Teach me how to solo camps

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I am on a borderland in WVW atm, with no allies on the map. The map is totally controlled by the same faction. So I have no help. I am trying to find something to do here.

So taking the advice I got last time, I decided to try to take camps. But how do I do this solo?

I am on my warrior.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Zinrae.3769


If you have a lot of aoe damage, group them all up and nuke. Camps usually have spots where you can pull all of them to easily. You can also usually pull just a couple of npcs first if you can’t handle all of them at once. Generally you want to kill the scouts first since they’re ranged and have the blinds. Then you can kite easily.

Henge of Denravi [PD]

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.6972


Shouldn’t be that hard.
Warrior isn’t my main, Guardian is.
What I do : aggro everyone, stack them in corner, spam DPS, heal with Meditations, dodge to mitigate some damage.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

spec 0/6/2/6/0, take well based traits and life siphon traits.
1. Enter camp
2. Aggro everything
3. Find a spot that pulls em close
4. drop the wells
5. Warhorn locust swarm
6. Plague form
7. Death shroud
8. wells

By the time you get to 8 everything but the claimer is dead and you can drop him any way you see fit.

Little red Lioka

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Don’t have a warrior, but an easy way (using GS) should be:

- run through the camp to aggro the guards.
- LoS the scouts (eg by running around a corner), so they follow you and group up with the rest.
- optionally: pop Berserker Stance.
- WW against a Wall, 100B.
- Everything but the Lord should be dead or on low health now. Autoattack or use your other weapon (optimally something that cleaves).

If possible have an interrupt ready for when the Lord attempts to heal. Afterwards burst him down, before he heals again.

(edited by Iavra.8510)

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Safe way – pull some guards behind a house or anything else so you dont aggro them all and kill them, make sure you kill the scouts first cause their blinds can be a bit annoying.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Not every toon can do it. I’ve never been able to do it. Although I might be able to if I used a specific build I can’t be bothered.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


If you have AOE, just group them all together in a certain spot and don’t get knocked down and/or stunned if they start hitting you hard. More of a problem for squishy builds.

If you have more single target damage, but the scouts first – you can pull them pretty far from the camp. Then kill the super and the guard since they are easily kited.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Find a pull spot. some common ones

Golanta- eastern side of the supply hut. LoS pull to the corner.
Rouges – around the rock dropoff
Dane – up around the corner of the ramp that takes you “above” the camp

SW camp: behind houses, either one from spawn or the one from the sentry (left from the archway)
S camp: Behind house SW, or in the crack between the house and the ridge directly south of the camp
SE camp: by the little hut that you can jump on top of with the baskets next to it. pull to this.
NE camp: corner of the supply hut and the big rock ( Dont hit the quartermaster or the Supervisor until they’re the last two NPCs up and you will not proc the “Defend the Supply Camp” event until you’ve put one of them in combat)
N camp: pull around the corner of the structure East of the supply

Once you’ve pulled the guards, KILL THE KITTENING SCOUTS. those kittens projectile AND AoE blind you, so you need to kill them first, or your DPS will be 1/2 or 1/3 of what it should be.

Once the scouts are dead, it’s pretty easy. Dont forget to use food buffs.

have fun

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


Not every toon can do it. I’ve never been able to do it. Although I might be able to if I used a specific build I can’t be bothered.

I am sorry but.. what a sad comment.

I can solo a camp with a zergling player manning a ballista at the same time.

I hope you are new the game OP.

The solution: Grab a GS and equip zerker stance and balanced stance. Aggro everyone and take them around the corner behind a house/shed depending on the camp. Pop zerker stance to ignore the blinds then Hundred blades and Whirlwind em all down! If you get stunned use balanced stance for stability.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


Not every toon can do it. I’ve never been able to do it. Although I might be able to if I used a specific build I can’t be bothered.

I am sorry but.. what a sad comment.

