Alright thanks for the replies everyone. I can see where a lot of people stand on this. So I think I need to be a little more clear perhaps. I’m not going to bash some of you for being angry, hell that was why I made this post. However Most comments disagreeing were going off in a weird direction, so let me try to be a little more clear.
Basically between the synergy of all of their stealth, traits such as “blind on stealth” AND shadow step, etc, etc. Then suddenly they become unpunishable. I am not basing my experiences on 1v1 situations. I am going off of the countless times I have witnessed a thief completely let down their guard, slack off, or simply not apply themselves to a fight in 1v5, up to 1v8 scenarios to then suddenly say “You know what? I dont want to die right now, in fact I dont have to at all because I say so, because I am thief”
No other class can do this. Why is this a problem? Because everything is subject to change in WvW at all times. I’m not sure how many of you know, but there are other players you have to worry about in WvW other than thieves. These thieves, simply take too long to be dealt with and thus waste too much time, sure you may have them on the defensive but they are still there and cannot be ignored.
I want to emphasize this, as examples are hard pressed to convince alot of the know it all “thieves are easy” psuedo pros who cant comprehend that the issue is not about a thief being to difficult to defeat.
The issue here is that thieves simply have too many “I wanna go home mommy” buttons . They are not punished for their mistakes. My Friend Shellbullet made a thief to 80. His words were: “Assuming you truly know what youre doing with a thief in WvW, You have no excuse to ever die, and no excuse to ever lose a 1v1 situation except against very specific countering builds”. (Were on maguuma btw if you ever want to duel us in wvw.)
So once more. I simply think that shadow step is that last needle on the haystack that pulls a thief out of a situation in which they should have had to avoid death the fair way like every other class (warriors as well, with all their mobility). Yes a 50 second cool down, but you get 2 teleports out of it, and in all of that down time you are stealthed 85%. So please apply your mind to grasp that it’s not the move on it’s own but rather how it is potentially overly effective in conjunction with all of the thief’s kitten nal.
I think that by shaving shadow step a little bit, and not touching any stealth aspects, it would force thieves to have to actually try a bit harder like the rest of the cast as far as surviving. I am even all for supplying thieves with a buff to a weaker aspect of thief. Personally dont believe they have one, but perhaps some specs are unplayable. I wouldnt know. I am very fair about it, their mobility just seems unfair to me.
Thanks guys.