8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Sick video you really out played those keep walls and doors and pwned that keep lord.

I was on the edge of my seat the entire time watching! weren’t you?!
Will they be able to take it? wont they? better love story than twilight!

-Commander Starlight Honeybuns [HBGR][TIME][RUN][IoJA][Jedi]
IoJ, ex member of GoM, WoW Vet 7 years.
Likes strawberries.

Dude exactly what I was thinking. But then they pulled out a Steve Jobs type visionary idea of constantly aoe stealthing when cata’ing the wall. That wall was probably like wtf whats hitting me???

Then that last fight I was like kitten a keep lord + a mesmer with a greatsword? How will they get this done they only have 4 omega golems and a IOJ zerg with them! I mean did you see those bolts that mesmer was shooting at them?

I’m honestly taking notes as a DR member this was just a great video on why IOJ is winning this match up. I hope to apply these tactics one day and help DR prevail.

5 omega golems and we busted outer and inner before the zerg came but meh, we like to have fun and try things like the 5 man job on bay just now in ET BL…

I mainly came onto say had some fun fights with ET just now at their borderlands and to apologize early about the superior siege in the camp but when it was 4 – 5 v 8-10+ and more kept piling in, we kinda needed it.


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Coma Kid.5184

The Coma Kid.5184

Anyone know where all those DR guilds went to?

EDGE and OBS are actually fighting you guys while now on crystal desert. Were running around tagless while thinking of a guild name to merge under. Might actually have a tag by now but im half a country away to know if we did.

Gwen Andraste – Human Elementalist
Nameless Accord [NA]
Your Cute [Babe] – Maguuma

(edited by The Coma Kid.5184)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Chilling with me mate up at north camp


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xom.9264


Well, looks like im joining the group of people quitting/leaving DR. Today has really shown that DR is bottom tier material without all of these guilds that have left

I could have sworn that we got into t8 with you guys leading the charge. But maybe I am totally wrong, and it was all the other people who trolled their way into t8. Glad to see you leave, and thank you for your help getting us into t8. Have fun trolling other servers.

DR will be fine, the people that stay will build a good foundation. In time you will do better, just be sure to crush any trolls the second they pop up those are the ones that cause guilds to leave. A strong WvW community will develop and attract good guilds looking to leave bad community servers at the higher tiers.

Reminder fightnight is Thursday by DR BL windmill.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Well, looks like im joining the group of people quitting/leaving DR. Today has really shown that DR is bottom tier material without all of these guilds that have left

I was wrong. I guessed you guys would implode, not abandon the server (and half your guildmates). I like this better, since (hopefully) most of the cross server spies, forum warriors, and map chat spammers will be going with you. (Really, take them.)

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Stewie.3549


Well, looks like im joining the group of people quitting/leaving DR. Today has really shown that DR is bottom tier material without all of these guilds that have left

I was wrong. I guessed you guys would implode, not abandon the server (and half your guildmates). I like this better, since (hopefully) most of the cross server spies, forum warriors, and map chat spammers will be going with you. (Really, take them.)

If you want to stay on a server with boring fights that’s dropping faster than AR then have fun.

Stormbluff Isle [Bags]
Bags Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/collectinglootbags

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alien.5890


I don’t think you guys understand? I was willing to stay completely. I then tried to find any fights, but they would always be 1vX, as we simply do not have enough players for “World versus World”. When I made my earlier post, we were 0 ppt and out-manned on EVERY map. If you think this is a normal occurrence on DR throught the past few months, I don’t think you have ever faced this server before…

Human Mesmer, Sylvari Necro
Sylvari Thief, Charr Eng

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

DR will be fine, the people that stay will build a good foundation. In time you will do better, just be sure to crush any trolls the second they pop up those are the ones that cause guilds to leave. A strong WvW community will develop and attract good guilds looking to leave bad community servers at the higher tiers.

