8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.


Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


DR talk a lot about IoJ needing larger numbers to take’em on, but we (4 people) took the camp from the DR that was capping (about 6 or 7 guys), and held it for the whole duration of Righteous indignation against a few more (I’d say about 10).

So, what you have to say?

That it literally takes nobody to hold a camp with righteous indignation.

Sry, I meant they couldn’t kill us, even tho they charged in KNOWING the supervisor was buffed. Oh the bloodlust…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.

Tumblr. My baby tumblr, its been so long. I MUST LOG IN AND BECOME ADDICTED AGAIN, HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN TUMBLR. Kill me pls.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.

Tumblr. My baby tumblr, its been so long. I MUST LOG IN AND BECOME ADDICTED AGAIN, HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN TUMBLR. Kill me pls.

We should start an IoJ official tumblr :o

Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sororita.3465


i use google images >.>


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.

Tumblr. My baby tumblr, its been so long. I MUST LOG IN AND BECOME ADDICTED AGAIN, HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN TUMBLR. Kill me pls.

We should start an IoJ official tumblr :o

This idea….is… fabulous.

PS. Gif of that guy you lurve.


Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.

Tumblr. My baby tumblr, its been so long. I MUST LOG IN AND BECOME ADDICTED AGAIN, HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN TUMBLR. Kill me pls.

We should start an IoJ official tumblr :o

This idea….is… fabulous.

PS. Gif of that guy you lurve.

Omg yes.. Someone needs to do this please.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.

Tumblr. My baby tumblr, its been so long. I MUST LOG IN AND BECOME ADDICTED AGAIN, HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN TUMBLR. Kill me pls.

We should start an IoJ official tumblr :o

This idea….is… fabulous.

PS. Gif of that guy you lurve.

Is he not the cutest? I want to do unspeakable things to him. Somewhat akin to what I’m going to do to ET tonight… but.. he’ll get certain accouterments that I wont afford ET.

Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: WarLord.8430


u seem to like to cry

Just adding some clarity to the situation. Although, from what I’ve seen, you guys may want to consider changing to Backside [BS], as that’s what I mostly see from you.

Basic are cowards. They think they’re epic forum warriors but they can’t even hammer out an intelligent post, rebuttal, or slam their faces against keyboard well enough to 2spam.


cuz u know what we think kkkkkkk. sry not pro like u we don’t fight for “dat ppt” then yes…we shud l2wvw

You should. Every cap every ppt point, it all matters. The caliber of your roamers, your commanders, server morale. It all matters.

ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

Ok honestly you are have no idea what your talking about.. ET used to be last place and sat there forever, we are now moving to 21st place because we have come together as a server, ET is a powerhouse, we have skill, communication, and teamwork that most servers dont have, the only thing you can say over ET is that at times different servers have more of a timebase coverage over our server or more people that play the game in there server.

Over time people will see what we have seen we moved from first place blackgate(IoM) to join up with the ET server community and together with all the guilds on this server we are slowly climbing the ranks, talk all you want about ET but you have no idea what your talking about and have no clue about how the core of our server runs or what we are about.

Do your research go ahead and transfer to some big tier’d server where you are never gunna get into wvw because all BGs will have a ques or be smart and join a server with a good community and base, Roaming is needed for all servers but all this 1v1 crying kitten or getting mad because you get zergd is bs, its Guild Wars get your guild together and be about what you say with your skill or shut your mouth,

Whoever have friends that are currently on this server and actually are getting involved in WvW would already know what ET is on and what we are about just remember at the end of the day this is a game and just because you have more of a timebase coverage over a smaller growing server dont mean kitten.

[IoM] Immortals of the Mists http://iom.enjin.com
80 Guard, Leader/Commander
Isle of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Anyone from Dark Cloud guild IOJ post here?

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


u seem to like to cry

Just adding some clarity to the situation. Although, from what I’ve seen, you guys may want to consider changing to Backside [BS], as that’s what I mostly see from you.

Basic are cowards. They think they’re epic forum warriors but they can’t even hammer out an intelligent post, rebuttal, or slam their faces against keyboard well enough to 2spam.


cuz u know what we think kkkkkkk. sry not pro like u we don’t fight for “dat ppt” then yes…we shud l2wvw

You should. Every cap every ppt point, it all matters. The caliber of your roamers, your commanders, server morale. It all matters.

ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

Ok honestly you are have no idea what your talking about.. ET used to be last place and sat there forever, we are now moving to 21st place because we have come together as a server, ET is a powerhouse, we have skill, communication, and teamwork that most servers dont have, the only thing you can say over ET is that at times different servers have more of a timebase coverage over our server or more people that play the game in there server.

Over time people will see what we have seen we moved from first place blackgate(IoM) to join up with the ET server community and together with all the guilds on this server we are slowly climbing the ranks, talk all you want about ET but you have no idea what your talking about and have no clue about how the core of our server runs or what we are about.

Do your research go ahead and transfer to some big tier’d server where you are never gunna get into wvw because all BGs will have a ques or be smart and join a server with a good community and base, Roaming is needed for all servers but all this 1v1 crying kitten or getting mad because you get zergd is bs, its Guild Wars get your guild together and be about what you say with your skill or shut your mouth,

Whoever have friends that are currently on this server and actually are getting involved in WvW would already know what ET is on and what we are about just remember at the end of the day this is a game and just because you have more of a timebase coverage over a smaller growing server dont mean kitten.

Me thinks I hath hitteth a button.

QQ more and get some points. You guys can still win this!

Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357



Luckily I keep vigil while you sleep.

The watchful cat-hound never fails


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Welp finally felt the need to spam laugh someone… 20vs2 with the 2 defending a paper tower… and a breakout event is triggered..

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gulagman.9045


IoJ has the coverage of tier 3-5 servers. If you had the superior wvw morale that you brag about you’d be a whole lot better than rank 16.

If and when I transfer I’ll be sure to come back to IoJs thread to let them know how much of a better server SBI/YB/BP is and how IoJ needs to work on its server organization and morale, because well I’d be on a lower ranked, obviously superior server then.

Give YB a go. I love it here for WvW. I believe SBI and YB both got transfers off to T1/T2/T3 servers recently so both could use the manpower. BP…has their organization together. Faced em a few times, very well coordinated server. Feel free to contact me if you want to get a feel for how YB WvW is.


8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Classic IOJ… [RUN] member runs half way across the zone to avoid a 1v1 his guildmate comes turns it into a 1v2 then talks kitten asking for a 1v1.

Then puts me on ignore when I respond with common sense and still to this second (10 minutes after this) spamming every type of umad comment imaginable. But clearly this kid isn’t mad at all… according to him anyway.

Lol so you’re the ranger who chased a support guardian with no damage wanting an easy kill… Don’t be mad if you spammed me with messages about how I choose my fights better than you, maybe if I was on my thief I would have seen you run?

Basically paper beats rock, rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper so if I choose my fights better than you i’m sorry and all I got to say is


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


u seem to like to cry

Just adding some clarity to the situation. Although, from what I’ve seen, you guys may want to consider changing to Backside [BS], as that’s what I mostly see from you.

Basic are cowards. They think they’re epic forum warriors but they can’t even hammer out an intelligent post, rebuttal, or slam their faces against keyboard well enough to 2spam.


cuz u know what we think kkkkkkk. sry not pro like u we don’t fight for “dat ppt” then yes…we shud l2wvw

You should. Every cap every ppt point, it all matters. The caliber of your roamers, your commanders, server morale. It all matters.

ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

Ok honestly you are have no idea what your talking about.. ET used to be last place and sat there forever, we are now moving to 21st place because we have come together as a server, ET is a powerhouse, we have skill, communication, and teamwork that most servers dont have, the only thing you can say over ET is that at times different servers have more of a timebase coverage over our server or more people that play the game in there server.

Over time people will see what we have seen we moved from first place blackgate(IoM) to join up with the ET server community and together with all the guilds on this server we are slowly climbing the ranks, talk all you want about ET but you have no idea what your talking about and have no clue about how the core of our server runs or what we are about.

