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Why do I keep getting matched with bronze?

in PvP

Posted by: Aarna.5178


No one else is playing.

Vale Guardian Running in Circles

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aarna.5178


The boss has other problems too.

At the begin he does not run straight to the tank. He stops at the half of the way, runs back to mid, stops and then he runs to the tank. In other words: The path finding is not working good at the moment.

The fight starts when he still is in the mid. If someone is a little to late to enter the arena, he’s outside the barrier and dies immediately.

If you tank him at the edge of the arena, he may leave the arena and resets the fight.

Why matchmaking is not working at the moment

in PvP

Posted by: Aarna.5178


Experience is only an indicator how good a player is, but it certain not a requirement for being good or the only criteria. A talented new player can easily beat 80%-95% of our the players who have played for over a year, since almost no one bothered to actually get better in this game.

MMR is THE unit of measurement for skill.

MMR ist the unit of measurement for skill. You’re probably right.

Skill for me is, how good you play your class. How good you know all classes to win against them.

But experience is more. Experience is how to play the map, how to read the map. To know, when to join a fight and when not. And when to leave a fight, because it’s useless to fight any longer.

A skilled player can probably win 80-95% of all fights against our player base. But he will lose every match, when he don’t know how to play the maps.

MMR is the ONLY indicator how good you are, regardless of division you end up in.

No, it’s not. Because you play in a team. You win as a team, or you lose as a team. And that will higher or lower your personal MMR.

So your personal MMR only shows how good your teams were. Not how good you are.

Why matchmaking is not working at the moment

in PvP

Posted by: Aarna.5178


At the moment in which team you play based on two factors: your position in the league and your MMR. But these two factors does not represent the experience a player has in PvP. A new player in PvP can have the same count in matches, the same position in the league and the same MMR like a pro player, who’s playing on an alt account. But they have completely different experience in playing PvP.

In a game mode 1v1 it will really fast sorted out. The more inexperienced players will fall behind the more experienced players.

But conquest is a team mode. It’s 5v5. It depends not on you alone. You need your team mates to win. You want to have team mates that have a similiar experience you have. And you want to play against a team with similiar experience. When that happens, you will have close fights and all players are happy. Even the players of the losing team.

But when you’re unlucky, you end up in a team with more inexperiences players then the opposite team. And you lost the match before it began.

Sadly the personal experience of a player can not be measured by technical numbers.

ArenaNet tries to achieve too much

in PvP

Posted by: Aarna.5178


In the end, they can lose everything.

At the moment, playing PvP in ranked is no fun anymore. Why is that so? ArenaNet wants to achieve too many goals.

They want to get into eSports. So they need players. GW2 has many players in PvE, but not too many in PvP. So they want to convert at least some PvE players into PvP players. How to do that? Give them achievement points and loot (legendary backpack).

What happens? Many pve players come to PvP to get this legendary backpack. It’s possible for everyone, ArenaNet said. You don’t need to be a pro to get it. And to make it easier, they implemented safety nets.

That’s all fine to me. But what’s wrong with season 2?

At the moment, playing PvP is no fun anymore. The casual players are getting no progression and getting frustrated. The better player are getting no progression and getting frustrated. The elite players are waiting days for the next match in legendary division and getting frustrated too. Many players may give up and leaving the game mode forever. So no one plays PvP anymore and ArenaNet will lose in the end too.

Sounds familiar? Yes, that happened two years ago in a game mode, many player don’t know anymore. It’s called WvW. Two years ago ArenaNet started the spring tournament in WvW and many PvE players were attracted by the achievement points of this tournament. In the end: WvW players couldn’t join the WvW maps, where frustrated and left the game. PvE players got their achievement and left the game mode. It was the start of the long downtrend in WvW. But that’s a different story.

But I have the fear, season 2 will do the same to PvP, the spring tournament does with WvW. And in the end another game mode bites the dust. (After WvW and dungeons.)

What are the biggest problems in my eyes? Team ups and wrong incentives. And they are tied together and are problems, solo players have to face more than teams.

Team ups: The problem is, how teams are assembled for a match. It based on two factors: your position in the ladder and your MMR. I think, the MMR works really fine, when you’re playing in a team everyday or playing solo 1v1 matches. Forming a team based on your personal MMR on the other side works not very well. You can end in a team with more inexperienced players and lose every match, or you can end in a team with more experienced players and win every match.

In a 5v5 match with equal experienced players, one player can change the result. A team with one more experienced player the rest may win, because it’s more a 5v5.5 match. But a team with one more inexperienced player will probably lose, because it’s more a 4v5 match.