I can solo a camp with a zergling player manning a ballista at the same time.

I hope you are new the game OP.

The solution: Grab a GS and equip zerker stance and balanced stance. Aggro everyone and take them around the corner behind a house/shed depending on the camp. Pop zerker stance to ignore the blinds then Hundred blades and Whirlwind em all down! If you get stunned use balanced stance for stability.

Nope not new, been playing since beta, don’t have a warrior though. Guess I’m just not pro leet like you.

The point of my comment was not to show you that I am pro.

The point is you have to be new to say that not all toons can solo a camp. ALL CLASSES can solo a camp with ease actually.

If you play WvWvW on a regular basis saying that you should never be bothered to solo a camp makes no sense. Of course you could be the type of player who simply logs off goes to another borderland unless they see a commander tag.

Soloing camps is highly EFFICIENT given that one person can do it and it does help your server especially when you are outmanned like the original post highlighted.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Warrior? Easy…

1 – Pick a weapon that does AoE damage (so no kittening rifle)
2 – Get triple stances (Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Berserker Stance)
3 – Aggro all the guards and get out of the line of sight of scouts (So they will come running to you).
4 – When the supervisor and the melee guard get near pop Balanced Stance, When the scouts get near, pop Berserker stance, pop Endure Pain if you’re taking too much damage.
5 – AoE the hell out of it…
6 – Profit.

With my Hambow warrior I can kill all camp guards before the swords come up (30s after I touch a guard), altho Greatsword and Axe also do some good AoE damage. (Not sure if sword would be good unless you’re condi build)

Upgraded camps with extra guards are harder to solo and you won’t be able to use this same strategy.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
MĂ«rcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Jeknar.6184)

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Not every toon can do it. I’ve never been able to do it. Although I might be able to if I used a specific build I can’t be bothered.

I am sorry but.. what a sad comment.

I can solo a camp with a zergling player manning a ballista at the same time.

I hope you are new the game OP.

The solution: Grab a GS and equip zerker stance and balanced stance. Aggro everyone and take them around the corner behind a house/shed depending on the camp. Pop zerker stance to ignore the blinds then Hundred blades and Whirlwind em all down! If you get stunned use balanced stance for stability.

Nope not new, been playing since beta, don’t have a warrior though. Guess I’m just not pro leet like you.

The point of my comment was not to show you that I am pro.
Sure it was. Or to denigrate me or the OP for never soloing a camp.

The point is you have to be new to say that not all toons can solo a camp. ALL CLASSES can solo a camp with ease actually.
I didn’t say all classes couldn’t solo a camp I said all toons couldn’t. Meaning you might need to tweak your build. Or learn how to do it or practice, which is what the OP seemed to want to do since they asked.

If you play WvWvW on a regular basis saying that you should never be bothered to solo a camp makes no sense. Of course you could be the type of player who simply logs off goes to another borderland unless they see a commander tag.
I didn’t say you should never be bothered to solo a camp. I said I can’t be bothered to do it. It was just a simple comment. There’s always other things to do.

Soloing camps is highly EFFICIENT given that one person can do it and it does help your server especially when you are outmanned like the original post highlighted.
I agree soloing camps is great.

oh just chill dude. here, eat some virtual candy corn and watch it snow with me. you taking the fun out of soloing the camps silly.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


I have solo’d camps with my Guardian, Mesmer, Engineer, Thief and Ranger and grouping things up is not always the best solution depending on how your character is spec’d and what character you have on at the time. It also pays to check first if the camp is upgraded or if they have just caravan guards ordered with no place to go (no towers/keeps in that BL). If it is your best option is to pull and kill the scouts first. They are the biggest pain. If it has caravan guards focus the yaks and the extra guards/scouts will poof out.

Gathering them up works well with my Guardian and Engie, pulling works better with my Mes,Thief and Ranger. With a Ranger you can sit back, let your pet have the agro and cycle your pet out before it is totally out of health.

