Certified Death Fortress Engineer
Ring Of Fire / Drakkar Lake / Dzagonur 18/10
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
Yeah i believe it. I’m a believer
Being a beliver is soooo 1960’s. Everyone these days are #Beliebers420YoloSwaggers.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
No special coordination? LOL For the billionth time you decide to double team us rather then decide to go for some of the delicious T3 towers of DL and take revenge for that T3 keep that they rush every morning of yours. I think its about time you guys get your revenge in EB and charge their T3 towers
Sword Coast Reclaimers [SCR]Gandara
No special coordination? LOL For the billionth time you decide to double team us rather then decide to go for some of the delicious T3 towers of DL and take revenge for that T3 keep that they rush every morning of yours. I think its about time you guys get your revenge in EB and charge their T3 towers
Actually you’ve said it yourself. How can there be an Alliance if we always attack their t3 stuff?The matchup has been so entertaining so we’ve almost got a nightshift I can’t remember the last time we had like 40 players in TS at 4 in the morning. Well everyone was yawning and complaining how they had to go to work (I knew university wouldn’t see me today
but still we kept on fighting. I hope we can keep those numbers during the next couple of boring matchups. Some PVE players i’ve talked to actually liked WvW so my hopes are high
Dochil [GDA]
It’s a shame rof is getting forced off of second place after a week of being pretty much double teamed on EB.
DL just don’t even seem to noticed the green side of the map, DL basically decides who gets second and it looks like they picked Dzag, just looking at the map now proves that point.
It would really help if you stopped making it so obvious and then come on here claiming there is no avoiding eachother what so ever or invent some german rivalry.
(edited by Krosan.2890)
No special alliance huh? No kind of coordination, aye? So I guess Dzag just “happened” to wait around for Drakkar to make Swords at Ogre, and then attack our keep afterwards, when we were busy trying to hold Ogre. And I guess that it didn’t fell into Drakkar mind after they were beaten away from Ogre that “hey, Dzag’s corner is completely undefended”. No, you just strolled back in and started PvD’ing the gate at Ogre. Where is this supposed “legendary” rivalry between the German servers?
Honestly, I’ve never seen anyone stroking eachother gentials as much as you’ve done this week. It’s disgraceful.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
Honestly, I’ve never seen anyone stroking eachother gentials as much as you’ve done this week. It’s disgraceful.
I just nearly choked on my cuppa!! That’s so funny Mr Mushroom!!
I aim to please.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
Groupfights (5 and smaller etc) and Duels
Time: Thursday 21.00 (UTC+1)
Location: South of south supply at the mill, Dzago BLJust fighting for fun.
Just appear or contact Nubu.6148
/push !
New Location: South of south supply at the mill, Drakkar BL
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
DL basically decides who gets second…
Every Drakkarian wants to win this season, winning every match-up. It’s not relevant if Dzagonur or Vabbi is second Place at the End of this Season.
DL basically decides who gets second…
Every Drakkarian wants to win this season, winning every match-up. It’s not relevant if Dzagonur or Vabbi is second Place at the End of this Season.
Then stop holding hands with dzagonur?
They can’t especially not now when they handed DL borderlands to DZ
Edit: love seeing that 50-60 DL blob at the North Camp on their borderlands looking great guys.
Edit 2: loving you DL selling yourselfs to DZ. Can I say GG to you guys for doing what we said all along
Sword Coast Reclaimers [SCR]Gandara
(edited by Conument.3618)
Beware of The Blob, it creeps
And leaps and glides and slides
Across the floor
Right through the door
And all around the wall
A splotch, a blotch
Be careful of The Blob
That is all.
fact 1) all week there are strange situations where three servers meet and after crushing rof both german servers just walk away without a fight
fact 2) is it wierd but why would they do it? dakkars dont need that, dzags need it but i think they can hold by their own
fact 3) in this matchup we can see many fights where dzag and dl fight to the last man,then wp, go back, and repeat fight, so there is probably a big rivalry between them
fact 4) German holiday – you sudenlly get same ammount of people like at weekend and that is just too much for RoF because most rof people dont have holidays so we dont ahve people like at weekend.
so while it may be just some cooperation of 2 commanders, we can assume that DL and DZ does not ally up. It is just combination of holidays,new people in wvw, wvw achivements and just bad luck for some and good luck for others.
cya at next fight i hope you wont have holidays again
Just FYI, an example of fairplay from DL side. Standing idle at north camp while DZ paints their border. Alerion.3708 any comments?
i will comment on that, manul.
it’s called beginners evening, it’s mostly on thursday, from 20.00 to 22.00 and it’s to explain wvw to beginners and newcomers. they discuss tactics, explain siege weapons and how supply works.
the normal wvw crowd is aware of this event and doesn’t go on our HL on such days, because there are not enough people to help defend things. As these events are communicated in our forum and in LA there is a possibility, that dazgonur knew about this (cause they speak the same language as DL)
But if RoF had also tried to take something from us, you would have painted our HL as easy as Dzag. Why haven’t you?? To tired from flaming about nonexistent collaborations on the forums?? to all you RoF crybabies, read the post from your fellow RoF member Hule and spend a little more time in WvW and a little less in here whining, it does wonders for your points.
/end rant
to all you RoF crybabies, read the post from your fellow RoF member Hule and spend a little more time in WvW and a little less in here whining, it does wonders for your points.
/end rant
Multitasking! The best way to complain and play games at the same time.
Certified Death Fortress Engineer
i will comment on that, manul.
it’s called beginners evening, it’s mostly on thursday, from 20.00 to 22.00 and it’s to explain wvw to beginners and newcomers. they discuss tactics, explain siege weapons and how supply works.
the normal wvw crowd is aware of this event and doesn’t go on our HL on such days, because there are not enough people to help defend things. As these events are communicated in our forum and in LA there is a possibility, that dazgonur knew about this (cause they speak the same language as DL)But if RoF had also tried to take something from us, you would have painted our HL as easy as Dzag. Why haven’t you?? To tired from flaming about nonexistent collaborations on the forums?? to all you RoF crybabies, read the post from your fellow RoF member Hule and spend a little more time in WvW and a little less in here whining, it does wonders for your points.
/end rant
Sorry all I heard was …. Dzag I loooove you so muuuuch!!
OJ we need a bit of forum drama when I can’t be in game
1. we had problems the whole week on our homelands to get enough people staying at our commander. I posted a picture two days ago how it looks if we were attacked.
2. this evening we had a event for all new wvw players started at 8 p.m. to explain whats going on in wvw, why they shouldn’t build rams themself at gates etc etc etc
3. I was standing 4 times this day inside the keep of DZ on EB but we were not able to get it. they really seem to get a lot of people for the last hours to wvw. at the same time we attacked the bay at DZ dl and it took hours to get that.
4. On eb there was a karmatrain nearly all the week because there were so many pve players for the stomemist archivement and the archivement for hylek/ogers. Every time i was there the zerg startet at one side and if they get the towers of them they startet to attack the other side.
On our TS they thought you and dz were playing together against us at the start of the week. A few times at night you and dz came to our keep at exactly the same time. both with golems and attacked different sides. but i think it often only looks like two servers will do something like that.
(edited by Alerion.3708)
You make me laugh.
The stand can be seen with the naked eye fight to change the scoring tonight.
All these excuses will not convince even a child.
Drakkar Dzagonur allowed to paint your Border long before this “beginners workout.”This gathering pursued only one goal – to score a place in the borderland to step on it roamed the crowd of casual and did not interfere with his compatriots dzagonur score points.
But once we got talking about the WWW League is to consider it as a competition, and in any competition dummy fighting punishable by disqualification.
I do not think that the arena would go to such measures, but at least let the community know about the German gildwars misconduct.
The German Alliance finally broke your keep! HA!
But once we got talking about the WWW League is to consider it as a competition, and in any competition dummy fighting punishable by disqualification.
I do not think that the arena would go to such measures, but at least let the community know about the German gildwars misconduct.
“Conspiracy” between Drakkar and Dzagonur means:
no real benefit for Drakkar and no benefit for Dzagonur (2nd Place at end of the league is worthless). Makes Sense.
(edited by Bakterius.6018)
“Conspiracy” between Drakkar and Dzagonur means:
no real benefit for Drakkar and no benefit for Dzagonur (2nd Place at end of the league is worthless). Makes Sense.
That is not true.
You have at least 2 rewards. Chest for second place, which should be better then third palce. And pride.
Specially second reward is much better than any chets.
And if you look on planned matchups, even if RoF will win other fights with Dzags, this matchup decided about second place.
I really doubt that RoS will defeat DZ.
I’m sorry but you were right. There is an alliance between DL and DZ -_- that sucks really and i’m p*ssed. Sry that some of us are doing such a bad play. That’s no fairplay.
(edited by Alerion.3708)
Yes not fair, but everything is allowed in war and love.
It is a 3way fight and always there are 2 servers focusing more third one than each other.
SAd but true.
I hope there is no alliance. Exploiting situations to the utmost to make points for 2nd place makes sense though. I think dzago tried to do everything at the start and then switched to a race to try getting 2nd place.
Can’t say that some People won’t do such stuff as not attacking each other (like i saw from all three Servers in Ruins) but i prefer to think that those are Individums not the mass of players.
Otherwise i hate those lags
Until now the zergs i run with were not doing a coop with them but now i got in one that does it really crappy way. Didn’t noticed it yet. I’m sad to see this and didn’t believe that the people that i play with the whole time, even when we get punished by baruch, are able to do something like that.
I hope there is no alliance. Exploiting situations to the utmost to make points for 2nd place makes sense though. I think dzago tried to do everything at the start and then switched to a race to try getting 2nd place.
Can’t say that some People won’t do such stuff as not attacking each other (like i saw from all three Servers in Ruins) but i prefer to think that those are Individums not the mass of players.
Otherwise i hate those lags
Sadly there is. waving at the enemy, not attacking, not destroying the catas of the other server and putting our catas beside them.
(edited by Alerion.3708)
I can see a problem now.
Before there were totally some alliances between some commanders, that is the truth and we need to admit it. But mostly they were not server wide and were just one-time events like server a attack left side, server b attack right side, meet at gari and wipe.
But this matchup change everything. If you look at a map, and if you played last 2 days, you can see how server wide alliance looks like.
Until this many players on RoF were against any form of alliance, and i dont mean those achive hunter groups i mean wvw guilds and community.
But now, more and more players will agree with some sort of alliance against other servers. They will see benefits of such behavior, like 20k points in 24 hours that means second place.
The sad thing is we end the league having to fight this alliance again. Pretty sad move really.
Thanks Alerion for admitting it I have respect for you as a player and a member of GW2 WvW Community, but it is sad that it has taken until now for people to believe this was going on when it was blatantly obvious to some RoF players what was happening, since Tuesday this has been Visible In EB as I posted earlier.
It’s a real shame that this has happened and the fact that it was denied by people for so long when it was obvious and they resulted in calling us out on the forums when we suggested it is what makes it worse.
Anyway there have been some good fights guys but I feel this alliance has already decided the league well done Dzagonur selling out for 2nd place using dirty tactics really shows what kind of server you are.
Seen as it is only Rof who has the pleasure of facing this German alliance again you could at least do us the curtesy of not pretending it doesn’t happen! I think as a server we have learnt a lot from this and we can go into the next matchup we have with Dzagonur Lake a lot wiser and more prepared.
Really looking forward to next weeks match up and let the drama continue!!
(edited by Kryank.8069)
I have roamed and scouted a lot this week and have not seen any allying with DL like building up sieges side by side or holding hands with each other. There was also no talking about allying in the community TS as long as I was there. So I guess and hope that this was just a small group of people that did dumb things like that the last night (points have been really different to the nights before).
At the end, this is a great pity for all people on Dzagonur that played a fair matchup (and these are quite sure the most of us) and put a lot of time and effort in taking over the second place as this “alliance” spoils all the delight if we end up with 2nd place…
Dont worry Latea, in 7 weeks nobody will remember anything about 2nd place.
Really pathetic move with the not-so-subtle alliance. And no, I’m not QQ-ing. I couldn’t care less about points. Since the season started we’ve seen an increase in WvW activity on RoF and I’m very pleased. Even our guild has jumped from 4-5 WvW regulars to over 20! But that does not take away the fact that I lost all respect for the german servers we’re facing. I’m sorry for the people that didn’t agree to do it, I’m sure you’re out there, but the rest have defaced you.
What I miss most about old LA (pre-destruction) was
killing people with a portal from the top of the bank.
There are enough who didn’t want something like that on DL. This is also not a alliance of the whole server but of a few guys/commanders. I know that many on DL didn’t know about that, especially the players who are most time on homelands or on the green bl. also the guys at primetime at rof bl i think didn’t know that because we had que on green and red bl. But a few guy at the right time make the difference. If you look at the points on mos.millenium DZ made the whole week per tick and the ticks thursday and friday…
I must say, that so far I was trying to tone down the QQ that was coming from my guildees, as being on 2nd spot usually means getting most focus. I was blaming what was happening rather on vacation in Germany then anything else. If what Alerion said is true, it is going to leave very bad taste after what was one of the most fun and even matchups we had in a while (especially until Wednesday, coincidence?).
Cheers to all Dz and DL that were playing it a fair 3-way.
@Latea, think how RoF players, who also put a lot of effort, feel right now.
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
@pejot: Yes, I know and I am ashamed of the few people on both DL and DZ that messed this matchup up and hope that this will never happen again. Right know, we have three losing partys in that matchup…
But as Alerion said before, it seems that there was just a small amount of people outside prime time that teamed up the last night. During the week DL had a huge zerg every evening on DZ HL first taking Bay proceeding with Hill but finally being defeated by our defense in garni. They managed to hold Bay more than once up to having a way point. So there was no “alliance” throughout all the week and on no account of the whole servers.
So there are not a few people somewhere out there, that disagree that kind of gameplay, there are just some people out there, that agree to it. And unfortunately, if all of you are honest, there are people like that everywhere. Even on your servers. But I hope that they will never become the majority or even better vanish completely from the WvW.
Oh, there’s not a single red objective on EB right now. I wonder what’s going to happen now :P
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Ahh Anya is watching Mos map at work. Am I right?(doing same thing)
The German Alliance finally broke your keep! HA!
Sarcasm guys, you know it?
Obviously not.
Ahh Anya is watching Mos map at work. Am I right?(doing same thing)
Obviously :P
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
What about yesterday RoF Borderlands where DL “helped” you multiple times to fight off DZ when they attack hills?
There is no cooperation between servers. Having to resort to such excuses is pretty embarrassing.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
@kokiman.2364 if i remember it correctly Dl then wiped RoF and captured hills.
But we have seen when DL saved DZ and then run away.
I’m sorry but you were right. There is an alliance between DL and DZ -_- that sucks really and i’m p*ssed. Sry that some of us are doing such a bad play. That’s no fairplay.
At least someone has enough dangling googlies to admit what’s going on.
On the other hand this should be a lesson to RoF. We have to go after the 3rd place server as well, cap and hold their keeps, and not just focus on the 1st place server “because that’s where the good fights are”.
Well, no point in bickering and keeping a grudge now. It will be over in a few hours and the places are set in stone. All in all it was a great matchup, lots of fun battles and loot bags on all 3 sides. Good luck to you all and have a great time on reset tonight.
What I miss most about old LA (pre-destruction) was
killing people with a portal from the top of the bank.
Thank you HiddenRage!
The Matchup was really awesome.
Great fights and sieges, looking forward to this matchup again in 6 weeks!
Don’t give me that alliance bs again. It is not our fault that RoF didn’t play last night. And if you made Drakkar angry with your conspiracy talk well we had to act. I’ve heard in ts that one (!) drakkar commander likes us and won’t play against us but the rest of them play against us. If ring of fire had played the last 2 nights like they played before you would’ve been second and fair and square.all that crying and not showing up does not change anything.Dzagonur would never mind loosing against 2 good servers…
Dochil [GDA]
I would really like to know which commanders on dzagonur are supposed to be in that alliance.I know every commander and every player that is worth mentioning on EB and I can assure you nothing like that happened there
Dochil [GDA]
Don’t give me that alliance bs again. It is not our fault that RoF didn’t play last night. And if you made Drakkar angry with your conspiracy talk well we had to act. I’ve heard in ts that one (!) drakkar commander likes us and won’t play against us but the rest of them play against us. If ring of fire had played the last 2 nights like they played before you would’ve been second and fair and square.all that crying and not showing up does not change anything.Dzagonur would never mind loosing against 2 good servers…
You keep on believing that my friend!!!! enjoy the rest of the league and we look forward to meeting Dzagonur Lake in week 7 again