but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
(edited by Kolly.9872)
where were you when we broke vizunah 5 weeks ?
Haha !
As if SFR is remotely close to what it was. Man, SFR is only the name, you have almost nothing in common with the people that used to play at that time.
You’re not even close to be called “decent” compared to them.Now play the “we do’t want to fight against you” card as much as you want, you’re the ones looking like spoiled kids here.
Much respect to the people and guilds who actually fight.@kolly : you might want to count the green dots on your minimap, you’d be surprised … ._.
Of course I count 40 green dots (considering ranger pets also) that is all we have in EB, 40 men zerg vs your 80 men zerg..
next time I will take a screen of the second wave coming from the bridge too, my bad sorry
But as I said your 80 men zerg is so “skilled”, that’s why Vizunas run like chickens outside their zerg, they cannot show their “skilled” way to play otherwise
(edited by Kolly.9872)
Same for VS.
Not gonna say otherwise, VS isn’t the same.
You also have to remember guilds usually don’t raid during the weekends, so it’s mostly Vizunians.
@kolly : I don’t count 80 nameplates on VS side. But I trust your judgement
Now that doesn’t mean it is the only thing VS is capable of.
there are kodash players aswell… another classic example of subjective perception
my first matchup vs vizunah – they’re doing well – gratz.
sfr is not interested playing t1, the goal of the week playing just for fun, not for points is hard, cause vizunah guys are not interested in fights (just wanna make points, isn’t it). Really sad.
and kodash – öahm, kodash is kodash. good enemy but sadly most of the time not interested in fights, only if they have a big zerg (blobbing).
i hope this week will be more funny during the next days, had only one sensational fight up to know – vs [CPC] of vizunah. best guild what i have seen up to day during that matchup.
Still no 1on1 encounters. Where are all the self proclaimed pro’s on SFR? From what I’ve experienced by now it feels like playing Vizunah twice. Just got Moa-formed in a 4on1 by some ZD mesmer, he doesn’t even want to duel, seriously? :’D
This matchup is terrible. Let Viz, SFR and Jade/Elona rot in one tier, so that the other servers can finally have normal matchups.
P.S. Warning! Irony.
had only one sensational fight up to know – vs [CPC] of vizunah. best guild what i have seen up to day during that matchup.
We’re far from the best, but thanks
[CPC] only plays for the reset, on relax mode (we’re not enough and we’re not hardcore). We play under the tag [raid] during the week (monday/tuesdays/thrusdays if nothing changes), and we’ll be on SFR BL. Watch out
Still no 1on1 encounters. Where are all the self proclaimed pro’s on SFR? From what I’ve experienced by now it feels like playing Vizunah twice. Just got Moa-formed in a 4on1 by some ZD mesmer, he doesn’t even want to duel, seriously? :’D
This matchup is terrible. Let Viz, SFR and Jade/Elona rot in one tier, so that the other servers can finally have normal matchups.
P.S. Warning! Irony.
Kodash should play against viz like current score show. You have so much more players than we have. We are outmanned whole time.
had only one sensational fight up to know – vs [CPC] of vizunah. best guild what i have seen up to day during that matchup.
We’re far from the best, but thanks
[CPC] only plays for the reset, on relax mode (we’re not enough and we’re not hardcore). We play under the tag [raid] during the week (monday/tuesdays/thrusdays if nothing changes), and we’ll be on SFR BL. Watch out
You guys were hard to fight while Roaming with [Meta] on Reset!!
You gave us the hardest fight on this day!
[KoA] vs [CPC]+[Meta]:
Just got Moa-formed in a 4on1 by some ZD mesmer, he doesn’t even want to duel, seriously? :’D
sorry that was me who moa formed you, i hate thiefs who think they are good players at 1v1
i’m not a zd
Couldn’t even use skills tonight, Vizunah bring skill lag to every match up it sucks :/
Just got Moa-formed in a 4on1 by some ZD mesmer, he doesn’t even want to duel, seriously? :’D
sorry that was me who moa formed you, i hate thiefs who think they are good players at 1v1
i’m not a zd
Then it simply wasn’t me, cause he clearly was from Za Drots and rejected my invite twice. Also a poor excuse for using the lamest skill in the game, especially in a 4on1 situation.