Insightful post, I agree. Tots had said above somewhere that roughly 10% of the people who play this game bother to read the forums; that sounds reasonable. But those same 10% probably also make up a significant portion of the wvw population who take the game seriously enough to do something like transfer servers.

Especially here in the lower tiers, where coverage is (or can be) a struggle on any given week, trying to bring in players is a priority and a challenge. Outside guesting, the forums are one way people collect an impression of our servers. If there weren’t enough reasons to not troll, at the very least it’s a strategic error.


8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neeho.3859


If you want to stay on a server with boring fights that’s dropping faster than AR then have fun.

Just spent an hour taking back drbl fighting off the ioj zerg half the way. Fun fights. It was most likely the company that made the night, if you know what I mean

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lord D.4308

Lord D.4308

Had fun trying to solo keeps in et and dr’s bls. Closest I got was when I got outer down and inner at 20% at hills in dr bl. Good job stopping me a couple times to that et ranger that I think was from [Hobs] or something like that.

Derrick Woebegon-[run]

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Solo’ing a keep huh…

I need to try this.

Commander Nachonix

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


It is sad to see that a number of people and guilds that have been quiet and calm for the last several months decide to take this opportunity to come out and hate on all those who have left DR. I have never had anything against DR or its players, and I am going to miss several people due to transferring. This isn’t a choice we made due to any problem with DR or our lack of success in WvW. We made the decision to salvage what was left of our guilds before everyone left the game due to boredom. It had nothing to do with DR, just the opponents they were facing. So please, keep your cowardly hatred and your backstabbing when you think people aren’t watching to yourself.

Tarnished Coast

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Pretty much the people that left did so because they weren’t finding enough fights on a regular basis, not because DR was going down in rankings. AD moved to DR when it was at the bottom in T8. We moved from T2 to avoid the zergs and we had a great time in T8 as there were almost always people to fight the second you left your waypoint.

Over the past few months things have changed in the lower tiers. We’ve found ourselves quite often moving from BL to BL not finding any good fights. And, I’m not going all PAXA on you here, because there are a lot of great fighters in the lower tiers. This is just a case of spending too many nights roaming for hours not finding the types of fights we are looking for or not finding anyone at all.

Too many servers in the lower tiers go to a BL in one big zerg. They take everything and then leave the zone completely. So, often times all we find are one or two players trying to get to the zerg or doing vistas or scouts who sit in a tower or people who are only willing to fight right outside their tower door (even when they have even numbers or better).

The good open field even number fights are just too far in between to justify playing in the lower tiers at the moment. I dislike the zerginess of where we moved to at times, but at least we are pretty much guaranteed to get some action almost immediately after we leave a waypoint.

I just think the lower tiers are dying due to population and playstyle issues.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


This is an issue that my guild has found too. Being an oceanic based guild, it’s probably even worse due to the lower-tiered servers having a generally low oceanic presence. It’s no fun when you log on and we’re sitting at 600+ ppt. In fact, all week we’ve been saying in our TS how boring it is. I even got to the point of mentioning to somebody on DR about how terrible I think spawn camping is – but when it’s at the point where the enemy spawn is the only part of the map where I can find any fights… well, so be it.

Having said that, last night was the first time we had a lot of fun this match up. In DRBL – TRON had a few players out and about, and we purposely left north bay’s gate open in order to get a bit of action going on.

Hopefully tonight we’ll have a repeat!

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

(edited by nyckolag.2394)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


Well, looks like im joining the group of people quitting/leaving DR. Today has really shown that DR is bottom tier material without all of these guilds that have left

What’s wrong with bottom tiers? Didn’t Devona came from there in the first place?

Yes we did come from bottom tier. This isn’t the first mass exodus we have had either. We got through the last one and we will get through this one.

We may rarely be on the same map at the same time, but I’m glad you are staying.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: xXTattsXx.4361


Bottom line is the guilds that were born or started early on Devona’s will continue to be the foundation of the server. Every server will have the guilds that jump ship for whatever reason, I hope all find what they are looking for and that one day we can completely wreck anyone who leaves as we did with Chris Ivey and his [NP] folks. Please keep us posted as to what your new guild names are etc.. etc.. so we can put you on KoS lists and such.

