9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Warning to any guilds wanting to GVG TC guilds [EXS] and [ROT], from watching them GVG a BG guild (not mine) they only fight if they have double the numbers. Also if your’re watching GVG (even if you’re on the hill and not attacking) [EXS] will mass attack ppl watching, during the GVG or after it….

You know, if you want to make things up, you could at leakitten attach a screenshot or something… luckily for you, everything was recorded ^^

Oh goody, so you wont mind pokittening what you claim to have? Also I notice you dont deny zerging solo spectators sitting on the hill, smart move.



~ Xgammon

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Hawk Ix.7360

Night Hawk Ix.7360

You know, if you want to make things up, you could at leakitten attach a screenshot or something… luckily for you, everything was recorded ^^[/quote]

Oh goody, so you wont mind pokittening what you claim to have? Also I notice you dont deny zerging solo spectators sitting on the hill, smart move.




~ Xgammon[/quote]

Sorry buddy but ur jukitten not my type, you could try some dating site to find someone to do those things for you

Mez You Up

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalidri.5427


lol.. BG… what a server. they really showed jukitten how “great” their community ikittenonight. thank you to those who wanted to participate and sorry for the otherkittenhat shame your realm.

If the actions of a few individuals speaks for the server then JQ is jukitten as bad as you make BG out to be. Try placing the blame where it should fall, on the individual playerkittenhat attacked the parade (despite doing wvw in a wvw zone). Calling out a server because of a few players makes you seem like a scorned child.

Never-mind the many BG players in attendance having fun with the rekitten of the Yak parade….

On top of this, it’s also a PvP zone. You can try and organize things like this, where players are supposed to be friendly, but that’s at your own risk. People are going to do what they want, and attack who they want to attack. There was also nothing kittenopping you from retaliating, I’m sure there were enough people there to assikitten with that.

If you do this and expect everyone that runs into you to support what you’re doing and not attack, there’s another issue here.

Jukitten on the point of “nothing kittenopping you from retaliating” , this parade was primarily Blackgate (you guys are awesome really) and TC was in the minority. Any retaliation on my part would have hit ‘friendly’ BG which i simply will not do. So I let them kill me. We reconvened in north camp and finished. I really have no hard feelings, it’kittenradition and I will continue to do it for as long akittenhere is a golden yak, my blood is a sacrifice to the greater fun and less seriousnekittenhat my life needs.

Part of the fun of the parade ikittenhe risk involved and I never blame whole servers or guilds if things get a bit violent. On my way down to the parade in wolf form, a BG player kittenepped in front of a zerg and kittenopped them from attacking me. I’ve had a great deal of fun with both serverkittenhis week – a couple times at caps a BG player or two bowed before using my body as an absorbent capping mop and there wakittenhat time a BG ele ran alongside me as I was scouting. We ended up dancing! kittenay playful my friends, remember to play, it isn’t serious but fun.

Goseldt – TC/[TLS]/I just wanna dance.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


lol.. BG… what a server. they really showed just how “great” their community is tonight. thank you to those who wanted to participate and sorry for the others that shame your realm.

If the actions of a few individuals speaks for the server then JQ is just as bad as you make BG out to be. Try placing the blame where it should fall, on the individual players that attacked the parade (despite doing wvw in a wvw zone). Calling out a server because of a few players makes you seem like a scorned child.

Never-mind the many BG players in attendance having fun with the rest of the Yak parade….

On top of this, it’s also a PvP zone. You can try and organize things like this, where players are supposed to be friendly, but that’s at your own risk. People are going to do what they want, and attack who they want to attack. There was also nothing stopping you from retaliating, I’m sure there were enough people there to assist with that.

If you do this and expect everyone that runs into you to support what you’re doing and not attack, there’s another issue here.