Do your research go ahead and transfer to some big tier’d server where you are never gunna get into wvw because all BGs will have a ques or be smart and join a server with a good community and base, Roaming is needed for all servers but all this 1v1 crying kitten or getting mad because you get zergd is bs, its Guild Wars get your guild together and be about what you say with your skill or shut your mouth,

Whoever have friends that are currently on this server and actually are getting involved in WvW would already know what ET is on and what we are about just remember at the end of the day this is a game and just because you have more of a timebase coverage over a smaller growing server dont mean kitten.

Me thinks I hath hitteth a button.

QQ more and get some points. You guys can still win this!

You know, I’ve seen a lot of Internet forums over the last 20 years or so. And one constant is that the guy who demonstrates his ignorance most loudly always mistakes everyone’s reactions for “hitting buttons”.

Sometimes when people are trying to correct you, it’s because you’re genuinely wrong.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Classic IOJ… [RUN] member runs half way across the zone to avoid a 1v1 his guildmate comes turns it into a 1v2 then talks kitten asking for a 1v1.

Then puts me on ignore when I respond with common sense and still to this second (10 minutes after this) spamming every type of umad comment imaginable. But clearly this kid isn’t mad at all… according to him anyway.

Lol so you’re the ranger who chased a support guardian with no damage wanting an easy kill… Don’t be mad if you spammed me with messages about how I choose my fights better than you, maybe if I was on my thief I would have seen you run?

Basically paper beats rock, rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper so if I choose my fights better than you i’m sorry and all I got to say is

You posted a screenshot that has nothing to do with me… gj?

And crying would be you or your friend who spammed me for about 15 minutes after the event.

lol that screen shot was what you guys brought back to deal with 3 maybe 4 people and you were the one who joined our party and complained to us…

Anyway man you’re obviously not mad about it otherwise you wouldn’t have posted here so have some fun cause I’m certainly going too.

Also say w/e you want now cause end of the day this kitten wont matter tomorrow or next week and I don’t have a further need to defend myself as to why I prefer to use brains over ego.

just seen your edit: so full of it man lol… quitcha kittenin.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolf.4320


Nice borderlands DR… oh… wait.

Also apologizing to the Christmas Dolyak I killed. I’m sorry, I had to. It hurt me more than it hurt you.

Cruelty to animals lol =P

Devona’s Rest Stormbluff Isle – The Demon Wolf – Warrior
[BÆST] – Too Kitten
The Wandering Christmas Dolyak – The Kite Flying Quaggan

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Dear IoJ.

Why the extra attention tonight on ET? Could it have been because we refused to participate with your IoJ + ET karma and experience train in Dev’s borderland?

You see, there is some honor in WvW after all.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Classic IOJ… [RUN] member runs half way across the zone to avoid a 1v1 his guildmate comes turns it into a 1v2 then talks kitten asking for a 1v1.

Then puts me on ignore when I respond with common sense and still to this second (10 minutes after this) spamming every type of umad comment imaginable. But clearly this kid isn’t mad at all… according to him anyway.

Lol so you’re the ranger who chased a support guardian with no damage wanting an easy kill… Don’t be mad if you spammed me with messages about how I choose my fights better than you, maybe if I was on my thief I would have seen you run?

Basically paper beats rock, rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper so if I choose my fights better than you i’m sorry and all I got to say is

You posted a screenshot that has nothing to do with me… gj?

And crying would be you or your friend who spammed me for about 15 minutes after the event.

lol that screen shot was what you guys brought back to deal with 3 maybe 4 people and you were the one who joined our party and complained to us…

Anyway man you’re obviously not mad about it otherwise you wouldn’t have posted here so have some fun cause I’m certainly going too.

Also say w/e you want now cause end of the day this kitten wont matter tomorrow or next week and I don’t have a further need to defend myself as to why I prefer to use brains over ego.

just seen your edit: so full of it man lol… quitcha kittenin.

Post like these are why I believe you lack common sense.

Look where that SS is taken. The sentry right outside DR spawn… yet in your head you think people went out of there way to find your group when in reality it was just people seeing you as soon as they left the spawn area.

Just no concept of common sense… ever.

haha this is just a lol I thought you weren’t mad? we both know what really happened so stop twisting it here, I’m starting to understand this IoJ – DR hatred based off you alone.

