Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
Guys, WvW players on vabbi and FoW
come and join RoS make it you’re new home guys…
you will have a lot more fun and RoS needs some wvw ppl….
if you all think about it you know, you will have more fun in wvw….
the type of game you know in wvw is not wvw how it should be guys….
like i said, many respect for you guys, but its sad to see that you have 0 inc point, i am a hardcore wvw player, i was on server vabbi, i liked it…. but for wvw its the wrong server or some really good big guilds must join vabbi, but there is no guild who have the balls to transfer to vabbi like [FRS] did…..
yesterday i was in a party with a guy from vabbi, he liked wvw but getting boring to do always the same stuff over and over again….
you know what…. i gave the guy 15g to transfer it was sad to see 4 ppl from vabbi attacking garrison they even cant build a ram he was a new player 1 lvl 80 character and stuck in a server with a few wvw players… i feel for that guy, so i paid his transfer and gave him a wvw guild
wvw shoul be like this….
ppl who start on vabbi they only see wvw on vabbi, they will think wvw is dead… its not dead!!!… guys on vabbi and FoW wake up!!!! if you want really awesome fights and good wvw guild raids you are on the wrong server….
its sad that the game maker anet nothing did for this problem…. join RoS guys we welcome you all… we will even help you to transfer
That’s not a solution Stikko.. the solution would be for Anet to acknowledge FoW & Vabbi being low populated servers (but due to the game being new and all, they probably wouldn’t want that >.>), Low pop servers, transfer fees 200 gems (equal to like 10-15g?)
People would consider.
I got outplayed!
Four+ in one guild vs just me? The answer was to rush me from two different sides clearly.
I’d like to thank everyone who constantly add into already uneven fights also.I’m not complaining really, it just gets old. Even more with how people go on and on about being bored.
Edit: The statement in my signature is now true, it’s like I can see into the future or something.
I am from the guild in your screenshot and I apologize if the behavior of our non WvW-focused (the ranks suggest something) people did not suit you. Let me hereby offer you an even 1v1 against me as a way to compensate for my guild. The name’s in my sig.. whisper me anytime, I’ll be waiting.
PS. Just yesterday I found myself in a 1v3 against FoW.. it is WvW after all, you can’t expect not to be jumped by more than one person if you run alone. I know you said you aren’t complaining but what’s the point of your post then? Oh and the difference yesterday was that I had the luck to face baddies as they all died.. <:
Vabbi doesn’t care who we get put against. We’re taking SM atleast 5 times a week in events. If we fail we’ll bring more.
Thanks to everyone that helped [LST] complete its weekly WvW event.
Vabbi isn’t a dead server and it shouldnt be closed either, so go recruit off another world.
We’re in Vabbi to stay.
FoW and Vabbi have great potential, we play hard here against all odds.
Fissure, she’s all yours! Enjoy taking SM
(edited by YuGiOh.4906)
@Skill level/ gear:
Today I roamed with my necro through EB. Capping some camps, capping some merceneries and such. An I met some of the RoS guys (even with shiny ascended back thingy, so the gear must be there) and they didn’t give me a real challange even in 3 on 1 fights. I remember such thigns happening, when RoS was not reinfroced with a population explosion on the server and left last tier. No much change on this on your server either?
Blue Perception has infused many FoW players with his futile tactics. He never knew how to manage moral or superior numbers in matter of commanding. Those tactics are still in some of the players and need time to change. Also we are not the same server RoS fought months ago. The reason u see so many ungeared and upleveled characters is due to the fact, that the population on FoW is actually quite changing. Many players have left FoW, due to it’s position. Now many new players tried WvW and are not encouraged, when they are being chased by 30+ players. Not complaining here, u can chase with ur zerg after single players, but then don’t complain that it’s boring, when you scare them off like that.
@Vabbi and FoW situation/recruitment:
Players, and especially hard core players, on this servers are not after winning the match up. But they are after good fights, after fun and after the good feeling, being able to fight superiro numbers. Of course, that doesn’t allways work, but, speaking of myself, I will allways try to take on up to several player at the same time, for I at the beginning could not even hold up to 2. So it makes me sad, that ppl are calling for deleting my server, where my guild and friends play, just ’cuz it happens to be not a WvW heavy server. And the recruitment posts are just said. RoS did this last time we met, and do that again. You can recruite who u want, and if I have to fight on FoW allone, I will still do that. Server pride might sound weird, for it is just a game, but I started to like the server and the casual friendlyness, even in the worst possible match up.
Vabbi doesn’t care who we get put against.
No, but the server who is punished to be in your tier does.
We’re taking SM atleast 5 times a week in events. If we fail we’ll bring more.
FoW and Vabbi have great potential, we play hard here against all odds.
I don’t know about other servers you faced, but the situation on RoS at the moment is that no one can be kittened to play in this matchup, except do world exploration and maybe cap a few camps. 3/4 of our force is missing and if we had the same amount of people in WvW as we did last week, your cute little omega and alpha golems wouldn’t even reach SM’s gate. Not to mention I’ve seen a lot of our people wiping you with their upscaled characters with ease.
I’m sorry for the rudeness, but that’s how things stand at the moment. RiOT is taking a break from WvW this week, most of us are bored out of our minds and just wish this week ends quickly so we can have proper fights again.
I am from the guild in your screenshot and I apologize if the behavior of our non WvW-focused (the ranks suggest something) people did not suit you. Let me hereby offer you an even 1v1 against me as a way to compensate for my guild. The name’s in my sig.. whisper me anytime, I’ll be waiting.
PS. Just yesterday I found myself in a 1v3 against FoW.. it is WvW after all, you can’t expect not to be jumped by more than one person if you run alone. I know you said you aren’t complaining but what’s the point of your post then? Oh and the difference yesterday was that I had the luck to face baddies as they all died.. <:
No, it’s me who must apologise. I needed to vent. I took most of it out on my friend, haha. No offense intended towards the guild or any of the people who ganked me. I know next time what to expect. And yes, the reason I find solo roaming in WvW more exciting than s/tPvP is as you say. You never know how fights will go.
It was the situation really. I don’t know why I try being friendly in WvW, it always ends the same. xD
I would consider myself below average as a player so I’m sure I won’t give you any challenge in a 1vs1. And my guild is so super serious at WvW it’s only me in it. One man zerging often.
Most our ppl dont play at all right now because we cant get a challenge in this matchup… and it really is no fun for us.
@Liquid Storm:
No idea waht u try to prove here. He says that they take SM with their weekly WvW event. And they did. Who cares for the circumstances as long as no hacking was involved. They seem to enjoy the game and WvW on their own terms. You can not impose your perfect WvW ideals on FoW or Vabbi. We will WvW to our terms.
You consider yourself below average? What am I then? If you play ur current character as you played your mesmer, then you are way above average. Remember the times, where we hold with a group of 4 against 10+ enemies in front of their keep? I miss those times.
Vabbi doesn’t care who we get put against.
No, but the server who is punished to be in your tier does.
But didn’t RioT transfer to RoS to get away from the huge zergs and enjoy smaller scaled fights? Thought this match would have suited you perfectly
I do remember that, good times. And you were always way better than me imo.
@Liquid Storm:
No idea waht u try to prove here. He says that they take SM with their weekly WvW event. And they did. Who cares for the circumstances as long as no hacking was involved. They seem to enjoy the game and WvW on their own terms. You can not impose your perfect WvW ideals on FoW or Vabbi. We will WvW to our terms.
They took SM because there was little to no resistance due to our server being too annoyed to participate in this matchup. All I said was if we had our regular force in WvW, they wouldn’t be able to pull that off. Fact.
They seem to enjoy it, great. We don’t. And no other server which is put against you does.
But didn’t RioT transfer to RoS to get away from the huge zergs and enjoy smaller scaled fights? Thought this match would have suited you perfectly
RiOT transferred because of the huge queues on every single BL, which was a consequence of the free transfer week some months ago. While on RoS we fought the huge zergs of Miller’s Sound, Fort Ranik, and even Gunnars Hold and Ring of Fire managed to bring in quite a lot of organized groups, something neither Vabbi nor FoW has at the moment. FoW has enough people to be able to hold their entire BL, but they lack organization. We’re practically picking you off one by one. With pugs.
(edited by Liquid Storm.8097)
Lol, Liquid, your’re an original. I am sad for u guys not enjoying the match up. Your facts (by the way, it still is a theory/hypothesis, no matter how likely it apears) are not of any importance. Vabbi did, what they wanted, just because u are bored from the matchup doesn’t change that. And no matter how bad u think we are, it won’t change anything either. Considering you being so annyoed, we won the matchup in some way^^ /madness
BTW: Vabbi took SM just moments ago. They seem to have fun^^ So if u guys want to have fun come to FoW or Vabbi. Our opponents will leave the battle field due to boredome and we can have our fun /not madness… this is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA… I mean FoW^^
Well, let’s see if we can pull of such an outmanned battle again some day. I felt like a WvW god in that moment, they weren’t able to touch us even at times^^
(edited by TyPin.9860)
Oh I’m not annoyed. I was frustrated at first when I saw the matchup, now I’m just considering which game(s) to play this week instead of gw2. May give F1 online a go.
Go ahead and have your fun killing doors then. As for RoS, I really hope we never ever get this matchup again.
I am from the guild in your screenshot and I apologize if the behavior of our non WvW-focused (the ranks suggest something) people did not suit you. Let me hereby offer you an even 1v1 against me as a way to compensate for my guild. The name’s in my sig.. whisper me anytime, I’ll be waiting.
PS. Just yesterday I found myself in a 1v3 against FoW.. it is WvW after all, you can’t expect not to be jumped by more than one person if you run alone. I know you said you aren’t complaining but what’s the point of your post then? Oh and the difference yesterday was that I had the luck to face baddies as they all died.. <:
No, it’s me who must apologise. I needed to vent. I took most of it out on my friend, haha. No offense intended towards the guild or any of the people who ganked me. I know next time what to expect. And yes, the reason I find solo roaming in WvW more exciting than s/tPvP is as you say. You never know how fights will go.
It was the situation really. I don’t know why I try being friendly in WvW, it always ends the same. xDI would consider myself below average as a player so I’m sure I won’t give you any challenge in a 1vs1. And my guild is so super serious at WvW it’s only me in it. One man zerging often.
I trust this friend is a handsome and young thief?
I wanted to give credit to 2 guys from RoS with the [Dark] tag (a warrior and an elementalist). This 2 and I had several fights over the ogres in EB. They were clearly not equiped to deal with the heavy condition dmg I put out, but they still managed to finish me once or twise, so I finished them once or twise in return. but their dmg output was more than mine and they killed the npcs faster than I did. They won by an inch^^. For they didn’t accept my group invitation in WvW I will use this forum congratulate them. (I am not being sarcastic here, I really mean that) But after they were gone, I took the 2 camps and the ogres anyway^^
you know what…. i gave the guy 15g to transfer it was sad to see 4 ppl from vabbi attacking garrison they even cant build a ram
he was a new player 1 lvl 80 character and stuck in a server with a few wvw players… i feel for that guy, so i paid his transfer and gave him a wvw guild
wvw shoul be like this….
That video is the exact reason I will never transfer. I don’t want to play LagWars 2, spamming AoE skills and buffs without ever even knowing who I hit because it’s just one big mass of red name tags. Like some other dude here said before: Don’t impose on other people your idea of the “perfect WvW”. For you fights like those in the video may be the most fun you can have. For me it would be a reason to quit playing this game.
By the way, feel free to send me 15g anytime you like.
RoS player here too and will be staying away until the next match up; I find no point in playing when one side is controlling up to 100% of the maps the majority of the time. When the match ups are uneven like this I would rather sit back and watch the enemy gain control of their territory before attempting any sort of fight back. We experienced the same against Millers Sound although still had enough numbers to claim back land around our keep most of the time, even if this meant running in a circle for almost the entire match up recapturing everything.
I’m not going to doubt the skill or determination of Vabbi or WoF but did read yesterday Vabbi were seriously lacking numbers as people jumped ship when the free server transfers came along
you know what…. i gave the guy 15g to transfer it was sad to see 4 ppl from vabbi attacking garrison they even cant build a ram
he was a new player 1 lvl 80 character and stuck in a server with a few wvw players… i feel for that guy, so i paid his transfer and gave him a wvw guild
wvw shoul be like this….
That video is the exact reason I will never transfer. I don’t want to play LagWars 2, spamming AoE skills and buffs without ever even knowing who I hit because it’s just one big mass of red name tags. Like some other dude here said before: Don’t impose on other people your idea of the “perfect WvW”. For you fights like those in the video may be the most fun you can have. For me it would be a reason to quit playing this game.
By the way, feel free to send me 15g anytime you like.
Not encouraging anyone to leave here but you’re very wrong. Skill lag used to occur when like 150+ people were fighting, happens a lot in high tier servers but not really in the tier we are in, we get nice and enjoyable fights. It may be less skilled individually but you need to be decent as a team if you’re 20 and want to wipe out 50+. It does require some form of skill and experience. It is definitely very fun to command in.
WvW isn’t about sneaky golem rushing a keep and hoping you’ll succeed, you should have guilds covering different borders and make it a community effort, scouts roaming the map, people defend the keeps, solo players reflipping camps etc.
Even in “ZergWars2” the way you described it, a solo player can get fun out of it.. Vabbi has had many people leaving to us and I’m sure they’ll all confirm WvW is a lot better than you think it is, because you haven’t experienced it.
Leaving your home server is never a solution though, this requires a fix.. not people forced to flee.
One of the rare occasions when I ran with my guild and not as a scout:
(edited by Sceinna.3561)
you know what…. i gave the guy 15g to transfer it was sad to see 4 ppl from vabbi attacking garrison they even cant build a ram
he was a new player 1 lvl 80 character and stuck in a server with a few wvw players… i feel for that guy, so i paid his transfer and gave him a wvw guild
wvw shoul be like this….
That video is the exact reason I will never transfer. I don’t want to play LagWars 2, spamming AoE skills and buffs without ever even knowing who I hit because it’s just one big mass of red name tags. Like some other dude here said before: Don’t impose on other people your idea of the “perfect WvW”. For you fights like those in the video may be the most fun you can have. For me it would be a reason to quit playing this game.
By the way, feel free to send me 15g anytime you like.Not encouraging anyone to leave here but you’re very wrong. Skill lag used to occur when like 150+ people were fighting, happens a lot in high tier servers but not really in the tier we are in, we get nice and enjoyable fights. It may be less skilled individually but you need to be decent as a team if you’re 20 and want to wipe out 50+. It does require some form of skill and experience. It is definitely very fun to command in.
WvW isn’t about sneaky golem rushing a keep and hoping you’ll succeed, you should have guilds covering different borders and make it a community effort, scouts roaming the map, people defend the keeps, solo players reflipping camps etc.
Even in “ZergWars2” the way you described it, a solo player can get fun out of it.. Vabbi has had many people leaving to us and I’m sure they’ll all confirm WvW is a lot better than you think it is, because you haven’t experienced it.
Leaving your home server is never a solution though, this requires a fix.. not people forced to flee.
One of the rare occasions when I ran with my guild and not as a scout:
Hence why Millers Sound were so effective as they had people everywhere; in towers, camps you name it. Attack them and the zerg would arrive. Not so sure we have mastered this (RoS) or we simply lack the numbers to achieve.
you know what…. i gave the guy 15g to transfer it was sad to see 4 ppl from vabbi attacking garrison they even cant build a ram
he was a new player 1 lvl 80 character and stuck in a server with a few wvw players… i feel for that guy, so i paid his transfer and gave him a wvw guild
wvw shoul be like this….
That video is the exact reason I will never transfer. I don’t want to play LagWars 2, spamming AoE skills and buffs without ever even knowing who I hit because it’s just one big mass of red name tags. Like some other dude here said before: Don’t impose on other people your idea of the “perfect WvW”. For you fights like those in the video may be the most fun you can have. For me it would be a reason to quit playing this game.
By the way, feel free to send me 15g anytime you like.Not encouraging anyone to leave here but you’re very wrong. Skill lag used to occur when like 150+ people were fighting, happens a lot in high tier servers but not really in the tier we are in, we get nice and enjoyable fights. It may be less skilled individually but you need to be decent as a team if you’re 20 and want to wipe out 50+. It does require some form of skill and experience. It is definitely very fun to command in.
WvW isn’t about sneaky golem rushing a keep and hoping you’ll succeed, you should have guilds covering different borders and make it a community effort, scouts roaming the map, people defend the keeps, solo players reflipping camps etc.
Even in “ZergWars2” the way you described it, a solo player can get fun out of it.. Vabbi has had many people leaving to us and I’m sure they’ll all confirm WvW is a lot better than you think it is, because you haven’t experienced it.
Leaving your home server is never a solution though, this requires a fix.. not people forced to flee.
One of the rare occasions when I ran with my guild and not as a scout:
Hence why Millers Sound were so effective as they had people everywhere; in towers, camps you name it. Attack them and the zerg would arrive. Not so sure we have mastered this (RoS) or we simply lack the numbers to achieve.
Nah as for this week we just don’t have our guilds covering us because our pugs are capable of keeping everything green, everyone is on a break..
Last night we really had fun in WvW. Maybe some will say, “our main guilds are bored, that’s why we don’t take this matchup serious enough”. Maybe some will say “we can keep everything green by just doing a little”. But some players of our server have very high motivation and spirit to just take “one tower” or “one keep” or “one time for 5 minutes SM” and if you succeed, this feeling is totally worth it, no matter if you faced many enemies or not. But we are showing some kind of resistance even when we are totally outnumbered. We are taking our chances, even if it needs to play until 6am to make the map more “blue” than before. I can understand both sides, anyway some of us having very much fun with this matchup. Some will say “but this or that is not WvW”, but what is WvW? Noone determines the way to play it. I’m very glad and looking forward to our WvW in FoW, last week was awesome with some new strategies, this week is also awesome to see that we are able to show spirit. I’m sure if it continues like this we will be able to beat BT or Arbor in future and that would be a great success.
Cause everyone is adding maps, last night:
WvW isn’t about sneaky golem rushing a keep and hoping you’ll succeed, you should have guilds covering different borders and make it a community effort, scouts roaming the map, people defend the keeps, solo players reflipping camps etc.
And I say, WvW can be about sneaky golem rushing. I personally don’t like the golem concept at all. But again, if some want to play it that way, and they like the result, why not?
Even in “ZergWars2” the way you described it, a solo player can get fun out of it.. Vabbi has had many people leaving to us and I’m sure they’ll all confirm WvW is a lot better than you think it is, because you haven’t experienced it.
Of course they like it better, that’s why they transfered in the first place. To use the liking of a group for subject A over subject B, to prove that they like subject A more than subject B is a tautological argument and must be true always. That doesn’t mean, that the ones, who stayed, would like it better too.
I for example come originally from Stormbluff Isle and am still a member of Kiss My [Axe], although I haven’t had a real contact with them for a while now. However, I therefor know how a skirmish and middle to heavy Zerg vs Zerg fights on higher population servers work (I used to play glamor mesmer there). And I actually like the small group WvW better, just wish there was a 3rd server with low population, where we could have some balanced fights.
(edited by TyPin.9860)
For us this is the worst matchup we can get because we cant get challenging fights here. I mean we want to play with our guild but then we would have a 20 man zerg that could steamroll everything FoW or Vabbi could field. So our players refuse to play. Playing would mean waiting for something to happen if all would be here. Those that are still playing are the ones that know we will loose a kittenload of rating points if we dont have enough of the map. And its the feeling of beeing forced to have to do this boring crap thats making it even worse….
I now know again why we on RoS never wanted to fall back into the pit again…
If you guys want fun, why not get numbers or players to match ours? We can’t exactly get a huge amount of players (that’s why this matchup is a problem in the first place). In a way, whatever you do as the much bigger server dictates how much fun every server will have this week. As you know we’ve tried to push back against you (although it might have not been recognised) so we’re trying what we can but you guys need to make an effort or rather the opposite.
@Suspicious Nija:
You speak rather respectless about the pit (by calling it pit). It is partly the doing of the guild(s) comming to RoS months ago, by recruiting dozens of players, even from vabbi and FoW, in the delusional vision to create an only WvW server (as stated in those reqruitment threads at the time).
The “pit”, as you call it, could have been ballanced out, if ppl would have spread equally between the server rather than jumping on the winning horse. That your server now complains about this matchup is no surprice. And you still advertice FoW and Vabbi players to come to you. What do you think this will result in, when this matchup apears again? Ppl are asking ANet to do smth about it, while ppl do not understand that they could have done smth about it themselfes already months ago and it apears ironic, that you ppl are more complaining about the matchup than those who get steamrolled the majority of the time.
I remember you [DEX] guys, and it was fun and challanging to fight you. There was one point, that we almost had a kind of ballance (still favoring RoS, but it was way way closer), just before the server jumpers overpopulated your server.
I trust this friend is a handsome and young thief?
His/her identity must be kept secret to protect the innocent.
Shoutout to the [CUTE] Engineer! Very tense fight indeed. Also a shoutout to the Vabbi Thief in the screenshot below! :> I knew there was a RoS zerg behind me, but didn’t expect them to come since there was already a zerg at the tower, haha.
@Suspicious Nija:
You speak rather respectless about the pit (by calling it pit). It is partly the doing of the guild(s) comming to RoS months ago, by recruiting dozens of players, even from vabbi and FoW, in the delusional vision to create an only WvW server (as stated in those reqruitment threads at the time).The “pit”, as you call it, could have been ballanced out, if ppl would have spread equally between the server rather than jumping on the winning horse. That your server now complains about this matchup is no surprice. And you still advertice FoW and Vabbi players to come to you. What do you think this will result in, when this matchup apears again? Ppl are asking ANet to do smth about it, while ppl do not understand that they could have done smth about it themselfes already months ago and it apears ironic, that you ppl are more complaining about the matchup than those who get steamrolled the majority of the time.
I remember you [DEX] guys, and it was fun and challanging to fight you. There was one point, that we almost had a kind of ballance (still favoring RoS, but it was way way closer), just before the server jumpers overpopulated your server.
Having fought FoW again this day, I still haven’t changed my opinion of you. Individually there are certain players who put up a good fight, but in a group you are way too disorganized to make any difference whatsoever.
And no, taking towers closest to spawn and capping points with very little resistance is not an achievement to be proud of, really. Instead of waiting for Anet to do something about it (which will be never), maybe your top guilds should take charge of the WvW community and train people on the battlefield. This is why we are “stealing” members from your servers – people want to learn, they want to fight in an organized environment; something your server can’t deliver at the moment, apparently. That was also the reason why I left FoW months ago.
Oh, and a very special thanks to a charr warrior from [WvW] guild who, together with 5 of his buddies, despite my emote, killed my girlfriend’s mesmer (PG guild) and tried killing my upscaled mesmer at the north camp when we were just passing by. Basically we were only trying to get Spiritholme’s PoI and vista for her very first world completion and move on, but you practically motivated us to take the whole kittening camp instead. <3
(edited by Liquid Storm.8097)
@Liquid Storm
Vabbi doesn’t care who we get put against.
No, but the server who is punished to be in your tier does.
You think its just you that is punished? Grow up, you’ve been here and seen what it is like being in the trashcan tier, we have been punished since this new system was introduced, Ring of Fire and now you lot. Atleast RoF had better sportsmanship, they we’re actually nice to talk with. If are of RoS are like you, we cant wait till your gone aswell.
The only server out there that either Fissure or Vabbi can go toe-2-toe with is Blacktide, and even they’re lost LOADS of players in the last few weeks. We care barely capture anything from RoS because its all t3/waypointed. Its disappointing that you are all up in our face when we didn’t ask for this either. I say if your team is so bored, let us capture all your points, and left Vabbi and Fissure fight it out. It’s not like your lot are playing right? lol.
I don’t know about other servers you faced, but the situation on RoS at the moment is that no one can be kittened to play in this matchup, except do world exploration and maybe cap a few camps.
Arberstone, Blacktide, and our all time fav, Fissure or Woe. There is others, just can’t remember which German & French server it was, but that was when Vabbi was high enough in the tier ladder. My answer to you is, switch servers then for the week? 16g ->to, 16g <-back, Piken Square is having nice battles, then there? Good luck!
I’ve seen a lot of our people wiping you with their upscaled characters with ease.
Ahh but you see, alot of Vabbi players like to level up thier characters in WvW, its nice because you not only get rank, but exp aswell. So you’re lowbe’s killing our lowby’s congrats, 60+ % of Vabbi is lowbe’s :P
Sarcastically Claps " WELL DONE! Want a rubber medal?
Lets get guinness world records here, its a lowbe show down! -Selling Tickets, Vabbi Borderlands, Come all!-
3/4 of our force is missing and if we had the same amount of people in WvW as we did last week, your cute little omega and alpha golems wouldn’t even reach SM’s gate.
Yes, we do wait until everything dies down, thats why we do our events in the afternoon or early morning. When the enemy isnt expecting it, we strike.
RoS’s so called “PuGs”, because you’ve all left WvW this week right?, still outmanned us each time, but the tactics we have to implement should show you that you need to more than outman Vabbi, you need to be forcefully camping our respawn. Otherwise if left alone long enough Vabbi & Fissure of Woe are gona wipe keeps, towers, and stonemist again, so guys keep upgrading and wasting money, we waste nothing with guild golems!
Hey -The Umpire- Aka.. Stikko
I had some kind words with you Stikko, you said this game is about fun, that I should go to RoS with you, you’ve been my friend since you where on Vabbi, Stikko fella, I have fun on Vabbi, it comes by the bucket load, I’m always smiling, like I said before, we play hard, and fight harder, we loose most of the time because we have to be zerged, but we have Outmanned, no repairs.
welcome you all… we will even help you to transfer :)
So Stikko, I sent you a few friends of mine. You “sent” them gold to help them transfer, they transfered all right, they transfered thier friends into Vabbi!
Thanks for the help, Vabbi just got some new faces to play around with for a while! :D
BTW: Vabbi took SM just moments ago. They seem to have fun^^ So if u guys want to have fun come to FoW or Vabbi. Our opponents will leave the battle field due to boredome and we can have our fun /not madness… this is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA… I mean FoW^^
You make coming back and reading all the stuff worth while. Always something kind to say, whether it be about Vabbi or Fissure of Woe. It’s been a pleasure. ^^
Thats all for now everyone, enjoy! :D
(edited by YuGiOh.4906)
BTW: Vabbi took SM just moments ago. They seem to have fun^^ So if u guys want to have fun come to FoW or Vabbi. Our opponents will leave the battle field due to boredome and we can have our fun /not madness… this is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA… I mean FoW^^
You make coming back and reading all the stuff worth while. Always something kind to say, whether it be about Vabbi or Fissure of Woe. It’s been a pleasure. ^^
Thanks alot. I almost transferred to Vabbi actually, but then some of my friends joined FoW, so I went there. But it’s allways a pleasure to see our neighbours enjoy the game. (being killed by ur Zerg on the other hand was no fun. Very rude!)
@Liquid Storm:
I did this night fight your server too. And I was not impressed either. You may have organized groups (didn’t see them) but aperently no individual skill level. Each time I faced a single oponent, they ran in keep, hid behind NPC sentries and at one point, there were two guys running from me before the fight even started. When I engaged them and cut them off a third one arrived and charged me by suprice (should have seen this comming). I recorded that, so maybe I’ll upload my experience. Only one of ur commanders tried to take me head on. It was a mesmer… and he failed in 1 on 1 and 2 on 2.
Before I went to bed, I took a camp and started upgrading it with the knowledge you’ll try to take take it head on (as you tried months ago constantly). And I defended it against 5 or 6 players (with only dolly guard upgrade and the hyleks, why no1 treid to take hyleks before is beyond me, but it must be part of your greater group oragnization skills) for a really long time until you came with like a dozen and managed to take it. From what I have seen, you got numbers, nothing more. Oh, and don’t worry. The events you’re talking of, are about to come. Just I have a real life, and that comes before GW2.
EDIT: About ur vista experience… What did u expect? It is WvW (basicly a PvP environment). I sometimes let ppl pass by to vista and jumping puzzle and so on. But this is basicly stupid behavior, for you let ur oponent get resourses (map reward, JP reward) what they then later can and will use against you. I am proud though, that you managed to take a camp. It doesn’t seem to be the strong side of your server.
(edited by TyPin.9860)
Oh, and a very special thanks to a charr warrior from [WvW] guild who, together with 5 of his buddies, despite my emote, killed my girlfriend’s mesmer (PG guild) and tried killing my upscaled mesmer at the north camp when we were just passing by. Basically we were only trying to get Spiritholme’s PoI and vista for her very first world completion and move on, but you practically motivated us to take the whole kittening camp instead. <3[/quote]
Aw i feel sorry for you getting jumped by 5 players.. join Fow you will get jumped by 15+ when roaming alone more often then not xD
So I have a question. How’s the solo roaming as a RoS player in weeks not like this? Of course zerging is better, but I don’t always feel like zerging. Experiencing three way battles would be pretty nice too.
I can’t afford to transfer, don’t start crying RoS guys. But after being told we should transfer multiple times from people on higher rated servers, one starts to wonder how much greener the grass is.
Hamham! Yes, I wonder how much greener the grass is on the other side. A friend who left FoW for RoS came back recently and although it was fun at first… it is not working for him. I try to entertain him and we had some fun but he wants to go back. I’ve decided to join him so I’m about to see how green the grass is!
I had alot of fun playing with/on FoW and maybe some day I’ll be back.
It was nice playing with you for the bit we did! Best of luck on RoS. Are you still using [BKT]? I think that was your guild right? I’m not asking for your guild so I can find and fight you at all.
(edited by Hamham.7504)
Being one of the less populous servers of our rating, the solo roaming is good, in fact when you encountered 4 of my guildmates that was actually a rare thing. The usual wvw regulars of my guild are solo roamers like myself. And we’re not the only satisfied solo roamers there are here I suppose. I wouldn’t know how much greener the grass is here since I’ve only been here.. but yeah :d
Not sure where I will end (guild) but I know you are from [Sky] so I’ll find you Had fun playing with you also Ham! I’m going to miss the hardcore FoW wvw players I think
Hard thing is, we are in a matchup against eachother… I dont want to fight FoW nor Vabbi
Ah well, I can try to get some fun in and stalk Ham a bit as RoS ;P
Ah, fair enough, I’ve never known anything other than loosing T9 hehe. I was wondering because there’s so little for whoever is the green server so it feels like people mob me out of boredom. I’m sure that’s in my head. I’m not crazy. I assume there’s more action for the zergs so maybe it’s easier to find fights/move around. As well as more people interested in fighting outside of a zerg. For fun or an objective.
Jam dudes will hide me from your vile stalkings! D< No? Won’t someone protect my innocence!?
Edit: It’s weird fighting people who tranfered to RoS. Cough North Remember cough. :p
Well yeah, this current matchup is so boring it wouldn’t surprise me that many players in fact DO mob you because any enemy is better than none for most. Usually it isn’t like this and we actually have to do our best to stay in the fight. And while I can’t speak for all of the server, I know that I’m not the only one that prefers roaming rather than zerging
It sure is tempting to farm some gold and try RoS out… To see what I’m missing out on.
And yeah, I realise this is an extreme situation for most servers that are matched with us. I met a few people who I assumed only tried out WvW out this week. Curse my mercy.
/shakefist. FoW will always have my heart.
Any player that is still on FoW or Vabbi right now can be commended for his spirit and at the same time cannot be condemned for wanting to see something else after having that sort of situation for so long really :d
i started to play in this game on gunnars hold i played there 6 months i think then i went to vabbi to see hows wvw there…. so i left Gunnars Hold… not only for that reason some ppl on gunnars hold know why i left that server
i agree with you guys its hard but fun on vabbi, when we where there we also upgraded the homeborder but in primetime we where able to hold only 1 tower in the north and lost everything elso cuz there whas a lack on players… but it was fun to be there….
i am mostly a nightplayer and i walked on vabbi with a 2/3 man zerg in the night, you need to run and resupply to build 1 ram/cata/ other siege….
i get bored with that also… so we transfered our guild to RoS, a awesome comunity, all wvw ppl and guilds are in 1 teamspeak, help eachother, work hard together to stay in the fight and stay 1 or become 1 in the matchup this server has no mega zergs like other servers… i think this server play smart and skillfull, RoS never give up and thats why i love this server and also the ppl on this server…. its so much fun here….
thats also the reason guys that i say transfer away from servers with lack on wvw players…. i see some good fighters on vabbi and FoW the 1 on 1 fights they mostly always win…. cuz you have builds for that…
we have zerg builds… its a other type of game we normaly play, RoS is slacking atm thats why you dont see organized ppl atm in wvw, cuz there is no challence at all…
i have lots of respects for vabbi and FoW…. you guys try over and over again… but you also know, it will never be better on you’re servers untill some mega guilds decide to transfer to vabbi/FoW
I feel trying to recruit from the two servers with the lowest active WvW population is pretty bad form.
How could it become better? I feel like being part of a loose barbarian community, fighting against the roman organized army and loosing on the battle field, where armies clash together. But as the usual roman soldier as a single fighter never could hope to defeat a single barbarian, the usual RoS fighter can not defeat the most barbarous of that barbarians: Me /this is FoWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
(edited by TyPin.9860)
I’m not even gonna bother replying to YuGiOh’s failed attempt at being sarcastic lol….
@ TyPin,
again, 3/4 of our server is taking a break this week. This means people are either doing WvW with their upscales or avoiding it completely. Or just kitten around, which is cool, at least the pressure is kinda gone atm. And I’m not complaining about being ganged on WvW, not at all. I managed to escape, came back, ressed my partner and took the camp with her. T’was good.
I see alot of negativity about FoW. The only reason we keep losing is not tactics but people who play once get killed and then transfer as they are scared to have a little challenge. Tactics have no use if you are always massively outnumber like now. Vs blacktide we where outnumbered too but then tactics could stil lbe used to get a decent score.
Only solution is for people to stop transferring away from FoW and Vabbi. And imo transfer to our servers should be for free to even it out more.
and P.S. recruiting from the lowest pop servers is like lamest thing you can do…. Not everyone can afford a transfer shouldnt those people have fun playing WvW too?
and P.S. recruiting from the lowest pop servers is like lamest thing you can do…. Not everyone can afford a transfer shouldnt those people have fun playing WvW too?
Of course no one is grabbing your players by force, everyone chooses to transfer by their own. But those who want more from WvW shouldn’t have to stick to FoW/Vabbi and wait for miracle just for the sake of those who can’t afford a transfer. If you like playing on your current server, that’s good for you.
The best thing Anet could do atm, is not only to introduce free transfers to Vabbi and FoW, but to give some kinda reward to those who do transfer.
Anyways. Haven’t really played for past couple weeks, but logged in for a while today and yesterday. Good small scale fights at FoW BL.
Thanks to that human(?) thief from [WvW] for tough fights. Well played, even tho I despise people who run off to buffed camp in fair 1on1.
Do not patronize us. You are only strong in numbers. And I do not beliefe that the rest 3/4th of your server has any more individual skill. I did not see anything that justifies RoS to speak of FoW like we’re some kids not knowing the “true” meaning of WvW.
You might have more experience playing together as a server maybe. Admittedly we do lack that. I on the other hand, and many others, have found our way of playing WvW in our own way. We are adepting to the imbalance. Can u say the same?
Do not patronize us. You are only strong in numbers. And I do not beliefe that the rest 3/4th of your server has any more individual skill. I did not see anything that justifies RoS to speak of FoW like we’re some kids not knowing the “true” meaning of WvW.
You might have more experience playing together as a server maybe. Admittedly we do lack that. I on the other hand, and many others, have found our way of playing WvW in our own way. We are adepting to the imbalance. Can u say the same?
I’m confused. Was this post pointed at me?
I didn’t say anything about “true meaning of WvW”, nor do I speak to FoW like they’re kids.
And to say we’re only strong in numbers means you don’t know anything about our history.
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