For the brave souls that are staying.. we will rise again, as we did before.. (note that is did not take us 10 months to do so either) We will have to work together, not Cheat across servers and make back room deals as certain guilds decided to do.. Suggestions in WvW vice barking orders at everyone.. and bottom line have fun.. If we have to hole up in our BL and go on the offensive outside of EB then it is what it is.

We will need to get away from personal goals and push towards server goals.. Don’t keep taking supply from captures, if you are doing WXP or XP trains don’t just run by small groups that are being pounded on (camps aren’t gonna vanish) and keep bashing heads…

DDLG,WOS,EDGE,OBS etc etc .. good luck in your new homes regardless of my low opinions of some of you I hope that you enjoy..

On a side note:

Ragtag [RGTG] will be accepting folks into its ranks feel free to contact any of the “Tat” toons you see talking in WvW map.

Tatts – SoCo

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Hey Tots, you moved to a strong server so that when we face you, you will steamroll us with their help and video and brag how good you are right?

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Bags/DDLG core was better than any IoJ guild. Going to leave that here for ya IoJ forum warriors. I expect no less than 3 pages of response.

Whahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I might die from laughing so HARD!!!!!

OK OK OK you already proved that. You got lots of proof by the way, like losing every week, ditching a server after you ruined their reputation in the forums, etc. etc.

You will just deliberately lose so that you will win again in tier 12 but yet the lowest server in NA still beats you by a mile. That’s a big PROOF that you are “BETTER”.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Bottom line is the guilds that were born or started early on Devona’s will continue to be the foundation of the server. Every server will have the guilds that jump ship for whatever reason, I hope all find what they are looking for and that one day we can completely wreck anyone who leaves as we did with Chris Ivey and his [NP] folks. Please keep us posted as to what your new guild names are etc.. etc.. so we can put you on KoS lists and such.

For the brave souls that are staying.. we will rise again, as we did before.. (note that is did not take us 10 months to do so either) We will have to work together, not Cheat across servers and make back room deals as certain guilds decided to do.. Suggestions in WvW vice barking orders at everyone.. and bottom line have fun.. If we have to hole up in our BL and go on the offensive outside of EB then it is what it is.

We will need to get away from personal goals and push towards server goals.. Don’t keep taking supply from captures, if you are doing WXP or XP trains don’t just run by small groups that are being pounded on (camps aren’t gonna vanish) and keep bashing heads…

DDLG,WOS,EDGE,OBS etc etc .. good luck in your new homes regardless of my low opinions of some of you I hope that you enjoy..

On a side note:

Ragtag [RGTG] will be accepting folks into its ranks feel free to contact any of the “Tat” toons you see talking in WvW map.

I saw one [RGTG] warrior roaming in IoJ BL earlier, gave me a good fight that I have to call in a guildie to track and kill him. Kudos to you.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: AggieTechGuy.4901


. . . . . .

IOJ at first I thought you had nothing but PUG garbage during NA prime. It seems that you do have a few decent guilds that run. So I almost respect you now. [HARD][CORE] I enjoy you guys. But your ocean playerbase seriously has got a bad case of the no-skill or tactics bred into them from ubiquitous pvdough’in. My favorite was destroying 6 or more golems at SW garrison with a cannon that had no bidness being up given the omega golems that could have destroyed it. Hey there is this cannon killing all the golems…ehhhhh whateva…just keep hitting that gate. There was a break in through the outer…but then deer and the headlights happened because all the golems were dead. I guess there was no adpatability or creativity amongst those 30 dudes. Seems to be a problem with all the ocean crews…same as I saw on SoS/BG.

-One Angry Brotha [IoM]

We do have PUGs during NA primetime; many of them are starting to show up in WvW now that we are winning and building morale. Hopefully we can get some of those new faces a bit better at WvW.

