Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
What the heck is a "condi meta"?
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
…so that’s everyone, but necros, and besides their heal and offhand dagger, they have the hardest time dealing with conditions, since they have to fight the longest (attrition), so they get condi-bombed the most.
Dagger 4, Staff 4, Consume Conditions, Signet of Plague, Facetank condi damage with Deathshroud.
Necros what?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
…so that’s everyone, but necros, and besides their heal and offhand dagger, they have the hardest time dealing with conditions, since they have to fight the longest (attrition), so they get condi-bombed the most.
Dagger 4, Staff 4, Consume Conditions, Signet of Plague, Facetank condi damage with Deathshroud.
Necros what?
Necros don’t get conditions. They get ammo.
I was going to make a point by point rebuttal…. but this post is so absurdly ill-informed, it’s just not worth trying.
If you don’t understand already that veggie pizza cancels out lemongrass, that all classes are capable of fighting backstab thieves if played properly, and that necros are one of the best classes in the game for dealing with conditions, nothing any of us can say will make a difference.
“Meta” is short for “metagame.” In this context, it refers to a set of strategies that are considered viable or optimal by competitively-minded players.
Eze is trolling.
Most people don’t roam around. They fight as part of a zerg. Try it sometime and watch how many condis get added to you. It doesn’t matter how much condi removal you have since they can automatically be reapplied. That causes most people to run food that will reduce condi duration.
Condi is OP at the moment. That is true even for roaming.
Most people don’t roam around. They fight as part of a zerg. Try it sometime and watch how many condis get added to you. It doesn’t matter how much condi removal you have since they can automatically be reapplied. That causes most people to run food that will reduce condi duration.
Condi is OP at the moment. That is true even for roaming.
The damaging conditions you pick up tend to be incidental adds from skills people are running in Power builds.
The duration reduction is a way of dealing with controlling conditions, which those Power builds can use just as effectively as Condition Damage builds. Weakness, poison, cripple, chill, immobilize. You want to keep your damage output up, you want to keep incoming healing going, and you want to stay mobile so you don’t get squished.
OP has never roamed. Way too obvious.
If you’re not running SA thief, you have very little chance against condi builds. There’s just no way to counter 5+ conditions being applied every second by engis and necros and condi PU mesmers, or avoid power PU mesmer’s burst while mitigating the constant cripples (actually, that’s a little easier than trying to deal with damaging condi and challenging in a fun way, if not a little frustrating when it doesn’t work out in your favour)
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
OP has never roamed. Way too obvious.
If you’re not running SA thief, you have very little chance against condi builds. There’s just no way to counter 5+ conditions being applied every second by engis and necros and condi PU mesmers, or avoid power PU mesmer’s burst while mitigating the constant cripples (actually, that’s a little easier than trying to deal with damaging condi and challenging in a fun way, if not a little frustrating when it doesn’t work out in your favour)
How can they apply condition every second when they can’t even see you 90% of time?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
OP has never roamed. Way too obvious.
If you’re not running SA thief, you have very little chance against condi builds. There’s just no way to counter 5+ conditions being applied every second by engis and necros and condi PU mesmers, or avoid power PU mesmer’s burst while mitigating the constant cripples (actually, that’s a little easier than trying to deal with damaging condi and challenging in a fun way, if not a little frustrating when it doesn’t work out in your favour)
How can they apply condition every second when they can’t even see you 90% of time?
Considering both of those classes have AoE conditions, stealth won’t matter. It doesn’t make you invulnerable.
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare
Considering both of those classes have AoE conditions, stealth won’t matter. It doesn’t make you invulnerable.
you must be a pretty bad thief if you cant avoid at least some of those AoE conditions while they cant see you
Gunnar’s Hold