Just on the point of “nothing stopping you from retaliating” , this parade was primarily Blackgate (you guys are awesome really) and TC was in the minority. Any retaliation on my part would have hit ‘friendly’ BG which i simply will not do. So I let them kill me. We reconvened in north camp and finished. I really have no hard feelings, it’s tradition and I will continue to do it for as long as there is a golden yak, my blood is a sacrifice to the greater fun and less seriousness that my life needs.

Part of the fun of the parade is the risk involved and I never blame whole servers or guilds if things get a bit violent. On my way down to the parade in wolf form, a BG player stepped in front of a zerg and stopped them from attacking me. I’ve had a great deal of fun with both servers this week – a couple times at caps a BG player or two bowed before using my body as an absorbent capping mop and there was that time a BG ele ran alongside me as I was scouting. We ended up dancing! Stay playful my friends, remember to play, it isn’t serious but fun.

did they make the censors more harsh in the last 3 hours? whats with all the kitten suddenly.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032


I was just thinking that…it seemed like even simple works were getting caught in the censors LOL.

Trolls wiping the parade won’t stop it! If anything, as HUNT has learned, it just makes me sometimes “hire” bodyguards (bribing them with free bags from the enemy!) to wipe those people I didn’t do so this week because BG and JQ are normally good…but next time the dolyak parade will be getting some escorts (and NO, not those kinds!!) to help! But please, if you’re going to try to wipe the parade, at least be creative so we can get a good laugh! FA making HUNT and filling it with players using only rifle was actually fairly funny!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


You can say the actions of individuals all you like, but JQ WvW’ers were informed of the event in map chat and TS. And those who did not wish to partake either stayed away from the event or gone to a separate BL instead of headhunting yaks like BG.

The whole defensive attitude about playing a PvP game as intended just throws GvG out of the window. Would you go to a GvG and attack the guilds as they are fighting? A more happen on a BL than just WvW. TC hosting a yak parade was an organized community event. The attack wasn’t people going out to play WvW and stumbled upon a group of red players. The ones responsible already admitted that they purposely attacked harmless tonic transformed players knowing it’s part of an event.

You are right, honestly I don’t care if wvw happens to interrupt a GvG. As fun as it is the maps weren’t meant for that particular form of server v server combat and their wxp and bags are fair game if a group happens to interrupt. Sure in my previous posts I have defended GvG’s when they when get jumped during a match, but thats more to rag on certain SoR guilds than anything >=D

The lack of a dedicated GvG feature is a failure on Anet’s part, but that is for another topic.

And yes, I can say “individuals this and that” all I like. Its a perfectly legit response for the situation. The community as a whole isn’t terrible if there are a couple bad apples. The community cannot control every player, and the player(s) responsible came forth and apologized, despite not actually doing anything wrong based on the mechanics of the game. Did they pee on someone’s parade? Basically yes but the parade is something extracurricular.

If a couple JQ had started headhunting Yaks at the parade would the JQ community be a terrible community because of that? No, would be an absurd claim to make based on what happened and I’m sure you’d be chased out of the forums for being that guy.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


You can say the actions of individuals all you like, but JQ WvW’ers were informed of the event in map chat and TS. And those who did not wish to partake either stayed away from the event or gone to a separate BL instead of headhunting yaks like BG.

The whole defensive attitude about playing a PvP game as intended just throws GvG out of the window. Would you go to a GvG and attack the guilds as they are fighting? A more happen on a BL than just WvW. TC hosting a yak parade was an organized community event. The attack wasn’t people going out to play WvW and stumbled upon a group of red players. The ones responsible already admitted that they purposely attacked harmless tonic transformed players knowing it’s part of an event.

You are right, honestly I don’t care if wvw happens to interrupt a GvG. As fun as it is the maps weren’t meant for that particular form of server v server combat and their wxp and bags are fair game if a group happens to interrupt. Sure in my previous posts I have defended GvG’s when they when get jumped during a match, but thats more to rag on certain SoR guilds than anything >=D

The lack of a dedicated GvG feature is a failure on Anet’s part, but that is for another topic.

