We drank and killed to pass the time.
Elona Reach / Desolation / Baruch Bay 7/6/13
We drank and killed to pass the time.
You`re tone towards IRON and VotF seems a bit hatefull. Maybe you don`t remember that the only reason Desolation was ever competitive in EU tier 1 was due to IRON.
I have an opinion on that, and I was also one of the IRON guild leaders. I will NOT post it as I have no wish to start a flame war, however...... there were many other guilds on Deso during IRON’s time here, I will just say that you are wrong, simple as that. VoTF I have respect for, I have friends in that guild and they were a great loss to the server. I also see nothing hateful in the post.
Tbh with the outflow that preceded us leaving Tier 1 im surprised Desolation didn’t crash and burn like Blacktide did when the same happened to them.
That`s because Desolation has a huge pve and pvp playerbase. While blacktide only had the presence of Xaoc which made them the server to transfer too for easy points during eu primetime. As soon as Xaoc quit blacktide was abandoned.
That’s purely down to the efforts of those few guilds that remained albeit small guilds that came out from the shadow of the larger guilds like IRON and VOTF etc that left us for greener pastures.
For those of us who remain on desolation that have ignored the call of greener pastures to continue to stagger across the war torn desecrated no man’s land that others can no longer stomach, Listen to this as long as there are players still willing to fight many will endeavor to step up to the mark and offer leadership and stand shoulder to shoulder with you.
There will be a day that the good old war cry “We Will Desolate” will ring true again"
You`re tone towards IRON and VotF seems a bit hatefull. Maybe you don`t remember that the only reason Desolation was ever competitive in EU tier 1 was due to IRON.
You’re reading far too much between the lines m8 two guild names were mentioned in the context that refers to some of the large guild raids that of which no longer exist on Desolation in answer to why desolation resembles a pug server to our opponents. I use the term stomach loosely as tbh its in a sense correct many guilds no longer could deal with the constant night capping and months of being matched with Vizunah and sought a better deal for their members theres nothing wrong there at all no one is forced to stay anywhere they’re not happy. However despite that personally i don’t care much for the past anymore, It’s the present and future recovery of Desolation and it’s community that matters now.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Register your guilds at gw2gvg.com
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
There are still movements on Desolation who are working tooth and nail to make the server a better place. This proven to be kickstarted over the past few weeks, although this needs time.
The current WvW Guilds left on the server, who remained their effort in WvW in any case are in my opinion conquerers and spartans. Those are the guilds that remained true to the server and their beliefs. Call it a pride thing, however I have utter respect for every single guild, commander and player who are still residing on Desolation due date.
We got a huge blow against Desolation due certain Gamers trying to build an empire, Guilds jumping the gun and fighting Vizunah for months. Fact remains that we keep our heads high, strong and the most important of all – we will be stepping the plate
I sincerely love the matchup so far. Learned a lot from both Elona and Baruch and I it certainly is a blessing to fight you guys! Looking forward to tonight, where we clash our weapons again! Keep up the great fights ladies and gents!
I am really enjoying this match so far – had some good 1 on 1 with people from both Deso and Baruch (especially a Baruch ranger – and I’m glad everyone running past us was nice and ignored us).
Some epic mid scale fights, and some good large scale fights – though the lags get annoying. The time battling with all three servers in SM yesterday late evening was fun, but kitten – just imagine the fun without the lags.
We love you, Deso <3
Greetings from [BuLL]!
Not much fun in this game anymore for anything running under 30 it seems. Be curious to hear from GoD from Deso why its necessary to run twice our number in guildies, plus pugs, AND build AC’s/Ballista’s, just to engage 20-25 of us? Are we really that terrifying?
Props to GD for at least running solo on Elona, but think you run too many to have any good roaming fights with us, be interesting to see as the week goes on, you look to be the most interesting fights in this tier.
