Coverage Balancing?

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: ScrubieSouce.3724


Anyone have ideas of how player coverage could be addressed especially with the new match up system getting a server that has better coverage is an often thing now.

Welcome any and all ideas not a question of if its a problem just wonder what other people thoughts are.

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


reduce the number of players per world per map by half…… see how that goes…. ANET do not have to announce it, just ninja patch it….. sometime you have to force certain things on people……

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


sometime you have to force certain things on people……

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: WilliamDaBloody.2591


Reducing number or players will not work. People will complain on servers with high interest in WvW that they cannot play/have too long queues. Same thing, just the other way around. In fact even more people will be annoyed by a smaller player cap.

WvW has no balancing what so ever. It is a playing ground provided to the players to have fun with the rules provided. Take it or leave it.

I assume this will never change as WvW is still aiming at the casual player running in a mindless zerg. This seems to be something Anet does not want to change even though casuals rarely play WvW on a constant base.

One solution is to balance stuff here instead of just throwing the player all together. If you are seriously outnumbered you need something to make up for it to even things out.

I am not saying try to make it even – just close the gap to a certain point.

Even multiple tiers of a re-worked outmanned buff can be used here that works on both sides. Not going into detail here but it is pretty straight forward.

Another solution is to make WvW alliance based as people already mentioned often.

Guilds can join into an alliance for WvW and play on an alliance server that has no connection to the actual home server. Guilds can move by spending a lot of their influence based on their number of players and it only can be done every x weeks.

Alliances are create by guilds itself and are not related to the home servers. To create an alliance you need at least a certain amount of players inside it, so guilds are forced to combine their efforts leveraging the existing server infrastructure.

Fine tuning needs to be based on the available hardware and network resources. Again, not more resources are needed, the players are just redistributed on their own. This will even out numbers in the long run.

And give people one instance where they can do their GvG, time on their is payed like a custom PvP arena. And these are happy as well. Basically leveraging temporary alliance here that can be build by guild influence out of normal “league” play.

And the rank system can be also revisited when players are distributed (e.g. tier them by alliance size, put caps on alliances, etc.). Not going into the possibilities here. They come natural.

To sum it up: WvW has a distribution of player problem (numbers/coverage). So how do we solve it? By keeping as it is and closing the gap by some balancing or redistribute players (forcing large WvW population to split up, and smaller to group up).

WvW playing mechanics are a completely different thing. But most people will be more happy if the game is more even for them.

Just my “raw” thoughts on the topic…

(edited by WilliamDaBloody.2591)

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I say: first explain to players in a blog post why population/coverage parity is desirable.
Perhaps pitch it in terms of the possibility of round-robin match-ups.

Then give incentives instead of disincentives. Start with free transfers to servers that have weaker coverage (Anet definitely has WvW population stats)… or maybe give a free weapon skin that others have to pay badges for (but is otherwise accessible to all)… definitely don’t give anything that gives a competitive advantage to anyone.

… but stealth nerfing map population capacities would probably work as well and sounds more in line with what Anet likes to do.

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

reduce cap by 25% and merge Euro and NA servers.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Merging wouldn’t work. As it is, they almost need a third group of servers for some Oceanic/Asian areas. The ping right now from Australia to NA servers is bearable for me. But if your extremely serious about PvP you would have quit the game a long time ago. League of legends recently introduced Oceanic servers along with the existing NA and Euro servers. The connection to Euro servers is pretty much unplayable at a competitive level. Add in players to a single server from all around the world and the hamsters we call Anet servers and you have yourself a lag festival.

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: Steroid.8317


Well, I know what have to be done, but I don’t think ANet will do it, anyway you guys can give an opinion what do you think.

Set Prime Hour for each server based on Timezone of the players officially meant to play there.

Let say 18:00, all objectives are capturable for limited amount of time per day.

Castles +/- 3 hours from 15:00 to 21:00
Garrisons +/- 4 hours from 14:00 to 22:00
Keeps +/- 6 hours from 12:00 to 00:00
Towers +/- 8 hours from 10:00 to 02:00
Camps +/- 12 hours, which means all the time.

This will give great options for organization between the guilds in the Worlds, what to do and when to do.

Implementing this will make a lot of hardcore players happy while keeping the “casual” play for other.

Prime hour and Open for fight hours can be adjusted with some testing and community opinion.

Steroid Supraz, Norn Warrior
Gatekeepers of Desolation [GoD]

Coverage Balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


reduce the number of players per world per map by half…… see how that goes…. ANET do not have to announce it, just ninja patch it….. sometime you have to force certain things on people……


Outside of a tier 1 or tier 2 na server no other servers queue all maps. Most don’t queue any map outside maybe on reset. There are multiple servers in this game for a reason. It is not to have half the wvw population in just a couple of tiers. If those top tiers don’t like the queue then good transfer to any of the other servers. Problem solved. I find it amusing that all these server hopper guilds tend to leave a server when they were in a relatively balanced tier (prior to this random matchup) and then hop ship to an overstack server during their time slot so they can instantly win.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)