Showing Posts For Aaron Warren.9652:

The Fight for Gunnar's Hold (We need YOU!!)

in WvW

Posted by: Aaron Warren.9652

Aaron Warren.9652

@Mushy +1 to your post, this was one of the best WvW matches i’ve played.

The Fight for Gunnar's Hold (We need YOU!!)

in WvW

Posted by: Aaron Warren.9652

Aaron Warren.9652

@Bastion, i’m one of the PVP organizers of EPIC GUILD, and we are a small group of players dadicated to do our best, as far as i know we never logoff while downed, but i’ve seen that happening a lot lately. Besides i would like to remind you that is more than one [EPIC] arround. I’m quite sure that you are not mentioning my guildies cause 80% of the time we move in small groups of 5… not 15. Anyways, i’ll keep an eye on that.

I’d like to add that the game should really have a logoff countdown of 10~15 seconds to avoid that kind of action, cause i’m gettin’ tired of this too.

PS: to tell you the real truth, what i think it’s LAME is the fact that we worked sometimes 1h+ to get a orb, and they got reset 4~7 times /day by hacking. Thank god they are gone.