Was hoping for a lot from this matchup, heard Deso still had some very good guilds, but all I’ve seen so far from them is guilds running 40+ with pugs following them that flash build AC’s in the field against half their numbers.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
All in all, my experience is that Desolation hardly can afford any GvG action in the middle of the week. Many times when a guild steps on a border, nothing is happening on Desolation’s side. They need to start from scratch. We need more people in W3, and we can achieve that by letting people in on W3 action. That might mean, that we have to “blob up” in order to achieve something. In my point of view, GoD is doing invaluable job to the server, by letting people in on the game and giving some feelings of success while raiding. I know all guilds would like to roam around all by themselves, but that’s not always possible, the pug must be let in, if we ever want to increase our W3 presence.
But why would you want more wvw players, you have seen how the fights in top tier are. Did you really enjoy that? Why dont you just let the rating system do its work, go down a bit and get matched with servers which have equall wvw player numbers.
Or is it that important to win some medals on a website which isn`t even related to arenanet…
But why would you want more wvw players
Are you kidding me, my default experience the last weeks in WvW:
- eb with queue, jump on an empty bl
- situation utterly desperate,we have nothing, no commander on, I tag up
- after 10-15 minutes of begging in map chat I can maybe get 9 more people to start commander event
- if other server is awake (e.g. SFR 22 hours out of 24, elona/vizunah 24 hours out of 24), your npc commander + 10 pugs get destroyed by a zerg of 35 in the T3 tower in front of your spawn filled to the brim with ACs
- if other server is asleep, you can take your tower. At that point with a bit of luck you slowly start to gather a “zerg” of maybe 20-25 pugs
- try to do anything serious with your new “zerg” like capping a keep, get steamrolled by a zerg of 40+ from enemy server, half your pugs leave, the zerg of 40 goes to recap your tower facerubbing it, back to square one
Just about the only way of being able to do anything in these tiers is to run with a guild group of MINIMUM 20 people + at least another 10-15 pugs following to reach “critical mass”. Anything less and a colossal blob from the enemy server will just gather as soon as you try anything significant and roll all over you.
So yeah, Deso needs A WHOLE LOT more people given the servers with which we have been matched in the last NINETEEN WEEKS.
I think those who are unaware really need to realise that currently Deso struggle to even field a 30-man guild raid. Two of the three borderlands are almost always ‘outmanned’ and even our home border rarely has a queue longer than 5 minutes. If and when a Deso guild is able to get 30 people it is extremely difficult for them to run on their own because there are so few guilds on opposing servers doing the same. For all the good guilds in this match-up, they seem to have a habit of conveniently crossing paths. Not going to start pointing fingers because there are some great guilds in this match-up who I have a lot of respect for and they are trying their best to run in their own group, but at times Deso has no option but to rally everyone together.
(edited by scanz.4536)
The funny thing is, I think we certainly have the manpower to make it in these matchups already in our server. Our first weekend after dropping from T1 we lead against SFR and Kodash, quite significantly too. We also have ridiculous queues on EB, I think we could actually fill a border sometimes with the people queueing to EB. It’s just that Desolation has a stronger history/presence in EB and people have the feeling that borders aren’t worth going into since there’s little to be conquered there. We just need more people to be more active, that’s what W3 is basically about, scorewise.
Not much fun in this game anymore for anything running under 30 it seems. Be curious to hear from GoD from Deso why its necessary to run twice our number in guildies, plus pugs, AND build AC’s/Ballista’s, just to engage 20-25 of us? Are we really that terrifying?
Props to GD for at least running solo on Elona, but think you run too many to have any good roaming fights with us, be interesting to see as the week goes on, you look to be the most interesting fights in this tier.
Was hoping for a lot from this matchup, heard Deso still had some very good guilds, but all I’ve seen so far from them is guilds running 40+ with pugs following them that flash build AC’s in the field against half their numbers.
Come to Deso BL. That is where I spend most of my WvWvW time. Almost all the time we have nothing than just PuG teams. Outside the peak hours our PuG blobs are rarely bigger than 10 and even during the peak hours generally not more than 20 follow one commander. We quite often have 2 commanders during peak.
