WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
Have fun everyone.
I know that many Piken players are thirsty for some ex.Piken blood.
Good luck to AM and GH, get ready to meet a lot of new Pikeneers.
I don’t mind PS, actually I really wanted to fight that server.
But AM is like a plague, mokitten boring server I’ve ever fought againkitten. I’ve jukitten watched as a 50men AM blob built 5 ACs in Dawn’s before even taking it jukitten to kittenop our 20men groups from defending it.
They surely want to bore me to death.
EDIT: it looks like the word filter does not accept any form of “s+t”
Im in your Castle Piken, chilling on the roof
So, what comes after roamer → party → zerg → blob → ? so I can describe what I’m seeing
So, what comes after roamer -> party -> zerg -> blob -> ? so I can describe what I’m seeing
Once it was called “le monobus” but times they are a-changin’.
omniblob ofc
I personally like Abbadons. Well structured server and always respect for Piken:)
some footage from last week! prepare!
hf this week everyone!
I whould like to thank PS and AM for the nice fights on GH border tonight.
Really fun opening night, hopefully the week sees the blobs calm down a little though. Looking forward to some GvGs this week.
If anyone is up for a 15v15 GvG let me know.
watch my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi27ve3TjfU
GG to MYA and SPRT for the fights.
I’m scared to say anymore in-case I get banned
GG to MYA and SPRT for the fights.
I’m scared to say anymore in-case I get banned
I heard they both have warm hands..
Well, who would have thought…
Oh, there were a few, uh, technical difficulties. I’m sure we’ll catch up with you shortly! Don’t despair!
Good fights and good week to everyone! May a precursor drop in every bag you loot.
Show some respect and GvG culture – don’t join to fight in progress!
Ty for bags, knew we can always count on old friends
Looks like a week of great fun! LOOKING FOR GVG! 20vs20
boah fighting a server 11 ranks up >.< happy steamrolling piken :P
Run little Pikens, Run from me and my Norn greatness.. but please make up your mind.. if you want to fight, then please stick with it.. don’t run away when I kill your two friends you came back with
Looks like this week might be a bit boring for group and solo roaming if people/groups run away. but I am sure many good fights are too come as well.
-Dis Noise Terror, [DIRE]
Run little Pikens, Run from me and my Norn greatness.. but please make up your mind.. if you want to fight, then please stick with it.. don’t run away when I kill your two friends you came back with
Looks like this week might be a bit boring for group and solo roaming if people/groups run away. but I am sure many good fights are too come as well.
-Dis Noise Terror, [DIRE]
I’ll meet up with you. Just whisper me in game.
Run little Pikens, Run from me and my Norn greatness.. but please make up your mind.. if you want to fight, then please stick with it.. don’t run away when I kill your two friends you came back with
Looks like this week might be a bit boring for group and solo roaming if people/groups run away. but I am sure many good fights are too come as well.
-Dis Noise Terror, [DIRE]
I’ll meet up with you. Just whisper me in game.
Will chuck you a /w tomorrow
Ok love, looking forward to it.
Looks like this week might be a bit boring for group and solo roaming if people/groups run away. but I am sure many good fights are too come as well.
-Dis Noise Terror, [DIRE]
I’ve already put aside my willingness to solo roam for this week
Jayne i can has duel too? Or if anyone else wants to test his mettle against shout warrior pre patch to get a taste of post patch xD – pm me! No d/p thieves though and mesmers please leave your Moa at home.
That was hell big group you had home for reset Abbadons. You even seem to organize that big numbers pretty well, nice fights even with Gunnars. I don’t realy like this match up, servers from 2 different leagues facing is not fair at all. Still hoping you guys don’t give up and give as some hell.
That was hell big group you had home for reset Abbadons. You even seem to organize that big numbers pretty well, nice fights even with Gunnars. I don’t realy like this match up, servers from 2 different leagues facing is not fair at all. Still hoping you guys don’t give up and give as some hell.
When we have people we will give you hell do not worry about that.
When you have 30 people at our borders alone at 05.00 chasing 1 guy that is flipping sentries he cannot do much about sorry
This really is a no-contest match-up despite the bluster and trolling.
I wish Anet wouldn’t do this.
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Well, GH received some new guilds recently, so we have good fights ahead.
Maybe the points will fall behind, but the real fun is on actual fights… And that’s not affected by ranking, so let’s go for them.
And regarding Abbaddon… Well the first impression was a WOW. Are you guys going for the world record of areas in a single pixel? XD challenging, and a pity that you cannot keep those numbers along the week.
Can’t wait to get involved but I’m benched until Monday due to work. Good luck all! See you Monday for a flip fest!
If we could, we would not be rank 11 for 20+ weeks now. Reset is always special on AM with a whole lot more participation than during the week. Because we have a high number of workers, AM also does not really have much presence outside the primetime. Just look at the screenshot posted by ljd.4658, it shows very well that piken obviously have higher numbers and more coverage in general.
Anyway, it was really fun on Gunnars BL yesterday. And sorry for the amount of siege in our spawn tower, we likely had more siege there than the entire rest of the borderland combined…
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also
besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Gz mate:)
He posted a screenshot at prime time where a rank 14 server was leading and you post one at 9.00 in the morning?
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also
besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Gz mate:)
He posted a screenshot at prime time where a rank 14 server was leading and you post one at 9.00 in the morning?
well then its a good thing theres more than 1 prime time this week ofc so lets continue to see how it plays out this week during that period.
i also want to add during reset its the blobbiest time of the week normally in mostr cases and piken doesnt enjoy blobbing up together which is a fact and many piken people will agree and during reset abbadons had a huge blob on there own border maybe even more and so did GH from my perspective on abbadons border that night 3 guilds were hand holding during reset and well if that was the same for the rest of reset then it kinda does explain why you ere ticking for as much as you did.
(edited by ljd.4658)
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also
besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Gz mate:)
He posted a screenshot at prime time where a rank 14 server was leading and you post one at 9.00 in the morning?well then its a good thing theres more than 1 prime time this week ofc so lets continue to see how it plays out this week during that period.
Ok whatever
why would GH be matched up vs Piken population diffrence on wvw makes it pointless.
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also
besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Gz mate:)
He posted a screenshot at prime time where a rank 14 server was leading and you post one at 9.00 in the morning?well then its a good thing theres more than 1 prime time this week ofc so lets continue to see how it plays out this week during that period.
more than 1 prime time?i dont think so….its jst the morning guilds you guys have while everyone is sleep.
This match up is by far the worse match up since long time,matching us with a 24h blob server [AM] and Morning BLOB [piken].
And yet this is comming from GH wich has the biggest BloB Guild Piken ever seen
5/10 for this forum warrioring. seen better, seen worse.
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also
besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Gz mate:)
He posted a screenshot at prime time where a rank 14 server was leading and you post one at 9.00 in the morning?well then its a good thing theres more than 1 prime time this week ofc so lets continue to see how it plays out this week during that period.
more than 1 prime time?i dont think so….its jst the morning guilds you guys have while everyone is sleep.
thats where you are wrong we have a lot of prime time guilds actually that are sleeping off from last night we have that much coverage for example i will name guilds for you: MYA, GoW, SWD, SPRT, WIC and Lion, XT and by far much, much more that during prime time we have a queue on every single borderland for about 30+ mins and this morning are just the normal friendlies and some members of the guilds that i mentioned xD
(edited by ljd.4658)
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also
besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Gz mate:)
He posted a screenshot at prime time where a rank 14 server was leading and you post one at 9.00 in the morning?well then its a good thing theres more than 1 prime time this week ofc so lets continue to see how it plays out this week during that period.
more than 1 prime time?i dont think so….its jst the morning guilds you guys have while everyone is sleep.
thats where you are wrong we have a lot of prime time guilds actually that are sleeping off from last night we have that much coverage for example i will name guilds for you: MYA, GoW, SWD, SPRT, WIC and Lion, XT and by far much, much more that during prime time we have a queue on every single borderland for about 30+ mins
and this morning are just the normal friendlies and some members of the guilds that i mentioned xD
You guys were at Underworld during the summer if i remember correctly right?
Ok so we all know this is a pretty unbalanced matchup due to the coverage and numbers we have. It’s a fact. But let’s make the best out of this and get some good fights. I wish we can all have some fun.
Well, who would have thought…
Well, who would of thought… i can attach pictures also
besides best of luck this week both AM and GH looks like i can finally use my 3 birthday boosters this week.
Gz mate:)
He posted a screenshot at prime time where a rank 14 server was leading and you post one at 9.00 in the morning?well then its a good thing theres more than 1 prime time this week ofc so lets continue to see how it plays out this week during that period.
more than 1 prime time?i dont think so….its jst the morning guilds you guys have while everyone is sleep.
thats where you are wrong we have a lot of prime time guilds actually that are sleeping off from last night we have that much coverage for example i will name guilds for you: MYA, GoW, SWD, SPRT, WIC and Lion, XT and by far much, much more that during prime time we have a queue on every single borderland for about 30+ mins
and this morning are just the normal friendlies and some members of the guilds that i mentioned xD
You guys were at Underworld during the summer if i remember correctly right?
haha yh thats us lol we moved to piken square for the reason of WvW and we wanted to learn new stuff etc that being on UW couldnt provide us however when we moved to piken they were rank 7 tier 3 lol and tbh i enjoyed fighting you guys back on UW and probably would of enjoyed fighting you again and it looks like we got that now xD although we are tier 1 and we got guilds moving here for the seasons etc like you guys have forsaken gamers and Vii is going there if i remember? but honestly im riding on the fact you guys will win silver league and i sincerly hope you do. :p
Great reset night guys… thanks GH and AM for the fun!
“We came to Piken because high tiers are pro and we want to be a pro, mkayyyy? Bigger the queue bigger the skill yo! It’s fun.”
Please people from GH stop whining so we don’t read that kind of…things. 1 pm 50 people running to sentries when flipped to kill one person. Gold league will be so fun, giggity!
“We came to Piken because high tiers are pro and we want to be a pro, mkayyyy? Bigger the queue bigger the skill yo! It’s fun.”
Please people from GH stop whining so we don’t read that kind of…things. 1 pm 50 people running to sentries when flipped to kill one person. Gold league will be so fun, giggity!
Nice seeing u guys again btw i was hoping to see you at reset haha and if i remember the account name from your guild noixed tell him i said hi xD was really nice knowing you all when you were on piken
Jayne i can has duel too?
Or if anyone else wants to test his mettle against shout warrior pre patch to get a taste of post patch xD – pm me! No d/p thieves though and mesmers please leave your Moa at home.
Oh sure more the merrier. We can have a little mini fight club and learn from each other …. Best reason to duel, even if you lose, you learn something and improve.
I’ll ready my moa just for you! Hehe.
Sogradde’s initial “who would have thought” was sincere, not sarcastic. A lot of us had been expecting a tough beating in this matchup from the very get-go; we’re a server rising from t8, doing really well and generally stable atm, but it’s the first time we’ve faced a t1 opponent ever since the randomised matchups. Yet we managed to pull off a really strong reset, ticking highest, ninjaing SM and having a-plenty of good and really equal fights.
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