Week 4: Gandara/Miller's Sound/ Underworld
I am pretty sure everyone knows what this matchup is going to yield anyway so its likely not even worth a thread ….. Millers and their Golem Rushing every 20mins.
Ohh wait up – they musta forgot to synchronise their watches cos they were late with the first one.. shame on you Millers, must be the same excuses as Deso… the PvE’ers are messing with your organisation. Still you got the ball rolling eventually
Total lack of golems in UW bl so far,has been a fun reset up to now.
Well it was until the Gandara ants turned up
(edited by iorlas.6721)
Thank u for funny primetime in Gandara bl from Insert Coin [IC] guild. Pls i think u can’t win this match up but if u try to do smallest blobzerg we can do funniest battle!
Ah , lovely morning…
guess Gandara gets excited by PVD
Ah , lovely morning…
Your night capping skills over a server you out number 10 to 1 are impressive.
Ah , lovely morning…
please consider a transfer, you ruin my morning roaming :\
-whisper me for duels since with this +515 ppt its impossible to find enemies not getting zerged to death by gandara karma train.
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
(edited by Maskaganda.2043)
Ah , lovely morning…
Your night capping skills over a server you out number 10 to 1 are impressive.
Ah , lovely morning…
guess Gandara gets excited by PVD
That was morning cap. You still had some resistance in the night cap i think, wouldn’t know.
I flipped entire UW border with 3 guys only this morning.
I’ll emphasize this to avoid further confusion – 3 GUYS ONLY.
I saw only 2 UW invaders, trying to defend briar. After that – nothing.
I’m eager to hear excuse for this.
Ah , lovely morning…
please consider a transfer, you ruin my morning roaming :\
Please consider pvp duel 1 on 1. Using lame excuses as solo roaming to pump your ego defeating people with ruin buff, ascended gear etc.
(edited by NvN.4321)
I don’t think they need excuses. the old Gandara doesn’t exist anymore, Gandara has turned into a silly PPT monster server with no soul.
Please consider pvp duel 1 on 1. Using lame excuses as solo roaming to pump your ego defeating people with ruin buff, ascended gear etc.
sounds better than zerging the crap out of doors and be proud of it.
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
ummmm…. UW has few people during primetime,your 3 beat our 2 night/morning cover crew
No excuse needed UW don’t have the people easy as that.
Yeah I notice this “morning cap” is not unusual. Especially on weekend when we on UW still have people online during night… but they still are not playing 24/7 and then starting to sleep sometime in the early morning. Then we are weakest.
Even during week last matchup we had people staying awake at night to 2-3 a.m. time then between this time and afternoon it happens that we lose stuff. Weekend we will retake it early. At week when most are working or at school it will only happen late afternoon or evening.
I still remember when I stayed up until 5 or 6 a.m next day at my timezone last matchup in Eternal Battlegrounds I think it was. We defended a lot at the weekand and hat players online at night. Only to see keep lost 20 minutes after(according to Millenium) I went to sleep early morning next day.
But we had a few good fights yesterday at EB. At our keep when doors still were upgrading(slowly… people did not defend supply camps) and we got attackded by big Millers zerg and defended.
I hope we can at least upgrade keep EB every day after retaking it like last matchup(most days we managed to retake and upgrade and get it to max supplies 1700/1700 while doing some stuff and not outnumbered at EB – but not enough people to fill 2 maps… so borderlands dead at that time).
(edited by Luthan.5236)
I flipped entire UW border with 3 guys only this morning.
I’ll emphasize this to avoid further confusion – 3 GUYS ONLY.
I saw only 2 UW invaders, trying to defend briar. After that – nothing.I’m eager to hear excuse for this.
I know that might be new for you but have you ever heard of the concept of Real Life ? People who live by that might be sleeping on a saturday morning.
It´s really interesting that you think other servers have to excuse themselfes while you are doing stupid pve stuff on the map.
I flipped entire UW border with 3 guys only this morning.
I’ll emphasize this to avoid further confusion – 3 GUYS ONLY.
I saw only 2 UW invaders, trying to defend briar. After that – nothing.I’m eager to hear excuse for this.
I know that might be new for you but have you ever heard of the concept of Real Life ? People who live by that might be sleeping on a saturday morning.
It´s really interesting that you think other servers have to excuse themselfes while you are doing stupid pve stuff on the map.
Cheers for the duels last night on Gbl. Will be mostly roaming solo this week so hope to see you out there with my rainbow warrior lol
I don’t think they need excuses. the old Gandara doesn’t exist anymore, Gandara has turned into a silly PPT monster server with no soul.
sadly, this.
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
wow.. calm down people its to early for this much forum rage
Come on Mask and frou there are still Gandarans who fight for fun.
Btw UW I don’t care that a bunch of you ran me over I still stomped the MS Guard I was dueling before your stampede :p \o/
on Piken Square and Gandara.
(edited by oblivious.8074)
[Mya]Menelya looking for some GvG’s on 20 vs 20 ! ( no ranked on gw2gvg.com)
We just want only some fights for training
Pm me for more Infos
I don’t think they need excuses. the old Gandara doesn’t exist anymore, Gandara has turned into a silly PPT monster server with no soul.
Not 100% true since we mostly rather pick a fight over taking places/ninja/run away from enemys to cap.
And I think we still dunk more players than any other server on avarage (not so much in this matchup so far tho!)
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.
Had some fun with my other mesmer friend roaming, but when a whole blob turned for 2 mesmers, we we’re kinda stunned. Thanks to this UW commander for the ‘fun’
Oh my, they killed two enemies on their home border at the northern camp… horrible.. horrible UW blob. Shame on you!
If you think this was out of the ordinary, maybe you should roam on your home border. Chances are you will see little to no UW there.
Oh my, they killed two enemies on their home border at the northern camp… horrible.. horrible UW blob. Shame on you!
If you think this was out of the ordinary, maybe you should roam on your home border. Chances are you will see little to no UW there.
Not blaming anyone! Was funny; and didn’t expect it:D
I flipped entire UW border with 3 guys only this morning.
I’ll emphasize this to avoid further confusion – 3 GUYS ONLY.
That can’t really have been during the MORNING, since I was online during the morning, and we saw several groups of 10+ people running around capping our stuff.
But sure, you can run around and believe that you were only 3 people if it makes you feel better.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Some roaming from today; was fun!
Had some fun with my other mesmer friend roaming, but when a whole blob turned for 2 mesmers, we we’re kinda stunned. Thanks to this UW commander for the ‘fun’
You call that a blob… well for UW anything more than 3 could I suppose be considered a blob these days
There is only 1 commander that I know of on UW that would do this tbh, he tries his hardest to imitate what the likes of SLAY could do before the exodus, but unfortunately lacks the skill or tactical awareness their commanders did when running their chocho trains. Don’t worry though if it was him when the heat builds and the nymber even out or decline he tends to tag down and sit in a tower for the duration.
I have no respect for a comm that not only thinks they can steamroll anything with his supposed 65 man zergs (in reality no more tha 25 but we let him convince himself to save his rants… rather he feel good about himself than him come back to the forums to put out his true feeling of Underworld players like before until he got dissed by many of us, though I am not sure what I prefer.. his constant rants when things like his mass AC and 2 treb field games or many golem rush attempts bring nothing but its own wipe or the “I love you UW, I am here for you, I will never desert you” sickening BS
In truth he chasing 2 invaders down is nothing short of poor commanding I agree and as you might suspect I am an UW old blood (some of Gand will know me… and the comm I refer to : ) but he tries to steam roll our own commanders tagged up on map much more like he did on reset night already.. he runs around re-flipping targets with no regard for what others are planning, doing or trying then kitten s supply camps, WP to another map to reflip other stuff.. very rarely he tries to engage and take stuff (unless he has paid other servers to allow him to play tower flipping for his own reputation gains.. another clue right there )
Still I still like to sometimes follow his movements for the giggles.. like on EB on prior to reset this week trying to push a wooden Anza when AG abruptly showed up.. orders his apparently superior zerg to place AC’s on hill and defend while he runs around with 15 others (we only had 25 max in zerg) except he runs round and fails to see them all hid under the water.. as he passes the actually flank him push him uptop with AC’s.. he shouts gather, stack on me, wait, now charge, charge, PUSH them… except it became apparent he was no longer there.. he WP’s back to keep walls still billowing orders… or afte rhe flipped to AG bl in the hope of not getting wiped repeatedly like on our own bl.. Mayh were at bay in what could only be deemed as light entettainment but our comm in shinning armour whistles, hey here to bring the pain with my 55 man zerg be with you shortly…. except strabgely enough he never did cos there was a small Deso ball near spawn that he could get past… I WP’ed back from bay to empty my sacks (in truth cos I suspected some shenanigans and wanted to see for myself.. what I found was pure comedy – his 55 man zerg (again 25 max) was being steam rolled by a small Desolation ball near spawn who for once didn’t run from the face of an enemy…
So for future ref – if you come across him again, don’t panic, both of you stack, charge and make noise.. he will run, not you, in the hope of finding a nice empty tower elsewhere that offers little to no resistance instead
There that’s a nice piece of friendly drama to help this thread along this matchup
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
Dat wall of text hurts my eyes
I flipped entire UW border with 3 guys only this morning.