I can easily imagine the reasons why most of our players like to stick to a group. Enemy is doing the exactly same! I do a lot of solo roaming myself. Fair matches are rare, because enemy is afraid to lose. E.g. yesterday evening a group of about 10 ER was chasing me all the way from the South of the map. I escaped into water and did my best to dodge and stall them and heal myself. They followed me across the lake and finally got me by the garrison. Stuff like this happens all the time, 5-30 man enemy team, spends many minutes to chase me alone. I am not gonna stop roaming because of this. And I roam without any stealth or teleportation skills. In fact this just calls in for a lesson for our enemies. I am the bait. They are the victims. The more I can pull in, the happier our PuGs will be. ;-)
Anybody on Desolation want to fraps this as my ancient computer is too slow? It would make a great recruitment material. 1 Deso vs Many. And then that “oops” moment of the enemy.
Ayna Micro
Your friendly PuG commander
We also have ridiculous queues on EB, I think we could actually fill a border sometimes with the people queueing to EB. It’s just that Desolation has a stronger history/presence in EB and people have the feeling that borders aren’t worth going into since there’s little to be conquered there.
EB is for randoms, BLs are for guilds (and randoms while they are in tkitten queue), isn’t that everywhere this way? At least on Elona it is this way as well. Your guilds need an recruitment officer on EB
(lol, what makes the_ EB kittened )
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Small groups are discouraged when facing off against servers with large populations in these top matchups, unfortunately there is little alternative but to bunch up to not do so with a low population is suicidal and even the little guy needs to have some enjoyment once in awhile between the pain trains.
Despite that many guilds do run smaller groups but they are more successful hampering enemy progress than being able to fight open field or take objectives. Last night on Desolation bl Elona had a very good turnout and on the other hand we deso kept going outmanned every 30 mins or so, there was one particular moment where two groups led by CLAW and INV trying their hardest to take garrison from a sea of red comprised of Elona. AFTL took our 15 man group to Hills in an attempt to relieve pressure on the garrison assault, after 5mins of face rubbing the north outer door Elona took the bait and spawned in a 20-30 man group to push us off.
We disengaged and most of us survived to make it back at Stargrove with an Elona group in hot pursuit on pulling back to Dawn’s Eyrie we found a hidden mesmer who we caught in the act attempting to portal in the Elona group behind us the mesmer got the portal off and thankfully our 15 AFTL guys managed to kill those that got in the remaining 15-20 that didn’t manage the portal aborted and ran back to defend garrison.
So we did a rinse and repeat back down to Hills and this time Elona gathered a group of 20-30 who gathered up on the walls and sent and additional large group incoming from garrison who smashed into our rear, overkill or what? lol but exactly what we were out to achieve in pulling away a considerable amount of Elona away from garrison. After a quick respawn we headed back to garrison and re-grouped with allies with the place now almost empty of defenders and an easy cap job well done
The evening wasn’t perfect on our end though we had communication issues most of the evening due to allied commanders not on TS etc and some groups including pugs doing their own thing but it wasn’t a disaster we managed to put up a fight where we could.
(edited by Axle.5182)
I wonder when we stop to get .exe errors every 5minutes…
Anet hates Elona :/
Warrior – Gunnar’s Hold
Will always love Elona!
GG BBay for tonights run – it was nice sandwiching us between DsD + randoms and CS but one thing is how come Half of desolation disconnected before you attacked the garrison (not calling it a hack but it is a bit strange for everyone to have the same random error at the same time).
Was fun though nice fight at Bay
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
GG BBay for tonights run – it was nice sandwiching us between DsD + randoms and CS but one thing is how come Half of desolation disconnected before you attacked the garrison (not calling it a hack but it is a bit strange for everyone to have the same random error at the same time).
Was fun though nice fight at Bay
Same problem on Baruch Bay Border, whole zone disconnected multiple times. Hope they fix it soon though, no way of running a normal raid when this errors occurs.
[BuLL] ’13-’14 ~ Forever in my mind, only you.
Whole WvW feels kinda laggy, especially EB…
Yeah usual problems after big patch ^^.
Already a new build incoming, hope it’s fixing stuff!
[BuLL] ’13-’14 ~ Forever in my mind, only you.
GG BBay for tonights run – it was nice sandwiching us between DsD + randoms and CS but one thing is how come Half of desolation disconnected before you attacked the garrison (not calling it a hack but it is a bit strange for everyone to have the same random error at the same time).
