Circle of Nine [CoN]
Elona Reach / Seafarer's Rest / Desolation
Circle of Nine [CoN]
Unfortunatelly not. They’re all about too serious business on Piken and RS is too busy playing the match-up of its life.
Honestly so much kitten again . How many people from Elona and Deso it takes to kill us in CON blobing us all monday night and the stupid lag and dc all the time.. I thought you want to fight us equally…
As for eb. You having fun there GD afraid to fight russians and us? I was killing time comanding the pugs there after most of regular comanders in Eb got discouraged by you having your pug zerg helping you in 90% of the time was hilarious. But yes truth is you are to good for hte pug zerg right now. Alot of kitten guild and transfers came again on our server we dont want them they just bandwagon like these noobs from gandara ONS a turkish guild with 20+ …So officialy noone is recruiting guilds for sfr, we dont need you we have what we need. As for Vz we cant be kitten and we lack the night cap they have,we were leading nicely last week but holiday in france allowed them to have 300+ on maps 48 hours straight .. this happened with few night cappers we can take on them. But why should we bother system is bugged right now anyway.
are you jealous cause we can go on EB whenever we want to? =) i guess on sfr is always a long queue
kitten , i love these last weeks on elona… no queue and always some good oppenents
Seems the Deso keyboard warriors are out again. SFR don’t cower from fights unless hopelessly outnumbered.
Funnily while enjoying the outnumbered “buff”, I saw an enemy thief with CON tag. He started to run away when our group got near. And ín recent days I have seen SFR players sit proudly next to their arrow carts and raining arrows at the outmanned Desolation players. And this just continues and continues.
I think it is fair to say that some players from every server take advantage of the game mechanisms e.g. overpowered siege weapons and run away from some fights, including even fights. At least I have got guts to admit it. I was today roaming as a warrior. I played pretty cautiously as I didn’t want to get overrun by enemy blobs. As result I didn’t die a single time.
Why would a lone thief not run from a group? Would you prefer them to troll you with stealth?
And sure, players from all servers take advantage of siege and run away from fights, but my experience has been that SFR will stack a ton of siege in a t3 tower and then from a mixture of idiocy and honour if we’re defending we won’t even use them half the time because we find ACs just … bleh.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
And sure, players from all servers take advantage of siege and run away from fights, but my experience has been that SFR will stack a ton of siege in a t3 tower and then from a mixture of idiocy and honour if we’re defending we won’t even use them half the time because we find ACs just … bleh.
Haha.. did you ever played against SFR? They use siege as every other server… i honestly just see some random twinks without guilds from SFR, who didn’t use siege at defending something… even that’s a rare thing to see.
Talaendril – Thief
And sure, players from all servers take advantage of siege and run away from fights, but my experience has been that SFR will stack a ton of siege in a t3 tower and then from a mixture of idiocy and honour if we’re defending we won’t even use them half the time because we find ACs just … bleh.
Haha.. did you ever played against SFR? They use siege as every other server… i honestly just see some random twinks without guilds from SFR, who didn’t use siege at defending something… even that’s a rare thing to see.
No, we don’kittens
actually one of SFR big weaknesses and why we can’t beat Viz. We are terrible at using siege and defending in general.
The last 2 times vs Viz we have known Viz were coming with a BIG push Thurs/Fri, yet totally failed defending anything because we have not got the patience to build loads of AC and man them for hours on end…
And sure, players from all servers take advantage of siege and run away from fights, but my experience has been that SFR will stack a ton of siege in a t3 tower and then from a mixture of idiocy and honour if we’re defending we won’t even use them half the time because we find ACs just … bleh.
Haha.. did you ever played against SFR? They use siege as every other server… i honestly just see some random twinks without guilds from SFR, who didn’t use siege at defending something… even that’s a rare thing to see.
And you say this runing safely with full zone zerg before facing us in CoN.
and for GD command no we are not jelaous we dont like ot go eb bashing random zergs is borring after the 2 time. And lastly it seems we have target on our backs it is not bad. FG IRAE ect hunting for us with full zone zergs how much can you do guys? Keep it going.It is entertaining and help us improve.
