So now I get to make the point of saying that you are simply a troll. I make a very valid point, yet you decide to disregard it and make a troll-y post. I am also not “defending” anything, I clearly stated that we DID exploit, (if thats even the right word). I take back that we exploited, because its not the right word, I will call it glitching, because, we never took advantage of anything. That is the definition of exploit, right? Taking advantage of a glitch? Just checked, it is. We glitched, and took no act of turning the tides in WvW in any way, the only way we could was through map chat and telling people what we saw.
I’m sure that you said nothing of your exploits in map chat, that would leave evidence that ANet could verify, and it’s not like players communicate using any other means like Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrilo, etc…
By the way, while you’re busy looking up definitions, search for: hypocrisy.
I have morals, and cheating is something I don’t do. I am the leader of Slay, and I was in a fractals when they did this. I joined them afterwards, and my, its pretty fun
Now, if you can’t see that we were merely doing this to troll people, there is no hope for you trying to understand this sort of point of view.
Or perhaps look in a mirror.
Lol, buddy, im the kind of commander that takes your north camp and upgrades it fully. Then we built trebs and treb your citadel, and while were at it, we build rams on the portal on the way out. We are trolls, and as for hypocrisy? Why dont you search up the definition of Perception. Learn a thing or two. You have a different perception of what cheating/exploiting/glitching/trolling as i. Have a good day
you sound like a scrublord commander to me.
So now I get to make the point of saying that you are simply a troll. I make a very valid point, yet you decide to disregard it and make a troll-y post. I am also not “defending” anything, I clearly stated that we DID exploit, (if thats even the right word). I take back that we exploited, because its not the right word, I will call it glitching, because, we never took advantage of anything. That is the definition of exploit, right? Taking advantage of a glitch? Just checked, it is. We glitched, and took no act of turning the tides in WvW in any way, the only way we could was through map chat and telling people what we saw.
I’m sure that you said nothing of your exploits in map chat, that would leave evidence that ANet could verify, and it’s not like players communicate using any other means like Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrilo, etc…
By the way, while you’re busy looking up definitions, search for: hypocrisy.
I have morals, and cheating is something I don’t do. I am the leader of Slay, and I was in a fractals when they did this. I joined them afterwards, and my, its pretty fun
Now, if you can’t see that we were merely doing this to troll people, there is no hope for you trying to understand this sort of point of view.
Or perhaps look in a mirror.
Lol, buddy, im the kind of commander that takes your north camp and upgrades it fully. Then we built trebs and treb your citadel, and while were at it, we build rams on the portal on the way out. We are trolls, and as for hypocrisy? Why dont you search up the definition of Perception. Learn a thing or two. You have a different perception of what cheating/exploiting/glitching/trolling as i. Have a good day
Slaying Games 4realz 2013 yo
Lol, had to gank me from behind with 7 people eh BP?
Oh and I still rallied off one of your sorry lot
New PVE patch looks like SBI disappeared almost completely…well hopefully we still get some fights, if not it was fun while it lasted
Pretty much had at least 2 overflow sections in addition to the main new zone completely packed on SBI before I logged off for work around 4:30pm, so yeah it’s pretty much GG wvw for a few days. =/
Lots of craziness on Ebay bl – only took over 2 hours to finally get your Bay >.<
Was fun pushing and pulling! You definitely put up an epic fight!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
Why does BP keep patting themselves on the back for capping SBI BL? We’re a PUG Server, we have next to no guild groups. Let’s compare guilds between BP and SBI.
some others.
Yes you guys are awesome. Even though we have no guilds on our entire server that can put 20+ people in WvW on any night other than reset, you still think you deserve some kind of trophy for beating us. With exception of DR, and Krew, all of your guilds are terrible. WFD is quite possibly the most pathetic 50 man guild zerg ball I’ve ever seen, they have no skill whatsoever.
SBI is the true server of winners, we do more with less guilds than any server on NA. Find a server outside of tier 8 that has less WvW focused guilds than us. I’ll send 5 gold to any BP or Ebay player who can screen shot a 25+ man guild group from SBI during Tuesday-Friday. Hell I’ll even take one from Friday-Monday. That’s how confident I am they don’t exist.
We beat you and your “guilds” thoroughly on the weekends, it’s no secret we PvE during the weekdays but if we had even one, or maybe two dedicated WvW guilds to keep the morale high during the week, we would kitten you in the kitten all week.
TLDR: BP is bad, they have many large WvW guilds, yet only two of them are good (Krew and DR). The rest are kittenty puggers that only make your server look bad.
Happy hunting.
