Bye bye Mezmers

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Lola.4172


I love my Mez .. but now I gotta retire her.
Useless in for farming PvE and an expensive, dog slow, stumbling, pin cushion in WvW.

Necros are the new light amour, must have, Zerg accessory …. well….. till they Nerf that too.

Leave the Thief’s alone.. at least we know where the trolls are.


Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


The only actual complaint I saw in here was “slow”.
I too agree Mesmers are pretttttty slow. I think the real problem is that the other classes are too fast…But anyways…

The fact is every other profession does get a way (trait, utility, weapon, etc) to run faster than normal or leap consistently. Mesmers get Swiftness on a single off-hand weapon. They have no Utility skill that lets them run faster. They have no trait that lets them run faster out of combat nor any leaps. Nothing. I do agree with you Mesmers are annoyingly slow but they’re far from a burden in WvW and I manage to farm PvE perfectly fine with mine so I don’t know where that complaint came from.

Guild Leader
Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
Apply @ | |

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

They actually are, at least group play mesmers. I totally agree with you that mesmers are strong in duels and even in 5v5 but for world vs world they are close to useless.

- A mesmer that rerolled to warrior.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

A Warrior has definetly more value to a zerg than the mesmer has

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


The only actual complaint I saw in here was “slow”.
I too agree Mesmers are pretttttty slow. I think the real problem is that the other classes are too fast…But anyways…

The fact is every other profession does get a way (trait, utility, weapon, etc) to run faster than normal or leap consistently. Mesmers get Swiftness on a single off-hand weapon. They have no Utility skill that lets them run faster. They have no trait that lets them run faster out of combat nor any leaps. Nothing. I do agree with you Mesmers are annoyingly slow but they’re far from a burden in WvW and I manage to farm PvE perfectly fine with mine so I don’t know where that complaint came from.

Necros are slow.

Warriors are slow in the current meta build -mace/shield +LB- or S/S +LB.

Non BM rangers can’t get away as easily.

Guardians are slow.

Mesmers have access to portals, blink, staff teleports -just link blink and staff teleports- swiftness wall/wall pull and have traits that give them increased speed for every illusion:

Every class has to sacrifice some utility or damage skills in order to get access to mobility -with exception to the broken thief class, of course-.

I don’t see why mesmers should be treated in any way special, do you? Learn to adapt and compromise like the rest of the gw2 community.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


The only actual complaint I saw in here was “slow”.
I too agree Mesmers are pretttttty slow. I think the real problem is that the other classes are too fast…But anyways…

The fact is every other profession does get a way (trait, utility, weapon, etc) to run faster than normal or leap consistently. Mesmers get Swiftness on a single off-hand weapon. They have no Utility skill that lets them run faster. They have no trait that lets them run faster out of combat nor any leaps. Nothing. I do agree with you Mesmers are annoyingly slow but they’re far from a burden in WvW and I manage to farm PvE perfectly fine with mine so I don’t know where that complaint came from.

Necros are slow.

Warriors are slow in the current meta build -mace/shield +LB- or S/S +LB.

Non BM rangers can’t get away as easily.

Guardians are slow.

Mesmers have access to portals, blink, staff teleports -just link blink and staff teleports- swiftness wall/wall pull and have traits that give them increased speed for every illusion:

Every class has to sacrifice some utility or damage skills in order to get access to mobility -with exception to the broken thief class, of course-.

I don’t see why mesmers should be treated in any way special, do you? Learn to adapt and compromise like the rest of the gw2 community.

Necros have a 25% run signet
Warriors have several leaps and a trait that lets them run 25% faster with a melee weapon
Rangers have a few leaps and a 25% run speed signet
Guardians have leaps and can easily maintain perm swiftness.

You completely and utterly missed the point to literally everything I was saying and I kindly ask you to try reading next time.

Guild Leader
Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
Apply @ | |

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

A Warrior has definetly more value to a zerg than the mesmer has


Blink, decoy and invis your self into a tower to drop a portal. Any GOOD mesmer can do that. Google portal bomb.

Teleporting Golems.

Mass invis:

Ever seen organized zergs with a mesmer use it? Yep.

Another mass invis -10 people..not 5 like every other AOE in the game-:

Time warp:

Enough Said.

Does ANY other class in the game has access to ANY of the above? Didn’t think so.

Any commander worth his salt would want a mesmer over a warrior that CCs 5 ppl max out of the 30man zerg in the front every 9 seconds -if he isn’t blinded or destroye- any time of the day. Take a survey..

It’s funny coming across the weird little isolated reality mesmer players live in where they think they are entited to more and more even though they have the best and most unique skills that affect zergs or spvp.

If some of the tasks for a mesmer in WvW aren’t fun then play another class. Guess what, warriors don’t like being cc / condi removal bots and guardians get bored with being meat shields/boon batteries.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


you guys must be bad as i had a mesmer outrun my engineer wich had perma swiftness build and i even crippled and froze her some times as well

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


You gotta be kidding? in WvW other then Thief i have pretty much no problem against any class of any build. I have won plenty of 1 v X as well. Sure we are slow out of combat, the fact i have to carry Focus just to get around is kinda annoying but no way is it dead or anything.