Out of all the camps in the Borderlands the NE one is the easiest to solo and with my Guardian I will have the camp in capping mode before the swords pop. I will drag everything to the spot between the supply hut and rock, drop wall of reflection, call up the Hounds of Balthazar and kill them all. Doing this the supervisor stays back and will be the only NPC left alive. All camps have some variation on this, just plan first before attacking.

Edit: I solo camps all the time. It frees up the main group to recap towers/keeps. I suppose on the more heavily populated servers taking a camp solo may not be the best option but on lower populated servers or in times where coverage is scant it only makes sense to solo camps. Why send 20 to a job that one person can do in the same amount of time>

Theftwind (HoD)

(edited by Theftwind.8976)

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Not every toon can do it. I’ve never been able to do it. Although I might be able to if I used a specific build I can’t be bothered.

I am sorry but.. what a sad comment.

I can solo a camp with a zergling player manning a ballista at the same time.

I hope you are new the game OP.

The solution: Grab a GS and equip zerker stance and balanced stance. Aggro everyone and take them around the corner behind a house/shed depending on the camp. Pop zerker stance to ignore the blinds then Hundred blades and Whirlwind em all down! If you get stunned use balanced stance for stability.

Nope not new, been playing since beta, don’t have a warrior though. Guess I’m just not pro leet like you.

Any class can easily solo an unupgraded supply camp. But better take this thread as another chance to complain about warriors!

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Take your time and kill the scouts because their blinds will ruin you, then if you’re in trouble, run off and grab a breather. The scouts will chase you far; the others won’t. As long as you take out the scouts, nothing else is a problem.

If you still have trouble, just use a range weapon to take out the scouts.

As a side note, you may want to go for more dps, since this is basically pve and you are alone. If you’re going in a really tanky spec, it’s possible that you’re just taking too long to take the guards out so they either respawn too fast or other players can come and stop you. That’s not fun or efficient by any means.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


I wouldn’t actually be surprised to find that the majority of WvW players have never soloed a camp.

Like any PVE activity, its easy if you’ve done it once.

(edited by Wanderer.3248)

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


If you have good cleave and ok dps then line of sight the mobs and cleave them down.

Kinda like PvE where you FGS 4 everything.

Otherwise drag the scouts and kill them first.

Generally my preferred order is Yaks→Scouts→the rest if I can’t cleave it all.


Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


There are two ways.

Bring a ranged weapon such as a bow or a rifle. From maximum range, shoot one of the scouts. Often times, the entire camp will aggro, sometimes they won’t. If the entire camp aggros, run a little ways until the melee guards and the guild claiming vet stop chasing you. The scouts, because they’re ranged attackers, will continue firing at you for a little bit longer before they reset. Hurry back before they reset to DPS them down. The ranged attackers now dispatched should make the rest of the camp easier to take.
If the camp is upgraded, it will be considerably more difficult. Honestly, I wouldn’t suggest trying to capture an upgraded camp solo unless you’re skilled, the guards will hit much harder.

Another way is to pull the entire camp in to a corner. All camps have a spot that will obstruct the ranged attackers. When their attacks are obstructed (you’ve gone behind a wall and all the melee guards are now attacking you) the scouts will follow as well and will group tightly with the melee attackers. You should now have all of the guards clumped together for easy distribution of DPS. Dodge every so often to reduce damage, I recommend NOT using Healing Signet because scouts apply poison which will reduce your healing effectiveness and bring some invulnerability’s.

Also, if there are yaks at the camp, they can almost always be pulled without aggroing the camp. The don’t deal much damage, but it is a good idea to kill the yaks BEFORE pulling the entire camp in to a corner if you plan to do so. If they knock you down or even obstruct your view it can be fatal, so it’s best not to pull the whole camp AND yaks, even if they deal very little damage.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Take your time and kill the scouts because their blinds will ruin you, then if you’re in trouble, run off and grab a breather. The scouts will chase you far; the others won’t. As long as you take out the scouts, nothing else is a problem.