(edited by Radioactive.1248)
I personally enjoy having WFD with us. They are the perfect guild to run a map with. 1 larger force with a smaller force doing their thing. I am grateful for the respect sbi has shown towards us but I am personally very good friends with the glead of wfd and don’t care for the trashing on them. Show them the same respect you guys show us. They are not the forum warriors talking trash. Some guilds have larger numbers some have smaller.
on a side note :This week krew has had great fights if its a 2v2 or a 10v10 or even 15v30s. Win or lose we are here to have fun and have been enjoying this week. keep it classy.
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
I’d love to get a fight club going of some sort, i can never seem to fight BP on a 1v1 scale without them running until they find more, even when equal numbers they run into the nearest tower, maybe i’ve just been running into the wrong folks
Why does BP keep patting themselves on the back for capping SBI BL? We’re a PUG Server, we have next to no guild groups. Let’s compare guilds between BP and SBI.
some others.SBI:
?Yes you guys are awesome. Even though we have no guilds on our entire server that can put 20+ people in WvW on any night other than reset, you still think you deserve some kind of trophy for beating us. With exception of DR, and Krew, all of your guilds are terrible. WFD is quite possibly the most pathetic 50 man guild zerg ball I’ve ever seen, they have no skill whatsoever.
SBI is the true server of winners, we do more with less guilds than any server on NA. Find a server outside of tier 8 that has less WvW focused guilds than us. I’ll send 5 gold to any BP or Ebay player who can screen shot a 25+ man guild group from SBI during Tuesday-Friday. Hell I’ll even take one from Friday-Monday. That’s how confident I am they don’t exist.
We beat you and your “guilds” thoroughly on the weekends, it’s no secret we PvE during the weekdays but if we had even one, or maybe two dedicated WvW guilds to keep the morale high during the week, we would kitten you in the kitten all week.
TLDR: BP is bad, they have many large WvW guilds, yet only two of them are good (Krew and DR). The rest are kittenty puggers that only make your server look bad.
Happy hunting.
And yet, for how terrible we are, BS was wiping you guys all night in Eternal. Seriously dude, if you want to make a troll thread, at least try and back it up with something. Maybe a good youtube video of you teaching us how to WvW. This post, coming after we wipe out your borderlands and me (the leader of BS, that oh so “bad” large guild) leading the forces capping your eternal keep (and Ehmry’s Eternal Keep) comes off as both petulent and slightly ironic. If we are so bad, and can still flip Every keep you own, what exactly, does that make you?
Next up, shout out to the GF Ranger I was fighting around Anzalius and Dredge last night. I was the Sylvari double dagger necromancer. Shame our fights kept getting interrupted. First by your people and then by my own people. Was fun though. We just could not seem to land a kill on each other.
(edited by Aeros.2046)
Why does BP keep patting themselves on the back for capping SBI BL? We’re a PUG Server, we have next to no guild groups. Let’s compare guilds between BP and SBI.
some others.SBI:
?Yes you guys are awesome. Even though we have no guilds on our entire server that can put 20+ people in WvW on any night other than reset, you still think you deserve some kind of trophy for beating us. With exception of DR, and Krew, all of your guilds are terrible. WFD is quite possibly the most pathetic 50 man guild zerg ball I’ve ever seen, they have no skill whatsoever.
SBI is the true server of winners, we do more with less guilds than any server on NA. Find a server outside of tier 8 that has less WvW focused guilds than us. I’ll send 5 gold to any BP or Ebay player who can screen shot a 25+ man guild group from SBI during Tuesday-Friday. Hell I’ll even take one from Friday-Monday. That’s how confident I am they don’t exist.
We beat you and your “guilds” thoroughly on the weekends, it’s no secret we PvE during the weekdays but if we had even one, or maybe two dedicated WvW guilds to keep the morale high during the week, we would kitten you in the kitten all week.
TLDR: BP is bad, they have many large WvW guilds, yet only two of them are good (Krew and DR). The rest are kittenty puggers that only make your server look bad.
Happy hunting.
I have seen BS with 30-35 people wipe SBI zergs of 50+ multiple times today alone. Just because SBI doesn’t have large guilds doesn’t stop them from making large zergs. They just combine multiple guilds that get wiped by BP and then claim that they had less numbers than they really did because they were all from different guilds.
(edited by Fizwitz.8240)
I understand, its probably a rough life being on a PVE server, but what you are saying is that you don’t like WFD because they have a large amount of people that are organized enough to meet up at a certain time every single day to accomplish the same goals. Where are you getting the idea that they are “terrible” or “pathetic?” They don’t run those 50+ person zergs to fight your 10 man pug group, they run them because they run into groups of Hawk and GH on Ebay that are rolling with 80 people. You are just unfortunate to have fallen in their path, from the sounds of it.
As Hadan said also, Krew has had some really fun fights this week. I’m glad to have been a part of most of those!