Memsers are great solo, in small groups and in zergs feedback owns unorganized zergs, combine that with Chaos Storm, Perplexity 6/6 and you are very powerful. You might not be a member of the front charging (unless greatsword/sword) but you are still very much a wanted class.

I do great in PvE as well, especially the new events, Choas Storm, Shatters, Syaff and Feedback alone mean i am easily able to tag alot – to the point i am having to LEAVE loot behind despite going with like 20-30 free slots i am still getting full of items.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: XII.9401


The only actual complaint I saw in here was “slow”.
I too agree Mesmers are pretttttty slow. I think the real problem is that the other classes are too fast…But anyways…

The fact is every other profession does get a way (trait, utility, weapon, etc) to run faster than normal or leap consistently. Mesmers get Swiftness on a single off-hand weapon. They have no Utility skill that lets them run faster. They have no trait that lets them run faster out of combat nor any leaps. Nothing. I do agree with you Mesmers are annoyingly slow but they’re far from a burden in WvW and I manage to farm PvE perfectly fine with mine so I don’t know where that complaint came from.

Necros are slow.

Warriors are slow in the current meta build -mace/shield +LB- or S/S +LB.

Non BM rangers can’t get away as easily.

Guardians are slow.

Mesmers have access to portals, blink, staff teleports -just link blink and staff teleports- swiftness wall/wall pull and have traits that give them increased speed for every illusion:

Every class has to sacrifice some utility or damage skills in order to get access to mobility -with exception to the broken thief class, of course-.

I don’t see why mesmers should be treated in any way special, do you? Learn to adapt and compromise like the rest of the gw2 community.

Necros have a 25% run signet
Warriors have several leaps and a trait that lets them run 25% faster with a melee weapon
Rangers have a few leaps and a 25% run speed signet
Guardians have leaps and can easily maintain perm swiftness.

You completely and utterly missed the point to literally everything I was saying and I kindly ask you to try reading next time.

You can have 30% speed and more using

If you don’t use it..not our’s like a necro saying I don’t use the signet and I want to run faster. Or a warrior saying I don’t use a sword/GS and I want to move faster.
Again..not every ranger equips weapons for leaps and signets for movement speed.

We can’t have everything in this game or in RL and so can’t you. Just the way things work.

Anet provided you with Staff teleports, blinks, portals, stealth and Compounding celerity to move around . Think of using them.

I would be happy as a warrior to have access to 8 secoond cool down teleports, portals, Instant teleport blinks that breaks stun and stealth and I don’t want leaps on my weapon skills. Once the other classes get these skills then I will wholeheartedly support more snickers more mobility to mesmers.

Here I think this might help a bit:

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Why your team mates won’t give you swiftness? It should be kind of easy keep 1 min swiftness on whole time.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


The only actual complaint I saw in here was “slow”.
I too agree Mesmers are pretttttty slow. I think the real problem is that the other classes are too fast…But anyways…

The fact is every other profession does get a way (trait, utility, weapon, etc) to run faster than normal or leap consistently. Mesmers get Swiftness on a single off-hand weapon. They have no Utility skill that lets them run faster. They have no trait that lets them run faster out of combat nor any leaps. Nothing. I do agree with you Mesmers are annoyingly slow but they’re far from a burden in WvW and I manage to farm PvE perfectly fine with mine so I don’t know where that complaint came from.

Necros are slow.

Warriors are slow in the current meta build -mace/shield +LB- or S/S +LB.

Non BM rangers can’t get away as easily.

Guardians are slow.

Mesmers have access to portals, blink, staff teleports -just link blink and staff teleports- swiftness wall/wall pull and have traits that give them increased speed for every illusion:

Every class has to sacrifice some utility or damage skills in order to get access to mobility -with exception to the broken thief class, of course-.

I don’t see why mesmers should be treated in any way special, do you? Learn to adapt and compromise like the rest of the gw2 community.

Necros have a 25% run signet
Warriors have several leaps and a trait that lets them run 25% faster with a melee weapon
Rangers have a few leaps and a 25% run speed signet
Guardians have leaps and can easily maintain perm swiftness.

You completely and utterly missed the point to literally everything I was saying and I kindly ask you to try reading next time.

You can have 30% speed and more using

If you don’t use it..not our’s like a necro saying I don’t use the signet and I want to run faster. Or a warrior saying I don’t use a sword/GS and I want to move faster.
Again..not every ranger equips weapons for leaps and signets for movement speed.

We can’t have everything in this game or in RL and so can’t you. Just the way things work.

Anet provided you with Staff teleports, blinks, portals, stealth and Compounding celerity to move around . Think of using them.