If you still have trouble, just use a range weapon to take out the scouts.

As a side note, you may want to go for more dps, since this is basically pve and you are alone. If you’re going in a really tanky spec, it’s possible that you’re just taking too long to take the guards out so they either respawn too fast or other players can come and stop you. That’s not fun or efficient by any means.

This is also important. If you’re stacking the guards yes, you will be taking damage, but if you kill them quickly enough it won’t be enough damage to harm you. Tanky spec’s aren’t good for soloing camps, the guards need to be killed quickly before either they respawn or someone responds.

On my Ranger, I literally run in to the very middle of the camp, drop all of my traps at once and spam axe #1. I drop a heal even if I don’t need it too badly, use wolf fear when some of the NPC’s start getting low and it all usually takes only about 20 – 30 seconds from start to finish, not including capturing the camp after the guards are killed.

On my Necromancer, I stack them. I drop a Well Of Suffering, hop in to Plague, by the time Plague runs out at least a few of them are dead, I hop in to Death Shroud to use Life Transfer and by then only the guild claming vet is left which is easy enough to finish off. This takes about 30 – 40 seconds because I’m a condition build. With a power build, I would probably be able to capture it more quickly than I can on my Ranger.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Korgov.7645


Is this the preferred way to capture supply camps as Thief?

  • equip sword/pistol
  • corner pull the guards into tight group
  • stand still and auto-attack with sword
  • use Black Powder and Smoke Screen to apply constant blindness

Can you take fully upgraded camps like this or do you have to move/stealth/heal at some point?

Sulkshine – Mesmer
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Is this the preferred way to capture supply camps as Thief?

  • equip sword/pistol
  • corner pull the guards into tight group
  • stand still and auto-attack with sword
  • use Black Powder and Smoke Screen to apply constant blindness

Can you take fully upgraded camps like this or do you have to move/stealth/heal at some point?

That probably depends on how quick you are at killing. Cabalists got the ranged pull/attack, which would pretty much kill you in this situation. Especially if the scouts are still blinding you from every direction. But if you already got half of them down…

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


On the north camp go behind the house were you pic up supply lure the closes to you and turn around corner so rangers come to you kill them and then kill what remains.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Zackie.8923


is it possible to take on the entire upgraded camp solo without luring thinning down etc?

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


Here some tips I use all the time :

1. equipe a bow
2. at safe distance start with the scouts, they can blind and they are easy to kill, don’t let them get near you
3. Kill the rest of the guards and dolyaks with Aoe
4. Finish the lord

You could change build when you are roaming in solo, a condi bunker build is the most easy to play and very effective for everything from taking camps to fight other players.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


is it possible to take on the entire upgraded camp solo without luring thinning down etc?

I honestly cant imagine any build facetanking it head on. “Regular” players will still find it dangerous with 2-3 peeps because the AI has a nasty tendancy to focus everything on the one with highest toughness instead of spreading out damage. You really want to thin their numbers first.

But of course, you can always try and find out.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: DonEllz.6312


Pull into a corner and NECRO BOMB! Assuming your a power necro ofcourse

Its Not Apho – Necromancer – Callous Philosophy [LaG] – AnguĂ®sh [Ash]

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


is it possible to take on the entire upgraded camp solo without luring thinning down etc?

I honestly cant imagine any build facetanking it head on. “Regular” players will still find it dangerous with 2-3 peeps because the AI has a nasty tendancy to focus everything on the one with highest toughness instead of spreading out damage. You really want to thin their numbers first.

But of course, you can always try and find out.

