Gandara vs UW vs RoF
Small/Mid sized roaming guilds
I see YaK and TaG and some RoFs in there, which weren’t mentioned in my post at all. I’ll never say Gandara doesn’t blob, cuz as a server we do. YaK can field good numbers, and there’s always PuGs. Allthough there’s alot of small/mediumsized guilds on Gandara, most of it’s WvW pop, and I mentioned some of them in my post. Compared to other servers, Gandara is not blobby even if there’s blobs.
This is a blob. This is from Gandaras last match up. Elona Reach ftw. That’s all of the [JDGE]’s we had that raid, 10? Ofc we hit it Wiped though.
Really fun holding Briar on UW BL this afternoon. We finally managed to get in that last dolly for an upgrade with a bit of a diversion ;-)
[crow] are doing a drinking game this evening in WvW, so be gentle if you see one ;-)
Are the TDA buffs still up? :O
They were when I logged. Think UW eventually got it with a bunch of catas when people started to tail off. The buffs as always were a massive help though.
Really fun holding Briar on UW BL this afternoon. We finally managed to get in that last dolly for an upgrade with a bit of a diversion ;-)
[crow] are doing a drinking game this evening in WvW, so be gentle if you see one ;-)
Are the TDA buffs still up? :O
They were when I logged. Think UW eventually got it with a bunch of catas when people started to tail off. The buffs as always were a massive help though.
Briar shall rise again!
A shout out to [RAIN] last night, we met some of you guys last night, was fun.
[RAIN]? That’s a PvE guild on Underworld!!!
[Rain] belongs to WvW / EB.
You will always find small groups or roamers of us messing up your day
Or our trolls holding your camps and 1 shotting you with ballista’s.
Or our guild group’s trying to hold your off our supply camps.
Just incase you guys didnt know.. There are other guilds on RoF, not only TaG
Big shoutout to CHUU for the amazing and enjoyable small scale fights, you guys are all individually really skilled and a pleasure to fight against. Looking forward to more.
~DEX P/D thief
(edited by Sceinna.3561)
Big shoutout to CHUU for the amazing and enjoyable small scale fights, you guys are all individually really skilled and a pleasure to fight against. Looking forward to more.
~DEX P/D thief
Your Dex / Underworld!
Not Riot !
Big shoutout to CHUU for the amazing and enjoyable small scale fights, you guys are all individually really skilled and a pleasure to fight against. Looking forward to more.
~DEX P/D thief
Your Dex / Underworld!
Not Riot !
RiOT still in my heart.. plus I haven’t moved my youtube channel yet etc.. kinda sucks that I have to start over on a new channel. :/
Big shoutout to CHUU for the amazing and enjoyable small scale fights, you guys are all individually really skilled and a pleasure to fight against. Looking forward to more.
~DEX P/D thief
Hey was really fun those fights, you guys were really tough to kill :D
Hope to see you guys again throughout the week for some nice fights!
Tchuu Tchuu Im a Train [TCHU] – Gandara
Hey to all o/
The matchup is alright so far, to bad that the numbers don’t really match, but we’ve had worse :p
I’m looking for some duels.. Like.. against anyone, lemme know
Emperor o/
Emperor Sisaroth, Guardian
Leader of [SoD], Gandara
Big shoutout to CHUU for the amazing and enjoyable small scale fights, you guys are all individually really skilled and a pleasure to fight against. Looking forward to more.
~DEX P/D thief
Hey was really fun those fights, you guys were really tough to kill
Hope to see you guys again throughout the week for some nice fights!
Yah, if it wasn’t for those stupid D/P thieves humping my leg 222 I probably wouldn’t have died, ever. lol
Somethings got to kill you though. That Heartseek spamming thief downed me twice accidently when I was running around stealthed with low health. I usually allow my health to go really low and I’m not afraid to die in a fair fight.. but it sucks when someone is around spamming one button and is able to kill you if he accidently hits with it. =/
That was kinda.. frustrating, hope to meet you guys again without those spamming thieves. I wonder how the game would be like if they made Heartseeker a gap closer/leap rather than dealing huge amounts of damage when you’re low on health lol.
Short video from yesterday’s mayhem on RoF’s side @ EB. You guys are awesome!
If the video is blocked in your country due the music ’n stoof, use ’n enjoy!
My first visit to WvWs for over a week (except for easy bank access ;p )
Defending Briar whilst uw had it, half a dozen enemy glitch in. Not an accident, as they ran straight to lords room /sigh
Thinking, bah, a one off…
Nope. Defending Bay when a thief did the same at north west gate. Glitched, downed a couple & finally died. Got a screenie, but pointless emailing it in as there`s no names shown, except guilds..
Mesmer inside bay, getting res from folk outside.
Nice to see nothing has changed….
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
Big shoutout to CHUU for the amazing and enjoyable small scale fights, you guys are all individually really skilled and a pleasure to fight against. Looking forward to more.
~DEX P/D thief
Hey was really fun those fights, you guys were really tough to kill
Hope to see you guys again throughout the week for some nice fights!
Yah, if it wasn’t for those stupid D/P thieves humping my leg 222 I probably wouldn’t have died, ever. lol
Somethings got to kill you though.
If you can find something short of global themonuclear war, or an “Abaddon’s Mouth camp capping group” that can take down Tekno let me know about it.
Deadeye farming is getting boring, looking forward to some morning roaming with or without Tchuu Tchuu and friends, find me harassing your south camps sometime after 10am.
Much love, Conchis, your occasionally friendly, ocassionally Charr mesmer, (now with bonus fancy weapon skins and lots of big purple numbers).
p.s Duels are cool that way I don’t have to kill 25 blooming coyotes before setting off.
(edited by Lord Jim.3971)
realy gandara im already getting bored of the golems.. -.-
Get used to’s the fastest way for them to take a tower and sit and camp it.
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have
Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
None of the above guilds have ever ever had over 25, and the first ones mentioned field 15 as basic. My guild was running 20 on EB until 10:00 uk time, with a few upscales in the mix, seeing as today was supposed to be open ops. Any of this 60 man blobbin from the guilds mentioned is insane, and unless screenshots are provided no one on Gandara will believe you.
Also thnx to TKT for Asuraball today, we got there in the end
Couldn’t find any solo roamers on the opposing 2 servers, so I tagged up again to kill XxX and retake SM, after the first two times they wiped XxX disappeared, obviously those won’t be put in their videos, but at least we have the comfort of knowing they happened. If I wake up in time cyu all tomorrow morning for another day in matchup heaven. Sorry for calling it that but the last 3 matchups we had were Elona, Jade Sea and Kodash… You know not the meaning of blobbing.
Still calling me a liar? 2 guilds of 30 is still a 60man blob no matter how you try to explain it.Couldn’t get the rest of the train in the ss.
Looks like you’re being DYE’d. Haven’t seen them in a while. Good luck!
realy gandara im already getting bored of the golems.. -.-
Aren’t we all?
TBH..all they have done for 4hrs is run around like headless chickens,it’s really funny.Don’t think they have taken a tower or killed more than the odd 2-3 roaming.
i was asked to provide ss of 60man blobs ..i did just that thats why i bothered.If i didn’t post hem no one on gandara would belive
Run your blobs guild grps whatever but don’t try to bs that you don’t..thats the view of an idiot.
Can we stop this talk of blobs, and please focus on things that matter.
Such as, why are UW killing poor helpless quaggans!
Thanks to the people from Gandara for not killing me, but kitten you, you naughty UW players!
(edited by biglilstampie.2410)
@iorlas- Are you running for forum warrior of the year? I got to tell you Dayra from Elona is the Fan Favorite to win.
That guy was amazing.. still disappointed he does not have a fan club
on Piken Square and Gandara.
Can we stop this talk of blobs, and please focus on things that matter.
Such as, why are UW killing poor helpless quaggans!
Thanks to the people from Gandara for not killing me, but kitten you, you naughty UW players!
the same happend to us 5 dollys walking to gandara bay
@iorlas- Are you running for forum warrior of the year? I got to tell you Dayra from Elona is the Fan Favorite to win.
That guy was amazing.. still disappointed he does not have a fan club
just providing what was asked for
i was asked to provide ss of 60man blobs ..i did just that thats why i bothered.If i didn’t post hem no one on gandara would belive
Run your blobs guild grps whatever but don’t try to bs that you don’t..thats the view of an idiot.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
None of the above guilds have ever ever had over 25 (thats referring to TDA, JDGE, XXX and Dius), and the first ones mentioned field 15 as basic. Any of this 60 man blobbin from the guilds mentioned is insane, and unless screenshots are provided no one on Gandara will believe you.
Keep trying
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have
Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
None of the above guilds have ever ever had over 25, and the first ones mentioned field 15 as basic. My guild was running 20 on EB until 10:00 uk time, with a few upscales in the mix, seeing as today was supposed to be open ops. Any of this 60 man blobbin from the guilds mentioned is insane, and unless screenshots are provided no one on Gandara will believe you.
Also thnx to TKT for Asuraball today, we got there in the end
Couldn’t find any solo roamers on the opposing 2 servers, so I tagged up again to kill XxX and retake SM, after the first two times they wiped XxX disappeared, obviously those won’t be put in their videos, but at least we have the comfort of knowing they happened. If I wake up in time cyu all tomorrow morning for another day in matchup heaven. Sorry for calling it that but the last 3 matchups we had were Elona, Jade Sea and Kodash… You know not the meaning of blobbing.Still calling me a liar? 2 guilds of 30 is still a 60man blob no matter how you try to explain it.Couldn’t get the rest of the train in the ss.
Read the above posts, we’ve stated that YaK and DYE can run 25-30, those ones were ‘t included in what I was talking about. Either way I’m pretty sure you guys have been called blobbers repeatedly as well :P we’re not trying to blob and the guilds generally run separately from each other, except on the off chance that the other is outmanned and needs help, for the duration of those fights then we’re not really going to stand by and watch them die. In that ss I count 27 DYE, I’ve spoken to DYE leader as recently as today and know from him they have 40 at the most, and generally then they split into 2 groups of 20. Give me a screenshot of a real guild running 60 and then I will indulge you.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
(edited by Immolator.5640)
“DYE” will watch you :P
realy gandara im already getting bored of the golems.. -.-
Then come out from towers, keep and garrisson. Then we don’t need use golems. Otherwise need use them to get you out from hide.
So much anger over 1 60man blobb… you should take a look at some other servers and be glad were not like them.
PS: you know nothing about blobbs and golem rush until you face or see servers like Elona
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.
(edited by Lutto.8745)
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have
Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
None of the above guilds have ever ever had over 25, and the first ones mentioned field 15 as basic. My guild was running 20 on EB until 10:00 uk time, with a few upscales in the mix, seeing as today was supposed to be open ops. Any of this 60 man blobbin from the guilds mentioned is insane, and unless screenshots are provided no one on Gandara will believe you.
Also thnx to TKT for Asuraball today, we got there in the end
Couldn’t find any solo roamers on the opposing 2 servers, so I tagged up again to kill XxX and retake SM, after the first two times they wiped XxX disappeared, obviously those won’t be put in their videos, but at least we have the comfort of knowing they happened. If I wake up in time cyu all tomorrow morning for another day in matchup heaven. Sorry for calling it that but the last 3 matchups we had were Elona, Jade Sea and Kodash… You know not the meaning of blobbing.Still calling me a liar? 2 guilds of 30 is still a 60man blob no matter how you try to explain it.Couldn’t get the rest of the train in the ss.
Read the above posts, we’ve stated that YaK and DYE can run 25-30, those ones were ‘t included in what I was talking about. Either way I’m pretty sure you guys have been called blobbers repeatedly as well :P we’re not trying to blob and the guilds generally run separately from each other, except on the off chance that the other is outmanned and needs help, for the duration of those fights then we’re not really going to stand by and watch them die. In that ss I count 27 DYE, I’ve spoken to DYE leader as recently as today and know from him they have 40 at the most, and generally then they split into 2 groups of 20. Give me a screenshot of a real guild running 60 and then I will indulge you.
Ahh ok i see what you mean now…you’re talking only about the guilds you mentioned and not Gandara as a whole.My mistake sorry…back to ingame’s still fun.
rotfl…mid/small roaming guilds…tell that to 60+ blob in UW.
JDGE, YARR, TDA, Dius and also I saw BORD fielding like 6 players today, TKT, Tchu and sometimes FRI is also fielding small groups(I know I forgot some). Sure, now that we have an uneven matchup to our favour there’s PvE pugs joining the blue shiny thing on the minimap, but if you’re looking for a decent fight there’s alot to have
Hope to see you! I saw a RoF blob aswell, doesn’t mean I have to go cry on forums.
Oh and also thanks YARR for the asuraball! Really got the hang of it on the end! There’s vids of it aswell.
Not crying just pointing out ya idea of small/mid roaming groups is a 60+ blob.
None of the above guilds have ever ever had over 25, and the first ones mentioned field 15 as basic. My guild was running 20 on EB until 10:00 uk time, with a few upscales in the mix, seeing as today was supposed to be open ops. Any of this 60 man blobbin from the guilds mentioned is insane, and unless screenshots are provided no one on Gandara will believe you.
Also thnx to TKT for Asuraball today, we got there in the end
Couldn’t find any solo roamers on the opposing 2 servers, so I tagged up again to kill XxX and retake SM, after the first two times they wiped XxX disappeared, obviously those won’t be put in their videos, but at least we have the comfort of knowing they happened. If I wake up in time cyu all tomorrow morning for another day in matchup heaven. Sorry for calling it that but the last 3 matchups we had were Elona, Jade Sea and Kodash… You know not the meaning of blobbing.Still calling me a liar? 2 guilds of 30 is still a 60man blob no matter how you try to explain it.Couldn’t get the rest of the train in the ss.
Read the above posts, we’ve stated that YaK and DYE can run 25-30, those ones were ‘t included in what I was talking about. Either way I’m pretty sure you guys have been called blobbers repeatedly as well :P we’re not trying to blob and the guilds generally run separately from each other, except on the off chance that the other is outmanned and needs help, for the duration of those fights then we’re not really going to stand by and watch them die. In that ss I count 27 DYE, I’ve spoken to DYE leader as recently as today and know from him they have 40 at the most, and generally then they split into 2 groups of 20. Give me a screenshot of a real guild running 60 and then I will indulge you.
Ahh ok i see what you mean now…you’re talking only about the guilds you mentioned and not Gandara as a whole.My mistake sorry…back to ingame’s still fun.
Every server blobs, there’s no point denying that Think the case was simply being made that Gandara does offer quite a few smaller scale guilds that don’t want to participate in the blobbing. Whoever you run into is always luck though. Glad to see you’re having fun
Had quite an entertaining night on Underworld BL tonight, was fun running into XxX. Good fights also from AA and DEX. Then ended the night in a good old fashioned spawn camp scenario on RoF, nice thing about that is the non stop action it brings
So much anger over 1 60man blobb… you should take a look at some other servers and be glad were not like them.
PS: you know nothing about blobbs and golem rush until you face or see servers like Elona
I can’t imagine how that would be…I hope we wont face em soon………..Tho, I can imagine 60 omega golem rushes, since our dear friends from AG showed that to us. Also being golem rushed everyday is like part of UW guilds daily routine, so it gets boring and makes lots of ppl sick.
behold: UW daily routine
10:00 – wake up
10:30 – get dressed and prepare breakfast
11:00 – get online with cup of coffee
11:05 – move to the BL
11:06 – gather people since outnumbered
11:10 – take back N towers with 5 ppl.
11:20 – try take back garrison with 5-10
11:32 – kill the 5-10 golems
11:35 – get some dollies to garrison by flipping camps
11:50 – gather some more ppl and attack hills —>10 ppl
12:05 – gather some more ppl and attack bay —> 10 ppl
12:20 – take the supply camps and get dolyaks to hills and bay
12:50 – take Lake and briar
13:15 – get stuff upgraded
13:20 – run towards lake or briar, to defend against inc people.
14:45 – scream for ppl on guild chat and team chat because the next golem rush happends again.
14:46--> .. : .. pray to keep it.
That has been our schedule vs AG, FR, FSP, GH and also now Gandara.
AA didn’t really field much today, so it was small AA + pugs. Did TDA run with 25+ today? I think you managed to make crosswords, or maybe it was some of the other zergs running around.
I have to say, got a bit annoyed today when I tried to take a somehow reinforced bay, beat up the first guild zerg that comes out, but then another one comes from the left and a third one comes from the right. Even if you’re all running around with 15, that’s still 45 ppl we have to kill :s.
Swords of Underworld – [SWD]
Piken Square
just providing what was asked for
The Emperor: Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.
There is a star wars quote for every situation in life!
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by oblivious.8074)
Did TDA run with 25+ today?
Nope, 12-15 most of the night, as always.
So much anger over 1 60man blobb… you should take a look at some other servers and be glad were not like them.
PS: you know nothing about blobbs and golem rush until you face or see servers like Elona
I can’t imagine how that would be…I hope we wont face em soon………..Tho, I can imagine 60 omega golem rushes, since our dear friends from AG showed that to us. Also being golem rushed everyday is like part of UW guilds daily routine, so it gets boring and makes lots of ppl sick.
behold: UW daily routine
10:00 – wake up
10:30 – get dressed and prepare breakfast
11:00 – get online with cup of coffee
11:05 – move to the BL
11:06 – gather people since outnumbered
11:10 – take back N towers with 5 ppl.
11:20 – try take back garrison with 5-10
11:32 – kill the 5-10 golems
11:35 – get some dollies to garrison by flipping camps
11:50 – gather some more ppl and attack hills —>10 ppl
12:05 – gather some more ppl and attack bay --> 10 ppl
12:20 – take the supply camps and get dolyaks to hills and bay
12:50 – take Lake and briar
13:15 – get stuff upgraded
13:20 – run towards lake or briar, to defend against inc people.
14:45 – scream for ppl on guild chat and team chat because the next golem rush happends again.
14:46—> .. : .. pray to keep it.That has been our schedule vs AG, FR, FSP, GH and also now Gandara.
i agree its the same thing over and over i would like to see more tactics then golems XD.
AA didn’t really field much today, so it was small AA + pugs. Did TDA run with 25+ today? I think you managed to make crosswords, or maybe it was some of the other zergs running around.
I have to say, got a bit annoyed today when I tried to take a somehow reinforced bay, beat up the first guild zerg that comes out, but then another one comes from the left and a third one comes from the right. Even if you’re all running around with 15, that’s still 45 ppl we have to kill :s.
Hehe, we did create swords near the worm at bay at one point, think TDA + AA + pugs just added up to 25 as we really struggle to get to 15 most nights and tonight was no exception. We ran with 13 most of the night and that’s with one trusty follower from HSPN and denial (forget the guild tag :P).
It’s true that you need to get through 45 people if there’s three guild groups around, but some of the guilds do try and keep things even as much as possible (unless the enemy breached a wall and is inside a lords room for example) and wait to add in until the previous guild is wiping. Obviously this leaves the enemy guild with many skills on cooldown, but fair fights are only gotten with GvG :P
And at times one might get anxious for a fight and guilds will add in prematurely (happened when we were fighting XxX for example ), but I still feel it’s better than just one massive blob moving around, fighting more or less 3 × 15 is better than fighting 1 × 45 I’d say
The system works wonderfully when the opposing servers have similar numbers and guilds, but obviously gandara has way more people so things kinda suck at times.
(edited by multivira.7925)
Good morning/night UW!
Golemara/GAndara/Gandalf is expecting to have a busy day today! It already started in the far ruins of UW EB keep with suprise suprise….GOLEMS. About 10 golems and 50 Gandara found their final resting place in the Ruins of the Underworld keep.
The expectations made by the GANDARA ( Golem Attacks Naturally Do Amazing Repaintings Association) expects to Golem rush and repaint towers and keeps atleast 10 times more on 19-8-2013. They hope that at least 3/4 can be done with omegas.
Lets see if the Golems can survive the Underworld:P
PS: UW does not need golems to do amazing repaintings<3
(edited by Corvus.3728)
So much anger over 1 60man blobb… you should take a look at some other servers and be glad were not like them.
PS: you know nothing about blobbs and golem rush until you face or see servers like Elona
I can’t imagine how that would be…I hope we wont face em soon………..Tho, I can imagine 60 omega golem rushes, since our dear friends from AG showed that to us. Also being golem rushed everyday is like part of UW guilds daily routine, so it gets boring and makes lots of ppl sick.
behold: UW daily routine
10:00 – wake up
10:30 – get dressed and prepare breakfast
11:00 – get online with cup of coffee
11:05 – move to the BL
11:06 – gather people since outnumbered
11:10 – take back N towers with 5 ppl.
11:20 – try take back garrison with 5-10
11:32 – kill the 5-10 golems
11:35 – get some dollies to garrison by flipping camps
11:50 – gather some more ppl and attack hills —>10 ppl
12:05 – gather some more ppl and attack bay --> 10 ppl
12:20 – take the supply camps and get dolyaks to hills and bay
12:50 – take Lake and briar
13:15 – get stuff upgraded
13:20 – run towards lake or briar, to defend against inc people.
14:45 – scream for ppl on guild chat and team chat because the next golem rush happends again.
14:46—> .. : .. pray to keep it.That has been our schedule vs AG, FR, FSP, GH and also now Gandara.
I really want them to fix this night losingeverything problem.. its boring to be the one taking over all and it really sux to lose all :/
I’m on a wierd sleeping schedule atm so I’m awake all nigh long, and every night the last 2-3 weeks (Jade sea and Elona gg matchmaking) it looked like this
3AM:15 Gandara vs 80 + mass golems
3:15AM: 0-30 points JS/ER 650695
10AM:struggle to take back your first keep
Hard to find a fix for things like this… Can’t really remove points or lock wvw, there would be no points in playing at night.. but something has t happen :/
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.
Golemara/GAndara/Gandalf is expecting to have a busy day today!
I bet Underblobb Undertower Wallworld Whinerworld.
See I can also make up names with items in the game and your server!
We havent used golems in 3 weeks so I guess we have been stocking up.
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.
Golemara/GAndara/Gandalf is expecting to have a busy day today!
I bet Underblobb Undertower Wallworld Whinerworld.
See I can also make up names with items in the game and your server!
We havent used golems in 3 weeks so I guess we have been stocking up.
Hey now. The proper name for our server is Underwhine.
DEX wanted to thank for the nice fights this evening. We mostly run with 8-15 people. We are really happy that Gandara also has groups running arround in this size, since our last opponents all thought that 70 is the solution to everything. I dont remember against which guilds we fought but gg to those who we fought against.
Anyways thanks for the fights, looking forward to more!
Golemara/GAndara/Gandalf is expecting to have a busy day today!
I bet Underblobb Undertower Wallworld Whinerworld.
See I can also make up names with items in the game and your server!
We havent used golems in 3 weeks so I guess we have been stocking up.
Hey now. The proper name for our server is Underwhine.
Goodjob Underworld taking Gandara & Ring of Fire keeps. in there bl.
Nice SLAY train running around taking the stuff
And coming to the rescue in eb to defend our keep valley.
And then we stayed for like 30 minutes there and took smc.
Lets keep on fighting!
Prepare To Die!! Never Stop Fighting!!
Gosh there was quite a lot of UW people steam rolling through both GBL and RoFBL early this morning, golems and all. There simply isn’t enough people on GBL to put up a good fight against that. Hopefully this was just a one off and early morning borderland maps will become blob free once again
DEX wanted to thank for the nice fights this evening. We mostly run with 8-15 people. We are really happy that Gandara also has groups running arround in this size, since our last opponents all thought that 70 is the solution to everything. I dont remember against which guilds we fought but gg to those who we fought against.
Anyways thanks for the fights, looking forward to more!-KYRENE
^ This
Transfered from Surmia this week and this is my first encounter ever with Gandara. So far haven’t really been blobbed, of course it does happen.. no server with a population can prevent it from happening but all these small scale roaming guilds are just lovely, big respect to all of you.
I am leaving on vacation today so I’m missing the rest of this matchup.. it’s been so much fun, I hope we face you again next week. Can we all stop forum warrioring btw, especially my UW folks? I mean there is literally no reason to kitten about golem rushes, it’s part of this game.. and it’s part of the game losing parts of our borderland. Wouldn’t it be boring if we never lost anything guys?
Have fun in the remainder of the matchup and I hope to see the same matchup next week when I get back. <3
PS: you know nothing about blobbs and golem rush until you face or see servers like Elona
from my personal experience i think sfr/ vizunah(if they ever get out of their towers with 20ac’s) is worse.
I have to say, got a bit annoyed today when I tried to take a somehow reinforced bay, beat up the first guild zerg that comes out, but then another one comes from the left and a third one comes from the right. Even if you’re all running around with 15, that’s still 45 ppl we have to kill :s.
Yeah, you’re right; you should be entitled to Bay for killing the first group of 15, right? It’s simple; if you hit a high value target, guilds will come looking for a fight. Be glad it wasn’t the Pugmander and the Randomistas (great name for a folk-hiphop band).
Let’s give it a rest with the numbers talk folks and get back to the simple, wonderful act of brutally butchering each other on the battlefield.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
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(edited by Parthis.2091)
I see a zerg as a group of ppl following a commander, so yh, 15 ppl is a zerg. I zerged with 5, if that was all I could get. And never did I say I should be entitled to Bay, I still prefer 3 small zergs over servers that just stack every player on a map together to get the 60 ppl lagfest. Atleast now I got some kills from the fist zerg.
Oh and I didn’t run, I just died.
Swords of Underworld – [SWD]
Piken Square