Just get over it man, I don’t wanna read your kitten here and i’m sure others don’t wanna read mine.

edit: I would also like to add this all came cause you died once to 2 people and yet those same 2 people have died at that bridge about 9 or some times to numbers far greater than us but atleast we understand its WvW and we keep going back for more because it’s fun.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crimson Magdelana.9024

Crimson Magdelana.9024

I’ve never had anything bad to say about ET, how you run your server or how pro your guilds are. But IoM pumping themselves up on how professional you are, and jumping into GvG’s between HARD and BS is kinda sad.

That is all.

You call it afk. I call it getting a beer.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: WarLord.8430


No one from IoM jumped into any gvg.. we came there to watch and we made it clear to stay out of the fight and no one from IoM jumped into the gvg, we came there to watch HARD because you guys were the ones that challenged us last night and said today and yet you guys decided to play BS so we came to spectate dont call us out on some bs when you honestly must not know.

[IoM] Immortals of the Mists http://iom.enjin.com
80 Guard, Leader/Commander
Isle of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crimson Magdelana.9024

Crimson Magdelana.9024

No one from IoM jumped into any gvg.. we came there to watch and we made it clear to stay out of the fight and no one from IoM jumped into the gvg, we came there to watch HARD because you guys were the ones that challenged us last night and said today and yet you guys decided to play BS so we came to spectate dont call us out on some bs when you honestly must not know.

Mind your words hero. Video soon. Not only was it streamed, but it was recorded as well. It wasn’t the whole guild of course. Just a few. But enough to affect the outcome nonetheless.

GG BS. You guys were a blast to fight. The Lines and conditions were crazy.

You call it afk. I call it getting a beer.

(edited by Crimson Magdelana.9024)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Classic IOJ… [RUN] member runs half way across the zone to avoid a 1v1 his guildmate comes turns it into a 1v2 then talks kitten asking for a 1v1.

Then puts me on ignore when I respond with common sense and still to this second (10 minutes after this) spamming every type of umad comment imaginable. But clearly this kid isn’t mad at all… according to him anyway.

Lol so you’re the ranger who chased a support guardian with no damage wanting an easy kill… Don’t be mad if you spammed me with messages about how I choose my fights better than you, maybe if I was on my thief I would have seen you run?

Basically paper beats rock, rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper so if I choose my fights better than you i’m sorry and all I got to say is

You posted a screenshot that has nothing to do with me… gj?

And crying would be you or your friend who spammed me for about 15 minutes after the event.

lol that screen shot was what you guys brought back to deal with 3 maybe 4 people and you were the one who joined our party and complained to us…

Anyway man you’re obviously not mad about it otherwise you wouldn’t have posted here so have some fun cause I’m certainly going too.

Also say w/e you want now cause end of the day this kitten wont matter tomorrow or next week and I don’t have a further need to defend myself as to why I prefer to use brains over ego.

just seen your edit: so full of it man lol… quitcha kittenin.

Post like these are why I believe you lack common sense.

Look where that SS is taken. The sentry right outside DR spawn… yet in your head you think people went out of there way to find your group when in reality it was just people seeing you as soon as they left the spawn area.

Just no concept of common sense… ever.

haha this is just a lol I thought you weren’t mad? we both know what really happened so stop twisting it here, I’m starting to understand this IoJ – DR hatred based off you alone.

Just get over it man, I don’t wanna read your kitten here and i’m sure others don’t wanna read mine.

edit: I would also like to add this all came cause you died once to 2 people and yet those same 2 people have died at that bridge about 9 or some times to numbers far greater than us but atleast we understand its WvW and we keep going back for more because it’s fun.

Just like your friend. Presented with common sense can’t say anything other than you mad.

What common sense? you joined our party spitting kitten at us then got on the forums to spit kitten at us again, if you really want your kitten loot bag so much I will be hapy to get on my staff guardian again and give you the free kill you so eagerly want?

It really doesn’t bother me man, it’s 1 silver repair cost and if it means you will stop messaging RUN members then it’s 1 silver well spent.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

No one from IoM jumped into any gvg.. we came there to watch and we made it clear to stay out of the fight and no one from IoM jumped into the gvg, we came there to watch HARD because you guys were the ones that challenged us last night and said today and yet you guys decided to play BS so we came to spectate dont call us out on some bs when you honestly must not know.