We can still do some duels though, just to prove you wrong.
We can still do some duels though, just to prove you wrong.
you say they was 4 ? i’m one of them maybe … nvm
let me see, 5-10mn in one duel to prove me i’m wrong and loosing so many bags and maybe a precursor hmm … no … thank you, if you want duels you can go spvp my friend
Still no 1on1 encounters. Where are all the self proclaimed pro’s on SFR? From what I’ve experienced by now it feels like playing Vizunah twice. Just got Moa-formed in a 4on1 by some ZD mesmer, he doesn’t even want to duel, seriously? :’D
This matchup is terrible. Let Viz, SFR and Jade/Elona rot in one tier, so that the other servers can finally have normal matchups.
P.S. Warning! Irony.
I don’t understand where the irony is, since you don’t even show what’s your server in your signature.
However, feel free to call me whenever you want a 1v1, my nickname is Frenk Mandrake.
I don’t understand where the irony is, since you don’t even show what’s your server in your signature.
However, feel free to call me whenever you want a 1v1, my nickname is Frenk Mandrake.
I’m on Kodash, already dueled some of your guildmates with my ranger yesterday, but I’m always up for some friendly duels. Might come back to this tomorrow. Too bad there isn’t anything like a Fight Club.
> Ranger
> Wants to duel
Let me guess, trap tankish condition damage, or tank BM build? I could go meditation Guardian but I don’t really think that will work. Let’s have a 3 vs 3 instead!
> Ranger
> Wants to duelLet me guess, trap tankish condition damage, or tank BM build? I could go meditation Guardian but I don’t really think that will work. Let’s have a 3 vs 3 instead!
Actually I main a thief, with whom I duel the most. (no not a d/p cheese). Yeah it infact is a condition BM build, so a Guardian probably won’t work, atleast I haven’t lost to any – yet.
I’d love to accept your challenge, but I don’t have a guild at the moment.
and with this I’m off to bed
thx Vizuna for the fun and lots of badge tonight
i don’t know who leads vizu in EB atm (and since 1h or ++) but he making a great job, keep it up dude we need moar bags, MOAAAAR
friday… hurry up… its not even funny…
Seaferer’s corpse + Ko(who?) we need challenge not a god kitten easy win…
I’m about to suscribe to BINGO ONLINE, grandma and grandpa will give a better fight…
friday… hurry up… its not even funny…
Seaferer’s corpse + Ko(who?) we need challenge not a god kitten easy win…
I’m about to suscribe to BINGO ONLINE, grandma and grandpa will give a better fight…
I got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! Thanks for this post.
Come out of your towers if you want to fight.
Stop playing (boring) PvD while the other servers sleep.
Don’t run in groups of about 100 players.
…you’d be surprised how much fights you could encounter.
Your Bingo comparison is great, too. Probably you even could beat your grandma and grandpa if you stay awake and go on playing while they’re sleeping.
Why should we entertain you when you make WvW boring for us?
Yeap, Viz-guys, your night commander at EB today is pretty kitten BAD for you and pretty kitten GOOD for us. Seriously, teach him a lesson or two, I don’t like such a no-brain slaughter.
Yeah zombizunah, come out of your holes. Stop expand ours with points and come get some 1v1 in a WvW environment, because spvp is too hard.
Man if playing with lags, blobs and not guilds is your goal it is fine but it is not ours. Just that alone. Arguing is unncessary. You’re free to belive in what you want about SFR.
“Deciding, pre matchup, that you don’t want to fight against your opponents is an utter lack of respect, it’s childish.” – Respect is earned not given. Also deciding pre matchup that we do not want blobs and lags is not childish in my opinion. Same as above you’re of course entitled to have an opinion of your own. We’re fighting though just not capping.
Right now there are 2 guilds on Visunah that I have respect for and that would be GHO, MN and LNM because they try to run apart from the blobs. This is however my and CoN point of view and our experience. I’ve tried to show you a bit what we’re made of and what we want.
You can say it’s crazy and we “have to” blob because this game is about that. I do not agree.
For me and 90% of SFR, focused WvW guilds are all that matters and only thing you can do in this game. If that idea dies, our server will die because we will be gone by that time.
I don’t understand how I’ve made you angry but it wasn’t my goal. I really do hope to meet more roaming Visunah guild groups.
Also please register your guild at gw2gvg.com so that we may enjoy our GvG more !
CoN is accepting all GvG challenges
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Vizuna i know that you are terrible players unless there are 10 ACs
But do you rly need to move in blob even when others are outmanned ?
oh lol and sfr isn t blobbing ?
well i got an different idea of sfr during last week …
All servers are blobbing. Just that we have more groups who are not blobbing. That’s all.
It is up to us ( players ) to change the end game meta. We need to unblob our servers not blob them further. Promote guild groups instead of blobs. That is SFR’s policy.
You’ve not made me angry at all.
I’m just stating that you serve the usual BS with a polite tone. It’s great, it gives the impression we can talk, when we both know you actually don’t listen.
I’ll make my points clearer, hopefully.
if playing with lags, blobs and not guilds is your goal it is fine but it is not ours.
There are no goals in friggin WvW. There is nothing to be won.
There is a game. You either play the game, or you don’t.
Nobody likes fighting with lag. Fighting with lag can’t be a goal, it’s something that is achieved randomly when playing.
Respect is earned not given
Again, the usual bs.
You can’t play a game mode and decide that the mode doesn’t suit you.
Respect towards the servers is as important as respect towards the game.
Then again, if you insist on “earning” respect, give your opponents an opportunity to do so.
Atm you just look like spoiled brats. You’re disrespecting your entire server and your army of fighters.
there are 2 guilds on Visunah that I have respect for and that would be GHO and LNM because they try to run apart from the blobs
Great, that’s a good start. Now have you been playing during primes on every map ?
I don’t think so.
You’d see a dozen of other guilds running separate groups.
Once again, give them the chance before deciding they’re not worthy of your time.
You can say it’s crazy and we “have to” blob because this game is about that.
I never said that. When I am referring to the “game the way it’s meant to be played”, I mean that this is an objective-capping game mode. You can’t make it about fights only.
Would I prefer GvG only ?
Yes, of course.
Should I impose my vision on the rest of the server(s) ?
Nope, that’s very selfish.
Put pressure on Anet. Make them give us a GvG mode. The GvG website is a great start.
(although I wish people hadn’t stoned Troma to death when he first came up with the idea, but that’s another topic)
The fact that people blob is out of the guilds hands. It’s simple, people who aren’t part of organized structures regroup together on the map to have an impact.
What can we do about that ?
We, members of guilds run, together as guild groups during prime.
This way, a monozerg quickly transforms into a decent-sized group of PUs, and then several satellite groups.
This is the most efficient way to counter an opposing monozerg.
Do them same thing. Force the blob to split. Attack different objectives on the maps at the same time during offpeak.
My opinion on why you’re not doing it ? Well, exactly the same reason as to why our groups stay in a monozerg : gratification factor, steamrolling, karma, exp. And also, it’s hard to have several commanders when there are 30 players for the 4 maps.
We’re not that different.
We accepted a lot better than you ever did that this game was about objectives. It still doesn’t mean we don’t have small groups and it doesn’t mean we don’t like to fight.
We love to fight.
I personally think you should push for what you want in the game, but constructively. Boycotting a matchup is childish. Deciding your ennemies are not worthy of your time is arrogant.
Creating a WvW website is constructive. Giving feedback to the devs on what is right and what is wrong is constructive.
See you on the battlefield.
i fully support leorcyn on this.
anyway, i am very pleased to see this new match-up, we can see different types of play (blob, well organized roaming, several guild raids…
i find it interesting and challenging even if at end Vizunah wins :-)
vizunian necrotic kisses from the battlefield !
You can of course assume we’re all ignorants and we’re not listening. You can play passive agressive with your sarcastic “tone” but I’m sorry it doesn’t strike me. Let’s make this a discusion of merits then.
“There are no goals in friggin WvW” – My goal of WvW is to improve my guild to the highest possible level and lead them and our community to some epic fights. Our WvW goals are epic fights. Also the goal of WvW and this game is to have fun ( maybe just me )
“Great, that’s a good start. Now have you been playing during primes on every map ? " – As stated in my post that was my and CoN point of view and It implies that we are not playing on 4 borders at once and we can meet new oponents however those are the ones we’ve met so far.
“give your opponents an opportunity to do so” – You have the opportunity now, you’re just not using it properly I guess. We accept all GvG challenges, all roaming challenges. We will match your numbers even if you have 5/10/15/25/30. Whisper me and let’s arrange this. I speak with all SFR guilds on daily basis and this my general opinion right now. Doesn’t mean you guys can’t change it.
“Once again, give them the chance before deciding they’re not worthy of your time.” – Every guild that makes the effort of running apart from the blob and trying to put up a fight is respected and will continute to be respected. We’re always available for all small scale fights. Organising a fight with any of our guilds is a matter of sending a whisper and I can provide acc details to all our guild leaders.
“Should I impose my vision on the rest of the server(s) ? " – Yes you should. This game is called Guild Wars not “entire guildless zone wars”
“Put pressure on Anet. Make them give us a GvG mode. " We’re trying to do that. We’ve already sent a petition signed by over 15k players.
“The GvG website is a great start.” – Full support. As to Troma it is really unfortunate how people are reacting to some ideas and their behaviour is unaccetable. Troma and WL were for a very long time the only players that I had respect for and still have. Troma took upon himself the very difficult task of leading your community in the PR front lines and he did a good job. We will always respect him for that.
“The fact that people blob is out of the guilds hands. It’s simple, people who aren’t part of organized structures regroup together on the map to have an impact.
What can we do about that ? " – Do what we did, give them an incentive to create or join WvW organised guilds.
“The fact that people blob is out of the guilds hands.” – NO. Disable your commander while leading your guild and leave a pug commander. Create 2/3/4 groups not 1. Fixed. In CoN we would rather stop raiding than blobbing and this is what we’re doing. We never interfere with other guilds clashing and we never blob with anyone else.
" this game was about objectives" – ummm “There are no goals in friggin WvW” ? Your words.
“We love to fight.” – Prove it, you have my acc name. Schedule a fight.
“I personally think you should push for what you want in the game” – Exactly what we’re doing.
“Deciding your ennemies are not worthy of your time is arrogant.” – I’ve been fighting vs visunah for over 3 months in total. It is indeed arrogant. Please prove me wrong.
“Creating a WvW website is constructive. Giving feedback to the devs on what is right and what is wrong is constructive.” – We all know they won’t do anything. WvW players are less than 3% of all gw2 players.
Everything is up to us and our communities. Unblob everything and everywhere. Create real GUILD wars and let’s take our fights to a completely different level and make it epic !
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Where i said that SFR never blob or something like that ?
What i meant is that vizunah blob even if they are the only one on the border.
You can of course assume we’re all ignorants and we’re not listening. You can play passive agressive with your sarcastic “tone” but I’m sorry it doesn’t strike me. Let’s make this a discusion of merits then.
I’m not sarcastic, I’m just not that good with words, my apologies.
Our WvW goals are epic fights.
You can’t blame the other servers if the game mode doesn’t provide all the necessary tools for that.
We’re all in there because we have fun. No question about that.
As stated in my post that was my and CoN point of view and It implies that we are not playing on 4 borders at once
Guilds on Vizu assign themsleves to a borderland each week. You’ll see the same the whole week, unless we need to balance the numbers and it requires a switch.
We accept all GvG challenges, all roaming challenges
That’s great, but I personally think that disconnecting the fights from the structures is not a good thing. WvW was not thought to be an arena. It was tought to be a warscene. It does mean you should find small scale fights / mid scale fights / large scale fights, but, in my opinion, it shouldn’t be organized.
“Should I impose my vision on the rest of the server(s) ? " – Yes you should. This game is called Guild Wars not “entire guildless zone wars”
I could explain once again in details that the name Guild Wars does not come at all from the current guilds and is actually referring to the lore, but that will largely be ignored, as usual.
There is no game mode that is called Guild vs Guild.
And there are certainly a huge number of guilds in the war zones. You just decided you won’t call them like that because they do not play like you want.
Do what we did, give them an incentive to create or join WvW organised guilds.
Thanks, but this is what’s happening every day. Guilds recruit new players. Vizu is not different.
NO. Disable your commander while leading your guild and leave a pug commander.
Once again, Vizu is not different. You did not reinvent the wheel. Guilds do run on their own during primes (usually with tags on for coordination, but our Vizunians are very disciplined and do follow only the “PU” commander).
This is the basics of WvW. This has been done sine August 2012. There is always at least a guild raid on each of the maps each prime.
I have the file under my eyes, there are 2 to 4 guilds each map each prime during the week (except EB). I can list you which guild will be on which map if you want.
“we love to fight” – Prove it, you have my acc name. Schedule a fight.
Unfortunately I am not a representative of my guild, and as I said earlier, I do not want to disconnect fights from structures, because I believe surprise is much more fun and challenging. You have to scout, you have to move as a group, you have to be ready every second.
You also have to be able to fight 80 with 30, and give the some for their money.
We all know they won’t do anything. WvW players are less than 3% of all gw2 players.
I do now understand why you’re being so negative about your initiative. If you do not have faith in the game or in its developpers and if the current game does not satisfy you, I guess it is time you look for something else.
Except we both know, once again, that there is no other game that can compare in terms of large scale fighting.
If you think the developpers don’t listen when you are positive, I don’t think they will when you’re acting negatively. Trust me, I’m French, we know how to go on strike, it almost never ends well ^^
I’d personally say the last element of communication we had from the devs on WvW was encouraging (lacking facts, but still, they seem to realize some things).
(edited by Leorcyn.1063)
Mmmh, I don’t really agree with you, SFR. When I roam with a 5 people group, I use to see your all 40+ zerg pursuing us through your tier (on EB), not just “because the zerg was there on the same time than you”. Pulling a treb near bravost makes your entire zerg spending time to chase us, rather than sending 10-15 people (because we are skilled) to fight us.
That is not a good way to promote small groups on Vizunah Square, I hope you will agree with this. But yes, playing on small groups requires more skill, and provides more fun for each part °o°
(Sorry for my bad English <3)
“This is the basics of WvW. This has been done sine August 2012. There is always at least a guild raid on each of the maps each prime.” – Please give me borders info or their names because we’re jumping maps, scouting borders and ask other guilds. We can’t find your roaming guilds. Maybe we’re wrong and you do have them. Please point us in the right direction then.
“You also have to be able to fight 80 with 30, and give the some for their money.” – We already do that is why we’re searching for organised fights. It is not fun to bash pug zergs. ( well maybe sometimes )
“I do now understand why you’re being so negative about your initiative” – Just a matter of experience man. We were running a special youtube channel that was showing exploits on borders. It took Anet 6 months to fix one exploit that allowed people to assasinate the lord at hills without touching any of the walls. 8 ways to get into bay without fighting etc. They write “eye candy” posts that encourage you to stay because they are losing players very fast. We reported and still report those bugs with over 40 people per day.
Right now GW2 has less than 400k active accounts from almost 3mln sold copies in total.
As to visunah organisation I know that some of you guys are trying to do something but you as my vis friends say “We can’t lose these pugs, that is not how we work on visunah” They are affraid as a guild to ask those 5-10 pugs to move away to a different commander. I don’t know for what reason but It is not my issue.
We’re very much looking forward to any guild roaming fights, duels, GvGs, small scale fights. You know how to find me.
(edited by Darkman.1257)
aelska.4609 just avoid EB if you’re looking for organisation. You will find what you seek on our borders. Although sometimes you will be chased by a small zerg because SFR also blobs which is sad.
Mmmh, I don’t really agree with you, SFR. When I roam with a 5 people group, I use to see your all 40+ zerg pursuing us through your tier (on EB),
Eb is a different story about blobbing and monozerging, compared to Bls.
Actually, on EB blobbing is the right tactic in certain moments, because you have to “punish” as hard as possible a server trying to breach in your third of map (usually with their zoneblob), to make him turn against the 3rd faction (especially if the 3rd faction is the SM holder).
Anyway, point is that all the unblob/roaming thing is referred manly (not only. manly.) to Bl’s, where guilds are more likely to play. Less blob, less random ppl, less lag.
Eb is apart, so don’t take it as example in talking about who is blobbing and how much.
There is more people on EB and the makitten maller, so we see more people <3 When I roam on borderlands, that is 99% mobs and 1% player (5vs1 or 5vs2 isn’t really funny), so I prefer making PVE. I make a lot of fun playing on EB, our roam-team is enough organised to make a “smoke field with blast finisher” to avoid your zerg, but a lot of beginners roamers/small raids will be disguted because they can’t.
Edit: it seems you are talking about borderlands … I am an EB player, so you will certainly not enjoy the discussion with me …
(edited by aelska.4609)
Thanks for a lovely weekend of badges and drops Viz- I love the way open field fights always end up with piles of bags on the floor:-)
Not so great is the complete skill shutdown whenever large groups clash inside SM- although it is quite funny to run right through the other zerg without casting anything, not even an autoattack, and taking very little damage too….maybe this is the future of GW2, kittenwars!
A good weekend for this pug (I can’t really use vent/ts- for personal reasons, so guilds don’t want me).
Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB) is not recruiting:p
The part about VS guilds not saying to get lost to PUs is completely false.
Guilds raid on their own.
(edited by Leorcyn.1063)
Thank you for the information. We will try to do something useful with it. Cheerio !
We think this matchup is quite uninteresting because of the massiv amount of blobbing, Skill-lags and the lack of GvG´s
And now dont come with this nonsense about W3 not being designed for GvG´s, some forum warriors in here always insist that the game is designed in a certain way and that they are the only ones playing it right or wrong! The only goal should be to have fun playing and if YOUR playstile gives us no fun we just don’t want to fight you!
Very nice move [KoA] and friends just now on SFR BL (Dawn’s Eyrie).
Great coordination
Keep it up !
@Rajnesh.4526 : glad you made a movie of it.
I think we slightly outnumbered you, so well done to youI wish we would have been on the same vocal with our friends from META, it would have been even better !
Watch out for [raid] tonight !
Nice fights vs [RAID] tonight. We enjoyed it. But we were very outnumbered in the most fights. We just got 20-22 KoA in fight vs you. But still good fights.
Very nice move [KoA] and friends just now on SFR BL (Dawn’s Eyrie).
Great coordinationKeep it up !
We will, we have training every day.
As usual I end my raid with 40 + bags a.k.a viz.
But for the record, you put a good siege in hills. quite hard to take, although I’m pretty sure it had to do with 1000 arrowcarts inside even thou we were scaled in same numbers.
Watch ECL hunting down the VIZombies soon
thank you viz and kodash for all my badges in SFR tonight! Some pretty epic fights
Why arent you? :P
[CoN] Circle of Nine is challenging all Kodash and Visunah guilds. We want to GvG with everyone. Any guilds interested contact me here or via GuildWarsDrq@gmail.com. We will match your numbers. We do not care if it’s 15/20/25/30 We will match your numbers and we can fight !
Show us what you’re made of !
[CoN] Circle of Nine is challenging all Kodash and Visunah guilds. We want to GvG with everyone. Any guilds interested contact me here or via GuildWarsDrq@gmail.com. We will match your numbers. We do not care if it’s 15/20/25/30 We will match your numbers and we can fight !
Show us what you’re made of !
Made of blobs
We do not care if it’s 15/20/25/30 We will match your numbers and we can fight !
50+, you’ll never find less VS at same time in same spot.
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