Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
You guys are turtles all the way down.
If you don’t want to be compared to a blobby, siege obsessed server, don’t play like a blobby siege obsessed server. If you HAVE to, because you’ve lost a lot of guilds, then just accept that you have to. It’s np. Tonight was blobby and not much fun on your BL.
The guilds listed didn’t choose to play along side each other, and the night started without a single commander. After a while ALL guilds tagged up because we were tired of running into each other trying to find fights. That’s the contract; action, reaction. The guilds didn’t start out co-working, they had to.
In the end what is left? You ran two massive blobs, by your own admission. Accept it and move on. The QQ is getting boring.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
(edited by Parthis.2091)
I don’t want you to whisper me, just post the schedule here so everyone can see and decide if they want to be part of your open mic event. Maybe we can host our own counter event and send all our puggies to have fun time with your pugs, since you don’t seem to fancy our guilds that much. Sounds like a plan, yes?
Anywho, we tried to do our own stoof several times when it looked like your attention was elsewhere (mainly garrison and Crag or whatever it’s called in AGBL), but we got rolled over by your uhhh.. The group that wasn’t everyone since we weren’t a thread, but a group that was still 4 times bigger than us nevertheless. We went to help out ONS as they were in trouble outside of Bay and I’m pretty sure there was quite a few AG AC’s (or was that a battalion of LB rangers shooting barrage nonstop at us?) outside several yards away of Bay’s gates a bit before the Anet decided to push out the patch, unless friendly fire was enabled so uhhh… Yeah.
This was a really disappointing evening as the match up has been absolutely lovely so far but sadly I didn’t enjoy raiding today even a tiny bit.
I’ll send you the schedule once I get to determine when every single player on AG plays! (If you didn’t get it, that’s never )
On the other hand you must not find it weird to see a zerg react to an action against a fully upgraded garrison or a fully upgraded dawn’s (which would be the access key to the fully upgraded Garrison). I’m pretty much 94% sure that the Gandaran pugzergs would do exactly the same. It’s your choice to run with 10 people and if 40 people show up on the enemy side, I must say that’s quite lenient from the defending side!
I can also guarantee you that we didn’t have more than one AC there, although I joined in the fight late, I noticed that we had one AC hugging the left cliff wall (facing out from bay) and you had one ballista facing the left wall, behind the wurm spawn, you had one superior arrow cart hugging the right cliff wall opposite to the wurm spawn and one ballista hugging the cliff edge towards the camp.
If you didn’t enjoy raiding a bit, that has quite a bit to do with yourself aswell, when you encounter blobs like this (although I disagree we were thát big), you should always have room to laugh a bit about it and go try some alternative tactics like luring the zerg into your chokepoint (yes, you can wipe zergs 4 times your size with that, I know [JDGE], you are good players, you can do that).
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Great example now: [JDGE] [TDA] [XxX] [ONS]
GG Gandara!
You guys are turtles all the way down.
If you don’t want to be compared to a blobby, siege obsessed server, don’t play like a blobby siege obsessed server. If you HAVE to, because you’ve lost a lot of guilds, then just accept that you have to. It’s np. Tonight was blobby and not much fun on your BL.
The guilds listed didn’t choose to play along side each other, and the night started without a single commander. After a while ALL guilds tagged up because we were tired of running into each other trying to find fights. That’s the contract; action, reaction. The guilds didn’t start out co-working, they had to.
In the end what is left? You ran two massive blobs, by your own admission. Accept it and move on. The QQ is getting boring.
And you’re suggesting the Gandaran blob (on EB or your own border) isn’t just as bad? There’s a reason for your border to stay quite green most of the time, I can tell you it isn’t because of tons of 10 player groups running around!
Next: We are not a siege obsessed server! We barely place any siege, which is a pain when you try to defend something, but I’ll always keep in mind, I didn’t place nor refresh it myself, so I can’t blame anyone We were blobby, you were blobby, don’t be hypocrit by only calling us out as the big bad guys. Is it too much to ask that one or two guild groups can wipe an enemy zerg twice their size? I know it isn’t too much to ask from [JDGE]… at least the old [JDGE], don’t know if you guys changed..
You’re suggesting you had a lack of action on your own, yet your fellow Gandarans state they had plenty of enemies to face when they tried assaulting a structure. One of those two stories has to be false, because one eliminates the other!
Finally: It’s impossible to run two massive blobs, because the queue limit is 80-90 and our server has plenty of people doing work behind the scenes and there’s always some afkers around there! The groups were probably devided like 50 and 30. I think your guilds should have been able to handle them
I will not accept it, never, I’m a proud Gladian and will defend our pride till the day I die! (that’s IRL, on the field I die plenty of times )
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Calm down people, i didn’t play because of my own lag, Ag guild are Tup,Dawn,Np,Rl the last two for what i know they run less, we a pugs that follow guild group without commander, them pugs, they don’t want to join guild but they always there to get loot.
If you Ag blob usually is a top 40 people( with really 15 people playing the game) you killed them they go to bed without problems.
Pugs will be Pugs. We try to manage as much as possible. Pls don’t call us Rivercart it hurts
If there is any problem just wisper the guild so you can understand the situation, on Ag border you rarely find guild group of us if you want we meet in Miller borer :wink :wink and smash things there.
Guild Leader
If all of us came on here everytime we fought a pug/semi organised led blob, we’d be on about 20 pages by now
Fact is AG is far more pug heavy than Gandara these days, very few WvW guilds, of various sizes. The pug leaders of every server, I have great respect for – it’s not an easy task and it certainly is a thankless task at times.
Community events, community guilds is more of an apt name. Yak at times in previous matchups had quite the blob 40+friendlies. Red from BB run well over 60+ at times, we’ve all seen abbablobs attempt at humour – Every server has them, whether it be server events or individuals holding open mics for people. Its part of WvW, in general it makes up a fair portion of people’s fights. Its not restricted to WvW focussed guilds only. Part of the variety that makes WvW so engaging, challenging, never knowing whats around the next corner..
Instead of complaining about semi organised, no specs, limited tactics, random personnel opponents. Guilds should look within themselves and see it as a challenge. Its not unknown to beat 4x your number (yes I do believe there still is a threshold where such feats are attainable and when its just too much). Embrace the open action, the warrior spirit rather than slander each other and use the biggest “diss/slur” possible and compare to Riverside. If anything I’ve found Gandara more organised in terms of defence in previous matchups with scouts in all dem towers (something not always the case on AG- not saying it doesn’t happen). As a roaming guild, I can appreciate how “ugh” it is, zoning in to see all Tier 3 upgrades. As typically having something to defend brings more fights around the area.
Not often do I see balls of steel from foes, but several times last night from both servers, guilds engaged with potentially 5 or so less than us. Its not often in a night that so many fights of ours are of roughly equal numbers.. typically most if not all are when outnumbered – of which I was grateful for the aggression shown by several foes last night.
To ARMY, I think at the NW tower with you sieging gandara- not sure who was more surprised to run into each other with no prior warning at 10ft. One of those caught with pants down moments I think.
Try to enjoy the rest of the matchup all, friendlies will be friendlies, commanders will try to achieve their goals with limited options. All play for fun in your own ways. Atleast no one hides in towers on 20 ACs this week eh. Be grateful for what we all have this week.
Kind Regards TUP
o7 all my enemies
Aurora Glade EU
Great fun on EBG over the last couple of hours defending sm from AG. It’s so much better when there’s less numbers on both sides. I think we must have had around 15-20 people each max both numbers gradually reducing as the battles went on. We were lucky enough to have a really good commander who loved a good bit of flanking. Was very funny sneaking 4 of us behind you to take out your treb in the open that wakittenting Klovan ;-) Can’t quite believe we got away with that one. I had to log out, but I guess AG eventually wore us down. Thanks to everyone involved.
Just forget about last nite and that AG forum warrior that covered pertty much how awesome he is and how blobyhandholders we are in the last page or so =)
As things stand i dont want to fight ag , most your guilds outnumber us 4v1 3v1 , so cheers but no thanks =)
MS has more guilds that are kinda our size , so i’m saying it poke me the BL where you intend to roam and we will meet =)
Also sorry to the people that asked for GvG’s we simply can not do them , never sure how many people we have and some live for the thrill of roaming and disslike gvg’s ,so best to agree on bl and roam and have a blast.
I’m just gonna keep my contribution to this thread constructive so:
STo the AG group of 40 people on the bridge over to Heroes Lodge. Did you really need 2 arrow carts and a ballista to fight 18 Dius? Did you really fear us that much that you couldnt charge us? And did you really have to call in DAWN to help you out when we wasnt stupid enough to charge your bridge? Pathetic. Sorry.
We (NR) had open mic event yesterday (every Wednesday) and there was a lot of new players. Most of them had zerker gear and never were in wvw. Some even didn’t know that blasting combo fields gives buffs or heals… We fought you before and you had to see that at least half of us died immediatelly when you run through us. We build balista and ACs to show new players how you can defend yourself in thin space and to practice building with warp field. (Actually most of the evening was practising blasting and coordinated running) I’m not even sure there was someone using it during fights. Anyway, you could just run trough us and wipe us. Half of our ”zerg“ was free res for you and because of that we all were just free loot bags…
Our maximum was 39 two hours earlier on Gandara BL, when we met you on the bridge we had 28 people online. I have no idea how many of them were afk or only listening on TS…
We didn’t call DAWN for help. Actually we don’t comunicate with others at all… One of many our flaws. DAWN are always wandering around and looking for fights it was coincidence they met you there.
And yes, I didn’t liked it either. We (NR) are working on growing our guild little bit more. When we are lucky we are able to get 15 ppl online but usually it’s only 10. I hope soon we will have similar numbers as you so we can provide more entertaining fights.
Solo roamer
Currently roaming on Vabbi
I have to say I am enjoying the matchup vs. MS, you guys have many great guilds such as Mya, QQ, Pony and Riot. You are a great example on how the game should be played and I wish other germans severs would be like you.
AG on the other hand has been somewhat dissapointing, weekend was nice but after is fell quickly. Some guilds which I expected something good from were hidden in a tower.
One more evening togo and I hope it will be good, before we probely get sorted against something like Blobbadon or Riverside.
Personally I hope on another week with MS and for instance FSP. I think that would be a nice matchup for us all =)
(edited by jaimy.4108)
Yesterday was hard for us cuz our numbers werent good and numbers dropped fast too :/
Hope to get more players this evening to get you guys the fights you deserve and we all want!
Hope to see TUP Dius and Dawn maybe YaK and RL all on same BL today so everyone has more enemys to choose to fight
@ Dark lord killer:
The things u wrote in you first posts are just false…soo false so i didnt even read you other posts. TDA had no fun that evening and they were a bit frustraded and i can relate to that if your raid dont find fights that are worth logging in.
But you then accuse every guild tag you’ve ever seen this matchup of things u dont even understand and your statements are just plain wrong.
Personally i dont wish anyone to fight RS or AM and i dont think AG “blobbs” are too bad….btw there will NEVER be a matchup without any blobbs because non-guild players also want to enjoy their time in wvw and as an organised guild fighting blobbs can be a change and can be fun too if it doesnt happen too often
DAWN and YaK entertaining video of your GvG must have been very tense with that score
I will not accept it, never, I’m a proud Gladian and will defend our pride till the day I die!
No Dear, you’re a try-hard. A warrior on the forums and a badge on the battlefield.
Turtles. All. The. Way. Down.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
(edited by Parthis.2091)
Not much to add @Dark Lord Killer – never seen such blinded opinions. Go on kitty cat, bite the bait and keep the lolz.
The fact you can point out the different tags is because the all run separate, and yes we do get to meet other allies around the ‘enormous’ BL map, and if we see a blob we all attack – but is laughable to think we bright enough to coordinate such attack and go in together – as you said 50 (doubt at that) vs 60 is never fair for the larger group, an interview should we set up 1st to evaluate the skill of either group and agree on numbers a priory. Jeez, we get flattened by 50-70 plenty of times, but never complained about being killed by less that ours.
I guess we will have to stop the TDA blob by splitting our 6 man into 6 groups. Though I can understand the pie eating multivira looks like a blob by himself.
After the trololz, just add HAI JDGE! and HAI rest of AG and MS – we had some fun times.
(edited by Xenn.3809)
silly forums. been a top week, lets hope for round 2 after friday!
<3 to all
@ Dark lord killer:
The things u wrote in you first posts are just false…soo false so i didnt even read you other posts. TDA had no fun that evening and they were a bit frustraded and i can relate to that if your raid dont find fights that are worth logging in.
But you then accuse every guild tag you’ve ever seen this matchup of things u dont even understand and your statements are just plain wrong.
Personally i dont wish anyone to fight RS or AM and i dont think AG “blobbs” are too bad….btw there will NEVER be a matchup without any blobbs because non-guild players also want to enjoy their time in wvw and as an organised guild fighting blobbs can be a change and can be fun too if it doesnt happen too often
I think I understand it all very well, I also know what my eyes see and this matchup even you, the mighty [Mya], have held hands more than once on AG borderlands. I think the best example was monday (?) evening where you capped bay with [Mya], [NO], [NXM] and in the very end [QQ]. After that cap, maybe one group split off from the others, but there was always one group of 3 guilds very tight together. Yes, [Mya], you too.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
No Dear, you’re a try-hard. A warrior on the forums and a badge on the battlefield.
Turtles. All. The. Way. Down.
Hah, I’m more of a warrior (although actually I’m not, I’m a guardian) on the field than on the forums, words are not my strongest point. You don’t know me on the field, I doubt you ever identified me, you’re making false assumptions. I don’t say I won’t be just a badge to you, because I don’t know how good you are, I can just say I’ll put up a fight before I die (To all those who will misinterpret this, I’m not saying I’m a good player, I’m not, I’m just saying he doesn’t know me
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Not much to add @Dark Lord Killer – never seen such blinded opinions. Go on kitty cat, bite the bait and keep the lolz.
The fact you can point out the different tags is because the all run separate, and yes we do get to meet other allies around the ‘enormous’ BL map, and if we see a blob we all attack – but is laughable to think we bright enough to coordinate such attack and go in together – as you said 50 (doubt at that) vs 60 is never fair for the larger group, an interview should we set up 1st to evaluate the skill of either group and agree on numbers a priory. Jeez, we get flattened by 50-70 plenty of times, but never complained about being killed by less that ours.
I guess we will have to stop the TDA blob by splitting our 6 man into 6 groups. Though I can understand the pie eating multivira looks like a blob by himself.
The fact that I can point out the different tags has nothing to do with running seperate, as soon as you see one huge hand-holding group, you can also distinguish the tags of the players and if you see a rather large concentration of the tags you can say: ‘Okay that blob holds [guildx], [guildy] and [guildz]’. It has nothing to do with running seperate, you can just watch the tags
I’m not saying you organised it to attack together, I’m just saying you held hands at that particular fight and that you have shown to do the same in the past.
Also you’re acting like it was two equal groups fighting eachother, however the groups weren’t equal. Although I admire the persistence and fighting spirit of our players, we simply can’t match the organisation of WvW guilds. To be fair, the 50 WvW guildies of you would have been in an equal fight against 80 people of us, just because of the organisation involved. (If skill-lag didn’t exist) However, it was just 60 of us, so I’d say the odds were in your favour.
You probably don’t often get killed by people fewer than you for two reasons:
1) You’re a relatively small guild that runs small numbers, you’re unlikely to find organised groups with fewer numbers than yourself.
2) When you do find a group smaller than you, it’s either going to be a good fight against another WvW guild or it’s a group of non-WvW-guildies and therefore you win the fight relatively easy.
If you think that the message of my posts is that a six-man group should split up into one-man groups, I highly recommend you read it all over again.
If you didn’t get it after reading it all over, it’s not what I implied, at all.
Still don’t get it? I’ll put it in black and white here: I don’t want guild groups themselves to split up into multiple groups, it’s the most fun thing in the game to fight guild groups. I’m just saying guilds should be able to hold themselves on their own or maybe with a second guild to back them up if things turn grim, I’m just saying guilds shouldn’t group up with four people to match the size of the zerg they are facing. If you’re a good WvW-guild you don’t need those numbers to have a fair fight.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Dark Lord Killer + Forum + Popcorn = Good entertainment
And all this started from a guild of 5 guys who went to the wrong BL on the wrong afternoon…
Oh boy! TDA guys, just switch BLs next time and stop complaining. It’s not like you can do much on a T3 BL with waypoints at primetime.
On the other hand, last night i killed 15 MS on Eb on a golem suit that i built but never used against a door! It was so fun to see people suiciding to kill me cause they felt threatened at Speldan camp.
Thanks for the loots and also thanks for the great fights in SM to Gandarans.
(To all those who will misinterpret this, I’m not saying I’m a good player, I’m not, I’m just saying he doesn’t know me
You end your sentences with clauses in brackets that degrade your own arguments, capped with a smiley.
You’ve convinced yourself of your own arguments and won’t listen to any other. You blob, but you’ve justified it to yourself.
You siege, but you’re not as bad as the worst, so that’s OK under your justification.
You’re complaining about a situation that started with your world’s actions, which you’ve admitted, yet feel it’s everyone else’s fault.
Finally you’re awesome, but you’re not saying you’re good, because who wants to be proven wrong? So instead it’s “You don’t know me, I ain’t no badge!”. kek.
I think we know exactly the kind of person you are. There are those that talk and those that do. You’re a talker. A reoccurring moral bastion on an internet forum, a Gladian no less. And you’re right, I don’t really know you, but then I don’t particularly want to, you don’t strike me as reasonable, intelligent or talented. You strike me as fanatical, narrow minded and self-righteous. I run JDGE. If you call my guild out for responding to the bottom-of-the-barrell play you and your server friendos have adopted, so be it. I couldn’t tell you which guilds you had in your blob last night, they meshed into one so well, so i’ll take the distinct identification of Gandara’s guilds as a compliment.
Our primetime JDGE blob of 11 thanks you for the fun last night.
Anyways, as fun as this thread isn’t, let’s just agree that AG had more guilds, don’t now, still has some guilds that roam, praise to them, has a blob on their BL which we’re fine with, GBL blobs too, and that guilds on any server will also support other guilds… that’s what makes Gandara what it is and the reason lots of small guilds find their home here.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
If anyone is trying to be Riverside tonight it clearly Gandara… 1am and running a 60+ man blob most the time it seems. Fun trying to fight them with 25-30 people oO
Still. Got 3 levels of you in a short while so wont complain to much.. just my god it looks like senseless zerging from you.
Until today it been really fun matchup without really seeing any massive blobs… guess you figured we must be missing the normal german playstyle (MS seem exempt from this playstyle agreement germans seem to have ;p )
I’ve been there every evening on EBG. You guys have a KISS group running there every night and everyone is following you. I tried to get some small scale fights out of you but either you run to the group or you die, and after that you all group up to gank our small group. After that you go back to your big group and attack targets at the slowest pace possible attracting every Gandaran on the map, because there is nothing else to fight.
Also a lot of AG people like to sit in towers and shoot cannons or ac’s. I couldn’t believe my eyes, a few times I was sure to run past a MS tower when I saw the activity in those unnatacked towers but it was AG’s. Crazy!
We rushed that bay north gate several times and we had 6 ac circles on us. You also build more siege in the open (guessing 3 ac’s 1 ballista +-), but we pushed a few times to down it.
We rushed several times into garrison west gate but you had like 30 ac’s raining on us. And u’re big group was running towards that rain chased by 14 people.
You end your sentences with clauses in brackets that degrade your own arguments, capped with a smiley.
You’ve convinced yourself of your own arguments and won’t listen to any other. You blob, but you’ve justified it to yourself.
You siege, but you’re not as bad as the worst, so that’s OK under your justification.
You’re complaining about a situation that started with your world’s actions, which you’ve admitted, yet feel it’s everyone else’s fault.
Finally you’re awesome, but you’re not saying you’re good, because who wants to be proven wrong? So instead it’s “You don’t know me, I ain’t no badge!”. kek.
I think we know exactly the kind of person you are. There are those that talk and those that do. You’re a talker. A reoccurring moral bastion on an internet forum, a Gladian no less. And you’re right, I don’t really know you, but then I don’t particularly want to, you don’t strike me as reasonable, intelligent or talented. You strike me as fanatical, narrow minded and self-righteous. I run JDGE. If you call my guild out for responding to the bottom-of-the-barrell play you and your server friendos have adopted, so be it. I couldn’t tell you which guilds you had in your blob last night, they meshed into one so well, so i’ll take the distinct identification of Gandara’s guilds as a compliment.
Our primetime JDGE blob of 11 thanks you for the fun last night.
1) I’m not stating AG doesn’t blob, I’m nuancing it and emphasizing that the others do it aswell (remember this all started out as me defending AG against being called RS and AM)
2) We siege, but so do you, as you see, I claimed we had one AC in the open field, Gandara had 2 ballistas and 1 AC, it’s also time for you to realise that Gandara also isn’t perfect, yet you’re hitting all the time on AG for doing it!
3) I never said it was anyones fault, we were there to defend, we were there in numbers, yet we were no superblob. Also the fight lasted for so long because you decided to put four WvW-guilds into it. We started it, you kept it alive. (I think here on the forums it’s the other way around TDA started the discussion, I’m keeping it alive)
4) If you read my words correctly, I’m saying " I don’t say I won’t be just a badge to you, because I don’t know how good you are, I can just say I’ll put up a fight before I die" I’m not putting it in black and white, it’s grey, we don’t know how good you are and we don’t know how good I am. (you’ll probably destroy me in a 1v1 anyway)
5) I don’t think we should take this to the personal side, I could talk about my talents and my flaws but I would be called arrogant for calling out my talents and emphasis would be put on my flaws, so there is no gain for me. All I can say, yes, I’m fanatical, competitive, I’m not narrow minded, if you would give me concrete evidence of me being wrong, I’ll do nothing but agreeing with you. And yes, I’m fighting for what I have pride for, pride is a powerful feeling, I am just bringing my arguments on the table, you’re trying to counter those arguments and I counter those counters. That’s how an argument, a discussion, a debate works! I call your guild out for handholding, yes, but I have also stated that I’ve seen better from you in the past.
What fun? I thought all of you stated you didn’t have any.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
We rushed that bay north gate several times and we had 6 ac circles on us. You also build more siege in the open (guessing 3 ac’s 1 ballista +-), but we pushed a few times to down it.We rushed several times into garrison west gate but you had like 30 ac’s raining on us. And u’re big group was running towards that rain chased by 14 people.
I highly doubt we had 6 ac’s on the NW gate of bay, I think I saw two that could shoot beyond the wall.
And I doubt 30 (lol) even more at garrison, I think we must have had a high amount of rangers if you think that we build that many ac’s!
As for the big group running, I don’t know about that, I just know that there probably would have been a reason for it, we had two very good commanders on last night.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Good WvW’ing this morning-afternoon on MS border AG VS Ms (+vs awesome TCHU gandarans).
Good lone siege of us on hills did the work, and rids of the dreaded WP for today. We on AG had a blast hope MS had GG too.
Ended loosing it to a very timely and powerful golem rush after countering 4 attempts prior to it.
Thanks to gandaran TCHU for being pesky both on us and mainly MS, every time you picked at them we ran right in to clean up the field, helped much!
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)
with the tupaliation tactics yes u can kill x 4 enemy pug.
I’ll send you the schedule once I get to determine when every single player on AG plays! (If you didn’t get it, that’s never
On the other hand you must not find it weird to see a zerg react to an action against a fully upgraded garrison or a fully upgraded dawn’s (which would be the access key to the fully upgraded Garrison). I’m pretty much 94% sure that the Gandaran pugzergs would do exactly the same. It’s your choice to run with 10 people and if 40 people show up on the enemy side, I must say that’s quite lenient from the defending side!
I can also guarantee you that we didn’t have more than one AC there, although I joined in the fight late, I noticed that we had one AC hugging the left cliff wall (facing out from bay) and you had one ballista facing the left wall, behind the wurm spawn, you had one superior arrow cart hugging the right cliff wall opposite to the wurm spawn and one ballista hugging the cliff edge towards the camp.
If you didn’t enjoy raiding a bit, that has quite a bit to do with yourself aswell, when you encounter blobs like this (although I disagree we were thát big), you should always have room to laugh a bit about it and go try some alternative tactics like luring the zerg into your chokepoint (yes, you can wipe zergs 4 times your size with that, I know [JDGE], you are good players, you can do that).
Oh don’t you worry, your servermate just mentioned you run these community events every Wednesday and since our raids happens to be on Wednesdays as well, we will just stay away from AGBL from now on since there seems to be impossible to get any good fights what so ever. We don’t care about points and structures, we care about fun and previous days AGBL was a lot of fun. But then come alongs your community event.. Your community event turned AG into a mini Blobbadon. Did you know they run community events too? You could perhaps ask them for tips, last time they all ran warriors while they had 120+ zerglings online on their community TS, following one commander. They made a video out of it too, you could watch it and learn from them. Maybe next Wednesday you could teach your zerglings some forum guardian skills?
Whats with you and the fixation with the denying the use of ACs? How can you guarantee there was only one when you weren’t there from the start anyways? Either way, there was 4 AG ACs I could see but the ACs got eventually destroyed as our side pushed AG back to Bay. But then again, so what? I don’t care how many carts you had there, what I know there was 0 fun and that’s the only thing that irritates me.
I was wondering since you are so keen on repeating the handholding part and picking guild tags.. It isn’t okay for us to counter your humongous community event blob, but then you give us very helpful tips how we should attack different things at the same time, but then you say we shouldn’t because we are only 10 and we are no match against your blob. Come again? Either way, don’t bother replying. I’m going to be busy luring your zerglings into some chokepoint :>
Also, HAI TDA!
Also , HAI TDA !
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
This thread has become a lot of fun to follow servers fighting servers on the forum <3 always fun to see some server claim they dont blob or dont place defensive siege
I know 100% that all 3 servers blob, as most players here states. I also know all of u can place an amazing amount of AC’s, trust me, I’ve been one of the placers on AG before, and trust me I know Gandara can aswell, multiple times I’ve tried to take on of ur keeps with 5+ AC’s on each gate. Especially remember the time u guys took RS garrision and sieged that thing up so har xD Was a lot of fun to watch u farm them xD
Looooooooove Triplios
Helluuuuuu TDA, XxX, DAWN, RL, QQ, Mya, KISS, NP etc
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
u can count the red circle from arrowcart here and u can stop post from now Dark
@forumWarrior (Guardian he says)
I don’t really care what you implied the solution is, but do learn some sarcasm.
But you accusing of handholding – oh dear, we never communicated with those other guilds before or after the fight (other than a friendly HAI as we cross), we never really knew where they are exactly or their plans, and the fact we attacked from different angles at seeing a fight and a blob its the nature of WvW. Even in the guildie screenie you complained about ‘more where at the other side’ you had the upper hand then – more than us and we where divided, you just don’t care to see it that way.
You saying a fair fight would have been fair if you where 80, why that? You still had more people, we had our own small organisation (again, no intentional lets match numbers with the zerg – we did that on Saturday as a ‘we can have a open-mic event too’ for ONE zerg fight.)
So, you have more numbers, but complain that we are organised. You suggest we just wait on the sides to see if one organised group of 10-15 can take 60 (btw, you don’t seem to think very highly of your 59 comrades), and then move in if the are in trouble (tell me how long a 10 man vs 60 needs to wait to type in chat) – just becomes catch 22. If we can match similar numbers (but less), not fair, should be even less! the zerg should always double the enemy!!
When you running with 60 in map, you can’t complain at the size/skill/organisation of the enemy – you run with numbers for ‘safety’ – deal with the consequences, specially not about the size when they are less! :o And I’m not saying we attacked you in-sync, but IF we did, and with 20% less man-power I think you should just take it the chin. (wtb ‘do 20% more damage’ than opposition, but may be OP).
If you wanted to define a ‘fair’ fight you can only do it numerically, skill and organisation can’t be quantified.
As for similar groups to us they are plenty – you may don’t see them with 60 nameplates around, but they are there – and when we lost, fair do – haven’t complained and we raised our hats. In fact if we lose to anything between our numbers and 5x times more, we just move on – our fault to charge to larger force, should known better. We do make a point to lol and ask why at 10x times chasing us all around the map though – not complaining or going jump BLs, nothing about that, just some light trolling.
Will stop there, all pointed out to you is been done before me, hence no point hitting my head against a brick wall any further – AG is a great opponent, and so is MS – this matchup is truly awesome compared to what seen other weeks (rolling over Arbor, or getting zerged by AM) – they’re are fights of all sizes at every corner – not empty maps or a unique lag blob doing the hamster wheel around the map.
(edited by Xenn.3809)
Good WvW’ing this morning-afternoon on MS border AG VS Ms (+vs awesome TCHU gandarans).
Good lone siege of us on hills did the work, and rids of the dreaded WP for today. We on AG had a blast hope MS had GG too.
Ended loosing it to a very timely and powerful golem rush after countering 4 attempts prior to it.
Thanks to gandaran TCHU for being pesky both on us and mainly MS, every time you picked at them we ran right in to clean up the field, helped much!
thanks, we had lots of fun. we always enjoy going 3 vs all that and see what we can pull off :p
we never really favoured attacking either side, just attacked who we could and who seemed to have more players in a skirmish.
you guys holding on to hills allowed us to have some great fights.
engie roaming vids:
Looooooooove Triplios
Helluuuuuu TDA, XxX, DAWN, RL, QQ, Mya, KISS, NP etc
Hiii Trip! Want some popcorn? Happily share some =)
Your matchup still boring? =(
What this match-up is actually like:
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian
./wave TDA
TDA is cool they have pie and dress like banana’s.
1) I’m the only Forum Guardian here.
2) Ag runs some community not many btw, if you ask anyone from Ag we can tell you where they are so you don’t fight a blob.
3) Ag map is always full in prime time, guild don’t go there, you will find pugs there.
4) To find Ag guilds is better if you go to MS border or Gandara border.
5) Next matchup thread is MINE, i will kill you Kinkywarrior, and Argwulf you posted on his thread at the start of the week and i lost the win on the match thread for that reply!!! , so before posting check if is mine /joke-rage
6) We like you Gandalf and Ms, kiss kiss
Guild Leader
What this match-up is actually like:
OMG group of 20 players. TWENTY!!!!
Gandarblob. Blobdara. Ganblobra. srsly, a whole twenty people in the same place? ridiculous.
I mean, I know [NR] had a group of 40 last night, but thats a community event, so its different. And AG players only count as 1/4 of a gandaran anyway.
(trollin, with love)
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
with the tupaliation tactics yes u can kill x 4 enemy pug.
with YaKtics you can take on x5
Gandara took you long enough to revert to your old mud slinging ways
Everything you mentioned about AG… could easily say the same about Gandara (and was worse the other day as it was organised guilgs not pugs doing it so you have more control over that)
Sounded like you were more into taking objectives, than going for fights… we didn’t find much opposition in AG BL yesterday or we would of been there too… Only MYA & DC, mya(who were running lighter numbers) went to save their home borderland… we helped lock down AG and left it in the capable hands of the friendly commander, while we chased the action and we found the right zone for us… like DIUS mentioned we barely placed any siege all night and was just looking for fights.
You can’t compare either server to riverside or blobadons on the same scale… we all know what they are like and its 24/7 mentality. All you can hope for is not drawing the short straw on Friday and being stuck with the snooze fest that is riverside.
Im pretty sure what happened on AG BL was no way worse than your organised YOLO event you run and encouraged on a large scale (yes it was a little bit ago) but still… 50-30 split sounds pretty good to me.
I could use Briars on millers for example, when we fought entire Gandara server just against TUP (we chose not to use siege if we did maybe we would of won) your guys siege wiped a few of ours but still was a okay fight. Now all of a sudden Gandara = Blobbadon? No I wouldn’t go that far, I would say you were dirty blobbers for a fight <3 but it’s not all you do… unlike said German servers… just like its not all AG do… so to compare to the Anti PvP servers is a bit harsh and over reaction from frustration.
As for wanting Far shiverpeaks over Aurora Glade, remind me what guilds FSP have? I’ve fought them a few times and never remember them like a Dius or Yak Attack
I want Piken… Baruch, Millers, Gandara… Augury Rock
I Don’t want Dead servers which we will steamroll or zee germans (besides millers love you guys(plz convert the rest of the german servers then no one ends up with a kitten matchup))
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Completely agree Wamgor. Can we please stop this endless drivel about who blobs who and get on with what we do best – Killing each other.
Also.. Banana!
(edited by Fizzlefry.1734)
I mean, I know [NR] had a group of 40 last night, but thats a community event, so its different. And AG players only count as 1/4 of a gandaran anyway.
(trollin, with love)
There are two NR guilds… Yesterday (and Monday by the Longview) it was Necro Raiders. KrisHQ is from New Reality. They wasn’t running with us.
If we knew there is already wvw guild with NR tag, we would picked different one. Now it’s just confusing… Well, maybe not. Necro Raiders was GW1 guild so old players wouldn’t give up this tag…
What this match-up is actually like:
OMG group of 20 players. TWENTY!!!!
Gandarblob. Blobdara. Ganblobra. srsly, a whole twenty people in the same place? ridiculous.
I mean, I know [NR] had a group of 40 last night, but thats a community event, so its different. And AG players only count as 1/4 of a gandaran anyway.
(trollin, with love)
You missed the point of his image. It wasn’t to show that people group up in the twenties (which is not a lot mind you), but the fact that any large group, be it 20 or 80, will spend time and effort chasing 1 guy across the map, in the hopes of WXP and loot bags.
Also, please don’t confuse The New Reality [NR], with Necro Raiders [NR]. We never run more than 5 players at a time.
There are two NR guilds… Yesterday (and Monday by the Longview) it was Necro Raiders. KrisHQ is from New Reality. They wasn’t running with us.
If we knew there is already wvw guild with NR tag, we would picked different one. Now it’s just confusing… Well, maybe not. Necro Raiders was GW1 guild so old players wouldn’t give up this tag…
Yeah, it’s unfortunate. As far as I remember, you guys transfered to AG as well, so there’s not really much either of us could’ve done to prevent the confusion.
Aurora Glade [EU] | Leader of ‘The New Reality [NR]’
WvW Beast!
(edited by Adian.8756)
Me and few fellow guildies had nice chatting time with TDA guys =) You guys are awesome !
And no i’m not Rorik try to remember it guys
Aurora Glade
What this match-up is actually like:
Isn’t this case with any match-up against any server?
All small parties have tons of Benny Hill style pursuits around the map – we actually learned to love them, and its been quite funny when after half a lap the map some drop or stretch themselves so we can turn around to repay the exercise. That or end up tanking the floor, which my excuse of scouting.
/peace & love.
And now you bring out the popcorn worthy drama….you are few days late i´m not bored anymore.
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]
Gandara took you long enough to revert to your old mud slinging ways
As for wanting Far shiverpeaks over Aurora Glade, remind me what guilds FSP have? I’ve fought them a few times and never remember them like a Dius or Yak Attack
1: Who started mud slinging? If I remember it right the AG forum warrior... Guardian? ( Not Amelia)
2: FSP WvW active guilds:
FSV, GoT, DW, Punk, Kale, AoA, TNN, Blos
Gandara took you long enough to revert to your old mud slinging ways
As for wanting Far shiverpeaks over Aurora Glade, remind me what guilds FSP have? I’ve fought them a few times and never remember them like a Dius or Yak Attack
1: Who started mud slinging? If I remember it right the AG forum
warrior... Guardian? ( Not Amelia)2: FSP WvW active guilds:
FSV, GoT, DW, Punk, Kale, AoA, TNN, Blos
I would like to remember you it was your fellow Gandarans who compared us, AG, to RS and AM. That’s an insult beyond belief so please don’t be surprised if we react to it. It was TDA who started it, it was me who kept it alive.
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
It isn’t an Aurora Glade Vs Gandara matchup without drama… lets just all admit that in the depths of our souls a little part of us all craves the drama that comes with fighting each other :P
Do you all agree that we lock this matchup and the Elona – AM – RS Matchup? I think thats fine for me… Maybe put Far Shiver in and out but no other servers xD
TDA… you scared me with your guild song… Now I got a … in German “Ohrwurm”^^
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Gunnars Hold