Mind your words hero. Video soon. Not only was it streamed, but it was recorded as well. It wasn’t the whole guild of course. Just a few. But enough to affect the outcome nonetheless.

GG BS. You guys were a blast to fight. The Lines and conditions were crazy.

It was a necro from GDC who jumped into the fight that round. A few IoM members came in to rez at some points, but I don’t remember seeing them actually attack anyone from HARD.

E: You guys were definitely our best fight so far! Props to your entire guild, mate.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Petezahut.3068


much respect to [HARD]. its refreshing to fight a guild that actually changes their tactics during the gvg. we all had fun during the gvg. :>

also shoutouts to OHai for the other day. i gotta get on more lol.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: ShockStun.7453


much respect to [HARD]. its refreshing to fight a guild that actually changes their tactics during the gvg. we all had fun during the gvg. :>

also shoutouts to OHai for the other day. i gotta get on more lol.

Thanks to [BS] for the fights! It was a very good experience for us.


8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Dead Losers [DDLG] bailed DR? Well good for you Devona’s. They are a trash guild anyway, they just hide behind a good server so people will think they are good. ROTFL!!!!

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blackhat.9164


I’ve never had anything bad to say about ET, how you run your server or how pro your guilds are. But IoM pumping themselves up on how professional you are, and jumping into GvG’s between HARD and BS is kinda sad.

That is all.

Its another blame thread… IGNORE!!!!!!/ Post your video I’ll be the judge of that. Please schedule a GvG so we don’t have to wait on you. Thanks Good Luck.


8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


By the way, got to commend ET for fighting. Good job there ET. But still It’s still payback time. As I said, I forgive but I don’t forget.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Dead Losers [DDLG] bailed DR?

Please elaborate…

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crimson Magdelana.9024

Crimson Magdelana.9024

I’ve never had anything bad to say about ET, how you run your server or how pro your guilds are. But IoM pumping themselves up on how professional you are, and jumping into GvG’s between HARD and BS is kinda sad.

That is all.

Its another blame thread… IGNORE!!!!!!/ Post your video I’ll be the judge of that. Please schedule a GvG so we don’t have to wait on you. Thanks Good Luck.

Blame for what? 3 IoM members conveniently popping into the middle of a GvG match to rez a downed player not involved in said GvG? No one targeted anyone who wasn’t in BS. Mighty convenient to assume that no one (maybe one or two) from BS was downed yet this Necro who wasn’t in the match at all was magically spiked and was downed by people totally ignoring him. Watching three IoM run off and heal on the other hand…while our team wiped harder and quicker than any other scrim in the matchup (out of 7 mind you) is pretty suspect. When more than 2/3rds of your team says wtf just happened, and you see people NOT in the fight running away and healing…yea.

Who the kitten jumps into a gvg match to rez a random anyhow? Seriously? If he’s not respecting the obvious GvG clash, let his ignorant kitten die and wp.

If you weren’t there then please, bite your tongue. I already said I wasn’t directing comments at IoM as a whole. Just those three…

P.S. I’m pretty sure Counter has been trying to get you guys in a GvG for a while now. And you were there today. So I do believe the scheduling issue is on your end not ours.

You call it afk. I call it getting a beer.

(edited by Crimson Magdelana.9024)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joey.3928


Fun duels happening right now with ET from [WIN] and [IoM]


Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: masheenin.8124


I’ve never had anything bad to say about ET, how you run your server or how pro your guilds are. But IoM pumping themselves up on how professional you are, and jumping into GvG’s between HARD and BS is kinda sad.

That is all.

Please don’t contradict yourself when you say that you aren’t “directing comments at IoM as a whole” when you’ve said the above (just going by your post and how they can be interpreted).

This is most likely a misunderstanding, and I hope it will be cleared up when you post the video. I personally do not like accusations without proof, and seeing as you seem to be a reasonable person, I don’t think you like it either.

If there is fault on IoM’s end, we will make sure to take care next time, and reprimand the members involved.