I would be happy as a warrior to have access to 8 secoond cool down teleports, portals, Instant teleport blinks that breaks stun and stealth and I don’t want leaps on my weapon skills. Once the other classes get these skills then I will wholeheartedly support more snickers more mobility to mesmers.

Here I think this might help a bit:

Guess what. Since you can’t read I’ll do you’re job for you just this once.

They have no trait that lets them run faster out of combat nor any leaps.

run faster out of combat

Not once did I say Mesmers have bad combat mobility nor any lack-luster party/combat Utility skills. This entire thread is about two things.

1.) Mesmers are slow runners and have limited to no options to increase their standard run speed while out of combat like every other profession.
2.) Mesmers are bad and useless in WvW.

…and I already said they are far from useless in WvW.

Please learn to read. I feel it’ll go a long way to increasing the amount you can actually contribute to threads.
Thank you.

Guild Leader
Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
Apply @ | |

(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

A Warrior has definetly more value to a zerg than the mesmer has


Blink, decoy and invis your self into a tower to drop a portal. Any GOOD mesmer can do that. Google portal bomb.

Teleporting Golems.

Mass invis:

Ever seen organized zergs with a mesmer use it? Yep.

Another mass invis -10 people..not 5 like every other AOE in the game-:

Time warp:

Enough Said.

Does ANY other class in the game has access to ANY of the above? Didn’t think so.

Any commander worth his salt would want a mesmer over a warrior that CCs 5 ppl max out of the 30man zerg in the front every 9 seconds -if he isn’t blinded or destroye- any time of the day. Take a survey..

It’s funny coming across the weird little isolated reality mesmer players live in where they think they are entited to more and more even though they have the best and most unique skills that affect zergs or spvp.

If some of the tasks for a mesmer in WvW aren’t fun then play another class. Guess what, warriors don’t like being cc / condi removal bots and guardians get bored with being meat shields/boon batteries.

Im talking about actual open field combat vs two organized groups 20-25, where the warrior is more valueable than the mesmer.

Better CC, much better con removal, provides very important boons (vigor, swiftness, fury, might), access to stability, better survivability the list goes on… also gets more bags btw..

also you cannot blink into a keep / tower / whatever unless there is a door / wall down.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


You can have 30% speed and more using

And no you can’t .

You need to be in combat to summon clones, so 30% more speed on your combat speed is going to be about.. ehh.. less than your normal speed.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

A Warrior has definetly more value to a zerg than the mesmer has


Blink, decoy and invis your self into a tower to drop a portal. Any GOOD mesmer can do that. Google portal bomb.

Teleporting Golems.

Mass invis:

Ever seen organized zergs with a mesmer use it? Yep.

Another mass invis -10 people..not 5 like every other AOE in the game-:

Time warp:

Enough Said.

Does ANY other class in the game has access to ANY of the above? Didn’t think so.

Any commander worth his salt would want a mesmer over a warrior that CCs 5 ppl max out of the 30man zerg in the front every 9 seconds -if he isn’t blinded or destroye- any time of the day. Take a survey..

It’s funny coming across the weird little isolated reality mesmer players live in where they think they are entited to more and more even though they have the best and most unique skills that affect zergs or spvp.

If some of the tasks for a mesmer in WvW aren’t fun then play another class. Guess what, warriors don’t like being cc / condi removal bots and guardians get bored with being meat shields/boon batteries.

portal: 90 sec cooldown, good for golem portaling and hiding in keep to portal friends in

timewarp:240 cooldown i only use it to tw golems, but with that massive cd it doesnt last long enough

blink: helps in small fights, but zerg will still steamroll u as the range is quite short and cd again is pretty long.

mass invis: slightly better imo opinion as cd is only 180, but the stelth applied last only a little

nullfield: is one of the best ones to bring as it rips boons and cleanses conditions, but necro wells are a little better atm.

the thing is , yes these utilities are unique to the mesmer, but only being part of wvw due to utilities is not fun for me. when i run with my guild, we got a ton of mesmers with us, but we like to fight. we wanna be a serious threat aswell. having 5 hammerwarriors and an ele is far more effective atm, as the cc, waterfields and dps is stronger in the current zerg meta.

atm i only feel like playing wvw when my guild is on as i hate being asked to be the portal, veil and tw bot. other commanders even ask me to stay out of the fight so i can tw and mass invis them.i dont always wann be seen as support
i think since the glambuild was nerfed to the ground, mesmers lost alot of their viability in big fights. we are still pretty good in small fights and with my guild i still feel sorta strong,but apart from our utilities most of the other classes can do things we can do, but better.
with the broken rune of perplexity thieves and warriors are the better confusion appliers,warriors,thieves and engis have better interrupts, necros have way better conditions, we have very little access to aoe dmg, the guardian is better at boonsharing, thief is specialist in stealth.
so i think we simly need something back that makes us specialists in something that does dmg, not just support(and no phantasms die too quick in a zerg)

that being said, mesmers are still jack of all trades, but we need something that goes a little deeper than just ports, a little stelth, alittle reflect, a little retal, a little of this and’s just a little messy atm, but maybe anet has to move mesmer a little away from being just a duelist…

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187



Blink, decoy and invis your self into a tower to drop a portal. Any GOOD mesmer can do that. Google portal bomb.