And yes, I can say “individuals this and that” all I like. Its a perfectly legit response for the situation. The community as a whole isn’t terrible if there are a couple bad apples. The community cannot control every player, and the player(s) responsible came forth and apologized, despite not actually doing anything wrong based on the mechanics of the game. Did they pee on someone’s parade? Basically yes but the parade is something extracurricular.

If a couple JQ had started headhunting Yaks at the parade would the JQ community be a terrible community because of that? No, would be an absurd claim to make based on what happened and I’m sure you’d be chased out of the forums for being that guy.

The bad apple individual in any case represents the whole community. A few people on TC exploiting a tower bug on EB and suddenly the whole server gets called out for it. A -certain- guild on another server is well known for hacking, they reflect baddly on the whole as well. Its how impressions work, and all we have to go on is “Tarnished coast XXX” or “Jade Quarry XXX” for names. As I mentioned earlier about the dolyak parade though, THE SITUATION HAS BEEN RESOLVED, THE GUILTY PARTY HAS APOLOGIZED, DROP IT. If you wanted to argue about the dolyak parade, you realistically missed your chances like 4-5 months ago when it was started.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

(edited by Nickthemoonwolf.1485)

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: frifox.5283


If it’s red it’s dead. TC, JQ, BG, tonic or not, doesn’t matter. When I go out to WvW I come looking for blood.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jet.4795


We all need hugs!

Ben Sheets Reborn
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603



Sorry buddy but ur just not my type, you could try some dating site to find someone to do those things for you

I get it, you have a thing against yak’s. I always thought BG hit em from behind

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


The bad apple individual in any case represents the whole community. A few people on TC exploiting a tower bug on EB and suddenly the whole server gets called out for it. A -certain- guild on another server is well known for hacking, they reflect baddly on the whole as well. Its how impressions work, and all we have to go on is “Tarnished coast XXX” or “Jade Quarry XXX” for names. As I mentioned earlier about the dolyak parade though, THE SITUATION HAS BEEN RESOLVED, THE GUILTY PARTY HAS APOLOGIZED, DROP IT. If you wanted to argue about the dolyak parade, you realistically missed your chances like 4-5 months ago when it was started.

Break the cycle and place any perceived blame on the appropriate parties, the issue I’ve been trying to comment on is the slandering of servers when a few bad apples skritt on people’s RP fun. “There was a TC guild [XXX] exploiting Y” is much different than “TC exploited Y”. If someone interprets the former as the latter well… that is a personal issue. Impressions are influenced by ones perception…

As I’ve said before, I don’t care either way about the parade itself being ganked. I actually was there when the parades first started up months ago and I dropped my 2 copper then, and nothings changed. Its a fun little tri-community event I’ve participated in myself but getting ganked is the risk they all take by having this in a wvw zone.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Titan.3472


I ll just say if JQ doesnt want karma train friday then we just farm your bags then. Thank you.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Hawk Ix.7360

Night Hawk Ix.7360


Sorry buddy but ur just not my type, you could try some dating site to find someone to do those things for you

I get it, you have a thing against yak’s. I always thought BG hit em from behind

I must have missed the memo about yaks? Who was talking about yaks? I was talking about GvG, then you talk about fingers, moons , and now about hitting things from behind.

Like i said buddy ur not my type. I’m sure theres a dating site out there for those that like Yaks, goodluck on google buddy may your dreams come true

Mez You Up

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: ballymun.3986


BG welcomes Waha and his ATM guild with open arms, respects and understand the pressure he’s been put under by JQ server with very little support.

If anything this week has shown us, the few ATM left fighting at the very least have continually fought us hard (it seems almost 24 hours a day), most of the time without Waha and most of the time severely under supported.

Come to us bro, you’ll get the support you need here and the players to back you up.
Man, JQ lost a 10k lead over BG in one night this week and let BG build a 15k lead on that very same night, in NA prime !
BG are now 30k up at the end of the week.
Leave that mess dude, come on over to BG where you’ll be properly appreciated and have support from multiple commanders in every BL and EB.