Was fun though nice fight at Bay
Same problem on Baruch Bay Border, whole zone disconnected multiple times. Hope they fix it soon though, no way of running a normal raid when this errors occurs.
No one disconnected at all today and WvW has been fine. Just that one moment some minutes past 11pm. Every one got kicked to some unknown error. We sent a comprehensive post to Anet, To see if it is legit ord
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
GG BBay for tonights run – it was nice sandwiching us between DsD + randoms and CS but one thing is how come Half of desolation disconnected before you attacked the garrison (not calling it a hack but it is a bit strange for everyone to have the same random error at the same time).
Was fun though nice fight at Bay
Same problem on Baruch Bay Border, whole zone disconnected multiple times. Hope they fix it soon though, no way of running a normal raid when this errors occurs.
No one disconnected at all today and WvW has been fine. Just that one moment some minutes past 11pm. Every one got kicked to some unknown error. We sent a comprehensive post to Anet, To see if it is legit ord
I know, we on baruch bay had the same problem. Everybody got the same error @ crash..
[BuLL] ’13-’14 ~ Forever in my mind, only you.
Blob this blob that… every kittening time I hear this kitten from every server. I bet you spilled the usual crap when you attacked Desolation-BL Bay yesterday with more than 60 and won “gloriously”. We defended the Stronghold with 19 Guildmembers for as long as possible, after you got wiped twice coming with your two Guildzergs alone. Instead of fighting us again fair and square, you decided to get everyone at your disposal to push with a giant 60+ blob. So stop giving us kitten about Zergs. Frekin hypocrites wherever you look. kittening man up already. And you can also stop to cry about manpower as well. It is what it is take it or leave.
Blob this blob that… every kittening time I hear this kitten from every server. I bet you spilled the usual crap when you attacked Desolation-BL Bay yesterday with more than 60 and won “gloriously”. We defended the Stronghold with 19 Guildmembers for as long as possible, after you got wiped twice coming with your two Guildzergs alone. Instead of fighting us again fair and square, you decided to get everyone at your disposal to push with a giant 60+ blob. So stop giving us kitten about Zergs. Frekin hypocrites wherever you look. kittening man up already. And you can also stop to cry about manpower as well. It is what it is take it or leave.
Who complaining about blob? or can you not read.
We talking about a random error which no one has gotten before. Did you all disconnect yesterday at bay? And for your information desolation does not have at any time 60 players on the borderlands (30 – 35 max) so stop counting shadows. If someone claims that Baruch Bay got the same disconnect at 11pm in their borderland also; and ANet confirms this then i rest my case on this issue. But if it happens to be someone exploiting it wouldn’t go down well.
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
If someone claims that Baruch Bay got the same disconnect at 11pm in their borderland also; and ANet confirms this then i rest my case on this issue. But if it happens to be someone exploiting it wouldn’t go down well.
Hahha, someone exploiting? Wow T1 made you crazy. Yes we had the same random crash error around 11pm CEST.
Immortal Kingdom [KING] – Officer
Second Law [Scnd] Filthy Casual
If someone claims that Baruch Bay got the same disconnect at 11pm in their borderland also; and ANet confirms this then i rest my case on this issue. But if it happens to be someone exploiting it wouldn’t go down well.
Hahha, someone exploiting? Wow T1 made you crazy. Yes we had the same random crash error around 11pm CEST.
You cant be too sure; cause they pick up on this disconnection was too good to be true. BB straight to break garrison outer and camp the doors into the garrison with 15players each and have 10 players attacking the inner doors (North inner, North West inner). So all the desolation logging in back to the map got slaughtered straight at the doors trying to get into the garrison. which got captured without ease.
somethings are just too good to be true.
has nothing to do with T1, T2 or anything. I would rather lose it to your groups of attackers in a fight than for it to be taken like that. Hence, the why we making sure its is not an exploit.
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
You cant be too sure; cause they pick up on this disconnection was too good to be true.
somethings are just too good to be true
Your strong arguments made me confess…
Our thieves’ brotherhood stole a so called " disconnection machine" from an Asura merchant, allowing us to conquer empty maps.