Teleporting Golems.

Mass invis:

Ever seen organized zergs with a mesmer use it? Yep.

Another mass invis -10 people..not 5 like every other AOE in the game-:

Time warp:

Enough Said.

Does ANY other class in the game has access to ANY of the above? Didn’t think so.

And this is exactly the reason why the WvW mesmer will never be buffed, because it has a useless set of utility skills.

I know alot of people will disagree that they’re useless, but I’m talking open field combat here, zerg busting, GvG.

Portal, it will only get you killed using it, ye it’s nice for hiding in a keep but how is that going to help me out on the battlefield? And why the hell would I want to teleport golems around?

Mass invis, how is a 10 man cap that gives a reveal buff to everyone that uses their skill right after useful when you run with more than 10 people? It’s a nice skill for 1v1, 5v5, but useless in WvW.

Timewarp used to be a nice skill, sadly it has been nerfed to 50% a while back and now it’s just.. a skill.. mostly just used for a chaos armor field on a 210 second cooldown.

The only one useful (and the only reason GvG teams still run a mesmer) is because it has a veil, and it’s nice to have a 2 second advantage on the enemy.

The thing is, they gave the mesmer all these utility skills and because of that they won’t buff the others. IMO that is a big problem.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I hate to use the learn to play excuse… but wow… learn the class before posting stuff like this. Mesmer’s are ridiculously powerful and still the best utility class.

They duel well, they skirmish well and they can be really powerful in zerg setting including veils, portals, timewarps and pulls. Heck even Moa hits bunker guardians in their low HP pool rears. People have to spend 5 minutes clearing keeps and castles thanks to their utility.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I hate to use the learn to play excuse… but wow… learn the class before posting stuff like this. Mesmer’s are ridiculously powerful and still the best utility class.

They duel well, they skirmish well and they can be really powerful in zerg setting including veils, portals, timewarps and pulls. Heck even Moa hits bunker guardians in their low HP pool rears. People have to spend 5 minutes clearing keeps and castles thanks to their utility.

like i said, dueling is not bad as a mesmer and yes portal comes in handy, but still we need more than that.ill gladly give up my veil and moa to get someting that helps me in zergfights.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

Spamming clones for damage is a mind-numbing endeavour to me.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Bailey.6892


The only actual complaint I saw in here was “slow”.
I too agree Mesmers are pretttttty slow. I think the real problem is that the other classes are too fast…But anyways…

My guardian is 1001 time slower than my mates meser.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I love my Mez .. but now I gotta retire her.
Useless in for farming PvE and an expensive, dog slow, stumbling, pin cushion in WvW.

Necros are the new light amour, must have, Zerg accessory …. well….. till they Nerf that too.

Leave the Thief’s alone.. at least we know where the trolls are.

I know a mesmer who’s very fast indeed. I believe it involves the staff and sceptre.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I love my Mez .. but now I gotta retire her.
Useless in for farming PvE and an expensive, dog slow, stumbling, pin cushion in WvW.

Necros are the new light amour, must have, Zerg accessory …. well….. till they Nerf that too.

Leave the Thief’s alone.. at least we know where the trolls are.

I know a mesmer who’s very fast indeed. I believe it involves the staff and sceptre.

erm what would staff and scepter have to do with speed?none of them have a speed ability……unless thing phaseretreat…which portals u back at a random location…..

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Aquilus.9423


I seriously can’t be bothered to read this. If you think Mesmer is useless in WvW, you are probably the worst Mesmer/WvW player EVER. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Veil: Line that grants stealth to ANY NUMBER of people who run across it. Used every single day by Mesmers to do more than any Warrior could to help the zerg.

Feedback: AoE reflects. Can be traited to last longer and have shorter CD. Just amazing skill in WvW.

Traited Focus: MOAR reflects. Just good.

Null Field: Boonstrip and/or Condition cleanse. Oh and it’s AoE.

Literally the ONLY thing you have right, OP, is that Mesmers are very slow, and must sacrifice to get speed (Run Focus/Blink/Staff and trait them as needed).

Mesmer is far from bad in WvW, and if you think they are, I suggest not blaming the class for your obvious shortcomings.

Edit: Oh, and the list I gave you? That’s only the beginning of what a Mesmer brings to WvW. Look in the Mesmer section and find all the builds made for WvW and the videos linked to them, then tell me Mesmer is bad.

The Xaldin Edge [XE] ~ Sorrow’s Furnace

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I seriously can’t be bothered to read this. If you think Mesmer is useless in WvW, you are probably the worst Mesmer/WvW player EVER. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Veil: Line that grants stealth to ANY NUMBER of people who run across it. Used every single day by Mesmers to do more than any Warrior could to help the zerg.

Feedback: AoE reflects. Can be traited to last longer and have shorter CD. Just amazing skill in WvW.

Traited Focus: MOAR reflects. Just good.

Null Field: Boonstrip and/or Condition cleanse. Oh and it’s AoE.

Literally the ONLY thing you have right, OP, is that Mesmers are very slow, and must sacrifice to get speed (Run Focus/Blink/Staff and trait them as needed).

Mesmer is far from bad in WvW, and if you think they are, I suggest not blaming the class for your obvious shortcomings.

Edit: Oh, and the list I gave you? That’s only the beginning of what a Mesmer brings to WvW. Look in the Mesmer section and find all the builds made for WvW and the videos linked to them, then tell me Mesmer is bad.

So what are you gonna reflect buddy? The Hammer stuns from the warriors? The Meteor Showers and all the other AoE from the eles? The Wells and marks from the necro? The Whirling Wraths from the guardian?

Have you ever tried to portal bomb a good guild grp? I wish you goodluck, you will need it.

Veil -> very good but 1-2 are enough and thats where it ends. They were fun to play and quite effective when the glamour build wasnt nerfed due the confusion nerf, but yea…

(edited by Sizzle Hint.1820)

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

Feedback: AoE reflects. Can be traited to last longer and have shorter CD. Just amazing skill in WvW.

Well and I think a zerg that uses projectile skills is bad, because there’s not a single projectile skill in the game valuable to open-field combat.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: LadyHorus.8214


I’ve been playing Mesmer since day one of launch and it’s still hard for me to pry away from playing it even though I wouldn’t mind branching out a bit. Mesmer is very useful in WvW for many of the reasons others have suggested. I guess the only thing I’ll agree on is I wish we had better swiftness utilities like the other classes. I don’t want to have to be in combat in order to gain a faster run speed (where normally, if you’re in a fight it isn’t terribly needed in my experience, unless to run away lol). There are other offhand weapons I greatly prefer using over a focus for various reasons (pistol and torch in my case). Signet of Inspiration, which provides random boons at 10 second intervals, is okay, and I believe the swiftness it randomly applies is something like 10 seconds, but I just can’t see the reason to use it in a slot that I’d rather have blink or decoy on etc. At least then it is a guarantee it’ll do what I want it to do lol… the signet does not always give switfness every time.

Other than that, I think Mesmer is pretty perfect. Sure they nerfed some things but… the way I was playing hasn’t been affected too much far as I can tell. I can still do most of what I always have in large or smaller fights.

And if you want near constant swiftness, many mesmers have found ways around that by using certain runes, like runes of the centaur or of the air, which give a switftness on heal. Paired with the Mirror healing skill you can cast it pretty often. I tend to use these occasionally when in WvW while running a more shatter oriented build.

Rosangela Marie: 80 Mesmer • Rosangela: 80 Elementalist
My Artworks! - Lady Horus Gaming

(edited by LadyHorus.8214)

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: krijgsheer.9624


I am also playing a mesmer and mostly running in a guild group of 20 people. More than two mesmers is not good in a group of 20, you will have much better results with swapping the third, fourth mesmer than to other classes.
Mesmers are indeed very strong if you don’t have any other mesmers so they are needed but not many. In our guild group all the leaders prefer two mesmers but not more. I don’t think we have 10 classes in game, so one out of ten is not that good.
Because wvw is most of the time big zerg or blob vs big zergs or blobs, i also think you don’t need that many mesmers in wvw.


Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

Mesmers are in bad shape in top pvp. That is a fact: there are next to no mesmers in the high end PAX tournament.
Mesmer is my main but I don’t really do other pvp except duels or 2v2 as a mesmer anymore. Zerger glass warrior (that damage!) is thousands times more fun when it comes to zerging and I’ve got my thief when I feel like trolling around. For spvp i just use whatever is most effective: spirit ranger, s/d thief, necro.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Wryog.5073


If you want a sPvP buff, sPvP forums are that way →
Mesmers are still extremely useful because of their unique support abilities. AoE stealth, portal and time warp? I’d trade all of my ele elites for any 1 of those.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

If you want a sPvP buff, sPvP forums are that way ->
Mesmers are still extremely useful because of their unique support abilities. AoE stealth, portal and time warp? I’d trade all of my ele elites for any 1 of those.

Then again, ele elites are what they are…

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

They actually are, at least group play mesmers. I totally agree with you that mesmers are strong in duels and even in 5v5 but for world vs world they are close to useless.

- A mesmer that rerolled to warrior.

High dps or not, Mesmers bring utility to ZvZs that no other class can come close to achieving. Portal and Viel can influence a battle unlike and other class in the game. They also have skills like Feedback, Chaos Storm, Timewarp. They’re far from useless on the support end of things.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Gotta be truly bad to complain about the most OP class in the game and the most essential one in organized zerging.

Try playing a warrior. Maye then you’ll see how hard not to rely on a handicap: 8 second teleports/stealth/access to immunity to anything at any time/ clones attacking while you are running or dodging/ 10 sec invulnerability for 2secs on a weapon skill.

Yep..mesmers are truly in bad shape.

They actually are, at least group play mesmers. I totally agree with you that mesmers are strong in duels and even in 5v5 but for world vs world they are close to useless.

- A mesmer that rerolled to warrior.

High dps or not, Mesmers bring utility to ZvZs that no other class can come close to achieving. Portal and Viel can influence a battle unlike and other class in the game. They also have skills like Feedback, Chaos Storm, Timewarp. They’re far from useless on the support end of things.

chaos storm? its outcome is pretty unpredicable and rng based.i dont think mesmers are bad, but i would like to be able to be more than a utility slot in a zerg. the one thing i agree though is feedback, that comes in handy. when glamour was still viable those utility were actually not just there for support, but also dmg, just like necro atm(they get to deal tons of condition dmg while providing support for their team. that is sorta what im missing atm.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


And this is exactly the reason why the WvW mesmer will never be buffed, because it has a useless set of utility skills.

I know alot of people will disagree that they’re useless, but I’m talking open field combat here, zerg busting, GvG.

Portal, it will only get you killed using it, ye it’s nice for hiding in a keep but how is that going to help me out on the battlefield? And why the hell would I want to teleport golems around?

It depends whether you follow the meta, portals aren’t dead yet

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Maybe if they give copies of all those unique utilities in the big patches that they’re planning, mesmers could get some buffs/reworks.
Right now having an ability like portal on 1 class is just stupid. Same for veil(no real AoE cap). Time warp is basically quickness for 5 people with no debuff for it. Moa is the ultimate CC since you can’t use any of your normal abilities, is not affected by stuns and you can’t use a stun breaker to get it off.
The class’s amazing utilities are holding it back.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Maybe if they give copies of all those unique utilities in the big patches that they’re planning, mesmers could get some buffs/reworks.
Right now having an ability like portal on 1 class is just stupid. Same for veil(no real AoE cap). Time warp is basically quickness for 5 people with no debuff for it. Moa is the ultimate CC since you can’t use any of your normal abilities, is not affected by stuns and you can’t use a stun breaker to get it off.
The class’s amazing utilities are holding it back.

again portal is great and all, but if they were to give it to an other class, please not thief as it would break the game completely!

moa:what is it with your obsession about this stupid elite? i’d rather have it removed. hits 1 target, can be dodged, interrupter, has a long casttime, short range and fails 60 persent of the time. cooldown is pretty long too.seriously u can have it.take it, so we can actually get a decent elite!

time warp used to be good, but since the whole quickness nerf, 240 sec cooldown is just not worth bringing it. and it lasts for only a few seconds.

veil gives such a tiny duration of stealth, so yeah maybe a great opener for a push, but seriously stop obsessing over it.

most of the time i use massinvis or hounds of balthazar, tw is for golems only and why on earth would i bring moa with me that has a huge chance to fail and if it hits it would be 1 target out of a 30-60 man zerg….

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


Useless in WvW? Hardly, you just have to realize their role in the different situations.

1v1 or even 5v5, great at dueling.

GvG they provide veil, portal (for portal bombing) and focus skill 4. Things that are good for 5v5 and ZvZ as well.

Portals to not just get your guild or zerg past choke points and behind the enemy guild/zerg but also used for fast transport for golems and for sneaking your guild/zerg into flipped towers/keeps/castles, provided you can stay hidden.

Time warp for a more rapid entry through a gate.

It’s just not a lootbag farming profession like some others due to limited, damaging, AoE.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Useless in WvW? Hardly, you just have to realize their role in the different situations.

1v1 or even 5v5, great at dueling.

GvG they provide veil, portal (for portal bombing) and focus skill 4. Things that are good for 5v5 and ZvZ as well.

Portals to not just get your guild or zerg past choke points and behind the enemy guild/zerg but also used for fast transport for golems and for sneaking your guild/zerg into flipped towers/keeps/castles, provided you can stay hidden.

Time warp for a more rapid entry through a gate.

It’s just not a lootbag farming profession like some others due to limited, damaging, AoE.

i dont feel useless, but i hate being put in a box and thats what u are doing by telling me that my role in gvg or zv z is veil and scepter 4 and massinvis and tw!we used to have damaging aoe with the glambuilds, now that that one is still not good i think we need a little less dueling and a little more aoe dmg.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


For groups null field is AMAZING. I’ve used it many times to stop SO many pushes (stripped their stability). Reflects… focus (when traited) and feedback. Portals. Time warp. veil, High mobility (blink, phase retreat, ileap. You can also have 100% swiftness uptime. All you need is runes of air (centaur if you want it to be aoe) + focus traited for cd. That’s it. Mesmers are only slow if you build them that way.

Mesmers are very highly valued in WvW.

Once again I see thief QQ in here. Seriously… every… single… thread. Thief isn’t the best 1v1 class by any means, they aren’t the best small group class, and they aren’t the best large group class. Quit complaining about them being annoying and not giving you a loot bag as often as some other classes.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


I love my Mez .. but now I gotta retire her.
Useless in for farming PvE and an expensive, dog slow, stumbling, pin cushion in WvW.

Necros are the new light amour, must have, Zerg accessory …. well….. till they Nerf that too.

Leave the Thief’s alone.. at least we know where the trolls are.

The issue is that mesmers don’t have reasonable condition cleansing without giving up utils. The new condition necros with their confusion bombs and engis make things tough. Not to mention the torment spamming p/d thieves that’s become the new meta. I don’t really know who decides on these new skills – but whoever it is at ANet, never learned the meaning of the word balance.

I even read somewhere on the thief forum “if you have torment just don’t move” – really… ? don’t move while fighting a thief… brilliant idea.

Mesmers need better condition cleansing and def more mobility – having to rely on traiting in to the focus skill + 70% boon duration just to keep up with people is really annoying – unless you want runes of the centaur but tbh there are much better runes for mesmers so it’s really not worth it.

Early today my warrior got dispatched around 15k hp from a necro’s condition bomb within a couple seconds. It’s actually pretty bad – and it doesnt require any talent to burst every mark you have on top of people.

Torment itself was a giant facepalm now we have runes of perplexity to add to the escapades of ANet’s dream team.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I don’t catch a lot of my zerg based stuff (heavy on the comp resources), but here’s a little example of using my mes for scouting. I can ghost a zerg all day to the point of them aggressively retaliating on me (without success), no speed issues, no needing to give up rune slots, or trait unnecessarily.

24s swiftness from focus (25s cd), untraited, no centaur runes, no heal spamming.

You cant see it in the vid but there’s a ton of soft cc’s and condi’s being applied via clone death. Again, not my best example but the mesmer is, imo, the ultimate sapping class. The role I play in WvW is “Advanced Scout”, running ahead of the zerg from point to point, and solo engaging the enemy right before the zerg arrives. Waste enemy cooldowns, break enemy formations, distraction and misdirection.

The build holds its own in 1v1 (even v condi), and 1vX

Mes v condi necro – standard results


(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Moon.6371


@ Alchemist:

You got condition-bursted by marks…seriously? And you have problems with warrior vs necro…really? It`s L2P, believe me, dude. Ask some more experienced warriors on your server for tips… (hint: Skullcracker & GS or sword/shield & hammer).

@ Lola:

I don`t know what to say, a well played mesmer is still one of the most dangerous things to face in wvw. GC Shatter, Staff Condi Hybrids… Do you know your own class? I recommend spending less time complaining and more time playing.

Best regards

[Buka] Koma Grey
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Read the OP.


Mesmers are not useless in WvW. Infact, no other class offers half of what they offer. If you’re playing Do TeH BuurSty DumagE then yeah, grab yourself a warrior. If you want to use your brain and introduce tremendous options into group play, grab a Mesmer.

If anything Mesmers have too much group win.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Useless? No.

Have they become a mere Veilbot + bunch of cheesy mechanics as toolbox for zerging and nothing more? Definitely.

Confusion: got killed.
Phantasm: unviable in group play.
Shatter: if only clones weren’t able to be killed before shattering while running to opponent…
Mantra healing: gimmick…can’t really see a place for it.

That’s it.
The only build that mesmer ever had for zerging/wvw group play was glam confusion and got gutted badly due to, as usual for mes, bad players qq’s.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Maybe if they give copies of all those unique utilities in the big patches that they’re planning, mesmers could get some buffs/reworks.
Right now having an ability like portal on 1 class is just stupid. Same for veil(no real AoE cap). Time warp is basically quickness for 5 people with no debuff for it. Moa is the ultimate CC since you can’t use any of your normal abilities, is not affected by stuns and you can’t use a stun breaker to get it off.
The class’s amazing utilities are holding it back.

again portal is great and all, but if they were to give it to an other class, please not thief as it would break the game completely!

moa:what is it with your obsession about this stupid elite? i’d rather have it removed. hits 1 target, can be dodged, interrupter, has a long casttime, short range and fails 60 persent of the time. cooldown is pretty long too.seriously u can have it.take it, so we can actually get a decent elite!

time warp used to be good, but since the whole quickness nerf, 240 sec cooldown is just not worth bringing it. and it lasts for only a few seconds.

veil gives such a tiny duration of stealth, so yeah maybe a great opener for a push, but seriously stop obsessing over it.

most of the time i use massinvis or hounds of balthazar, tw is for golems only and why on earth would i bring moa with me that has a huge chance to fail and if it hits it would be 1 target out of a 30-60 man zerg….

You want a REAL useless elite? Try ANY ele elite. I even use mistfire wolf instead of glyph of elementals because it deals damage and doesn’t get oneshot. Tornado’s damage is lower than 1 spam, the knockback is terrible(it NEEDS to be like guardian lines) and you lose your utilities, class mechanic and normal abilities. Fiery great sword is a “kill me” sign. The only thing you can actually do with it is run away. And it makes you stand still while casting it.
Also I agree on the thief thing. They might as well give us back consumables in WvW then. Including the stealth one and the jump gun. Guardians/engineers with portal would make sense(guardians let all people within 1200 range teleport to them? Sounds logical). Maaaybe elementalists since they really need a new elite.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Maybe if they give copies of all those unique utilities in the big patches that they’re planning, mesmers could get some buffs/reworks.
Right now having an ability like portal on 1 class is just stupid. Same for veil(no real AoE cap). Time warp is basically quickness for 5 people with no debuff for it. Moa is the ultimate CC since you can’t use any of your normal abilities, is not affected by stuns and you can’t use a stun breaker to get it off.
The class’s amazing utilities are holding it back.

Veil – Solid, though long cool down

Time Warp has VERY few actual uses, pretty much used only for Golem burst on gates and since its nerf its become even worse, 50% less quickness, insanely high cool down.

Moa – again, few actual uses. in 1 Vs 1 or smaller fights maybe, zerg well done – you wasted a slot. This can also be interrupted and dodged and put the skill on its full cool down. The ultimate CC you say?

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


You want a REAL useless elite? Try ANY ele elite. I even use mistfire wolf instead of glyph of elementals because it deals damage and doesn’t get oneshot. Tornado’s damage is lower than 1 spam, the knockback is terrible(it NEEDS to be like guardian lines) and you lose your utilities, class mechanic and normal abilities. Fiery great sword is a “kill me” sign. The only thing you can actually do with it is run away. And it makes you stand still while casting it.
Also I agree on the thief thing. They might as well give us back consumables in WvW then. Including the stealth one and the jump gun. Guardians/engineers with portal would make sense(guardians let all people within 1200 range teleport to them? Sounds logical). Maaaybe elementalists since they really need a new elite.

But….But Tornado rocks! Easily one of my favorite elite skills I agree that it needs to be buffed along with the other elites but i wouldnt say they were useless. They are like Mesmer Elites, useful in the RIGHT situation

Plus you have what is arguably the best Elite in the game – Greatsword. Sure it has its issues but it hits like a truck and can be the key force in 1 Vs 1 fights

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: kingcragus.6810


I kittening love my mesmer.

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Maybe if they give copies of all those unique utilities in the big patches that they’re planning, mesmers could get some buffs/reworks.
Right now having an ability like portal on 1 class is just stupid. Same for veil(no real AoE cap). Time warp is basically quickness for 5 people with no debuff for it. Moa is the ultimate CC since you can’t use any of your normal abilities, is not affected by stuns and you can’t use a stun breaker to get it off.
The class’s amazing utilities are holding it back.

again portal is great and all, but if they were to give it to an other class, please not thief as it would break the game completely!

moa:what is it with your obsession about this stupid elite? i’d rather have it removed. hits 1 target, can be dodged, interrupter, has a long casttime, short range and fails 60 persent of the time. cooldown is pretty long too.seriously u can have it.take it, so we can actually get a decent elite!

time warp used to be good, but since the whole quickness nerf, 240 sec cooldown is just not worth bringing it. and it lasts for only a few seconds.

veil gives such a tiny duration of stealth, so yeah maybe a great opener for a push, but seriously stop obsessing over it.

most of the time i use massinvis or hounds of balthazar, tw is for golems only and why on earth would i bring moa with me that has a huge chance to fail and if it hits it would be 1 target out of a 30-60 man zerg….

You want a REAL useless elite? Try ANY ele elite. I even use mistfire wolf instead of glyph of elementals because it deals damage and doesn’t get oneshot. Tornado’s damage is lower than 1 spam, the knockback is terrible(it NEEDS to be like guardian lines) and you lose your utilities, class mechanic and normal abilities. Fiery great sword is a “kill me” sign. The only thing you can actually do with it is run away. And it makes you stand still while casting it.
Also I agree on the thief thing. They might as well give us back consumables in WvW then. Including the stealth one and the jump gun. Guardians/engineers with portal would make sense(guardians let all people within 1200 range teleport to them? Sounds logical). Maaaybe elementalists since they really need a new elite.

kk ill give u my moa and take the tornado :-)

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Bye bye Mezmers

in WvW

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Once again I see thief QQ in here. Seriously… every… single… thread. Thief isn’t the best 1v1 class by any means, they aren’t the best small group class, and they aren’t the best large group class. Quit complaining about them being annoying and not giving you a loot bag as often as some other classes.

Thief is the ultimate lootbag farmer profession though.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?