…and unlike JQ, nobody on BG will be bad mouthing you behind your back on TeamSpeak just because you wanted to take a break after they lost so much of a lead in one single night.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603



Sorry buddy but ur just not my type, you could try some dating site to find someone to do those things for you

I get it, you have a thing against yak’s. I always thought BG hit em from behind

I must have missed the memo about yaks? Who was talking about yaks? I was talking about GvG, then you talk about fingers, moons , and now about hitting things from behind.

Like i said buddy ur not my type. I’m sure theres a dating site out there for those that like Yaks, goodluck on google buddy may your dreams come true

You know kiddo, your right. I always thought sitting on the side line was basically a date…


Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

hmmm while i was looking at the dolyak parade photo, made my mouth watery, ohh the meat! must have meat! i want to hunt those fat running dolyaks!

the little devil in me wants to crash that dolyak parade.

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Korbaal.6402


BG welcomes Waha and his ATM guild with open arms, respects and understand the pressure he’s been put under by JQ server with very little support.

If anything this week has shown us, the few ATM left fighting at the very least have continually fought us hard (it seems almost 24 hours a day), most of the time without Waha and most of the time severely under supported.

Come to us bro, you’ll get the support you need here and the players to back you up.
Man, JQ lost a 10k lead over BG in one night this week and let BG build a 15k lead on that very same night, in NA prime !
BG are now 30k up at the end of the week.
Leave that mess dude, come on over to BG where you’ll be properly appreciated and have support from multiple commanders in every BL and EB.

…and unlike JQ, nobody on BG will be bad mouthing you behind your back on TeamSpeak just because you wanted to take a break after they lost so much of a lead in one single night.

Man this thread is far more fun than ours.



9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: LordKael.7260


Warning to any guilds wanting to GVG TC guilds [EXS] and [ROT], from watching them GVG a BG guild (not mine) they only fight if they have double the numbers. Also if your’re watching GVG (even if you’re on the hill and not attacking) [EXS] will mass attack ppl watching, during the GVG or after it….

You know, if you want to make things up, you could at least attach a screenshot or something… luckily for you, everything was recorded ^^

Oh goody, so you wont mind posting what you claim to have? Also I notice you dont deny zerging solo spectators sitting on the hill, smart move.

LOL, I just realized what you’re talking about with the “double the numbers” thing. After checking the footage, you weren’t even at the GvG until it was over. That last bit you saw was a random brawl, not an actual round (I think Laorian might have been naked during that too and I was in quaggan tonic lol). I did notice you going into the down state while you were on the hill, but I have no idea how that happened (keep in mind that you showed up after everything was already done).

Anyways, since you obviously missed the actual scrim itself, here is the footage so you can see it was clearly 15v15 during the actual fights:

Lord Kael – Guardian
Seventh Legion [VII]

(edited by LordKael.7260)

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bammit.4796


You know kiddo, your right. I always thought sitting on the side line was basically a date…

I’m planning on dating a lot of SOR and BG quite soon. 4 more days. ><

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


Cadets! [RATS] Fans! Citizens! Members of Tyrias master race! Concerned Parents! Lovers of the pwn!

[RATS] Media proudly presents [RATS] vs KO/REV and bg map.

(It was fantastic slaughtering bookahs for 3.5hrs, you did get us a couple times in bay. Props to the BG who kept fighting us and not hiding behind towers. We have more videos of smashing around with GoF etc later. Hopefully you will continue to learn and present more challenges as more [RATS] reach upper class status!)


Interested JQ remember to contact you local [SG] to become a cadet, or for daily bag collecting.

-Instructor Mancito

(p.s. TC did pay us in cheesy treats to attack bg bl and not tc bl. Ty for the snacks!)