AFTL had some nice small scale fights around desol last night vs similar sized groups. First time we encountering elona guild [WvW] we managed an initial win the second time later on your numbers had doubled ours and we wiped lol
Its actually one of SFR big weaknesses and why we can’t beat Viz. We are terrible at using siege and defending in general.
The last 2 times vs Viz we have known Viz were coming with a BIG push Thurs/Fri, yet totally failed defending anything because we have not got the patience to build loads of AC and man them for hours on end…
I said that SFR uses siege, when it’s already built, but I agree with you… SFR is terrible at defending
And you say this runing safely with full zone zerg before facing us in CoN.
and for GD command no we are not jelaous we dont like ot go eb bashing random zergs is borring after the 2 time. And lastly it seems we have target on our backs it is not bad. FG IRAE ect hunting for us with full zone zergshow much can you do guys? Keep it going.It is entertaining and help us improve.
Well… that our whole zone comes for you is just one of the internal problems on Elona… Even though that some guys try to do something about the bad arrangement between guilds here, it’s just getting worse.
Talaendril – Thief
Seems the Deso keyboard warriors are out again. SFR don’t cower from fights unless hopelessly outnumbered.
I think Circle of Nine [CoN] is one the best SFR guilds and you are probably a good player, but I seriously doubt that any daytime SFR player know what it means to be hopelessly outnumbered. SFR is a super stacked WvWvW oriented server. You have the numbers to be #1. Your biggest enemy at the moment is yourself. Too much elitism and not a proper respect and organization of your own PuGs (VS knows this). I can explain that better, if you don’t understand this.
For your information: Desolation was outnumbered at EB, SFR BL and ER BL pretty much whole noon and afternoon yesterday. I went to all maps and Deso BL was the only one where we didn’t have the buff on and even there was just few players. Today I went played only on EB and we once again that outnumbered “buff” on us. If we have that buff, it means that both ER and SFR have more players on that map. It is plain dead obvious that for major part of the day Desolation is the server, which is outnumbered. I know that at some night hours we are ticking more, but I am sleeping at those hours, so I cannot comment who has the buff then.
Funnily while enjoying the outnumbered “buff”, I saw an enemy thief with CON tag. He started to run away when our group got near. And ín recent days I have seen SFR players sit proudly next to their arrow carts and raining arrows at the outmanned Desolation players. And this just continues and continues.
I think it is fair to say that some players from every server take advantage of the game mechanisms e.g. overpowered siege weapons and run away from some fights, including even fights. At least I have got guts to admit it. I was today roaming as a warrior. I played pretty cautiously as I didn’t want to get overrun by enemy blobs. As result I didn’t die a single time.To Wemill: It is sad that you blame Desolation for double teaming you last week with Visunah. Desolation attacks enemy players and keeps and towers from any server it seems as viable attack targets. Desolation is certainly eager to attack VS, as everybody knows where the easy loot bags live. The BL map assignments are decided before the match up. E.g. certain guilds will go to Bay or Hills BL and we don’t yet know what the opponents will be there. And some guilds have guild raids few days per week and might select the borderlands just based out of whim or take that borderland which has least queue. This might lead that are 3 strong guilds raiding the same BL at same time.
The usual nonsense from you. I’m so glad that you state that you have played on EB map.
We are waiting from you to come to SFR and organize us; of course we don’t know watts are our weak points on the EB map.
You noticed that you are leading at late night, you are still outmanned, but I guess because you are sleeping that as a good effect on you server
You are outmanned? Poor you….But you know that you still have more than 10 players camping the sentry’s near Ogres and Anza, Overlook spawn, and 2 or 3 more camping Speldam. This guys don’t leave even if Deso as to defend one tower. Who needs to organize now?
The double team is so easy to prove. Las week we flipped 3 towers on VS map, they have 3 T0 and one T3, at the same time we had 3 T3 and one T1, can you guess watt your server did? No? I will help you, Deso did attack our map. This week on EB it the same, last night when we flipped all ER map (except Jerrifer’s) you came to leach some towers. And last night 3 in morning, GMT, when I DC to go sleep, you are the leaders (few hours’ sleep to help in BL against…Deso).
Keep the rages coming, for us its good.
One little story for you.