I’m not sure who was leading the ET squad tonight, but very good “zerg dancing”. In the lower-mid tiers, it is hard to find another commander that has a strong grasp of positioning. It’s actually pretty funny when you start getting whispers of “JUST KILL THEM ALREADY!!!” .

I think you would find some of the same stuff on every oceanic / night owl NA crew. I think the challenge of taking defended stuff, as well as having to deal with equal or lesser numbers makes you think about the details a bit more. At any rate, they have a hell of a time doing drunken golem rushes and lol’ing as they take big chunks out of every map.

Commander Logain Redwood – Isle of Janthir
Guildmaster of [CORE] Company of the Red Elite

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: xXTattsXx.4361


Bottom line is the guilds that were born or started early on Devona’s will continue to be the foundation of the server. Every server will have the guilds that jump ship for whatever reason, I hope all find what they are looking for and that one day we can completely wreck anyone who leaves as we did with Chris Ivey and his [NP] folks. Please keep us posted as to what your new guild names are etc.. etc.. so we can put you on KoS lists and such.

For the brave souls that are staying.. we will rise again, as we did before.. (note that is did not take us 10 months to do so either) We will have to work together, not Cheat across servers and make back room deals as certain guilds decided to do.. Suggestions in WvW vice barking orders at everyone.. and bottom line have fun.. If we have to hole up in our BL and go on the offensive outside of EB then it is what it is.

We will need to get away from personal goals and push towards server goals.. Don’t keep taking supply from captures, if you are doing WXP or XP trains don’t just run by small groups that are being pounded on (camps aren’t gonna vanish) and keep bashing heads…

DDLG,WOS,EDGE,OBS etc etc .. good luck in your new homes regardless of my low opinions of some of you I hope that you enjoy..

On a side note:

Ragtag [RGTG] will be accepting folks into its ranks feel free to contact any of the “Tat” toons you see talking in WvW map.

I saw one [RGTG] warrior roaming in IoJ BL earlier, gave me a good fight that I have to call in a guildie to track and kill him. Kudos to you.

Hmmmmm what race do you remember?

Tatts – SoCo

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

Well was a fun night of fights in ET BL, when I saw the outmanned buff and the IoJ blob at bay south gates I decided it was time to call it a night. The duellers need to move out of the ruins and to the windmill btw, people who are just trying to WvW run through there all the time.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265



Can you please for the love of god stop being so melodramatic. This is a video game; people play it to have fun with other people, or by themselves. Literally all of your criticisms are of people who are having fun, and doing so without interfering with anyone else having fun. And then you proceed to say “bottom line have fun.” Being a hypocrite sure makes you look stupid doesnt it. Explain to me how cross server interaction, whether it be fight clubs or guild vs guild setups or even coordinating between servers to do things in WvW, hinders your enjoyment of this game. It doesn’t, and it never will, so stop being so dramatic, stop pretending to be a victim, play the video game, and have fun.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by CrazyCanuck.4265)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blodeuyn.2751


I am leaving DR on Saturday and want to offer my assistance, before I transfer, to any guild or person that is interested. If you want advice on siege placement, upgrading towers, or ninja tactics please let me know.

To anyone that wishes to sieze this opportunity to step forward and form a new guild or pull together the remaining guildless/small-man forces, I can try to assist with a bit of cash for a commander tag and/or a siege stash.

I will miss you guys!


Blodeuyn Tylwyth
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…

I think most of them have very valid reasons for leaving the server. Since you are so insightful however, I am giving you the chance to prove me wrong.



Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


To the remaining DR troopers that are hanging in there: keep your chins up. The same thing happened to ET and has happened to Anvil Rock very recently too.

I hope the future Eredon Terrace, Anvil Rock, Ferguson’s Crossing, and Devona’s Reach matchups will prove to be pretty fun and competitive due to our lower (and hopefully comparable) numbers.