Wrong incentives: Are coming in two flavours. First: achievements. Many many PvE players are playing PvP because of the legendary backpack. They are forced playing ranked for the backpack. They are forced playing classes they don’t usually play and / or understand for the backpack. Only to get the backpack.

Second: points or pips. In season 1 if your team played good enough, you may not have lost a pip. In season 2 it’s regardless if you’re lose 0 to 500 or 499 to 500. You are losing exactly 1 pip. And if you’re winning after losing three games in a row, you’re getting an extra pip.

So what happens in the matches? If you’re team is too far behind in points, some players may stop playing. When you’re team up with one player, who has lost his last two games, he may not want to win this match.

And that are the reasons, why the PvP players are getting frustrated in this season. At least that are my reasons to getting frustrated. And to stop playing ranked at the moment. And I’m not the only one who has stopped playing ranked. Some other poeple I know stopped playing ranked as well. And unranked is more fun at the moment.

The current situation is really not healthy. The more players will stop playing ranked, the more the situation is getting worse for the rest of the players in ranked, the more players will stop playing ranked. Until nobody is playing ranked anymore.

What can / should / need ArenaNet do?

The legendary backpack should not had been a reward of an achievment. Espacially not a time gated achievment. It’s a little too late for this one. But when a player still can get the backpack in season 5 or 6 or 7 or … , it will take out the stress and frustration of the current situation.

New legendary stuff should behind collections and reward tracks. Collections like winning on specific maps or healing team mates, NOT for killing Svanir. Reward tracks where you can progress only in ranked matches and a cap in the progression per day, so it’s a little bit time gated.

Player need to have an incentive to still playing a match, even when they are losing. And one way whould be a chance, not losing a pip for losing the match. Getting a additional pip on a win streak is fine. But getting a chance not losing a pip is what season 1 has done better.

The safety net for not losing ranks or division like now is fine to me. Unless the backpack is not tied anymore to the first 4 seasons. If thats the case and a player can still earn the backpack in season 7, then only amber should have the safety net it has now.

For the team up: I have no solution. Sorry. But with the changes above, it should be getting better.

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Aarna.5178


Server merges will not save the problem. Poeple wil migrate, either to other servers or to other games. Take Vizunah Square as example. Long time no. 1 wvw server in EU with a nearly 24/7 coverage. In spring they lost a lot of wvw players and are currently ranked 15th.

The question to ask is, why players are asking for rebalancing wvw. It’s not because they loosing fights in open field. You can easily outnumbered while running around. And not the bigger team wins every fight. A good guild can take down a public zerg with double size quit easily.

Poeple are asking for rebalancing wvw because the loose the match because of points. The server with better overall coverage wins.

So, how can you balance this? Here some ideas I have in mind.

Keeps, towers and supply camps are harder to capture

If a server has lesser player on a map, their keeps, towers and supply camps are harder to capture. For example: Server A and B have 84 players on a map, server C only 47. If server A tries to capture a tower from server B, there will be no different to now. But if server A tries to capture a tower from server C, it will be harder. Either they will get a debuff or the walls, doors and lords a stronger. (To take down the lord of a supply camp of an outnumbered server as hard as to take down the champion commander siegerazer.) The debuff will be removed if players from server A left or players of server C join the map.

Balancing points per tick

The points per tick are based on players on all maps. If a server has more players on all maps together, it will get lesser points for their objects.

devide a match into rounds

Break down matches to a shorter rounds. Every 6 or 8 hours a round will end and all points will be reset. (Not the objects!) The winner of the round will get 5 points, the second 3 and the third 2. So if a server dominate a round or two, its not possible to get too much in front of the other servers.

At last: Change the rewards and the achievments in wvw. I don’t know how someone will ever get the “Ultimate Chaperone” title for example.

We need more color changes in season 1

in WvW

Posted by: Aarna.5178


Here are the color themes for the next 7 weeks in WvW EU Gold league:

Seafarar’s Rest – red: 0 – green: 7 – blue: 0
Vizunah Square – red: 0 – green: 3 – blue: 4
Piken Square – red: 4 – green: 1 – blue: 2
Riverside – red: 1 – green: 5 – blue: 1
Elona Reach – red: 1 – green: 0 – blue: 6
Jade Sea – red: 5 – green: 0 – blue: 2
Baruch Bay – red: 1 – green: 4 – blue: 2
Augury Rock – red: 3 – green: 0 – blue: 4
Kodash – red: 6 – green: 1 – blue: 0

(The other leagues are simular.)

Please change the color a little bit more often. I don’t want to play the whole season with the same color most of the time.

The easiest way: Change the color in round 2 and 3.

First round red teams will be green in second and blue in third round.
First round green teams will be blue in second and red in third round.
First round blue teams will be red in second and green in third round.

Thank you.