8/30 IoJ/HoD/SF
Had fun times at Redbriar in SF BL. We held Bay for a while, and looks like we still have Briar unless it flipped before. You guys wiped quite a few times at these stairs, though you had at least 2 times the numbers… But your efforts to recap Briar were honorable. (Nice cata distraction as your golem hit the gate!) Sorry [PHZE] couldn’t cuddle with SF some more, we had to go to guild missions
PS: This has been a fun matchup so far, looking forward to more fights. Keep it up everyone!
Meanwhile, We took 80% of your Bl o.o
Priorities lol.
On a side note. How did you like that IoJ Reaction time to garri SF?
Just saying, your reaction time was actually horrible. We had inner gate 95% down before even spotted and then we were in centre before your zerg came. Good times though, it was fun.
Sorrows Furnace
Nerf everything fearmancers OP ioj full of kittening asians sf 5v1 or gtfo squirrel harder jesus
kitten kitten kitten kitten cat kitten feline kitten kitten kitten
/surprised x 20
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)
(edited by JahRo.6432)
Glad the SAB comes out Tuesday.
man this thread is slow…guess im not the only one doing some PvE tonight shudder
Need some forum warriors around here eh?
Yeah. I heard HoD has some of the most heavily moderated threads, Nothing from them at all the past 2 days.
HoD do a lot of forum warrioring when they face ET… I think its personal…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Glad the SAB comes out Tuesday.
Uh oh
PAXA is on break (possibly permanently). If you check many of our previous match up threads that was actually about half our forum posts. We’ll have to recruit some replacements to keep things flowing.
Hahahaha Sororita.
Ha! He is going to love this!
Best skill points I ever used.
Thank you Rob. <3
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
The lack of roamers compared to other servers in this matchup is quite annoying, please split off those zergs and test yourselves. I’m bored over here.
Had fun times at Redbriar in SF BL. We held Bay for a while, and looks like we still have Briar unless it flipped before. You guys wiped quite a few times at these stairs, though you had at least 2 times the numbers… But your efforts to recap Briar were honorable. (Nice cata distraction as your golem hit the gate!) Sorry [PHZE] couldn’t cuddle with SF some more, we had to go to guild missions
PS: This has been a fun matchup so far, looking forward to more fights. Keep it up everyone!
Meanwhile, We took 80% of your Bl o.o
Priorities lol.
On a side note. How did you like that IoJ Reaction time to garri SF?
Just saying, your reaction time was actually horrible. We had inner gate 95% down before even spotted and then we were in centre before your zerg came. Good times though, it was fun.
For the wp being contested and someone having to run all the way to check it out from citadel you could have easily been spotted after you got outter down. Now I was on eb during this so idk if you ever drew orange swords all I can tell you is we werent even told til inner was at 80% on teamspeak. So I feel for the time given to use it was splendid reaction time but agreed, It was fun xD
Much respect to VLK for the GvG’s. The portals had me thrown off the first two matches, definitely gave us something to contemplate.
Too bad the whole “trick them into blowing all their stability” doesn’t really work against 6 guardians… :P
FrozenHydra – Elementalist
A Very Bad Idea – Mesmer
Much respect to VLK for the GvG’s. The portals had me thrown off the first two matches, definitely gave us something to contemplate.
Too bad the whole “trick them into blowing all their stability” doesn’t really work against 6 guardians… :P
The amount of Guardians and Ele’s in that GvG….we had a good time watching.
was fun in eb learning how to play Mesmer and getting better! shame i didn’t find that mesmer that killed me i was hopping for a rematch
video not great quality but in 720p not bad
Much respect to VLK for the GvG’s. The portals had me thrown off the first two matches, definitely gave us something to contemplate.
Too bad the whole “trick them into blowing all their stability” doesn’t really work against 6 guardians… :P
Necros with Well of Power and Well of Suffering definitely helps.
I think I flipped everyones conditions and buffs into the complete opposite more than once.
You guys and your lines of warding bounced me around like a pinball a few times though. Was a load of fun either way.
I had fun in EB the other night. My favourite part was that defence of Durious. I think you know the one I’m talking about.
We had pretty much all of you guys ready to come in with what seemed like 30 strong. I had as many people with me as I could, people were freaking out on TS and Team Chat, half my zerg was still outside, nobody was listening, I was fully expecting to lose… and I laid down a superior AC.
You guys… you guys got demolished. There wear cheers in Teamspeak and in chat. It was glorious. I had every expecting of getting stomped by you guys and we won. It was a really good fight and could have gone either way for a minute or so, but IoJ pulled strong and just as we were finishing the push our 2nd group came in from the north and stomped the rest. It was beautiful.
Thanks for the bags and the fun. I really hope this week continues to be fun and that none of us lose too many to the Tuesday (Wednesday for us Oceanics) patch. I want some good competition this week!
Much respect to VLK for the GvG’s. The portals had me thrown off the first two matches, definitely gave us something to contemplate. And CoSa for bringing a golem to spectate….that was a definite first.