Good luck ya’ll!

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

To the remaining DR troopers that are hanging in there: keep your chins up. The same thing happened to ET and has happened to Anvil Rock very recently too.

I hope the future Eredon Terrace, Anvil Rock, Ferguson’s Crossing, and Devona’s Reach matchups will prove to be pretty fun and competitive due to our lower (and hopefully comparable) numbers.

Good luck ya’ll!

Anyone who has been on DR long enough remembers the last time this happened, just that the guilds leaving didn’t raise us up to the top tiers before leaving. No offense to the guilds/people leaving but please just go and stop posting in the match ups as this isn’t your server anymore.

If you’re still on DR and would like to learn the tactics and strategies to keep your small teams/warbands alive then feel free to join our guild for our weekly workshops which we’ve always offered to those interested. www.theburningeden.com

We don’t zerg so don’t ask about it or expect one of our commanders to lead one.

We look forward to seeing those of you still around out there. Also, amazing job on saving SW tower last night for those who were with [TBE] on that counter assault in DR BL. That was a great fight.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blodeuyn.2751


To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…

The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.

I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.

To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.

Blodeuyn Tylwyth
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: mhackulit.6302


Kudos to ET for giving us(IoJ) good zerg fights..thumbs up to you guys!
and to DR……

Drixié of [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pocachubbz.1928


Just chilling with some cool DR peeps in their spawn in EB. Good fun.


[RUN] Thief.

(edited by Pocachubbz.1928)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: xXTattsXx.4361



Can you please for the love of god stop being so melodramatic. This is a video game; people play it to have fun with other people, or by themselves. Literally all of your criticisms are of people who are having fun, and doing so without interfering with anyone else having fun. And then you proceed to say “bottom line have fun.” Being a hypocrite sure makes you look stupid doesnt it. Explain to me how cross server interaction, whether it be fight clubs or guild vs guild setups or even coordinating between servers to do things in WvW, hinders your enjoyment of this game. It doesn’t, and it never will, so stop being so dramatic, stop pretending to be a victim, play the video game, and have fun.

Cross Server communications is a cop out way to try to win. Talking with a third place server to knock out the 1st place is cheaty… honorless and pretty lame. Sadly it was ET that the guilds were talking to in order to knock out 1st place that lovely match up when it was done. Ultimately that sets an entire server up for failure… If it were to continue to happen we could potentially advance but not be able to play at a level of other folks simply for a “win” . Fixing games or matches does nothing to improve people’s playing ability. It is a game but it is an MMO, one or two guilds trying to decide the fate of a server based on selfish wants or needs will ruin more fun for folks then it makes… for any one server to have a power on it so great that it thinks it runs the show is a vary bad place to be.

Duels (take it to the windmill) in a previous post, I was speaking of the fights that happen in major traffic area’s…. don’t get kitten ed at me if I jump in on a fight going down at the middle of the road in ruins… want to play with other servers take it somewhere that isn’t a traffic area out of courtesy to others.. Don’t simply yell at them if they jump in.

As far as having fun, by all means have fun take it somewhere else. Not flip flopping like a politician, just saying enjoy what it is you do on another server, and get on with it already. I only have problems with certain guilds and the attitudes they have brought to Devona’s Rest. Apologies if you felt attacked by any of my posts.. but if the shoe fits wear it, if not, then leave it for the person it does.

Tatts – SoCo

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SickDelirium.3956


I think most of them have very valid reasons for leaving the server.

The reasons given are good, but its (1) the timing, and (2) the number of guilds that decided to leave at the same time that make it all look very suspect. That’s why some people don’t think the reasons are credible.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I think most of them have very valid reasons for leaving the server.

The reasons given are good, but its (1) the timing, and (2) the number of guilds that decided to leave at the same time that make it all look very suspect. That’s why some people don’t think the reasons are credible.

There’s nothing special about the timing, other than the fact that we have been stuck in T8 for a very long time.