If there is no fault on IoM, I would hopefully expect an apology.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pocachubbz.1928


Classic IOJ… [RUN] member runs half way across the zone to avoid a 1v1 his guildmate comes turns it into a 1v2 then talks kitten asking for a 1v1.

Then puts me on ignore when I respond with common sense and still to this second (10 minutes after this) spamming every type of umad comment imaginable. But clearly this kid isn’t mad at all… according to him anyway.

Lol so you’re the ranger who chased a support guardian with no damage wanting an easy kill… Don’t be mad if you spammed me with messages about how I choose my fights better than you, maybe if I was on my thief I would have seen you run?

Basically paper beats rock, rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper so if I choose my fights better than you i’m sorry and all I got to say is

You posted a screenshot that has nothing to do with me… gj?

And crying would be you or your friend who spammed me for about 15 minutes after the event.

lol that screen shot was what you guys brought back to deal with 3 maybe 4 people and you were the one who joined our party and complained to us…

Anyway man you’re obviously not mad about it otherwise you wouldn’t have posted here so have some fun cause I’m certainly going too.

Also say w/e you want now cause end of the day this kitten wont matter tomorrow or next week and I don’t have a further need to defend myself as to why I prefer to use brains over ego.

just seen your edit: so full of it man lol… quitcha kittenin.

Post like these are why I believe you lack common sense.

Look where that SS is taken. The sentry right outside DR spawn… yet in your head you think people went out of there way to find your group when in reality it was just people seeing you as soon as they left the spawn area.

Just no concept of common sense… ever.

haha this is just a lol I thought you weren’t mad? we both know what really happened so stop twisting it here, I’m starting to understand this IoJ – DR hatred based off you alone.

Just get over it man, I don’t wanna read your kitten here and i’m sure others don’t wanna read mine.

edit: I would also like to add this all came cause you died once to 2 people and yet those same 2 people have died at that bridge about 9 or some times to numbers far greater than us but atleast we understand its WvW and we keep going back for more because it’s fun.

oooooo!! was this at ‘le bridge of justice’ seph? Did i miss ‘le bridge of justice’?!

[RUN] Thief.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Averaelas.1876


u seem to like to cry

Just adding some clarity to the situation. Although, from what I’ve seen, you guys may want to consider changing to Backside [BS], as that’s what I mostly see from you.

Basic are cowards. They think they’re epic forum warriors but they can’t even hammer out an intelligent post, rebuttal, or slam their faces against keyboard well enough to 2spam.


cuz u know what we think kkkkkkk. sry not pro like u we don’t fight for “dat ppt” then yes…we shud l2wvw

You should. Every cap every ppt point, it all matters. The caliber of your roamers, your commanders, server morale. It all matters.

ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

Ok honestly you are have no idea what your talking about.. ET used to be last place and sat there forever, we are now moving to 21st place because we have come together as a server, ET is a powerhouse, we have skill, communication, and teamwork that most servers dont have, the only thing you can say over ET is that at times different servers have more of a timebase coverage over our server or more people that play the game in there server.

Over time people will see what we have seen we moved from first place blackgate(IoM) to join up with the ET server community and together with all the guilds on this server we are slowly climbing the ranks, talk all you want about ET but you have no idea what your talking about and have no clue about how the core of our server runs or what we are about.

Do your research go ahead and transfer to some big tier’d server where you are never gunna get into wvw because all BGs will have a ques or be smart and join a server with a good community and base, Roaming is needed for all servers but all this 1v1 crying kitten or getting mad because you get zergd is bs, its Guild Wars get your guild together and be about what you say with your skill or shut your mouth,

Whoever have friends that are currently on this server and actually are getting involved in WvW would already know what ET is on and what we are about just remember at the end of the day this is a game and just because you have more of a timebase coverage over a smaller growing server dont mean kitten.

Me thinks I hath hitteth a button.

QQ more and get some points. You guys can still win this!

You know, I’ve seen a lot of Internet forums over the last 20 years or so. And one constant is that the guy who demonstrates his ignorance most loudly always mistakes everyone’s reactions for “hitting buttons”.

Sometimes when people are trying to correct you, it’s because you’re genuinely wrong.