Unless they got buffed since the last feature patch you can face tank them on a warrior. IIRC I was using healing signet, adrenal Health, regen banner, endure pain, dolyak signet, defy pain, and signet of rage. My armor was all berserkers same for weapons(GS and H) and trinkets were cavaliers. Just run in and pile them up as best you can, endure pain, 100b, whirlwind, earthshaker, etc while focusing on main camp boss but moving to kill the ranged enemies as well once the non-boss melee ones are dead.

Been months since I’ve done it, but it wasn’t that hard. I could solo them on my condition thief as well without pulling them all into one corner. Just dodge in, let them all converge on me, drop caltrops, death blossom, stealth, repeat until all vets were dead and you could do some auto-attacking on the main camp boss. Stealth when near death. I did that a few times even with enemy players around.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Azrael.4960


If you’re not confident the first time doing it, pull only a couple of guards at a time. Usually Warr and the Thief will aggro you although at times the entire camp will come at you. If that happens, back away out of their aggro range until most have run back, then get aggro on a couple. If the warr and thief aggro, take down the thief first, the chain blinds are a nuisance. The warr has a stun and a heal but other wise your warr will have no problem taking him down. Circle round and repeat with the other pair of guards. Once you’ve got that take down the camp master. He doesn’t hit that hard as long as he doesn’t have Righteous Indignation active.

I usually go camp capping or scouting because the lag fest that is a blob fight is just too annoying.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Radian.2478


Soloing a supply camp on warrior doesn’t really take any skill. My record is 7 seconds from first hit to last (not including time to pull) though the best I’ve got recorded was around 9 seconds. This video is kinda old. I run bull’s charge over banner now to move faster from place to place. You can also bull’s charge to interupt the veteran supervisor’s heal.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


is it possible to take on the entire upgraded camp solo without luring thinning down etc?

no but as long as you dont pull the supervisor you dont set off an x

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Keep in mind some camps might have been upgraded.

Generally one can go right into a camp and aggro the guards with most every profession and flip the camp. When it has been upgraded with more guards you might have to do some pruning first.

Virtually every camp has a direction one can come from where only part of the guards aggroed and the rest remain in place.

One thing to watch for is kiting the guards too far. Nothing is more frustrating then getting 4 or 5 down to low health only to have some turn back to their camp and regen that health.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


The Veteran Scouts are the problem with melee. It is important to group them together so you can HB through their blind fields. Otherwise they will have you missing through half the fight.

Almost every camp has a grouping spot where you can run in and force the scouts to run into your melee range. Usually you can stand behind a building, pole or terrain. Once they run to you the sup will use his knockdown and the guards will bull rush for a stun so use stability about 3-4s into the fight. At half health pop invuln. The rest is just pounding them until they are dead.

Upgraded camps are trickier with all the pulls but same principal.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Lettuce.2945


I can solo camps without having to pull or anything. I just walk in and ta da.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Get full zerker gear, 65003 warrior with greatsword sword/warhorn and equip bull’s charge, zerker stance, balanced stance. Find spot in camp where you line of sight everything but aggro everything and pull them into that spot. 100b + whirl and most will be dead though might need to bull charge the supervisor.

This is the fastest traveling combined with highest damage for camp clearing. Ignore sentries and dolyaks so that people won’t be able to read where you are and you will be able to flip most things without much warning.

For absolute fastest clearing do the same technique above except roll ele, equip fiery greatsword, proceed to clear camp in 2-3s.

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Unless you have extremely good AoE damage, the key is to slowly peel off a couple of guards/scouts at a time, leaving the Supervisor for last. (Mostly because this way you can start clearing out the guards even though the Supervisor might still have RI on him.) I can clear camps extremely quickly on my Ele and Necro by just luring them around a corner and blasting them with multiple AoEs/wells, but I have to take it much more slowly on my Mesmer, Ranger and Warrior. (Warrior a bit faster than the others by doing a Benny Hill routine around a building and just bleeding them to death with my Sword as they chase me.)

Teach me how to solo camps

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


You have to be cautious if you are taking an upgraded camp.

Otherwise I see no major issue

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