(edited by Josh XT.6053)
Hawk and GH on Ebay that are rolling with 80 people.
There are not even 80 people when you combine Hawk and GH on reset night.
So your answer to a 30 man GH or 20 man hawk group is to bring 50 people. Good to know.
(edited by Gorefiend.9675)
Those two guilds combined, which seem to always be together have 60+ most of the time between the two of them.
Those two guilds combined, which seem to always be together have 60+ most of the time between the two of them.
The only time there will be a 60 person combined force is at the beginning of NA prime with a high turnout night.
WFD’s biggest problem if you guys never split up. That is the main reason why you guys failed to do anything of note on reset…or any day this match-up really. Until you guys learn to manage multiple groups within your guild you will continue to be a mediocre zerg guild.
(edited by Gorefiend.9675)
Why does BP keep patting themselves on the back for capping SBI BL? We’re a PUG Server, we have next to no guild groups. Let’s compare guilds between BP and SBI.
some others.SBI:
?Yes you guys are awesome. Even though we have no guilds on our entire server that can put 20+ people in WvW on any night other than reset, you still think you deserve some kind of trophy for beating us. With exception of DR, and Krew, all of your guilds are terrible. WFD is quite possibly the most pathetic 50 man guild zerg ball I’ve ever seen, they have no skill whatsoever.
SBI is the true server of winners, we do more with less guilds than any server on NA. Find a server outside of tier 8 that has less WvW focused guilds than us. I’ll send 5 gold to any BP or Ebay player who can screen shot a 25+ man guild group from SBI during Tuesday-Friday. Hell I’ll even take one from Friday-Monday. That’s how confident I am they don’t exist.
We beat you and your “guilds” thoroughly on the weekends, it’s no secret we PvE during the weekdays but if we had even one, or maybe two dedicated WvW guilds to keep the morale high during the week, we would kitten you in the kitten all week.
TLDR: BP is bad, they have many large WvW guilds, yet only two of them are good (Krew and DR). The rest are kittenty puggers that only make your server look bad.
Happy hunting.
I have seen BS with 30-35 people wipe SBI zergs of 50+ multiple times today alone. Just because SBI doesn’t have large guilds doesn’t stop them from making large zergs. They just combine multiple guilds that get wiped by BP and then claim that they had less numbers than they really did because they were all from different guilds.
Here we go again. BP bragging that oh look our 30-35 people on voice can beat your 50+, half of whom are upleveled, without consumables and not on voice. You guys are great, can I get your autograph? BP actually thinks that 30-35 people on voice is at a disadvantage against 50+ who are not on voice or using the same level of coordination. Some days our karma train is an excellent fighting force, some days it isn’t. Despite being at a disadvantage fighting BP guild groups, it is not uncommon for our PuG groups to obliterate you in the open field, with no frontline/backline or rotations. The quality of the average player on SBI is just much better than that of BP, and you need massive guild groups on voice chat to disguise this deficiency.
The fact is, a number of people on BP, whether they admit it pubicly or not, know that guilds like WFD are awful at open field fighting. They get wiped time and time again by numerically inferior Ebay guild groups and SBI PuG groups who eat their lunch. On Ebay BL tonight, WFD was described as “free bags”. This will of course be denied, but perhaps some of the Ebay players wiping them at Bay can attest to this.
I might as well add a shout out to Esperanis for bragging about sick PvD skills against the SBI skeleton crew today. You’re bad, and you know it. We’ve taken your eternal keep and garrison a few times this reset with 50-60 of you squirreled away on arrow carts. How often can you say you took keeps against SBI when we had the numbers to put up the same kind of resistance? Never? You play PvDoor for points, and brag about capping empty towers and keeps on our borderlands. How does this make you good?
(edited by Radioactive.1248)
Why am I not surprised when players from Borlis Pass are so quick to defend exploits? Must be your love of zoom-hacked Arrow Carts, among other hacks…
Having been accused of zoom hacks by SBI in the past by direct PM, let me be the first to remind you and everyone that Arrow Carts can shoot through gates, provided they are the kind of gates with the open space above it and the over arching wall. This is not a zoom hack but in fact a legitimate design on the part of anet. And if its not a legit design, then Anet has had a years worth of reporting and youtube videos to realize it. If you don’t like us destroying Arrow Carts and other siege behind said gates, don’t put them behind said gates. Lots of places in a tower that cannot be seen through the open space. If its taken you almost a year to realize this, I am terribly sorry. Perception only stacks 25 times after all, and you need a superior sigil to do it anyway! Not all of us are rich. Incidentally, feel free to use this strategy against us, though odds are it won’t be successful because we’ve taught our people to build AC’s where they can’t be seen.
Secondly, as someone who has been on Borlis Pass since November and is presently serving as a leader for of one our larger guilds, I can honestly say I have no idea who this [slay] guild is.