I’ll emphasize this to avoid further confusion – 3 GUYS ONLY.That can’t really have been during the MORNING, since I was online during the morning, and we saw several groups of 10+ people running around capping our stuff.
But sure, you can run around and believe that you were only 3 people if it makes you feel better.
Nope, he really is telling the truth. I was a part of the 4 man group that took the whole of UW BL yesterday morning (around 6-7am GMT I think). A couple of UW guys fought us in Briar (one was a fun Ranger who kept on point-blanking us off that ramp) but then we never saw another UW player even when taking Cliffside and Woodhaven. I left MS borderland to avoid the zerginess going on there only to find an equally bad situation on UW borderland. Definitely a good week to take a bit of leave from WvW.
Well, apparently a lot of people like that commander on UW Bloodstealer is talking about. I think I know whom he means. Yeah noticed he said “we are coming with 40 man” when we only had 20. Also he left EB to go to another BL to cap stuff.
But: I stayed a bit longer on EB(and then switched to that BL later): For a lot of time nothing happend in our corner… and we could easily have messaged him and he might have come back to help defend. A lot of people left(only few GuM in Mendon and 3-4 others left). So why do people follow him if he is that bad? They even followed to other map. I’d expect then for people to just leave the game if they tag is away not even reading chat where he told to go to other map.
He is doing to have fun – the main reason we play the game(not for loot, not for PPT – but a lot mainly play for one of these). That is okay. And he can motivate people and make them follow. A lot of other boring commanders can’t do that. That’s worth a lot especially with a lot of random people(no organized guild zerg). I like the way he is talking in chat.
It’s good. Better than some other random commanders that try ages to take some defended tower which is boring… and then if our EB corner gets attacked port back and half the other people don’t follow and get there fast enough and then 2 of our towers lost while we could not even cap 1.
Yes there also are fails like described above. But all other commanders fail sometimes with random pug players. It just happens. It’s not like it happens more frequently with him.
TDA is looking for some 10v10 gvg’s this week , contact me for more info! ^^
I flipped entire UW border with 3 guys only this morning.
I’ll emphasize this to avoid further confusion – 3 GUYS ONLY.Nope, he really is telling the truth. I was a part of the 4 man group that took the whole of UW BL yesterday morning (around 6-7am GMT I think)
First 3 and now 4 by the end of the second page we will find out it was a 70 man zerg.
Member of [GuM]
Aurora Glade
With 3 guys. Himself + 3 = 4
Well, apparently a lot of people like that commander on UW Bloodstealer is talking about. I think I know whom he means. Yeah noticed he said “we are coming with 40 man” when we only had 20. Also he left EB to go to another BL to cap stuff.
But: I stayed a bit longer on EB(and then switched to that BL later): For a lot of time nothing happend in our corner… and we could easily have messaged him and he might have come back to help defend. A lot of people left(only few GuM in Mendon and 3-4 others left). So why do people follow him if he is that bad? They even followed to other map. I’d expect then for people to just leave the game if they tag is away not even reading chat where he told to go to other map.
He is doing to have fun – the main reason we play the game(not for loot, not for PPT – but a lot mainly play for one of these). That is okay. And he can motivate people and make them follow. A lot of other boring commanders can’t do that. That’s worth a lot especially with a lot of random people(no organized guild zerg). I like the way he is talking in chat.
It’s good. Better than some other random commanders that try ages to take some defended tower which is boring… and then if our EB corner gets attacked port back and half the other people don’t follow and get there fast enough and then 2 of our towers lost while we could not even cap 1.
Yes there also are fails like described above. But all other commanders fail sometimes with random pug players. It just happens. It’s not like it happens more frequently with him.
Your free to like or not like what you want, me too.
Experience suggests to me that he doesn’t take that long to take towers like some commanders purely because he ports in and out only for fast recap of stuff likely left vacant.. when by chance his plan goes awry and is forced to use that 40, 50, 65 man zerg (well actually 25 max) he ports to keep and keeps those motivating statements going then when it wipes its back to map chat or forums to openly criticise UW in general cos we is all bad… either or that or go try to strike a deal with the other servers to play dead like the Friday karma trains that eventually got found out… except that isn’t likely going to happen during the season .
But hey your right fun is what its all about, I choose to have mine in the face of the enemy not the wood, stone and emptiness of a tower recently flipped.
Why so many follow, who knows but easy ranks, easy achievs and easy points rock the earth in zergwars as we all know.. funny thing is last matchup was full of nothing but complaints about Desolations awesome ability to nightcap empty structures for those same shinnies.. this style of map flip, recap and run is nothing different.. but meeh each to their own, I am sure the other servers are grateful for the loot bags before the map port happens
Enjoy the matchup whatever way you want I say.
I flipped entire UW border with 3 guys only this morning.
I’ll emphasize this to avoid further confusion – 3 GUYS ONLY.That can’t really have been during the MORNING, since I was online during the morning, and we saw several groups of 10+ people running around capping our stuff.
But sure, you can run around and believe that you were only 3 people if it makes you feel better.
It was really 3+1, I was in that group. And I remember running twice back to Hills to get supply to take Garrison. After that I went to get a coffee and the remaining 3 finished the map. Later on we left/changed map, and some stuff was retaken by you guys.
GD is looking for GvGs/sparring this week. 20vs20 preferred.
If you just want/can 15vs15 fights /w or mail me ingame. Let’s see.
best regards
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
i don’t know why gandara is so active in pvd now but it hurts me since i have to deal with hours of queue to join wvw.
pls keep your zerg only in EB.
I’m the Narn Commander that sent the complete group after the single mesmer.
Reason for this it you’re attacking our camp. It’s how it works isnt it? You attack, we
defend. In this particulair situation, we wanted to hold that camp to upgrade our towers.
I’m surprised that Bloodstealer is still trying to talk me down :p
- On a side note, today at 11:36 A.M Our garrison, that was heavly sieged with 6-7 Superior Arrowcarts per gate was taken down by a group of 75+ Gandara with 12 Alpha’s and 4 Omegas. (Our defence was a mere 22 players)
I hope that Gandara felt like they have achieved something, in this particulair fight.
I’m the Narn Commander that sent the complete group after the single mesmer.
Reason for this it you’re attacking our camp. It’s how it works isnt it? You attack, we
defend. In this particulair situation, we wanted to hold that camp to upgrade our towers.I’m surprised that Bloodstealer is still trying to talk me down :p
- On a side note, today at 11:36 A.M Our garrison, that was heavly sieged with 6-7 Superior Arrowcarts per gate was taken down by a group of 75+ Gandara with 12 Alpha’s and 4 Omegas. (Our defence was a mere 22 players)
I hope that Gandara felt like they have achieved something, in this particulair fight.
Ain’t much of a fight if it was 75 vs 22 is it now?
As for camp defending/yak escort you got to have more imagination. I like to down the attacking invader (those poor poor yaks do not deserve that). Then i smack him down to 10% and watch him struggle trying to bandage himself on the ground. Just as he reaches 90% i smack him down to again to 10%. And so on until you break his spirit. Once he gives up stomp him at 10% so you get that points.
(edited by NvN.4321)
I’m the Narn Commander that sent the complete group after the single mesmer.
Reason for this it you’re attacking our camp. It’s how it works isnt it? You attack, we
defend. In this particulair situation, we wanted to hold that camp to upgrade our towers.I’m surprised that Bloodstealer is still trying to talk me down :p
- On a side note, today at 11:36 A.M Our garrison, that was heavly sieged with 6-7 Superior Arrowcarts per gate was taken down by a group of 75+ Gandara with 12 Alpha’s and 4 Omegas. (Our defence was a mere 22 players)
I hope that Gandara felt like they have achieved something, in this particulair fight.
Lol’s Archie, no needs to try to talk you down.. you seem to be able to do that all by yourself quite easily. I mentioned no names for that very reason, but hey stupid is as stupid does as the saying goes.
But hey its good to see you have come back to UW.. especially after that unfortunate episode on the Underworld Community site.. but for the love of he who hears and sees all, please at least try to refrain from the endless streams of whispers to me and others this time and things will likely prove quieter for you., though I think some of those placed may have either blocked you now or moved on from UW
Anyhow about that that little Tower at Redlake last night.. you never even thanked me for reflipping Windmill over and over for you to grab that extra bit of supply so’s you could finish your little fortress, and then when my back was turned it turned blue… I was actually impressed just how long you held that tower and sup camp on Gandara BL.
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
im amused. please continue! what happened before?
thanks for that chase YMCA, most fun I had all week!
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
Gandaraaa come from your caves and fight!!! or is pvd too tiring :P
Why would I call you a “fanboi”… I was merely complementing him on how well he defended that tower last night against superior numbers (well at I think they were) and to ask he refrain from all the verbal via whispers now he’s back… guess you haven’t had the pleasure of it.
As for helping.. maybe you should of come to EB about 30mins ago to see what chaos he was attempting to create in the name of fun.. if that’s what rebuilding UW is all about, heck we might as well all go flick our tags on and add to what was likely the biggest zerg of Commanders UW has seen in many a moon and run around slamming our heads against every wood/stone object we come across instead of actually doing anything meaningful – All it actually did was push the map apart and end up with a stream of wipes and map drama heaven… was quite funny tbh, but then they strangely all disappeared as quick as it appeared – UW needs more troll nights like that.. no more a ghost server, its a clown server, not quite what many of us were hoping for in our rebirth but hey we just have to play the cards dealt us I guess..
I guess you just don’t get what i’m saying so i’ll just let you carry on.
LoL..sorry Bloodstealer… i got infracted for my post didn’t mean to upset ya
Why would I call you a “fanboi”… I was merely complementing him on how well he defended that tower last night against superior numbers (well at I think they were) and to ask he refrain from all the verbal via whispers now he’s back… guess you haven’t had the pleasure of it.As for helping.. maybe you should of come to EB about 30mins ago to see what chaos he was attempting to create in the name of fun.. if that’s what rebuilding UW is all about, heck we might as well all go flick our tags on and add to what was likely the biggest zerg of Commanders UW has seen in many a moon and run around slamming our heads against every wood/stone object we come across instead of actually doing anything meaningful
– All it actually did was push the map apart and end up with a stream of wipes and map drama heaven… was quite funny tbh, but then they strangely all disappeared as quick as it appeared – UW needs more troll nights like that.. no more a ghost server, its a clown server, not quite what many of us were hoping for in our rebirth but hey we just have to play the cards dealt us I guess..
Meh be happy that we have had something to laugh about since this season started, thanks Archi.
Nice fight tonight at MS border garrison cheers for oO guild and the guardian on the AC who got downed by me in middle of his +30 zerg
Shoutouts to my buddys in BORD, hope to see you guys on the battlefield again =)
I guess you just don’t get what i’m saying so i’ll just let you carry on.
Oh I got what you said but chose not to heed you.
As for you infract sorry to hear that, though not sure why you think you hurt my feelings.. its the interweebs afterall.
As for carrying on, meeh I am done with it, but it provoked a reaction for what likely to be a fairly mundane matchup once more for UW as the end of week approaches… perhaps though we will have a 20 tag zerg tonight to keep us all amused till the wipe hits once more and normal service resumes.
Gotta say the hand holding between GD and dF today.. ridiculous.
Two big guilds perfectly capable doing stuff on their own. But no – gotta hold hand on EB fighting pug-zergs, with upscaled/pve-achievement-hunters. Thought guilds wanted challenge, that certainly isn’t.