Showing Posts For Aberyst.9128:
Im seeing alot of posts about players claiming they are having trouble with Elementalist or that the class is too weak or they die to easily. First and foremost you have to realize we are glass cannons, if you play idiotically you are going to die fast. Ive noticed alot of people in map chat also asking for help. Im sure alot of players and even i did this play with the staff for a long time and realize its not heavy on the damage side of things.
Heres my advice, switch to double daggers and youll love combat even more. Double daggers has insane burst damage and is a ton of fun. A good combo when using double daggers is use fire attunement, start off with 3, 4, use auto attack and a good finisher is 5. You can also start off with fire 3, 4, switch to earth hit 5, auto attack then back to fire for 5 on fire.
The great thing about double daggers with fire and that combo is 3 is a gap closer leaving a trail of fire plus a fire explosion at the end. Followed by 4 which is a fire ring that damages all enemies within the radius with 5 as a finisher since its a heavy hitter. Also not to mention Air attunement #4 is great for open world travel, the distance that move covers is insane considering its cooldown.
Staff play is mainly something you want to save for boss fights or dungeons. I mainly use it for just that, with big bosses in dynamic events or bosses in dungeons usually hit really hard. This allows you to stay at a safe distance and also heal allies whether they be party members or not. Good combo is again fire attunement, start with a 2 since it takes a sec or two to start ticking damage, follow with a 3 and just auto attack using 2 whenever its off cooldown. If theres 2 or 3 mobs air attunement might be better as well. The auto attack bounces off 3 targets, 2 is a poewrful dmg attack and 3 even pushes enemies away from you while knocking them down. Water is the obviously the healing tree with 5 and 3 being aoe heals. Auto attack heals anyone close enough to whatever is being hit and you have an aoe ice spike and aoe chilling attack.
Traits are tricky. The build im going with is 30 in fire, 30 in earth and 10 in water for the vitality. Fire traits are awesome for dmg, you get % burning, you get cooldown on fire abilities by 20% and 10% more dmg when attuned to fire. Earth traits are also awesome as they provide toughness if you go double dagger route so you dont get owned so quick in melee range. Some earth ones that are nice are signets even on cooldown give you passive effects still, more dmg in melee range. Water is just for increased health and a tad bit more healing power which can come in handy when in dungeons or dynamic events.
I hope this kind of helped some of you on the fence about elementalist, whether you are lower level or mid. Also dont forget to use dodge intelligently.
(edited by Aberyst.9128)