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kman.7358


lol.. BG… what a server. they really showed just how “great” their community is tonight. thank you to those who wanted to participate and sorry for the others that shame your realm.

If the actions of a few individuals speaks for the server then JQ is just as bad as you make BG out to be. Try placing the blame where it should fall, on the individual players that attacked the parade (despite doing wvw in a wvw zone). Calling out a server because of a few players makes you seem like a scorned child.

Never-mind the many BG players in attendance having fun with the rest of the Yak parade….

You can say the actions of individuals all you like, but JQ WvW’ers were informed of the event in map chat and TS. And those who did not wish to partake either stayed away from the event or gone to a separate BL instead of headhunting yaks like BG.

The whole defensive attitude about playing a PvP game as intended just throws GvG out of the window. Would you go to a GvG and attack the guilds as they are fighting? A more happen on a BL than just WvW. TC hosting a yak parade was an organized community event. The attack wasn’t people going out to play WvW and stumbled upon a group of red players. The ones responsible already admitted that they purposely attacked harmless tonic transformed players knowing it’s part of an event.

There’s nothing wrong with saying to put the blame on the individuals and not the server. It isn’t like they were instructed to interrupt the parade. There was no server wide plan to do this.

Also, once again, it’s a PvP zone. People will attack who they want. Personally? I won’t interrupt a GvG or the parade, but not everyone shares the same mindset and they will. There is nothing to stop them as there are no actual rules in the game to prevent things like this. Do I think zerging down a GvG or the parade is cool? No, I don’t. However, when you’re in a borderlands, that’s your risk to take. Being frustrated about it is fine, but expecting everybody to share the same mindset is a very stupid expectation. It’s like playing DayZ and expecting everyone to avoid banditry.

Appeased -Team Riot [RIOT] – Blackgate

(edited by Kman.7358)

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jet.4795


BG welcomes Waha and his ATM guild with open arms, respects and understand the pressure he’s been put under by JQ server with very little support.

If anything this week has shown us, the few ATM left fighting at the very least have continually fought us hard (it seems almost 24 hours a day), most of the time without Waha and most of the time severely under supported.

Come to us bro, you’ll get the support you need here and the players to back you up.
Man, JQ lost a 10k lead over BG in one night this week and let BG build a 15k lead on that very same night, in NA prime !
BG are now 30k up at the end of the week.
Leave that mess dude, come on over to BG where you’ll be properly appreciated and have support from multiple commanders in every BL and EB.

…and unlike JQ, nobody on BG will be bad mouthing you behind your back on TeamSpeak just because you wanted to take a break after they lost so much of a lead in one single night.

Couple things, first this posts show your class right there. Second I would like you to learn the facts before talking lol, that 15k lead was 14.5k before NA prime even hit. So just stop your embarrassing yourself.

Ben Sheets Reborn
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: ballymun.3986


Couple things, first this posts show your class right there. Second I would like you to learn the facts before talking lol, that 15k lead was 14.5k before NA prime even hit. So just stop your embarrassing yourself.

Sorry yes, you’re right, JQ were leading BG by 14.5k points and not 10k, when BG then took that and turned it into a 15k lead during NA prime and well into SEA.

Thanks for clarification.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jet.4795


Couple things, first this posts show your class right there. Second I would like you to learn the facts before talking lol, that 15k lead was 14.5k before NA prime even hit. So just stop your embarrassing yourself.

Sorry yes, you’re right, JQ were leading BG by 14.5k points and not 10k, when BG then took that and turned it into a 15k lead during NA prime and well into SEA.

Thanks for clarification.

Perhaps you mis understood. I mean when you guys had the lead, when we had the lead if I remember right we did not go past 11k? Then it was lost during OCEANIC hours not NA. Also if I remember correctly ICoa and KnT stayed up to help, not saying its a bad idea just making a point.

Ben Sheets Reborn
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Monsoon.2589


Congratulation to all…and the scores are in !


