Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


Absolutely loving this match up at the moment, it’s been so long since we’ve seen visunah, watching you guys run in to towers/keeps with superior numbers was nostalgic <3. I ended up staying on a bit last night to see the Canadian action, It was about 6:00am UK time at our home keep in EB, it was an awesome fight defending that against the 15+ of you with an omega golem with the 5-6 we had, if I remember correctly as well once you got in to lord room the 6 of us wiped you lot as well =D. Alas the reinforcements came 15 minutes later and we felt the full force of your prime time. Let’s keep up the good fights this week chaps minus the skill lag!!

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Troma.3250


Great fights with Grand Cross Knights [GCK], the special frontline force of war/guards we made to protect Vizunians had a blast on Kodash map this afternoon and yesterday on EB. There is one main rule in GCK: running back, flee is totally forbidden. It’s an honor code group i made in reaction of “Vizunah run chiken tower etc”

Little tips for new taunters (…): there is no canadians on VS.

With respect, see you ingame !

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: romsea.8539


kitten i missed that, was such a cool story from flameinbox, just so curious what happened after? did you ,as i guess, had a glass of milk and went to bed?

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faunus.3647


Absolutely loving this match up at the moment, it’s been so long since we’ve seen visunah, watching you guys run in to towers/keeps with superior numbers was nostalgic <3. I ended up staying on a bit last night to see the Canadian action, It was about 6:00am UK time at our home keep in EB, it was an awesome fight defending that against the 15+ of you with an omega golem with the 5-6 we had, if I remember correctly as well once you got in to lord room the 6 of us wiped you lot as well =D. Alas the reinforcements came 15 minutes later and we felt the full force of your prime time. Let’s keep up the good fights this week chaps minus the skill lag!!

Guys sleeping behind arrows carts are not allowed to whine.


Commander Vizunah Square
Eternalïa [OVER]

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Delek.3640


Nice fights against [FIRE] and [VcY] on the Aurora BL.


Naxeldre – Warrior
[EoW] Kommandeur
Kodash [DE]

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


kitten i missed that, was such a cool story from flameinbox, just so curious what happened after? did you ,as i guess, had a glass of milk and went to bed?

Not a big fan of milk on its own, I did have a refreshing glass of 7up though, it was lovely.

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: flameinabox.8913


Absolutely loving this match up at the moment, it’s been so long since we’ve seen visunah, watching you guys run in to towers/keeps with superior numbers was nostalgic <3. I ended up staying on a bit last night to see the Canadian action, It was about 6:00am UK time at our home keep in EB, it was an awesome fight defending that against the 15+ of you with an omega golem with the 5-6 we had, if I remember correctly as well once you got in to lord room the 6 of us wiped you lot as well =D. Alas the reinforcements came 15 minutes later and we felt the full force of your prime time. Let’s keep up the good fights this week chaps minus the skill lag!!

Guys sleeping behind arrows carts are not allowed to whine.


I’m being accused of arrow cart use from a Visunah.. sigh, and nope, I went balls deep DPS on you all. It was rather successful as well.

AG-Commander: Mesmer Mukuro
Flare[FIRE] #1 Fabulous Mesmer-
Official Flare PR Manager

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dranul.2094


TUP still looking for more GvGs 15v15, ideally 20v20. Has Vizu got any guilds up for a scrap??

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Silent Shino.7239

Silent Shino.7239

grats to that mesmer from CPC, you’re the first VS to defeat me in a fair 1 vs 1 fight, may we meet again (I’ll have to come up with a mesmer killing build first xD)

Shino: Guardian of the Glade
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: kribre.9683


Shout out to EoW for some nice fights yesterday, and a special shout out to VII for some awesome skrim’s yesterday!
Great fun for us to meet such a good guild as you guys, really impressed by your tight movement and especially about how good you guys are at focusing ur dmg. And ur thiefs, kitten , think those two are the most skilled thiefs I’ve seen in this game tbh!
Was some really intense fights for us down at the windmill, were pretty surprised that we did so well against you as we did (in our opinion atleast).
Hope you guys enjoyed it aswell, and really looking forward to the official fight on monday now!!

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blacksmoke.5792


When I read AG posts I thought you are a very strong server … but you don’t seem to be very dangerous, thanks for the karma train and good luck.
( try to push your server to do WvW you are a very high populated server )

Blâcksmoke lvl 80 Elementalist
Jornàda Del Muerto lvl 80 Thief
Vizunah Square server.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


Its all about the PPT Baby

get more people in WvW so you can sit in que’s while your fictional points go up oh my gawd so exciting will start recruiting in lion’s arch later today…

looking for more like minded people to hit doors, avoid other players and sit on arrow carts all day… if that sounds like your cup of tea come and join WvW your realm needs you

I want to be, the very best at PPT, like no one ever was

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


Hello Aurora Glade and Kodash.
First of all, congratulation because even if vizunah is very numourous, you fight again and again. Your gamers are very brave.
On saturday, there were some good fights thanks to your efficient guilds, but I would like to underline 2 points, espacially to Aurora glade friends:
- first, even if you have gamers efficient in 1vs1, keep in mind that theses guys are most of the time useless in WvW fight.
- second, full berserker is nice for good damages but you die very quiclky. I do not want to create polemic about “who has the biggest blob”, this is not the point, but often the aurora glade blob is also very important. Nevertheless there is no match versus vizunah, you died very quilcly because your pick up are for sur, “berserker gamers”.
Vizunah is on the top because we are numourous?
Yes, may be!
But we are numourous thanks to the good spirit, the good organization and also because we have gamers who like so much WvW. These guys play during the night or very early on the morning. Then our commanders, are very involved for the Vizunah server. That the reason why, vizunah attracks a lot of gamers.
I confirm, we don’t have canadian, but they are welcome if they want to join us
We have a lot of belgian and one italian, the famous Shayana (forza italia). On in all, we are vizunian.
To finish, Guild Wars 2 is a nice game and we all need good opponents to spend good time.
So, thanks a lot for your good spirit in game

Ste and Caro (necro – mesmer)
Guild: GANG
Motto: Pick up is beautiful

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Oren.1736


AG and Vizunah play wvw with very different views. As you said, you play to be top. now i can speak for majority of AG, when i say we mostly play for the game (fights, capturing – as at brings fights), over the total end score.
There are few reasons for this –
1. we don’t have high enough coverage/ wvw players
2. we mostly don’t want such high amount of players, as it brings lags – vizunah is infamous for the lags it creates.
3. top server atm mostly proves you got way more players then other server, and yes organisation is part of it, but it’s not what bring people on AG to play the game.

It’s not that AG on wvw does not have stuff to improve on, as we do, and in many aspect, but getting more players is really not one of them.

S U P E R Oron – [TCHU]
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Beri.3156


STE you know most of those 1vs1 guys got mutiple sets. like myself got 5 different sets on my main toon. Even i’m not running my roaming build i still take down most of ur roamers in vizunah. You mentioned that our zergs die fast even so ur zergs die even faster.
Like Wam mentioned before majority of our server gives kitten about PPT game. We are all in for fights may it be equal numbers or may it be 100 man blob from vizu. We don’t sit behind arrow carts that often either.

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: romsea.8539


I’d gladly believe that AG is not into the PPT thing but this “excuse” is getting old.
Vizu fight for points and mastered multimap coverage, off time massive raid to maximize PPT, no big news here. But every other server, while loosing, claims as loud as they can that nobody gives a kitten about points, then you’ll witness those same servers give all they got as soon as they see a possible victory.
Forum warriors will then procede to flood M-U thread to tell everyone how good they are.
You’ll also notice massive migration to the current #1server. Something is obvioulsy off here.
Again i’m not accusing AG here as i really think some server play mostly for fun. But most of those who claims this are just drawn in pure hypocrisy imho.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


Thanks for your answers
Oren and Buri, I can understand your point of view and then your arguments are good, but, as I see it, the goal, is the final score. Yes it’s true, I play for fun but I want to win the match also. For example, I don’t play a football match, thinking “I don’t care the result”. Of course I agree with you, it’s just a game and the most important it’s to have good time, but I prefer to win.
Regarding the coverage, I know that vizunah organise the coverage. There is some discussions about that between our members, and some of us accept to play during the night because of that.
Regarding your sentence “We don’t sit behind arrow carts that often either”, my POV is that arrow cards is a part of the game. We have to take advantage of everything in order to win. There is no shame to use it. I have not created WvW rules, I use them.
You are right Beri, It’s clever to have several sets.
But really after one year versus a lot of servers, SFR, Deso, Elona, Piken, Baruch I can make some comparison.
Yes sometimes, often if you want, Vizunah lose fights, because sometimes of course we are bad also. And sometimes we have in front of us, better players than us.
But the comparison, may be don’t include good guilds like Dawn and VCY, but basically, the fights are harder versus, piken, deso, SFR and so on…
Please beleive me, I don’t tell that in order to be arrogant or unpleasant, It is really what I see.
On TS some vizunian commanders told us that this week, may be they will cancel raid organised if your main guild are not present. Because they think that without your main guild, there is no challenge.