I love how nobody bothered to respond to this
I understand, its probably a rough life being on a PVE server, but what you are saying is that you don’t like WFD because they have a large amount of people that are organized enough to meet up at a certain time every single day to accomplish the same goals. Where are you getting the idea that they are “terrible” or “pathetic?” They don’t run those 50+ person zergs to fight your 10 man pug group, they run them because they run into groups of Hawk and GH on Ebay that are rolling with 80 people. You are just unfortunate to have fallen in their path, from the sounds of it.
As Hadan said also, Krew has had some really fun fights this week. I’m glad to have been a part of most of those!
Seems as though we cannot trust BP’s counting skills once again.
I guess when you focus on PPT as a server, numbers don’t matter! Throw more bodies at everything! 50+ everything and recruit in the match up thread too! We understand that’s your goal, but it just makes for a very, very boring match up lol.
That being said, I’m glad to have run into Krew and DR this matchup and they sorta make up(maybe like 1%) for all the zerging BP has been doing.
And you guys in general need to stop being so srsface : | Nothing/Martin Firestorm has a good sense of humor, and you guys should take after him.
Why does BP keep patting themselves on the back for capping SBI BL? We’re a PUG Server, we have next to no guild groups. Let’s compare guilds between BP and SBI.
some others.SBI:
?Yes you guys are awesome. Even though we have no guilds on our entire server that can put 20+ people in WvW on any night other than reset, you still think you deserve some kind of trophy for beating us. With exception of DR, and Krew, all of your guilds are terrible. WFD is quite possibly the most pathetic 50 man guild zerg ball I’ve ever seen, they have no skill whatsoever.
SBI is the true server of winners, we do more with less guilds than any server on NA. Find a server outside of tier 8 that has less WvW focused guilds than us. I’ll send 5 gold to any BP or Ebay player who can screen shot a 25+ man guild group from SBI during Tuesday-Friday. Hell I’ll even take one from Friday-Monday. That’s how confident I am they don’t exist.
We beat you and your “guilds” thoroughly on the weekends, it’s no secret we PvE during the weekdays but if we had even one, or maybe two dedicated WvW guilds to keep the morale high during the week, we would kitten you in the kitten all week.
TLDR: BP is bad, they have many large WvW guilds, yet only two of them are good (Krew and DR). The rest are kittenty puggers that only make your server look bad.
Happy hunting.
I have seen BS with 30-35 people wipe SBI zergs of 50+ multiple times today alone. Just because SBI doesn’t have large guilds doesn’t stop them from making large zergs. They just combine multiple guilds that get wiped by BP and then claim that they had less numbers than they really did because they were all from different guilds.
Here we go again. BP bragging that oh look our 30-35 people on voice can beat your 50+, half of whom are upleveled, without consumables and not on voice. You guys are great, can I get your autograph? BP actually thinks that 30-35 people on voice is at a disadvantage against 50+ who are not on voice or using the same level of coordination. Some days our karma train is an excellent fighting force, some days it isn’t. Despite being at a disadvantage fighting BP guild groups, it is not uncommon for our PuG groups to obliterate you in the open field, with no frontline/backline or rotations. The quality of the average player on SBI is just much better than that of BP, and you need massive guild groups on voice chat to disguise this deficiency.
The fact is, a number of people on BP, whether they admit it pubicly or not, know that guilds like WFD are awful at open field fighting. They get wiped time and time again by numerically inferior Ebay guild groups and SBI PuG groups who eat their lunch. On Ebay BL tonight, WFD was described as “free bags”. This will of course be denied, but perhaps some of the Ebay players wiping them at Bay can attest to this.
I might as well add a shout out to Esperanis for bragging about sick PvD skills against the SBI skeleton crew today. You’re bad, and you know it. We’ve taken your eternal keep and garrison a few times this reset with 50-60 of you squirreled away on arrow carts. How often can you say you took keeps against SBI when we had the numbers to put up the same kind of resistance? Never? You play PvDoor for points, and brag about capping empty towers and keeps on our borderlands. How does this make you good?
We have nothing to prove to you. I will now refer you to the current score. Also, thank you. For a thread involving BP, SBI, and Ebay, three servers who arguably have some major grudges going on, this thread was remarkably tame. Thank you, so much, for kicking it up a notch. I shall now proceed to continue being bad at WvW and still maintaining a points lead on SBI.