Last night full Deso zerg, at Ogres (at the same time we have to defend Mendon, just a coincidence), one SFR ele passes near your zerg, all of you jump on the poor ele, you landed on the middle of our zerg. You have been wiped in seconds.
Dear children, today we play the game “Find 3 differences between attached pictures”
Also please be aware of the 60+ mad boys on Eternal Battleground map, who really don’t like that there are gates in the towers and keep running around and rubbing those gates with their faces since few hours already
Kingface get out plz, in 7 months I haven’t seen you make any post that wasn’t a flame-bait
Limit yourself to trolling your server’s thread.
That’s funny from someone from SFR, especially you.
And my server’s thread is kinda dead…
No matter how many times you imply that VS players are respectful while we are not, it doesn’t make it true. We’ve had threads long 10+ pages with more hateful posts from your server than ours, you can count them if you wish.
@Atoss: I’ve got screenshots of Deso golem rushing our keep on EB early in the morning (not this week). Now if only I cared enough to go look for them…
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
lol, so much hate and measuring kitten
For what it’s worth, we in CoN enjoy fighting both Deso and ER when we get the chance to catch you in the open field.
“Finally someone explains!!!!
That’s the reason Elona send is best guild GD to fight the pugs in EB map. The SFR guilds in BL’s are to week for them, you need a real challenge…”Pay no heed to Mighty Ice, he lives in EB. All that hardcore PvD action makes a man a little detached from reality…
Anyway, shoutout to FG for the fun times and shenanigans in Deso border last night. We really wanted that spawn tower but numbers and our lack of usual raid leaders (for most of the fights) were against us. See you guys soon!
Mate what I say about SFR guilds its pure sacarsm. I live in EB, but I know the power of our guilds, many good commands from those guilds came to EB and I love to play with them. But I must visit BL more often, must learn that map.
Once again I was joking with with GD, first time I saw them Aliendream was commanding and gave us very good info about the way to defeat them, because he knows them from BL.
But its an onour for us to receive GD in EB map, people need to learn to fight strong opponents (this is not joke GD it’s very good guild).
The usual nonsense from you. I’m so glad that you state that you have played on EB map.
We are waiting from you to come to SFR and organize us; of course we don’t know watts are our weak points on the EB map.
You noticed that you are leading at late night, you are still outmanned, but I guess because you are sleeping that as a good effect on you server
You are outmanned? Poor you….But you know that you still have more than 10 players camping the sentry’s near Ogres and Anza, Overlook spawn, and 2 or 3 more camping Speldam. This guys don’t leave even if Deso as to defend one tower. Who needs to organize now?The double team is so easy to prove. Las week we flipped 3 towers on VS map, they have 3 T0 and one T3, at the same time we had 3 T3 and one T1, can you guess watt your server did? No? I will help you, Deso did attack our map.
Are you suggesting that the outnumbered buff is lying? That when the game shows that we have that outnumbered “buff”, we actually in reality have equal numbers or more than you? Psstt…
The outnumbered “buff” is designed badly. It seems only one server can have it at a time per map even when A server has 100, server B has 20 and server C have a total of 10. In that case a fair system should give outnumbered buff for both B and C. And in my case even a 60 vs 100 should trigger that buff, but it seems it doesn’t.
If we can allocate 10 players to capture one sentry, and still have that “buff” on us, it means that the other two servers have much more than 10 players (probably 20 or I should say even 40+) at other parts of the map. So your talk here actually proves nothing. I usually solo the camps (or do it with some random player who just happens to be there), but any single server certainly sometimes has more than 10 players capping a supply camp. Do I need to post you screen shots of 10+ SFR standing inside a sentry circle? So what is your point?!?
This morning at Eternal Battlegrounds SFR blob captured everything Deso had on that map. And yes, we had that outnumbered buff on us, so please don’t tell me fantasy fairy tales that you won those fights with skill. It was a victory based on superior numbers. Almost all the Deso players left the map, no commander on Deso. One person asked on the map “Is there just 3 people on the map?”. Well, some players don’t quit. I started to flip a camp. Next build a ram, myself running for more supplies to finish that ram. We took a tower. Then recaptured our keep. Then 2 more towers and a supply camp, 2 NPC camps. In less than one hour we controlled nice amount of the EB map even though we only had a handful. That is the true Desolation spirit.
I don’t understand your logic about double teaming. As I explained before, the borderlands are allocated before the weekly match up (even before knowing the opponents). Should we say that you are constantly double teaming us when you and ER are both attacking our t3 garrison instead of enemy BLs with non-upgraded keeps? I think it is a fair assessment that any server will be victim of double teaming on their own BL.
I won’t even comment about coming to SFR.
The outnumbered “buff” is designed badly. It seems only one server can have it at a time per map even when A server has 100, server B has 20 and server C have a total of 10. In that case a fair system should give outnumbered buff for both B and C. And in my case even a 60 vs 100 should trigger that buff, but it seems it doesn’t.
Nope, two server can have this “buff” at one time… i made some 1on1 with a few friends of mine on SFR, and we both had that “buff”.
Talaendril – Thief
Nope, two server can have this “buff” at one time… i made some 1on1 with a few friends of mine on SFR, and we both had that “buff”.
Thanks for confirmation. This is good information!
But it seems that there needs to be some proportion of player number difference to trigger it e.g. at least twice as many (this is pure speculation). E.g. one server having 100 and other two both having 70 doesn’t seem to trigger it.
If Server A got 100 ppl, Server B got 20 ppl and Server C got 30 ppl, Server B would have outnumbered “buff” (pure Speculation)
If Server A got 100ppl, Server B got 25 ppls and Server C got 25 ppl. Server B and C would have outnumbered “buff” (pure Speculation)
I don’t know the exact numbers, but I don’t think that the numbers of the two servers with lower manpower are added together.
Talaendril – Thief
Thanks to [Unit] for the GvG we had today. Videos will be up later. Furthermore thanks to the zoneblobs from deso to give us some very tense fight and respect to Unit for attacking us while clearly outnumbered almost 2on1, you got some balls!
Enjoying this matchup so far!
Love from [CoN] and myself
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1
Translation for sfr guys:
Furthermore thanks to the groups of players who by coincidence happened to run towards orange swords on the map to give us some very tense fights
And seriously: ye, usually we met while guild group and commander zerg were not far each other (ruins and nw bay), happens. As for Unit I dont think they had a guild raid going anymore, just running with few guys.
“The double team is so easy to prove. Las week we flipped 3 towers on VS map, they have 3 T0 and one T3, at the same time we had 3 T3 and one T1, can you guess watt your server did? No? I will help you, Deso did attack our map. "
So what you are saying is: Viz got overrun by you guys, and instead of double teaming the weaker team we did what we are supposed to do, and evened the odds by attacking you. At this point, your Q.Q is just rediculous. “You didn’t want to double team viz with us, you lame doubleteaming s****”, is basicly what you are saying.
Thank god there are some rly nice guilds on sfr, that actually play the game, instead of Q.Q all the time. Some rly nice fights against CoN and Opt on elona bl yesterday.
If Server A got 100 ppl, Server B got 20 ppl and Server C got 30 ppl, Server B would have outnumbered “buff” (pure Speculation)
If Server A got 100ppl, Server B got 25 ppls and Server C got 25 ppl. Server B and C would have outnumbered “buff” (pure Speculation)
I don’t know the exact numbers, but I don’t think that the numbers of the two servers with lower manpower are added together.
Only one server can have the outnumbered buff. It’s roughly if they are 2.5 times your number. Sometimes we have been outnumbered this week when we’ve had 25-30 defending deso garrison, which is extremely worrying for us as a server.
To be fair actually, I’ve never considered the scenario you have suggested, extremely unlikely that both servers have equal low numbers, it wouldn’t last longer than the first engagements any way haha! It does say on the wiki though lowest server.
Interesting week though, I wonder who might win!
Also to the guy saying that we helped Viz beat you, we actually wanted you to win and often focused on vizunah. This attitude quickly changed when we saw the match up thread haha. But seriously, if it was any other server but desolation you wouldn’t have got as close to vizunah. You lost because they did a call to arms and had every borderland completely full for the last 24 hours. They even had a scout in the two North most towers on Deso bl.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
(edited by LJMaster.6214)
Reading this thread is hilarious.
Server wins in points = “witness our l33t skillz”
Server loses in points = “we’re outnumbered and we don’t play for points anyway”Heads up for anyone who might have forgotten this: weekly score is a direct function of total man hours spent by a server in WvW. Simple as that.
“Skill” never EVER enters the equation. As you yourself well know, but only remember when you’re losing.
Otherwise, please realize that you’re stating that Vizunah is the server with the highest skill.Actually not, if you check current statistics you’ll see SFR has a higher rating then Vizu at the moment , so SFR are the ultimate pro’s
That’s because VS plays for the good fight, not for points.
Good one. To much sun I think:)
Also to the guy saying that we helped Viz beat you, we actually wanted you to win and often focused on vizunah. This attitude quickly changed when we saw the match up thread
So true! And it seems to have continued….
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
“The double team is so easy to prove. Las week we flipped 3 towers on VS map, they have 3 T0 and one T3, at the same time we had 3 T3 and one T1, can you guess watt your server did? No? I will help you, Deso did attack our map. "
So what you are saying is: Viz got overrun by you guys, and instead of double teaming the weaker team we did what we are supposed to do, and evened the odds by attacking you. At this point, your Q.Q is just rediculous. “You didn’t want to double team viz with us, you lame doubleteaming s****”, is basicly what you are saying.
Thank god there are some rly nice guilds on sfr, that actually play the game, instead of Q.Q all the time. Some rly nice fights against CoN and Opt on elona bl yesterday.
You can read in my previous posts.
“I don’t defend double teaming”.
“I think double teaming it’s a dishonorable way to play”
Watts I’m saying in the post it’s that you server as more opportunities of success in VS map but they chose to attack us. Double team means not get the opportunities the map gives you, in this case the VS T0 towers.
Let me explain you better, a few weeks ago we had match against VS and JS, they completely double team us (JS didn’t took any VS tower in EB map during the week, or do any attack to VS towers), this is double teaming.
After this we had the same match again, and JS completely change is behavior in EB, we can see them attacking us or VS, according to opportunities. I give them my congratulations and they did have a better performance that week.
It’s that so hard to understand watt it means double teaming?
Alot of kitten guild and transfers came again on our server we dont want them they just bandwagon like these noobs from gandara ONS a turkish guild with 20+ …
I really want to keep this clean but its shame to some kids dont know how to talk and dont know how to rage. I dont know what kinda god you see when you look at the mirror. Ok you may be one of the best guild but it doesnt give right to kitten talk about others.
we are kinda new and processing guild yes I admit it but I bet we are much better than lots of guilds who see them as number 1. Of course we will have problems about blending in, learning ways of SFR community but we try we learn we apply and we dont give up easily.
when it comes to CoN, you always say gandara this gandara that. I hope we have match up with gandara and see some of real faces from there like TDA YaK Dius Jdge IC etc etc.. You will see that you will have hard time with those guilds.
as a result; what I am trying to say here is “dont be kitten. Be nice.” (doesnt refers to CoN guild except one person)
Alot of kitten guild and transfers came again on our server we dont want them they just bandwagon like these noobs from gandara ONS a turkish guild with 20+ …
I really want to keep this clean but its shame to some kids dont know how to talk and dont know how to rage. I dont know what kinda god you see when you look at the mirror. Ok you may be one of the best guild but it doesnt give right to kitten talk about others.
we are kinda new and processing guild yes I admit it but I bet we are much better than lots of guilds who see them as number 1. Of course we will have problems about blending in, learning ways of SFR community but we try we learn we apply and we dont give up easily.
when it comes to CoN, you always say gandara this gandara that. I hope we have match up with gandara and see some of real faces from there like TDA YaK Dius Jdge IC etc etc.. You will see that you will have hard time with those guilds.
as a result; what I am trying to say here is “dont be kitten. Be nice.” (doesnt refers to CoN guild except one person)
Well firstly, any internal issues should really be kept out of this thread, (please take it to but no harm done.
Alien speaks for himself here, although he may have a point on some issues, delicate speech is not his strong point hehe (<3 u Alien).
As for CoN, we encourage any guild that loves WvW to learn and progress and we wish you all the best. We still have things to learn too and don’t consider ourselves to be ‘perfect’.
Take care and enjoy your gaming!
- aka The Iron Baby
Thanks Zerg for our gvg sparring :P with all respect from boom.
You can read in my previous posts.
“I don’t defend double teaming”.
“I think double teaming it’s a dishonorable way to play”Watts I’m saying in the post it’s that you server as more opportunities of success in VS map but they chose to attack us. Double team means not get the opportunities the map gives you, in this case the VS T0 towers.
Let me explain you better, a few weeks ago we had match against VS and JS, they completely double team us (JS didn’t took any VS tower in EB map during the week, or do any attack to VS towers), this is double teaming.
After this we had the same match again, and JS completely change is behavior in EB, we can see them attacking us or VS, according to opportunities. I give them my congratulations and they did have a better performance that week.
It’s that so hard to understand watt it means double teaming?
Double teaming = both servers focus their efforts on the 3rd server mainly.
W/e crap you will write won’t change that simple fact.
Honestly dude, you’re trying to say that white is black and black is white, what kind of logic born in your head? o.O
I am not speaking for CoN as Atom told you. I speak as member of SFR comunity and coamander for a long time
when it comes to CoN, you always say gandara this gandara that. I hope we have match up with gandara and see some of real faces from there like TDA YaK Dius Jdge IC etc etc.. You will see that you will have hard time with those guilds…
For this guilds I will say you only thing bring it on. I want ot fight you even you to teach you the truth you do not belong t1 your 30-40 man raid got wiped all night you think you fight on other map we dont know what happen or what? For any guild if they want to fight us message us we dont shy. I can say same for SFR.
What kitten es me off and you expecially is people transfer on a server without even cheking it status. You say we pay for game we play what we want ok cool but if you wait 1-2 hours to get on map and get only 50% of your guys what is the point? It is the same for all servers not only ours, and this is the failure of Anet. They get profit from your transfers no matter do you buy the gems or you use your gold. And they dont bother with the WvW scene and GVG developing at all which is shame. But these transfers guilds make without even trying to contact comunity ect on the server they want to go is just bulkitten…
And one more yes every noob that fail hard and try to explain he is sfr in prime time kitten es me off, I like to see our guilds on the maps doing the job we were in ruins we raised again .And non of you Rmk ONS and others helped for this same as single player transfers you are just kittening Bandwagoners end of story.
There is a reason I dont reado official forum came back only to see what people say for con. So leaving it again not worthing to flame i-net wars. IF you want to prove something prove it on BL
(edited by Hebril Amolebin.9817)
Big thanks to [GD] for the sparring last night!
I didnt know what to expect against one of the best GvG guilds out there but all i can say it was fricking awesome to fight with you guys!
One of my best GvG experiences ever.
COIN vs GD what’s the score? If u’ll have some vid. please share it. Interested.
COIN vs GD what’s the score? If u’ll have some vid. please share it. Interested.
well it was more like a good practice so nothing official just happend when we were facing them on the battlefield but Coin lost this with 5 – 2
It was a great fight for Coin because were just starting to get in the GVG scene so it’s always nice to try out the better guilds out there like GD mucho respect you’re real gentlemen on the field
[Coin] Gandara
What kitten es me off and you expecially is people transfer on a server without even cheking it status. You say we pay for game we play what we want ok cool but if you wait 1-2 hours to get on map and get only 50% of your guys what is the point? It is the same for all servers not only ours, and this is the failure of Anet.
There’s also the factor of becoming a victim of your own success happened to you once before that was def Anet’s fault opening free transfers to the no 1 server in EU at the time.
But i still stand by the fact when your pulling all the right punches everyone wants to be on your side regardless of the impact on the indigenous guilds and players on the server. Thankfully Desolation doesn’t have that problem
I am not speaking for CoN as Atom told you. I speak as member of SFR comunity and coamander for a long time
when it comes to CoN, you always say gandara this gandara that. I hope we have match up with gandara and see some of real faces from there like TDA YaK Dius Jdge IC etc etc.. You will see that you will have hard time with those guilds…
For this guilds I will say you only thing bring it on. I want ot fight you even you to teach you the truth you do not belong t1 your 30-40 man raid got wiped all night you think you fight on other map we dont know what happen or what? For any guild if they want to fight us message us we dont shy. I can say same for SFR.
What kitten es me off and you expecially is people transfer on a server without even cheking it status. You say we pay for game we play what we want ok cool but if you wait 1-2 hours to get on map and get only 50% of your guys what is the point? It is the same for all servers not only ours, and this is the failure of Anet. They get profit from your transfers no matter do you buy the gems or you use your gold. And they dont bother with the WvW scene and GVG developing at all which is shame. But these transfers guilds make without even trying to contact comunity ect on the server they want to go is just bulkitten…
And one more yes every noob that fail hard and try to explain he is sfr in prime time kitten es me off, I like to see our guilds on the maps doing the job we were in ruins we raised again .And non of you Rmk ONS and others helped for this same as single player transfers you are just kittening Bandwagoners end of story.There is a reason I dont reado official forum came back only to see what people say for con. So leaving it again not worthing to flame i-net wars. IF you want to prove something prove it on BL
Sad to see such elitism is a game such as this.
It’s not because you’re in some “pro” guild that you have the right to trash talk the people who join your server. If you can’t stand it I suggest you reroll Tetris!
What he’s saying is right though, all we need are night guilds, not more guilds clogging up the queues in prime time.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Hm, asking myself when the first guilds will leave SFR again due to the long queues?! :p
[FeaR] | Riverside [DE]
Let’s hope those newbieguilds leave then
Circle of Nine [CoN]
What he’s saying is right though, all we need are night guilds, not more guilds clogging up the queues in prime time.
Your def right but since when did the majority of humankind begin to care about anyone but themselves?
Us Humans have a very bad habit of doing what is right for us and to kitten with others. So when your server is doing well others on not so fortunate servers will indeed jump onboard regardless if you tell them or it’s obvious it’s full. Vizunah is a good case of this im sure long ago vizunah had many guild raids that eventually got squeezed out by the bandwagon players wanting to be No 1 and french, they have given up on such a server structure they get the fact they can’t hold back the tide success brings.
You can resist as much as you want but the frustration will burn you out it can’t be done without collapsing the server again as you very well know if things reach critical mass with the queues. Good example no one want’s to come to Deso why? because we’re always outgunned up here in these matchups that we frequently get stuck in and we lose every time, but we have the coverage to beat Piken and millers and kodash and it’s then that people take interest.
(edited by Axle.5182)
History repeats itself on SFR. Over and over again…
When will kick Seafarer’s Rest 3.0 off? Or is it SFR 4.0 already? I’ve lost track of it. :P
Just kidding. I shouldn’t make fun of your situation. I honestly think you should get matched with Vizunah 8 weeks in a row to get rid of the wtj. :P
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Sad to see such elitism is a game such as this.
It’s not because you’re in some “pro” guild that you have the right to trash talk the people who join your server. If you can’t stand it I suggest you reroll Tetris!
It has nothing to do with elitism. As a dedicated WvW guild that plays mainly on prime-time, your first priority when changing server would be checking its population and community. Joining a server that has long queues only detriments the existing community and yourself.
While I can see what Axle is trying to say, his justification doesn’t really work when we’re talking about big (20+) guilds. Yes humans are selfish, but what is the benefit of joining an highly rated server if you can’t even play together?
P.s. this is not aimed at new guilds that may or may not have joined SFR recently, as I’m not really well informed.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
SFR is getting better and better these last weeks and all the usual haters just start spamming random bs again. There are no big Qs and we are not flooded with pugs (only with random bandwagoners, but they usually leave again or dont wvw after some time). So just keep flaming, the WvW rankings show that we will be fine in the near future …
Sad to see such elitism is a game such as this.
It’s not because you’re in some “pro” guild that you have the right to trash talk the people who join your server. If you can’t stand it I suggest you reroll Tetris!
But SFR primetime is already full – if not overpopulated.
So, it’s not matter of elitism, but additional transfers (bandwagon moar?) WILL be a problem. Period.
Unless it’s off time coverage – a small guild transferred from US, got no problem to find his space if the wasteland of SFR night coverage.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
COIN vs GD what’s the score? If u’ll have some vid. please share it. Interested.
It wasn’t a GvG. We fought them in the field and they asked how many people we had, because they felt a little bit outnumbered. So we suggested some quick even fights (20vs20), because they are more fun for everyone. It was nearly the end of our raid evening, we changed a lot of players during this fight to test some new recruits and see how things are going, so it’s hardly comparable to a real GvG setup which involves more preparation.
We had quite a few problems with Coins playstyle beeing very condition and caster heavy, felt a bit like the spvp meta transfered to WvW, which is really unusual.
Hopefully they will stick to their style, because it’s great to see different approaches to guild fights.
Awesome fights last night. DVG 16 hour raid!
COIN vs GD what’s the score? If u’ll have some vid. please share it. Interested.
It wasn’t a GvG. We fought them in the field and they asked how many people we had, because they felt a little bit outnumbered. So we suggested some quick even fights (20vs20), because they are more fun for everyone. It was nearly the end of our raid evening, we changed a lot of players during this fight to test some new recruits and see how things are going, so it’s hardly comparable to a real GvG setup which involves more preparation.
We had quite a few problems with Coins playstyle beeing very condition and caster heavy, felt a bit like the spvp meta transfered to WvW, which is really unusual.
Hopefully they will stick to their style, because it’s great to see different approaches to guild fights.
Now now, it was also near the end of our squad event for us as well, and neither side would have been prepared for it since it was organised in about 5 minutes (so it was fair/comparable, since both sides were at the same disadvantage). However, as stated it was nothing official and only sparring. It was alot of fun though and I also learn’t alot about GD.
Coin have always had our own style since we were created and will continue to do so. Thank you for pointing it out though. Alot of respect to any guild that takes GvG seriously. Next time we face you however, it will be for real.
On a side note, I am disgusted with an Elona Guild [TA] Tamok. This guild had organised a GvG with us (at their request) to then pull out minutes before quoting the reason ‘The Elona Community have been flaming us which has put our morale down – Elona community are against GvG’s.’ This guild also didn’t contact us minutes before, we instead had to contact them. We had also checked prior to the event that everything was ok and that we were good to go – ‘yes.’ – future guilds beware.
Finally, I’m disgusted with the Elona Community if this is the case and if this is actually true. Whether server communities want to admit it or not, GvG is good for this game on a multitude of levels. One being that every GvG will always make your guild better in open field (which if I’m not mistaken, helps PPT). If this was told to me as a lie then I retract this paragraph, but if it wasn’t then I feel for every aspiring Guild on that server. Being a VS copycat, is nothing to be proud – challenging them, fine – but not being a carbon copy.
Inner Sanctum [Coin]
Oh no, the VS curse is spreading! People want to make WvW as similar to champion farming in queensdale as possible? Hopefully sPvP isn’t up next!
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Looking forward to it I don’t really like the actual heavy condition meta we have in sPvP right now, but that’s a personal opinion and I’ll always respect guilds which create and improve their own style and setup. It adds depth to the fights and makes them so much more interesting.
As for the GvG issue with TA I can’t really say anything about it. We did a lot of GvGs ourself, and never had major issues with the elona community. One time a guild even changed borderlands to free some space because our leader was still in queue. Some people don’t like GvGs, but most of them are tolerant enough to let guilds do what they want and move on, never heard of the community actively sabotaging a GvG like some vizu guild did.
So are transfers to Desolation even possible? Right now I am on FoW, yes on the bottom of the list and my guild plays on desolation. But Since it has the very high player count I wonder if I can transfer at all.
I think you can but it will cost a bit more cause the server is marked as a “High (pve) populated” one. If you are interested in WvW, well, like 70-80% of ppl who normally used to play WvW during day/evenings is now farming that pve event. Only at evenings there are few guilds doing 3 hr raids and before/after these you can only find maybe 30-40 ppl in random places on a random map, occassionally gathering up on commander tag if he shouts “follow me, wxp train” No wonder sfr doing whatever they want on EB for the whole week, especially with now increased wxp rewards 5-6 rank up per evening is no problem, so imagine if some ppl do it for the whole day/week
Also drop rates in WvW seem to be ninja nerfed, but maybe it’s just my imagination.
Let’s hope things will get back to normal when this “blob the whole map” pve event ends.