Have a nice day friends, and thanks again for your nice answer. Sorry for my bad english also


Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Strang.8170


On TS some vizunian commanders told us that this week, may be they will cancel raid organised if your main guild are not present. Because they think that without your main guild, there is no challenge.

Please tell them to bring as many as they can sunday, monday and wednesday evenings, i was a little bit dissapointed about the reset coverage, even if we did get few good fights.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dal.5872


I don’t often post on the forums…. Firstly thankyou to the small gang of Kodash we fought yesterday from I believe VSS guild. Had a long old fight and no interference from the blobs. A nice change for this matchup.

Second why the hell do Vizunah players play so much WvW? We just had our first proper 3 way of the week inside SM as we capped it. My goodness the lag is horrendous, 10-15 second lag if your skill even fires off. I assume the Vizunah players just enjoy slow FPS and an unresponsive game more than any other server, hence you’re number 1….

Lastly, why did Kodash even get involved in the SM cap? That was your opportunity to go and attack the french keep. We are both massively outmanned so a little common sense is needed.


IGN: Dal Brinium

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Silent Shino.7239

Silent Shino.7239

if it wasn’t enough that Kodash got involved with SM, they even did suicidal charges into the center to try and stop us taking it.

Shino: Guardian of the Glade
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Wemil you aren’t involved in this match-up so please stay out of our topic and get back to the SFR one.

sadly I am:)

just not playing for aurora or kodash:)

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moon.6371


Yeah, and Aurora is permanently attacking Kodash territory while we struggle to keep Viz busy @ bay instead of taking your own stuff back on Vizunah GL. We do stupid things sometimes, you do it as well and Vizunah probably, too (but their numbers make up for it). What`s the point?

Best regards.

[Buka] Koma Grey
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Khrums.3765


VII had so nice fights last night Thanks to [Fire] for skirmish, really good fights.
To all AG players: We want to see you in golden league or we stop supply of cookies to your server! And forget about kegs too!


Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Yawn. Some ppl really don’t understand playing for fights it seems. Accusing others of hypocrisy? That’s pretty rich.

Just give us all you can tonight Vizu and tomoro and Wednesday. Show me why your number 1. Prove thakittens something other than coverage. I’m looking for a word, begins with S…. oh ye Skill.

There is more fight in lower tier servers, more skill too. Hope the rest of the week proves me wrong <3

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: maeggle.6021


if it wasn’t enough that Kodash got involved with SM, they even did suicidal charges into the center to try and stop us taking it.

Such is the reason for my love for Kodash. Most of us really don’t care about PPT as we drew the short straw during in over 9,000 matches anyways.

We have much fun in this match on Kodash BL since reset. Vizunah is very organized and fields huge numbers which we neither can put up, nor can we organize them in such a way.
It is not my / our preferred play style, but it is a nice experience to fight for and defend our paper garrison a whole evening, night and morning. Vizunah runs in blobs, yes. But they also have some solo and small group roamers as well as guild groups running alone at times. This is something, Elona and Vizunah are better at than e.g. RS or PS right now, where you can only meet 25+ guild groups running together. Their skills may vary, but at least there is some variation to the common guild groups of 25ish to 35ish.
Also, Vizu offers real sieges (yes, they also golem rush, but who doesn’t?), which is a blast compared to other servers. They also did not run on Kodash BL too many times. Maybe they thought we are easy targets, but 4+ hours of continous fights (without breaks) speak for itself.

I don’t wish to fight you anytime soon again, though, because it is exhausting… really. But I got my share of fun out of it until now, so let’s get the best out of it. Happy tagging!

Kodash [DE] – Ninja Nurse Rescue Squad [care] – Elementalist
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.

(edited by maeggle.6021)

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Oren.1736


. Vizunah runs in blobs, yes. But they also have some solo and small group roamers as well as guild groups running alone at times. This is something, Elona and Vizunah are better at than e.g. RS or PS right now.

yep we’ve been defending AG this afternoon and the VS roaming groups that keep picking at our north towers and camps were very effective.

S U P E R Oron – [TCHU]
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

There is a major difference between the mindset of AG and VZ, AG likes to fight in open field, we enjoy it, VZ on the other hand plays for the points, so a thought like ’It’s inefficient to fight in open field’ is going through their minds (correct me if I’m wrong).
At least what I’ve noticed is that we’re outnumbered on the field 95% of the time against them, but that those moments give opportunities for amazing fights. Someone stated before that we run berserker gear, but when there’s actually a commander online who knows what he’s doing and a dedicated group of players to follow him, the VZ guys seem to be dropping as fast as if they were in berserker gear.
We don’t particularly enjoy bashing doors in while there’s no enemies to guard them, because it’s the fights that make things exciting. If you have no defenders, taking a keep is no challenge and without a challenge it isn’t fun.
This is the main difference, VZ wants to win, even at the cost of fun (fun is relative ofcourse, maybe you get an amazing amount of fun out of winning), while AG will not trade the fun of amazing fights for the rather meaningless points.
I, myself, am a rather competitive player, I do care slightly about the points, but not enough to run with an 80 man blob in order to paint a border in our colour while recieving no challenge from the 5 defenders on it.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mafius.6749


Of course AG don’t play for the points: they just can’t. No choice. Seriously you guys are full berserk, and any good warrior or thief will 2 shots most of you… So instead of trying new builds and elaborate some team strategy, you will just roam and FFA. No offense but you deserve your low rating in the ladder. And it’s not just a matter of number, as you say.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Who are you Mafius? Send me Vizunahs best Guild(s) I have openly challenged them to GvG, even contacted many ingame, either they do too small 10v10s or the bigger guilds wont fight us, ignored me when I asked them are they available for GvG.

Your zergs are like paper, just ask your guys what happened on reset Vizu BL. French Lootbags.

We don’t play for points by choice. We want to fight, we want you to actually be a challenge. Thing is your not. The biggest challenge for my guild this week will be running into our old friends VII.

If you send 40, 50, 60, 100 guys at me for my entire raids this week, non stop, I wont take a single tower off you. Sounds like a fair trade? You give me the fights I want, I let you keep your points.

TUP still looking for more GvGs 20v20 will drop to 15v15.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leorcyn.1063


Send me Vizunahs best Guild(s) I have openly challenged them to GvG,

Vizunah’s guilds are on the battlefield (well, not much on reset/saturday, but you should see them a lot more starting tonight).
Not many of VS’ guilds do GvG, as what you call “GvG” is kind of a bad joke, but you might get some answers, we never know.

And for the love of quaggans, stop with the “VS plays for points, we play for fun” bullkitten : there is no incentive at all to play the ladder atm. Our place in the top 9 is secured (well, I didn’t do the maths, but I guess it is). So nothing else matters. Except winning the matchup of course, ‘cause everyone loves to win.
But trust me when I say that you are far far far from seeing “vizunah playing points”. You can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mafius.6749


You want to fight us? Lol. Atm on your home map, you just hit and run, we can’t fight you, excuse us, we aren’t as good as you at running…

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Of course AG don’t play for the points: they just can’t. No choice. Seriously you guys are full berserk, and any good warrior or thief will 2 shots most of you… So instead of trying new builds and elaborate some team strategy, you will just roam and FFA. No offense but you deserve your low rating in the ladder. And it’s not just a matter of number, as you say.

I respect your opinion on this matter, but I have to disagree with it. We have many skilled players on our server with proper builds etc., we have good team strategies aswell. I’ve commanded 10 hours in the past 2 days and we wiped the enemy many more times than we got wiped even though they outnumbered us. So if we can’t play for points because we don’t have proper builds and strategies, then this seems to be kinda paradoxical.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Again I ask you Mafius who are you, put your Tag in your signature. As for an apparent language barrier my son.

“you just hit and run”…. I’m not in WvW atm, neither is any from my guild, learn the definition of when I say “We want to fight you…” I don’t form the habit of speaking for others, but my guild wants as many French as you can muster.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Oh nice, a new e-kitten war. Glad to see the big-mouthed guys are not all on SFR.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blacksmoke.5792


This is what happens when Vizunah really play for points, and it was vs the best servers of europe SFR and Desolation.

We always respect our enemies even when we lose, we know that we are not the best server so we try our best to improve our skills.


Blâcksmoke lvl 80 Elementalist
Jornàda Del Muerto lvl 80 Thief
Vizunah Square server.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


And nice, one more useless screenshot. At least, you might have posted a +695 one’s to be at the level of the e-kitten war going around….

TUP deserves better than +675 ffs!

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

This is what happens when Vizunah really play for points, and it was vs the best servers of europe SFR and Desolation.

We always respect our enemies even when we lose, we know that we are not the best server so we try our best to improve our skills.

At 5:11 in the morning, most people sleep at that point

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Roark.4569


This is what happens when Vizunah really play for points, and it was vs the best servers of europe SFR and Desolation.

We always respect our enemies even when we lose, we know that we are not the best server so we try our best to improve our skills.

At 5:11 in the morning, most people sleep at that point

We should totally count points only between 8pm and 10pm.
Rest is work and sleep time.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blacksmoke.5792


I woke up at 5 AM And I’m a zombie

Blâcksmoke lvl 80 Elementalist
Jornàda Del Muerto lvl 80 Thief
Vizunah Square server.

(edited by Blacksmoke.5792)

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mafius.6749


Well I’m done with those AG forum warriors. Just (try to) enjoy this match up, even if it’s a little unbalanced, for sure…

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Malkithe.2084


Just remember you viz “heroes” that a few of our guilds (TUP, Vcy, FIRE and VII on Kodash) have all fought you before (at least I think TUP and VII have). With us and Vcy being on SFR before the free transfers crash. So we know all about you and your play. We know how bad you are. You may have organised PUG zergs better than most, including ours (so respect for that), but as a guild we will stomp all over you as the guilds always have. So enjoy your ppt against servers which obviously don’t stand a chance to win, run and hide in your keeps as you always have, and make yourselves feel good about beating us. We don’t care that your winning.

Looking forward to more fights this week VII/EoW and any other guilds that we run into Been a pleasure so far and I hope it continues.

Co-leader of Flare [FIRE]

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Whose having an E-War? I’m asking your guilds to GvG, I’m asking you to bring the fights this week and show me this amazing coverage includes primetime. I want your zergs, I want action win or lose. You seem to twist everything around.

Best servers of Europe? Come on… stop with the best =/= coverage nonsense. We’ll agree to disagree on that.

Don’t even bring spvp talk into WvW, spvp is a joke of a game. WvW the chance to take your guild out and fight xyz around any corner, the thrill of the fight.

Looking forward to my raid tonight. I’ve heard rumours your the granddaddy of Riverside, I hope they are incorrect and that you are the granddaddy of Abbadons. (References all will get if you’ve fought either server).

So ye bring the fight, E-war all you like, there is no E-war here. Just bring me the hordes of Vizunah. I want to see if you live upto Sacrx’s old name for you “Vizu Rats” (meaning you’re everywhere and hundreds of ya).

Let the loot flow for all.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


Friends, I think we are talking about WvW. Some of you prefer the fight on the field and GvG. I can understand it, but, WvW is several kind of situations.
Sometimes, WvW looks like PVE, sometimes looks like PvP, but if you want only fight on the field versus the same amount of players in front of you, you have made a mistake, this is not GW2. This is not the arena net choice.
If you want, GvG, ask to the best guilds in GW2. I am not an expert of GvG but, for sure, ZDs, WL, IRON or others good guild will be available, may be.
I am a Vizunah member, a normal player who likes what arena net propose to us. Arena net don’t propose to us to play only GvG. It propose us something very different that may be, some players don’t like. Sorry but it is not vizunah fault
The game is 7 days, night and day. We want to win so we organise our team in order to be present all the time.
In the futur, may be, WvW will be closed during the night and during my diner also
In this case vizunah will change his organisation, because normal players like me, play in order to win and believe me, we enjoy the game as well.
To conclude, I would like to underline one point. On vizunah TS, nobody speak about the skill, nobody say that we are better than the other, (except may be young guys, 14 years old, so not relevant). On the contrary, often we say things like “at the present time, it’s difficult, we have good guild in front of us, please need help, need more people, etc…”
And when it’s difficult, we try to loose less points possible until the moment when we will have the opportunity to gain points. Sorry but this is the GW2 WvW rules even if you would have prefered something different.
Considering what you say, “Aurora glade don’t want to play the points”, I think you don’t play the same game than the other servers on the top. Sorry for that.
In any case, It is just a game, so see you on the field to have fun with good spirit)

Pick up is beautiful

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bleed.7052


We dont care of whom has the biggest, we win, you lose, everyone just shut up and play, good luck and have fun.

IGN: Bleed Hex

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: GameRex.8735


It is a bit strange how many server “don’t play for point” but complain about Vizunah time coverage.

Anyway, just let everybody play like they want to play. Win without provocation and lose without rage.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leorcyn.1063


You may have organised PUG zergs better than most, including ours (so respect for that)

Will have to disagree on that one : Vizunah’s PUG zergs are actually really bad atm.
Not even joking. Lots of people transfered before the start of the summer for an easy faceroll karmatrain. Today the result pains those who have lived on Vizu for long : people not following commanders, highly debatable specs and general lack of vision and spirit.
SFR’s zerg is much much better. Deso’s zerg is better.

On the other hand, our guilds are doing very well. They are not GvGing as much as some others would like, but heh, to each their own.

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: PlayGrr.1024


Not a part of GvG scene, but found this:

so they are part of it:
Rank Guild Server Matches played Win ratio Rating Evolution
7 The Unlikely Plan [TUP] euAurora Glade 9 66.67% 1744.42774061 -35.91745503


or for 15v15

Rank Guild Server Matches played Win ratio Rating Evolution
1 Flare [FIRE] euAurora Glade 4 100% 1806.87745091 +25.10921373
2 Velocity [VcY] euAurora Glade 3 100% 1758.14688881 +31.66873768

(edited by PlayGrr.1024)

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Malkithe.2084


You may have organised PUG zergs better than most, including ours (so respect for that)

Will have to disagree on that one : Vizunah’s PUG zergs are actually really bad atm.
Not even joking. Lots of people transfered before the start of the summer for an easy faceroll karmatrain. Today the result pains those who have lived on Vizu for long : people not following commanders, highly debatable specs and general lack of vision and spirit.
SFR’s zerg is much much better. Deso’s zerg is better.

That’s why I said most. I know both SFR’s and Deso’s pugs are better than yours, but remember you are up against rank 9 and 13 servers.

Co-leader of Flare [FIRE]

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bleed.7052


You may have organised PUG zergs better than most, including ours (so respect for that)

Will have to disagree on that one : Vizunah’s PUG zergs are actually really bad atm.
Not even joking. Lots of people transfered before the start of the summer for an easy faceroll karmatrain. Today the result pains those who have lived on Vizu for long : people not following commanders, highly debatable specs and general lack of vision and spirit.
SFR’s zerg is much much better. Deso’s zerg is better.

That’s why I said most. I know both SFR’s and Deso’s pugs are better than yours, but remember you are up against rank 9 and 13 servers.

Yup, a lot of players are only doing what in their head or even not playing in this matchup, I myself am used to WvW whenever i can, but i’m just taking a break this week, this is why the matchup system must be fixed, we even are losing points and will certainly lose the #1 spot despite the point difference, the matchup is quite boring, no offense to the opposing server’s of course.This kind of matchup is really bad for discipline, and we’ve seen that yesterday on viz EB :/
Anyway, good luck and have fun.

IGN: Bleed Hex

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


After a not-too-great couple of days trying to have fun playing on the Aurora Glade side of things in this warfare I had a really good time of it today. Things started on EB, before moving over to our home borderlands. It was a bit slow to start off, our side lacked the numbers to face off against vastly larger numbers we were up against.

Over time more and more people showed up and, before long, we were up to a decent sized group that was able to hold up against Vizunah’s numbers. It was great, but intense and non-stop. We’d fend off a group in one location only to have to waypoint and run into another fight. It was great. It was something I’ve not seen in quite some time.

As things progressed we chipped away at reclaiming our borderlands. Kodash showed but, for the most part, I didn’t run into them too often. They did fend us off quite fantastically at Hills once or twice though.

Over time, with some great leadership, we managed to retake the top half of the map. With a few more numbers or, more likely, with a little more supply (bouncing between fights and constantly-flipping supply camps can be quite draining) we couldn’t moved futher south. But it was fun.

Thanks for that fun Vizunah and Kodash, I appreciate it. Here’s to more fun over the coming week.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade