Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Let dem games begin!
Oh for God sakes! Can we get a decent matchup? Can we?
PS: Thank you, Eze, for eschewing that poxy Gandalff cobblers in the thread title.
So… no abbreviation for Gandara?
That’s enough. I’m not spending my week getting run over by blobs. I play on a lower level server for a reason. I don’t want to play against servers 7 levels higher than we are.
Is there any other large scale war sandbox game out there?
Don’t leave, or all the blobs will be on our heads . Also: wow, golems from day one, to get a wooden gate down? This is gonna be a fun week!
(edited by multivira.7925)
Leading for the first half of EB, den guild grouping until now, nice to see XxX have left once again Had a few upscales in our group since we didn’t foresee needing to split, so we have plausible deniability that we would have got completely crushed so much. Hoping for a nice rest of the matchup, and off for some solo roaming now.
p.s. Hai UW! o/
That’s enough. I’m not spending my week getting run over by blobs. I play on a lower level server for a reason. I don’t want to play against servers 7 levels higher than we are.
Is there any other large scale war sandbox game out there?
I’ve seen some massive blobs from RoF and UW, and I’m confident gandara can manage some big blobs too, so it should be fair enough.
Only difference is when RoF blobs the other 3 maps are empty while you and uw have people in them :P Hell, your guild groups are blobs to us, Our biggest wvw guild barely managed 23 and that was with like 4 people not even in the guild but just friends.
Well for anyone i enemy servers. The core of Gandara have always been several mid/smal size roaming guilds and a few bigger. We regulary do GvG and every matchup we have a big number of guilds looking for fight in “non zerg” scale.
Think nomatter how points look we can have some good fights if any guild in enemy server is up for it.
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
Hehe indeed, there have been quite sizeable blobs from all sides this evening.
another week with no Gandara! what has AG done to deserve this?
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Plus, underworld has the most blobby guild of all now… XxX
I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
If you saw a RoF blob it was probably on the RoF borderland map, holding on by its fingernails. Like I said, that’s enough of that.
I’ve only seen Yak tonight, I guess that was your biggest guild then?
Didn’t manage to wipe them tonight, but we’ll try it some other day, don’t worry
what?! Gandalf is the coolest wizard ever (expect for Merlin from sword and the stone)
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
TY to You JDGE and Frou especially for the invite. we had a lot of fun. I recorded them as well
It went better for us once we got our pro goalie in *Yay Dragonise! * :p
(edited by oblivious.8074)
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have
Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
just to point out that YARR went in with max of 10 player tonight so sorry iorlas for the lag we caused.
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have
Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
None of the above guilds have ever ever had over 25, and the first ones mentioned field 15 as basic. My guild was running 20 on EB until 10:00 uk time, with a few upscales in the mix, seeing as today was supposed to be open ops. Any of this 60 man blobbin from the guilds mentioned is insane, and unless screenshots are provided no one on Gandara will believe you.
Also thnx to TKT for Asuraball today, we got there in the end
Couldn’t find any solo roamers on the opposing 2 servers, so I tagged up again to kill XxX and retake SM, after the first two times they wiped XxX disappeared, obviously those won’t be put in their videos, but at least we have the comfort of knowing they happened. If I wake up in time cyu all tomorrow morning for another day in matchup heaven. Sorry for calling it that but the last 3 matchups we had were Elona, Jade Sea and Kodash… You know not the meaning of blobbing.
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have
Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
None of the above guilds have ever ever had over 25, and the first ones mentioned field 15 as basic. Any of this 60 man blobbin from the guilds mentioned is insane, and unless screenshots are provided no one on Gandara will believe you.
The few dius players on tonight (bout 6 of them) were leading pugs on gandara bl so its actually quite possible they had them numbers.
Not that i’d know, i wandered off and abondoned them as i tend to, being the kittener i am.
Nah seriously i just find anything over 25 boring and its not enough players for a competitive pug group most weeks.
We’ve just finished a match against a server 10 spots above us so we can relate to the annoyance at being thrown in a match with a server miles ahead of you rating wise. I have no doubt there’ll be plenty of players dancing on your corpse when they roll over you outnumbering you 10:1, spawncamping you with siege (they’re a classy bunch) and getting their kitten handed to them when they end up in anything vaguely close to an even fight.
The regular wvw community will lecture them about being jerks (and be ignored no doubt). Then laugh when they die like chumps.
On the bright side you’ll have no trouble finding fights which is better than running around an empty map looking for something to kill and have 40 people pop up around you if you do manage to find anything, making it a lousy fight. Frustrating week for you and a boring one for us
I hope you realise that the jerks aren’t going to read the forums and its just us bored regulars who hate these kind of matches too. So cut us some slack pls
(edited by Caid.4932)
Small/Mid sized roaming guilds
Looks like 20 YaK+ pugs to me, YaK and DYE weren’t mentioned in the other posts because they are probs the only exceptions that can run 25+ on Gandara. It does look like a lot of pugs in there, so it’s not really a guild group. In all fairness you should have seen GD on Elona, the 60+ was entirely their guild!
you asked for a screen shot of a blob..you got one."2 guilds of 30 running together or with pugs still make a 60 man blob..you called me out i proved my point.
hey i see some TaG in that photo aswell, looks like there is 2 servers and 3 different guilds in that photo
hey i see some TaG in that photo aswell, looks like there is 2 servers and 3 different guilds in that photo
Its still a 60 man blob!!!
… sorry cant resist
Hey guise, i hope you end your little vacation soon and come back to Gandara.
In the meantime, here’s little something just for you.
Guess where subtitles are from :P
Hey guise, i hope you end your little vacation soon and come back to Gandara.
In the meantime, here’s little something just for you.Guess where subtitles are from :P
Thank you Krosis for making me laugh for 5min :>
JDGE YARR et al (goes for anyone else), get your butts on my site <3 so people can have ease of cross server friendlies, and once enough join, league and competitions! Mya, GG + KA all registered from Piken, ontop of TEAM + TUP from AG – looking for more.
Hope UW on their BL give as much grit and determination as they did when we had them. Hope you all have a good week. For TUP it looks like a very very quiet one
Aahh, the good old tradition of starting a matchup thread with “omg you blob, no dewd you blob more, lol but you haxz, dood you hax moar” !!!
Assuming we’re past that already, hi to G-Land and RoF, thanks for a lively reset, and may we all drop big phat loots to one another!
And Dranul, nice to see you in our matchup threads this often, that was one nice matchup we had, and I can confirm at least that Gandarans also received a nice warm “welcome to UW hills” salvo from GuM & others at reset
Small/Mid sized roaming guilds
Yeah, YaK does the blobby work usually
On that same borderland was TDA, with 10-12 people on, hence the list of small/mid sized roaming guilds that did not include YaK, but did include TDA, I wonder why…
Less ridiculous than last weeks matchup but still, I really am longing for a Miller’s and AG matchup sometime soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Gandara EB Wxp train grows exponentially again this matchup. Anyway, will be pushing kitten UW borderland from Sunday evening onwards. See you then ;-)
Edit: kitten = “hard”
I just hope the bandwagoners stick to the pve event and don’t come ruin my wvw :p
tchuu will, as always, run no more than 5 at the least represented borderland, feel free to try and zerg us, we enjoy making fun of belthamel when he is the only one dieing… saying he did it to save the rest of us.
Well played to Yak last night on UW BL. I think we only managed to down you once the whole night in the first Garri attack.
If ayone is interested in some 10v10 gvg’s against TDA poke me on forums or ingame.
@ Immolator.5640
Wow your sour attitude.. and yours is all smelling of roses right, what a climb down from your baseless hacking accusations… black pots and kettles much!.. your smooth!
Maybe your teammate forgot to mention the black Powder, the dance, and when your skilled player finally acted on the fact we had people inside Durios (even though they were emoting right in front of him for fun).. of course being so skilled now meant he had 4 players to take on when he could of just gone 1 on 1 with the resser…. nah easier to call someone a hacker I guess and save face to the fact he was worse than useless.
But now you think its bad to flame the accuser and we should be all warm and cuddly to you… oh sure.. lets group hug…. but please be careful not to stand on the stealths toes now!
Three lessons learned –
a)- ya player doesn’t know how its tactical to keep stealths in tower takes
b) Always check around after tower takes
c) – Experienced Commanders with some tactical nouse don’t blindly blurt out accusations across forums after suffering a quick tower flip from old server allies, then try their utmost to recoil from their BS and ask for cuddles cos the flames are hurting… yep like I said your smooth.
If I were you I would strongly consider taking Fili up on his offer of training
Alright I tried, lost respect for APE (or at least these two, god forbid they’re representative of the whole) now, no civility in the slightest, you guys obviously just enjoy flaming everyone and everything, and can’t accept an apology done talking with you guys.
[WvW] is upfor 5vs5 Asuraball and 15vs15 GvG for the first time in ages this matchup.
(edited by Immolator.5640)
Ezekiel, I will find you, and throw a nice grenade in your face ¬_¬
I told you a long long time ago when you bandwagon jumped off UW I would one day get to kick your kitten , seems anet has finally given me the match up
See you soon
Alright I tried, lost respect for APE (or at least these two, god forbid they’re representative of the whole) now, no civility in the slightest, you guys obviously just enjoy flaming everyone and everything, and can’t accept an apology
done talking with you guys.
[WvW] is upfor 5vs5 Asuraball and 15vs15 GvG for the first time in ages this matchup.
Lesson 4 – Read and take in information before acting.. I said I was a pugger and not a member of APE.. I just happened to be running with the group at the time when you decided to try and start a flame war with your hacking post above, so please don’t judge them just because I chose to call you out.
As for civility… take some humble pie and enjoy
This is gonna be such a fun thread, it’s off to a great start already
kitten shame that I am on holiday…been away a couple of weeks and not back until after next weekend….would have loved to have fought Underworld no matter will probably get Viz, Elona and SFR on my return knowing my luck!!
[WvW] is upfor 5vs5 Asuraball and 15vs15 GvG for the first time in ages this matchup.
Both UW and RoF most likely won’t be as we’ll be in your situation from the last few weeks of scraping to get/hold every tower we can with little time for that. Little tip might be to not golem rush our stuff when you have such superior numbers and I guess we’ll see what we can do. It’s in your hands really.
Alright I tried, lost respect for APE (or at least these two, god forbid they’re representative of the whole) now, no civility in the slightest, you guys obviously just enjoy flaming everyone and everything, and can’t accept an apology
done talking with you guys.
[WvW] is upfor 5vs5 Asuraball and 15vs15 GvG for the first time in ages this matchup.
Thats okay, the opinion of bandwagoners is of no worth to me!
[WvW] is upfor 5vs5 Asuraball and 15vs15 GvG for the first time in ages this matchup.
Both UW and RoF most likely won’t be as we’ll be in your situation from the last few weeks of scraping to get/hold every tower we can with little time for that. Little tip might be to not golem rush our stuff when you have such superior numbers and I guess we’ll see what we can do. It’s in your hands really.
No dear, it’s very much in your hands; we’re not the PuGs, and they’re not here reading this. The people posting in this thread are, time and time again, telling you how big their guilds are and what they enjoy doing.
JDGE’s reset night went like this; Asuraball against YARR. Then into RoF BL – it was quiet. We flipped one tower, picking one right outside your spawn and Garrison not because we wanted your tower, but because we couldn’t find anyone to fight. We figured we’d advertise and stay close so you could hit us if you wanted, and we’d get a scrap. Tower flipped, one defender.
We roamed a little more, found nothing, supped up, went to bay. Surely we’d get a fight at bay? – and we did. It was fun, you had a lot of people and we held our own for a while but you certainly kept the pressure up… and then our zerg portalled in behind us and that was that. After that we went to EB.
We don’t want your towers, keeps or points. Honestly. We just want to have some fun. JDGE will be roaming around all week, as i’m sure YARR, Dius, TDA, et al will be too. Feel free to whisper us for fights, feel free to hunt us down.
Random matchups mean we have to make the best of it; if you put so much stock on your towers, so much value in points, and feel the need to scrape to get every tower and point you can, well, that’s your game, your values and you’ve chosen it, not us.
JDGE are looking for 10v10 (maybe at a push we could do 15v15) GvG this week (XxX?), and some Asuraball too! Failing that, if you see us out and about, come for a fight – we won’t backdown, you’ll get a fight. If you’re a blob and you see us running we’re trying to thin and stretch you out, not escape… we’ll give it a punt at some point, so keep coming.
A shout out to [RAIN] last night, we met some of you guys last night, was fun.
Don’t forgot about [TDS], too – a cross server guild for duellists, a great way to find people online for duels. Whisper Froudactyl for an invite.
Alright I tried, lost respect for APE (or at least these two, god forbid they’re representative of the whole) now, no civility in the slightest, you guys obviously just enjoy flaming everyone and everything, and can’t accept an apology
done talking with you guys.
[WvW] is upfor 5vs5 Asuraball and 15vs15 GvG for the first time in ages this matchup.
Thats okay, the opinion of bandwagoners is of no worth to me!
They’re bandwagoners because they moved to Gandara? You don’t know much about our server then… :P
Sorry to hear you guys are doing badly atm, however in the past few weeks, regardless of how badly we were being smashed against the wall with around the clock coverage, omnipresent 50+ zergs and hourly omega rushes, we still had time for some nice GvGz and Asuraball. If not we can probably play amongst ourselves, but it would increase your enjoyment as well I think, which is good for everyone in the end. I mean, Asuraball!
I feel sorry for Gandara guild groups. They have no one to fight because we’re outmanned on every map, if they want a tower or keep they can basically have it, and RoF really has no wvw guilds that can match their size or activity + skill level. We can’t even get more than 10 TaG into reset 2 hours in. The reason we got people saying you blob is because you just have so many people, whether it’s guilds or pugs compared to us. We can have 30 people in a map and still have outmanned buff, it’s kinda ridiculous. I remember running into Yak’s yesterday and we had about 15 they had around 30-40. I haven’t got to see any of the smaller guild groups when roaming with TaG yesterday. There was XXX but they definitely had too few but were well organized, and NAM or some guild like that who were fairly close to our numbers but then the pug zerg of gandara joined in…
So yeah, can’t really help with people randomly throwing around blob.
Not much to say about UW… um you got a lot? Lol, Was fun seeing a few IMP’s…and yah.
Also I hope the Gandara mesmer on sm wall auto attacking behind ac fire feels like a kitten on sm wall. I know you’re defending a treb on Wildcreek, but let’s be honest. If you all really want the tower all you need to do is throw 20 people at it. RoF is vabbi this week compared to you all.
Anyways hoping TaG’s wvw picks up a lot and wvw can actually be fun.
No dear, it’s very much in your hands; we’re not the PuGs, and they’re not here reading this. The people posting in this thread are, time and time again, telling you how big their guilds are and what they enjoy doing.
There were quite a lot of [WvW] that were there this morning, which is why I replied to that specific post and that part of it because he is part of that guild, so I guess those people are here reading this after all.
So to those people – and not you as you have no control over or want any part of that side of the game on your sever – if you want more open field fights small skirmishes GvG etc, you’ll most likely find alot more of it if you don’t golem rush everything in sight at every possible opportunity. Doesn’t bother me if you do it but you probably won’t find alot around fighting that way, your choice i don’t mind, just throwing it out there.
Really fun holding Briar on UW BL this afternoon. We finally managed to get in that last dolly for an upgrade with a bit of a diversion ;-)
[crow] are doing a drinking game this evening in WvW, so be gentle if you see one ;-)
Well I have had some fun so far in this match up. Had a spur of the moment 1v1 though ended up losing after a drawn out fight was a great time then some roaming with the guild so was pleasant.
But yeah gl to Gandara and rof, hopefully there will be more fun fights to come.
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