You are doomed, surrender or we will dsconnect you forever.
Haltair, one of the twelve shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
EU servers are routed out of Frankfurt Germany so there is every chance German players were more stable during the event that led to many others getting disconnected.
Great fun at Baruch Bay BL last night. While we started out with nothing, we managed to slowly work our way up. Props to Elona and Baruch for the epic battles outside Hills, that was really refreshing! Cheers.
Blob this blob that… every kittening time I hear this kitten from every server. I bet you spilled the usual crap when you attacked Desolation-BL Bay yesterday with more than 60 and won “gloriously”. We defended the Stronghold with 19 Guildmembers for as long as possible, after you got wiped twice coming with your two Guildzergs alone. Instead of fighting us again fair and square, you decided to get everyone at your disposal to push with a giant 60+ blob. So stop giving us kitten about Zergs. Frekin hypocrites wherever you look. kittening man up already. And you can also stop to cry about manpower as well. It is what it is take it or leave.
Who complaining about blob? or can you not read.
We talking about a random error which no one has gotten before. Did you all disconnect yesterday at bay? And for your information desolation does not have at any time 60 players on the borderlands (30 – 35 max) so stop counting shadows. If someone claims that Baruch Bay got the same disconnect at 11pm in their borderland also; and ANet confirms this then i rest my case on this issue. But if it happens to be someone exploiting it wouldn’t go down well.
Desolation is not having more then +35 Zergs on one map? Just let me laugh even harder for a second here. Done. Did it ever occur to you that you don’t play 24/7 on all maps and that you can’t know what amount of players are on each map at all times? If necessary I can prove you wrong and record it next time I see it. No Problem.
And who said that I was reffering to any of the complains with crashes, which btw we had as well all evening. Some of us reconnected over 10 Times before they gave up frustrated as anyone else on any server in the game. Every time a patch is released they make big mistakes. And since arenanet is refusing to open a test-release-server Arenanet will continue to be one of the companys with one of the worst costumer services I have ever seen. The only reason that is keeping most of the rvr gamers I know in the game is the great community that build up around the game and the lack of good alternatives. GW2 is in terms of WvW the biggest waste of potential ever. Just the fact that thousands of players bought games evolving solely around rvr should have been reason enough to at least double the WvW team by now and work hard to bring new features and fix bugs that are months old by now. I’m aware that Arenanet doesn’t want a pay2win system for wvw, so it’s hard to make money with the gemshop if you don’t want to destroy the balance. But it is possible to get rid of problems like that. For instance, why not add armors that can only be bought with badges of honor and gems. If the major problems in wvw would be fixed I know a lot of people that would be more then happy to support Anet by buying WvW specific items that are not influencing the balance in the game. Nuff said.
Let’s calm the kitten down people !!! +35 zergs is indeed an understatement however it all depends on time of day and even what day it is for that matter as there is no persistent coverage day to day hour to hour etc to pull data from.
Personally if anyone quotes a number it can only refer to individual situations between certain time frames and is a constant variable. I will confirm without stating numbers is during the day Desolation server as a whole will be outmanned on all maps during the day with the focus of whatever day cover we have centralised in EB this will unlikely change right up to EU prime time around 5pm UTC.
It’s around this time the bulk of our coverage starts to log into maps with the preference for many being EB, On desolation bl on average and i will give numbers here as i know this data off the top of my head (my guild regularly resides there in the evenings) you will find no more than two guild groups of no more than 20 players each the rest is made up of randoms consisting of unguilded or PVX/PVE players and fragments of other guilds queued to join their own guild on another map etc forming the pugs.
Out of the two guild groups one group will take on command of the pugs on a typical evening that equates to an estimate of 15-20 guild group +20-25 randoms then the other guild group of 15-20 running apart from the other group the rest consists of roamers and players that possibly want to run independant of any group, this is not a fixed number and outside of the main groups it can vary often and were not always sure of the total number of randoms as there is every possibility of another guild group or players from another map may join the map unannounced at some point but it’s an average statement however the numbers drop off drastically later into the night with the average player possibly pushing out no more than 3-4 hrs game play of an evening leaving us back to square one leading up to midnight with little night coverage whilst our opponents still have a stronger presence on the maps.