9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Titan.3472


BG welcomes Waha and his ATM guild with open arms, respects and understand the pressure he’s been put under by JQ server with very little support.

If anything this week has shown us, the few ATM left fighting at the very least have continually fought us hard (it seems almost 24 hours a day), most of the time without Waha and most of the time severely under supported.

Come to us bro, you’ll get the support you need here and the players to back you up.
Man, JQ lost a 10k lead over BG in one night this week and let BG build a 15k lead on that very same night, in NA prime !
BG are now 30k up at the end of the week.
Leave that mess dude, come on over to BG where you’ll be properly appreciated and have support from multiple commanders in every BL and EB.

…and unlike JQ, nobody on BG will be bad mouthing you behind your back on TeamSpeak just because you wanted to take a break after they lost so much of a lead in one single night.

Only Waha still believe in JQ (even JQ doesn’’t believe in itself) and if he would move away guess would be the end of T1 JQ. JQ without Waha and his crew would be not good for the server. About Merc they took the gold then they recruited newbies that wanted a free transfert over JQ to send “Mercs” there XD. Then the real Merc veteran players stayed on BG with part of gold and changed tag ^^.
Stompmachine winner of the week:
Blackgate #1 with 42.17%
Jade Quarry #2 with 37.54%
Crystal Desert #3 with 37.14% (love you CD you roxxxxx)

(edited by Titan.3472)

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: SFShinigami.2015


Aren’t we supposed to be the #1 super most duper stacked server ever?


Jigglenaut/Numa Rar/Jakuho Raikoben/Tenel Ka Djo/Kurotsuchi Taichou [SF]/[LOVE]
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


BG welcomes Waha and his ATM guild with open arms, respects and understand the pressure he’s been put under by JQ server with very little support.

If anything this week has shown us, the few ATM left fighting at the very least have continually fought us hard (it seems almost 24 hours a day), most of the time without Waha and most of the time severely under supported.

Come to us bro, you’ll get the support you need here and the players to back you up.
Man, JQ lost a 10k lead over BG in one night this week and let BG build a 15k lead on that very same night, in NA prime !
BG are now 30k up at the end of the week.
Leave that mess dude, come on over to BG where you’ll be properly appreciated and have support from multiple commanders in every BL and EB.

…and unlike JQ, nobody on BG will be bad mouthing you behind your back on TeamSpeak just because you wanted to take a break after they lost so much of a lead in one single night.

Man this thread is far more fun than ours.

Tell me about it… This thread, and the one that was closed prematurely – have everything – Love, Hate, Rage, Dolyaks, QQ, Lulz, Bribery, Kittening and Moaning, People transferring on, People transferring off, People quitting the game, .gifs, Screenshots, Score Updates, I COULD GO ON!!

::edit:: Oh goodness – Red Wine and a party outfit? How can I resist??


Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

(edited by Evalana.5480)

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603


BG welcomes Waha and his ATM guild with open arms, respects and understand the pressure he’s been put under by JQ server with very little support.

If anything this week has shown us, the few ATM left fighting at the very least have continually fought us hard (it seems almost 24 hours a day), most of the time without Waha and most of the time severely under supported.

Come to us bro, you’ll get the support you need here and the players to back you up.
Man, JQ lost a 10k lead over BG in one night this week and let BG build a 15k lead on that very same night, in NA prime !
BG are now 30k up at the end of the week.
Leave that mess dude, come on over to BG where you’ll be properly appreciated and have support from multiple commanders in every BL and EB.

…and unlike JQ, nobody on BG will be bad mouthing you behind your back on TeamSpeak just because you wanted to take a break after they lost so much of a lead in one single night.

Man this thread is far more fun than ours.

Tell me about it… This thread, and the one that was closed prematurely – have everything – Love, Hate, Rage, Dolyaks, QQ, Lulz, Bribery, Kittening and Moaning, People transferring on, People transferring off, People quitting the game, .gifs, Screenshots, Score Updates, I COULD GO ON!!

::edit:: Oh goodness – Red Wine and a party outfit? How can I resist??

OMG … TC send Eva some cookies now (i am at work)

TC taught Mr. Christie and the keebler elves … so yeah.


Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jet.4795


BG welcomes Waha and his ATM guild with open arms, respects and understand the pressure he’s been put under by JQ server with very little support.

If anything this week has shown us, the few ATM left fighting at the very least have continually fought us hard (it seems almost 24 hours a day), most of the time without Waha and most of the time severely under supported.

Come to us bro, you’ll get the support you need here and the players to back you up.
Man, JQ lost a 10k lead over BG in one night this week and let BG build a 15k lead on that very same night, in NA prime !
BG are now 30k up at the end of the week.
Leave that mess dude, come on over to BG where you’ll be properly appreciated and have support from multiple commanders in every BL and EB.

…and unlike JQ, nobody on BG will be bad mouthing you behind your back on TeamSpeak just because you wanted to take a break after they lost so much of a lead in one single night.

Only Waha still believe in JQ (even JQ doesn’’t believe in itself) and if he would move away guess would be the end of T1 JQ. JQ without Waha and his crew would be not good for the server. About Merc they took the gold then they recruited newbies that wanted a free transfert over JQ to send “Mercs” there XD. Then the real Merc veteran players stayed on BG with part of gold and changed tag ^^.
Stompmachine winner of the week:
Blackgate #1 with 42.17%
Jade Quarry #2 with 37.54%
Crystal Desert #3 with 37.14% (love you CD you roxxxxx)

Hey there, I am a little confused in what you mean by JQ does not believe in itself? Just a little confused on that, if the people in JQ did not believe in the group on JQ, then we would not be around still.

Ben Sheets Reborn
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: zach.1952


JQ commanders vs. TC zerg!


Level 80: ElementalistWarriorThiefGuardianMesmer
Jade Quarry – NA

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


I think this match sums it up. BG still has the huge coverage even though they are claiming other servers are getting stacked. I guess BG prefers to blow-out servers by 100k and not 10k. A few BG folks just seems to be scared when they can’t maintain a 100k lead and PVD their way to victory.

-S o S-

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Although Blackgate lost MERC, they gained ZN,EE and some other guilds aswell.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zylonite.5913


This is Iyma Twerkit, one of the people fro GoF responsible for attacking the yak parade. Firstly i would like to say that the group that did this disastrous atrocity was a collection of 5 of us, we do not represent the entire GoF guild in our actions. I just don’t understand why this can’t be taken to a PvE area via guesting to not take up room in a tier 1 wvw competitive environment? Irregardless of current score im not particularly fond of losing our natural tower, bay or any other territory because our BL is qued due to “yakkers”? Sorry for the yakicide.

The event was on TCBL. Everthing in your post has been said before for months, to put it to you quickly: lolno, we’ll do it again next week. have some fun next time, both the tower and the keep were wooden, and you lost basically nothing. srsbsns

Not everyone reads the GW2 forum and you shouldn’t assume that everyone who plays the game see this post and pay attention.

As a new member of GoF, I can tell you that our guild leader and commanders always enforce us to have respect for other guilds on both home and opposing servers.

I was not there when this happened but I hope you guys can continue with your traditions and yak parades in the future even though I do agree with some other comments, suggesting this might be better on PvE maps due the server queues.

Personally if I see your yak parade, I would gladly join it.

Betrayed by the gods of ANet

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Although Blackgate lost MERC, they gained ZN,EE and some other guilds aswell.

The problem is with a SoR BG matchup BG’s NA is for the most part…nullified. With or without ZN/EE still doesn’t matter because the matchup is decided on off hours.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saki.2896


Although Blackgate lost MERC, they gained ZN,EE and some other guilds aswell.