Also, the number of guilds leaving is a bit deceptive. Many of these guilds, such as AD/BSty, OBS/EDGE, DDLG/Bags/LEXS consist to a large extent of the same players, or at least players who have developed close ties to each other.

AD, BSty, OBS, EDGE, Bags. None of these guilds departure will affect our PPT a lot, if at all. In fact, the biggest blow we received was losing DDLG and LEXS.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: styx.7294


Pretty much the people that left did so because they weren’t finding enough fights on a regular basis, not because DR was going down in rankings. AD moved to DR when it was at the bottom in T8. We moved from T2 to avoid the zergs and we had a great time in T8 as there were almost always people to fight the second you left your waypoint.

Over the past few months things have changed in the lower tiers. We’ve found ourselves quite often moving from BL to BL not finding any good fights. And, I’m not going all PAXA on you here, because there are a lot of great fighters in the lower tiers. This is just a case of spending too many nights roaming for hours not finding the types of fights we are looking for or not finding anyone at all.

Too many servers in the lower tiers go to a BL in one big zerg. They take everything and then leave the zone completely. So, often times all we find are one or two players trying to get to the zerg or doing vistas or scouts who sit in a tower or people who are only willing to fight right outside their tower door (even when they have even numbers or better).

The good open field even number fights are just too far in between to justify playing in the lower tiers at the moment. I dislike the zerginess of where we moved to at times, but at least we are pretty much guaranteed to get some action almost immediately after we leave a waypoint.

I just think the lower tiers are dying due to population and playstyle issues.

It is a bit awkward to see so many guilds leavin from the smallest servers right now and complaints about the lack of fights is somethin I’ve heard a lot as well. Maybe if they lowered the gem value for movin to lower tier servers further (and I don’t mean world population but tiers!) Just for curiousity’s sake, where did you end up?

Gate of Madness

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…

The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.

I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.

To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.

Jeknar, I have to agree with Blodeuyn. This is a game and it is meant to be fun. If people want transfer to find fun let them go.

It does suck to have people leave your server and it can create a chain reaction of server transfers. There’s nothing anybody can do about it.

Full Disclosure: I transferred off ET when I wasn’t having fun. I came back for the same reason. I find the best way to have fun is to have a good group of friends. Focus on that and leave everything else aside.

Winning != fun (for some people it does though)

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

Pretty much the people that left did so because they weren’t finding enough fights on a regular basis, not because DR was going down in rankings. AD moved to DR when it was at the bottom in T8. We moved from T2 to avoid the zergs and we had a great time in T8 as there were almost always people to fight the second you left your waypoint.

Over the past few months things have changed in the lower tiers. We’ve found ourselves quite often moving from BL to BL not finding any good fights. And, I’m not going all PAXA on you here, because there are a lot of great fighters in the lower tiers. This is just a case of spending too many nights roaming for hours not finding the types of fights we are looking for or not finding anyone at all.

Too many servers in the lower tiers go to a BL in one big zerg. They take everything and then leave the zone completely. So, often times all we find are one or two players trying to get to the zerg or doing vistas or scouts who sit in a tower or people who are only willing to fight right outside their tower door (even when they have even numbers or better).

The good open field even number fights are just too far in between to justify playing in the lower tiers at the moment. I dislike the zerginess of where we moved to at times, but at least we are pretty much guaranteed to get some action almost immediately after we leave a waypoint.

I just think the lower tiers are dying due to population and playstyle issues.

It is a bit awkward to see so many guilds leavin from the smallest servers right now and complaints about the lack of fights is somethin I’ve heard a lot as well. Maybe if they lowered the gem value for movin to lower tier servers further (and I don’t mean world population but tiers!) Just for curiousity’s sake, where did you end up?

We went to Ehmry bay. A lot more fights there and the guild is already more active due to more people to fight against. It is a little strange adjusting to the old tier 5 days where you spec for bigger fights, but in those old days were the most fun IMO.