Anywho…good games. I personally was impressed with the impromptu practice match after. Letting the new guys and gals (to GvG) hop in and test their sand was pretty cool.
xD It was a lot of fun for us, too, and we took it as a learning experience…We don’t really care about losing, as long as we enjoyed ourselves (hence why we wanted to continue even after the official match was over.) The portal idea was definitely a good one, but just didn’t work for the amount of boons that you guys had going for you. :P Props to Bllades for thinking that up.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
Had a lot of fun today at eb. From ninja’ing keeps to huge zerg fights. Both sides pulled up some decent numbers. Bet i gave you guys a lot of bags on my hammer warr since i’m well…. reckless :P
I am having fun with this matchup. Everyone is fighting.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Good times with [HARD] and [CORE] between Sunnyhill and Garri in IoJ BL lol . Siege Wars 2 aka random kitten siege everywhere and jumping around each other was fun, so was wiping you guys inside Sunny
Also, do you like our defensive line of ballistas there?
Darn IoJ seems to be in trouble according to mos right now lol. Seems both sf and hod pushing pretty hard :P Wish I couls get on.. gah
Its certainly been awhile since I saw our ppt drop like that, hopefuly it’ll fill us with motivation to fight and push back
Darn IoJ seems to be in trouble according to mos right now lol. Seems both sf and hod pushing pretty hard :P Wish I couls get on.. gah
Its certainly been awhile since I saw our ppt drop like that, hopefuly it’ll fill us with motivation to fight and push back
I think it is more that you guys have already won and no longer care about the matchup. In a few hours every bl and ebg will be green again, no worries.
Darn IoJ seems to be in trouble according to mos right now lol. Seems both sf and hod pushing pretty hard :P Wish I couls get on.. gah
Its certainly been awhile since I saw our ppt drop like that, hopefuly it’ll fill us with motivation to fight and push back
I think it is more that you guys have already won and no longer care about the matchup. In a few hours every bl and ebg will be green again, no worries.
While this may be true, it shows where we are missing some coverage and areas to improve
VSL is looking for a couple SF/IOJ guilds to do a couple sparring GvG matchs. as we are a new guild we are looking to test new builds,strategies, and work on our guild synergy for future GvG matches.
these would not go on the gvg.com site and would only be for fun and practice. any guild interested in this please PM me on the gw2 forums
Why do N/A gets all the action?
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Much respect to VLK for the GvG’s. The portals had me thrown off the first two matches, definitely gave us something to contemplate. And CoSa for bringing a golem to spectate….that was a definite first.
Anywho…good games. I personally was impressed with the impromptu practice match after. Letting the new guys and gals (to GvG) hop in and test their sand was pretty cool.
xD It was a lot of fun for us, too, and we took it as a learning experience…We don’t really care about losing, as long as we enjoyed ourselves (hence why we wanted to continue even after the official match was over.) The portal idea was definitely a good one, but just didn’t work for the amount of boons that you guys had going for you. :P Props to Bllades for thinking that up.
I was spectating the first two runs, and the biggest fear i had was that you all would feint back to rear port…then port back in behind our team once they passed your forward port. That would’ve been a nasty, nasty behind the back flank. Had me pretty nervous. To the point that we’ve all toyed with the idea of using it at some point.
Either way, GvG to the mature players isn’t about who’s better at doing what…it’s about learning how to overcome some wild/random/smart/dumb/etc strategies (none directed at you all). Everyone plays differently, and playing in a controlled environment with equal numbers vs so many variables of strategy only makes us better players. Can’t help but encourage other people and guilds to give it a shot. Best case scenario you learn something, worse case you learn something. It’s a win win situation.
The lack of roamers compared to other servers in this matchup is quite annoying, please split off those zergs and test yourselves. I’m bored over here.
What server are you and where do you roam?
I’ve been in EB with a guildie and 2 of us cause orange swords twice today, once at spel and again inside dredge.
Edit: at the moment I’m in SF’s area of EB but so far the only person there who can fight without bringing 10+ people is the BS thief so you might find me in HoD’s area now or with the zerg :/
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
I swear this clock in my office is slow. I wanna play GW and WvW now!
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
As much as I resent getting double-teamed, I had more fun today than I’ve had in a month. You guys really kept us on our toes tonight in both our BL and EB. Keep up the good fights (though preferably without the collusion) :P
Those of you hitting IoJ’s BL last night: Omg come back again that was so much fun!
I was struggling to find openings against SF while they were trebbing. I had about 10-15 people on bay’s side of the map—Cadimus was handling HoD’s big fights with our main zerg. So meanwhile SF was choking out bay and wearing it down and I was trying my best to find openings to kill the trebs and HNNNNNNG the whole thing was just fun in general.
Please double-team us more in general, ’cause the matchup will kick so much more kitty if you do. Doooo eeeeeet <3
Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir
I really had fun with HoD BL tonight. Encounters at Hills, Lake and Briar. Good fights! Just wondering though why it seems your main zerg is at SF while we’re capping your BL.
Isle of Janthir
I had a crazy fun time defending IoJ bl last night. Definitely one of the hardest pushes on us in recent memory. HoD just kept coming and coming at Hills. ALL THOSE GOLEMS. You did eventually turn our Hills to paper while a lot of us were trying to do some quick emergency management in EB. However we deflected your push onto garri and SF’s pokes at Bay. Definitely some stressful times, but we managed to have fun through all of it. Our TS was pretty insane by midnight est, lol.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed your stay on our borderlands. Some guildies did some spec ops on your bl after the big pushes to make sure our insomniacs and oceanics would enjoy their stay on your bl. From the looks of MOS, it seems they had a pretty good time.
Once again, bravo for the toughest challenge we’ve faced in a few weeks.
Had tons of fun trading keeps with HoD all afternoon! Glad to be back.
Myhkas [80 Charr Warrior]
Kushra [80 Sylvari Guardian]
awesome fights on sf bl!! was fun to follow u guys zerg and annoy u guys off xD we had a lot of fun here the video of 6vs15-18 hope u enjoy it!
(edited by Sinester.3572)
Guys plzzzzz double team us more! Not being sarcastic…it’s literally way more challenging for everybody and better for both Blue and Red when you guys team up on IoJ right now. I mean you guys saw how last night went. Do it agaiiiiiiiiiin! <3
Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir
The lack of roamers compared to other servers in this matchup is quite annoying, please split off those zergs and test yourselves. I’m bored over here.
What server are you and where do you roam?
I’ve been in EB with a guildie and 2 of us cause orange swords twice today, once at spel and again inside dredge.
Edit: at the moment I’m in SF’s area of EB but so far the only person there who can fight without bringing 10+ people is the BS thief so you might find me in HoD’s area now or with the zerg :/
I’m on HoD and roam mostly in any of the BL’s. Like to stay away from EB cause it’s a lot of zerg zerg zerg. You’ll normally find me running around solo or with 1-2 other people.
awesome fights on sf bl!! was fun to follow u guys zerg and annoy u guys off xD we had a lot of fun here the video of 6vs15-18 hope u enjoy it!
hahaha I can’t believe I messed up on /wave
fun stuff today
fun fight @ Quentin Lake today, repelled 3 rushes, one by the skin of our teeth... finally succumbed after half our siege got trebbed
I loved you, superior ballista *cries*
The lack of roamers compared to other servers in this matchup is quite annoying, please split off those zergs and test yourselves. I’m bored over here.
What server are you and where do you roam?
I’ve been in EB with a guildie and 2 of us cause orange swords twice today, once at spel and again inside dredge.
Edit: at the moment I’m in SF’s area of EB but so far the only person there who can fight without bringing 10+ people is the BS thief so you might find me in HoD’s area now or with the zerg :/
I’m on HoD and roam mostly in any of the BL’s. Like to stay away from EB cause it’s a lot of zerg zerg zerg. You’ll normally find me running around solo or with 1-2 other people.
I gotta work today but I will be on the look out for ya and yer EB is mega zergy, even on the bridge of justice (between Overlook and mendons) where we just sit and camp that with 3 people we have sometimes summoned the power of the zerg!
….. And Elementalist.
fun fight @ Quentin Lake today, repelled 3 rushes, one by the skin of our teeth… finally succumbed after half our siege got trebbed
I loved you, superior ballista cries
It was a fun siege. I remember the first time we ran by QL into Dane and ALL THOSE AC CIRCLES. Fun to see us from the other perspective, we had quite a few on for a monday afternoon lol.
hey you fancy SF ele from the XE guild, in IoJ bl – i was the moose/dolyak/etc with the fiery greatsword.
trick is – click the tonic as you summon (or pick up) the weapon. no more /cry – you too can be an awesomely armed ruminant!
/love from VSL
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”
Sorry HoD about your BL last night. It just happened, started with WXP runs and we gathered enough people for a tower then BOOM. Well I told them not to upgrade it so that you can cap it again.
I support Nomnomnomnomnom’s call to double team us. We love a good fight.
Nice week so far. Good game guys, keep it classy.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
Had a nice 1v2 on my thief today vs two hod, one mesmer and a ranger. I ended up loosing but it sure was a close and fun fight
Labor Day is over, PvE patch is tomorrow. I pray for all three servers tonight.
To the SF Hammer warrior that got my mesmer from behind a few minutes ago while I was fighting 2 IoJ at our Vale camp. Real brave! Why did you run when your IoJ friends turned on you? There were only 2. Or is it because you could not get behind them while they were occupied! What a warrior you are!
Labor Day is over, PvE patch is tomorrow. I pray for all three servers tonight.
Labor Day is over, PvE patch is tomorrow. I pray for all three servers tonight.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
PvE is evil tribo >.<
PvE is evil tribo >.<
But, but, i want to upgrade towers and it cost golds! (kitten you ANET! Can we just use badges instead?)
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
PvE is evil tribo >.<
But, but, i want to upgrade towers and it cost golds!
(kitten you ANET! Can we just use badges instead?)
Same.. Threw down a good 15g on reset on upgrades alone.