The problem is with a SoR BG matchup BG’s NA is for the most part…nullified. With or without ZN/EE still doesn’t matter because the matchup is decided on off hours.

have a good sleep or burnout for PPT

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: HolyMolla.6582


Merc leaving BG to JQ made BG rejuvenate and some changes to BG guilds in a
better way. Looking forward for some BGvJQvSOR action.

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kiltor.9362


Kiltor – [Retribution] –

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: pot.6805


Desperate attempt to stay relevant I reckon.

Beast mode

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kiltor.9362


dont be mad it will be in the new post to

Kiltor – [Retribution] –

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Hawk Ix.7360

Night Hawk Ix.7360

Warning to any guilds wanting to GVG TC guilds [EXS] and [ROT], from watching them GVG a BG guild (not mine) they only fight if they have double the numbers. Also if your’re watching GVG (even if you’re on the hill and not attacking) [EXS] will mass attack ppl watching, during the GVG or after it….

You know, if you want to make things up, you could at least attach a screenshot or something… luckily for you, everything was recorded ^^

Oh goody, so you wont mind posting what you claim to have? Also I notice you dont deny zerging solo spectators sitting on the hill, smart move.

LOL, I just realized what you’re talking about with the “double the numbers” thing. After checking the footage, you weren’t even at the GvG until it was over. That last bit you saw was a random brawl, not an actual round (I think Laorian might have been naked during that too and I was in quaggan tonic lol). I did notice you going into the down state while you were on the hill, but I have no idea how that happened (keep in mind that you showed up after everything was already done).

Anyways, since you obviously missed the actual scrim itself, here is the footage so you can see it was clearly 15v15 during the actual fights:

Your own footage shows 20 not 15, and nope i showed up DURING the fights NOT after so try again. I was there for about half an hour watching the GvG “fights”. And yes your guild did down me while i was watching on the hill. So btw you claim 3-0 but you lost by GvG rules because you had more numbers than the side you were fighting.

So you guys can’t WvW or GvG? I’m sure your good at PvE tho?

Mez You Up

9/20: BG/JQ/TC Round II

in Match-ups

Posted by: LordKael.7260


Warning to any guilds wanting to GVG TC guilds [EXS] and [ROT], from watching them GVG a BG guild (not mine) they only fight if they have double the numbers. Also if your’re watching GVG (even if you’re on the hill and not attacking) [EXS] will mass attack ppl watching, during the GVG or after it….

You know, if you want to make things up, you could at least attach a screenshot or something… luckily for you, everything was recorded ^^

Oh goody, so you wont mind posting what you claim to have? Also I notice you dont deny zerging solo spectators sitting on the hill, smart move.

LOL, I just realized what you’re talking about with the “double the numbers” thing. After checking the footage, you weren’t even at the GvG until it was over. That last bit you saw was a random brawl, not an actual round (I think Laorian might have been naked during that too and I was in quaggan tonic lol). I did notice you going into the down state while you were on the hill, but I have no idea how that happened (keep in mind that you showed up after everything was already done).

Anyways, since you obviously missed the actual scrim itself, here is the footage so you can see it was clearly 15v15 during the actual fights:

Your own footage shows 20 not 15, and nope i showed up DURING the fights NOT after so try again. I was there for about half an hour watching the GvG “fights”. And yes your guild did down me while i was watching on the hill. So btw you claim 3-0 but you lost by GvG rules because you had more numbers than the side you were fighting.

So you guys can’t WvW or GvG? I’m sure your good at PvE tho?

Um… now you’re just trying way too hard to troll… anyone that cares enough to pause the video and actually count can clearly see we have 15 on the field lol… Even if you were counting us when we had our ending salutes/bows, we only had 18 total (15+3 subs). Not sure how everyone else does it, but we like to bring all of our guys down to line up for the final salute.

If you truly and honestly believe we had 20 people on the field during the fights, then I suppose we’ll take that as a complement and thank you for it. So cheers, and see you on the field

Lord Kael – Guardian
Seventh Legion [VII]