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


There are simply too many different people moving for blanketed statements to cover. If the small(er) teams who enjoyed wrecking large numbers don’t feel they are meeting that type of challenge they have the right to move, as does anyone else for any other reason. in fact, they have just as much right to leave, as I do to stay.

I understand people wanting to share how they feel, or how they see things. It makes sense people would be upset, mad, let down, and even feeling a little betrayed. At a certain point people need to stop looking at who left, and worry about what to do with who stayed. Personally I feel that the past tense of stay is too late, and we would be better off using present tense, but that doesn’t really happen till people move past what’s done.

Meri posted back a page about workshops, imo that’s step number one. now he needs people to get on board with him in one fashion or another.

Yak’s Bend.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


It is sad to see that a number of people and guilds that have been quiet and calm for the last several months decide to take this opportunity to come out and hate on all those who have left DR.So please, keep your cowardly hatred and your backstabbing when you think people aren’t watching to yourself.

is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?

Yak’s Bend.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Sad to see all this happen to DR. I gotta say even as much as the forum warriors kittened a lot of us off it was really fun having someone to consider a rival.

Commander Nachonix

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: EndPoint.1024


Dear dr,

I wouldn’t worry about those guilds that left DR. And for those who stay, just do however do you want.


8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Dear dr,

I wouldn’t worry about those guilds that left DR. And for those who stay, just do however do you want.


Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Dear dr,

I wouldn’t worry about those guilds that left DR. And for those who stay, just do however do you want.

We will…


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


Pretty much the people that left did so because they weren’t finding enough fights on a regular basis, not because DR was going down in rankings. AD moved to DR when it was at the bottom in T8. We moved from T2 to avoid the zergs and we had a great time in T8 as there were almost always people to fight the second you left your waypoint.

Over the past few months things have changed in the lower tiers. We’ve found ourselves quite often moving from BL to BL not finding any good fights. And, I’m not going all PAXA on you here, because there are a lot of great fighters in the lower tiers. This is just a case of spending too many nights roaming for hours not finding the types of fights we are looking for or not finding anyone at all.

Too many servers in the lower tiers go to a BL in one big zerg. They take everything and then leave the zone completely. So, often times all we find are one or two players trying to get to the zerg or doing vistas or scouts who sit in a tower or people who are only willing to fight right outside their tower door (even when they have even numbers or better).

The good open field even number fights are just too far in between to justify playing in the lower tiers at the moment. I dislike the zerginess of where we moved to at times, but at least we are pretty much guaranteed to get some action almost immediately after we leave a waypoint.

I just think the lower tiers are dying due to population and playstyle issues.

It is a bit awkward to see so many guilds leavin from the smallest servers right now and complaints about the lack of fights is somethin I’ve heard a lot as well. Maybe if they lowered the gem value for movin to lower tier servers further (and I don’t mean world population but tiers!) Just for curiousity’s sake, where did you end up?

A GoMer?!


Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


It is sad to see that a number of people and guilds that have been quiet and calm for the last several months decide to take this opportunity to come out and hate on all those who have left DR.So please, keep your cowardly hatred and your backstabbing when you think people aren’t watching to yourself.

is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?

It is a blanket statement towards anyone who has done these things, either in these forums on in game itself. I still have friends on DR and I still have an alt account there that I go on from time to time, and in the last week map chat in WvW has been filled with ridicule and hatred towards all the guilds that left. In fact a few people I know that were initially staying on DR are now looking to transfer due to this attitude that many people, not just those who frequent the forums, have shown in game. This forum is not a place where I am going to name names or get into an argument over he said/she said. The people who have done this know who they are, and if they really do care about the server and rebuilding they will have to stop before they alienate even more of those who want to stay.

Tarnished Coast

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


OMG thank you to this warrior for making my day, I killed you twice with your camp vets that you needed to bring back up.