There are situations that numbers can and often converge enmass into one area and it would be a lie to indicate otherwise as often it is necessary and if not very difficult to avoid, despite this many of our objectives are set upon by much larger groups, multiple groups not to mention double focused from both opponents that inturn get’s our people into a zerg mentality it happens to every server in a similar situation people see orange swords and home into it like moths to a lightbulb looking for a piece of the action.
As it stands Desolation on average does not have the manpower and coverage facing superior server numbers to run multiple groups on all maps freely those of us that can and do i salute you, for the remainder it is a case of bunkering up and consolidating what we do have and ride out the onslaught till we find a matchup that we can compete in with less need to play on the defensive.
(edited by Axle.5182)
For now i ask everyone including my own server guys to drop with the blob and QQ talk we know our situation and so do our opponents but that doesn’t mean they have to hold back and treat us different from any other server, we don’t need leniency falsely propping us up in matchups we realistically don’t belong in.
We get hammered in manpower and coverage despite fighting on so what? the fact it’s happening is a good thing otherwise we wouldn’t be dropping to reach our true match bracket and the fact we’re continuing to fight along the way means we will be tighter and stronger as a community when we get there accepting defeat in every matchup only serves to fracture our already small WvW community more and more .
(edited by Axle.5182)
Thought I’d come on and see how my old buddies on Deso were doing. Think you guys are doing amazingly well considering the resources you now have available and the amount of wvw guilds you have left.
Bit surprised to see your signature Tomoko, is it not time to move on from Iron?
Iron was definately not the only reason we got to and stayed in t1, guilds such as GH, FG, GOD, DSD, EXG, Coin, GT, Omni, TEQ and Bull all played instrumental parts in getting us and keeping us there, as did eternal iron. Deso would never of been successful without these guilds all playing vital parts.
Votf are certainly a great guild but they joined us when we were already established in t1. As for AFTL they are a great guild, with one of the best mentality’s I have seen in my time playing this game.
Anyway hope you guys continue to do well. Think the RNG is awful when trying to build servers WvW. Also hope the Iron hall is still going strong.
I agree with Axle on dropping the QQ and Blob talk. Like he stated everyone knows we don’t have the coverage and numbers like they have. I know if we had the numbers we will use it so no need to blame others for having numbers.
Well said on the later half of your post trydaichi. If it happens to be Anet’s fault due to it happening on all borderlands then it is cool. I just had to find out if it was an exploit which from the general message seems not to be (Anet still looking into the issue).
Looking forward to some more fights before the end of the week. Even if we are outmanned and I only have 10 players on me I will still knock on the door of Bay :P (Fighting spirit)
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
(edited by oaagamer.6594)
Thought I’d come on and see how my old buddies on Deso were doing. Think you guys are doing amazingly well considering the resources you now have available and the amount of wvw guilds you have left.
Iron was definately not the only reason we got to and stayed in t1, guilds such as GH, FG, GOD, DSD, EXG, Coin, GT, Omni, TEQ and Bull all played instrumental parts in getting us and keeping us there, as did eternal iron. Deso would never of been successful without these guilds all playing vital parts.
Great post from Offski. It was a pleasure to work with you when you where still at Desolation.
Many of those who stayed at Desolation are truly the type of guys who would defend Alamo to the last stand. We got also quite a bit of new fresh blood at WvWvW. They are still inexperienced, but the veterans are training them. At this moment I don’t see it very probable that some big WvWvW guilds would move to Desolation, so our only hope is to grow new WvWvW players from our existing huge pve and pvp player base.
We got many things okay and momentarily we can even dominate the game and grab a full control of a map zone, but those moments are usually short. At the moment our side is really sucking when it comes to defense. I was today a total of 2 h at WvWvW. Out of those 2 h I was spending 13 minutes with my kids and then coming back to computer screen. During that time Garrison and one tower was lost, both reinforced and full of siege. I was sure that tower had 3 ACs and 2 ballistas, but probably nobody on our side bothered to defend. Then another 15 minutes with my family and an upgraded tower with Treb + 3 ACs (which I built there) was lost. Sighs… our side really should learn to keep a constant eye on the map if any keep or tower is under attack and react immediately.
But maybe it is good. The less points we got, the higher likelyhood we have for lower ranked opponents. You get more WXP by conquering the same objective again than defending it, unless you do AC cart farming.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Thanks Scnd &RED for fights in BB BL was fun.
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Once upon a time the lands of Baruch were devastated by starvation and sickness. Several of the best wvw guilds moved to other lands.
The community in Baruch evolved, new guilds and brotherhoods grew and the old friends returned.
Now we can face enemies with good coverage and perhaps even prevail over Elona at the end of the week.
I can only wish the same events sequence to Desolation.
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
I bet your night team could smash viz night team :p
Personally, I’m not really interesented on facing vizunah. We are facing servers with higher rank and that’s why we have positive ranking. But it could happen otherwise and have an even matchup with a lower ranking server and therefore loose ranking.
I prefer to face a more guild based community as PS, or AR. We learned a lot facing Piken, and improved a lot. And even though I never fought vizunah, I believe we have nothing to learn from them. It’s a matter of numbers and coverage.
But anyway, it’s been a nice match so far. A lot of interesting fights, especially against desolation.
True Viz relies heavily on large scale pug groups and pug commanders with only a few prominent guilds if GvG and learning from your opponent is important to your community then Viz is def not a good opponent.
(edited by Axle.5182)
Had loads of fun on EB this night, we used the new tactics called “Yumping Tactics” (jumping). We did pritty good, but baruch bay stood strong against our yumping forces. We will come yumping around when you least expect it.
That was some amazing fights on EB inside SM late last night, we held waves of Baruch Bay trying to push for the lord room while defending Bravost, Langor and our Keep while still keeping hold of SM for around 30 mins-1 hour or so I lost track of time though. I haven’t commanded in the past few days but that was a great night made possible with everyone’s help!
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Who all was it in Dolyak form and animal tonics on our team spectating clashes on Deso bl? last night you made me giggle lol
Who all was it in Dolyak form and animal tonics on our team spectating clashes on Deso bl? last night you made me giggle lol
dunno exactly anymore, but i think there were 3 dolyaks of GT in your garrison at like 9 pm
soz to you, my dolyak friends, but we had to kick you out there
we were like, nah let them alive just for the sake of them being dolyaks, and then some1 came up with “wait, what if they’re mesmers?” was kinda funny to see you guys running around there though ;D
Who all was it in Dolyak form and animal tonics on our team spectating clashes on Deso bl? last night you made me giggle lol
dunno exactly anymore, but i think there were 3 dolyaks of GT in your garrison at like 9 pm
soz to you, my dolyak friends, but we had to kick you out there
we were like, nah let them alive just for the sake of them being dolyaks, and then some1 came up with “wait, what if they’re mesmers?” was kinda funny to see you guys running around there though ;D
I apologize as well. I was a little bit ashamed when I kicked one of you off the cliffs, but it had to be done. you can pm me unkown frenemy, I will send you the repaircosts and a new tonic.
Look at the average points per hour of the day at http://gw2tracker.net/wvw/stats/live
You only get more points 0-7am, from 7am-23pm Elona is ahead of you.
And this doesn’t need an excuse, it is just boring game design. But after month of denying it ANet at least recognized it for the first time in their latest note about WvW.
Ok.. i will say what i see in your graphics website…
Elona really good weekendcapping and on mid week try to save it…. I don’t think that Elona is better than Baruch on any way… You just have more people on almost all day, if you really were ahead of us, the night cap wouldn’t make this diference, and i can confirm to you, because for example Desolation (when they were ranking up) couldn’t against our nightcap, but during day time they made the difference and won us for lots of points… Not what is Elona doing.. elona is trying to keep your weekend points, and if you will win Baruch (i’m not sure yet) is because we just would need one day more, because you can stay, but can’t earn more points.
Why don’t you make points on weekend?
Because you have to work on weekends or because we are there as well?