Devona's Rest Climbing and Expanding
I never see these ques that people speak of. EB and home gets ques reset then we send one or 2 guilds to higher ranked server as best I tell with roamers poking a 3rd. Maybe this last reset I missed managed to que 3 but I have never seen it. Be lucky to que EB itself outside of NA prime any day other then the 1st 1-2 of reset.
shrugs then that’s not really more coordinated. that’s just outnumbering every server up until t1.5 isn’kitten I don’t even think the maguumies heavy NA presence can queue 2+ maps on reset? Most of the silver league servers can queue maybe 1.5 maps-2 not more during reset and weekends. Probably less now with leagues over and a plethora of new games out.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
How are the cue times for WvW?
Reset night we queue EB, Home and top map. After that probably EB has a 2-3 man queue, all other BL has no queue unless we decide to have a fun run.
You can queue 3 maps and are recruiting more? Are all your guilds looking to pvd your way to the top? HOD 2.0?
Always love to welcome more.
Given the fact we already played HOD and won, can’t wait to play CD
Oh forgot to mention – we build communities, so we all work well and have fun. Win or lose eh I doubt anyone on our server really cares. Just fun fights and bags
The beating continues until order is restored
(edited by leviN.4390)
Apprently dr ques the same maps as sos…..jq only do one map and I think tc has 0-1. I don’t know blackgate. Dr has the title of bandwagon now since you que more then t1 servers do but can’t leave t5 or 6, I don’t know where dr is now.
(edited by Buffy.9246)
Not sure why you guys think queing maps is a big deal lol. By queing 3 maps he means a que of 2 ppl. If that. This server is more of a community, everybody and every guild gets along. I was in T3 for a year with yaks bunker, and they argued every day within guilds/at commanders. You see ppl kitten up here and ppl tell them what to do to fix it. Its a big community that every1 loves to fight for. Which is why guilds xfer here. Its all drama free. We fight for bags and to make kids cry after we beat them because we’ve been t8 for so long. cya on the way up CD.
Apprently dr ques the same maps as sos…..jq only do one map and I think tc has 0-1. I don’t know blackgate. Dr has the title of bandwagon now since you que more then t1 servers do but can’t leave t5 or 6, I don’t know where dr is now.
Sure we can, and we will. Go look at our matchup history, and you’ll see that we’re already T5, and next week expect us in T4.
I’m not sure where all the Queue talk is coming from, maybe on Reset and that is a big maybe we can queue 3 maps but every other day of the week the only map I ever see Queue’d is EB. Guilds map hop without issue, usually we can get the majority of our guild in EB in a moments notice with maybe a 15 man queue, so all this talk about Queue’s is not exactly accurate.
DR is a fun server, very little drama, we have fun and we have decent coverage. Everyone on the server new and old have been great about keeping the server non toxic. I’ve been on a few different servers throughout my travels trying to find a home that made the game enjoyable and DR is by far the least toxic server I have had the pleasure of being part of.
I think the main reason DR can que maps unlike most servers is since we have most of our server using one central communication line that we all hop together as we typically try to paper things at same time rather then having everyone being disorganized and hitting 2 or 3 separate maps.
One of the issues most servers have is the lack of working together, if you have 2 keeps under attack you will fight over which one gets defended and most guilds will end up fighting over that. We all work to defend both rather then fussing over which one needs more help. We have several guilds that work closely with each other for defense and offense, rather then 1 giant guild. By having several guilds and several leaders it allows us to have assignments for each week to work towards a common cause which is to put up a great fight and have fun. We obviously want to win but losing a few times to a server doesn’t break us. We are aiming to climb and improve every week. So when we go against IoJ and CD sometime in the following weeks we won’t cry and give up if we lose once or twice. We will learn and adapt and hopefully be able to eventually win and move past the tier into next like we have done all the way to where we are.
We are climbing and growing by working together and building an unheard thing in this game called community. We are giving guilds a home that have been harrassed and abused on their current servers and not appreciated for what they were contributing. So the next time you go to a fellow server mate of yours and call him stupid or something rude just think that he doesn’t need to put up with you or your guild, he can transfer away and hurt you. The guy that stands in the runes and just tells you where the enemy is moving is useful even if he doesn’t know how to use his basic skills. Everybody in this game is useful in some way and doesn’t deserve to be put down. For to long larger guilds bullied roamers and other guilds for doing one thing or another so we offer a home to those guilds and tell them they don’t need to put up with being bullied anymore. We have taken guilds from all over for various reasons, whether that is because they wanted to move up with us in rankings, beat the guild that bullied them, or simply wanted a different play environment. We welcome them all. We are a place for people to come and enjoy the game for what is has to offer and let them play how they want to play, not tell them how to play and what to do.
I think the main reason DR can que maps unlike most servers is since we have most of our server using one central communication line that we all hop together as we typically try to paper things at same time rather then having everyone being disorganized and hitting 2 or 3 separate maps.
One of the issues most servers have is the lack of working together, if you have 2 keeps under attack you will fight over which one gets defended and most guilds will end up fighting over that. We all work to defend both rather then fussing over which one needs more help. We have several guilds that work closely with each other for defense and offense, rather then 1 giant guild. By having several guilds and several leaders it allows us to have assignments for each week to work towards a common cause which is to put up a great fight and have fun. We obviously want to win but losing a few times to a server doesn’t break us. We are aiming to climb and improve every week. So when we go against IoJ and CD sometime in the following weeks we won’t cry and give up if we lose once or twice. We will learn and adapt and hopefully be able to eventually win and move past the tier into next like we have done all the way to where we are.
We are climbing and growing by working together and building an unheard thing in this game called community. We are giving guilds a home that have been harrassed and abused on their current servers and not appreciated for what they were contributing. So the next time you go to a fellow server mate of yours and call him stupid or something rude just think that he doesn’t need to put up with you or your guild, he can transfer away and hurt you. The guy that stands in the runes and just tells you where the enemy is moving is useful even if he doesn’t know how to use his basic skills. Everybody in this game is useful in some way and doesn’t deserve to be put down. For to long larger guilds bullied roamers and other guilds for doing one thing or another so we offer a home to those guilds and tell them they don’t need to put up with being bullied anymore. We have taken guilds from all over for various reasons, whether that is because they wanted to move up with us in rankings, beat the guild that bullied them, or simply wanted a different play environment. We welcome them all. We are a place for people to come and enjoy the game for what is has to offer and let them play how they want to play, not tell them how to play and what to do.
This has convinced me. I’m tired of being a part of an unappreciated nightcrew, and not feel like I’m part of the community. I’m sick of not being able to play the way I want to play, being insulted for using my Spirit Ranger as a commander in WvW, despite my wealth of utility, water fields and lack of dying. I’m sick of being told to play for an arbitrary points tick; I just want to farm bags, I don’t care how I do it, I’d build 6 super ACs and 2 ballis if I have to. I’m tired being told continuously by my server to get on teamspeak, when all there is a cacophony of male voices and I can’t make head or tail what they’re saying. I’m sick and tired of hearing only male voices on teamspeak. Being such a wonderful community, I’m sure Devona’s Rest has attracted ample amounts of lovely ladies I can listen to on voice comms.
Looks like my guild and I, finally, have found a potential server that lets us do whatever the heck we want and not be segregated and belittled for it. #TeamDRftw
Where do I sign up?
Commander Jeremoo Boonsnuggle
This has convinced me. I’m tired of being a part of an unappreciated nightcrew, and not feel like I’m part of the community. I’m sick of not being able to play the way I want to play, being insulted for using my Spirit Ranger as a commander in WvW, despite my wealth of utility, water fields and lack of dying. I’m sick of being told to play for an arbitrary points tick; I just want to farm bags, I don’t care how I do it, I’d build 6 super ACs and 2 ballis if I have to. I’m tired being told continuously by my server to get on teamspeak, when all there is a cacophony of male voices and I can’t make head or tail what they’re saying. I’m sick and tired of hearing only male voices on teamspeak. Being such a wonderful community, I’m sure Devona’s Rest has attracted ample amounts of lovely ladies I can listen to on voice comms.
Looks like my guild and I, finally, have found a potential server that lets us do whatever the heck we want and not be segregated and belittled for it. #TeamDRftw
Where do I sign up?
if you are serious about possibly coming to DR contact Silent Rapture or Svidangit.
(edited by MadBomber.3719)
DR nightcrew does have a surprisingly high amount of females, enough that they run a ladies only Zerg with one of the DMD leaders leading it. We obviously perfer you are on teamspeak to hear whispers and such to know where everyone is going but we also post in map chat prior to switching. After transfers a lot of guilds don’t really use teamspeak. We do have it set up so all guilds can have thier own private room as well as a few central grouping/roaming rooms people can join to get people together. Typically nightcrews work in silence just taking all the keeps.
I think the main reason DR can que maps unlike most servers is since we have most of our server using one central communication line that we all hop together as we typically try to paper things at same time rather then having everyone being disorganized and hitting 2 or 3 separate maps.
One of the issues most servers have is the lack of working together, if you have 2 keeps under attack you will fight over which one gets defended and most guilds will end up fighting over that. We all work to defend both rather then fussing over which one needs more help. We have several guilds that work closely with each other for defense and offense, rather then 1 giant guild. By having several guilds and several leaders it allows us to have assignments for each week to work towards a common cause which is to put up a great fight and have fun. We obviously want to win but losing a few times to a server doesn’t break us. We are aiming to climb and improve every week. So when we go against IoJ and CD sometime in the following weeks we won’t cry and give up if we lose once or twice. We will learn and adapt and hopefully be able to eventually win and move past the tier into next like we have done all the way to where we are.
We are climbing and growing by working together and building an unheard thing in this game called community. We are giving guilds a home that have been harrassed and abused on their current servers and not appreciated for what they were contributing. So the next time you go to a fellow server mate of yours and call him stupid or something rude just think that he doesn’t need to put up with you or your guild, he can transfer away and hurt you. The guy that stands in the runes and just tells you where the enemy is moving is useful even if he doesn’t know how to use his basic skills. Everybody in this game is useful in some way and doesn’t deserve to be put down. For to long larger guilds bullied roamers and other guilds for doing one thing or another so we offer a home to those guilds and tell them they don’t need to put up with being bullied anymore. We have taken guilds from all over for various reasons, whether that is because they wanted to move up with us in rankings, beat the guild that bullied them, or simply wanted a different play environment. We welcome them all. We are a place for people to come and enjoy the game for what is has to offer and let them play how they want to play, not tell them how to play and what to do.
This has convinced me. I’m tired of being a part of an unappreciated nightcrew, and not feel like I’m part of the community. I’m sick of not being able to play the way I want to play, being insulted for using my Spirit Ranger as a commander in WvW, despite my wealth of utility, water fields and lack of dying. I’m sick of being told to play for an arbitrary points tick; I just want to farm bags, I don’t care how I do it, I’d build 6 super ACs and 2 ballis if I have to. I’m tired being told continuously by my server to get on teamspeak, when all there is a cacophony of male voices and I can’t make head or tail what they’re saying. I’m sick and tired of hearing only male voices on teamspeak. Being such a wonderful community, I’m sure Devona’s Rest has attracted ample amounts of lovely ladies I can listen to on voice comms.
Looks like my guild and I, finally, have found a potential server that lets us do whatever the heck we want and not be segregated and belittled for it. #TeamDRftw
Where do I sign up?
One of our core guild DmD is full of females is part Oceanic, you can here alot of female voiced in their TS.)
Our ladies (and manladies) love this event and it’s a general all round fun time of drinks and random drunk WvW.
The beating continues until order is restored
Im actually SEA, not Oceanic, does your population of lovely ladies decline during SEA prime time? Is it a sausage fest? I’m getting sick of sausage. =p
Commander Jeremoo Boonsnuggle
I wonder if DR need a pro forum warrior…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Im actually SEA, not Oceanic, does your population of lovely ladies decline during SEA prime time? Is it a sausage fest? I’m getting sick of sausage. =p
nah there are a number of ladies that play EU/SEA.
Im actually SEA, not Oceanic, does your population of lovely ladies decline during SEA prime time? Is it a sausage fest? I’m getting sick of sausage. =p
nah there are a number of ladies that play EU/SEA.