I WILL BE BACK AHAHA (finally found a fight)


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


It is sad to see that a number of people and guilds that have been quiet and calm for the last several months decide to take this opportunity to come out and hate on all those who have left DR.So please, keep your cowardly hatred and your backstabbing when you think people aren’t watching to yourself.

is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?

It is a blanket statement towards anyone who has done these things, either in these forums on in game itself. I still have friends on DR and I still have an alt account there that I go on from time to time, and in the last week map chat in WvW has been filled with ridicule and hatred towards all the guilds that left. In fact a few people I know that were initially staying on DR are now looking to transfer due to this attitude that many people, not just those who frequent the forums, have shown in game. This forum is not a place where I am going to name names or get into an argument over he said/she said. The people who have done this know who they are, and if they really do care about the server and rebuilding they will have to stop before they alienate even more of those who want to stay.

Is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?

At least the people your not calling out had the juice to speak their minds about who they spoke I’m also feeling pretty confident that most of them weren’t afraid if people called them to task on their direct commentary.

I’m going to go with: equal. Only because you are leaving and I want to be gracious. I’m done talking with you now. If you want to continue this discussion I’ll be hiding privately behind personal email. where if you make me look bad with superior wit, it’s under damage control.



Yak’s Bend.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tots.3056


Bags/DDLG core was better than any IoJ guild. Going to leave that here for ya IoJ forum warriors. I expect no less than 3 pages of response.

Whahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I might die from laughing so HARD!!!!!

OK OK OK you already proved that. You got lots of proof by the way, like losing every week, ditching a server after you ruined their reputation in the forums, etc. etc.

You will just deliberately lose so that you will win again in tier 12 but yet the lowest server in NA still beats you by a mile. That’s a big PROOF that you are “BETTER”.

Find the quote where I said DR was a better server. All I simply said was, DDLG is better than any guild on IoJ, and always will be. Learn to play sir.



Collecting Loot [Bags]
Guild Leader

(edited by Tots.3056)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ansilon.6230


Bags/DDLG core was better than any IoJ guild. Going to leave that here for ya IoJ forum warriors. I expect no less than 3 pages of response.

Whahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I might die from laughing so HARD!!!!!

OK OK OK you already proved that. You got lots of proof by the way, like losing every week, ditching a server after you ruined their reputation in the forums, etc. etc.

You will just deliberately lose so that you will win again in tier 12 but yet the lowest server in NA still beats you by a mile. That’s a big PROOF that you are “BETTER”.

Find the quote where I said DR was a better server. All I simply said was, DDLG is better than any guild on IoJ, and always will be. Learn to play sir.


Hey ummmm
I think you’re still on the wrong match up thread.

Imperial Outlaws [IO] ; Salad
Ansií(e) , Mesmer | Guardian | Thief

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Bags/DDLG core was better than any IoJ guild. Going to leave that here for ya IoJ forum warriors. I expect no less than 3 pages of response.

Whahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I might die from laughing so HARD!!!!!

OK OK OK you already proved that. You got lots of proof by the way, like losing every week, ditching a server after you ruined their reputation in the forums, etc. etc.

You will just deliberately lose so that you will win again in tier 12 but yet the lowest server in NA still beats you by a mile. That’s a big PROOF that you are “BETTER”.

Find the quote where I said DR was a better server. All I simply said was, DDLG is better than any guild on IoJ, and always will be. Learn to play sir.


I don’t know dude. Every time CORE has run into DDLG this week (reset night mainly), we wiped you pretty hard. I will admit that you guys had us pretty rocked the first time we faced you (a few weeks ago) but since then its been pretty one-sided. You try to draw us into a choke point like the cata tunnel at Briar or the entrance to Water and then spam static fields and lines of warding. Once we figured that out it was pretty easy to take you down with equal numbers. So you have CORE who can beat you, and that’s not even mentioning HARD who is probably the best on IoJ.

DDLG used to be something we were worried about, but reset night showed that we don’t anymore. Good luck on your new endeavors.