Also, if you hate us “PvDooring” your borderlands, maybe you should defend it. Just a humble suggestion. Incidentally, we have been trying to decide which server should get third place in this match up. While its never a consensus, (as nobody actually leads Borlis) posts like this help to drive the hive mind. I know I will do everything I can to make sure SBI comes in last place now. And here I was thinking I would focus Ebay. Unfortunately, you have accused BS of being bad at WvW. As one of the leaders of this guild, I simply cannot ignore this. Its up to me now to disabuse you of the notion. Trust in the fact that I will, and trust that I will inform the 60 or so members who are online in my guild at any point in time of this fact too. And your post will be shared with all, so they can know exactly what SBI thinks of us. See you on the field.
(edited by Aeros.2046)
I’d love to get a fight club going of some sort, i can never seem to fight BP on a 1v1 scale without them running until they find more, even when equal numbers they run into the nearest tower, maybe i’ve just been running into the wrong folks
I’d love to duel you. We’ll do one Wednesday and Thursday at 8pm PST (server time).
I’ll be there. I’ll also be looking for some 2v2s if anyone is interested.
I’d love to get a fight club going of some sort, i can never seem to fight BP on a 1v1 scale without them running until they find more, even when equal numbers they run into the nearest tower, maybe i’ve just been running into the wrong folks
I’d love to duel you. We’ll do one Wednesday and Thursday at 8pm PST (server time).
I’ll be there. I’ll also be looking for some 2v2s if anyone is interested.
This guy means business
We have nothing to prove to you. I will now refer you to the current score. Also, thank you. For a thread involving BP, SBI, and Ebay, three servers who arguably have some major grudges going on, this thread was remarkably tame. Thank you, so much, for kicking it up a notch. I shall now proceed to continue being bad at WvW and still maintaining a points lead on SBI.
Also, if you hate us “PvDooring” your borderlands, maybe you should defend it. Just a humble suggestion. Incidentally, we have been trying to decide which server should get third place in this match up. While its never a consensus, (as nobody actually leads Borlis) posts like this help to drive the hive mind. I know I will do everything I can to make sure SBI comes in last place now. And here I was thinking I would focus Ebay. After all, its the least I can do. You did say my guild was bad at WvW. Its up to me now to disabuse you of the nation. Trust in the fact that I will, and trust that I will inform the 60 or so members who are online in my guild at any point in time of this fact too. See you on the battlefield.
“Look at the score.”
Standard BP zergling response LOL. (also, nice triple edit LOL)
I’m sure SBI is quaking in their boots right now. Oh no, BS guild coming to be turned into even more lootbags!
Why does BP keep patting themselves on the back for capping SBI BL? We’re a PUG Server, we have next to no guild groups. Let’s compare guilds between BP and SBI.
some others.SBI:
?Yes you guys are awesome. Even though we have no guilds on our entire server that can put 20+ people in WvW on any night other than reset, you still think you deserve some kind of trophy for beating us. With exception of DR, and Krew, all of your guilds are terrible. WFD is quite possibly the most pathetic 50 man guild zerg ball I’ve ever seen, they have no skill whatsoever.
SBI is the true server of winners, we do more with less guilds than any server on NA. Find a server outside of tier 8 that has less WvW focused guilds than us. I’ll send 5 gold to any BP or Ebay player who can screen shot a 25+ man guild group from SBI during Tuesday-Friday. Hell I’ll even take one from Friday-Monday. That’s how confident I am they don’t exist.
We beat you and your “guilds” thoroughly on the weekends, it’s no secret we PvE during the weekdays but if we had even one, or maybe two dedicated WvW guilds to keep the morale high during the week, we would kitten you in the kitten all week.
TLDR: BP is bad, they have many large WvW guilds, yet only two of them are good (Krew and DR). The rest are kittenty puggers that only make your server look bad.
Happy hunting.
I have seen BS with 30-35 people wipe SBI zergs of 50+ multiple times today alone. Just because SBI doesn’t have large guilds doesn’t stop them from making large zergs. They just combine multiple guilds that get wiped by BP and then claim that they had less numbers than they really did because they were all from different guilds.
Here we go again. BP bragging that oh look our 30-35 people on voice can beat your 50+, half of whom are upleveled, without consumables and not on voice. You guys are great, can I get your autograph? BP actually thinks that 30-35 people on voice is at a disadvantage against 50+ who are not on voice or using the same level of coordination. Some days our karma train is an excellent fighting force, some days it isn’t. Despite being at a disadvantage fighting BP guild groups, it is not uncommon for our PuG groups to obliterate you in the open field, with no frontline/backline or rotations. The quality of the average player on SBI is just much better than that of BP, and you need massive guild groups on voice chat to disguise this deficiency.
The fact is, a number of people on BP, whether they admit it pubicly or not, know that guilds like WFD are awful at open field fighting. They get wiped time and time again by numerically inferior Ebay guild groups and SBI PuG groups who eat their lunch. On Ebay BL tonight, WFD was described as “free bags”. This will of course be denied, but perhaps some of the Ebay players wiping them at Bay can attest to this.
I might as well add a shout out to Esperanis for bragging about sick PvD skills against the SBI skeleton crew today. You’re bad, and you know it. We’ve taken your eternal keep and garrison a few times this reset with 50-60 of you squirreled away on arrow carts. How often can you say you took keeps against SBI when we had the numbers to put up the same kind of resistance? Never? You play PvDoor for points, and brag about capping empty towers and keeps on our borderlands. How does this make you good?
Except for the fact that multiple times it has happened, We were not on voice. I’m not talking about those 10+ times in eternal that it happened. It happened through out the day as well in other borderlands. Not everyone in Borlis Pass uses voice, In fact a lot of people don’t.
Not a surpirse. SBI blaming there failure on less coordination then the enemy server when it was probably the same. Just to make them seem like they are better than they really are and to try to put down another server.
Also, Since when does a group of people not being very good at fighting (Not saying that they aren’t) mean that the whole server is bad? Every server is going to have bad players.
How often can you say you took keeps against SBI when we had the numbers to put up the same kind of resistance? Never?
Atleast 15 times this match up. A few times where you outnumbered us as well, a lot of superior siege. Fully upgraded keep. Yet we still took it.
Tons of times in the past obviously.
Don’t consider SBI the true winners when all they do is lie about there numbers and blame all failures on superior enemy coordination when a lot of the time coordination was equal and SBI had greater numbers whether they care to admit it or not.
(edited by Fizwitz.8240)
Went around roaming SBI BL this morning and tonight. Just wanted to say, really great fights with EB guilds.
Fury (thief and warrior) that dragged from south camp all the way to SW tower and then some.
HGH (might have the acronym wrong, something dynasty, warrior) outside of SE tower, twice! great fights both times!
Anonymous Defender (elementalist). You guys have the best videos! I didn’t know you were on EB!
Borlis Pass on the other hand, tried to zerg me down every time, and every roamer except for 1 guy in Krew ran away only to come back with more. Stop living up to your reputation! And to the warrior from Krew with 5 stacks of 50 vit, 5 stacks of 50 power, and 25 stacks of bloodlust: One of these days I will kill you!
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
(edited by Raven.9603)
Why does BP keep patting themselves on the back for capping SBI BL? We’re a PUG Server, we have next to no guild groups. Let’s compare guilds between BP and SBI.
some others.SBI:
?Yes you guys are awesome. Even though we have no guilds on our entire server that can put 20+ people in WvW on any night other than reset, you still think you deserve some kind of trophy for beating us. With exception of DR, and Krew, all of your guilds are terrible. WFD is quite possibly the most pathetic 50 man guild zerg ball I’ve ever seen, they have no skill whatsoever.
SBI is the true server of winners, we do more with less guilds than any server on NA. Find a server outside of tier 8 that has less WvW focused guilds than us. I’ll send 5 gold to any BP or Ebay player who can screen shot a 25+ man guild group from SBI during Tuesday-Friday. Hell I’ll even take one from Friday-Monday. That’s how confident I am they don’t exist.
We beat you and your “guilds” thoroughly on the weekends, it’s no secret we PvE during the weekdays but if we had even one, or maybe two dedicated WvW guilds to keep the morale high during the week, we would kitten you in the kitten all week.
TLDR: BP is bad, they have many large WvW guilds, yet only two of them are good (Krew and DR). The rest are kittenty puggers that only make your server look bad.
Happy hunting.
I have seen BS with 30-35 people wipe SBI zergs of 50+ multiple times today alone. Just because SBI doesn’t have large guilds doesn’t stop them from making large zergs. They just combine multiple guilds that get wiped by BP and then claim that they had less numbers than they really did because they were all from different guilds.
Here we go again. BP bragging that oh look our 30-35 people on voice can beat your 50+, half of whom are upleveled, without consumables and not on voice. You guys are great, can I get your autograph? BP actually thinks that 30-35 people on voice is at a disadvantage against 50+ who are not on voice or using the same level of coordination. Some days our karma train is an excellent fighting force, some days it isn’t. Despite being at a disadvantage fighting BP guild groups, it is not uncommon for our PuG groups to obliterate you in the open field, with no frontline/backline or rotations. The quality of the average player on SBI is just much better than that of BP, and you need massive guild groups on voice chat to disguise this deficiency.
The fact is, a number of people on BP, whether they admit it pubicly or not, know that guilds like WFD are awful at open field fighting. They get wiped time and time again by numerically inferior Ebay guild groups and SBI PuG groups who eat their lunch. On Ebay BL tonight, WFD was described as “free bags”. This will of course be denied, but perhaps some of the Ebay players wiping them at Bay can attest to this.
I might as well add a shout out to Esperanis for bragging about sick PvD skills against the SBI skeleton crew today. You’re bad, and you know it. We’ve taken your eternal keep and garrison a few times this reset with 50-60 of you squirreled away on arrow carts. How often can you say you took keeps against SBI when we had the numbers to put up the same kind of resistance? Never? You play PvDoor for points, and brag about capping empty towers and keeps on our borderlands. How does this make you good?
Words have consequences. BS took your claims at face value. When I said see you on the battlefield, I meant immediately. This screenshot is ENTIRELY due to this post
(edited by Aeros.2046)
watch out guys
if you say something mean your keep’s gonna get zerged
BS, eternal zerg masters. Don’t mess around.
Words have consequences. BS took your claims at face value. When I said see you on the battlefield, I meant immediately. This screenshot is ENTIRELY due to this post
I feel like I can look up past match up threads, and every BP bragging screen will be posted after SBI all goes to bed. It happens all the time.
I think a challenge was issued awhile back. That BP should take SBI’s EB keep during NA primetime. And I believe the challenge was failed by BP. Instead, they do their ever-glorious tactic of fighting where people are not, and wait for a majority of SBI to sleep before doing anything of worth.
Sounds like those BS guys are mad. Too bad they can’t do anything about it without a giant pile of people behind them. kittening scrubs.
Oh look we lost everything in eternal. Now ask us if we care.
Oh look we lost everything in eternal. Now ask us if we care.
Now now. Your “just in time” defense of your main keep from us earlier was well played. =3
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
I love it. I just HAD to get on and post.
SBI, I find it quite funny that half of your posts are along the line of “BP, your awesome and winning, but your guilds suck!”
Then you proceed to say that because you don’t have WvW on SBI, you guys continue to lose.
If our guilds get wiped time after time, how can you sit back in your last place position and say we suck…when you don’t have any guilds. Last time I checked, that was your problem, not BPs.
Also, if we suck so much, we wouldn’t be wiping your huge militia zergs with 35 WFD, or capping your home SM every night.
Ebay, I have great respect for your guilds. We’ve had some great fights with Hawk in particular. Gotten much better. If SBI had enough people in WvW, maybe they can spectate sometime.
I’m truly sorry if you aren’t a troll SBI and you read this post. Talk to your friends for me.
I love it. I just HAD to get on and post.
SBI, I find it quite funny that half of your posts are along the line of “BP, your awesome and winning, but your guilds suck!”
You don’t get the whole ‘we play wvw for the fights, not the points’ thing huh?
Then you proceed to say that because you don’t have WvW on SBI, you guys continue to lose.
If our guilds get wiped time after time, how can you sit back in your last place position and say we suck…when you don’t have any guilds. Last time I checked, that was your problem, not BPs.
You’re again judging based on points lolz. What most are saying is as a majority your server can’t hold its own in an actual fight in wvw.
Also, if we suck so much, we wouldn’t be wiping your huge militia zergs with 35 WFD, or capping your home SM every night.
Can’t speak for those when I’m not on, but when I’m on fights always go like this with you folk:
BP sees SBI (or vice versa)
BP runs to tower/keep
BP wipes
See that part in bold there? I’m assuming by ‘every night’ you mean you’re essentially taking it when a large chunk of our server logs off for the night. Makes sense, gj PvDooring.
Ebay, I have great respect for your guilds. We’ve had some great fights with Hawk in particular. Gotten much better. If SBI had enough people in WvW, maybe they can spectate sometime.
I’m truly sorry if you aren’t a troll SBI and you read this post. Talk to your friends for me.
Your forums warrioring is just as bad as your ingame skill. /kiss
OMG. I wake up to a kitten show on the forums… thank you for the props on the forums, but if compliments toward us come with huge insults to the rest of our community, it’s almost like you guys made a delicious sandwich, then chop off a chunk of your hair, and then stuck it into said sandwich and fed it to us.
Our other guilds are good at what they do.
Ugh, I hate the PPT game soo much, and until they start handing out cash and prizes to the winners each week, I will continue to ignore PPT and play for the fights. Cheers!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
(edited by Evalana.5480)
I’ve been waiting for the egos to bail off to other servers so the rest of us could get on with it, but it sure is taking a while.
I’ve been waiting for the egos to bail off to other servers so the rest of us could get on with it, but it sure is taking a while.
^ +1
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
Guys, the cow finisher is amazing!
Guys, the cow finisher is amazing!
I was so wanting that one, but I’ve never actually seen it before. I like how we actually have a whole menu of them to pick from now on our Hero Tab.
Also, I’m not much for PvE, but I’m also really enjoying these Queen’s Gauntlet challenges. Pretty easy achievements for some of the half decent amongst our WvW regular ranks I should think. =P
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Went around roaming SBI BL this morning and tonight. Just wanted to say, really great fights with EB guilds.
Fury (thief and warrior) that dragged from south camp all the way to SW tower and then some.
HGH (might have the acronym wrong, something dynasty, warrior) outside of SE tower, twice! great fights both times!
Anonymous Defender (elementalist). You guys have the best videos! I didn’t know you were on EB!
Borlis Pass on the other hand, tried to zerg me down every time, and every roamer except for 1 guy in Krew ran away only to come back with more. Stop living up to your reputation! And to the warrior from Krew with 5 stacks of 50 vit, 5 stacks of 50 power, and 25 stacks of bloodlust: One of these days I will kill you!
Haha, I will let poc knw that your out to get him!!! He will be sad if you take his stacks away
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
Went around roaming SBI BL this morning and tonight. Just wanted to say, really great fights with EB guilds.
Fury (thief and warrior) that dragged from south camp all the way to SW tower and then some.
HGH (might have the acronym wrong, something dynasty, warrior) outside of SE tower, twice! great fights both times!
Anonymous Defender (elementalist). You guys have the best videos! I didn’t know you were on EB!
Borlis Pass on the other hand, tried to zerg me down every time, and every roamer except for 1 guy in Krew ran away only to come back with more. Stop living up to your reputation! And to the warrior from Krew with 5 stacks of 50 vit, 5 stacks of 50 power, and 25 stacks of bloodlust: One of these days I will kill you!
Haha, I will let poc knw that your out to get him!!! He will be sad if you take his stacks away
I think I dueled him on my Necro the other day and was gonna give him a shoutout but I forgot his name. Pocalypse or something right? Man, I wish Anet made WvW rank account bound. Those are too good.
yea that’s him. He usually looks for 1v1s and wont interrupt fights if he sees them going on. Hel just wait his turn
in other news, a guildie met some1 from ebay from the guild CHAR yesterday in real life!!! Showd up to fix his internet and you can only imagine the 1v1 that broke out in tht house once they found out they were facing eachother this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
(edited by Hadan.2841)
I really hope it was Hakanoy from CHAR. Roi is probably too busy PVEing IRL.
Actually no, I hope it was Dinkle. You would love Dinkle’s voice HAHA.
yea that’s him. He usually looks for 1v1s and wont interrupt fights if he sees them going on. Hel just wait his turn
in other news, a guildie met some1 from ebay from the guild CHAR yesterday in real life!!! Showd up to fix his internet and you can only imagine the 1v1 that broke out in tht house once they found out they were facing eachother this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Standing outside on the lawn near the mailbox waypoint-
“Cant come in, your front door is reinforced…”
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
yea that’s him. He usually looks for 1v1s and wont interrupt fights if he sees them going on. Hel just wait his turn
in other news, a guildie met some1 from ebay from the guild CHAR yesterday in real life!!! Showd up to fix his internet and you can only imagine the 1v1 that broke out in tht house once they found out they were facing eachother this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha ‘fix’ his internet, alright! Lmfao!
Poc is awesome!! I watch some of his roaming from time to time on his stream =)
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
That’s absolutely hilarious about Krewe and charr guys
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Words have consequences. BS took your claims at face value. When I said see you on the battlefield, I meant immediately. This screenshot is ENTIRELY due to this post
I feel like I can look up past match up threads, and every BP bragging screen will be posted after SBI all goes to bed. It happens all the time.
What time do you guys go to bed? This was at like 8pm PST last night.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
Words have consequences. BS took your claims at face value. When I said see you on the battlefield, I meant immediately. This screenshot is ENTIRELY due to this post
I feel like I can look up past match up threads, and every BP bragging screen will be posted after SBI all goes to bed. It happens all the time.
What time do you guys go to bed? This was at like 8pm PST last night.
I think yesterday was PvE night, didn’t you get the memo?
BP bragging that oh look our 30-35 people on voice can beat your 50+, half of whom are upleveled, without consumables and not on voice.
I get your point, but you’re killing your own server making it. Those are all very fixable problems if you guys just make the effort.
Nothing/Martin Firestorm has a good sense of humor…
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…
Anonymous Defender (elementalist). You guys have the best videos! I didn’t know you were on EB!
Some of our members have good cross server relationships with Ebay’s GF guild. They just run under different tags most of the time, pretty rare you will see them running the AD tag.
Thanks for the shout out though!
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life
Thank you for all the forums shoutouts, myself and the other DR members have been having a lot of fun fighting this week.
Want to commend GH and Hawk (always love fighting you guys), and there have been a few smaller SBI forces on there map we’ve had some trouble with (no particular guild) this week. Keep up the good fights all
Maestro – 80 Mesmer
Dragonriders [DR]