Anyone feel the wasted potential?

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


We had the game engine and combat system thats smoother and streamlined than most Mmos right now
-The opportunity to create the RvR game for many years,
-With in depth reward and match up systems,
-Guild coordination in large scale pvp
-Open pvp in a variety of WvW maps, many that utilize EXISTING pve maps
-A culture of its own together with small subcultures like GvGs
-The “hardcore” and committed mentality
-A mode that can keep players and groups of players hooked playing the EXACT SAME THING for many months and still enjoy because it allowed us to do and achieve things working alone as part of something greater or together as a guild or group of friends
-All of that and so much more

I cant help but feel, and I know im not alone, that all of the potential was just kittened away, kittened right out of their hands.
-either but a lack of resources and people (small wvw team/multiple LS teams,
-a different development philosophy (focus on pve),
-A rigid design (did not expect WvW to be so popular,
-no major shifts in game development to compensate)
-or just plain dev apathy especially for the many months leading up to today (no dev communication or feedback/Grouch Lying about having a WvW Cdi)

Personally my theory is all of the above on top of the China release which is supposedly bigger than NA and EU.

(edited by SpehssMehreen.5897)

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Karuna.1357


They will probably milk the China bucks for all it is worth. Until that market starts to get bored/disgruntled with no new WvW content, then they will finally start reacting to the problem. But, by that time NA and EU may already be long gone.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


They will probably milk the China bucks for all it is worth. Until that market starts to get bored/disgruntled with no new WvW content, then they will finally start reacting to the problem. But, by that time NA and EU may already be long gone.

In fact, Why should they make any new content or spend resources on substantial changes? most of the market has already been tapped in places like NA and EU, meanwhile in china its fresh and new with Qs in the several hundreds,with all the fun and joy, love and phrase of a new mmo, In makes sense in a cynical way, prolly explains why theres no content, or even a whisper of communication

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


-Open pvp in a variety of WvW maps, many that utilize EXISTING pve maps

How neat wouldnt it be with a new full size WvW map with parts of the PvE world visible through the mists, connected by a series of portals/platforms. Like, one moment your in Hoelbrak, only to go through a portal and have a grand 50v50 battle inside Fort Trinity, then move through another portal and have to fight a battle against entranched foes in the Frostgorge Dredge tunnels followed by a huge battle on the open fields surrounding Fort Salma… which of course is topped by the next area that is the central part of the Black Citadel.

So yes, there is wasted potential there.

Anet keep saying that making a new map take time but come on…

They could just take entire Divinitys Reach and make a WvW map out of it. A spawn triangle (NW, S, NE) and off you go for WvW battles inside a city. Can you even fathom the awesome?!?!

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Once I went to spectate a GvG match between 2 very popular guilds… Obsidian Sanctum was full and people had to queue to get in.

I think that illustrates the failed potential right there, when a massive amount of player is trying to participate or watch a game mode that is MISSING from the game. It is my opinion that Anet dropped the ball on GvG and made a huge mistake underestimating it’s importance and the expectations of Guild Wars players.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Karuna.1357


Once I went to spectate a GvG match between 2 very popular guilds… Obsidian Sanctum was full and people had to queue to get in.

I think that illustrates the failed potential right there, when a massive amount of player is trying to participate or watch a game mode that is MISSING from the game. It is my opinion that Anet dropped the ball on GvG and made a huge mistake underestimating it’s importance and the expectations of Guild Wars players.

True. I never have understood why they have such a huge chip on their shoulder against GvG. Especially since such a huge portion of the WvW (and even some non-WvW population) want it.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


The really depressing part is that it’s too late.

Even if, tomorrow, they release 3 new awesome maps, a fully-functional GvG-mode, proper commander tags, a reward-track system that considers scouts and defenders, and some miracle-fix to populations and coverage….. even with all that I don’t think even half of the big guilds and big characters that made WvW so special would return. Season 1 was the last throw of the dice, the last chance to make WvW into something permanent, but instead it was a PvE achievement grind. GG.

There’s no point still hoping for ANet to make it all better, because even if they throw everything they’ve got at it…. not very much will change. And that is precisely why they won’t do anything.

All is vain.


(edited by Ragnar.4257)

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Everyone feels wasted potential. Except Anet, of course.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Once I went to spectate a GvG match between 2 very popular guilds… Obsidian Sanctum was full and people had to queue to get in.

I think that illustrates the failed potential right there, when a massive amount of player is trying to participate or watch a game mode that is MISSING from the game. It is my opinion that Anet dropped the ball on GvG and made a huge mistake underestimating it’s importance and the expectations of Guild Wars players.

The GvG thing is interesting because Anet went out of their way to reduce individual competition in WvW. They made a point of emphasizing no enemy names were visible, and there would be no leaderboards. They did, however, make guild names visible.

What happened? Competition in WvW flourished at the guild level (instead of the individual). Because these were the only enemies you could identify.

It was inevitable then that Anet was unable to deal with it, because the entire design approach of WvW was predicated on reducing competition and making it “casual” PvP. They were just intellectually unable to integrate GvGs.

This blind spot is the explanation for the Ruins of Power design in the Borderlands. With no framework for actual player vs player competition in WvW, they imported the competitive PvP model wholesale from sPvP. The result there speaks for itself.

Wasted Potential? You betcha. It’s almost inconceivable now the feverish anticipation there was for WvW at launch and before. I doubt we’ll ever see anything like that again in the MMORPG space.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

I keep playing wvw every night because I love my guild and I love the fights. It’s the only thing that still challenges me everyday.
That being said, the stagnation and lack of development are real.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


If they give us everything than what will they be able to make an expansion out of?

Don’t you get feeling that we are due for an expansion sometime soon.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


This blind spot is the explanation for the Ruins of Power design in the Borderlands. With no framework for actual player vs player competition in WvW, they imported the competitive PvP model wholesale from sPvP. The result there speaks for itself.

You got it right there, the ruins. I forgot about it because it’s so useless to the gameplay.
It’s only a place you walk through when you need to travel the map in diagonal. Huge failed potential right there.

It’s merely a graphic update and if we were being honest here we would admit that the lake with the quaggans and weather node were actually more interesting than the ruins capping.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


Once I went to spectate a GvG match between 2 very popular guilds… Obsidian Sanctum was full and people had to queue to get in.

I think that illustrates the failed potential right there, when a massive amount of player is trying to participate or watch a game mode that is MISSING from the game. It is my opinion that Anet dropped the ball on GvG and made a huge mistake underestimating it’s importance and the expectations of Guild Wars players.

True. I never have understood why they have such a huge chip on their shoulder against GvG. Especially since such a huge portion of the WvW (and even some non-WvW population) want it.

There was a video awhile back with two of the PvP devs where GvG came up, and the reaction shot when the topic was even broached pretty much said it all. Immediate long face, uhhh, why are those idiots trying to do that look.

On the original topic though, every time you load into WvW you can feel the wasted potential. It is an extremely impressive game with mechanics and features that no other title can boast, but it’s been terribly mismanaged since day one.

I believe this is a larger problem with big dollar AAA titles. Cookie cutter series, increasingly shocking greed with cash shops, devs that seem more like corporate robots than gamers. Look to indie titles and devs like Epic that are taking a chance with different business models, and real community development with the people who are most passionate about their games.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


It’s probably too late by now and Anet knows it. There’s not even a shred of pretence left about them caring about WvW. PvE and Spvp are the meat of the game, WvW is the casual place you jump in to mess around once in awhile and merits attention as such.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


They will probably milk the China bucks for all it is worth. Until that market starts to get bored/disgruntled with no new WvW content, then they will finally start reacting to the problem. But, by that time NA and EU may already be long gone.

Doubt major WvWvW changes will happen because of that. By the time Chinese players get utterly fed up, the company will pump out a new title with new promises, new hype and the cycle continues. If they kitten up royally(one can argue that this ship has sailed) then the suits will probably set up shop under a new brand, rinse and repeat. The greed and bs are here to stay but I’d love to be proven wrong.

Whispers with meat.

Anyone feel the wasted potential?

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

What is even more concerning is that they are not infracting posts any more.

Is it because so many people are now complaining that the mods cannot keep up so have given up?
Or are they just waiting for all of us to post enough so that when they come to a mass infractioning we all get enough points added to our accounts to “warrant” a perma-ban?

On another note, check out this PvE thread:

One day, 6 red posts!
Again that’s 1 thread, 1 day, 6 red posts!!!

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)