What if that person’s corrections are wrong?

I mean really. I transferred from GoM. GoM wiped our kittens with ET.

Its not that you guys suck. You guys have some good players, you just can’t keep coverage or control of your pugs.

Commander Laethwyn of RUN Human D/D Ele
Czano Asura Mesmer

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Flytrap.8075


Had fun defending our quaint supply camp with five people. It was absolutely lovely to see IoJ come out in force to our little get-together.


Fort Aspenwood | [Bags]

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xom.9264


Me thinks I hath hitteth a button.

QQ more and get some points. You guys can still win this!


The guilds that play for PPT on ET still all enjoy a good fight everyone of them and they dont have the numbers to just sit in a single tower doing nothing for hours like you, nor would they.

Lets be real you are just mad roamers at this tier like BS dont attack your tower with 5 people so the 20 of you hiding in a tower camping siege cant farm. While you hide, there are guilds on IoJ that come out and fight, and they fight well. We are having a blast they are having a blast. Maybe if you got over your fear of the open field and accepted you will lose some fights you might win time to time.

Having fun sitting in towers on your siege fighting no one doing nothing convincing yourself you are winning at something.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crimson Magdelana.9024

Crimson Magdelana.9024

I already said I wasn’t directing comments at IoM as a whole. Just those three…

Please don’t contradict yourself when you say that you aren’t “directing comments at IoM as a whole” when you’ve said the above (just going by your post and how they can be interpreted).

It isn’t a contradiction when I directly mention the three. If I’m wrong about IoM interfering, then I’m wrong, and it’s just an insane misunderstanding considering the entirety of the situation. Be in my/our shoes. Think about it. I’m not taking shots at IoM/ET/ or anyone for that matter. Just the three who were down in the middle of a gvg to “rez a random necro” (which is still mind blowingly wrong in a GvG setting).

Surely my original post struck a nerve with some of you as it was a very much generalization by only mentioning IoM. That was between matches, so I came back when I could to further elaborate. My bad on that. But I never had intentions of calling IoM out as a whole, just letting you know…

You call it afk. I call it getting a beer.

(edited by Crimson Magdelana.9024)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Divrocks.5718


Dead Losers [DDLG] bailed DR? Well good for you Devona’s. They are a trash guild anyway, they just hide behind a good server so people will think they are good. ROTFL!!!!

TerriBLOW, isn’t that the guild we smashed every single time we touched them? LOL, Tuk you troll hard for a kid with a kittening pansy kitten name. Are you another pug that hides behind the commander?

Night Nighttt the Necro
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Oh really? Like how we smashed DDLG 8v3 several times? And wow, where are you now? haven’t seen your guild in a while? Where are your ultra elite HIDING thieves who kept dying on my traps? You all dead or just cowards? LOL!!!!

DDLG, LOL Deadly Legends my bullkitten, you better call yourself CRY WHEN WE LOSE, POST VIDEO IF WE WIN [DDLG].

If forums has a PPT you’ll be 700 ppt. LOL!!!!

Obviously you never improved. You cause your server to sank into the bottom. That’s a fact.

Oh sorry you improved, my mistake. You are now GODs of the forums. ROTFL!

I’ll shout DDLG DDLG DDLG in LA later. Devona’s Dead Losers [DDLG]!!!

Hide behind a commander you say? I am always fighting night after night after night, you can ask my fellow IoJ servermates. You all saw how I look like in-game coz I never hide. And your commanders? And you? You never reveal yourselves coz you are afraid we will kill and screenshot you or like what you are good at, VIDEO CUTTING.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xom.9264


Something did happen that fight I know one Necro jumped towards the end but he was not from IoM. I dont like doing larger GvGs with alot of spectators not part of either guild something always seems to happen.

It caused us to move to another BL.

Great fights HARD strongest guild we faced yet. Keep it up you will beat alot of guilds out there for sure, great team work. Also have some real heavyweight 1v1 players two HARD members I dueled after turned out to some of the best I have ever seen.

If anyone does not know now they do, HARD is no joke.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tots.3056


Oh really? Like how we smashed DDLG 8v3 several times? And wow, where are you now? haven’t seen your guild in a while? Where are your ultra elite HIDING thieves who kept dying on my traps? You all dead or just cowards? LOL!!!!

DDLG, LOL Deadly Legends my bullkitten, you better call yourself CRY WHEN WE LOSE, POST VIDEO IF WE WIN [DDLG].

If forums has a PPT you’ll be 700 ppt. LOL!!!!

DDLG would be happy to fight your guild even numbers. But you’re probably scared of losing now that you’ve talked all this kitten on the forums. Oh well, that’s IoJ for you.

Collecting Loot [Bags]
Guild Leader

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


WvW. The only place where you can actually have “Guild Wars”

Maybe we can add some form of a mini GvG man with like…1 tower on each end or something. Oh the posibilities……

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Divrocks.5718


Oh really? Like how we smashed DDLG 8v3 several times? And wow, where are you now? haven’t seen your guild in a while? Where are your ultra elite HIDING thieves who kept dying on my traps? You all dead or just cowards? LOL!!!!

DDLG, LOL Deadly Legends my bullkitten, you better call yourself CRY WHEN WE LOSE, POST VIDEO IF WE WIN [DDLG].

If forums has a PPT you’ll be 700 ppt. LOL!!!!

Obviously you never improved. You cause your server to sank into the bottom. That’s a fact.

Oh sorry you improved, my mistake. You are now GODs of the forums. ROTFL!

I’ll shout DDLG DDLG DDLG in LA later. Devona’s Dead Losers [DDLG]!!!

What are you going to do? Place an arrow cart in the middle of the fight LOL? OR MAYBE you’ll place a ballista in the fight to make things interesting. IoJ, always planning ahead! You can’t take DDLG 1v3 how do you expect to take 8?

Night Nighttt the Necro
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Here we go again. DDLG crying of using sieges in WvW.

Bhuhuhuhuhu! ANET please remove sieges in WvW please. There I helped you begging ANET. What’s next? Ask ANET not to use foods in WvW? Oh not to touch towers if it’s DR’s?


Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Dead Losers [DDLG] bailed DR? Well good for you Devona’s. They are a trash guild anyway, they just hide behind a good server so people will think they are good. ROTFL!!!!

Again, here is a video of the superior IoJ server getting completely destroyed 20v40+.

Tuk, get your kitten together. Your guild is bad and you should feel bad.

#magswag, ron paul for president, the N word.

Wow 24h of recording 5 minutes of fame? I give you that. You are good at video cutting anyway.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Just the three who were down in the middle of a gvg to “rez a random necro” (which is still mind blowingly wrong in a GvG setting).

If that “random necro” was who I think it was, then I’m glad as hell that he jumped into the middle of that GvG. All these posts full of whining started about the time that a rather large IoJ zerg took our Bay and proceeded to make a play at several other things.

Our BL was queued and no one could get in to help defend. All you GvG’ers were taking up precious spots.

Just out of curiosity, do you IoJ tend to coordinate your large zerg attacks in someone’s BL, while there are also GvG’s going on simultaneously, on purpose?

At any rate, whoever decided to put a halt to them, thanks.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Oh really? Like how we smashed DDLG 8v3 several times? And wow, where are you now? haven’t seen your guild in a while? Where are your ultra elite HIDING thieves who kept dying on my traps? You all dead or just cowards? LOL!!!!

DDLG, LOL Deadly Legends my bullkitten, you better call yourself CRY WHEN WE LOSE, POST VIDEO IF WE WIN [DDLG].

If forums has a PPT you’ll be 700 ppt. LOL!!!!

DDLG would be happy to fight your guild even numbers. But you’re probably scared of losing now that you’ve talked all this kitten on the forums. Oh well, that’s IoJ for you.

Whahahahaha! Where’s you proof that IoJ is bad? Hmmmmm you in tier 10 right? Whahahahahahahah!

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


OK I’ll stop now, kitten I’ll die of laughing whahahahahahaha!

Goodluck to whatever server you are transferring to. You will be a big liability. Well you are good at the forum I credit you that.

Can I suggest? You better go PvE where we can’t farm you. kitten , you only give me 1 wxp, it’s a waste of time really.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger