyone will have the same fov and since fov is too easily manipulated, there will always be a problem. ANet needs to change the way ACs target so that resolution doesn’t make a difference.
After work today, I’ll be going through and flagging all the ‘name and shame’ posts in the thread for admin review.
So.. essentially… you are saying that if someone has a better system set up than you do, then they are cheating.
Sounds logical.
Nah mate he’s saying if you are cheating then you are cheating. If you gain an extremely unfair advantage over other players (getting a view field they can’t and are able to exploit this to destroy defense siege) then that is the exact definition of cheating.
Umm. Pretty sure if you want to achieve a similar field of view, one could buy a larger monitor device, be it a monitor, TV or projector.
So now essentially you are saying having money is cheating?
If Anet wanted to change how the siege weapons work. They would set you to first person POV, instead of letting you zoom back out of relatively close to first person pov. Until they do, then all your arguments are moot points.
Since there has been no official response as to how the ac is supposed to be operated, then we have to assume that it is working as intended. And with that in mind, then how one is able to operate any siege weapon within the confines of the determined environment, is how it has been designed to be used.
If Anet wanted to change how the siege weapons work. They would set you to first person POV, instead of letting you zoom back out of relatively close to first person pov. Until they do, then all your arguments are moot points.
Since there has been no official response as to how the ac is supposed to be operated, then we have to assume that it is working as intended. And with that in mind, then how one is able to operate any siege weapon within the confines of the determined environment, is how it has been designed to be used.
I posted a screen shot on how to make the shots that DH has been doing. Then it was infracted and deleted. Then the moderator thanked me for sharing the exploit but to send it to exploits@arenanet and not the forums so it doesn’t become public.
so yes they obviously support what DH is doing.
Members of IoJ: can you let this guardian know that it’s impolite to barge in without knocking?
So trying to change the topic what is everyones most memorable battles of this match up as it is almost over I know for me one would be the 3 way battles in EB at the neutral camp monday afternoon I know I saw [CORE] and [HARD] for IOJ and alot of different tags from FC nothing flipped in EB for almost 30 mins so im sure everyone must have been having alot of fun. Another one would be the fight for hills in FC right after they had flipped it we got in before and stuck around and got the cap again but the fights there were great too shout out to [WZ] you guys seem to be out every night and looks like you enjoy good open field fights like we do.
Members of IoJ: can you let this guardian know that it’s impolite to barge in without knocking?
If I ever see that tag (and I haven’t, yet, so they’re probably not a huge guild and thus easily identifiable), I’ll be sure to let them know. But could you pass the same message on to this guardian, here? Just add that trying to kill siege whilst he was up there was pretty sad.
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
If I ever see that tag (and I haven’t, yet, so they’re probably not a huge guild and thus easily identifiable), I’ll be sure to let them know. But could you pass the same message on to this guardian, here? Just add that trying to kill siege whilst he was up there was pretty sad.
Will do. If I see that sort of stuff happening, I’ll call it out and try and get it to stop.
And just wanna say: I’ve fought members of [roam] a few times, and it’s always guaranteed to be a fun fight. Keep it up!
what is everyones most memorable battles of this match up
the ones where dh cheats to break my keep defense setups
no really
on top of the oily, slimy, sinking feeling of unfairly losing the objective being defended under my direction…. gaming psychology 101 says it takes 4~11 positive events to forget it happened. and with how many more people dh has, those positive events dont come fast enough.
this matchup was bad enough being on the outmanned server… but salt in the wounds.
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