SEA/EU since SEA comes before. Sorry had too ;=;
Anyways looking forward to facing DR next week unless RNG is a kitten. Will write a full report on how good of a bandwagon they are compared to past ones and how kittenty each and everyone of their players are just like every other person.
<3 you all.
All seriousness. Looking forward to the old T6 Rivals of ours, even if 90% of them dont remember it.
IoJ fell from tier 1 to tier 7 then bandwagon to tier 3 as well. We will see
if we can be competent in tier 4 considering CD is a tier 3 level server.
They beat Yaks Bend and Dragonbrand in tier 3 once. The only concern is
the No. of cheaters and hackers will further increase tier 4 and upwards.
(edited by Spica.9308)
IoJ fell from tier 1 to tier 7 then bandwagon to tier 3 as well. We will see
if we can be competent in tier 4 considering CD is a tier 3 level server.
They beat Yaks Bend and Dragonbrand in tier 3 once. The only concern is
the No. of cheaters and hackers will further increase tier 4 and upwards.
Im well aware of our history
Our T3 rise wasnt a bandwagon— Our bandwagon was to T4 then Season 1 hit and we lost our NA prime guilds. All of them. Our Stint in T3 was due to a popular EU commander and our SEA guild who has gone MIA since S2 due to their overtime put in.
It is also probably due to the fact that DK was still not playing actively on YB. Without him YB loses a ton of coverage and players.
We beat SBI solely because they were taking it Easy the 2 weeks before, at least bannok was which is one of the top reasons SBI stays where they are in T3 and kills T4.
Though I do agree— We bandwagoned super hard when we picked up RUN, SE, PR, and others.
Im actually SEA, not Oceanic, does your population of lovely ladies decline during SEA prime time? Is it a sausage fest? I’m getting sick of sausage. =p
Hate to disappoint you, but these ladies will beat you down in a few seconds
Best to just enjoy the company of the server and have fun male or female!
The beating continues until order is restored
Ladies night still going on? Didn’t the first ever one get cut short because the matchup was against YB and HoD that pretty much dominated with coverage?
Well on side note glad to see my former homies doing well.
Looks like dr can’t match with yb and ioj.
Ladies night still going on? Didn’t the first ever one get cut short because the matchup was against YB and HoD that pretty much dominated with coverage?
Well on side note glad to see my former homies doing well.
It was YB and SF. Where YB dominated alone.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Looks like dr can’t match with yb and ioj.
IoJ definately, YB probably, tbh its hard to tell, were the new kid on the block so were just having a blast fighting both at once.
Ladies night still going on? Didn’t the first ever one get cut short because the matchup was against YB and HoD that pretty much dominated with coverage?
Well on side note glad to see my former homies doing well.
skyhawk, we had multiple Ladies Night on E.T. after that too
At our new home we had struggles during the same type of dominated match up and still had fun too!
I also believe our self elected mayor without his consent put on a very convincing female voice. *cough"
Oh Aggie had mentioned “LADIES NIGHT COMING SATURDAY” prepare your livers…
The beating continues until order is restored
Sieg i remember >.> You may not remember me, but i remember most key figures from BoM. I remember a lot of key moments where i felt i had fun in WvW with BoM.
All I can say is good luck with dominated matchups, several weeks in a row and lets see how DR’s community stands.
Sieg i remember >.> You may not remember me, but i remember most key figures from BoM. I remember a lot of key moments where i felt i had fun in WvW with BoM.
All I can say is good luck with dominated matchups, several weeks in a row and lets see how DR’s community stands.
We’ve actually hit a big GoM wall that’s been thrashing us for several weeks and we got through that fine. Win or lose the community is quite good here. People have been calling us “bandwagon” even before S2 tourney started, So that’s at least half a year already and it has no effect whatsoever on us. lol
(edited by alvinjason.3109)
Sieg i remember >.> You may not remember me, but i remember most key figures from BoM. I remember a lot of key moments where i felt i had fun in WvW with BoM.
All I can say is good luck with dominated matchups, several weeks in a row and lets see how DR’s community stands.
Trust me mate, I had fun too. But there’s certain things going on in the background that wasn’t acceptable and it wasn’t an easy decision either. I had really good relationships with sky, TAL, SOL and Nob. But I chosen to keep the guild together and moved off instead.
I hope you all have been doing well and one day we’ll meet again
The beating continues until order is restored
Our ladies (and manladies) love this event and it’s a general all round fun time of drinks and random drunk WvW.
WOOT, can’t wait! We ladies do indeed love Ladies’ Night, but let’s face it though, most nights are ladies’ nights here on Devona’s Rest
Let’s gooooo, jump in ts, grab your beers and kill stuff with us.
P.S. I am really enjoying being on DR; awesome community and great guild leaders/admins server-wide. Love you DR you sexy beast you…
Chokehold [DAD]
DR should look to T2 and 3 now side they tried and failed to poach our Ocx guilds
Bear, Olaf, eta, TS, RI, Nnk, TFV, the list goes onnnn
lol, how much they offer you guys to join their community?
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
No fair
I got paid .05 copper
Im actually SEA, not Oceanic, does your population of lovely ladies decline during SEA prime time? Is it a sausage fest? I’m getting sick of sausage. =p
we have females running at SEA time as well but definitely more of them during OCx. OC/SEA time aren’t very far off just around 2 hours difference. I’m SEA but I play EU nights since I work during EU time.
(edited by alvinjason.3109)
lol, how much they offer you guys to join their community?
We moved here 4 months ago after an exhaustive search. DR was selected because it was the community that we felt would be the best fit for us and spoiler alert it has been.
’Waypoints? What waypoints?"
lol, how much they offer you guys to join their community?
When they asked me to join i told them i wasn’t coming unless i got a couple high end legendaries out of the deal :^)…. They told me to just stay on my crap server…
(edited by skyhawk.5149)
lol, how much they offer you guys to join their community?
We moved here 4 months ago after an exhaustive search. DR was selected because it was the community that we felt would be the best fit for us and spoiler alert it has been.
Feels like a year now, like they’ve been part of us since forever. If you come here to DR you will feel home
we’re gonna need some hands on OCx vs T3/T4 coverage hit us up if you feel like you want a new home where you will belong and be appreciated.
If your stuck on a server and your sick of PvD all night and want a great community then hit us up, currently we are in T4. Our NA time slot is contending just fine up here, however, our OCX/Sea could use some help. There is plenty of action here regardless of your time zone.
I am so HARD!!!
Leader, [FIST] Fire Support Team
bummmmmmmmmmp =D Come join DR peoples
halo can someone pm/mail me ingame please
I’m interested (alone) about xferring to DR
Kudos to DR for diligent community building. As a lifetime Yak this is the first time I’ve seen you in action and I’m positively impressed. Dynamical play, good small scale tactics (special shout-out to BOMB), your war effort is clearly coming together as you have been climbing up the ladder. You’re now a solid T4 server but if you want to reach T3 you’ll have to work on that crippling coverage gap. Otherwise half of your daily effort goes into rebuilding what was lost during the one-sided time-out.
- characters
DR queued 4 maps for at least an hour on reset. They need MOAR!!!!!!
DR queued 4 maps for at least an hour on reset. They need MOAR!!!!!!
You’re right! DR looking for OCX & SEA guilds/ players. Come be apart of a great community! this thing on? Oh there we go. of the unofficial mayors of DR here. Been here since the days of routine basement dwelling. Wasn’t fun. This is. A group of people playing the game they want, but finding a way to make the whole better than the sum of the parts.
We still offer major server events…a druken ranger zerg that is best in the game, a ladies night that will force you to cover the ears of the younger players, specific times to practice server wide tactics..and many guilds, small and large who simply like to “get after it”, play hard and have some fun. These are a few of the things we do..the rest we can’t put into print.
If you are tired of the routines, and/or want to put some fun back into the game, come join us. You wont be disappointed.
Hit me, or any of the above posters up in game and we can direct you to the right place. You can also check us out at
Look forward to seeing you soon!
So one bandwagon server to another.
DR queued 4 maps for at least an hour on reset. They need MOAR!!!!!!
If it’s not a constant, I don’t see a issue…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
It is consistent!
It is consistent!
Nice try, but it’s not even true on T1…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing